10-5 Request Sewer Spill Hw89 and 5thSOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FIELD MONITORING RECORD Date: .- ( /- Samplers: mtl-`'4i-.r 7 Purpose: N Site ID# Time Temp °C pH EC pS/cm DO mg/L Cl2 mg/L A/61 -51‘f I-(- Preservative Std Check Comments °7 gn o „ HZSO, pH= HNO3 VOA -HCI pH EC cc ry f V C7 a�( Oay f i'iLaau. • c /1.1. r kt (C. 140 it �Z`t1i l L/ is &-gc dra Irl cry`- L'(f{- d i CfrqZe C C�i Pt}y +P[A I` 1'n Pi dy - 3 ea ( tier-{- ert i circ 4-t cLe y r ,. - L /Dry k fr b -takt6 44 '443 's J e(1 i ttatrei t A Aearc 10 �-.` i 7L 77�l- -4.-- / 1 I .. l (�oi,(�-_, 7 za a, l t L Cb I, >2'+1,?2 i r 11 Temperature of Control when sr '-?s received at Lab, °C °C !nit Std Check uses a 7.00 buffer. pH meter must be re -standardized if result exceeds 7.00 ± 0.05. EC Std Check uses a 200 pS/cm standard. D:\Lab\Forms\Field Sheets\Field doc 04/11/15 Site Sample Comments Date Time Comments SPILL_SEWEF 11/11/2015 17:18 #1 Storm drain in front of Eldorado Saviings on Hwy 89 SPILL_SEWEF SPILL_SEWEF 11/11/2015 17:19 #1 Storm drain on east side of Hwy 89, between Eldorado Saviings and 5th Street 11/11/2015 17:29 Culvert on east side of Eloise Avenue, between Liberty Energy parking lot and Moose Lodge South Tahoe Public Utility District Water Quality Data Raw Sewage Leak @ Hwy 89 and 5th Street Site: #1; Storm Drain in front of Eldorado Savings on Hwy 89 #2; Storm drain on Hwy 89 between Eldorado Savings and 5th Street #3; Culvert on East side of Eloise, between Liberty Energy and Moose Lodge #4; Basin between Eloise and Patricia Date: 11/11/2015 11/11/2015 11/11/2015 11/12/2015 Time: 17:18 17:19 17:29 12:01 ID# AG48731 AG48732,1 AG48733 AG48747 DLR Electrical Conductivity pS/cm A34:3 101y' Z /0 1.0 NH3 by Nesslers (+/—) + / — -!- •4- - (. T NH3-N mg/L 2 1, 4 11 / (P. -I / / T. 'ice' 17. `I • 1 "1.4 D7 I 0.020 0.50 Chlorides mg/L 39.. (0 2._" x NO2-N mg/L '0.030 - <0.030 <0.030 ' 0, lo? 0.010 NO3-N mg/L 0 -033 ' X0.0-7 X0.0`30 ' 0.0g 1 0.010 ortho-PO4-P mg/L M1 " 2 -(02 ` 2,. 00 ' 1.7( 0.010 SO4 mg/L 2C. I Z. $ ° Z . w 2�. 7 ` 0.50 Total Coliforms MPN/100 mL ``24\ i17_,n > .D-1 t s ci2J > 2-t\ tgao 1 . E. coli MPN/100 mL ' ?LII q7o 2,4 1 1 9 - > –N1 `t2a 1 DLR = Detection Limit for Reporting (lowest level the method can accurately detect and report a resu t) ND = Not detected at or above the Detection Limit for Reporting (DLR) mg/L = parts per million pg/L = parts per billion Note 1: Colilert method is approved for E. coli in wastewater but not for Total Coliforms in wastewater N L 'ti • SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FIELD MONITORING RECORD Date: 4 0.1c c Samplers: Ar c _ Site ID# Time Temp °C pH EC uS/cm DO mg/L C12 mq/LpH= I,. i,1 Preservative Std Check Comments :Sterile 4 °C H2SO4 0 a a o pH EC ik v\teit\ ,- locit, v1 LL`ir_ ` t(f cic, �'` �Z 2SIV --fr• i 1 Temperature of Control when samples received at Lab, °C °C Init pH Std Check uses a 7.00 buffer. pH meter must be re -standardized if result exceeds 7.00 ± 0.05. EC Std Check uses a 200 pS/cm standard. D:1Lab\Forms\Field Sheets\Field doc 04/11/15 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FIELD MONITORING RECORD Purpose: Date: i'\-' 1-icS Samplers: i rCk-ricai ,1•`t( Site ID# Time Temp °C pH EC pS/cm DO mg/L Cl2 mg/L " Preservative Std Check Comments a o .t H2SO„ pH= OHNO3 VOA -HCI pH EC (2411/.1,A c.- ct..l a0.I :1 EIOI - kms'un 1_,6443 ct ``L1 k- u4 Ou �:1 t" . t��o-i;._ l'.)t I `k I 1 L:1) 4'6.,` :pit' 4 ��..':7 �n lki..Y.G), Li 1 4-1- 12*n .1( k3 rr: , 1\ ,4,1:14 io ,'-); I/Li Temperature of Control when samples received at Lab, °C °C !nit Note: pH Std Check uses a 7.00 buffer. pH meter must be re -standardized if result exceeds 7.00 ± 0.05. EC Std Check uses a 200 pS/cm standard. D:\Lab\Forms\Field Sheets\Field.doc 04/11/15 South Tahoe Public Utility District Water Quality Data Raw Sewage Leak @ Hwy 89 and 5th Street Site: #3; Culvert on East side of Eloise, between Liberty Energy and Moose Lodge #4; Basin between Eloise and Patricia DLR Date: 11/17/2015 11/17/2015 Time: 13:14 13:20 ID# AG48801 AG48802 Electrical Conductivity pS/cm 7,360 Covered by ice & 1.0 NH3 by Nesslers (+l—) + / — 4- ' only dirt beneath NH3-N mg/L j(_ l') 0.020 Chlorides ma/L Li LJJ 1.5 NO2-N mg/L „ 4----r \v J.# 0.03 NO3-N mg/L ;1/4 !, i) ') 0.03 ortho-PO4-P mg/L h ,1 ou 0.03 SO4 mg/L i b 1 1.5 Total Coliforms MPN/100 mL20) , 1 E. coli MPN/100 mL i G/ .i.-00 1 DLR = Detection Limit for Reporting (lowest level the method can accurately detect and report a resu t) ND = Not detected at or above the Detection Limit for Reporting (DLR) mg/L = parts per million pg/L = parts per billion Note 1: Colilert method is approved for E coli in wastewater but not for Total Coliforms in wastewater o;.i- u.'c,S i�n I; Purose: N SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FIELD MONITORING RECORD Date: r 1 2 • (-S- Samplers: Samplers: ;A: Site ID# Time Temp °C pH EC pS/cm DO mg/L C[2 mg/L Preservative Std Check Comments Sterile a a H2SO„ pH= o i U 2 og pH EC CLd vcif on E Si L Ge AG48843 % I: n I I vl „7�. S (( CI 4 arr�Z i'� ud�` 0 .9V�SQill -4q 1 411/4A., (`"'' l�,il i., AG48844ill'�si•, Temperature of Control when samples received at Lab, °C °C Ina D:1LablForms\Field Sheets\Field.doc 04/11/15