RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe
Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, that
WkT~REAS, pursuant to Resolution of Intention No. 23
of this Boa~d, adopted pursuant to the Municipal Improvement Act
of 1913, as amended, the District Engineer of said District has
filed with the Clerk of this District the w~itten report called
for under Section 2 of said Act and by said Resolution of Inten-
tion which report has been.presented by said Clerk to this
for consideration: and this Board has considered and prelimin-
ari!y approved and confirmed said report, and ordered that the
s~e stand as the report for the purpose of all subseguent pro-
ceedings had p~trsuant to said Resolution of Intention.
NOW, Th~REFORE, IT IS ORD~ED~ as follows:
1. That Fmiday~ the ~Sth day of November, 195Z, at
the hour of 3:00 o~ciock P. M., at Conley's Bijou, Bi~ou, Calif-
ornia, be and the same awe hereby, appointed and fixed as the
time and place for he~J~ing protests in relation to the proposed
acquisitions and improvements called for under said Resolution
of intention and more particularly provided for in said report.
~. That the Cle~ of this District be, and he is here-
by, directed to give notice of said hea~ing by two successive
insertions in the Placerville Times, a newspaper published and
circulated generally in said County, there being no newspaper
published in the District, and by conspicuously posting same
along all the open streets within the assessment district, at
not more than three hundred feet apart, but not less than three
in all; said posting and publication be had and completed at
least twenty days before the date herein set for hea~lng of p~o-
3. "~?~at ........... sa!~'~ ~otices to 'L'..e posted sb~'~',~'~. b~ ~"'-~ ....... d
:'Notlca of Im~roveme~t~,, i~ !ette~zs of nob ~.~ ........ ~n~n on~ i~ch
in height, and shali~, in legible characters, state the fact and
date~ hour and place set for the hearing of said pro~ests~ and
briefly describe the acquisitions and ir~r. ovements proposed to
be nmde: and refer to said reso!ut!o}.] and report for fu:rther par-
4. Tha~ the Clerk of ~hls District shall mall or cause
to be m~l!ed notices of the adoption of said Resolution
tentlon and the filing of said report~ postage prepaid, a~ leas;~
twenty days before the date set for hearing of said probests,
all persons owning real property proposed to be assessed~ whose
names and addresses appear on the last eq~lized assessment roll
for Co~ty taxes prior thereto or as known to said Clerk~ which
notice shall contain a statement of the time and place when and
where the Bosrd will consider and f~ally act upon the engineer's
report filed pursuant to said Resolution of Intention, and when
and where it will hear all protests in relation to said proposed
acquisitions and improvements, or to the grades at which said
work will be done, or to the extent of the assessment district~
or to the engineer's estl~te of the cost and expenses thereof
or to the mmps and descriptions, or to the proposed diagram and
assessment for the costs and expenses thereof, together with a
statement that any person interested ~y file a protest in writ-
ing as provided in said Act.
/ / Pre'~ ihen ~
adopted ~nd p~sse~] by hh~ ]~o~rd of O~ectors of bhe South
Public Utility D!~t~d.~b at a __~.~ ......... meeti~g
of held on the _._~ day of _.~~ ................... .~ 1952, '~U~.,
~he followlnZ vote:
AYES, and 11n favor thereof, Directors:
Yo~S, Crocker, Johnston
NOES~ Directors: None
~ENT, Director~ None
~h T~hoe PuJ~i~z~
Dlstri¢~/ ~ .