Resolution No. 675RESOLUTION NO. 6 7 5 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CALLING FOR ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR SEALED PROPOSALS OF GRANULAR ACTIVATED CARBON BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, E1 Dorado County, California, as follows: 1. That the Board of Directors hereby calls for an Advertisement for bids for sealed proposals for GRANULAR ACTIVATED CARBON, Said advertisement for bid to be in the form of Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part thereof. I, DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, County of E1 Dorado, State of California and ex-officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof, do hereby certify that the above Resolution No.6 7 5 is a true, full and correct copy thereof, and that said Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT at a duly held regular meeting on May 19, 1966, and that the original of said Resolution is on file in the office of said SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Said Resolution was passed by the following vote of the members of the Board of Directors thereof: (S E A L) AYES: NOES: ABSEWf: Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Kortes, Hegarty and Melikean None None David W. Callahan, Clerk of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT and ex-officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof. ADVE~TISEHEN~ FOR BIDS Sealed Proposals will be received at che Office of the Clerk, $ouCh Tahoe Public Utility Diatricc, Treatment Plant, Tahoe Valley, California (~alling address, p. O. Box AU, Bijou, Californl&,)uncil 3:00 P.H., Thursday, june 2, 1966, aC vhich time they rill be publicly opened and read for furnishin~ materials as C~ AC~IVAI~D CA~.BON SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT The Granular Activated Carbon consists of _fiftee~ (15) Specifications may be examined at the South Tahoe Public Utility District Office, Treatman~ FLant, Tahoe Valley, California. A copy of said Sp~ciiica~ions may be obtained from ~he of£ice upon request. The South Tahoe Public U~ili~y District reserves the right to reJec~ any or all bide. DAT~ Clerk and ex-officio Secretary of the South Tahoe Public Utility District SF~CIFI~ATIONS Mesh Size, U,S. Sieve Series Larger than 8 Smaller lcd[ne ~er, ~las~es N~r, Mini~ ~tsture as packed, Abrasion ~be~, 8x30 8' 1.50 - 1.70 9SS 200 8. 0 2. 0 70 Folloviu$ thermal regeneration the carbon shall have at lease 90 percent of vf. rgin activity for ABS removal from the sewage plant effluent as determine~ bI the En$inaer. The Manufacturer shall subnit with his Proposal a summary of the carbon manufac~urer*s experience with the carbon proposed for use in removing organ£cs fro~ sewage effluent ~ i~ regenerating the carbon toll~g ~uch use. The ~er will s~lect the caren to be u~ed fr~ those mnu~actur~r's submi~i~ Pro.eels. The carbon shall be p~lcked and delivered in four-ply kraft bags, 60 pounds nec weight, 61 pounds gross weight. The carbon shall be handled in a manner which will no~ damage the paper begs nor ~end to pulverize the carbon particles. Excessive fines in carbon as delivered will be cause for rejection of the material. Palmant shall be made within thirty (30) days of the delivery, in sat isf&ctory cond it ion. To be shipped by Southern Pacific Railroad to Reno, Nevada, and by Weetern Gillette Truck Lines to plane, Freight Collect. PROPOSAL TOt South Tahoe Public Utility District, P. O. Box AU, Bijou, California. The undersigned declares that he has carefully examined the Specification ant it led: CRANU~ ACTIVATIID CARBON &~id. l~Hat he hereby proposes to furnish and deliver the Granular Carbon to the site of the South Tahoe Public Utility District within forty-five (&5) calendar days from the date of execution of the contract, [or the following lump sum &!ternate ~.. 1 Dollars and Cents * Total Lump Sum Price .~ $. ............ A!cernate No. 2 Dollars and * Total Lump Sum Price Al.t.e~te No. 3 * Total Lump Sum Priee ~ Dollars Cents $ ......... * PRICE F.O.B. PORT OF ORIGIN -1- The Undersigned further declares that the only persons or parties interested in this l~oposal as Principals are those named herein and that zhis Proposal is not made in collusion with any persons, firm or corporation. Aeeoupanyin$ this Proposal is ......... (cash, cashier*s check, certified check or Bidder s Bond), in an amoun ~qual to at least ten percent (10%) of the to,al muount of the Bid. The Undersigned caress that in case of default in aaknowledgi.n$ the Purchase Order within five (5) days, lint ii~ludin$ Sunday, after receiving the Fdrchase Order, the proceeds of the cash, check or Bond eccompanytug the Proposal, shall become the property of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Signature of Bidder: Business Address: l~Ce: If Bidder iea corpora~ion, the lesel name of the corporation shall be set forth above, together wi~h the siSnature of the officer or officers authorized true ~ of c~ ft~ s~ll ~ alt forth a~e, Coget~r vi~h the 8ig~Cure of the ~rCner8 er ~rcuero auC~ris~ Co si~ concrac~8 in behl.f of c~ co-~rCMrshtp; a~ [f ~he bidder ~s an ~tv~d~l, his sl~cure $~ll be placed ~r~rohtp, A ~er of ACCo~y m~c be on flea vi~h c~ ~m~er of C~ DtlCric~ prior Co opting b~da or ,uhiC~ed rich Ch b~d; ocb~ise, cb bid viii d~are~rd~ as irreguhr a~ u~uC~rized. -2* B~DDER*S BOND KlqO~ ALL 14KH BY THESE PRESIL~T, TtlAT WE, THE Undersigned . . bound unto as Principell and as Surety, ere h~raby held and firmly ....... , hereinafter called the Owner, in the sum of dollars ($ ), which sum is equal to et least can percent of the total amount of the Bid, payment of which sum we1! end truly co be made, ye hereby Jointly and severally bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. The condition of the above obligation if such that whereas the Principal hal submitted to the Ovnera certain Propo.al, attached hereto and hareb7 made a parc of thereof, to enter into a contract in writing for the furnithin~ of= (~RAI~R ACTIVATED C~_eJ~Ol~ SOUTll TAI~)E PUBLIC UTILITY t)IST~ICT If said Proposal shall be rejected, or in the alternate, (b) If said Proposal shall be accepted and the Principal shall upon receipt of a written Purchase Order, furnish written Acknowledsement of said Purchase Order within the time scared in the Proposal, which Purchase Order end Acknowledgement constitute an ~4reement between the Owner and the Contractor and shall in all other respects perform tha agreement created by tha acceptance of slid Proposal. Then, this obliBation shell be void, otherwise the same shall remain in force and effect; it being expressly understood and agreed that the liability of the Surety for any and all default of the Principal hereunder shall be the amount of this obllsation as herein stated. The Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates end agrees that the obligations of Mitd Surety and its bond shall be in nay ay impaired or affected by any extension of the tine within which the Owner may accept such Proposal, end said Surety does hereby waive notice of any such extension. IN WITNESS TN~RBOF, the above-bounded parties hive executed this instrument under eh~ir several seals this day of , affixed a~ ~se presen~s duly si~nad by i~8 ~nderoi~ed repreoen~a~ive, ~rs~nC to au~rt~y of ice ~ove~in~ ~dy. IN PRESENCE OF: Seal (Individual Principal) Business ................... Address) ......... (ADDRKSS)- ..... - (Bus~ness Addrase) " BY AffiX.. (Corporate Seal) ~:: ¢C°rP"ratesurety) (:Bus {.naSll' Add'reS s) ................. ~*" rate of p'"'tu''' on this bo,,d is (corporat e Seal . ................... per thousand Total Amount of pramt~ clmrsed & .... : : : SPECIFICATION (IRANULAR ACTIVATED CARBON 1.A. Scope. This i~e~ covsrs the furnishini and delivery of 15 tons ( 30,000 pounds) of gr&nular activated carbon to the South Tahoe Public Utility District, Bijou, California. I .B. ~tarials. ~ranular Activa~ed ...Caren. The granular activated carbon shall be Pittsburgh` ~hemieai ~mpany' (~rent Building, Pittsburgh 19, Pa.) Type SCL, U.S. Sieve Series S x 30 mesh, or approved equal. Th, carbon shell remove color, odor, AB$ (alkyl benzene sulfonates), and other organics from sewage plant effluent which has been treated by the activated sludge process, coagulated with alum, and filtered. The carbon shall be suitable for at least 20 cycles of thermal regeneration and reuse. The carbon shall be suitable for use in carbon columns operated under the Pittsburgh Moving Bed System, with a total attrition loss of less than 5 percent per regeneration cycle. The carbon shall be made from selected grades Of bituminous coal combined with suitable binders to give superior hardness end IonS life. It shall be activated by high t~perature steam under rigidly controlled conditions. The carbon shall have the physical properties and mea~ the specifications lis~ad balow: ~SICALPROPERT~S Total Surface Area (N2, BET Het~*), Apparent Density (Bulk Density,Dense packing),g/cc lb/fi Particle Density (HgDisplace~en~), g/cc Real Density (He Displacement), S/cc Pore Volu~ (Within Particle), cc/t Voido in Dense Packed Column, Specific Heat at lO0°C *Brunauer, Eaanett and Teller: 950-1050 0,48 30.00 0.75 2.10 0.85 36.00 0.25 JAm. Chem,Soc, 60,309 (1938)