0305• State Water Resources Control Boar. DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS P.O. BOX 2000 SACRAMENTO, CA 95810 901 P STREET SACRAMENTO, CA (916) 324-5626 REPORT OF LICENSEE FOR OWNER OF RECORD: South Tahoe Public Utility District P. 0. Box 70542 South Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 IF OWNER'S NAME/ADDRESS/PHONE. 1985. 1986. 1987 APPLICATION: A018021 NO. IS WRONG OR MISSING. LICENSE: 010008 T' LE EPHON Mb'E (916 )544 -6474 PL'E "r RCT. SOURCE COUNTY: UNNAMED CREEK. PURPOSE: DIVERSION/STORAGE SEASON: DOMESTIC JAN 01 TO DEC 31 Q) AMOUNT 0.270 CFS 0.0 AC -FT THIS REPORT IS REQUIRED BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF YOUR LICENSE IMPORTANT!. EVERY License is subject to the conditions therein. I have currently reviewed my license: YES [ x]. NO [ ]. I am complying with the conditions of my license:, YES [ ] NO [x 1. Identify any noncompliance by license term number under "Remarks" on reverse side. This report is important in providing the record of use needed in maintaining your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the above -listed address. THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED, AND I REQUEST REVOCATION OF THE LICENSE: YES [ ] NO ["xJ COMPLETE FOR DIRECT DIVERSION PROJECTS 1. Have you used the full licensed amount of water each year? YES [ 1 NO [X ]. 2. State the quantity of water used each month in gallons or acre-feet (if not known, check months water was used). 1985 1986 1 967 Jan. Feb." Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. 'Dec. Total Annual See Remarks 7. Acreage irrigated Crops grown 8. Stockwatering — number of stock kind of stock 9. Domestic — number of persons garden area, etc. 10. Recreational - nature of use 11. Industrial — nature of use 12. Municipal — approximate population 13. Power generation — K.W. 14 Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' COMPLETE FOR STORAGE PROJECTS 1985 1986 1987 3. Did your reservoir spill this year? 4. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? 5. Have you emptied the reservoir?... , 6. How many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season?......: . USE (COMPLETE FOR ALL PROJECTS) , 7. Acreage irrigated Crops grown 8. Stockwatering — number of stock kind of stock 9. Domestic — number of persons garden area, etc. 10. Recreational - nature of use 11. Industrial — nature of use 12. Municipal — approximate population 13. Power generation — K.W. 14 Other 15. If no water was used in one or more years, briefly state the reason on the reverse side under "Remarks". 16. If either the location of the point of diversion or place of use has been changed and the permission of this Board has not yet been obtained, please describe nature of change on the reverse side under "R marks". FEB 2 7 1990 WR -17 (7-87) 2865 1987 t/m (REPORT CONTINUES ON REVERSE SIDE) ay REPORT OF LICENSEE FOR PAGE 2 NOTE: The following questions relate to the Board's continuing responsibility,to insure that appropriated water is best developed, conserved, and utilized in the public interest as required by the Water Code. Please answer those questions which are applicable to your project. CONSERVATION OF WATER (WATER PURVEYORS) 17. What measures are you using or planning to reduce water losses in conveyance systems? (1) Seepage or leak detection program [ x]; (2) Lining canals [ 1; (3) Phreatophyte and aquatic vegetation control [ ]; ,(4) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ 1. 18. What measures are used to encourage consumers to conserve water in agricultural use? (1) Program to encourage more efficient irrigation systems (sprinkler, drip, etc.) where applicable [ 1; (2) Return flow systems on individual farms [ 1; (3) Return flow system areawide [ 1; (4) Water pricing to encourage reduced use [ 1; (5) Charges for drainage of irrigated lands [ 1; (6) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ 1. 19. What measures are used to encourage municipal and industrial consumers to conserve water? (1) Regulations to control wasteful use [X]; (2) Public education program on water conservation [X ]; (3) Pricing to encourage reduced use [ 1; (4) Assistance to industry in design of recycle systems [ 1; (5) Other (describe in "Remarks" [ ]. 20. What records are maintained on water use and conservation? (1) Loss rate from conveyance system [ 1; (2) Water use for major crops by each farm [X ]; (3) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. CONSERVATION OF WATER (WATER USERS) 21. Describe any water conservation efforts you may have started. Public Information' Program since 1982 22. If credit toward beneficial use of water under this license for water not used due to a conservation effort is claimed under Water Code Section 1011, please show the amounts of water conserved (acre feet or mg.): 19" 19— 19 WATERQUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION 23. Describe methods you are using to minimize erosion and to prevent the entry of silt into surface waters: 24. After use, the water is (1) retained in reservoir [ ]; (2) discharged into a stream or lake [ 1; (3) discharged into settling ponds [ 1; (4) Other [ 1. Describe. N/A 25. Does or will water being discharged contain waste materials? YES [ ] NO [ 1. (1) Domestic [ 1; (2) Municipal [ 1; (3) Industrial [. 1; (4) Agricultural [ 1; (5) Other [ 1. Describe•N/A 26. Does or will water being discharged contain any specific material which is deleterious to fish and wildlife or which would impair the water for beneficial uses? YES [ ] NO [ 1. Describe: N/A TO THE EXTENT THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS APPLY TO YOUR LICENSE, PLEASE ANSWER IN REMARKS SECTION =BELOW. s 27. Are you now or have you been using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment facility or water polluted by waste to a degree which unreasonably affects such water for other beneficial uses? YES [ 1 NO [x 1. If credit toward use under this water right through substitution of reclaimed or polluted water in lieu of appropriated water is claimed under Section 1010 of the Water Code, please show amounts of reduced diversion and amounts of reclaimed.water used. 28. Are you now or have you been reclaiming or reusing any of the water appropriated under this right? YES [ 1 NO [ ]. If yes, please describe. N/A 29. What is present availability or current potential for using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment plant or polluted water in place of the appropriated water to satisfy all or part of your water needs? None 30. What is the current potential for reusing the appropriated water to satisfy part of your water needs? None 31. If you produce reclaimed water, or polluted water, is there a potential for others to use it? It is used ° already Ain Alpine REMARKS: (Identify the item you are explaining. Additional pages may be attached.) County. #1 Source has been temporarily abandoned°until a proper determinationcan be lmade ffor14teatment1opt i �ns . #2 Records for water. production during 1935 and 1936 were lost during Water acquLisit o`n %o'f)Tt�he `Tah"oe Paratdirse/Company in January, 1987.' - 9 #20. Charting & cbmparing water production on a monthly basis. I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date: Sign Here: - _� LICENSEE(OR AGENT OR DESIGNEE) 111111 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CHAIRMAN ROBERT MASON Sewer . 1950. Water A PUBLIC AGENCY DIRECTORS P.O. Box 70542 • South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 • Phone (916) 544-6474 1275 Meadow Crest Drive December 8, 1989 Mr. Glenn K. Mork, Chief Investigation & Compliance Section State Water Resources Control Board Divison of Water Rights PO BOX 2000 Sacramento, CA 95810 Dear Mr. Mork: WALTER "NEAL"OLSON JAMES R. JONES NOEL B WALKER NAT SINCLAIR I have enclosed the Progress Report by Permittees for 1987 for applications 18030, 19629, 13031, 18038, 18039, as well as the Report of Licensee for 1985-87 for applicaton A 018021. I have also enclosed correspondence indicating why these reports are coming to you late. Rick Hydrick Manager of Water Operations RH/rnm Enclosures ROBERT R. HARLAN GARTH L SCALLON GEORGE BASTE RICHARD D. WAUGH JAMES A. WILLETT JOHN J. HAMLYN. JR. PHILIP A. STOHR J. KEITH MCKEAG HENRY E. RODEGERDTS D. STEVEN BLAKE JAMES M. DAY. JR. THOMAS N. COOPER STEPHEN J. MEYER ANNE JEFFREY SCHNEIDER PAUL F. DAUER DANIEL J. MCVEIGH THOMAS E. ROSS JEFFREY C. CHANG MICHAEL A. KVARME. FRED A. DAWKINS DAVID E. LINDGREN RONALD F. UPP ROBERTA L FRANKUN JAMES L DEERINGER KEITH E. PERSHALL JAMES E. MOCMASTER REED SATO JOHN A MENDEZ KEVIN M. O'BRIEN R. DALE GINTER MARGARET G. LEAVITT DAN L CARROLL STEPHEN G. STWORA-HAIL WHITNEY F. WASHBURN ORCHID KWEI McRAE ANTHONY A. AROSTEGUI BARBARA L BERG PETA L HALUSEY JUDY HOLZER HERSHER STEVEN P. SAXTON JUUE A. CARTER MARTHA H. LENNIHAN SHARON K. SANDEEN KATHARINE E. WAGNER PATRICK J. BORCHERS FRED S. ETHERIDGE JULIA L JENNESS ERIC A. OMSTEAD PETER E. GUCK DEBORAH K. TELUER KATHRYN J. TOBIAS EVE M. JACKUN LAW OFFICES OF DOWNEY, BRAND, SEYMOUR & ROHWER 555 CAPITOL MALL, 10TH FLOOR SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95814-4686 TELEPHONE (9161 441-0131 ,.. ,, ,.. June 2, 1989 Glenn K. Mork, Chief Investigation and Compliance Section State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Rights Post Office Box 2000 Sacramento, California 95810 OF COUNSEL OTTO ROHWER JOHN F. DOWNEY RONALD N. PAUL RICHARD G. WORDEN STEPHEN W. DOWNEY (1928.1959) CLYDE H. BRAND (1926.1964) HARRY B. SEYMOUR (1926-1977) TELECOPIER (918) 441-4021 Re: South Tahoe Public Utility District - Progress Reports by Permitee and Request for Additional Forms Dear Mr. Mork: By letter dated November 23, 1988, you sent to the South Tahoe Public Utility District Progress Report by Permitee forms for 1988 for Applications 11933, 18030, 18031, 18038, 18039 and 19629. Enclosed are completed forms for those permitted Applications. We regret the delay in returning these forms to you. The District has recently appointed a new Manager of Water Operations. In reviewing our files on these permitted Applications, we have found that the District did not receive Progress Report forms for 1987 for Applications 18030, 18031, 18038, 18039 and 19629. These five permits were previously held by Tahoe Paradise Water Company, Inc., and the 1987 Progress Report forms may have been sent to that entity. Would you please send to me 1987 forms for those five permits, and I will have them completed by the District. We also noted in reviewing our files that the Report of Licensee form for 1985 to 1987 for Application 18021 (Permit 13526) (License 10608) was never filed. Again, Application 18021 was licensed to the Tahoe Paradise Water Company, Inc., Page Two June 2, 1989 Glenn K. Mork, Chief and that report form probably went to that entity as well. If you will provide a new Report of Licensee for that license for 1985-1987, I will have the District complete that form also. Thank you for your cooperation. Please call me if you have any questions. Yours very truly, SCS. ANNE J. SCHNEIDER AJS:dj1 Enclosures cc: ✓Rick Hydrick, Manager of Water Operations