Resolution 2231 RESOLUTION NO. 2231 P A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COP?IEND- ING PR. WILLIS ("BILL") W. BROWN, POSTMASTER, CITY OF SOUT'i LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA IN APPRECIATION FOR HIS OUTSTANDING SEP.VICF TO THE UTILITY DISTRICT AND THE SOUTH LAKE TAHOE COMMUNITY WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of. SOIJTN TAHOE PUBLIC ITTILITv DISTRICT desires the nleasure of recognizino PIr. Willis "Bill" W. Brown for his outstanding service to the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITv DISTRICT and the community as POSTMASTER for SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA for the past 22 years. WHEREAS, the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC I'TILITY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS wishes to acknowledge his competency, knowledge and cooperation in his performance as POSTMASTEP for the past 22 years to this District. NOW, THEREFORE, the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the SOU"_'H TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT does hereby resolve that: MR. WILLIS ("BILL") V]. BROWN, a resident of SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA for the past 26 years, and POSTMASTER for the past 22 years, is to be commended for his distinguished and outstanding service to the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, and FURTHER, MR. WILLIS ("BILL") 1^7. BROWN be extended the sincere best wishes from the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of this DISTRICT in his new location as POSTMASTER for the City of Auburn, California. ADOPTED AND SIGNED AND APPROVED THIS 3RD DAY OF DECEP?BER 1Q81. - ~ - -----'Walter "Neal" Olson, President Lorrene L~ . Kashuba, Director .es R. Jo Vic Pre 'dent Peary 1^ Ptadden, Director Ja;Iin Wvnn, Di ctor J I hereby certify that the foregoinc, is a full, true and correct copy of RESOLUTION NO. 2231, duly and reoularly adopted by the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, El Dorado County, California, at a meeting thereof held on the 3RD DAY OF DECFP'BFR 1081, by a unanimous vote of the members of the Board. ATTEST : PIA D lIBROSE, CLERK OF BOARD _ SOUTIJO ~AHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT