0380eo, 1,4 JUN 25 1973, Hydraulic Branch Public Utilities Commieaion California State Building San Francisco, California 94102 Gentlemen: Applications 189elx 18030, 18031, 18038, 18039 and 19629, Upper TruckeeRiver and Tributaries 2n El Dorado County Your File No. 699-2 Thank you for your comments on the above applications which mere forwarded to us in Dr. Johnson's letter cf June 20. We will continue to send you hearing notices concerning uses in which your Commission may have some interest. In this manner, me hope to keep you advised of our Board's actions concerning proj- ects that are of interest to bath agencies; in cam in which You have nothing to add to our record we wound anticipate no further action on your part. The hearing diocussed in our letter of June 12 was held as sched- uled and the matter was taken under submission by the Board. We will forward copies of the Board's resulting actions when they are available, If you desire any further information, please contact us. Sincerely, /S/ K. L. loodward K. L. Woodward, Chief Division of Water Rights WGPettit:mbergman bcc: R. B. Robie w/copy 620 letter L�1 COMMISSIONERS VERNON L. STURGEON, PRESIDENT WILLIAM SYMONS, JR. VUKASIN, JR. THOMAS MORAN D. W. HOLMES June 20, 1973 titin ItititirL (nummiLfiL1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Rights 1416 -9th Street Room 1015 Sacramento, California 95814 Attention: Mr. K. L. Woodward, Chief Gentlemen: ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMMISSION CALIFORNIA STATE BUILDING SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 10 TELEPHONE. (415) 557- 1903 FILE NO. 699-2 Your letter of June 12, 1973, concerning Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Co., has been referred to our staff for reply. Although our Hydraulic Branch staff is interested in all matters involving water supplies of public utility water systems, they are not in a position to be helpful in your decisions relative to water rights of Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Co. So long as the utility is able to supply water needs of its customers at the lowest feasible and reasonable cost, the question of whether wells or surface supplies are used is a matter for the utility's management to decide. The question of environmental impact of surface water supply construction projects is also of concern to this Commission; however, in this instance it appears that your office could be the agency responsible for preparation of any necessary environmental impact reports to the Secretary of Resources, pursuant to provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970. The subject utility is not fully developed and perhaps is not growing at the rate expected during its inception. Additional water will undoubtedly be needed by this company in the near future; however our staff is not informed presently as to the relative advantages to the company of either restricting its source augmentation to new wells, adding surface supply, or to combinations thereof. It would be greatly appreciated if our staff could be furnished a copy of your agency's decision in these water rights permits. Please forward same to our Hydraulic Branch at the above address. Very truly yours, PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION WILLIAM R. JOHNSON, ecretary PUN 21 1973 Tahoe Paradise Water and Ga13. Company P. 0. Box 11117 %hoe Aaradises, California 95705 Attention: Mr.. George C. Baron Gentle:ten: Applicatiens 1U,10. 18030, 18031, 18038 and 196290 tipper Truckee River and Tributaries in El Dorado County Thank you for the infornation regarding your estimated future water use wblch you .prented during the June. 18 hearing. As was discussed ot the hearing,. we are enciosing a ca»y of Mr. ten Ririehart,48 zneworaiidum to the files dated Decekber 11, 1972. MIS memorandlim sets forth our projection of Attu= water requirements, for theplaces of uSe covered by the permits and petitions. As we mentien.edpreviously, our pro- jettiona are bated upon the %UN zoning for the tale Tahoe basin. After you have had a chance to review our estimates, please -Contact Mr. Pettit or Hr. Rinehart of our staff 4o. that a meeting can be arranged to reconcile the differences between our projections. If you have any further questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact our staff. Since L. c. SPencer 612-) Supervising ftgineer En] oim.re cc: Angora Water Company P. 0. Box 9026 South Lake %hoe., CA 95705 Att: Mr. Stalgey Martin WGPettit:mbergman 6 -/e -A91 II State of California Memorandum To : Files W. G. Pettit From : Division of Water Rights The Resources Agency State Water Resources Control Board Date June 19, 1973 Subject: Applications 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038, 18039 and 19629 Upper Truckee River and Tributaries The hearing vas held on June 18 in accordance with the Notice of Hearing dated May 17, 1973. The hearing panel consisted of Vice Chairman Robie and Member Maughan assisted by staff members Woolley and Pettit. Mr. George Baron of Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company and Mr. Stanley Martin of Angora Water Company presented direct testimony con- cerning the petitions<for extensions of time and change in place of use and point of diversion. Mr. Baron presented projections of his anticipated water needs both for the presently authorized place of use and the proposed place of use. Inasmuch as his projections differed somewhat from those contained in a memo to the files dated December 11, 1972 (prepared by Board staff), Mr. Roble directed that the staff consult further with Mr. Baron in an attempt to arrive at a common projection. Consideration of the permittee's requests was taken under submission. WGP:mb SURNAME WRCB 129 (2-73) kf A. -/f 4071