0184August 30i, 1960 Honorablej Stanley 111021; Attorney General Department of ;Jitetice, Library and Courts Building Sacramento 14,c4ifoiniitt Att,ent4otit, F. G. Girard Deputy. Attorney General J Subject: Application 17139, 17149, 17235, 17727, 176, 18021, 18030,, 18031, 18038i 18039, 18248, 18283, 18910 Dear Mr. Mosk: This is to advise that Messrs. Girard and Johnson are welcome to appear on behalf 'of" the Joint California—Nevada Compact Commission at the hear— ing scheduled for September 13 before the State Water Rights Board in connection, with the subject matter. very' tr47,:,Y,Purso L. K tHill EXeCutiVtWictnt <3