0415If( rte, u0l( ep 5d APR 1. 6 1973 Tahoe Paradise Water f Cas Company P. 0. 8ox 11117 Tahoe Paradise., California. 95705 Conti eaten: Permits 13526., 13527, 13528, 13529, 13530 and 14335 (Applications 18021, .18030' 18031, 18038, 18039 and 19629) Unnaiaed -creek, j er- Truckee River and Coyote Creek in El Dorado County You have pending before the Board requests for extensions of time and petitions to change place of use and points of diver- sion under these permits. A hearing on these matters has been tentatively scheduled for June 18, 1973 in Sacramento. The staff has reviewed your requests and petitions and is rec- ommending that a license, to the extent use has been made of the water, be issued on Permit 13526. Construction has not commenced on the works required to make use of water under the other five permits. The proposed changesin point of diversion and place of use under these permits appear to represent a sub- stantially new project. We understand that Application 23502 filed by Angora Water Company also covers the project proposed by the petitions. Therefore, the staff has recommended that these five permits be revoked. After reviewing your water right program you may wish to com- ment on these recommendations. Formal notice of the hearing will be issued about 30 days prior to June 18. Sincerely,. /S/ 1. Le Woodward X. L. Woodward, Chief Division of Water Rights LDJohnson:mbergman STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS CENTRAL REGION-LAHONTAN PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1972 OWNER OF RECORD: APPLICATION 18021 TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY P 0 BOX 11117, TAHOE PARADISEy CALIF 95705 SOURCE: (916) 541-2622 TELEPHONE NUMBER If the owner or address shown above is wrong, please correct UNNAMED CREEK AMOUNT: 1 cu FT/SEC 6 AC—FT/ANN PURPOSE: DOMESTIC PERMIT 13526 EXPIRATION DATE: 12-01-70 This report is important in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Rights, Room 1015, Resources Building, 1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento, California 95814. Neither the filing of an application nor issuance of a permit in approval thereof constitutes a water right. A water right is established only by beneficial use of water in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit. This report provides a record of the development of your project. If the project is diligently completed a license will be issued to confirm the right developed by beneficial use. The project has been abandoned and I request revocation of this permit. 0 Yes IR No CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? Yes 2. Has all construction work been completed?____Y_es If not, describe briefly the portions of the project completed including cost of work done - 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion_ 4. What construction work remains to be done to complete the project? USE OF WATER 1. Has use of water commenced?____Yes _It was used for: (a) ❑ Irrigation Total acres irrigated Name of crops served and acreage of each (b) :❑ Stockwatering (f) 0 Recreational Number of animals Method of water use (c) ❑ Industrial (g) ,❑ Recreational Nature of use Nature,of use (d) Domestic___> 5.0___.1 IRea ti_ __E_eXY_.7._ _5 (h) .❑ Power generation_ Number of persons, area of garden. lawn, etc. Installed horsepower capacity (e) (i) ,❑ Other__ Valley Filrlydtection Dist. 2. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this 3. Has location of the intake, place of use or type of use been changed? 4. Did the source go dry? .. If so, during what months?____ 5. What quantity of water was used each month in 1972 under this permit in gallons or acre-feet? (If not known check months water was used.) Total Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual 9.6 1 4.7112.2111.6111.61 9.7110.71 8.916.2 1 6.4 1 5.7 1 6.8 1 104.1 STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY Did your reservoir spill this year? .._.If not, howl Many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? Have you emptied the reservoir?______________________If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season? REMARKS See attachment °�';plfl X19'1 • 13 (If more space is needed, use reverse side) 5 March 1973 Tahoe radise W -ter a asrmitteCo. Date Sign Here k2 �+ e 1t72 George C. Baron, President /IMP/55169-905 7-72 5.200 0 OSP WRCB-15 (7.72) The diversion works have been in operation since 1959. The source is used 12 months in the year. The site origi- nally planned for the 6 acre foot storage reservoir was not available. Forty thousand gallons are stored in the infil- tration gallery 65,000 gallons in an elevated steel storage tank and 328,000 gallons in a steel ground storage tank. It is planned to add another steel storage tank if the need arises. The flow is such that total diversion occurs much of the time with the present storage. Our experience indicates that this group of springs rarely flow over 0.25 c.f.s.