P.O.' Box, 11117
:Tahoe Paradise,. California 95105',
Phone:. (916) --`541-2622
For. Hearing Scheduled 10:00 a.m.
18 June' 1973
In the Matter. of, .Permits 13526, 13527;.:
°-•13528', 13529 , 1,3530•': and .14335
Issued 'on Applications -18021,,1800
18031',18038, 18039 "and •19.629
This Is Ito- certify,✓ that copies of proposed exhibits together'
.with .:names. of •witnesses have 'been sent by _first class`.: mail to`.
each of ,the -following,:' ` ' ° r , _
Water Resources. Control Board.
State of California. -
1416 :9th Street
`Sacramento, California•
:`_•Department of. Fish and Game
s. State of California-
Region. II Headquarters
1001: Jedsmtii;.Drive:
Sacramento, 'California
Tahoe keys -Water Company
P.O. Box
1,239 -.%
Lake Tahoe Ca." -•957
Angora° Water Company
D-sO •.Box;.9.026-
South =Lake: Tahoe:,.•'C
' =Carson'"Truckee Water `.Conservance VDistrict
-46,0 Marsh Avenue
Carson "City, Neva •
Sierra Pacific'Power Company -
..P:0; Box 10100.
Rena; Nevada. 89510'
I -certify' under penalty of., perjury that- the foregoing
and n•co, rec .
• Tahoe Keys Water -Company '
`So:.` Lake Tahoe-, California` 95105
.This "is a joint. letter.,00f..intent_ by;, Tahoe -Paradise- WaterA and.I.,',.
Gas .Coa_•, ,Angora Water Co.,•and Tahoe Keys. water Company,•,here !.
iinafter referred to. as, ",Tahoe" ,, .".Angora"' 'and -"Keys'' e
- •_ :. .- - i .... �', res.pectiveyl
Tahoe' .i s a. :,� - .. • ° - - �� �' . ,"
permittee to divert water'from the Upper Truckee
River :on •Permits 13527, `13528,13529 `13530,`and- 14335`;` granted
by__the• State Water, Agency •Board, ��and ;desires 'to move ;the .said F,a�a
points "of "diversion' ion'from .•thier respective •locations to a: single,„,,,,,-
point -of diversion at Lake Tahoe_ in`„order - to simplify `production k`
e is also uilling',.to 'expand ;the, place of•..use-::of°"water .under
.,the said. permits ' to : include . the service' areas of Angora ana Keysx
Tahoe has rade : formal ,application to °the°.Division of t+later Right ;'�
-state-Water Resources Cont-rok Board- • to both • change- the respect,-
.ive points of '`diversion under the .saida_pernits , and: change,% the 1$
:place - of : -use • as 'described- above : ;The,'se`lected point: o f ;diversion
'is• situated on lands of, or to, be acquired by, ,Keys and shown, b l,
• 'the attached map :..prepared .,oy William F. Pil:lsbur -y
' neer.':Plat° Noe. 691-=25 Y, Civil :Engi-`,
4io. .r / ' 11. , �. - •” ° , ♦• • :t f rt. y F `A .r} O•aS ^j
''. Angora and/or- Tahoe, has•, or•.will•construct, a suitable pipeline; -
rot less .than„1.4, in -diameter•,. •e ccept for a•,portion_;whieh-.is , �'
rtno'.i constructed; said.',pipeline , to ;connect', a ur Din
P; � q station, ;t
be located . •at the po•int , of .divers ion , with. the transmission and
{ distribution, systems of:• Tahoe,hAngora and° Key's'. ', ;Keys,',will .desi
and construct,.a,.puinping station 'meetinq° all •;reg.uiatory - agency .a:-;,
req,uir.ements• and . of, suitable._capaci,ty.z,-,the 'capaci`t', to t:, -.1,,,.
be determined .by.: -.Tahoe,' Angora and ,Keys; acting =in- -consort 9,;All.',.,-
costs, •of 'the-,puming` _station J to, -be borne by =Keys a shall not” exceeda
$•60; 000.00,:. :Annual costs.. of ope,raton. ° incurred; by Keys.includng��,��
depreciation allowance .shall,be--pr:a
o -rated' among Tahoe -tAnaora'nct' ff'
Keys in proportion td -the 'amount, -of water used by°:each company.
Al1`ocation of minimultt water _useage : aetcieen Tahoe ;°; Angora anaKe'
shall be made .prior to the finalization- of legal agreements ` ; .re' .-.
ferred .• t'o" in , this." letter °
ngcra has' filed an.,applicatiop with,.. the ':•Division% of,:.t,ater,, Rigi tsi
overing `:the identicalpoint: of ,diversion and' place of uWas q <t h ¢A
'covered 'bye the: aPpl,lcatlons of Tahoe 'for' "Change 'Lof ' point of diver-
sion and place of use Angora's appl;ic'ation ' shall :onlyr become' ,
effective in • the event that ,,Tahoe s applications :f.or -,change are
• not; granted .and Angora' s.- a -re . • 'In that event:; Angora' s. peri its
would be .substituted ,for Taboe's a T
g'.. s•0.
1F'.;a�.%f.ICf.%iM'n ��:.�'1 ••Y"ti d SY3-y,. .fa -.'-.__;3'G ru fN'._`C T=....Tl�.'.5.'.`
rq a ;j�mm84P'3+r+
This' letter conveys the general, ;Intent of Tahoe ,and An orae
Tahoe and Angora believe. that it also- expresses°'the genera'l
in ent .of Keys as - the result • of a{ meeting -between Mr t•George`s
1,.C.:-.. Baron of Tahoe, Mr Stanle
' L Ogden: of Keys and .=theLD1�:linghan£Corporation, ora Mr Y -�.,
this be the. fact, acknowledgement of°.same byIf
Detailed engineering plans and legal agreements Ib'ased': X.
this' letter �• •
o� intent will be .the sub ect upon
4 1 for' £final;
-- lEnc.e 8
a ACKN0WLEDGE6" = -�
«s;}k.,y,,.�- -...
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