0351a APPLICATION 18021 STATE OF CALIFORNIA - THE RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 2125 - 19TH STREET- SACRAMENTO,TCALIFORNIA 95818 REQUEST FOR LICENSE PERMIT SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD TAHOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS COMPANY P. 0. BOX 11117, TAHOE PARADISE, CALIFORNIA 95705 HAVING MADE PROOF AS OF JUNE 10) 1971 HEREBY REQUEST LICENSE ACTION AS LISTED BELOW. 13526 (THE DATE OF INSPECTION) ACCORDING TO THE BEST KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF OF THE UNDERSIGNED, A RIGHT HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED TO USE OF THE WATERS OF: AN UNNAMED CREEK IN EL DORADO COUNTY TRIBUTARY TO SAXON CREEK THENCE TROUT CREEK THENCE LAKE TAHOE FOR THE PURPOSE OF: DOMESTIC USE UNDER.PERMIT 13526 THE PRIORITY OF WHICH DATED FROM FEBRUARY 28, 1958 BY BENEFICIAL,USE IN THE AMOUNT OF:Gam, 0:2 7� TWENTY ONE HUNDREDTHS (0..4) CUBIC FOOT PER SECOND, TO BE DIVERTED FROM JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 OF EACH YEAR, THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT DIVERTED UNDER THIS LICENSE SHALL NOT EXCEED 124 ACRE-FEET PER.YEAR, THE -POINT OF DIVERSION OF SUCH WATER IS LOCATED: SOUTH 06°301 WEST 190 FEET FROM N1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 33, .T12N R18E4.-MDB&M, BEING WITHIN NE1/4 OF NW1/4 OF SAID SECTION 33. .This original tie scaled from old map. Actual location by engineering survey South 14° 35' 57" East 821.41 feet distant from N1/4 Corner of Section 33, T12N, R18E, MDB&M. This is original point of diversion; no change. Tie correction only. A DESCRIPTION OF THE LANDS OR THE PLACE WHERE SUCH WATER IS PUT TO BENEFICIAL USE IS AS FOLLOWS: WITHIN SECTIONS 19, 28, 29, 30, 31, AND 32, T12N, R18E, MDB&M; SECTIONS 5, 6, AND 8, 711N, R18E, MDB&M, AS SHOWN ON MAP FILED WITH STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD. THE LICENSED PLACE OF USE IS A PORTION OF THE PLACE OF USE DESCRIBED IN PETITION RECEIVED AUGUST 4, 1971. CLAUSES REQUIRED IF ANY REDUCTION IN AMOUNT, SEASON OR LAND DESCRIPTION BECOMES NECESSARY WHEN THESE ROUGH CALCULATIONS ARE CHECKED, THE OWNER WILL BE NOTIFIED AND ALLOWED 30 DAYS WITHIN WHICH TO PROTEST SUCH CHANGE. Tahoe Earadise Water and Gas Co SIGNATURE_, INSPECTED BY: CHECKED BY: DATE 12 November 1974 RMI�OR S REP ESENTATIVE George C. Baron, PRESIDENT 0 SENIOR ENGINEER SWRCB 16a.(5/74) t • : • t\ • 5ihjiiivaovs • cniviisa loturioo §Ithiritie3d13jtr 3/V1V., fly " L N ON • - = I' • „- - t • • *tl: 4••••104 • %r1/4 ✓ • ` + �--- _ + -�� CAUL. DIV. 0, 1•0,9 •_PP4 PV.tedz• PDwr_R (2. :EXHIBIT A • UAP OF - PROPOSED. PLACE OF U5� AND • PROPOSED "POINT OF DNEREIC,gq` CERTIFICATE Cr {I;yl•�._rp Y C, /ve E; S F...� 7•. 590: 1' Se•- P:y<! r.J• Ca E W.:: VW, 1111. C.. N.!:.1'.:. •.:_tef 40. 10e 2 ••..t cacE• •r:r Y.E.. -I- C tot CESA I • I wt.!. • •... • 1,4. <x.:q•}<e.. -a. hz:..�;.•t.�.'x`T"- r"+.lc••i".`�_uw`'bv�4' e��tt�'�.e�,�'3'r,!t � . sic ti • it -, J-•. Zr... . E. pwkoz.�'S. PRES:OTT JR. - R.G. C ialal--' LECEND: 9ECTI:" OE•JG•:.1' 14 l:Y_P.,YE71 T4_.0E_A+AYSE W. -!R CD. 12 T.:11oE=:.P•USE PATER? O GAS JI E-SF]x� :•I'•4wCE EP.E 4._.. ... G:•:OY. ..n-ElCO • tE ,':PEACE OF USE: r ER!1 TTE1 irmaggit • EXISTING • Inotx Y Mips • E- /9 F-!7 G-/7 -l8 -18 -22' • -/9 -/9 -moo -22z/ 74eAAeLs = c FIac e OF ij<fc: P CD1wM6101).��I of ek .L ic.EA)C, - ata 2 -22-74- IS \ . • , . . ., . , . 4 /802. 1 • • 1 Pit, A ktwr 2 _ I . . . , 1 PTA t4OE PARAD i SE_ / t ).___- Q _1 , R ec...0, ka)s 0 p v 5_E, oF tA)A 76 k t , , I 711 MI lb-CW.421/4'45 AC. C r r .,i i a4/:1--•'*" ,, , 1 5 9 08 41.5:7___ 40..51-S.5 .....:.-_ ....... j .1 , t rt • 1 ' 7g -7 I s ors .2.3_0 )_.__ k.... - . 11.s 1 1 I 5-, 2- i . ..i 1 Ci q 46.k_S 1 i °go 11 f 31 , ?? 4, 1 . 5 ; 1. . c) J- I "_o IAA. 5- 4,- Ln +t-., 5-11-7 2— =/ 6 11 fr. 40 __Glryz.e_j_ • • .1— -- , . • • . ° . c.. 3, ft_ x J --i- x A4. r • im_ditom_aA&5___!::______AF_______________ (.1 , .. 37jf-- ,7i 4F. - 0,27 _c..2 -c -S.____. ag .. • STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD INFERNAL MEMO In Reply Refer To: 420 : TI 1. Mr M Ww 1 -y,.. Lega1— TO. 2 -.._Ms K_ Holley.,..-.-W&ter Rights .FROM.L. R. Dunham, Chief 3. Mr: John Page, Water Rights. Environmental Impact Analysis Sectio DATE• iy2 3/7c DIVISION OF PLANNING AND RESEARCH • Oa61.04616r SIGNATURE,'" - SUBJECT: DECLARATIONS OF EXEMPT STATUS PREPARED FOR WORKSHOP BY THE EIA SECTION The following Declarations of Exempt Status have been cleared by the EIA Section and are ready for your review and are attached to their respective file folders: Attachments (4) SWRCB 326 (3.73) 18021 14518 4842 k 109 St4 Surname I �:, �`�,, �9-or _V mil •`74-4 261D3.9133 13-75 OM OSP _ Ls 410 .STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ANALYSIS STAFF RECOMMENDATION FOR DECLARATION OF„EXEMPT STATUS Division of Planning and Research • • In accordance with regulations and procedures of this Board' and the Resources Agency of the State of California, an analysis has ,been made of possible environmental impacts of the following action before this Board for decision: Petition ,for change --of place °`Of ,use. s and request for; license.' APPLICATION: 18021(P. 13526) APPI..ICANT: Tahoe Paradise Water & Gas Company SOURCE: Unnamed Creek Tributary°to Saxon Cr. thence Trout Creek thence Lake'Tahoe, PO!NT OF DIVERSION: NE1/Z of NWh, Sec. 33_.T12N R18E MDB&M _ COUNTY: El Dorado PURPOSE: Domestic SEASON: January 1 to December 31 , AMOUNT: 1 CFS and 6 acre-feet `storage PLACE OF USE: Within. -Sections 19, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31; &732,- a11F in T12N, R18E, MDB&M; sections 5, .6, 7, 8, 17, 20, all in T11N, R18E, MDB&M; and Sections 25 36, a,ll'in T12N, R17E, MDB&M as shown on map filed with F!NDiNGS WHICH SUPPORT AN EXEMPTION:. State Water Resources Control Board.- 1. oard.-1. Place _,of use is _to_ be._ reduc_ed,_t_o conform With -existing use•,as :shoian -on-revised map filed with SWRCB . within $ec. 19,21,22,8, 29,-50T731 �& 32 , in -T -12N; R18E--MDR&N,Sec:=5-6; 7-; 8,=-'17;-&- 20= ri T1 1N; 1T1U, MDB8pM; Sec . 25 & 36 in ,T'1:2N, • R1.7E, MDB&M. 2. .The amount of appropriation will be reduced to 0.27CFS not to 124 acre-feet per year. • 3. This petition involves no change in source, point of diversion and no increase in appropriation or season of diversion. . 4. No additional construction will be necessary to implement this change. Continued use of water will not adversely affect^rartifacts or structures of historical or.archaeological value. exceed 5. .o No significant grading, changes in land use, or removal of natural ;vegetation will_bejrequired in order to implement the project. 6. 1 No adverse impacts -on -local _governmental services, utilities:., trans— _ _�.__i portation, solid waste management, --ambient air-qual-� ty-and noise levels, fish -and wildlife, or esthetics are indicated. 7. This project'is exempt under Section 15073 of Guidelines (ministerial exempt). After making an appraisal of the possible impacts of the proposed changes in this is no possibility of a significant effect upon the environment. The Board does not e Negative Declaration or an Environmental Impact Report. Information relating to the proposed project and the environmental review is on file at the above office and will project, the Board has found there intend to prepare or have prepared be available for public examination upon request. RECOMMEND 1PPROVAL : Chief, EIA tnit 4 /1frilt°4. /-2-7i Leaal / DEC 23 1975 Date Assistant Chief ` Date Division of Planning and Research • KEEP ON TOP! THIS APPLICATION HAS NOT BEEN CLEARED BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT UNIT 1. Mr. M. Woolley, 2 Ms. K. Holley,. 3. Itr. John Page, 4. Mr. C. Harris, DEC 2 3 1975 • Legal -Water Rights Water Rights Water Rights 420:VI L. R. Dunham, Chief Environmental impact Analysis Sectio DECLARATIONS OF EXEMPT STATUS PREPARED FOR WORKSHOP BY THE EIA SECTION The following Declarations of ExeMpt Status have been cleared by the EIA Section, and are ready for your review and are attached to their respectiVe file folders: Attachments (4) TDIOUYE:creimel SURNAME I 1 18021 14518 4842 24641 • • a 1 I /"; 1,21 , • So 4 Pcuuuliu %reraL'UWLL XXXXXXXXXX FEE 19 1975 4r. George C. Baron, President Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company P. 0. Box 11117 Tahoe Paradise, CA 95705 Dear Mr.. Baron Statement 4627; Permit 13526 (Application 1, Lake Tahoe Watershed in El Dorado County Statement 4627 describes diversion and use from a well on Lot 26 of Tahoe Paradise and a well on Lot 264 of River' Park Estates. Supplemental statements received in 1972 and 1975 show diversion by gravity and use from an unnamed stream. This point of diversion is covered by Permit 13526. Section 5102 of the Water Code requires that a separate statement be filed for each point of diversion. Statement forms, a copy of "Water Code Sections Relating to Statements of Water Diversions and.Use", a copy of Statement 4627 and supplemental statements are enclosed. If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. Sincerely, /;,/ L. C. Spencer L. C. Spencer Supervising Engineer Enclosures APCummings:bhalterman TAHOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS CO. P.O. BOX 11117 TAHOE PARADISE, CALIFORNIA 95705 State Water Resources Control Board Rm. 1015 Resources Building 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, California 95814 ATTN: Mr. L.R. Dunham, Chief Environmental Impact Analysis Unit Division of Planning and Research RE: App. Nos. 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038, 18039 and 19629. Gentlemen: The Company is in receipt of your letter of 23 Augsut, 1974. I called Mr. Dunham regarding the E.I.R. shortly after the receipt of the letter and Mr. John Huddleson on 26 September. As I explained to Mr. Huddleson, we will need between 90 and 120 more days to complete the Draft E.I.R. It is hereby requested that we be granted the extension beyond 1 October, 1974 suggested by your office. Yours truly, TAHOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS CO. Geor_'e C. B ron, President GCB:ca • 171/2 2 sJI( O1,N36'ddU0V8 6?ltV09 '10d l.N00 33J 'f1JS31-1 2=11V1'\ 3.tViS Sit 114V In El 1;1 051i 01N314VIJOVS 021`0^n 101:11N00 S301-MOSTI. •