0443May 149 1963 Meyers Water Company � 0 c/o Mr. Adolph Mbskov tz Attorney at La 520 Capitol Mall Sacramento 140 California Subject: A plications 180219 180 0, 18031, 1 d'389 18039 and 19 29 Gentlemen: Your petition to charge the place of us under Application 19629 ha been reviewed by this office At the hearing held on February 27, 19639 it was stated that the purpose of the chane; was to make the place of use under' Application 19629 identic =.1 to that under the other five -pp1.m cations listed , bov , a:, a common distribution sy 3 tem was planned for the entire areae The following areas are covered by your petition on Application 19629 but are not within the authorized place of use under permits issued on Applications 180219 18030, 18031, 18038 and 18039s S of NE and the SE* of Section 21, T12110 R18E, MD z ,. L E of NIP and the NEI of Section 25, TI2N, R17E, MDBQM. NES of Section 36, ` 12W9 R17E, The following areas are within the authorized place of use under the permits issued on Applications 18021, 18030, 180319 18038 and 18039 but are not within the area covered by the petitions Si of NEk and the SE of S,-ctian 20, T121 , SE* of Section 259 712N, R17E, ' E?B M0 SE of Section 36, T12N9 R17E, TQM, Meyers Water Company May 14, l r 3 Page 2 Before givi further consideration to your petition on Application 19629 we would appreciate your re-examining; the area which Meyers Water Company intends to sere under the six applies.tions,. especially with respect to the areas de cribed above If the area described by the petition on Application 19629 represents the area presently intended to be served, petitions should be submitted to conform the plane of use under the permits on the other gave • pl: /qations Very truly yours, L. K. Eill Executive Officer SLAUKLW iaost