Resolution No. 221-A PIES OLUTION NO. 22~ A ~%ES(~LUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND CALLING FOR SEALED PROPOSALS BEACH TRUN~ LINE RESOLVED, 0y t~e B~ard of Direct~Ps of the S~ut~ T~a~ Public Utility DistPic~c~ E1 Dorado Ccunty.~ Califor~'~ia~ t. Those cePta, h~ klans and specificatix~s pre:~.red bN Clair A H_~_ll ~: Associates~ Reddins~ CalifoPnia~ covenins t~o staliation cf Beach TPunk Line~ filed witN the Clerk cf said Dis- trict~ be~ and tt~e same ape here0y~ appPoved~ 2. The Clerk of said District is hePeby directed t~ T~hoe Sier~ Tribe, publish a notice inviting sealed proposals :h~ the L~~= Tah,::e once. not less than ten dans before the date of opening 3. Sealed proposals or bids will be received by ti~e aft ~.'~ ~el~xe o~e houm el __~00 o'clock P.~.'~. on the 6th day Septe~ ~:R:~ at wnic~ time said bids will be pub!icl,~ examined and declared in the District office: !iis~aY 50 and Beach ]5 ulevaPd~ S~.~utn Tanoe~ Califorr~ia: f~r said ~,~.~Pk. Paymen~c the~~e- i'or will be made as more particu!aPly pPovided in the specii'ica- ~t-. Ail pr~posals 0¥~ 0ids snail ~e accompanie{~ oy a check payable to the cPdeP of said District~ a~]~ountins tc 102J of {3ho 'old or by a bond in said amo~nt and payable t:~, said DistPict~ sisned bj the bidder and an admitted surety insuPer. Said check snali be forfeited or said bond shall become paFablo 't~.' said District in case tf~e oiddeP depositiss the same does Rct~ ~,~o~m~, 15 days aZ'to' wPitten notice that the contPact i~as bee~ awa:~de0 t,? hinl~ ii, to a contPac~t wit~-~ cna DisOrict. Di stri ct ASS%o Clerk & Ex-~ffici~ ~eere%~ry The foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a Resolution which was duly and regularly adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, duly held on the ..22d. day of ~ ........ , 1960, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES, and in favor thereof, Directors: Goeringer, ~, Wakeman, Wall, Souza NOES, Directors: None ABSENT, Directors: ~DIRECTOR PANK~ST South Tahoe Public Utility District.