Beginning at the W. * Corner of Section 19, T. 12 N., R. 18 E.,
half mile, more or less, to the center of Section 19; .thence
Southerly one-half 'mile, more or less, to the S. * Corner of Section
19; thence Easterly along the Southerly edge of Sections 19 & 20,
one mile, more or less, to the S. * Corner of Section 20; thence
Southerly one-quarter mile, 'more or less, to the S. W. Corner of
*the N. W. * of the N. E. * of Section 29; thence Easterly one-half
mile, more or less, to the S. E. Corner of the N. E. * of the N. E.
* of Section 29; thence Northerly one quarter mile, more°or less,
to the N. W. Corner of Section 28;thence Easterly along the South-
erly edge of Section 21, one-half mile, more or less, to the S. 4
Corner of Section 21; thence Northerly through the center of Section
21, three-quarters of a mile, more or less, to the S. W. Corner of
the N. W. * of the N. E. * of Section 21; thence Easterly one-half
mile, more or less, to the S. E. Corner of the N. E. 4 of the N.,E.
4 of Section 21; thence Easterly one-quarter mile to the center of
the N. W. 4 of Section 22; thence Southerly three-quarters of a mile,
more or less, to the S. E. Corner of the S. W. 4 of the S. W. t of
Section 22; thence Southerly three-quarters of a mile, more or less,
to the center of the S. W. 4 of Section 27; thence Westerly one-
quarter mile, more or less, to the S. W. ,Corner of the N. W. 4 of the
S. W. 4 of Section 27; thence Westerly one-half mile, more or less,
'to the S. W. Corner of the N. W..* of the S. E. 4 of Section 28;
Page 2
thence Southerly one-quarter mile, more or' less, to the S. I Corner
of Section 28; thence Westerly along the Southerly edge of Sections
2$ & 29, one mile, 'more or less, to the S. Corner of Section 29;
thence Southerly one mile, more or less, to the S. k Corner of Sec-
tion 32, T. 12 N., R. 18 E., M. D. B.'& M.; thence Southerly one
mile, more or less, to the S. Corner of Section 5, T. 11 N., R.
18 E., M. D. B. & M.; thence Southerly one mile, more or less, to
the S. I Corner of Section 8; thence Easterly one-quarter mile,
more or less, to the N. E. Corner of the N. W. kof the N. E. k of
Section 17; thence Southerly one mile, more or less, to the S. E.
Corner .of the S. W. * of the S. E. k of Section 17; thence South-
erly one-quarter mile, more or less, to the center of the N. E. k
of Section 20; thence Westerly three-quarters of a mile, more or
less, to the S. W. Cornero of the N. W. k of the N. W. k of Section
20; thence Northerly one and a quarter miles, more or less, along
the Westerly edge of Sections 20 & 17; to the N. W. Corner of Sec-
tion 17, T. 11 N., R. 18 E.; thence Westerly one-quarter mile,
more or less, to the S. W. Corner of the S. E. k of the S. E.
of Section 7; thence Northerly one mile, more or less, to the N. W.
Corner of the N. E. I of the N. E. I of Section 7; thence Northerly
one-half mile, more or less, to the N. W. Corner of the N. E. k of
the S. E. I of Section 6; thence Westerly one-quarter mile, more or
,less, to the center of Section 6; thence Northerly one-half mile,
more or less, to the N. k Corner of Section,6, T. 11 N., R. 18 E.,
M. D. B. & M; thence Northerly one-half mile, more or less, to the
center "of Section 31, T. 12 N., R. 18 E., M. D. B. & M; thence
Westerly one-half mile, more or less, to the W. k Corner of Section
31,'T. 12 N., R. 18 E., M. D. B. & M.; thence Westerly one-half mile,
Page 3
more or less, to the center of Section 36, T. 12 N., R. 17 E., M. D.
B. & M.; thence Northerly one-half mile,°more or less, to the N.
Corner of Section 36; thence.Easterly one-half mile, more or less,
along the Northerly edge of said Section 36 to the S. W. Corner of
Section.30, T. 12 N., R. 18 E.; thence Northerly one-half mile,
more or less, along the,Westerly edge of said Section 30, to the
W. k Corner°of said Section 30; thence Westerly three-quarters of
a mile, more or less, to the S. W. Corner of the S. E. ° of the
N. W. k of Section 25, T.-12 N., R.'17 E., M. D. B. & M.; thence
Northerly one-half mile, more or less, to the N. W..Corner of the
N. E. * of the N. W. * of said Section 25; thence three-quarters
of a mile along the Northerly edge of said Section 25, to the S. W.
Corner of Section 19, T. 12 N., R.,1$ E.; thence Northerly one -half -
mile, more or less, along the Westerly edge of Section 19, to the
point of beginning, comprising 5240 Acres, more or less, and in-
cluding the following:
of the S. W. k of Section 19; all of Section 30; the W. '
the S. E. k and the S. of the N. E. * of Section '29; the W. • ,
the N. E. k and the N. of the S. E. of Section 28; the.S. E. k
and the S. of the N. E. *'of Section 21; the W. of the S. W. t.
and the S. W. k of the N. W. k of Section 22; the W. of the N. W.
* and the N. W. k of the S. W. k of Section 27; the N. and the
S. E. k of Section 31; the W. of Section 32, all in T. 12 N.,
R. 18 E., M. D. B. & M.
The N. E. k of Section 36; the N. E. k and,the E. i of the
N. W. k of Section 25; all in T. 12 N., R. 17 E., M. D. B. & M.
Page 4 0
The N. E. * and the E. of the S. E. * of Section 6; the W.
of Section 5; the W. of Section $; the E. of the N. E. * and
the E. of the S. E. * of Section 7; the W. , the W. of the
N. E. * and the W. ' of the S. E. * of Section 17; the N. of the
N. W. * and the N. W. * of the N. E. k of Section 20; all in T. 11 N.,
R. 18 E., M. D. B. & M.
karold S. Prescott,
.Civil Engineer,' R.E. 7400