0388,P,dOE PARADISE WATER:AND GAS CO. P.O. Box 11117 Tahoe Paradise, California 95705 Phone: South Lake' Tahoe '(916) 541-2622 For Hearing Scheduled 10:00 a.m. ) 18 June 1973 ) In the Matter of Permits 13526, 13527,) 13528, 13529, 13530 and 14335 ) Issued on Applications 18021, 18030, ) 18031, 18038,. 18039 and 19629 ) TAHOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS COMPANY Permittee ) ) ) • ) ) 7 June 1973 Compliance with Notice of 17 May 1973 State Water Resources Control Board The names of witnesses together with their qualifications are: 1. George C. Baron, President, Tahoe Paradise Water and`Gas Co. Mr. .Baron was qualified as an expert.wit.ness during the original hear- ings on the above subject applications. Mr. Baron has been operating: executive officer of the water company serving as vice-president from` August 1955 to February 1970 and president since February 1970. 2. Harold S. Prescott, Jr., P.E. Mr. Prescott holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology from Brown University, a Bachelor of Science` degree in Civil Engineering, University of California. He is,a regis tered engineer in the states of ,California, Nevada and Hawaii and has had experience as a well driller. -He is vice-president of Tahoe. Paradise Water and Gas Co. and a vice-president of Cal -Pacific Re-* sources, Inc. He is a member of the National Society of Professional Engineers, American Water Works.Association,-American Society of Civil ' Engineers and the Water Pollution Control Association. 3. Stanley L. Martin, President and General Manager of Angora and Gardner Mountain Water Companies. 'Mr. Martin has been part owner and has been affiliated with Angora and Gardner Mountain Water Compan- ies. since their inception in 1950. He is also part owner and general manager of Cave Rock water Company and supervises all operations of both water companies from physical to financial matters. ' Georg C. Baron President Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Co. Enclosures A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of WHITTINGTON OIL CO:, INC. (A UTAH CORPORATION) LISTED ON PACIFIC COAST STOCK EXCHANGE • TAHOE PAPADISE WATER ANI) GAS CO. T.O. Box 11117 Tahoe Paradise, California 95705 Phone: (916) 541-2622 For Hearing Scheduled 10:00 a.m. ) 18 June 1973 ) ) In the Matter of Permits 13526, 13527 ) 13528, 13539, 13530 and 14335 ) ) Issued on Applications 18021, 18030, ) 18031, 18033, 18039 and 19629 ) ) TAHOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS COMPANY ) ) Permittee ) ) 7 Jule 1973 Compliance with Notice of 17 May 1973 State Water Resources Control Board The time estimated for the witnesses is as follows: 1. George C. Baron, Opening Statement 2. George C. Baron, Direct Testimony 3. Harold S. Prescott, .Jr., Direct Testimony 4. Stanley G. Martin, Direct Testimony 5. George C. Baron, Closing Statement 6eorgeC. Baron, esi'dent Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Co. Enclosures 5 minutes 20 minutes 20 minutes 20 nunutes Q 10 mirnites TAHOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS CO. ' P.O. Box 11117 Tahoe Paradise, California 95705 Phone: (916) 541-2622:. "For Hearing Scheduled 10.:00 a.rn. "18' June 1973" In the Matter of Permits' 13527, 13528, 13529, 13530 and 14335 Issued on Applications 18030, 1.8031, 18038, 18039 and 19629 . TAHOE-PARADISE WATER AND GAS COMPANY Permittee 7 June 1973 Compliance with Notice of 17 May 1973 State Water Resources Control Board IMPACT STA77:MENT 9 This short statement is in two parts; Part I relating to the positive aspects of the problem, Part IT to the negative aspects of the problem. The, underlying reason for this impact statement is threefold:(1) Diver- sions and facilities in the above captioned permits have never been accom- plished. (2) A Petition for a change in Point of Diversion has been filed. (3) A Petition for a Change in Place of Use has been filed. PART I a The simple mathematical axiom that the whole is equal to the sum of all its parts has been stated in many ways in many languages throughout recorded history by philosophers, mathematicians, poets and many others. The statement that one species only can continuously occupy the same niche at the same time is now a generally accepted theory. These two general statements therefore declare that every drop of water withdrawn for consumptive use has an adverse affect on all down stream users, people, animals and plants. EXI-IIBIT B STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD APPLICATION NO. EXN FOR IDENTIFICATION IN EVIDENCE 2 IMPACT STATEMENT (continued) The phrase "condi mtive use" is used here as no domestic water is returned to the ground or recycled; but rather: transported out of the water- shed by the South Tahoe Public Utility District via their export sewer. Irrigation: of lawns and gardens is only sof minor importance. However, where sprinkling is•_practiced .it is assumed that excessive irrigation water is not applied and therefore in all probability 700 of the applied water is consumed in evapotranspiration. PART II An investor owned water utility is,charged by several public agencies and has a moral responsibility to provide an adequate supply of potable drinking water to its customers together with reasonable water for fire suppression. A Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Co. ;in; ?articular, is charged by the Department of Real Estate to seryeach and every lot''. The California Public Utilities Commission requires substantially the same and sets requirements under General Order 103 as to quality and quantity. The Bureau of 'Sanitary t ngineeri.ng, State 'Department of Public Health, also sets quality and quantity requirements and finally the County of El Dorado also adds minimum fire flow requirements in addition to domestic require- ments. These above requirements pertaia, to Angora Water. Company as well. .The Department of Fish and Game also require certain minimum flows in the Upper Truckee River before any diversions arc made for domestic or s other use. Therefore, by diverting directly from Lake Tahoe rather than from a tributary or by wells, the following benefits will accrue to the environment upstream from the effluent point of Lake Tahoe. IMPACT .STATDENT (continued) 1. Lake Tahoe is a large reservoir with controlled outflow, therefore, there will be a negligible effect on the Lal:e. 2. All water .flowing in the Upper Truckee River will be available for fish and other riverine wild life. 3. While studies have not been run on the effect of maintaining ground water levels by keening the .full natural flow in the Upper Truckee River, it is a E.)riori that the ground water table will not he lowered. 4. The effect of pumping from wells. 'on the ground water table in the subject area is not fully known. In 'other words, cones of depression and transmissibility have not been studied.. There is a possibility, now that constmrptive use is the order of the,day, that local ground water. lowering , could occur with the resultant loss of phreatophytes. The trees in general in this area do not have tap roots and a lowered° water table could have serious local effects. Direct diversion from Lake Tahoe would negate such a possibility. 5. ':Diversion from Lake Tahoe would he accompl ished by a suitable pipe D� ZUDO Q line extending into the .lal.P along to e:'bottom, probably about O- feet to a depth where suction, by the punps would cause minimum disturbance to the surface water. Large -screen areas +Tad suction inlets Would be provided to reduce inflow velocities to a minirp.ir thereby minimizing distrubance of the benthic organisms and Material s;': 6. Angora Water Company presently leases tide r:i;lit of way from the U.S. Forest Service, which willprovide access to the Tahoe Keys system. The U.S. Forest Service has. stated that it is desirous of having this area kept clear of trees as it forms the bounclarv.'bet::ween the National Forest and. private holdings and would afford better control of Federal Lands. The length of the right of way is about 2400 feet. ;��73 4 IMPACT STATEMENT (continued) 7. The pumping anci water treatment facilities would be constructed on property now owned by Tahoe Keys Water Company. This area is for all practical purposes devoid of any vegetation. CONCLUSION Exact quantities have not been discussed in this statement, however, water will be required for a number of thousand families which will necessitate a number of Wells with reiatively large capacities. Therefore, it is our considered opinion that potential damage to the environment is greatly mitigated by direct 'diversion from Lake Tahoe. cOe Georg C. Baron , Harold S. Prescott, Jr., P.E. ui ' rhp�a JUN 12 1973 Water Utility Section California Public Utilities Commission 350 McAllister Street. San Francisco, California 94102 Gentlemen 1( VG' Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company Water Rights Permits 1 The Water Resources Control Board has scheduled a hearing on six permits held by Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company for June 18. A review of our mailing list for the notice of that hearing indicates that your agency has not previously been advised that it has been scheduled.. Inasmuch as Tahoe Paradise is regulated by your commission, you may wish to make an appearance or submit material for this hearing. Please contact my office if you haveany further questions. Sincerely, /S/ K. L. Woodward K. L. Woodward, Chief Division of Water Rights Enclosure d WGPettit:rsmanarolla JUN 12 1973 Mr. John Gonzales Assistant District Engineer South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 Dear lir. Gonzales: Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company Water Rights Permits As Mr. Pettit advised you by telephone on June 11, the Water Resources Control Board has scheduled a hearing on six permits held by Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company. While reviewing our mailing list for the notice of that hearing, we noted that South Tahoe Public Utility District was not furnished a hearing notice. Although your agency may not be directly involved in this matter, we are forwarding the enclosed notice of hearing and staff summary for your information and review. We realize that this late notice makes it impractical for you to submit material in advance of the hearing. However, if you wish to make an appearance at the hearing, please feel free to do so. If you have any questions, please contact my office. Sincerely, /S/ E. L. Woodwar.( K. L. Woodward, Chief Division of Water Rights Enclosure WGPettit:rsmanarolla Avir 4-14' State of California Memorandum fo The Resources Agency to Wafter Resources Control Board To Files Date : June 12, 1973 Subject: Application 18021, et al 7g4ee # 4"4 �Jc 144 1 f' a'as moo. W. G. Pettit From : Division of Water Rights During a staff briefing for the hearing scheduled for June 18, Mr. Robie inquired as to whether or not the Public Utilities Commission and South Tahoe Public Utility District had been advised of this hearing. Mr. Robie requested that they be contacted and advised of the hearing in the event this has not previously been done. Neither of the agencies were included in the mailing list for the notice dated May 17. A copy of the notice of hearing and staff summary is being sent to the Public Utilities Commission by transmittal letter. I contacted Mr. John Gonzales, Assistant District Engineer of South Tahoe PUD on the afternoon of June 11 and advised him of the coming hearing. Mr. Gonzales stated that his agency would like to review the notice of hearing and staff summary and requested that they be forwarded. Copies are being sent by transmittal letter. WGPettit:rsmanarolla SURNAME WRCB 129 (2-7s) \ li-eatateik- SENDER: Be sure to follow instructions on other side PLEIFURNISH SERVICE(S) INDICATED BY CHEC•BLOCK(S) (Additional charges required for these services) ❑Show to whom. date and address Deliver ONLY where delivered ❑ to addressee RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below REGISTERED N0. CERTIFIED N0. 179 #3 SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (Mase always be filled in) ,IGNATU 0 ADDRESSEE' AGENT SHOW'WHEREDELIVERED (Only if requested. INSURED N0. DATE DELIVERED lade � Code) Ps Form 3811 Nov. 1970 e66.18.81277.1 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL BUSINESS 18021 PENALTY FOR PRIVA USE TO AVOID PAYME OF POSTAGE. P tmarlc� ofolZelau 1 {ng(OfQce �IA`I iSNDER INSTRUCTIONS Print in the space belowpyour(narSre.re6thess iifc7uding ZIP Code. • If spec. tpiNceta are desredicrecklblock(s) on other side. • Moisten gumrtaPacii‘t`nd tt,to back of article. RETURN TO State Water Resources Control Board om 1015, 1416 Ninth Street —cramento, California 95814 SENDER: Be sure to follow instructions on other side PLEJFURNISH SERVICE(S) INDICATED BY CHECIc.BLOCK(S) (Additional charges required for there services) ❑Show to whom, date end address where delivered ❑Deliver ONLY to addressee RECEIPT • Received the numbered article described below REGISTERED NO. SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (Must always be ftlkd in) CERTIFIED NO. /79172 INSURED NO. SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT, IF ANY DATE DELIVERED SNOW WHERE DELIVERED (Only if requested, and include ZIP Code) 5- - PS Form 3811 Nov. 1970 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL BUSINESS 18021 ENALTY FOR PRIVATE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE. $300 /IF "S US.MAIL „SENpfR IgS Print in the space WO/ Voihr name. address. InciydIInq ZIP Code. • If special services are desired. checkjblockk(S) der other side. 4, • Moisten au nmeOlends and attach tBlaoback of article. ,► .•gra u•. RETURN TO . AORAMSNEW State Water Resources Control Board om 1015, 1416 Ninth Street cramento, California 95814 SENDER: Be sure fo follow instructions on other side PL• FURNISH SERVICE(S) INDICATED BY CHEC BLOCK(S) (Additional charges required for these services: ❑Show to whom. date and address where delivered ❑Deliver ONLY to addressee RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below REGISTERED NO. `X SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (Muss always be filled in) CERTIFIED NO. /77Y 7 INSURED N0. DATE DELIVERED r - SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S AG . ztw SHOW WHERE DEUR D (Only if and snel6de ode) PS Form 3811 Nov. 1970 U.S. POSTAL SERVI OFFICIAL BUSINE 18 PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE. $300 P. • ark off fmeek Ui SEOER t41SfRlitYlONS Print in the space'w your name. addrep5� jnct sUj6o ZIP Code. ip,• If special servicesdre detairid. ct et k'bloSk(s) on other side. • Moisten pu'rf, a en�s end�§ttaeCtot1 ck of article. 0 vA f�rp.7 w ......T0 SMVRPM " State Water Resources Control Board Room 1015, 1416 Ninth Street acramento, California 95814 111:: sr RETO N