N0. 1960-h
RESOLVED, b2:" the Board :):2 Director: of tNe South Tahoe
Public Utility District, E1 Dorado Couno0~, California, t:~a~
U~REAS~ it is the intention of this Board to undoPta]ce
ceedings pursuant to appPo2riate special[ assessment and
bond acts for the acquisition and construction of a sanitary se:oF-
age system in said DistP[ct as hereinafter descPi~ed;
WHEREAS, it is the intention of this Board to make the
and expenses of said acquisitions and improvements chargeable upon
the properties benefited thereby, the exteri3r boundaPies of the
as:essment district being the coterminous exterior boundaries
the composite and consolidated area hereinafter described;
NOW, T}~REFORE, IT IS ORD~ED that ~equest be, and the same
is hereby, made of the Counvy Heal. th Office~ of E1 Dorado
that he recommend said proceedings as necessary as a health measuPo
(a) The installation and construction of a sewer system including
six to twenty-four inch collection sewers, force mains, manholes, flush-
ing devices, rodholes, wye branches and house laterals on the following
streets, roads and easements;
In Comstock Way, in its entirety; E1 Dorado Avenue, in its entirety~
Cascade Street, from Sunset Drive to E1 Dorado Avenue; North Lodi Avenue,
from Cascade Street to U. So Highway 50~ Ponderosa Street in its entirety~
U.S. Highway 50 from a point opposite the SW corner of Lot 5, Block 3,
W.D. Barton Tract~ to east line of Lot 12, SEC. 4, T. 12 N., R. 18 E.,
MDM; Palmira Avenue from River Drive to Lodi Avenue~ Chris Avenue from
Lodi Drive to a point opposite the south corner of Lot 12, Block 9,
Tahoe-Sierra No. 1; Cecilia Avenue~ from Lodi Avenue to a point opposite
the west corner of Lot 8, Block 20, Tahoe-Sierra No. 1; Elwood Avenue from
Lodi Avenue to a point opposite the west corner of Lot 7, Block 25, Tahoe-
Sierra No. ii Armstrong Avenue from Lodi Avenue to a point opposite the
east corner of Lot 16, Block 25, Tahoe-Sierra No. 1; River Drive in its
entirety; Lodi Avenue from Highway 50 to a point opposite the west corner
of Lot 10, Block 51, Tahoe-Sierra No. 3; Knox Avenue from Lodi Avenue to
a point opposite the west corner of Lot 1, Block 14, Tahoe-Sierra No. 3~
Bertha Avenue from Lodi Avenue to a point opposite the west corner of
Lot 1, Block 15, Tahoe-Sierra No. 3; Osborne Avenue from Lodi Avenue to
Stockton Avenue; Kubel Avenue from Lodi Avenue to a point opposite the
west corner of Lot 1, Block 29, Tahoe-Sierra No. 3; Alma Avenue from
Margaret-Mary Avenue to a point opposite the west corner of Lot 1, Block 38,
Tahoe-Sierra No. 3; Rose Avenue from Margaret-Mary Avenue to a point
opposite the west corner of Lot 7, Block 41, Tahoe-Sierra No. 3; Pinter
Avenue frOm Margaret-Mary Avenue to a point opposite the west corner of
Lot 7, Block 51, Tahoe-Sierra No. 3~ Fountain Avenue from Margaret-Mary
Avenue to a point opposite the west corner of Lot 2, Block 5, Tahoe-Sierra
No. 5; Margaret-Mary Avenue in its entirety; Lindberg Avenue in its en-
tirety; Stockton Avenue from a point opposite the west corner of Lot 11,
Block 41, Tahoe-Sierra Sub. No. 3, to a point opposite the west corner of
Lot 9, Block 26, Tahoe-Sierra Sub. No. 3, and from Elwood Avenue to
Palmira Avenue; Dick Avenue in its entirety; "B" Street in its entirety;
"C" Street in its entirety~ "D" Street in its entirety; "E" Street in its
entirety; "F'~ Street in its entirety; '~G'~ Street from Tallac Avenue to its
west end; "H" Street from a point opposite the SE corner of Block 4, W.D.
Barton Tract No. 2 to its west end~ Patsy Avenue in its entirety; Margaret
Avenue in its entirety~ Dedi Avenue in its entirety; Tatalane in its en-
tirety; Tallac Avenue from '~B" Street to a point opposite the SE corner
of Lot 64, Block 1, W.D. Barton Tract; 01d U.S. Highway 50 from Barton
Drive to "E" Street~ Barton Drive from a point opposite the east corner
of Lot 25, Block 2, W.D. Barton Tract to its north end; Gardner Street
i~ its entirety~ Julie Lane in its entirety; Sierra Way in its entirety;
Nevada Lane in its entirety; Tahoe Lane in its entirety~ Lake Street in
its entirety; Shady Lane in its entirety~ Alma Street in its entirety~
Martin Avenue from its east end to the west boundary of Gardner Mountain
Subdivision; Glorene Avenue from its west end to the south boundary of
Tamarack Subdivision Add. ~2~ Roger Avenue in its entirety~ Second Street
in its entirety~ Fourth Street in its entirety; Sixth Street in its en-
tirety; Eighth Street in its entirety; Ninth Street from Eloise Avenue to
Patricia Lane; Tenth Street in its entirety; Eleventh Street from Glorene
Avenue to State Highway 89 and from James Avenue to Eloise Avenue; Twelfth
Street in its entirety~ Thirteenth Street from Gardner Street to the north
boundary of Tamarack Subdivision Add. ~2; Fourteenth Street in its entirety;
Fifteenth Street in its entirety~ Tucker Avenue in its entirety~ State
Highway 89 from the junction of Highway 89 and Highway 50 to a point
opposite the west boundary of Lukins Subdivision; West Lukins Way in its
entirety; East Lukins Way in its entirety~ James Avenue from Fifteenth
Street to a point opposite the line between Lot 12 and Lot 13~ Block 3,
Tamarack Subdivision; Eloise Avenue from Fifteenth Street to a point
opposite the line between Lot 19 and Lot 20~ Block 7, Tamarack Subdivision
No. 2; Anita Drive in its entirety~ Harvard Avenue in its entirety; Albert
Avenue in its entirety; Peter Avenue in its entirety~ Rose Avenue in its
entirety~ Tahoe Vista Drive in its entirety; Butler Avenue in its entirety;
Mountain View Avenue in its entirety; Big Pine Avenue in its entirety;
Kelly Avenue in its entirety; Hazel Drive from its NE end to ~elfth Street~
South Shore Drive from its west junction with Patricia Lane to a point
opposite the line between Lot 142 and Lot 143, Tallac Park Sub; Indian
Circle in its entirety; Patrlcia Lane, from Twelfth Street to a point
opposite the line between Lot 91 and Lot 92 Tahoe-Tallac Subdivision; Tallac
Drive from a point opposite the line between Lot 61 and Lot 62 Tallace Park
Subdivision, NWly to South Shore Drive; Harbor Drive from a point opposite
the line between Lot 89 and Lot 90~ Tallac Park Subdivision~ NWly to
South Shore Drive; Rainbow Drive from a point opposite the line between
Lot ll8 and Lot llg, Tallac Park Subdivision NWly to South Shore Drive;
South Avenue from Helen Avenue to Pine Street; Helen Avenue in its entirety;
Barton Avenue in its entirety; Jean Avenue in its entirety~ Pine Street
from South Avenue to Fir Avenue; Pine Avenue from Fir Avenue to U. S. High-
way 50; Fir Avenue in its entirety; Elm Avenue in its entirety~ Cedar
Avenue in its entirety; Birch Avenue in its entirety; Aspen Avenue in its~
entirety; Truckee Drive in its entirety; Sunset Drive in its entirety;
Tahoe Island Park Drive from its West end to the line between Lots 9~ and
95~ Tahoe Island, Park No. 3;
(b) The making of all acquisitions and the performing of all work
auxiliary to any of the above necessary to complete the same.
Portions of Lots 7, 8 and 9, Section 3, and portions of Lots 8, 9, 10,
ll and 12, and the SW 1/b of Section b and portions of Lots 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, ll and 12 and the S 1/2 of Section 5 and portions of the ~E l~b of
Section 8, and portions of the W 1/2 of Section 9, T. 12 N., . l~ E.,
M.D.M., E1 Dorado County, California.
Beginning at the NE corner of Lot 12, Section 4, T. 12 N., R. 18 E.,
M.D.M., E1 Dorado County, California; thence, along the East line of said
Lot 12, Southerly to the SEly r~ght-of-way line of State Highway US 50;
thence, along said SEly right-of-way line, SWly to the most Westerly
corner of Lot l, Block 3, Tahoe-Sierra Subdivision No. l, as recorded in
Book A of Maps at Page 33; thence along the NEly line of Lodi Avenue, SEly
to the most Westerly corner of Lot 2, Block 8, of said Subdivision No.
thence, along the NWly and NEly lines of said Lot 2, NEly and SEly to the
most Westerly corner of Lot lb, of said Block 8; thence, along the NWly
lines of Lots lb through ll, inclusive, of said Block 8, NEly to the most
Easterly corner of Lot 6, Block 8; thence, along the NEly line of said
Lot 6, NWly to the most Northerly corner of said Lot 6; thence, along
the SEly line of Palmira Avenue, NEly to the most Westerly corner of Lot
Block 9, of said Subdivision No. l; thence, along the SWly and SEly lines
of said Lot l, SEly and NEly to the most Northerly corner of Lot 2, of
said Block 9; thence along the NEly line of said Lot 2, SEly to the most
Easterly corner of said Lot 2; thence, along the NWly lines of Lots 16 to
13, inclusive, of said Block 9, NEly to the most Northerly corner of Lot 13
of said Block 9; thence along the NEly line of Lot 13, Block 9, and its
SEly extension~ SEly to the most Northerly corner of Lot 6, Block lb, of
said Tahoe-Sierra Subdivision No. 4 thence, along the NWly line of Lot 7,
of said Block lb, NEly to the most Northerly corner of said Lot 7; thence,
along the NEly lines of Lot 7 and Lot 12, of said Block lb, and their
SEly extension, SEly to the most Northerly corner of Lot 7, Block ~0, of
said Tahoe-Sierra Subdivision No. l; thence, along the NWly line of said
Lot 7, SWly to the most Northerly corner of Lot 6, of said Block 20; thence,
along the NEly line of said Lot 6, SEly to the most Easterly corner of
said Lot 6, Block 20; thence, along the SEly lines of Lots 6 through 3,
inclusive, of said Block 20, SWly to the most Westerly corner of Lot 16 of
said Block 20; thence, along the SWly line of said Lot 16, SEly to the most
Southerly corner of said Lot 16; thence, along the NWly line of Elwood
Avenue, SWly to the most Southerly corner of Lot 10, Block 19, of said
Subdivision No. l; thence, SEly to the most Northerly corner of Lot 6,
Block 25 of said Subdivision No. l; thence, along the NEly line of said
Lot 6, SEly to the most Easterly corner of said Lot 6; thence, along the
SEly line of Lots 6 through 3, inclusive, of said Block 25, SWly to the
most Westerly corner of Lot lb, of said Block 25; thence, along the SWly
line of said Lot lb, SEly to the most Southerly corner of said Lot
thence, SEly to the most Westerly corner of Lot 6, Block l, Tahoe-Sierra
Subdivision No. 3, as recorded in Book A of Maps at Page 45; thence, along
the SWly line of said Lot 6, SEly to the most Southerly corner of said
Lot 6; thence., along the SEly lines of Lots 6 through Lot 3, inclusive, of
said Block l, NEly to the most Northerly corner of Lot l~, of said Block l;
thence, along the NEly lines of Lots lb, Block l, Lots 3 and 14 of Block lb
and Lots 3 and lb, Block 15 of said Tahoe-Sierra Subdivision No. 3, SEly
to the most Westerly corner of Lot 16, Block 15 of said Subdivision No.
thence, along the NWly line of Lot 16, of said Block 15, NEly to the most
Northerly corner of said Lot 16; thence, along the SWly line of Stockton
Avenue SEly to the most Easterly corner of Lot l, Block 27, of said Sub-
division No. 3; thence, NEly to the most Westerly corner of Lot 9, Block 26,
of said Subdivision No. 3; thence, along the NWly and NEly lines of said
Lot 9, NEly and SEly to the most Easterly corner of said Lot 9; thence,
along the SEly lines of Lots 7 through 3, inclusive of said Block 26, NEly
to the most Northerly corner of Lot 16, of said Block 26; thence, along
the NEly lines of Lots 16, Block 26, Lots 3 and 16, Block 29, and Lot
Block 38 of said Tahoe-Sierra Subdivision No. 3, SEly to the most Easterly
corner of Lot 3 of said Block 38; thence, along the SEly lines of Lots 3
through 7, inclusive, of said Block 38, SWly to the most Westerly corner
of Lot 12, of said Block 38; thence~ along the SWly lines of Lot 12,
Block 38, and Lots 7 and 12~ Block 41 of said Tahoe-Sierra Subdivision
No. 3, SEly to the most Easterly corner of Lot 10, of said Block 41~
thence, along the SEly lines of Lots 10, Block 41 and Lots 15, Block 40,
of said Subdivision No. 3, SWly to the most Southerly corner of said Lot
15, Block 40; thence, along the NEly line of Lot 14 of said Block 40,
NWly to the most Northerly corner of said Lot 14; thence, along the
NWly lines of Lots 14 through i1, inclusive of said Block 40, SWly to
the most Westerly corner of Lot 11 of said Block 40~ thence along the
SWly lines of Lots 11, Block 40, and Lots 7 and 11 of Block 51, of said
Subdivision No. 3, SEly to the most Easterly corner of Lot 9 of said
Block 51; thence, along the SEly line of said Lot 9, Block 51, SWly of
the most Southerly corner of said Lot 9; thence~ SWly to the most
Northerly corner of Lot 3, Block 6, Tahoe-Sierra Subdivision No. 5; as
recorded in Book B of Maps at Page 8~ thence, along the NWly and SWly
lines of said Lot 3, SWly and SEly to the most Southerly corner of said
Lot 3~ thence in a straight line Southerly to the most Westerly corner
of Lot 2, Block 5, of said Subdivision No. 5; thence~ along the SWly
line of said Lot 2, SEly to the most Southerly c~rner of said Lot 2; thence
along the SEly line of said Tahoe-Sierra Subdivision No. 5, S. 49° 38' W.,
to the most Southerly corner of Tahoe-Sierra Subdivision No. 5, as per
map filed June 12, 1952, in E1 Dorado County~ California, Records, Book B,
Page 8 of Maps; thence, NWly along the SWly boundary thereof and along
the SWly boundary of Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No. 4, as per map filed
March 26, 1951, in E1 Dorado County, California~ Records, Book A, Page 101
of Maps, and the Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No. 1, as per map filed October
3, 1945, in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book A, Page 33 of Maps,
to a point on a line which is 350 feet SEly from and at right angles to
and parallel with the SEly side of U.S. Highway 50, as said highway exists
in 1958; thence, SWly along a line which is 350 feet from and parallel
with said U~S. Highway 50, to the Easterly boundary of the Tahoe Sierra
Subdivision No. 2, as per map filed February 28, 1946~ in E1 Dorado County,
California, Records, Book A, Page 39 of Maps; thence, Southerly along the
Easterly boundary of said Tahoe Sierra Subdivision No. 2 of the SE corner
thereof; thence South 89° 43' West 190 feet, more or less, to the Easterly
boundary of the Tamarack Subdivision Addition No. 1, as per map filed
September 17, 1946, in E1 Dorado County, California~ Records, Book A,
Page 57 of Maps; thence, along the Easterly boundary of said last named
Subdivision S.0° 12' 30" E., 1331.36 feet, more or less, to the SE
corner thereof; thence, along the Southerly boundary of said last named
subdivision N. 89° 59' W., 1952.44 feet, more or less to the SW corner
thereof; thence, South to the most Northerly corner of the W. D. Barton
Tract, as per map filed July 31, 1946, in E1 Dorado County, California~
Records, Book A, Page 48 of Maps; thence, along the NEly boundary of
said W.D. Barton Tract S. 26° 20' E., 2115.46 feet, S. 44° 29' E.,
564.92 feet, S. 41° 20' E., 124 feet more or less, to a point which bears
N. 48° 40' E., from the most Northerly corner of Lot ~4, Block 2, of said
W.D. Barton Tract; thence, S. 48° 40' W., 40 feet to the most Northerly
corner of said Lot 24; thence, along the NWly and SWly lines of Lot 24,
SWly and SEly to the most Westerly corner of Lot 23, of said Block 2,
thence, along the SWly line of said Lot 23, SEly to the most Northerly
corner of Lot 19 of said Block 2~ thence, along the NWly line of said
Lot 19, SWly to the most Westerly corner of said Lot 19~ thence, along
the Southerly line and its Westerly projection, of Lot 18, of said Block
2, 'Westerly to a point on the NEly line of Lot 10, Block 3, of said W.D.
Barton Tract; thence, along the NEly, Easterly and Southerly sides of said
Lot 10, Southerly and Westerly to the SW corner of said Lot 10; thence,
along the Easterly lines of Lots 4 and 5 of said Block 3, Southerly to
the SE corner of said Lot 5; thence, along the South line of said Lot 5,
Westerly to the SW corner of said Lot 5; thence, in a straight line SWly
to the NE corner of Lot 18, Block 5, of said W.D. Barton Tract, thence,
along the North line of said Lot 18~ Westerly to the NW corner of said
Lot 18~ thence, along the Easterly line of Lots 27 and 26 of said
Block 5, Southerly to the SE corner of said Lot 26; thence, along the
South line of said Lot 26~ Westerly to the SW corner of said Lot 26~
thence, along the East line of Tallac Avenue, Southerly to the SW corner
of Lot 25, of said Block 5; thence~ in a straight line Westerly to the
NE corner of Lot 65 of Block 1 of said W.D. Barton Tract~ thence, along
the North line of said Lot 65, Westerly to the NW corner of said Lot 65;
thence, along the West line of said W.D. Barton Tract Southerly to the
NW corner of Lot 67 of said Block t, which is also the SEly corner of
the W.D. Barton Tract No. 2, as recorded in Book B of Maps at Page 10~
thence~ along the Southerly and Westerly boundary of said W.D. Barton
Tract No. 2, NWty and NEly to the intersection of the SEty boundary of
the Armstrong Subdivision No. 7, as per map filed June 29, 1954, in the
E1 Dorado County, California~ records~ Book B~ Page 39 of Maps~ thence,
SWly to the most Southerly corner of said Armstrong Subdivision~ thence,
N 26° 20' W.~ 2980.60 feet, more or less to the most Westerly corner of
said Armstrong Subdivision~ thence, N 63° 40' E.~ 869.00 feet more or
less to the most Northerly corner of said Armstrong Subdivision~ thence
Northerly to the SW corner of land described in deed to Charles J.
Fisher and Wife, recorded May 28~ 1947, under Recorder's Serial No. 2157~
thence~ North along the Westerly boundary of said Fisher land to the
intersection of the Easterly extension of the Southerly boundary of the
Tamarack Subdivision Addition No. 2~ as per map filed January 13, 19~7,
in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book A~ Page 59 of Maps~ thence
in a Westerly direction to the SW corner of Block 4 of Gardner Mountain
Subdivision Addition No. 1, as per map filed May 27, 1952~ in E1 Dorado
County, California, Records, Book B, Page 6 of Maps; thence NWly along
the SWly line of said Block ~ to the most Easterly corner of Gardner
Mountain Subdivision Addition No. 2, as per map filed December 24, 1952~
in E1 Dorado County, California, Records, Book B, Page 13 of Maps; thence
S. 34° ~2' W., to the most Northerly corner of Lot 56 of Gardner Mountain
Subdivision Addition No. 3~ as per map filed June 16~195~ in E1 Dorado
County, California, Records~ Book B, Page 37 of Maps~ thence S 55° 28' E.,
1~0o00 feet, S. 34° 32' W.~ 200.00 feet~ S~ 55° 28' E., 400o8~ feet to
the SE corner of Lot 65 of said Gardner Mountain Subdivision Addition
No. 3; thence, S. 89~ 40' Wo, to the SW corner of the Gardner Mountain
Subdivision Addition No. 5~ as per map filed June 13, 1956 in E1 Dorado
County, California, Re¢ords~ Book B at Page 63 of Maps; thence~ Northerly
along the Westerly boundary of said Subdivision to the NW corner of Lot
29 of the Lukins Tract Addition No~ 1, as per map filed July 3, 1947 in
E1 Dorado County, California~ Records, Book A, Page 66 of Maps~ thence
along the North and East Boundary of said Lukins Tract Addition No. 1,
Easterly and Southerly to the NW corner of Lot 37, Block 7, of Tamarack
Subdivision Addition No. 2, as recorded in Book '~A" of Maps at Page 59;
thence, along the Northerly line of said Block 7~ ~asterly to the NEly
corner of Lot 30, of said Block 7; thence~ along the Westerly line of
12th Street, Northerly to the SE corner of Lot 64, Tahoe Island Park, as
recorded in Book B of Maps at Page 32~ thence, along the Southerly,
Westerly, and Northerly boundaries of said Tahoe Island Park~ Westerly,
Northerly and Easterly to the NE corner of Lot 10 of said Tahoe Island
Park, which is also the NW!y corner of Lot 193 of Tahoe Island Park
Addition No. t~ as recorded in Book '~B'~ of Maps at Page 53; thence, along
the Northerly boundary of said Tahoe Island Park Addition No. 1, S. 71°
06' Eo, 184.80 feet~ thence, S. 56° 05' E., 280~66 feet to the most
Westerly corner of Tahoe Island Park Subdivision No. 2~ as recorded in
Book B of Maps at Page 55~ thence, along the Northerly and Easterly
boundary of said Tahoe Island Park Addition No. 2, Easterly and Southerly
to the SEly corner of Lot 34~ thence~ continuing along the Easterly line
of said Tahoe Island Park, Addition No. 2, the following courses: S. 3°
06' E., 49.45 feet.~ thence~ S. 23~ 52' Wo, ~18.74 feet to the most
Southerly corner of Lot 41 of said Tahoe Island Park Addition No. 2~
thence along the NEly boundary of Tahoe Island Park Addition No. 3~ as
recorded in Book '~B'~ of Maps at Page 61, the following courses: S. 71°
36' E., 96.16 feet~ thence N. 39° 41' E., 163.56 feet~ thence S. 55° 28'
E~, 435.00 feet to the most Northerly corner of Lot 94, of said Tahoe
Island Park Addition No. 3~ thence~ alon~ the NWly line of Lots 94 and 109
of said Tahoe Island Park Addition No. 3, SWly to the most Westerly corner
of said Lot 109~ thence, along the NEly line of Tailac Park Subdivision
as recorded in Book "B" of Maps at Page 70, NWly to the most Northerly
corner of Lot 20 of Tallac Park Subdivision~ thence, along the NWly lines
of Lots 20~ 1~2 and 119 and their SWly extension, SWly, to the most
Northerly corner of Lot 112~ of said Tallac Park Subdivision~ thence, along
the SWly line of Rainbow Drive, SEly to the most Easterly corner of Lot 111
of said Tallac Park Subdivision~ thence~ along the SEly lin~s of Lots 111,
89, 8~ and 61 and their SWly projection, SWly to the most Northerly corner
of Lot 57 of said Tallac Park Subdivision~ thence, along the SWly line of
Tallac Drive SEly to the most Easterly corner of Lot 56, of said Tallac
Park Subdivision; thence, along the SEly line of said Lot 56, SWly to the
most Southerly corner of said Lot 56~ thence, along the NEly line of Tahoe
Tallac Subdivision as recorded in Book '~B" of Maps at Page 35, SEly to the
most ~asterly corner of Lot 10 of said Tahoe Tallac Subdivision~ thence
along the SEly lines of Lots 10 and 91 of said Tahoe Taltac Subdivision
SWly to the most Southerly corner of said Lot 91~ thence~ along the NEly
line of Tamarack Subdivision, Addition No. 2~ as recorded in Book "A" of
Maps at Pages 59 and 60, NWly to the most Easterly corner of Lot 20 of
Block 7 of said Tamarack Subdivision Addition No. 2~ thence, along the
SEly line of said Lot 20 and its SWly extension, SWly, to a point on the
SWly line of Eloise Avenue as shown on the map of Tamarack Subdivision
as recorded in Book '~A~' of Maps at Pages 35, 36~ 37 and 38~ thence, along
said SWly line of Eloise Avenue NWly to the most Northerly corner of Lot 12
of Block 3 of said Tamarack Subdivision; thence~ along the NWly line of
said Lot 12 and its SWly extension, SWly to the most Northerly corner of
Lot 17 of said Block 3, thence, along the SWly line of James Avenue~ NWly
to the most Northerly corner of Lot 2~ of Block 5, of said Tamarack
Subdivision~ thence, along the Westerly line of said Lot 22 and its
Southerly extension, Southerly to a point on the centerline of State High-
way 89~ thence, along the centerline of said State Highway 89, SEly to
Engineer's Station ~1+~9~5~ POT = O+OOBC~ thence~ along a 500 foot radius
curve to the left~ through an angle of 91° 23', a distance of 797.5 feet
to ~ngineer's Station 7+97.5 EC = 5+61.0 POT on the centerline of State
Highway US 50~ thence~ along said centerline NEly to a point which bears
S. 0° 12' 30'~ E., from the most Easterly corner of Lot 24 of Block 1 of
said Tamarack Subdivision~ thence~ leaving said centerline N. 0° 12' 30"
W., to the most Easterly corner of said Lot 2~ thence~ along the NWly
Right-of-Way line of State Highway US 50, NEly to the centerline of the
Upper Truckee River~ thence, along the centerline of the Upper Truckee
River~ NWly to a point which bears S. ~9° 38' Wo, from the most Southerly
corner of Lot 65 of Country Cross Roads Village Subdivision as recorded in
Book B of Maps at Page 6~ thence, leaving said centerline N ~9° 38' E.,
to the most Southerly corner of said Lot 65~ thence~ along the NWly bound-
ary line of said Country Cross Roads Village Subdivision~ Northerly and
Easterly to the most Westerly corner of Lot 1, of said Country Cross Roads
Village Subdivision~ thence, along the North line of Lot 1~, Section 4,
T. 12 N., R. 18 Eo, M.D.M., Easterly to the Point of Beginning.
The foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a
Resolution which was duly and regularly adopted at a meeting
of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility
District, E1 Dorado County~ California, duly held on the ~--~
day of ~~ , 1960, by the following vote of
the members thereof:
AYES, and in favor thereof, Directors:
Goeringer~ ?ankost, Wakeman, Wall~ Souza
NOES~ Directors: None
Directors: Nor~e ~--~
~e~a~n~ eX-~ffic~-i6 SeCretarY of the
South Tahoe Public Utility District.