0241• STATE OF IFORNI'A-STATEWATER RI '1401 214T STREET P. O. BOX 1 592 SACRAMENTO. CALIFORNIA` NOTICE: OF APPLICATION TO. APPROPRIATE WATER �'r 18021° Application _ erss ivleyVa,any ter Com NoricE IS HEREBYs-GIVEN,, THAT Y r p Me ers California-. ave February 28y 1,9 has under: the date of permit to appropriate unappropriated water, subject to vested rights. • j l escription=4 `f` Pr., t to o 'a ed fro `an 'unnamed Creek tributary to :Saxon Creek thence. tfi dl ributa ince'ake Tahoe. applied to theyState Water Board for a In the County of El Dorado, 2.5 cubic .feet persecond disect diversion'and i pefuabrt? erper annum b.turaee ,, s Direct' diversion - Januar r i td 'December 31 of biv rsion season awed: °eac year, storage - `January 1 to :December 31 sof each -year. r, n Water to be used for domestic Purposes a PointNE i T12NR , '18E,; ofdiversion within F"a M of a+iW1 � of -Section 33, act.o.iu esc b . of Section:25,.`.1EI of Sectpion,36, T12N,"Ri.7E i, of ection 19, S of Section 20, SWw of Section 28 SW4 of Section 29, wSW Section: 30, Ni of Section 31 and NWW: of Section 32, T12N,, ,R18E, MDB&M, as shown on map filed with State,. Water.Rihts Board: Relative. to' Protests Blanks upon which to submit protests will be.,supplied:free upon request. Anyperson desiring protestP -ry days from date n to° against the: granting of such permit.shah within hereof file with the State Water.Rights Board, Sacramento, California, a written rotest. Such protest shall clearly set forth the protestant s objections to the approval of the application and shall contain the following informations (1) Statement of the injury which would result to protestant from such appropriation and use. (2) The basis of protestant's water right. (3)' Protestant's past and presentuse ofwater both as to amount used and land irrigated, or use made of,;water if other.than irrigation. :(4),. The approximate location of protestant's land or place of use and point of diversionof the water. A copy of ,the protest should be sent to the applicant and this office notified that the samehas been done. 72847 5.80 EH O SPO • AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICE In the Matter of Application 18021 Before the State Water Rights Board, State of California. STATE OF CALIFORNIA z /, • COUNTY OF___ � X (Enter name of county where affiant it sworn) Rf ‘r: (til t! 5 (v SS. (Name of person who posted copies of notice) Jut. 16 9 zs 58 STATE WATEf? rRi si iS BOARD SACRAMENTO , being first duly sworn, deposes and says: j I _ t c'L_i_f -C_'f_-l__ _�� 1✓�-! "911- (2.f � �f (Insert here "that he is the applicant" or "that acting on behalf of the appli n ') �— Pl e er5 t/} (40 . , in the matter of Application___ 18021 before the (Name of applicant) State Water Rights Board, State of California, _ _____day ("and did" or"he did") of t:.,l__ i l y , 19 '— post two copies of notice of said application and that annexed is a full, true and correct copy. That he posted one copy of said notice 25- /ais�O 'Th' (Here describe how and where posted as accurately as possible) Sec- 28,, T /2 /7,..a..1947717, 0i1/_T�2 and the other copy of said notice So -7.c 7 -/se pie- .S Dvi ft (Here describe how and where posted as accurately as possible) Sec. z T /2 B-1 , 04' 7L EE . Tliat,each of'said copiesethus'posted occupied a conspicuous Rlace•in the.locality to be affected by said proposed apropriation. Subscribed and sworn` to before me this _1021-1y o f (4/2 71- � 19 f� • Notary public in and for said County ROSS S. WHITE, Notary Public 1n end tor, the County of El Denote, Stote of California JNy commission expires November 9, 1960. Meyers, EI Dorado County, Calif. ' FORM 8-D (Signature of person who posted copies of notice) � c DO NOT DETACH 40186 7-86 2M Q BPO