0322• STATE OF 'CALIFORNIA -THE RESOURCES AGENC . EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 2125 19TH STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95818 (916) 445-2055 In Reply Refer to: 331:CC:3622 Mr. William Johnson, Hydrologist United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit P. 0. Box $465 South Lake Tahoe, CA 95731 LICENSES 774, 774A, 774B, 947, 1139, 1219, 1427, 1910, 4789, 2339, 5539, 6043, 10608, 6919, 6904, 9451 (APPLICATIONS 3622, 3622A, 3622B, 5162, 5679, 6102, 6304, 6983, 8564, 9019, 12380, 13953, 1$021, .1$735, 19226, 21650), APPLICATIONS 5646. AND 15326 In response to your letter of April 1$, we are submitting the following resume for each of the subject water rights: License 774 (Application 3622) of Kenneth A. Green and Phillip N. Allen On August 12, 1970, License 774 was revoked and replaced by Licenses 774A to Kenneth A. Green and 774B to Phillip N. Allen. A copy of the "Order Dividing License and Revoking License" is attached. License 774A (Application 3622A) of Kenneth A. Green In good standing. Copy of "Report of Licensee for 1973, 1974, 1975" attached. License 774B (Application 3622B) of -Phillip N. Allen In good standing. Copy of "Report of Licensee for 1973, 1974, 1975" attached. License 947 (Application 5162) of Kimball Water System In good standing. Copy of "Report of Licensee for 1972, 1973, 1974" attached. Application 5646 of U. S. Bureau of Reclamation In good standing. On February 2, 1977 at a Workshop session, the State Water Resources Control Board considered the Bureau's request of December 1$, 1975 for an extension of time to January 1, 19$2 to obtain congressional authorization for the Cosumnes River Division, Central Valley Project. A hearing will probably be set sometime in 197$ to determine what action is appropriate. A copy of the February 2-3, 1977°Workshop followup is enclosed (see item 11). Mr. William Johnson —2— APR 2 6 1977 License 1139. (Application 5679) of Wolf an E. Kuhn and J. Thomas Bacchette In good standing. Copy of. "Report of Licensee for 1974, 1975, 1976" attached. License 1219 (Application 6102) of Stanford Alumni Association "Report of Licensee for 1974, 1975, 1976" not received. Copy of "Report of Licensee for 1971, 1972, 19.73" attached. License 1427 (Application 6304) of Cathedral, Water Association In good standing. Copy of "Report of Licensee for 1973, 1974, 1975," attached. License 1910 (Application 69$3) of North Tahoe Public Utility District In good standing. Copy of "Report of Licensee for 1972, 1973, 1974" attached. License 47$9 (Application $564) of Fallen Leaf Camp Association In good standing. Copy of 1974" attached. License 2339 (Application 9019) "Report . of Licensee for 1972, 1973, of Kimball In good standing. Copy of 1973, 1974" attached. License 5539 (Application 123$0) In good standing. Copy of 1976" attached. License 6043 (Application 13953) Water System "Report of Licensee for 1972, of Sammie June Wiler "Report of Licensee for 1974. of City of Berkeley 1975, In good standing. Copy of "Report of Licensee for 1972, 1973, 1974" attached. License 6209 (Application 15326 of William R. Macke et al This license was revoked on February 1, 1968. License.1060$-(Application 1$021) of Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company In good standing. Copy of License 10608 attached. Mr. William .Johnson APR 26 19/1 License 6919 (Application 1$735) of Becker Peak Water System In good standing. Copy of "Report of Licensee for 1972, 1973, 1974" attached. License 6904 (Application 19226) of Kimball Water Company In good standing. Copy of "Report of Licensee for 1972, 1973, 1974" attached. License 9451 (Application 21650) of W. Turrentine and Barbara K. Jackson On April 21, 1977, licensees agreed to send us their "Report of Licensee for 1973, 1974, 1975". Copy of "Report of Licensee for 1972, 1973, 1974" attached. You have also requested that we keep you informed indefinitely regarding the status of these rights. To accomplish this, we will mark our records on these licenses to advise you whenever a revocation occurs. You may, of course, contact us at any time regarding the status of a specific application. Enclosed is our "Memorandum Concerning Applications to Appropriate Water" dated July $, 1976 for the Lake Tahoe Basin. If we can be of further assistance to you in this matter, please write or telephone (916) 445-2055. • J. M. Page Supervising Engineer Enc: 1$