0174SEP /q 'SO <.RY. 4L SEP 1 S '60 K.L.W: September 20, 1960 Washoe County Water Conservation District Room 200, Title. Insurance Building 29 East First.street Reno,, °'%vada Attention: Mr. Eduard M. P ckhem, President Subject: Applications 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038, 18039, 17761, 18283, 18248 and 17235, Lake Tahoe Basin Gentlemen: This will acknowledge your letter of September 7, 1960, relative to the above -numbered applications. In a, hearing of the -nature being conducted on the various applications tot appropriate from Lake Tahoe :and tributaries, it is not permissible to consider a letter auch as ours as evidence. Although the matters set forth in your letter may have merit they are not sworn testimony and do not afford the opposing parties an opportunity for cross -exasaina- tion or rebuttal. The. hearing of the ire, Tie applications will be continued at a future date to be announced later and:at that time you may wish to, appear for the purpose of presenting testimony and evidence in support of the position outlined in your letter. Thank ,you for your interest in this matter. Very truly yours, 40D L. K. Hill Dxecutive Officer \� �0 O RRF: ram