0445.40 STATE OF �LIFORNIA—STATE WATER RI TS BOARD 1401 21sT STREET. P. O. BOX 592 SACRAMENTO PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR THE YEAR 1962 OWNER OF RECORD: APPLICATION 18030 MEYERS WATER COMPANY ' 1018 - 22ND STREET, SACRAMENTO 16, CALIF Indicate Corrections Above If the Owner or Address Shown Are Incorrect SOURCE: (1) (3) (5) UNNAMED STREAM (2) (4) (6) PERMIT 13527 Neither the filing of an application nor issuance of a permit in approval thereof constitutes a water right. A water right is established only by beneficial use of water in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit. This report provides a record of the development of your project. After use of water is complete, an inspection will be made and license issued for the amount of water actually put to use under the terms and conditions of the permit. and Financing 1. Has.the project been abandoned? NO Has construction work commenced? Preliminary Plans/ 2. Has all construction work been completed? NO If not, give estimated date of completion___ Dec._ -3] 1968 3. State approximate cost of construction work on this project during the past 12 months $1258.00 Describe briefly the portions of the project upon which the above amount was expended_ite.1.iAlilaarY___111 111,l.ng 4. What construction work remains to be done to complete the project?__Fina1421anS___aLld—_Phy_ 1.Ca1_QQ12.— struction. 5. Has use of water commenced? NO 6. Has use of water, as to both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? Not as yet put to use. 7. Has location of the intake or place of use been changed? No 8. Did the source go dry? ? If so, during what months? Gable 9. Did your reservoir spill this year? not app_l_lAt not, how many feet below crest verticalllly was the water level at maximum storage?not applicable Have you emptied the reservoir? not app1_i41 not, how many feet below crest vertically was it drawn down at end of season? not akp ii_cab10 10. You should keep complete records of your use of water in your own files. Please supply information below concerning your use of water. (a) ❑ Irrigation None Total acres irrigated - Name crops served and acreage of each (b) ❑ Stock watering Nene (f) 0 Mining None Number of animals Method of water use (c) 0 Industrial None (g) ❑ Recreational None Nature of use Nature of use (d) 0 Domestic None (h) ❑ Power II0I11 Number of persons Installed horsepower capacity Area of garden, lawn, etc. (e) ❑ Municipal None (i) 0 Other None Approximate population REMARKS MEYERS WATER CO., a California.p corration Date Dezember __18.,.__.1_962 Sign Her Gorgretmittee Vice President P I. ! r This report is of importance to you in establishing your water right. It will be used as a basis for action by the State Water Rights Board. It should therefore be filled out carefully and returned promptly. YEAR 1962 .FORM 67 740 A04 it 88118 7-82 4M Q 6P0 x /\ /4 �1 EDMUND G. BROWN GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA KENT SILVERTHORNE. CHAIRMAN RALPH J. McGILL. MEMBER W. A. ALEXANDER. MEMBER • THE RESOURCES AGENCY OF CALIFORNIA 'Iatt IFI Mi1r , ltgilis oar 1401 218T STREET P. 0. Box 1892 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA May 17, 1962 Applicants and Interested Parties WILLIAM E. WARNE ADMINISTRATOR RESOURCES AGENCY iso 0fstotak Subject: Applications 17139, 17149, 17235, 18021, 18030,-18031, 18038, 18039, 18248 and 18283 - Lake Tahoe and Tributaries Gentlemen: Enclosed is a copy of an order of the State Water Rights Board adopted on.May 16,'1962, amending Decision D 1056. Please make the necessary nota- tions on your copy of the decision. Very truly yours, L. K. Hill Executive Officer lei LELAND K. HILL EXECUTIVE OFFICER STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD In the Matter of Application 17139 ) of Oakwood Investment Company; ) Applications 17.149 and 17235 of ) North Tahoe Public Utility District, ) Applications 18021, 18030, 18031, ) 18038% and 18039 of Meyers Water ) Company; Application 18248 of ) Fulton Water Company; and ) ) ADOPTED MAY 16'621 Application 18283 of Tahoe Tavern ) Heights Water Company to Appropriate ) from Lake Tahoe or its Tributaries ) it Placer and El Dorado Counties ) ORDER AMENDING DECISION D 1056 WHEREAS Application 18283 was unintentionally .omitted from the third line of the second paragraph on page 17 of Decision D 1056, and WHEREAS the aforesaid omission is an obvious typographical or clerical error or oversight within the meaning of Section 1359 of the Water Code; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that Decision D 1056 be, and it is hereby, amended by deleting the third line of the second paragraph on page 17 and inserting the following in lieu thereof: "proved, and that Applications 18248 and 18283 be, and each of them is, approved in part," Adopted as the Order of the State Water Rights Board at a meeting duly called and held in Sacramento, California, this day of , 1962, Kent Silverthorne, Chairman Ralph Jo McGill, Member W. A. Alexander, Member EDMUND G. BROWN GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA KENT SILVERTHORNE. CHAIRMAN RALPH J. McGILL. MEMBER W. A. ALEXANDER. MEMBER MAY 2 1962 THE RESOURCES AGENCY OF CALIFORNIA 'ttt#P ' i titer RtgIts Exurb 1401 21BT STREET P. O. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA Meyers Water caEpauiy c/o &!r. Adolph Moskovitz Attorney at Yaw 926 J Street. Sacramento,; California Subject: Applications 1,8021, 18031,. 18038 and 18039 Gentlemen WILLIAM E. WARNE ADMINISTRATOR RESOURCES AGENCY LELAND K. HILL EXECUTIVE OFFICER This Board has issued permits in approval of the above -numbered applications. The permits, which are endorsed on the reverse side of the applications, fix a definite time schedule as prescribed by law within which to begin construc- tion, complete construction and make full beneficial use. Extensions of time can be allowed only upon a showing of good cause, and you will observe that the permits provide that unless development proceeds promptly and is prosecuted diligently to completion, the permits may be revoked, Annual reports of progress are required on forms which will be mailed to you on or about October 1, 196?. If and when use of water is reported full and com- plete, an engineer of this office will make an inspection of the projects, This Board will subsequently issue licenses to confirm the rights to the amount of water found at the time of inspection to have been beneficially used in ac- cordance with the terms and conditions of the permits. After issuance of the licenses there can be no further increase in the use under these rights. Very truly yours, :):45:e1(1 L. K. Hill Executive Officer Encs, Cert, MAR 2 2 '62 1. H. EDMUND G. BROWN GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA KENT SILVERTHORNE. CHAIRMAN RALPH J. MCGILL. MEMBER W. A. ALEXANDER. MEMBER MAY 2 1962 THE RESOURCES AGENCY OF CALIFORNIA 'tFtir atl?r {tg1# oar? Mr. Joseph V. Flynn Forest Supervisor 7.doredo National purest Placerville, California 1401 21ST STREET P. 0. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA Subject: Application 18030, Permit Dear Nt. Flynn: WILLIAM E. WARNE ADMINISTRATOR RESOURCES AGENCY You are advised that the State Water Rights Board under date of APR 2 4196$ , has granted the above -numbered permit to an a Li MeyersspWater {{ Company unnamed ePu. to be diverted within f or for the appropriation of water from csttc. purposes, Siq t of Si of Section 30, T1214, R18r, MDB& LELAND K. HILL EXECUTIVE OFFICER and to be used within Sections 19,20,28,29,30,31 and 32 all in T12N, R18E, and Sections 25 and 36 in T12N, 1917E, 1s DB&M. The terms of the permit are as follows: Amount 3 cubic feet per second Diversion to begin A,Jioit January 1 of each season. Construction work to, begin on or before Construction to be completed on or before Water to be applied to use on or before Very truly yours, L. K. Hill Executive Officer Form 7A MAR 2 2 '62 j. Jt and end ablit Decenber 31 July 1, 1962. Decor 1, 196B. Decc bes 1, 1970. STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD P. O. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA `Receipt N? 15736 ($ 5.00 Received ($ ❑ Cash ❑ Money Order Ek Check (Receipt contingent upon collection) r L Meyers Water Comparw' 1018,- 22nd Street Sacramento', 'Calif/nu Re APPLICATION 18030 J ❑ Deposit ❑ Balance ® Full Recordation Fee $ Verification—Fee $ Expense -- --- — $ --- ❑ Uncleared Collections ❑ Application ❑ Proof of Claim O Adjudication Apportionment ❑ Verification Advance ❑ Other FORM 300 47168 11-56 2OM QUIN © SPO Application No $ Permit Fee $.__5•__ Permit Extension Fee $______—____ Petition Fee $__ — Additional Fee on Charges $ Certification Fee Copying—Comparing Proof of Claim Fee Adjudication Apportionment Refund—Verification $ Other STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD LESLIE C. JOPSON, Chief Engineer r.- 7 By Title EDMUND G. BROWN GOVERNOR OP CALIFORNIA KENT SILVERTHORNE. CHAIRMAN RALPH J. McGILL. MEMBER W. A. ALEXANDER. MEMBER APR 2 41962 THE RESOURCES AGENCY OF CALIFORNIA 'tate ' EMT tiglgo Bear Wien Neter Comeav co! . )3slown Attorner at tor Summates926 J Street ,t r1 1401 210T STREET P. 0. Box 1502 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA Subject: Applications 0021, 10030, 18034, GentanNat WILLIAM E. WARNE ADMINISTRATOR RESOURCES AGENCY This is to inform you that your above -numbered applications have been approved and that permits have been issued. Fees are now due in ac- cordance with the provisions of the Water Code as follows: 5 *cat at e5I 54 You should give this matter immediate attention by forwarding post office money order or check in the above amount within 10 days if possible. Upon receipt of the fee this office will forward to you copies of your applications with the permits endorsed oh the back thereof. Checks are accepted subject to collection. Very truly yours, L. K. Hill Executive Officer MAR 2 2 '62 L. H, LELAND K. HILL. EXECUTIVE OFFICER APPROVAL FOR SIGNATURE WATER RIGHT PERMIT Application 18030 Permit 13527 Applicant: Source: Date application filed: Amount: Season of diversion: Purpose of use: Protested by: Disposition of protests: Remarks: Approved for signature: Date: 3-L3--6 - Meyers Water Company an unnamed stream in El Dorado County March 6, 1958 3 cubic feet per second January 1 to December 31 Domestic Numerous - See Form 0-1 All dismissed by decision (D-1056) No prior pending protested applications affected. Senior Hydraulic Engineer Form 223-P 41/ STATE OF ALIFORNIA—STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD -ios& PERMIT TERMS Application No �Q —Filled out by MAP 1 '62 �____Date This is to certify the the application of which the foregoing is a true and correct copy has been considered and is hereby approved SUBJECT TO VESTED RIGHTS and the following limitations and conditions: 1. The amouhtt of water appropriated shall be limited to the amount which can be beneficially used and shall not exceed 3 C'hhJ/G(��P r! /i ,1'Pe0L1 d J e. dive✓ e C� from a t...1Q__y___" 4J) / to a —d2eL li.J----I,Z of each year. 2. The maximum amount herein stated may be reduced in the license if investigation so warrants. 3. Actual construction work shall begin on or before. J Gi 1✓ 4 /9A:2. and shall thereafter be prosecuted with reasonable diligence, and if not so commenced and prosecuted, this permit may be revoked. 4. Said construction work shall be completed on or before haeeel'2ieel , q6J S. Complete application of the water to the proposed use shall be made on or before Peeepx,14--- /970 6. Progress reports shall be filed promptly by permittee on forms which will be provided annually by the State Water Rights Board until license is issued. 7. All rights and privileges under this permit including method of diversion, method of use and quantity of water diverted are subject to the continuing authority of the State Water Rights Board in accordance with law and in the interest of the public welfare to prevent waste, unreasonable use, unreasonable method of use or unreasonable method of diversion of said water. pI Permittee shall allow representatives of the State.Water—Rights° Board and other parties, as may be authorized from time to time by said Board, reasonable access to project works to determine—compliancewith the terms of this permit, d JQ l Qwot t o / W4 E/eVr,pvra led dyed divers/41,4 ak defy- i 7 ifa,K /t2-,', Id'o3t / "die -o31 J AS/ oate-t-ecil CI i ee I ;14 LiK i - 1'14.0`7/ i . 0.awe•, �qY. P -- MINIMUM FEE $5.00 FQR ALL PERMITS IRRIGATION POWER SCHEDULE ACRES CHARGE EDULE THEO. HORSE POWER ARGE 0 to 50 MINIMUM FEE ® $5.000 to 50 COVE D BY MINIMU FEE $5.00 Over 50 to 100@10$ Over 50 to 100@a 10 Over 100 to 1000 @ S¢ Over 100 to 1000 @ Over 1000 @ 3 Over 1000 @ 70D TOTALS G% Terms OK..AV/ "ie.", 72, Permit No FORM 0-13 (REV.) 94516 3-59 594 0 SPO Date approved STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD SACRAMENTO (b --/"<f6) CHECK FOR PERMIT Application No. rm_v_ Filled out by_ MAR 1 '62 a. _ Date Applicant e_ th J Wd4A/-�:z Source________4_i1___!t___ _______ �_1J Date of Filing___. d' 4 /9,11- Tributary 97TTributary to e uclee�ly� Use-- 1 illefAL Present amount____3 C%7,�________ County of '1 aV_Y__g4 Amount originally applied ford%rJ- Capacity of conduit __eci. Acreage of horsepower Irrigation duty Application in form 3-/-24_ _fi Notices sent a/2 7 L __ Proof of publication filed____ 7 /b dr .Protest period up____e __ _____ � Right of access_____ y_J/2 MQ_1 _(,l1 itzeent1_Qf_o. ,o` ,reroce Right of way Ownership of land__—✓_ Protestants 4Y4211.1 _fee_ _ 0 Letters of importance Reports !%��JLQ f ; (? i ve A� o� 1J/2jJ 7 4 44 ‘f7e I, Status protests .41 aiif Mrd Jc&ii/j2 -jtzr Hearing held 7/ Cooperation of United States Government in__ -1c6vah Federal forms sent National Forest Answers Adjudicated area_ Na State applications affected___.,i Area now under permit Prior pending applications affected 1h6 Advertising ark, Remarks Forms to be sent: 7a; 10-10c; 61_; 61a;, - Clauses to be used___.., Jevnt _40—fare' OK for permit__ 0 3 �G FORM 0-6 Permit No. 13527 94516 3-59 5M SPO El For full information concerning the filling out of this form refer,tol FILE IN DUPLICATE IATticle 4 of Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Appropriation of 'Water _ TATE .OF CALIFORNIA—STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARtiIR G 4 19 pm '58 STATE WATTP RIGHTS SQARI) - ta-e- 7 i8OO Filed Marc6198 h , 5 ' SACRAMENTO APPLI3. CATION TO APPROPRIATE UNAPPROPRIATEDli:19 PWM.;;;;R Application No. at (Applicant must not MI in the above blanks) • r•-.7'r;d 5'4 - 1; MEYERS WATEQIL Name of applicant of County of El Dorado Address State of___ qlifornia do hereb)% make application for a permit to appropriate the following described unappropriated waters of the State of California, SUBJECT TO VESTED RIGHTS: d n • I , ; Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works tl • t 1. The source of the proposed appropriation is Ua.ad___ _ meam_1-401--0--4-- 7. Give name of stream, lake, etc., if named; if unnamed state nature of source and that it is unnamed n • , nrd located in El D_orado County, tributary to Upp_er_ Truckee Rimer 2. The amount of water which applicant desires to appropriate under this application is as follows: (a) For diversion to be directly applied to beneficial use 3......0 cubic feet per d 1 cubic foot per second equals 40 statute miner's inches or 646,317 gallons per day second, to be diverted front January 1, _to December 31, of each year. - Beginning date Closing date (b) For diversion to be stored and later applied to beneficial us& ' acre-feet per annum, to be collected between • Beginning date Nom.—Answer (a) or (b) or both (a) and (b) is may be necessary. If day, Niither. the amount nor the season may be increased -after applicati.on is supplied by the State Wa–ter Millis Board upon 1 acre-foot equals 321,851 gallons and of each season. Closing date amount under (a) is less than .025 cubic foot per second, state in gallons per filed. If, untgrouncl storage is proposed a special supplementallorm 3 _The_use_to which the water is'to be applied is Domestic_ DOmeiliC7irrigation—, power;nunicipalTmining;industrial; recreational - - - — - =- ..... = purposes. iefe State bearing and distance or coordinate distancesfrom section or quarter section corner 0 • "7: Section 4 -- being being within the Amended by iirde-tof de - State 40 -acre subdivision of public land survey or projection thereof __El• OraP of SeCti0/1_3_Q_-- . . T. 1 of_P4____ cI & M., in the County _______________ _ 5. The main conduit terminates in None of Sec. _a, T.__ R. — State 40 -acre subdivision of U. S. Government surve; or projecteoit thereof Description of Diversion%,Works NOTE.—An application cannot be approved for an amount grossly in excess of the estimated capacity of the diversion works. B. & M. 6. Intake or Headworks (fill only those blanks which apply) (a) Diversion will be made by pumpingfrom Sump •Sump, offset well. unobstrticteechanstd, etc. (b). Diversion will be by gravity, the diverting dam being. ° heightQ(stream bed to level of overflow) ; feet long on top; rand constructed of -- Concrete, earth, brush, etc. .0, rl • 4 (,C)' -Thetorage dam Viill2b) e TjaCfne __feet in height (stream bed to overflow level) ; feet 9 long on top; have'a freeboard of 'Id 7. 'Siorage-Reservoirl Name fet and be constructed of Concrete, earth, etc. lbafte. 'The s'torage reservoir will flood lan s . _ 1NT,, Indicate section or sections, also 40 -acre subdivisions unless shown upon map It will have'a siirfiece are' O'f APA',,nl‘P alias a capacity of iEgfelt. per In case of insufficient ,space for answers in form, attach extra„sheets^,at, topT,Of page 3 cEcss-referenc5.° , k , A ;,/ • ( Ti; °,37r/' -01,1„:fa ''.nJ71? ,t 4 FORM I :8. Conduit System (describe main conduits only) None,Water will be pumped directly into (a) Canal, ditch, flume: Width on top (at water line}____ feet; width at mains Cross out two not used feet; depth of water______ _feet; length cr "___feet; grade __feet per 1,000 feet; materials of construction=_ Earth, rock, timber, etc. (b) Pipeline: Diatneter= - inches; length feet; grade_—_ -feet per 1,000 feet; total fall from intake�to outlet " feet; kind_ Riveted steel, concrete, wood -stave, etc. :NorE.—If a combination of different sizes or kinds of conduii is to be used, attach extra sheets with complete description, also show location of each clearly on map. 9. The estimated capacity of thediversion conduit:or pumping plant proposed is_____3.0 C F . S •--------- State cubic feet per second or gallons per minute The estimated, cost. of the diversion works proposed is_=_4R6i QQQ.a_ Give only cost of intake, or beadwork', pumps, storage reservoirs and main conduits described herein Completion Schedule 10. Construction work will begin on or before June _1,_�96z__�_=_— Construction work will be ,completed Lon or ;before June 1;_1963 The water will be completely applied to the proposed use on or before June _14__-19_6_5 'Place of Use. _ Description of Proposed Use --- -- — — — -- — " — ----- .. State 40 -acre subdivisions ofthe public land survey. ,If area is unsurveyed indicate thelocation as iflines of the public land Amended,by•order of_Z survey were projected. In the ease of irrigation use state the number .f 40-aer tracts, deselibe are in a e er 1 way nd etail uon ap Does) applicant' (s) own the land whereon use of water will`be made?' �o Jointly? Yes or No Yes or No _MQ_st of land is under_ option__to .Tahoe Paradise Homes the parent Company If applicant does not own land whereon use of water will be made, •give name and address of owner and, state what arrangements have been made with ,him. 12. ,'Other Rights. Describe all rights except those on file with the State Water Rights Board under which water is served to the above named lands. ire "Q ft ly space permits. If space does not: permit listing of all / , e Nature of Right (riparian, appropriative, purchased water, etc.) Year of First Use Use made in recent years v including amount if known Season of Use Source of Other Supply 1. x n o_ - y � .. , 2. 3. 4. Attach supplementat top of page 3 ifinecessary. 13. Irrigation Use. The area to be irrigated is ------- State netacreageto be irrigated acres; alfalfa_—_—____________—______acres; The segregation of acreage as to crops is as follows: Rice _acres. orchard - —_acres; general crops ___ __—__________acres; pasture acres. NOTE .—Care should+be takenthe. various statements as to acreage are consistent with each other, with the statement,in Paragraph and with the map. The irrigation season will begin about and end about— Closing date Beginning date 14. Power: Use. The total fall to,be utilized is _ Difference between nozzle or draft tube water level and first free water surface above The maximum amount of water to be used through the penstock is____ _cubic feet per second. feet. The maximum theoretical horsepower capable of being generated by the works is The use to which the power is to be "a ______________—__—_--_-:_—_ "41�_., !t: ay,'+1 ') Por distribution and adeor private use, etc. The nature of the works by means of which power is to be developed is The size of the nozzleAo=be used is_ --_;---.inches. _ The water will be returned to - will not ,Name;ctream Sec , T.-- — _---_ R. — — , B. & M. Second feet X fall _ 8.8 Turbine, Pelton wheel, etc. in __— _—_-horsepower. of State 40acre.subdiviaion DO NOT WRITE JN THIS SPACE ATTACH EXTRA-SHEETSJHERE -44,6v 15. Municipal Use. This application is made for the purpose of serving • Name city or cities, town or towns. Urban areas only leaving a present population of The estimated average daily consumption during the month of maximum use at the end of each five-year period until the full amount applied for is put to beneficial use is as follows: 16. Mining Use. The;name,of the mining property toibe,served is__,_____�____ Name of claim and the nature of the mines is ,Gold placer, quartz, etc. The method of utilizing the water is__ It is estimated that the ultimate water requirement for this project will be Cubic feet per second, gallons per minute. State basis of estimate will The water will not be polluted by chemicals or otherwise___—�______________________. Explain nature of pollution, if any and it will be returned to will not - Name stream Sec , T.R. B. & M. State 40 -acre subdivision " 17. Other Uses. The nature of the use proposed is Domestic service to a gross • area of Industrial, recreational, domestic, etockwatering, fish culture, etc. 2840 Acres . of State basis of determination of amount needed. it iB eatimates. that the area t0 he aervPd Number of.persons, residences, area of domestic lawns and gardens, number and kind of stock. type will have an eventual population of 251900 persons, requiring 13 C.r.S. industrlal.use,; and unit requirements. General 18. Are the maps as required by the Rules and Regulations filed with Application) Yes Yee or No state specifically the time required for filing same 19. Does the applicant own the land at the proposed point of diversion? No Yes or No . If not, If not, give name and address of owner and state what steps have been taken to secure right of access thereto Forest Service o_ applicant for use .permit will be made. 20. What is the name of the post office most used by those living near the proposed point of diversion? Meyers,Califoi-nia 21. What are the names and addresses of claimants of water from the source of supply below the proposed point of diversion? Not known • [SIGNATURE OF, APPLICANA eyers Water Co. Jim A. E. Wilson, President r 51 APPLICANT MUST'NOT FILL IN BLANKS BELOW PERMIT No.: b.?4• nils This is to certify that the application of which the foregoing is a true and correct copy has been considered'and approved by the State Water Rights Board SUBJECT TO VESTED RIGHTS and the following limitationsand° conditions: 't 1. The amount of water appropriated shall be limited to the amount which can be beneficially used, and shall not exceed c3,3 3 ,,,'',413,17353; .3 7.-v ,y)7 333 u'..1!yl'. 1r .y 114'. ;7 ° w > at , rig T J1t ter A\ 4.3 - 2. The maximum amount herein stated may be reduced in the license if investigation so warrants. 3. Actual construction work shall begin on or before and shall thereafter be prosecuted with reasonable diligence, and if not so commenced and prosecuted this permit may be revoked. 4. Said construction work shall be completed on or before 5. Complete application of the water to the proposed use shall be made on or before 6. Progress reports shall be filed promptly by permittee on forms which will be provided annually by the State Water Rights Board until license is issued. 7. All rights and privileges under this permit including method of diversion, method of use and quantity of water diverted are -subject to/tile continuing authority of the State Water Rights Board ;in accordance with law ,and in the ;interest,of thea public welfare to prevent waste, unreasonable use, unreasonable method of'use or unreasonable method of diversion of said' water. a - - Ng ' - .. - nw � Ct �` ='fi✓ �� n . a Y .. - }?; tie ;(JC. , e:.._( U il ( 4w d1 ^ This permit is issued and permittee takes it subject to the following provisions, of the Water Code: Section 1390. A permit shall be effective for such time as the water actually appropriated under it is used for a useful and beneficial purpose in con- formity with this division (of the Water Code), but no longer. and' the statement that any -appropriator of water°to whom apermit is issued takes it toetcond shall include all of the provisions of this article Section 1391. Everyermit shall include, the enumeration of conditions therein which in subject the conditions therein expressed. Section 1392. Every permittee, if he accepts a permit, does so under the conditions precedent that no value whatsoever in excess of the actual amount paid to the State therefor shall at any time be assigned to or claimed for any permit granted or issued under the provisions of this division (of the Water Code), or for any rights granted or acquired under the provisions of this division (of the Water Code), in respect to the regulation by any competent public authority of the service s or the price of the services to be rendered by any permittee or by the holder of any rights granted or acquired under the provisions of this division (of the Water Code) or in respect to any valuation for purposes of sale to or purchase, whether through condemnation proceed- ings°or otherwise, by the State or any city, city and county, municipal water district, irrigation district, lighting district, or any political subdivision of the State, of the rights and property of any permittee, or the possessor of any rights granted, issued, or acquired under the provisions of this division (of the Water Code). - - Dated: • . 57214 6-57 CM 0 CPO b17 11, STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD J CD gates=Y- ,^13,3Z.3 3.a APPROVAL SHEET CHANGE ORDER OR CORRECTION ORDER . Application 18030 Permit License Applicant: Meyers Water Company Source: unnamed stream County: El Dorado Date application filed: March 6, 1958 Date permit issued: Date license issued: Amount: 3.0 cubic feet per second Season of diversion: January 1 to December 31 Purpose of use: Domestic Remarks: Order allowing change in place of use and change in point of diversion. Approved for signature: Date ar-/ /9/ Form 223-C-0 4/14/58 tiPR '61 J.T.S, Hydra. is Engineer ti Form 0-14 10-57 STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD Check for Change Application /MO Permit Filled out by JTA 12/12/60 Change in PLACE OF USE / e-7 "7 Applicant Use Tributary to MEYERS WATER•COMPANY License Date X.14,0/•' -4."e7"7 DOMESTIC Petition filed Ownership of land 44.4-r16 .e4 DECEMBER 1, 1960 FOREST SERVICE Source County of EL DORADO j7?/ ,� Right of access_. SPECIAL USE PERMIT Increase proposed Increase in diversion involved ,— Other parties affected Advertising appears necessary Proof filed Protest period up Protestants YES Present acreage horsepower. Amount New source involved Notification sent Notices sent Status protests Hearing held Letters of importance Cooperation of United States Government in Forms or letter sent Answers ELDORADO National Forest Description of change and remarks THESE PETITIONS WERE FILED IN ORDER TO CONSOLIDATE THE PLACE OF USE UNDER FILINGS 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038 AND 18039. WHEN THE PETITIONS WERE DISCUSSED AT THE HEARING ON THESE APPLICATIONS, IT WAS STATED THAT THERE WOULD BE NO CHANGE IN THE PLACE OF USE. UPON CHECKING THE PETITIONS IT APPEARS THAT THEY PROPOSE TO INCREASE THE'PLACE OF USE. IN VIEW OF THIS, ITIS RECOMMENDED THAT THEY BE ADVERTISED. SINCE THE CHANGE INVOLVES ELDORADO NATIONAL FOREST LAND , THEY WILL BE SENT A COPY OF THE ADVERTISING'NOTICE. 7 -�� J; � ������/�/7 ,cam ,o%/ ":/ 7 f2/4togo Forms to be sent Clauses to be used Additional fees due ,vg,;;;- /)".07,-5/,9,07 /j// o.4- / /7 4 - /04, f. / 72‘7.e."4 4' L, e7 7i7c. i 5 AF 0 /7e-1,1--‘-`;-4-- c-1,4 p `-e3- 410 14% 4x114 PETITION FOR CHANGE IN POINT OF DIVERSION Attacied $10.00 filing fee with petitions for changes Application 18030 Permit License State Water Rights Board 1401 - 21st Street Sacramento, California Gentlemen: We 1 hereby request permission to change the point of diversion described in the above -numbered filing to a point described as follows and as shown on the map herewith submitted: N. 65° 07' 40" E. 4080.00 feet distant from the Southwest Give tie by bearing and distance or by coordinate distances from some corner, Section 30, T. 12 N. R. 18 Et) M. D. B. & M., and government corner and the 40 acre subdivision in which the new point of being within the Southeast k of said Section. diversion lies). GIVE REASON FOR PROPOSED CHANGETo satisfy protests of Department of Fish & Game to existing point of diversion,thereby;permitting diversion of water without necessitating releases for fishery maintenance. WILL THE OLD POINT OF DIVERSION BE ABANDONED? Yes WATER WILL BE USED FOR Domestic PURPOSES. We X have access to the proposed new point of diversion by virtue of Ownership of the land (Ownership, lease, verbal or written agreement) If by lease or agreement state name and address of party or parties from whom access has been obtained. .Are there any persons taking water from the stream between the old point of diversion and the new point of diversion? No Give names and addresses: (Answer "Yes" or "No") This -change does -not involve the introduction of any new source .or any increase in the amount of the appropriation. 11YERS WATER COMPANY By a(Signature (/ (Date) Chapter 254, Statutes of 1955, .requires- a-$10,00 filing .fee with p^titions for changes. Form 104 2-19-60 /7 V:7) EDMUND G. BROWN GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA KENT SILVERTHORNE. CHAIRMAN RALPH J. MCGILL. MEMBER W. A. ALEXANDER. MENDER • 411 WILLIAM E. WARNE ADMINISTRATOR RESOURCES AGENCY • THE RESOURCES AGENCY OF CALIFORNIA StaUP n alur Eigi#.0 Blurb February 16, 1962 1401 21sT STREET P. 0. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA To Applicants, Protestants and Interested Parties Subject: Applications 17139, 17149, 17235, 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038, 18039, 18248, 18283 Gentlemen: Enclosed, is copy of Decision No. D 1056 of the State Water Rights Board adopted on February 15, 1962, in connection with the above -numbered applications. The Board has approved the applications in part and ordered that permits be issued subject to the terms and conditions set forth on pages 17 through 24 of the decision. Very truly yours, t.?* ket L. K. Hill Executive Officer Enclosure LELAND K. HILL EXECUTIVE OFFICER Oakwood in to ent Company and Fulton Water Comparq c/a Martin McDonough and Daniel F. Gallery, Attorneys 926 J Street Building (3 copies) Sacramento, California North Tahoe Public Utility Districts Heyorro Fater Company and Placer County Watt r Ager c/o Adolph tioOkovitzs, AttornOy 926 J Stream Building (3 06pi Santo s California Truciacer rn U'rigation IDiotrie t c/o Jamoa 1. Jd hnelon, Jr. Attorney 252 West Firat Stmt Gmo� n4Vada J. K. Sanderson Deputy Attorney General Library and Courts ung $acaaaento8 California Dept. of Water Resources Public Work DbilAing 1120 N Street Sacramento, California Attn: Elisabeth llondeaaon Sierra Pacific Power C. . c/oPWi !n H. 0rr3 c c» Jr. a and Andrew D. °trick, Attenrki yc 405 Mantgmmery Street San Franciaaco, California Joint C ornia- evade. Interstate Compact Co mieeion c/o P. O. Girt, Dainty Attarn r General Library and Courts Bailding Sacramento, California is Rainbow ?,Fact Association c/o B. Z. Ames 152 Tuuca1oo a Alveno Athoatans California El Dorado County Water Agency c/o Alvin meadia s Attorney 926 J Street Building Sacramento, California Foxerat Supervisor b1 Dorado National Forest Placerville, California Macataarvousaticg: It Ledbetter and Alva Barton c/ Vrank0.Finn an 1007 Seventh venth Street 5M cramanto, California . Edmund A. Nuths State Engineer Division of Mater Desourcea D i, t. of Co or ,nation a Nature. R ourcea P. 0. Box 606 Caraoat City, Nevada a Attn: fir. b. B. Parmenter California Department of Fiat: and G& 722 Capitol Avenue Sacramanto, California (3 copic a) Attn$ Mr. Jack C. Fraser Taniroa Tavern aaighta Water Co. P. O. Box 191 Tahoe City, California Attn: £r. J. H. Stans lakonton Rogt nal Office State Water Fo1ntion Control Board 407 West Line Street Bishops California Attn: r. John T. Le tett Executive Officer F ashoo County Walter ConeervationDiatrict % John . Rabixneons Attornoy atLaw- First National Rank S3.dg. Reno, Nevada STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD In the Matter of•Application 17139 of Oakwood Investment Company; Applications 17149 and 17235 of North Tahoe Public Utility District, ) Applications 18021, 18030, 18031, ) ) 18038, and 18039 of Meyers Water Company;, Appl,ication 18248 of Fulton ) •• WaterCompany; and Application 18283 ) 'of Tahoe Tavern Heights Water Company) to Appropriate from Lake Tahoe or its) Tributaries in'Placer and El Dorado ) Counties ) ). Decision D 1056 ADOPTED FEB 15'62'/ The above-named applications are for permits 'to ap.pro- priate unappropriated .water from Lake Tahoe' and various streams tributary thereto. Protests having been received,with respect to each of said applications, a public hearing was held in. Sacramento, California, on September 13, November 29 and 30, and December 1, 1960. Board Chairman Kent Silverthorne presided at all sessions of the hearing. The essential features of the applications are set forth in Table I. Protestant Sierra Pacific Power Company has powerhouses located on the Truckee River just above the Nevada line. This protestant and protestants Washoe County Water Conservation District • H 0 i ---t O ;-4 Ci ti � f C: Cn E <;• U O co • • O CC • •r • • • C) U C Gs O rl ri ri H H H H, r-1 r-! M n^, M M re-: M "7 M M M O N N. N N N N C N N H r f ri r• -i r-1 r--1 ri • r1 r -i. t t t t t t t 0 2 2 • ri r-1 H H r; r-; H H r✓ r'-1 ...••.. r-1 • r -i • H r -i • r -i • H H r•1 r-{7 ‘..OO O ::� O 0 N N C cS L'\ 1.10\ rv 0 N cel M N M M M M• r! 0 $t G) t`— co • c0 C3 CO p p p t•-• H. Hr: r -i r-; r-1 H H H rl ,. • ti Z ~' ! Z H r~-'+ Z iti 0 \J \.0L N CU N r- ,--{ C7 H rJ ri r? r -i ri r i r { ri ri lcsi re; ON r-1 M O, H p U1 rJ ri M M (' l cr) 0) ri O .- c3 1,0 Fl `t [: ) $-. - O; .i.) :-4 4•i %..4 C) 0 >-v :. •7I U ) C) O�-t u) U O O C) a_, C) ) E., E., c) c) co = = Ea S- : hi ci—i� , 1 cd cd r,rr Cx c). frG=t ►, 'r7 C, '..- 1.2 ~• r`C .� w 1$ +) U 11 O .? eJ 4 U (I'! U ct J d -P C •r•I raj r0 U C: ,--1._.: v. ... t:d c.4 U Ci 0 1; p t ;-t U O U w V x' . C) -r' ; i a : it C J ? C) . j U ;••i o .--is H A_c= _ _ C >- •.03 U GS "^t• o L, c3 E-4 E-iSat c) O•P W < •ri •r -I 7 t' •ri S -t 4- r-1 C) O P O a..CC)4 C) .° i.> 4+.6 a .> Ai co O V '.- y.5 .r1 '43 Lr1 U1 1l _:1 C'. C.`) \ Lr\ Cf) U1 v-1 r1 \ \ \ \ U1 : :."1 . \ L'1 \O':' U -i- CO R! c•7 CO - — M M \ L'\ ;r N H N r! N %. r -i r -i N . 1 d t G \ \ \ \ \ \ \ - \ \ :) V Vr p N M M M M co p 3 U O O\ 1.) r-! O . -4 , p C\ p M ri A ' cry -'' M N M re) M M ri rl C 0 0 0 0 0 N 04 C r• H rr H rp-i r H b j ODCDb * ``v and Truckee -Carson Irrigation District are engaged in the sale or distribution of Truckee River water for consumptive use in Nevada. Each claims prior appropriative and decreed rights to the waters of Truckee River and contends that there is no unappropriated water in the Lake Tahoe Basin which supplies the Truckee River. California Department of Fish and Game protests applications of Meyers Water Company for appropriations from Upper Truckee River and tributaries, alleging that the quantities of water applied for at times exceed the minimum flows of the streams and an insufficient flow in the stream would be destructive to the trout and Kokane.e salmon fisheries resources of Upper Truckee River, Oakwood Investment Company op- poses the applications of North Tahoe Public Utility District on the basis that it already serves most of the latters proposed service area, The Lake Tahoe Basin consists of a relatively large lake surrounded by a rather narrow doughnut -shaped watershed with a multitude of contributory small streams. The largest of these tributaries is the Upper Truckee River at the south end of the lake. Total drainage area above the lake outlet is 519 square miles in- cluding 193 square miles of lake water surface. Watershed elevations range from a maximum of 10,881 feet at Freel Peak to 6,223 feet at the lake outlet (Staff Exhsa L{ and 5)o Across the outlet of the lake into the Truckee River is a six -foot -high dam operated by the Truckee -Carson Irrigation District under contract with the United States Bureau of Reclamation. In effect, the lake is operated as a storage reservoir, with a capacity of about 7459000 acre-feet between elevation 6,223 (the rim of the lake) and 6,229.1 (Staff Exh. 4; USGS Water Supply Paper 1564, 1958). Issuing from the northwest corner of Lake Tahoe, the Truckee River flows due north to the town of Truckee, where it turns to the east. Just above the Nevada line is a series of powerhouses. At the Farad powerhouse of the Sierra Pacific Power Company near Floriston the Truckee River has a drainage area of 940 square miles. The 45 -year average discharge of the Truckee River at Farad as computed in 1958 was about 588,000 acre- feet per year. The 44 -year average annual discharge of Lake Tahoe is about 182,000 acre-feet per year, or about one-third of the total Truckee River flow into Nevada. The Truckee River continues east through the cities of Reno and Sparks, and its natural course is into Pyramid Lake, a saline body of water without outlets. Derby Dam, located to the east of Sparks, is the point where Newlands Project water is diverted by the Truckee -Carson Irrigation District to Lake Lahontan. Water flowing by Derby Dam which is not required to satisfy decreed downstream Indian rights and which wastes into Pyramid Lake is assumed to be surplus and unappropriated. The outlet of Lake Tahoe was first dammed by a crib dam of timber and stone fill completed in 1870 by a Colonel A. W. Von Schmidt, who had acquired a half section of land surrounding the Truckee River outlet. By Chapter 513 of the Statutes of 1870, California authorized the Donner Lumber and Boom Company 'oto -4- improve, at its own expense, the channel of the Truckee River . and by erecting floodgates at the outlet of the lake and along the channel of said river, not more than five feet in height, so as to render it practicable to float saw logs, lumber and wood down the channel to said Town of Truckee." The old Von Schmidt and Donner Lumber and Boom Company dam became obsolete by 1909, and the present concrete structure was begun at that time. Water rights on the Truckee River, including those applicable to Lake Tahoe, are "defined" in part by four documents that are listed below in chronological order (Oakwood Exh. 8, p. 33). 1. Decree of June 11., 1915, in the District Court of the United States, Northern District of California, Second Division, inthe case of The United States of America, Plaintiff, v. The Truckee River General Electric Company, Defendent. 2. Newlands Project contract of 1926 between the United States and the Truckee -Carson Irrigation District. 3. Truckee River agreement of 1935 between the United States, Truckee -Carson Irrigation District, Washoe County Water Conservation District, Sierra,Pacific Power Co., and various others. X944, 14.. Truckee River final decree entered September 8, in the District Court of the United States in and for the District of Nevada in the case of United States of America, Plaintiff. v. Orr Water Ditch Company et al., Defendents. -5- The 1915 decree, in addition to condemning rights of way for outlet works at Lake Tahoe, defines rights to store Truckee River water in, and release it from, Lake Tahoe. It provides that certain flows, known as the "Floriston rates," are to be maintained in the river as measured at the gaging station near Floriton, California, and permits regulatory operations in order to satisfy the rights of both irrigation and power The NewlandsProject contract of 1926 gives the interests. Truckee - Carson Irrigation District the prior contract right to water required to irrigate 87,500 acres. The 1935 agreement reaffirms the 1915 decree and contains various operating agreements relative to maintenance of the "Floriston rates" in the light of developments since 1915, including construction of the Boca Reservoir by Washoe County Water Conserva- tion District. The Truckee River final decree of 1944 adjudicates over 700 claims of rights to use of waters of the Truckee River. It authorizes storage of water in Lake Tahoe behind the six-foot dam of the Bureau of Reclamation together with direct diversion from the Truckee River to Lake Lahontan and the Newlands Project. Except for power plants and their non -consumptive use of water above the Nevada line, all places of use authorized by said four documents are located in Nevada. Releases from storage of California reservoirs other than Lake Tahoe which affect flows in the Truckee River above Floriston, include Boca Reservoir and Donner and Independence Lakes with a collective storage capacity of about 80,000 acre-feet. The effect of the 1944 final decree and the 1915 decree and 1935 agreement ratified by it is to provide for releases of water stored in Lake Tahoe, Boca Reservoir, and Donner and Independence Lakes in accordance with agreements of the parties and under control of a watermaster appointed by the court. The parties to these agree- ments and these court actions do not include any persons or parties located on or upstream from Lake Tahoe (Staff Exh, 3, p, 18)., The Department of Water Resources prepared a hydrologic study of the Truckee River with relation to surplus water at Derby Dam after all present uses and the Pyramid Indian rights are met. The study covers the 30-year period from January 1923 through September 1952 (RT pp, L9-54; DWR Exh, 2), and assumes 1956 develop- ments and usage except for delivery of water to the Pyramid Indians in excess of usage and to the full extent of their decreed rights. Surplus water at Derby Dam ranged from zero in five years to 868,900. acre-feet for the first nine months of the 1951-52 water year. The annual average of surplus water at Derby Dam was 142,000 acre-feet. The same study shows that in five years the water was so high in Lake Tahoe that releases were required for the prevention of excessive high water. These years coincide with years of high surplus water in Pyramid Lake, The 30-year annual average of these Tahoe releases is 28,250 acre-feet, By any standard, high water releases from Lake Tahoe which reach Pyramid Lake are unappropriated, Since Lake Tahoe is an interstate lake, and the Truckee River rises for the most part in California and flows into Nevada, there is an underlying requirement for an equitable division of these interstate waters between the States of California and Nevada, See Colorado v. Kansas, 320 U. S. 383, 64 S.Ct. 176 (1943). That California has not yet exhausted its entitlement appears clear, since most of the water of the Truckee River System, including Lake Tahoe, rises in California, but nearly all of the consumptive use of the Truckee takes place in Nevada, This Boardls power to authorize appropriation of unappropriated water is limited to Californias equitable share of these interstate waters. For several years the States of California and Nevada have been attempting to negotiate a compact for the allocation of water in the Lake Tahoe Basin as well as the Truckee, Carson, and Walker Rivers. A joint study conducted by the California Department of Water Resources and the Nevada State Engineer has determined that ultimate development in the Lake Tahoe Basin will require a gross diversion of 34,000 acre-feet per annum. Reportedly the Compact Commission has adopted the 34,000 acre-feet gross diversion figure as the basis for a compact and is negotiating for an allocation of approximately 65% to California and 35% to Nevada. In 1956, a total of 12,300 acre-feet of water was being diverted to use in the Lake Tahoe Basin; 8,900 acre-feet in California and 3,400 acre-feet in Nevada. Since the applications considered herein request permits for diversions at rates which, if maintained continuously throughout the seasons specified in the applications, would aggregate a quantity of water somewhat in excess of the anticipated total allocation to California, the Compact Commission urges the State Water Rights Board to give consideration to limiting any permits issued to a reasonable annual acre-foot quantity and also to a quantity that can be reasonably used in the near future (RT pp, 13- 28)0 A further study by the Department made for the Joint Compact Commission showed that appropriation of water for domestic purposes and recreational uses in the Tahoe basin would have little, if any, effect on downstream users (RT pp, 85-88). This is because of the decrease in evapo-transpiration in urbanized areas and anticipated return flow. A similar finding was made by the State Engineers of Nevada and California in June of 1949 (Staff Exh, 3) The Nevada State Engineer has recently approved applications to appropriate from the Nevada portion of Lake Tahoe (Oakwood Exh. 7)0 In view of the possible limitations of a water supply to California quantities Tahoe area reasonable by of the proposed Compact, the reservation of large water for long range future development in the Lake is found to be against the public interest. to limit permits to amounts It appears of water that can be developed and placed to beneficial use within the next ten years. The attention of the applicants is also invited to the power of an interstate compact, when ratified by the States concerned and by the United States, to modify existing rights such as the permits hereby authorized. (Hinderlider.v. La Plata and Chev Creek Ditch Co. 304 U. S. 92, 58 S.Ct. 803). -9- Oakwood Investment Compan (dba Brockwa Water Coo) Application 17139 is for a permit to appropriate 2.5 cubic feet per second (cfs) between June 1 and September 30 from Lake Tahoe for municipal purposes. The service area of the company is located at the north end of Lake Tahoe adjacent to the California - Nevada State line and includes the communities of Tahoe Vista, Kings Beach, Brockway and Crystal Bay (Oakwood Exh, 1). The company has approximately 1,100 service connections serving as many as 10,000 persons during the peak summer months (RT po 129). The present sources of water for Brockway Water Company are gravity diversion from Griff Creek and Mt, Baldy Springs area and pumping from Lake Tahoe. The Griff Creek diversion system has a capacity of approximately 1.5 cfs; the Mt. Baldy Springs diversion has a capacity of approximately 1,0 cfs. The company diverts from the lake by means of three pumps having a combined capacity of 3.25 cfs, Rights claimed to cover the diversions include appropriam tive rights based on notices posted and recorded prior to 1914, riparian rights, Licenses 1910 (Application 6983)•and 5646 (Applica- tion 12574), both covering appropriations from Griff Creek, and use from the lake during the summer since prior to 1914 (RT 130®137; Oakwood Exhs. 3 and 4). During July 1960, which is considered to be a peak month, the average diversion by Brockway Water Company was 5.35 cfs with daily peaks reaching as high as 6.35 cfs. The demand is supplied from the gravity system whenever possible and is supplemented by pumping from the lake when necessary. The quantity of water -10, applied for under Application 17139 is being fully utilized from Lake Tahoe at the present time during the entire diversion season requested. This amounts to a total diversion of approximately 600 acre-feet per year (RT pp. 133-135, 14O, 150), North Tahoe Public Utility District Applications 17149 and 17235 are to appropriate 3 cfs from Lake Tahoe and 3 cfs by direct diversion and 5 acre-feet per annum by storage from unnamed springs tributary to Griff Creek, The service area of the district is a part of the area now served with water by Brockway Water Company (RT pp. 165, 169, 170), The district presently pro- vides sanitary services and street lighting for the area (RT, p, 160), On November 29, 1960, North Tahoe Public Utility District submitted petitions to change the place of use under Application 171L19; and to change the place of use, point of diversion, and character of use under Application 17235° The purpose of the petitions to change the place of use is to conform the place of use to present district boundaries and anticipated service area. Petition for change in point of diversion under Application 17235 proposes the moving of the point of diversion contemplated on the unnamed springs tributary to Griff Creek to Lake Tahoe and the elimination of the proposed storage of water. The petition for change in character of use under Application 17235 is to municipal use, which purpose was omitted in the original add application (RT pp, 154-157, Staff Exh, 1). Diversion of water under Applica- tions 17149 and 17235 is now to be at one location to be effected -11- by a submerged pipeline extending into Lake Tahoe with a pumping facility located on the shore. If the district's voters elect to do so, it has the power to engage in the distribution of water, even though the area is now served by a public utility. Such a decision should be forthcoming in the next year or so. Accordingly, it appears reason- able in approving the applications of the district to provide that no permits be issued. thereonunless and until the electors of the district, not later than July 1, 1963, vote to approve bonded indebtedness required for distribution of water. To prevent duplica- tion of water rights, it is also reasonable to provide that the quantities of water authorized by the district's permits be reduced by such water rights, if any, as it may acquire from Oakwood Invest- ment Company. The district's evidence indicates that as of 1970 its total annual diversion requirements will be about 1,900 acre-feet per annum 'with a maximum summer monthly diversion of 24.0 acre- feet. It is found that no one will be prejudiced by allowance of the district's petitions for change of place of use, point of diversion, and purpose of use. Meyers Water Company Applications 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038, and 18039 are to appropriate from Upper Truckee River for areas being developed by Tahoe Paradise, Inc. The service area is shown on Meyers Water Company Exhibit 4. On November 30, 1960, petitions were filed in connection with all of the applications -12- to consolidate the places of use so that water from any of the points of diversion named in the applications may be commingled and used throughout the entire service area (RT pp. 287-289). Notice of these petitions was given but no protests were received (Staff Exh. 1). A Petition for change in point of diversion under Application 18030 wasalso filed on March 28, 1961 (Staff Exh. 1). Thispetition.proposes moving the point of diversion under Application 18030 ,downstream approximately 2,000 feet in order to satisfy the protest by California 'Department of Fish and Game. The intervening land is all owned by the applicant (RT pp.,327-329). A request was also made by the company to reduce Application 18021 from 2.5 cfs to 1.0 cfs which allegedly would adequately cover the amount of water available (RT p. 257). It is found that no one would be prejudiced by allowance of said petitions and said requested amendment. Meyers Water Company was formed in 1955 and was certified as a public utility during the same year (RT pp. 260, 261). As of November 1960, the company had approximately 125 service connections and had approximately 180 connections during the summer peak of 1960 (RT p. 283). The company presently has two sources of water; one source is a well located in the northern portion of the service area which produces about 450 gallons per minute; the other source is a series of springs in the same area and is covered by Application 18021 (RT pp. 285-287). Meyers Water Company indicates that the summer water supply from the Upper Truckee River will be insufficient for its needs. Accordingly, the plan is to obtain a supplemental supply from wells (RT pp, 306, 307), The evidence indicates that Meyer's total water require- ments from all sources in 1970 will be about 2,760 acre-feet per annum and about 3!5 acre-feet in a maximum month. About 400 acre- feet of the annual requirements could be met by storage. The five applications of Meyers Water Company were pro- tested by the California Department of Fish and Game which presented evidence of the importance of the Upper Truckee River for the spawn- ing of Rainbow and Brown trout and Kokanee salmon. Rates of flow for the bypass of water down the Upper Truckee River, as proposed by the Department and agreed to by Meyers, are found to be in the public interest, John A. Fulton (dba Fulton Water Company) Application 18248 is for an appropriation of 1 cfs year-round from Lake Tahoe. The applicant's service area is located at the northwest corner of Lake Tahoe about 5 miles northeast of Tahoe City, At the present time approximately 175 residential connections are served by the company. Potentially the company will be obligated to serve about 950 customers, including 40 commercial lots. Most of the lots have already been sold (RT pp. 381-383), Fulton Water Company has been in business since 1928. The water supply for the company is pumped from Lake Tahoe at two locations. At present 100 gallons per minute are pumped from 014 the northerly pumping station (covered by Application 18248) and 60 gallons per minute are pumped at the southerly pumping station (covered by another application not yet set for hearing). During 1961, these pumping stations were to be increased to 200 gallons per minute and 100 gallons per minute, respectively (RT pp. 379, 393). Applicant Fulton Water Company has assumed a use of 450 gallons per day per person in calculating its future use of water. This quantity is substantially greater than the quantity used by the other applicants and that believed by the Board to be necessary. The consensus of the other applicants with regard to a quantity for daily per capita use in 1970 is 250 gallons per day. Using this quantity as a basis for estimating Fulton Water Company's 1970 use and applying the other criteria furnished by the Company, the total diversion in acre-feet per annum and the average diversion in cubic feet per second during the maximum month are 280 acre-feet per annum and 0.74 cubic foot per second, respectively. Accordingly, diversion in excess of 0.74 cubic foot per second will be denied. Tahoe Tavern Heights Water Company Application 18283 is for an appropriation of 0.9'cfs year-round from Lake Tahoe. The Company's service area is located on the west side of the lake about one mile south of Tahoe City (RT p. 359). At present the Company serves water to about 30 connections from a well located about 185 feet back from the shore of Lake Tahoe (RT pp. 360, 361). The well was installed in 1946 and has a pumping capacity of 45 gallons per minute (RT pp. 361-363). As development of the sub- division proceeds it is planned to pump water from Lake Tahoe to pro- vide a water supply for approximately 255 lots (RT pp. 361-364). -15- The evidence indicates that water requirements for Tahoe Tavern Heights Water Company in 1970 will be about 135 acre-feet a year, with a maximum monthly diversion of about 20 acre-feet, and that its service area will require a maximum rate of diversion of 0.4 cfs, Accordingly, diversion in excess of 0,4 cfs will be denied. Sierra Pacific Power Company filed protests against all of the subject applications; Truckee -Carson Irrigation District filed protests against all except Application 17235; and Washoe County Water Conservation District filed protests against all except Applications 17139 and 17149 (Staff Exho 1)o These three protestants are located in the State of Nevada. They presented no testimony or evidence at the hearing, apparently taking the position that, while not conceding that unappropriated water exists in the Lake Tahoe Basin, they will abide by any agreement entered into between the States of California and Nevada for allocation of the waters of Lake Tahoe Basin. These Nevada protestants also urge that the Board, if it does issue permits, impose such reasonable restrictions and limita- tions as will insure economical and beneficial use of the water allocated to California (RT pp, 101-1049 Staff Exh, 1), The evidence indicates and the Board finds that unappropri- ated water exists in the Lake Tahoe Basin, and that subject to suita- ble limitations and conditions, such water may be diverted and used in the manner proposed without causing substantial injury to any lawful user of water. The intended use is beneficial. From the foregoing findings, the Board concludes that Applications 17139, 17149, 17235, 180219 18030, 18031, 18038, and 18039 should be approved, that Applications 18248 and 18283 should be approved in part, and that permits should be issued to the respective applicants for a total annual quantity not to exceed 59675 acre-feet and subject to limitations and conditions of general or specific applications as indicated, ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Applications 17139, 17149, 17235, 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038, and 18039 be, and they are, ap- proved, and that Application 18248 be, and it is, approved in part, subject to vested rights and to the limitations and conditions of special application as set forth in the following Orders, and to the limitations and conditions of general application to be included in each permit as follows: 1. The maximum amount herein stated may be reduced in the license if investigation warrants, 2. Progress reports shall be filed promptly by permittee on forms which will be provided annually by the State Water Rights Board until license is issued, 3. All rights and privileges under this permit, including method of diversion, method of use, and quantity of water diverted are subject to the continuing authority of the State Water. Rights Board in accordance with law and in the interest of the public welfare to prevent waste, unreasonable use, unreasonable method of of use, or unreasonable method of diversion of said water. _17® 4. Permittee shall allow representatives of the State Water Rights Board and other parties, as may be authorized from time to time by said Board, reasonable access to project works to determine compliance with the terms of this permit. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that: 1. The amount of water to be appropriated under Applica- tion 17139 of 'Oakwood Investment Company shall be limited to the amount which can be beneficially used and shall not exceed 2.5 :.cubic feet per second by direct diversion to be diverted between June 1 and September 30 of each year for municipal purposes and shall not exceed 600 acre-feet in any year. 2. Total direct diversion from Lake Tahoe under this permit and under any other right, if any, that permittee may have for use on the place of use hereby authorized shall not be in excess of the rate of 3.25 cubic feet per second; provided, this condition in no way implies or authorizes a right to direct diversion in excess of the rate of 2.5 cubic feet per second. 3. Complete application of the water to the proposed use shall be made on or before December 1, 1965. ORDER Petitions having been filed by North Tahoe Public Utility District to change the point of diversion, place of use, and purpose of use described in its Application 17235 and to change the place of use as described in Application 17149, and it being found that the proposed changes will not operate to the injury of any lawful user of water, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that said petitions be, and they are, approved; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that: 1. The amount of water to be appropriated under Application 17149 shall be limited to the amount which can be beneficially used and shall not exceed 3.0 cubic feet per second by direct diversion to be diverted between January 1 and December 31 for municipal, domestic, recreational, and fire protection purposes. 2. ..The amount of water to be appropriated under Application 17235 shall be limited to the amount which can be beneficially used and shall not exceed 3.0 cubic feet per second by direct diversion to be diverted between January 1 and December 31 for municipal, domestic, recreational, and fire protection purposes. 3. The total amount of water to be appropriated by direct diversion under Applications 17149 and 17235 and under rights, if any, acquired from Brockway Water Company (Oakwood Investment Company) shall not exceed 240 acre-feet in any calendar month or 1,900 acre-feet in any year. 4. Actual construction work shall begin on or before July.1, 1963, and shall thereafter be prosecuted with reasonable diligence, and if not so commenced and prosecuted, these permits may be revoked. -19F. 5. Said construction work shall•be completed on or before December 1, 1968. 6. Complete application of the water to the proposed use shall be made on or before December 1, 1970. 7. Permits shall not be issued on Application 17149 or 17235 unless and until the electors of North Tahoe Public Utility Distrct,'not later than July 1, .1963, vote to approve a bond issue .required for said Districtts water distribution project; in default of such action, said applications shall be canceled. ORDER Petitions having been .filed to change the place of use as described .in Applications 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038, and 18039 of Meyers Water Company, and to change the point of diversion as described in said Application 18030, and it being found that the proposed. changes would not operate to the injury of any lawful user • of water, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that said petitionsbe, and they are, approved. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that: 1. The amount of water appropriated under Application 18021 of Meyers' Water Company for domestic purposes" shall be limited to the amount which can be beneficially used and shall not exceed 1.0 cubic foot per second by direct diversion to be diverted from January 1 to December 31 of each year and 6 acre-feet per annum by storage to•be collected from January 1 to December 31 of each year. -20- 2. The amount of water appropriated under Application 18030 for domestic purposes shall be limited to the amount which can be beneficially used and shall not exceed 3 cubic feet per second to be diverted from January 1 to December 31 of each year. 3. The amount of water appropriated under Application 18031 for domestic purposes shall be limited to the amount which can be beneficially used and shall not exceed 3 cubic feet per second to be diverted from January 1 to December 31 of each year. 4.. The amount of water appropriated under Application 18038 for domestic purposes shall be limited to the amount which can be beneficially• used and shall not exceed 3 cubic feet per second by direct diversion to be diverted from January 1 to December 31. of each year and 200 acre-feet per annum by storage to be collected between January 1 and December 31 of each year. 5. The amount of water appropriated under Application 18039 for domestic purposes shall be limited to the amount which can bebeneficially used and shall not exceed 3 cubic feet per second by direct diversion to be diverted from January 1 to December 31 of each year and 200 acre-feet per annum by storage to • be collected between January 1 and December 31 of each year. 6. The total amount of water appropriated by direct diversion under Applications 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038, and 18039 shall not exceed 34.5 acre-feet in any calendar month or 2,360 acre- feet in any year. 7. Actual construction work shall begin on or before July 1; 1962, and shall thereafter be prosecuted with reasonable diligence,•and if not so commenced and prosecuted, these permits may be revoked. 8. Said' construction work shall be completed on or before December 1, 1968. . •9. Complete .applicat.ion of the water to the proposed. use shall be. made. on or. before December .1, 1970. • Permittee shall bypass the following quantities of water into the natural stream bed of the Upper Truckee River at . all times pursuant to permits issued on Applications 18031, 18038, and 18039 (a) During the months of April, May, and June, 75 cubic feet per second or the total flow of the stream, whichever is less. (b) During July, a flow decreasing gradually from 75 cubic feet per second or the total flow of the stream, whichever isless, to 15 cubic feet per second or the total flow of the stream, whichever is less. The reduction caused by the permittee shall not be greater than 5 cubic feet per second in any one day. (c) During the remainder of the year, 15 cubic feet per second or the total flow, whichever is less. 11. In accordance with Water Code Section 1393, permittee shall clear the sites of the proposed reservoirs under Applications 18038 and 18039 of all structures, trees, and vegetation which would interfere with the use of the reservoirs for water storage and recreational purposes. -22- 12. 'Separate applications for the approval of plans . and specifications for construction of the dams shall be filed with, and approved by,'the Department of Water Resources prior to com- mencement of construction of the dams described under approved water right Applications 18038 and 18039, ORDER ITIS HEREBY ORDERED that: 1 The amount of water appropriated under Application 18248 .of, Johtn ,A;;. Fulton for municipal purposes shall be limited to .the amount. which• can be beneficially used and shall not exceed .0.,74 cubic foot per. sacond to be diverted from January 1 to December 31 of each year and shall not exceed a total diversion of 280 acre-feet in •any year. . •2. Actual construction work shall begin on or before July:1, 1962, and shall thereafter be prosecuted with reasonable diligence, and. if not so commenced and prosecuted, this permit may be revoked. 3. Said construction work shall be completed on or before .December 1, 1968. L4.. Complete application of the water to the proposed use shall• be made on or before December 1, 1970. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that: 1. The amount of water appropriated under Application •18283 of Tahoe Tavern Heights Water Company for domestic purposes • -23- shall • be limited tQ, the. amount which can be beneficially used and shall not exceed 0.L cubic foot per second to be diverted from January:1 to becember 31 of each year and shall not exceed a total diversion . of . 135. acre-feet in any year.. 2. Actual construction work shall begin on or before .July 1,.1962, and shall thereafter be prosecuted with reasonable :diligence:,.:; and:.if: ;not so: ,commenced . and prosecuted, this permit may revoked.,, Said :construction work shall be .completed on or before December Comple,te� application of the water to the proposed use shall; bei made an or.'befor.e December 1, 1970. Adopted`,.as: the .decision and orders of the State Water .Rights Board.,at a:meeting duly called and held at California,. on the • . 'day of • , 1962. Kent ' S ilverthorne, Chairman Ralph J. McGill, Member W. A.. Alexander, Member $ DEC 1 4 '61 K.L.W. December 15, 1961 Mr Eduard Everett Anse 152 Tuscaloosa Avenue Atherton, California Subject: Applications 18030, 18031, 18038 and 18039 Dyers Water Company Truckee River in El Dorado County De <r Mr. Ames: Thank you for your letter of December 8, 1961, in connection with the above -numbered applications. The Board hopes to adopt a decision in. this matter sometime during the month of January, 1962, and subsequently a copy of the decision will be forded to you. Very truly yours, L. X. Hill Ak Executive Officer KLW:lpb EDWARD EVERETT AMES 152 TUSCALOOSA AVENUE ATHERTON, CALIFORNIA /Yo/._ -/z � cvs-4 .•/w/ --,0,4A-4-4,-/' --‘124— lg-a-6141, 2(Toc,11,1-70-e-42 or -e -5r //.' sr. °1-rA-4- 7/7-3/) / 2- 0 2 EDWARD EVERETT AMES 152 TUSCALOOSA AVENUE ATHERTON, CALIFORNIA ;4-,/1�fr(--1/44 kc -e frr--"--ek--14 A --0-7A-47( ku-A, FORM NO. 155 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD MEMORANDUM TO Files DATE FROM R. R. Forsberg 54IBO 4-57 IOM SPO May 12, 1961 SUBJECT Petition to Change Point of Diversion Under Application 18030 On May 10, 1961, the writer conferred by telephone with Mr. George C. Baron, Vice -President of Meyers Water Company, with regard to the location of the point of diversion under Application 18030 as described in a petition dated March 2I+. The location of the point of diversion as described in the petition appeared to be in error when plotted on the geological survey, Echo Lake Quadrangle, 72 -minute series. Mr. Baron explained that the source under the application does not follow the course as shown on the geological survey quadrangle. He assured the writer that the description given in the petition is accuralge and corresponds with the actual location. Apparently Mr. Baron d has conducted a survey of the area and has aerial photographs which sub- stantiate his contention that the geological survey quadrangle sheet is in error. Accordingly, it is concluded that the point of diversion as described in the petition is on the same source as the point described in the original application but approximately 2000 feet downstream therefrom.. RRF:lpb April 14, 1961 Meyers Water Company 1013 = 22nd Street Sacramento, California Subject: Applications 18021, 180 , 18031, 18038D 18039 and 19629 Gentlemen: This is to acknowledge your affidavits in connection with notices of the above -numbered applications. Further action will follow in due course. Very truly yours, L. K. Hill Executive Officer WGS:tm 11)675" F®RM 8D -C 43661 10-55 500 SPO AFFIDAVIT OF .POSTING NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF PETITION TO CHANGE place of use UNDER APPLICATION 18030 PERMIT LICENSE BEFORE THE STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF George C. Baron ss. That acting on behalf of the (Insert here "that he is the applicant permittee or licensee" as the case may be) or ("that Company, a California Corporation APR I 0 9 28 AM '61 STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD SACRAMENTO , being first duly sworn, deposes and says: applicant ,__Mey__ers__Wa er_ acting on behalf of the applicant, permittee or licensee" as the case may be) (Name of applicant, permittee cr licensee --as the case may be) place of use in the matter of petition to change under Application 18030 , Permit , License before the State Water Rights Board of the State of California, he did on the 6th ("and did" or"he did") day of March , 19_61.__, post two notices of said petition to change of which. the annexed notice is a full, true, and correct copy. on the bulletin board of the Meyers That he posted one of said notices_ Post Office, Meyers, California: (Here describe how and where posted as accurately as possible) and the other of said notices on Lodge Pole Pim Tr___on__Highway___U.__t__�p� (Here describe how and where posted as accurately as possible) near Left Bank of Upper Truckee River --1 That each of said notices thus posted occupied a conspicuous place in the locality to be affected by said proposed change under said application Subscribed and ksivo o before me this � '1 da v/iif L:/_ip_ :. Afy Commi ioaEa�SF a iP.444,167,i4sz&nty My commission expires signature -of pe sted copies of notice DO NOT DETACH State of California -State Water Rights Board 140121st Street P. 0. Box 1592 Sacramento 7, California Notice of Petition to Change / / / v' Applications 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038 and 18039 Notice is hereby given, that Meyers Water Company Meyers California has under the date of December 1, 1960, petitioned the State Water Rights Board, of the State of California, for permission to change the place of use under the above -numbered applications in the county of El Dorado for domestic purposes. This notice supersedes that dated February 10, 1961.(failure to post) Project Under Present Applications Application 18021 for the appropriation of 2.5 cubic feet per second and 6.0 acre-feet per annum from an unnamed stream tribu- tary to Saxon Creek now describes the place of use as follows: Si of Section 19; Sif Section 20; SA of Section 28; SW4 of Section 29; SW4 of Section 30; Ni of Section 31; and NA of Section 32, all in T12N, R18E, MDB&M, and Ng of Section 25 and Ng of Section 36, both in T12N, R17E, MDB&M. Application 180 0 for the appropriation of 3 cubic feet per second from an unnamed creek tributary to Upper Truckee River and Application 18031 for the appropriation of 3 cubic feet per second from Upper Truckee River tributary to Lake Tahoe now describe the place of use as follows: Si of Section 19; Si of Section 20; SW4 of Section 28; S1, NA and W2 of Ng, all in Section 29; Section 30; Ni and E of SE4, both in Section 31; and W2 of Section 32, all in T12 , R18E, MDB&M, and Ng of Section 25 and Ng of Section 36, both in T12N, R17E, MDB&M. Application 18018, for the appropriation of 3 cubic feet per second and 200 acre-feet per annum from Upper Truckee River tributary to Lake Tahoe and Application 180 for the appro- priation of 3 cubic feet per second and 200 acre-feet per annum from Upper Truckee River tributary to Lake Tahoe now describe the place of use as follows: Si of Section 19; Si of Section 20; SA of Section 28; Si, NA and yi of NE4, all in Section 29; Section 30; Ni and E2 of SE1, both in Section 31; and W2 of Section 32, all in T12N, R18E, MDB&M; Ng of Section 25 and Ng of Section 36, both in T12N, R17E, MDB&M; WZ of NA and WI of SW49 Sq, in Section 5; Ei of NE4 and E1 of S, both in Section 6; E1 of NE4 of Section 7 and WZ of NA, Section 8, all in T11N, R18E, MDB&M. Description of Change The petition requests that all applications have a common place of use as follows: SW4 of Section 19;SE4 and Si of Ng of • Section 20; W2 of SW4 and SA of NW4 of Section 22; W2 of NW4and NW4 of SW4 of Section 27; Ni, SW1 and Ni of SE -',of Section 28; Wi, SE,' and Si `of Ng of Section 29; Section 30; Ni, and SE-, of Section 31; and Wi of Section 32, all in„T12N, R18E, MDB&M; Wi of Section 5; NE4 and Ei of SE4 of Section 6; EZ of NE4 and E2 of SE4 of Section 7; Wi of Section 8; W1, W2 of NE4 and W2 of SET', of Section 17; and Ni of NW4 and NW4 of Ng of Section 20; all in TUN, R18E, MDB&M; SE4 of Section 25 and SE4 of Section 36, both in T12N, R17E, MDB&M. Petitioner represents that this change involves no change in source and no increase in the amount of appropriation. Relative to Protests Blanks upon which to submit protests will be supplied free upon request. Any person desiring to protest against the granting of such change shall within 40 days from date hereof file with the State Water Rights Board, Sacramento, California, a written protest. Such protest shall clearly set forth the protestant's objections to the change and shall contain the following information: (1) Statement of the injury which would result to protestant from such change. (2) The basis of protestant's water right. (3) Protestant's past and present use of water both as amount used and land irrigated, or use made of water' if other than irrigation. (4) The approximate location of protestant's land or place of use and point of diversion of the water. A copy_of therp otest should be sent to the applicant and this office notified that the same has been done. Only those protests based upon claim of iniury due to the Proposed change can be considered. L. K. Hill Executive Officer Dated: Sacramento, California MAR 2 1961 -2- KENT SILVERTHORNE. CHAIRMAN W. P. ROWE. MEMBER RALPH J. McGILL. MEMBER April , 1961 Catranie *bmun;r (15.4rnfai . Goternur • STATE OF CALIFORNIA i1 ahI1 JLU i Tivar 1401 219T STREET P. O. BOX 1892 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA Subject: Affidavits of .Posting Not Applications 21, 1430 can 2e03S, 16039' =;APR 4.'61 WR This is to advise that there have not been filedith this office affidavits of posting of the notices dated n s' 4,44 relative to your above -numbered applications, copies of which notices were sent to you on said date. L. K. HILL. EXECUTIVE OFFICER The Water Code requires that these notices be posted within fifteen days from the date of the notices and that affidavits of posting be filed within forty days from the date thereof. If the notices have been posted you should immediately file proof by executing and returning the affidavit forms which accompanied the notices. If the notices were not posted, kindly advise and we will forward copies of.new notices of a later date. Very truly yours, ( !1'Ue L. K. Hill Executive Officer IPTR ve 8F P1 larch 27, 1961 fir. Eugene A. Chappie, maim= El Dorado County Water Agency Placerville, California Subject: applications 18021, 1 30, 1 I$ 31, 18O3S, 14 a 39 and 196290 Upper Truckee River Dear lir. Chapple: This will acknowledge your letter of March 6, 1961, relating to the petitions to change place of use under Applications 16021, 1 + 0$ 1SO31, 16038 and 18039, f led by Meyers tater Compt The Water Code requires that a petition to vie be filed, when a change icy request on a project covered by an application which has been advertised. Application 19629 was not included in the petitions to change e plaee of use as it had not yet been advertised at the tine the petitions were filed. Your comments on the petitions to change place of use and on the quantities of water applied for under the applications are not ado Xou may be assured that El Dorado County Vlat.,r Agency will be i nformad of developments in regard to the applic=,.tics of Meyers Vater Company including any hearing that may be called. The California- da Interstate Compact Commission received notice of the itions to change place of use and previously had participated in several days of hearings involving all ©f th above applica— tions except Application 1.96290 Thank you for your interest in this matter.; 1Very truly yours, L. K. Rill Executive Officer Jam STANLEY W. KRONICK ADOLPH MOSKOVITZ MARCUS VANDERLAAN KRONICK, MOs,KOVITZ & VANE ERLAAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW - 926:J STREET BUILDING SACRAMENTO 14, CALIFORNIA March 24 1961 California State Water Rights Board P. 0. Bo'x 1592 1401 21st. Street Sacramento, California Gentlemen: K . (;. TELEPHONE (- Ii ICKO RY.4-8920 60.40 Re: Meyers,Water'Company Application 18030 -- Petition for Change in Point of Diversion Please Volume II of the reporter's trans- cript of the hearingebefore your Board on the above numbered application and others involving the appropriation of water from Lake Tahoe and tributary streams, dated November 29 and 30, and December 1, 1960, pages 326-330. At that point in the hearing, the Meyers Water -Company and the Department of Fish and Game stipulated that, if the point of diversion under the above numbered;appl,ication were moved downstream from the point presently."described in the application a dis- tance of 2,000 feet or.''more, the Department of Fish and Game would remove it's protest to the application and no condition respecting releases of water for fishery. -maintenance would be required: • Pursuant to that stipulation, the enclosed petition for change in point of diversion is being filed with your Board. The proposed new point of diversion described in the petition is more than 2,000 feet downstream,,from_the_present point_ of diversion, and as -we understand it is satisfactory to the Department of Fish and Game: It is respectfully requested that this petition be considered and ruled on in connection with the decision on the granting of the above numbered appli- cation and all the others involved in this hearing. Inasmuch as another petition for change in connection with the above numbered application has already been filed at the hearing, a petition for change of place of use (R. T. Vol. II, p. 257), it is our understanding that no additional filing fee is necessary in connection with the filing of the present petition California State Water Rights Board -- 2 , March 24, 1961 for change in point of diversion. Very truly yours, KRONICK, MOSKOVITZ & VANDERLAAN By- C� AN/.7'r ADOLPH MOSKOVITZ Encl. cc: Mr. George Baron Meyers Water Company Mr. James M. Sanderson Mr. Kneeland H. Lobner Van* .16* 196 VIA?* ;fiat= p gef,M0=0. eras Attorov. at Lew V -hat atvvt Street Rmo 4 vtaaVaaa UuMoat a tonne= 17159pi719 7M35 1COULD 1 1Db, liAno 100.0 9‘,9 30204 laR75?61.4eo Swede md nOROV Comatioo EtDoir, gerrii" zwerit kLtvillk Qcktav4iefte. oar lotrtar Mtech 2:961,a tuAtterirvig no on trobalt ,41mtatztao-ftrnegt 1%.2-gatiam Atottlx4 that tt doom rot aoaltv nutxat ovadtmeo t t lwer agxeral tremberoa AVIteattf=00 • Votor -Trae poomiratze ,thz me-popoil, azamcramt esid 00.0.4)0.9.;Stui botesm tte tatattota of gatauraxiao oyeakia itba tam Taloa 3G 1 beixtv% couoSdomtlesi tea Dobrato dootaim ;INP.3 the nattor. coutetael afrotolas vow? tzezita, Abl,C3 eattw le owreeisted* Very. Us yourav Ete naclomtituo Officer, March 179 1961 D'Z'o San IS. Robirgvan Attorimoy mad Courloollar at Law jprat, AVAtoatitms 1713110 17110 i` ,5# 10022 ZQ D 1�31,. 10036,0 1039,0 1e124,5 wad l at3D ro Lako Wising DA Rorw1c Placor Comatios F;1 (L �(•py �hny � y. ��' our ett ? " ' / r�dyb 14y00 1961 regarftng taai;1P�'Wtfl z 5Es-He �+ ffi dtli 000411 4 4Vipooat o21�Qt.7 Lk10 p p 9 'ti'IKW o iso 'Moo illagaz wIthiri the Otto of' Z1`11,tovalea. .140trtot Qom net dealve the howlm Vto reocnvonotihow;or tha impose at' evattritzmi tdatictual ocitioncee Yom cmtnoata mammos of at fvveorzlat botooten tho otattio of Gal -female and Revaaia 4E1 ratatIon calocataon at wato r Mc ?Attic Tahoe tVe alto rotedo, F you for geur court of ng thta office f your pooltiml. hin mattew4 Vary tnaly nave, ''2:tacultIvo =low IRR' g vc KENT SILVERTHORNE. CHAIRMAN W. P. ROWE. MEMBER RALPH J. McGILL. MEMBER 'tatt? March 15, 1961 Ebmuna (ffi. Prafnn Governor STATE OF CALIFORNIA I0 LII titer t is Boarb 1401 219T STREET P. O. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7, CALIFORNIA TO APPLICANTS, PROTESTANTS AND INTERESTED PARTIES: 7 Subject: Applications 17139, 17149, 17235, 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038,18039, 18248, 18283 and 18910 Lake Tahoe Basin, El Dorado and Placer Counties Hearing was held on the above -numbered applications on Septem- ber 13, November 29, 30, and December 1, 1960. The matter was submitted for decision subject to the right of the Nevada pro- testants, namely, Sierra Pacific Power Company, Truckee -Carson Irrigation District and Washoe County Conservation District, to present additional evidence. By letter of March 10, 1961, the Board was advised that these protestants will not exercise the privilege reserved to them. Accordingly, no further hearing is planned, and the Board will proceed with the preparation of a decision. Very truly yours, L. K. Hill Executive Officer L. K. HILL EXECUTIVE OFFICER State of California -State Water Rights Board 1401 21st Street P. 0. Box 1592 Sacramento 7, California Notice of Petition to Change Applications 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038 and 18039 Notice is hereby given, that Meyers Water Company Meyers California has under the date of December 1, 1960, petitioned the State Water Rights Board, of the State of California, for permission to change the place of use under the above -numbered applications in the county of El Dorado for domestic purposes. This notice supersedes that dated February 10, 1961 (failure to post) Project Under Present Applications Application 18021 for the appropriation of 2.5 cubic feet per second and 6.0 acre-feet per annum from an unnamed stream tribu- tary to Saxon Creek now describes the place of use as follows: Si of Section 19; Si of Section 20; SW4 of Section 28; SW4 of Section.299 SW4 of Section 30; N1, of Section 31; and Ng of Section 32, all in T12N, R18E, MOB&M, and NE4 of Section 25 and NE4 of Section 36, both in T12N, R17E, MDB&M. Application 18032 for the appropriation of 3 cubic feet per second from an unnamed creek tributary to Upper Truckee River and Application 18031 for the appropriation of 3 cubic feet per second from Upper Truckee River tributary to Lake Tahoe now describe the place of use as follows Si of Section 19; Si of Section 20; SW4 of Section 28; Si, NW1 and WZ of NE4, all in Section 29; Section 30; Ni and E2 of SE4, both in Section 31; and WZ of Section 32, all in T12N, R18E, MDB&M, and NE4 of Section 25 and NE4 of Section 36, both in T12N, R17E, MDB&M. Application 18038 for the appropriation of 3 cubic feet per second and 200 acre-feet per annum from Upper Truckee River tributary to Lake Tahoe and Application_Mai for the appro- priation of 3 cubic feet per second and 200 acre-feet per annum from Upper Truckee River tributary to Lake Tahoe now describe the place of use as follows: Si of Section 19; Si of Section 20; SW1 of Section 28; S1, NW4 and Wi of NE1, all in Section 29; Section 30; Ni and E2 of SE1, both in Section 31; and W2 of Section 32, all in T12N, R18E, MDB&M; NE1 of Section 25 and NE4 of Section 36, both in T12N, R17E, MDB&M; WZ of NW4 and W2 of SW1, both in Section 5; E2 of NE4 and EZ of SE11.1 both in Section 6; E1 of NE1 of Section 7 and W2 of NW4, Section 8, all in T11N, R18E, MDB&M. Description_of Change The petition requests that all applications have a common place. of use as follows: SW4 of Section 19; SE4 and Si of NE4 of • • Section 20; W2 of SW4 and SW4 of NW4 of Section 22; WZ of NW4and NW4 of SW4 of Section 27; Ni, SW1 and Ni of SE4 of Section 28; W2, SE4 and Si of NE4 of Section 29; Section 30; Ni, and SE4 of Section 31; and W2 of Section 32, all in T12N, R18E, MDB&M; W1 of Section 5; NE-', and E2 of SE4 of Section 6; E2 of NEe and E2 of SET; of Section 7;.W2 of Section 8; W4, W2 of NE4 and W2 of SET', �f Sectiona17; and Ni of NW, -1; and NW4 of NE4 of Section 20; all in T11N, R18E; MDB&M9 SE4 of Section 25 and SE4 of Section 36, both in T12N, R17E, MDB&M. Petitioner represents that this change involves no change in source and no increase in the amount of appropriation. Relative to Protests Blanks upon which to submit protests will be supplied free upon request. Any person desiring to protest against the granting of such change shall within 40 days from date hereof file with the State Water Rights Board, Sacramento, California, a written protest. Such protest shall clearly set forth the protestant's objections to the change and shall contain the following information: (1) Statement of the injury which would result to protestant from such change. (2) The basis of protestant's water right. (3) Protestant's past and present use of water both as amount used and land irrigated, or use made of water if other than irrigation. (4) The approximate location of protestant's land or place of use and point of diversion of the water. A copy_of the etaltst should be sent to the applicant and this office notified that the same has been done. Only those protests based upon claim of injury due to the proposed change can be considered. L. K. Hill Executive Officer Dated: Sacramento, California MAR 2 1961 a -t -2- KENT SILVERTHORNE. CHAIRMAN W. P. ROWE. MEMBER RALPH J. McGILL. MEMBER re Viaer1 I38 /. a ' �y�I1� G u 4 3 amuna (L 3ruhln Gabrrzzar STATE OF CALIFORNIA I.b tL Rig1 th Buttrit 1401 218T STREET P. O. BOX 1892 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA latch:24.1962 Application- 18021 Permit L. K. HILL EXECUTIVE OFFICER There ardc:enclosed -bt rd -copies of notice of your petition;' You are,directed to post this notice on or. before ` ;rip " in at least two conspicuous places. in the locality to be affected by the pro- posed change,. In case, of inabilitytopost the'.notice ,wi.thin'the ,time lallowed� kindly advise this officeli, , ely dy new notices' of a later 'date will be forwarded. , On or: before, . ;�,, you should file' with''. this office proof of such. posting.a„ ITn IIS REQUIRED, THAT/ PROOF OF ' POSTING'_ SHALL"CONSIST OF AN AFFIDAVIT EXECUTED ON THE ENCLOSED FORM ATTACHED TO A COPY` OF THE NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE. This, notice is designed for the mutual protection of the petitioner and other claimants. Although vested rights to the use of water from this ot source cann•be,lost, prejudiced or impaired by failure to protest against the petition, other:claimants are given this notice so that they may protest if it is felt the `proposed change will result in injury to them. If'protestsare filed you will be furnished with copies thereof and you are required to file with this office and with the protestant a brief but complete answer to each protest. There is no prescribed legal form which such answer must',take but4anything which you, may do toward placing this office in possession of- all the facts ,relative to the objections raised to your petition will expedite action.thereon. t; Very truly yours, L. K Hill Executive Officer Enc. Cert. 8bc REF: 1pb Mr® Willi . Q 01JJ Oprick2 , 9. t, li Attorneys at Law , Nontgoiew Sit San ane$scoQ Collfornia Subject: Applications 171391) 1617141�9, 17 � I.8O2 ,, L 3 alk 1 ' ' � ,.,i 39,, 16833 LarEMIbralns, l r Cries Dem' Orrick: The ab =n 3 emlications were exe nu ,teat „rY a howl bei the State Matic Bozrdc-tsessions held Segterliber139 beg 29 we;mss and December 1, 1a ai , 'vim applications appmarlations in min and menz, Drotested by- covers/ entitles 1d in the State skg £fie At `ber 29 session og the art you indicated that the Nevada p, t -s s xgold n active pert 1rzthe hewing if agrwment go allocati»r: o water barn California, and Era is accepted at a meting a the Joint Californiada Comact. eel in Febimary., It hoz `Wen brougnt to our at ion and is p riders Q n vas t _(�, agreement for the muter in the ZakQ Tahoe 11,4„.fj, .Ai'.Si1 is er d �F75�'1 u'.'. meeting of he ,•1�1Q174Etr0�_C'd 79�4'3.�'ie held i! December'. Accordinglys,. , you please advise me vdtetter the �Ey `ti 13v3:�' desire to �.1--sent . `C s�i ' evidence d.o the recce of the !cawing is closed. VerL7'rs. Ikecutiveweer co: Tree -ewe Irrtion District cioc.Tasmes em Joon Jr*, £t 252 Vas First Stet Reno;: Nevada Waw Conon Disci 29 t First stet sow, r ' (Attention: M.. ester C. %' m.) 'tatI STATE OF CALIFORNIA I1I1 • MtPr faiglytoii1MX� 1401 218T STREET P. 0. BOX 1882 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA February 10, 196 / Applications 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038 and 18039 POSTMASTER ,Tahoe City, California. Dear Sir: Notice is enclosed regarding applications to appropriate water. This office will appreciate your courtesy if you will post this notice in a prominent place in your Post Office. Very truly yours, . K. Hill Executive Officer Enc. 8 PL /aft State of California -State Water Rights Board, 1401 21st Street P. 0. Box 1592 Sacramento 7, California Notice of Petition to Chrige Applications 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038 and 18039 Notice is hereby given, that Meyers Water Company Meyers California has under the date of December 1, 1960, petitioned the State Water Rights Board, of the State of California, for permission to change the place of use under the above -numbered applications in the county of El Dorado for domestic purposes. Project Under Present Applications Application 18021 for the appropriation of 2.5 cubic feet per second and 6.0 acre-feet per annum from an unnamed stream tribu- tary to Saxon Creek now describes the place of use as follows: Si of Section 19; S of Section 20; SW4 of Section 28; SW4 of Section 29; SW4 of Section 30; N4 of Section 31; and NW4 of, Section 32, all in T12N, R18E, MDB&M, and NE4 of Section 25 and NE4 of Section 36, both in T12N, R17E, MDB&M. Application 15.232 for the appropriation of 3 cubic feet per second from an unnamed creek tributary to Upper Truckee River and Application 18031 for the appropriation of 3 cubic feet per second from Upper Truckee River tributary to Lake Tahoe now describe the place of use as follows: Si of Section 19; Si of Section 20; SW4 of Section 28; Si, NW4 and WZ of NE4, all in Section 29; Section 30; Ni and E2 of SE4, both in Section 31; and W2 of Section 32, all in T12N, R18E, MDB&M, and NA of Section 25 and NE4 of Section 36, both in T12N, R17E, MDB&M. Application 18038 for the appropriation of 3 cubic feet per second and 200 acre-feet per annum from Upper Truckee River tributary to Lake Tahoe and Application 18019 for the appro- priation of 3 cubic feet per second and 200 acre-feet per annum from Upper Truckee River tributary to Lake Tahoe now describe the place of use as follows: S1 of Section 19; Si of Section 20; SW4 of Section 28; Si, NW4 and W4 of NE4, all in Section 29; Section 30; Ni and EL of SE1, both in Section 31; and W2 of Section 32, all in TI2N, R18E, MDB&M; NE4 of Section 25 and NE4 of Section 36, both in T12N, R17E, MDB&M; WZ of NW4 and W4 of SW49 both in Section 5; Eof NE4 and E1 of SE4, both in Section 6; E1 of NE4 of Section 7 and W4 of NW4, Section 8, all in T11N, R18E, MDB&M. Description_of Chane The petition requests that all applications have a common place of use as follows: SW4 of Section 19; SEA and Si of NES. of Section 20; W2 of SA and .SW4,of NA of Section 22; WZ of NW4an_d NW4 of SA of Section 27; Ni, SA and Ni of SE4 of Section 28; W2, SE4 and Si of Ng of Section 29; Section 30; NZ, and SE4 of Section 31; and W2 of Section 32, all in T12N, R18E, MDB&M; W. of Section 5; Ng and E2 of SE4 of Section 6; E2 of Ng and Ei of SE4 of Section 7; WZ of Section 8; W1, W2 of Ng and W2 of SET'. of Section 17; and Ni of NW4 and NW of Ng of Section 20; all in TUN, R18E, MDB&M; SE4 of Section 25 and SE4 of Section 36, both in T12N, R17E, MDB&M. Petitioner represents that this change.involves no change in source and no increase in the amount of appropriation. Relative to Protests Blanks upon which to submit protests will be supplied free upon request. Any person desiring to protest against the granting of such change shall within 40 days from date hereof file with the State Water Rights Board, Sacramento, California, a written protest. Such protest shall clearly set forth the protestant's objections to the change and shall contain the following information: _(1) Statement of the injury which would result to protestant from such change. (2) The basis of protestant's water right. (3) Protestant's past and present use of water both as amount used and land irrigated, or use made of water if other than irrigation.. (4) The approximate location of protestant's land or place of use and point of diversion of the water. A cg y of the protest should be sent to the applicant and this office notified that the same has been done. Only those protests based upon claim of injury due to the proposed change can be considered. L. K. Hill Executive Officer Dated: Sacramento, California FEB 10 1961 -2- KENT SILVERTHORNE, CHAIRMAN W. P. ROWE. MEMBER RALPH J. MCGILL, MEMBER Meyers Water Company Meyers California Gentlemen: EDMUND G. BROWN GOVERNOR STATE OF CALIFORNIA IB I1 aIPr igirt i %Mi' t 1401 219T STREET P. O. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO. CALIFORNIA February 10, 1961/ Applications 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038 and 18039 LELAND K. HILL EXECUTIVE OFFICER There are enclosed three copies of a notice of your application, two of which should be posted as indicated below and the third of which should be returned to this office with attached affidavit. You are directed to post two copies of this notice on or before February 27, 1961 in at least two conspicuous places in the locality to be affected by the proposed appropriation. On or before March 22 1961 you should file with this office proof of such posting. IT IS REQUIRED THAT PROOF OF POSTING SHALL CONSIST OF AN AFFIDAVIT EXECUTED ON THE ENCLOSED FORM ATTACHED TO A COPY OF THE NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE. In case of inability to post two copies of the notice or file proof of posting within the time allowed kindly advise this office immediately and copies of a new notice of a later date will be forwarded. This notice is designed for the mutual protection of applicant and prior claimants. Although vested rights to the use of water from the source from which the appropriation is sought cannot be lost, prejudiced or impaired by failure to protest against the application, prior claimants are given this notice so that they may protest if it is felt the proposed appropriation will result in injury to them. If protests are filed you will be furnished with copies thereof and you are required to file with this office and with the protestant a brief but complete answer to each protest. There is no prescribed legal form which such answer must take but anything which you may do toward placing this office in possession of all the facts relative to the objections raised to your application will expedite action thereon. Enc. Cert. WR/bfm FORM BB 6542 10-59 EM 0 SPO Very truly yours Weee L. K. HILL, Executive Officer TO: Files DATE: December 1, 1960 FROM: R. R. Forsberg SUBJECT: Hearing of Applications 21� 17139, etc., Lake Tahoe Basin On November 29 and 30 and December 1, 1960, the hearing of Applications 17139, 17149, 17235, 17727, 17761, 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038, 18039, 18248 and 18283 was continued, the first day of hearing having been held September 13, 1960. The hearing was held in Sacramento under the direction of Mr. Silverthorne, with the assistance of Messrs. Gulick and Forsberg. Board Members Rowe and McGill participated in the November 29 session of the hearing. Those parties making appearances at the hearing are the same as those during the September 13 session, with the exception of Tahoe Tavern Heights Water Company, represented by attorney Martin McDonough. Subsequent to the first day of hearing a request for cancellation of Application 17761 was received from Rosa LaPorte, Harvey E. and Selma C. Blackwell. Attorney William H. Orrick, Jr,, representing the protes- tants located in the State of Nevada, stipulated that no presenta- tion would be made on behalf of the Nevada protestants until the results of a February meeting of the Joint California -Nevada Inter- state Compact Commission are known. It is anticipated that an acceptable agreement for allocation of water in the Lake Tahoe Basin will be approved at that time which would satisfy the Nevada Protes- tants. Should the agreement not be effected, it is the desire of the Nevada protestants that an opportunity be given them to present evidence in support of their conten'Aoi; chat r.. s unappropriated water is available in the Lake Tahoe Basin_ the under:o,ana_r;g that • f Files December 1, 1960 Page Two such an opportunity would be afforded them, the Nevada protestants withdrew from any active participation in the hearing at this time. Prior to withdrawing, the Sierra Pacific Power Company indicated that after further consideration it had decided to withdraw its protest against Application 17727 of Alseno and Louise Oppio Fenech. Testimony and evidence was presented on behalf of all of the remaining applicants and protestant California Department of Fish and Game. The evidence presented by the applicants was directed toward showing the need for the water applied for, what the rate of development of water use will be and what the quantity of water used will amount to on an annual acre-foot basis -in 5 -year intervals until ultimate use is reached. The Department of Fish and Game presented testimony and evidence showing the importance of the Upper Truckee river as a fishery and spawning area for trout and Kokanee salmon. The hearing was concluded with the understanding that written briefs would be exchanged between competing applicants, Oakwood Investment Company and North Tahoe Public Utility District. The time limit placed upon the exchange was 10 days after receipt of transcript for the opening brief of Oakwood Investment Company, followed by a 10 -day period for a reply brief from North Tahoe Public Utility District. Further sessions of the hearing will be scheduled after it; is determined what the date of hearing will be of the Joint California -Nevada Interstate Compact Commission. RRF:fo . R. Forsberg Astiistant Hydric Engineer Received ❑ Cash L STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD P. O. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7, CALIFORNIA Receipt N? 12889 Date Detttettbe ❑ Money Order [,,Check (Receipt contingent upon collection) le 2 4d Otreart . Re AP MA t-Zo : l 30 DEC 1 1960 ❑ Deposit Recordation Fee $- $---------- Verification—Fee _ Verification—Fee . . Expense $ $ ❑ Balance ® Full Application No $ Permit Fee $, Permit Extension Fee Petition Fee $_ M. Additional Fee on Charges $------------ Certification Fee Copying—Comparing Proof of Claim Fee $ Adjudication Apportionment Refund -Verification Other $_____—_ ❑ Uncleared Collections ❑ Application ❑ Proof of Claim ❑ Adjudication Apportionment ❑ Verification Advance ❑ Other FORM 300 47168 11-86 20M QUIN 0 880 STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD LESLIE C. JOPSON, Chief Engineer fit By_ Title PITION FOR CHANGE IN PLACE OF US Attach $10.00 filing fee with petitions for changes Application 18030 Permit License State Water Rights Board 1401 - 21st Street Sacramento, California *•• T Gentlemen: We X hereby request permission to change the place of use as described in the, above -numbered filing to a place described as follows and as shown on the map here- with submitted: For description of new place of use see attachment. (Give acreage to be irrigated within each 40 -acre tract) GIVE REASON FOR PROPOSED CHANGE: Area planned to be subdivided and served has been enlarged. WILL THE OLD PLACE OF USE BE ABANDONED? Included in new place of use (Answer "Yes"or "No") WATER WILL BE USED FOR Domestic PURPOSES. We $ control the place of use proposed by virtue of It is within the exist- ing or proposed public utility service area. (Ownership, lease, agreement) This change does not involve the introduction of any new source or any in- crease in the amount of the appropriation. The persons affected by or interested in the proposed change are as follows: None (Name) (Address) Very truly yours, , IT WATER COMPANY' //-24- 6 V as (Date) . (besideht (Signature)' t Chapter 254, Statutes of 1955 requires a $10.00 filing fee with petition for changesyl Form 105 8-11-60 / HOV 3 0 'G0 J4.6. r\ � 3] 1 10 22 BOARD 111 STh1 01 0 y " " 7 f z£t 22» 22£ A;a 2iT • , • DESCRIPTION OF MEYERS WATER CO. • PROPOSED SERVICE AREA NOVEMBER 1960 Beginning at the W. t Corner of Section 19, T. 12 N., R. 1$ E., M. D. B. & M.; THENCE FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING Easterly one- half mile, more or less, to the center of Section 19; thence Southerly one-half mile, more or less, to the S. * Corner of Section 19; thence Easterly ?long the Southerly edge of Sections 19 & 20, one mile, more or less, to the S. t Corner of Section 20; thence Southerly one-quarter mile, more or less, to the S. W. Corner of the N. W. 4 of the N. E. 4 of Section 29,; thence Easterly one-half mile, more or less, to the S. E. Corner of the N..E. 4 of the N. E. t of Section 29; thence Northerly one-quarter mile, more or less, to the N. W. Corner of Section 28;thence E?sterly along the South- erly edge of Section 21, one-half mile, more or less, to the S. k Corner of Section 21; thence Northerly through the center of Section 21, three-quarters of a mile, more or less, to the S. W. Corner of the N. W. 4 of the N. E. t of Section 21; thence Easterly one-half mile, more or less, to the S. E. Corner of the N. E. 4 of the N. E. 4 of Section 21; thence Easterly one-quarter mile to the center of the N. W. 4 of Section 22; thence Southerly three-quarters of a mile, more or less, to the S. E. Corner of the S. W. 4, of the S. W. * of Section 22; thence Southerly three-quarters of a mile, more or less, to the center of the S. W. 4 of Section 27; thence Westerly one- quarter mile, more or less, to the S. W.,Corner of the N. W. 4 of the S. W. I of Section 27; thence Westerly one-half mile, more or less, to the S. W. Corner of the N. W. 4 of the S. E. of Section 28; Page 2 thence Southerly one-quarter mile, more or less, to the S. k Corner of Section 28; thence Westerly along the Southerly edge of Sections 28 & 29, one mile, 'more or less, to the S. 4 Corner of Section 29; thence Southerly one mile, more or less, to.the S. k Corner of Sec- tion 32, T. 12 N., R. 18 E., M. D. B.'& M.; thence Southerly one mile, more or less, to the S. 4 Corner. of Section 5, T. 11 N., R. 18 E., M. D. B. & M.; thence Southerly one mile, more or less, to the S. 4 Corner of Section 8; thence Easterly one-quarter mile, more or less, to the N. E. Corner of the N. W. 4 of the N. E. k of Section 17; thence Southerly one mile, more or less, to the S. E. Corner of the S. W. k of the S. E. k of Section 17; thence South- erly one-quarter mile, more or less, to.the center of the N. E. k of Section 20; thence Westerly three-quarters of a mile, more or less, to the S. W. Corner:of the N. W. k of the N. W. k of Section 20; thence Northerly one and a quarter miles, more or less, along the Westerly edge of Sections 20 & 17; to the N. W. Corner of Sec- tion 17, T. 11 N., R. 18 E.; thence Westerly one-quarter mile, more or less, to the S. W. Corner of the S. E. k of the S. E. k 'of Section 7; thence Northerly one mile, more or less, to the N. W. Corner of the N. E. k of the N. E. k of Section 7; thence Northerly one-half mile, more or less, to the N. W. Corner of the N. E. k of the S. E. k of Section 6; thence Westerly one-quarter mile, more or less, to the center of Section 6; thence Northerly one-half mile, more or less, to the N. k Corner of Section.6, T. 11 N., R. 18 E., M. D. B. & M; thence Northerly one-half mile, more or less, to the center 'of Section 31, T. 12 N., R. 18 E., M. D. B. & M; thence Westerly one-half mile, more or less, to the W. k Corner of Section 31, T. 12 N., R. 18 E., M. D. B. & M.; thence Westerly one-half mile, Page 3 more or less, to the center of Section 36, T. 12 N., R. 17 E., M. D. B. & M.; thence Northerly one-half mile,°more or less, to the N. t Corner of Section 36; thence.Easterly one-half mile, more or less, along the Northerly edge of said Section 36 to the S. W. Corner of Section.30, T. 12 N., R. 18 E.; thence Northerly one-half' mile, more or less, along the Westerly edge of said Section 30, to the W. 4 Corner of said Section 30; thence Westerly three-quarters of a mile, more or less, to the S. W. Corner .of the S. E. of the N. W. t of Section 25, T.-12 N., R.'17 E., M. D. B. & M.; thence Northerly one-half mile, more or less, to the N. W..Corner of the N. E. t of the N. W. t of said Section 25; thence three-quarters of a mile along the Northerly edge of said Section 25, to the S. W. Corner of Section 19, T. 12 N., R. 18 E.; thence Northerly one -half - mile, more or less, along the Westerly edge of Section 19, to the point of beginning, comprising 5240 Acres, more or less, and in- cluding the following: All of the S. W. t of Section 19; all of Section 30; the W. the S. E. 4 and the S. of the N. E. t of Section '29; the W. , the N. E. t and the N. of the S. E. t of Section 28; the.S. E. t and the S. of the N. E. t of Section 21; the W. of the S. W. t. and the S. W. t of the N. W. t of Section 221 the W. of the N. W. 4 and the N. W. 4 of the S. W. t of Section 27; the N. and the S. E. t of Section 31; the W. of Section 32, all in T. 12 N., R. 18 E., M. D. B. & M. The N. E. t of Section 36; the N. E. t- andrahe E. of the N. W. t of Section 25;, all in T. 12 N., R. 17 E., M. D: B. & M. Page 4 The N. E. k and the E. of the S. E. k of Section 6; the W. of Section 5; the W. of Section $; the E. of the N. E. and the E. of the S. E. k of Section 7; the W. , the W. of the N. E. and the W. of the S. E. k of Section 17; the N. of the N. W. k and the N. W. k of the N. E. k of Section 20; all in T. 11 N., R. 1$ E., M. D. B. & M. Harold S. Prescott, Civil Engineer, R.E. 7400 October 18, 1960 Sacramento Sierra Sportsmen's Council 707 Forum Building Sacramento 14, California Attention: 1r. Lamar Latimer President Subject: Rearing on Applications 18030, 18031, 18038 and 18039 - Upper Truckee River Gentlemen: This will acknowledge your letter of October 13, 1960, regarding the hearing being conducted on the above - numbered applications to appropriate from the Upper Truckee River. Tour interest in this matter is appreciated. The hear- ing of the above -numbered applications will be reconvened on Tuesday, November 29, 1960, at 9:30 a.m. in the State Water Rights Board hearing room, fourth floor, Kaiser Building, 1+01 v 21st Street, Sacramento, California. Should you desire, you may appear at that time as an interested party. Very truly yours, L. K. Rill becutive Officer RRF:lpb a OCT '60 M. %0 OCT 7 2 '60 K.L.W. STATE OF CALIFORNIA - STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD 1401 - 21st Street P. 0. Box 1592 Sacramento 7, California In the Matter of Application 17139, by OAKWOOD INVESTMENT COMPANY; Applications 17149 and 17235, by ) NORTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT; ) ) Application 17727, by ALSENO and ) LOUISE OPPIO FENECH; ) Application 17761, by ROSH LAPORTE, ) HARVEY E. and SELMA C. BL CKWELL; ) Applications 18021, 18030, 18031, ) 18038, and 18039, by MEYERS WATER ) COMPANY; ) Application 18248, by JOHN A. FULTON,) DBA FULTON WATER COMPANY; ) Application 18283, by TAHOE TAVERN ) HEIGHTS WATER COMPANY; ) ) And Application 18910, by RUTH E. ) SHURT LEFF; ) Sources: Lake Tahoe and Applicants ) certain streams tributary thereto ) TRUCKEE-CARSON IRRIGATION DISTRICT ) Counties: Placer and et al, ) E1 Dorado ) Protestants ) NOTICE OF RECONVENING OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the hearing of the above - entitled matter will reconvene on Tuesday, November 29, 1960, at 9:30 a.m. in the State Water Rights Board hearing room, 4th floor, Kaiser Building, 1401 - 21st Street, Sacramento, California. The hearing will extend through December 2, if necessary. get L. K. Hill Executive Officer October 13, 1960 "Since 1929" 40;100111.0,410 se, SACRAMENTO SIERRA SPORTSMENS COUNCIL "An Association of Sportsmen's Clubs Serving Superior California" 707 Forum Building 02 Sacramento 14,Calif. October 13, 1960 r31 )fid 37 Mr. L. K. Hill, Executive Officer Water Rights Board 1401 - 21st Street Sacramento 14, California Re: Meyers Water Company Application, Up er-Trucke-e Fiver Dear Sir: The undersigned Council is an association of sports- men's clubs from the counties of Sacramento, Yuba, Sutter, Nevada, Placer, El Dorado and Amador. We are greatly concerned about the above applica- tion. The Upper Truckee River is one of the vital elements to the fishery of the Lake Tahoe area. A great deal of public and private money has already been spent in an effort to maintain or im- prove the water conditions and minimum flows in this important stream. The prime usage of the Lake Tahoe region is recreation- al in nature; and we feel that in the usage of the water of this area recreational usage should accordingly be given the first and highest priority. Specifically, we feel that the maintenance of the flow in the Upper Truckee River merits the first and foremost consideration. Accordingly, we urge that the Water Rights Board, by whatever action or conditions are expedient, guarantee a minimum flow in the Upper Truckee River fully adequate for the fishery, in accordance with the recommendations of the Department of Fish & Game, in acting upon the pending application or any other applications that may be filed on the Upper Truckee River. Very truly yours, S 0 SIERRA SP 4: SMENS COUNCIL. LL w R LATI i =, President OCT / / -GO J.F.' /4)—e / /t XLJ /0:i October 1a:, 1960 Mr. Frank W. Groves, Director Nevada Fish and Game Department Box 678 Reno, Nevada Subject: application 18030, etc. Meyers Water Company Upper Truckee Fiver Dear Mr. Groves: This mill acknowledge your letter of September 9, 1960, regarding the hearing of applications by Meyers Water Company for appropriations from the Upper Truckee River. Your interest in the matter is appreciated, and your ie will be placed upon our wiling list so that you may be informed of the dates when the hearing is recon- vened. Very truly yours, L. K. Hill Executive Officer RRF:lpb September 28© 1960 Mr. t rtlf McDonough Attorney at ,taw 926 J Street Building Sacramento 149 California Subject: Application 17139 et a1 Lake Tahoe hearing (171499 172358 177279 17761 180219 18030'(180319 18038 180399 182489 18283 Dear'Mr. McDonough: Consideeatio,t has been given to your letter of September 16 and .we will attempt to avoid the dates outlines therein in ii©ha you nd your witnesses will not be availableto continue proceedings in the Late Tahoe hearing. You will be advised at a lets, . det of the proposed hearing schedule. Very truly yo ur s s L. K. Hill Eceeutive Officer TO: Files FROM: R. R. Forsberg DATE: September 22, 1960 SUBJECT: Hearing of Applications 17139, etc. -- Lake Tahoe Basin On September 13, 1960, a hearing of Applications 17139, 17149, 17235, 17727, 17761 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038, 18039, 18248, 18283 and 18910 was held in Sacramento by Mr. Silverthorne with the assistance of Messrs. Gulick and Forsberg. The applications are all for appropriations the Lake Tahoe Drainage Basin. Those parties hearing are listed as follows: Party Oakwood Investment Company dba Brockway Water Company North Tahoe Public Utility District Alseno and Louise Oppio Fenech Rosa LaPorte, Harvey E. and Selma C. Blackwell Meyers Water Company John A. Fulton dba Fulton Water Company Ruth E. Shurtleff Truckee -Carson Irrigation District Sierra Pacific Power Company California Department of Fish and Game Joint California -Nevada Interstate Compact Commission Rainbow Tract Association El Dorado County Water Agency Eldorado National Forest making appearances at the Represented by Martin McDonough and Daniel • F. Gallery, Attorneys Adolph Moskovitz, Attorney George Basye, Attorney Harvey Blackwell Adolph bioskovitz, Attorney Martin McDonough and Daniel F. Gallery, Attorneys Neal Gardner James W. Johnson, Jr., Attorney William H. Orrick, Jr., and Andrew D. Orrick, Attorneys James M. Sanderson, Deputy Attorney General in F. G. Girard, Deputy Attorney General, California, and James 11. Johnson, Jr., Attorney, Nevada E. E. Ames Alvin Landis, Attorney John West Files September 22,°1960 Page Two Party Represented by California Department of Elizabeth D. Henderson, Attorney Water Resources Placer County Water Agency Adolph Moskovitz, Attorney Fay Ledbetter and Alva Barton Frank G. Finnegan, Attorney k presentation was made on behalf of the Joint California -Nevada Interstate Compact Commission, setting forth the results of a water use study prepared jointly by the States of California and Nevada. The study indicates that the ultimate use of water in the Lake Tahoe Basin will be approximately 34,000 acre-feet. If and when a compact is effected between the two states, it is proposed that 65 per cent of the 34,000 acre-feet will be allocated to California and 35 per cent to Nevada. The Nevada protestants request that the Board give some assurance at this hearing that in issuing permits the amount of water allotted to California will not be exceeded. If such assurance is given, the Nevada protestants do not plan to present an extensive case. The California Department of Water Resources presented evidence showing excess water in the Lake Tahoe -Truckee River drainage basin during most years of a 30 -year study between 1923 and 1952. Evidence was also submitted by the Department showing that with the increased urbanization of the Lake Tahoe area there would be little if any net increase in the consumptive use of water unless sewage water is exported from the basin. One other presentation was made on behalf of El Dorado County . Water Agency, urging the Board to give careful consideration to the water e1 • Files ; September 22, 1960 Page Three needs of the Lake Tahoe Basin before issuing any permits. This is because the Lake Tahoe Basin is an area of potential water shortage. During the course of the hearing, the protest by Sierra Pacific Power Company against Application 18910 of Ruth Shurtleff was withdrawn. A request was made by the staff of the Board that each of the applicants prepare an estimate of the proposed monthly use of water in acre- feet, together with an estimate of the projected increase in use of water during the next five years, so that a more realistic determination of water needs may be ascertained. The hearing was concluded with the understanding that it would be rescheduled upon notice of all interested parties. R. R. Forsberg Assistant Hydra lic Engineer RRF/dlb /9 September 20, 1960 Wasboe County tater Oonservatio + District Roam 200 Title Snanu nce Balding 29 East rirst Street Rem, Nevem Attention: Eduard 1l. PeckhamqPresident Subject: Applic.-ttions 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038, 20399 17761, 18283,. 182418 end 17235, Lake Tahoe Basin Gentlemen: This w1U acknowledge your letter of September 7, 1960, relative to the ai ve-r umbered applications. In :t. hearing of the nature being conducted on the various applications to appropriate from bake Tahoe and tributaries, it is not permissible to consider a letter such as hours s. = evidence. Although the matters set forth in your letter may have merit they ere not sworn testimony and do not afford the opposing parties en opportunity for cross-examina- tion or rebuttal. The hearing of the bake Tahoe applications will be continued at a future date 'babe amounted later and at that time yvu my' wish to appear for the purpose of presenting testimorty and evidence in Support of the position outlined in your letter. Thank you for your interest in this matter., Very truly yours, L. I{. Bill Executive Officer RRF: SUP, "60 R.R.F. September 19,, 1960 Nr. Donald 0. Strand, President °South Lake Tahoe Rod and Gun Club P. 0. Box 'R" Noe Vali y, California Subjects Applications 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038, 18039 Upper Truckee River Dear Mr. Strand Thi is to acknowledge your letter of September 8, 1960, setting forth your views and concern in the matter of various applications of Meyers tater Company for appropriation of water from the Upper Truckee River. Your interest in the matt r is appreciated. Very truly yours, L. K. Hill Executive Officer R17/dib 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 STANLEY MOSK, Attorney General of the State of California JAMES M. SANDERSON, Deputy Attorney General Library and Courts Building Sacramento 14, California Telephone: Hickory 5-4711, Ext,3095 Attorneys for Protestant, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME SFA 7 9 24 AM 'snn sure wA;f4 U GHTS 80ARD MENro BEFORE THE STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA In the Matter of ✓ ) Applications Nos. 18021, 18030, SOURCE: Upper Truckee 18031, 18038 and 18039 of River and MEYERS WATER COMPANY, Tributaries COUNTY: El Dorado Applicant; NOTICE OF INTENDED CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND APPEARANCE GAME, et al., Protestant. TO THE HONORABLE KENT SILVERTHORNg, Chairman, State Water Rights Board and to the Members of said Board, and to the Applicants and Protestants in the above identified matter: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the request of the Board, in its Notice of Hearing, that the CALIFORNIA DE- PARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME intends to make an appearance in the above identified matter when the said hearings are held, on Tuesday, September 13, 1960, in the hearing room of the Board at Sacramento, at which time this protestant intends to par- ticipate in cross-examination, and present testimony, exhibits, -1- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 and its recommendations for the protection of the fish and wildlife resources involved, and such other information and material as may appear appropriate or which the Board may request. DATED: September 6,, 1960. Respectfully, STANLEY MOSK ATTORNEY GENERAL JAMES M. SANDERSON DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL By JAMES M. SANDERSON Attorneys for Protestant, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME. Lots one to twenty-nine, inclusive (Lot No. 5 discontinued) • AINBS TV TRACT ASSOCIATION Meyers Post Office Lake Tahoe, California September 5, 1960 State Water Rights Hearing Board 4th Floor, Kaiser Bldg. 1401 - 21st Street Sacramento, California. Attention: Mr. L. K. Hill, Executive Officer Gentlemen: Organized June I, 1940 At the annual meeting of the Rainbow Tract Association, held on Septemar 4, 1960, I was elected to represent this Association in filing a protest in connection with removal of water from the upper Truckee River. The Rainbow Tract occupies 28 lots along the upper Truckee River on Forest Service land. The holders of these lots have made a considerable invest- ment because of the attractiveness of this tract. The upper Truckee River has always been one of the principal assets, in that it provides great beauty and facilities for fishing and bathing. In addition, many lot holders rely on wells placed near the river as a source of water for do- mestic use and fire protection. In dry years the flow of water is extremely small and if any substantial amount is diverted it will materially decrease the beauty of the river and will seriously reduce the water level in wells placed near the river. This will reduce the enjoyment of the tract as a summer home area and, in due course, will depreciate the investment made by lot holders. Consequently, on behalf of the Rainbow Tract Association, I hereby protest Application Numbers 18030, 18031, 18038 and 18039, filed by the Meyers Water Company, and Application Number 18910, filed by Ruth T. Shurtleff. I expect to be present at the September 13, 1960 hearing. Home address: 152& Tuscaloosa=Avenue, Atherton, California. Phone: DAvenportp2-2364 ljo v-,41! Yours very truly, E. E. Ames /.0 We Observe Good Manners In The Forest 0 August 30, 19 Honorable Stanley itiosk Attorney General. Department of Justice Library and Courts Building Sacramento ]49 California Attention: F. Q. Girard, Deputy Attorney General Subject: Applicattion 17139, 17149, 172350 1/7210 17761 180219 1 30 180310 1=>':8, 180390 182482 1#'$39 18910 Dean Mr. Neskt This is to advise that Messrs. Girard and Johnson are welcome to appear on behalf of the Joint California, -Nevada Co: , ,.ct Coniseion at the hear- ing Scheduled for September 13 before the State Hater Bights Board in connection with the sUbjedt Matter. Very truly yours, Le K. Hill Executive Office rr,Te STATE OF CALIFORNIA - STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD 1401 21st Street P. 0. Box 1592 Sacramento 7, California In the Matter of ) Application 17130, by OAKWOOD ) INVESTMENT COMPANY; ) Applications 17149 and 17235, by ) NORTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT;) Application 17727, by ALSENO and ) LOUISE OPPIO FENECH; ) ) Application 17761, by ROSA LAPORTE,_) HARVEY E. and SELMA C. BL4CKWELL; ) ) Application 18248, by JOHN A FULTON,) Application 18283, by TAHOE TAVERN ) HEIGHTS WATER COMPANY; ) And Application 18910, by RUTH E. ) SHURTLEFF; ) Applicants ) ) TRUCKEE-CARSON IRRIGATION DISTRICT ) et al, ) ) Protestants ) Counties: Placer and El Dorado ) Applications 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038, and 18039, by MEYERS WATER COMPANY;. DBA FULTON WATER COMPANY; NOTICE OF HEARING Sources: Lake Tahoe and certain streams tributary thereto NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing in the above -entitled matter will be held on Tuesday, September 13, 1960, at 9:30 a.m., in the State. Water Rights Board hearing room, 4th Floor, Kaiser Building, 1401 21st Street, Sacramento, California. This hearing is for the purpose of affording the applicants, protestants and other interested parties an opportunity to present relevant oral testimony and written evidence, maps, charts and other material which may tend to establish whether or not there is unappro- priated water to supply the applicants and whether said applications should be approved. There is enclosed a copy of the staff summary containing pertinent factual data from the Board's file. Particular attention is directed to the section entitled "Scope of the Hearing". The enclosed pamphlet contains information as to the procedure to be followed by the Board in conducting the hearing and allocation of the costs to be borne by the parties apPearing. Insofar as is practicable, the parties are to exchange copies of proposed exhibits and submit five copies of each to the Board on or before September 7, 1960. Those desiring to be heard shall give the undersigned at least five days' notice of intended appearance at this hearing. Encs. August 15, 1960 -2- L. K. Hill Executive Officer REGISTRY RDTUR1 RECEIPT FILED IN APPL. #/,� STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD STAFF SUMMARY FOR HEARING OF APPLICATIONS 17139, 17149, 17235, 17727, 17761, 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038, 18039, 18248, 18283 and 18910 Applicants: Oakwood Investment Company Application 17139 North Tahoe Public Utility District Applications 17149 and 17235 Alseno and Louise Oppio Fenech Application 17727 Rosa LaPorte, Harvey E. and Selma C. Blackwell Application 17761 Meyers Water Company Applications 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038, 18039 John A. Fulton, dba Fulton Water Company Application 18248 Tahoe Tavern Heights Water Company Application 18283 Ruth E. Shurtleff Application 18910 Source: Lake Tahoe and tributaries Counties: Placer and El Dorado Purpose of Hearing The thirteen applications named are for permits to appropriate unappropriated water from Lake Tahoe and various streams and rivers tributary thereto. Protests having been received, a hearing is necessary to allow applicants and protestants an opportunity to present evidence to the State Viater Rights Board in support of or against approval of the applications. Substance of the Applications Application 17139 -Placer County Applicant: Oakwood Investment Company Date filed: June 18, 1956 Source: Lake Tahoe Tributary to: Truckee River Amount: 2.5 cubic feet per second (cfs) Season: June 1 to September 30 ' Purpose: Municipal Point of diversion: SE* of NET of Section 13, T16N, R17E, MDB&M* Place of use: 1iithin Sections 12, 13 and 14, T16N, .R17E; and Sections 19 and 30, T16N, R18E Application 17149 - Placer County Applicant: North Tahoe Public Utility District Date filed: June 22, 1956 Source: Lake Tahoe Amount: 3 cfs Season: January 1 to December 31 Purpose: Domestic, municipal, recreational and fire protection Point of diversion: SWT of SWT of Section 19, T16N, R18E Place of use: Within Sections 18, 19 and 30, T16N, R18E; and Sections 11, 12, 13 and 14, T16N, R17E Application 17235 - Placer County Applicant: North Tahoe Public Utility District Date filed: August 13, 1956 Source: Unnamed springs ' Tributary to: Griff Creek, thence Lake Tahoe Amount: 3 cfs and 5 acre-feet per annum (afa) Season: January 1 to December 31 Purpose: Domestic, recreational and fire protection Point of diversion: SE?. of S14. of Section 31, T17N, R18E Place of use: Within Sections 18, 19 and 30, T16N, R18E; and Sections 11, 12, 13 and 14,a„ T16N, R17E *A11 references to township, range and meridian are from Mount Diablo Base and Meridian (MDB&M). -2- Application 17727 - Placer County Applicant: Alseno and Louise Oppio Fenech Date filed: July 18, 1957 Source: Unnamed spring Tributary to: Lake Tahoe Amount: 6,500 gallons per day (gpd) Season: January 1 to December 31 Purpose: Domestic, recreational and fire protection Point of diversion: SW4 of Si4 of Section 32, T16N, R17E Place of use: Within Sections 31 and 32, T16N, R17E Application 17761 - Placer County Applicant: Rosa La Porte, Harvey E. and Selma C. Blackwell Date filed: August 6, 1957 Source: Three unnamed springs Tributary to: Lake Tahoe Amount: 0.3 cfs Season: January 1 to December 31 Purpose: Domestic, recreational and fire protection Point of diversion: SH -17; of SW4 of Section 32, T16N, R17E Place of use: Within the SW4 of Section 32, T16N, R17E Application 18021 - El Dorado County Applicant: Meyers Water Company Date filed: February 28, 1958 Source: Unnamed creek Tributary to: Saxon Creek thence Trout Creek thence Lake Tahoe Amount: 2.5 cfs and 6 afa Season: January 1 to December 31 Purpose: Domestic Point of diversion: Within NE* of N I: of Section 33, T12N, R18E Place of use: Within Sections 19, 20, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32, T12N, R18E; and Sections 25 and 36, T12N, R17E Application 18030 - El Dorado County Applicant: Meyers Water Company Date filed: March 6, 1958 Source: Unnamed stream Tributary to: Upper Truckee River Tahoe Amount: 3 cfs Season: January 1 to December 31 Purpose: Domestic Point of diversion: SW* of SW4 of T12N, R18E Place of use: Same as Application Application 18031 - El Dorado County Applicant: Meyers Water Company Date filed: March 6, 1958 Source: Upper Truckee River Amount: 3 cfs Season: January 1 to December 31 Purpose: Domestic Point of diversion: NE4 of NE4 of T12N, R18E Place of use: Same as Application Application 18038 - El Dorado County Applicant: Meyers Water Company Date filed: March 13, 1958 Source: Upper Truckee River Amount: 3 cfs and 200 afa Season: January 1 to December 31 Purpose: Domestic Point of diversion: T11N, R18E Place of use: Within Sections 19, and 32, T12N, R18E; and Sections R17E; and Sections 5, 6, 7 and 8, gw4 of SW4 of thence Lake Section 30, 18021 Section 31, 18030 Section 8, 20, 28, 29, 30, 31 25 and 36, T12N, T11N, R18E Application 18039 - El Dorado County Applicant: Meyers Water Company ource: upperTrucke6 river Amount: 3 cfs and 200 afa Season: January 1 to December 31 Purpose: Domestic Point of diversion: NW4 of SW4 of Section 5, T11N, R18E Place of use: Same as Application 18038 Application 18248 - Placer County Applicant: John A Fulton dba Fulton Water Company Date filed: August 4, 1958 Source: Lake Tahoe Amount 1 cfs Season: January 1 to December 31 Purpose: Municipal Point of diversion: SW of NE4 of Section 28, T16N, R17E Place of use: Within Sections 21 and 28, T16N, R17E Application 18283 - Placer County Applicant.: Tahoe Tavern Heights Water Company Date filed: August 25, 1958 Source: Lake Tahoe Amount: 0.9 cfs Season: January 1 to December 31 Purpose: Domestic Point of diversion: Within NE4 of NE4 of Section 18, T15N, R17E Place of use: Within Sections 7 and 18, T15N, R17E Application 18910 - El Dorado County Applicant: Ruth T. Shurtleff Date filed: August 11, 1959 Source: Upper Truckee River Amount: 300 gpd Season: June 1 to November 1 Purpose: Domestic and fire protection Point of diversion: SW of SW4 of Section 32, T12N, R18E Place of use: Lot No. 24 Rainbow Tract, within SW4 of SWk of Section 32, T12N, RISE Protests Thirty-nine protests have been submitted against the subject applications by five different districts, corporations and individuals as listed in Table 1. The basis of the rights claimed by the protestants is presented in Table 2. -5- APPLICATIONS PROTESTED crs 0 >4 >4 >4 >4 a o >4 >4 >4 a . >4 >4 >4 H. a 0 w >4 >4 * a � 0 N / H K a � < t >4 >4 � . �R. a / >4 >4 >4 a ON >4 >4 Prot est ant 4) : » a q 0 E 0 cci w o & + o ti C14 H 4)a) �� * § ) k @ u c c -P -P a§ 011 \ a) 0 2 ) H it .H Q i o .Q zi / 2 @ / / / / 0 o 2 § 0 0 .. H CO e * cd 0 / =§2 PROTESTANTS' CLAIM OF 0(0 •rl N H a - Co (I) 0) 0 A •rl W z CO 8O O i•. >~ O +) 0 a) cu E A O O4) ci • C> O • +3 $4 4) 4))•rU O l co af O ai 0 • 0 (1) •rl mA O U 1 O • +) (1) 5" •rl 0 CD 0 +? •rl U ice+ cO4) BSc N •ri v) $4 0 F -f r1 E-1 f� A 4 0 •r+ 0 .r d -H rN-I t: r 7-'1 a cd 0 H O 4r1 $4 a) •rl 0. R.. $4 a :~ a •rl 6C >4 >4 Court Decree -7- >4 Available Records of Stream Flow The United States Geological Survey maintains a stream gaging station on the Truckee River immediately downstream from the outlet of Lake Tahoe. There are also records of the water level of Lake Tahoe at Tahoe, California. Both records are published in the Water Supply Papers of that agency in Part 10, "The Great Basin". Published record of flows of Truckee River at Tahoe are available from July 1895 to February 1896; June 1900 to December 1943; and August 1957 to September 1959. Records of the level of the water in Lake Tahoe are available from April 1900 to date. They are published in the Water Supply Papers for the period April 1900 to September 1943; and October 1957 to September 1959. Records of the other years are in the files of the Truckee -Carson Irrigation District. Other Information Field investigations were made by engineers of the staff of the State Water Rights Board of all proposed,projects under these applications. Reports of the investigations were submitted to the Joint California - Nevada Interstate Compact Commission for review and comment. Subsequently the Commission advised the Board that it had no interest in the applications and recommended that the Board proceed with the processing of the applications. The individual projects are related only to the extent that all are within the Truckee River watershed in the Lake Tahoe area, and most of the applications have been protested by the same protestants. It should be noted, however, that the places of use overlap under Applications 17139, 17149 and 17235; that the applicants under Applications 17727 and 17761 (one spring) utilize water from the same spring; and that the project described under Application 18910 is within the service area specified under the Meyers Water Company's applications. -8- Scope of the Hearing The decision of the State Water Rights Board as to whether or not permits should be issued must be based upon the record developed at the hearing. The applicants and protestants should submit information responsive to the issues raised by the applications and the protests and answers thereto insofar as they relate to matters within the jurisdiction of the Board. Particular consideration will be given to the following items: 1. Existence of unappropriated water available to supply the applicants as to amounts and seasons of occurrence. 2. Anticipated injury, if any, to the protestants and other lawful downstream users should the applications -be approved, with specific data substantiating such injuries. 3. What special terms and conditions, if any, should be included in any permits that may be issued pursuant to the - subject applications. Documents to be Offered into Evidence The following public documents on file with the'State Water Rights Board contain information which may be relevant to the matters to be heard and will be offered into evidence by reference at the hearing: 1. The files of Applications 17139, 17149, 17235, 17727, 17761, 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038,, 18039, 18248, 18283 and 18910. 2. Bulletin No. 10 of the State. Water Resources Board, "Placer County Investigation", dated June 1955, with particular reference to Chapter IV --Plans for Water Development (Truckee River Basin). 3. "Joint Report on the Use of Water in the Lake Tahoe Watershed!', prepared by the State Engineers of Nevada and California, dated June 1949. 4. The United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, Water Supply Papers, Part 10, "The Great Basin". 5. Topographic maps published by the United States Geological Survey covering the area under consideration. • 7c. :" Dear Ccr.;pac t r: . Commiss1c,n to reo .:e t hold a.'_: or. ,7e • TrucKee , furtrer : .c 171. c‘cr5O i-.terstate enc.„ to the : t ... 3 r e f e rr e!d e abr., to with - r... `_ Lane Ta?•oe, r: 3o g Yen a resl.lt r. .s . ': •. a with its bot:: 3: t r.t 711'. :1`1 • y: ane a r. �. :;nurse 2.. The course with its oroc"SS1_.R J`. "'^se 3119s fo* water riohts rot domestic, mlr:_ : a re> _nt.,. :c and Truckee River 3asins :. ~:,.r.. .i , ,:,, say �_ > r,a :•,3..ous- ly requested you tc act:. , .. Tre above modify the rr:om:aen1 ti•,..s of ^cmmiss:on forwaraed to you under date of February 1, by exempting a .:i:cat.:'Y ns i >474 and 1)475 • 77 t3' 1803 0 180 1 as we:,_ 1S applications 17ti•i, ��7149, 17<>i, i, �<!�. � t'�, � _.-�, �, 3 , 18038, 16039, 1e24.F and 18233 from those which the Commis_.cn rad requested a temporary delay in processing. To File From L. C. Spencer On Wednesday, attended the MEMORANDUM January 13, January 21, 1960 Subject: CNICC meeting of January 13, 1960 71 1960, the undersigned joint meeting of the California Nevada Interstate Compact Commission at the Holiday Hotel, in Reno. The principal matter of interest to the State Water Rights Board was the dis- position of a number of water right applications, memorandums of which had been forwarded to the Commissions for their con- sideration and recommendation. Mr. Muth advised the Chair that the Nevada Commission had taken the following actions: A. Applications 17119 B. Applications 15474 C. Applications 18222 D. Application 18295 E. Applications 18704 and 17766. and 15475 and 18223 - No interest - Request action be 60 days - Request action be indefinitely - Request action be held indefinitely and 18705 - No interest F. Applications 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038, 18039 G. Application 18248 H. Application 184.09 I. Applications 17139, 17149, and 17235 delayed withheld with- - Request action be withheld for the time being - Request action be withheld for the time being - Request action be withheld for the time being - Request action be withheld for the time being Files J. Application 18283 K. Applications 17727 and 17761 Application 17415 January 21, 1960 - Request action be with- held for the time being Request action be with- held for the time being - Request action be with- , held for the time being. Mr. -Girard made a motion that the applications on the Carson and Walker systems, upon which the Nevada Commission had recommended action be delayed or withheld, be referred to the Walker River Committee or the Carson River Committee, as appro- priate, for whatever action the committee might recommend. Mr. Girard further moved that this Board be•asked to withhold action temporarily on these applications. The motion was seconded and carried without objection. • Mr. Muth made a motion that action on the Tahoe and Truckee Basin applications as recommended by the Nevada Commission be affirmed by the joint commission and that this Board be notified of the action. The motion was amended to include that this Board be notified that progress is being made toward final settlement of the allocation of water between the states, and that the final compact may be accepted in approximately four months. This motion also carried. The writer had the understanding that the Joint Com- mission meant to clear Applications 17719, 17766, 18704, and 18705, but was in doubt as to whether the recommendation of "no interest" in Applications 17719 and 17766 had been ratified by the Joint Commission. The writer asked for verification of his understanding of the various actions outlined above. This was confirmed by the Chair and a number of commission members. N Files -3- January 21, 1960 Subsequently, the matter of progress toward reaching an agreement upon permit terms to be included in the Watasheamu applications of the Bureau of_Reclamation was discussed. It was stated by Mr. Richards that the project was being further studied and it appeared likely some revisions in the project, particularly as to size of reservoir, might be recommended. Mr. Devore stated that progress upon the final permits will await a report from the Bureau of Reclamation. Other matters discussed at the meeting were of only in- cidental interest to the Board. LCS:vc A L. C. Spencer 41 Supervising Hydraulic 'Engineer Jcant CaliforalapQbvada Interstate Compact Commioelen eh Rebort B, Des Acgistznt pcersta Sacramentos California December U p 1959 0 14:4. 0 16059 dti390 Attached is a copy of the report of field investiga tin on the onb, Qct applications which 3u um:Witted few constiera- tion by the joint Commission. tle sows that t .;'11 be promp4r advisedas to cny position rhich t Coscion wishes to take in connection'with theme l c t1 oe Ls K. Hill ftscutive a`1 cc r Myers Water Co Myers California Oentlemn: faq any August lk, 1959 Appli/atione 18021, 160302 18031, 18038, nd 160 9 ram 4 '59 K.1 -.W' 06" 9 AEG 1SijA.N.W3 This is to inform you that L. K. Ho fats an engineer from this office, will make en inspection of the proposed projects under your .bove-numbered pplications on th,;,.. 1st dAy of Septembers 1959. He will be tt Myer- Post Office at about 8:30 a.m. on that date and will .eet you or your r4pre- sent.tive at that time and place. It i • iMPortant that you be present orhave representative mho is familiar With your propped pre and anticipated use. Of water. Any retorde that ,you_might have re14tive to use or water and. flow of water in the oource Should be Available at that Please return the enclosed card at your early convenience, indicating if you can kt,pp the appointment or who :U1 represent you. It is requested that nochange be made,. as field tripe are cleSely scheduled, 4,EW;jp Enclosure cc: Mr. Harold S Prescott Vice President ftrilaYeSEr5g2PanY Placervills California Very truly yours, /s/ L. X. nill L. X. Hill Executiv, Officer L. "C.' macer i eszie C.= Jopec i September23, 1958 Applications of Meyers Water Co diecuas .these applications' with memhers of the Interstate Coact Caission, it appears that considerable confusion occurs from ,sending out the stipulations for inforsal hearing ;prior to reporting• the applications to the Ccs mission. ` You will. recall our discussion indicated that in the; future notice of the applications would be sent out prior to any action preparatory to a hearing or final decision. It appears that ths. procedure trill. be helpful to eliminate the misunderstanding which occurred. in regal to theso applications.: Please arrange to have the applications_ Investigated to detor d.no: The uses: to be ride of the water: 2. The amounts of water actually rewired from the individual applications as 'a group., 3.• The purpose in filing the several applications._ 4.. Any otter information grhioh appears necessary in order to assure, complete ,understanding of the project. Upon completing the investigation copies of the resort thereon will be. sent to the members of the Cor pact Cormission together with ,a statement that the applications are new ready for further action before this Board and request- ing 'comments by the Comm/sada. Chefg3nesr Mao Jorto Elopr.ebor 190, 1930 amaleat,vpme olthin ,ia-4ersN'sdtt) etTooimi by Remoda Oc7,,p3ct Cennioo zn J 1 lAirtglAtgi 1°D' The 'Wil4er man/meta vlth Wr. Opzateor an6 gA" 0$41q04 t13. abye tato ?itno T416 peueoduge to be, fralowo6 i5 inviOskze ettpaiataens in cenaectAva, vita ;wctoo4od appSJW,ttions within all watorshod.. anlar Coll. iesi-044evada 0=p:imp. TairmnieGton 4wrisaletlo** X% tfiao ecolmOed that gollowins reouivt ameworo to arossUl app19..ac)tioanel wiald tao ro3ted to Ur.4wger Ctold tavosTklottou and rm-ort. on phyoica faeta4, ubt.eh mon t=m16 aleo rooecmfYld bcarina pro4e4nvo to be foll4u4. A ewy a tale ahadd bo Otzvnrflod to CzAiZnmia., flovada evaptet Comnioalon taftlivmlnrz tbea of our rosamaluto- 140_4 glow aithrt1hoariuz or 1041.1-Amedinclo i3 12ou oC hraria5. We Aqcgld3aottapaad actacsa is? 90 6ayo witbit IlataN %to CoPmicolwa cAV ':-4"ve its viorm. Opm o4i:iargtion of %he 90 -flay paelo40. otiprziotWte y be invIted or clottkon toftova to oot a formol tanutans if ris 4dverae rooponse has bgen raeetved. Joila Aeotaaant Eveirenite C eel ar. 0c,ocoa Ur. uooduerd f;.r. Opmtar DRJ:cs gt1172terOienaleall., ginow Mr. H. o r obards TraoUos-taragn. gt ti : bttif Co= PSE'. Ridloataz 3 wan acknatactte receipt et tho stipulation wall our I{t tom. Austat in consuotioa with caw atme.nutiberal vplioottSOns. koeording to * on the face a the stSgalatickafobk' o the prom, `moo nal Itimring at'WO ifiZeo vie athe a oa e haw no at452matave but to ` t far bawl. at duds ootav n_. Vary txtvly 7,,otraro9 /3/ L. ® Hill L. 11. Hill DRAT :ram cut Gig 12noifia Amor Co. tlaato eloant7trator Cencervation Dietriat Illevartuont of Plat ate Clam Seth Gordon., Director Department of Fish and Game 722 Capitol Avenue Sacramento 149 California September 129 195a / Application 180219 180319 1803 , 14a 39 This will acknowledge your IDC of September ..49 1953, advising that because of special problems in connec- tion with the sources involved.under the above -numbered applications you do not believethat the proceedings in lieu of hearing will be satisfactory in this particular instance. The matter will. therefore be referred for hear- ing before the Board in due course. If in the meantime, the Department of Fish and Game through negotiations with the applicant is able to resolve the matter through agreement and thus obviate the necessity of a hearing, we would appreciate being advised. L. K. Hill Executive Officer DRJT cs Water Oar e _ o Hiara1d Prescott 5911 Mn Street Scerville, COlforsia Gentlemen: fttte STATE OF CALIFORNIA ,1 1 1 • atlr ?Rights ?narb 1401 21ST STREET P. 0. SOX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA August 28, 1958 Applications 16021, 18430,. 16031,. 18036, 18039 • Before further consideration can be given to the above -numbered applica- tions, it appears that either a hearing or proceedings in lieu of hearing will be necessary. Sections 730 through 736 of the enclosed leaflet entitled ItRules and Regulations Pertaining to Protests and Hearings", contain pertinent details as to the hearing procedure. -Section 737 of the leaflet outlines briefly the proceed- ings in lieu of hearing. A hearing involves the introduction of oral and written testimony and a record of the proceedings by a court reporter. The charges of the court reporter. and costs of preparing a transcript for the'Board's record must be paid by the parties involved. Final decision by the Board is limited to consideration of the matters covered in the transcript, which also may include other material by refer- ence. The proceedings in lieu of hearing normally include an announced visit by an engineer'of this office who views the local situation, interviews the parties or their representatives in attendance, conducts such field investigation as cir- cumstances warrant and submits a written report:for a,permanent record of the Board. Final decision by the Board is based upon the report; together with such written representations, records and other documents as the parties may submit, and any other relevant information available. If you prefer the,proceedings in lieu of hearing, please Sign and return to this office without delay the enclosed stipulations. If, however, a hearing is desired, please so advise us. The Board requires that protested applications be heard as promptly as practicable in the light of all the circumstances. Requests for inordinate delayrin setting them,for hearing, or in conducting stipulated pro -7. in lieu of hearing, will be denied. Enc. 49a pl. DRJ sraaa "OVER" ' 4 Very truly yours, K.'Hill Hi Executive Officer tiaTIP Utter Sent to • 6Partnent Of Rob, and Oane 722 °mit .itvenue rta i ashoe County tlo.t i' Conservation Distriet Rom 200, Title &Wang . XioNntia Attn: Mesta`'' V. Taylor UoginceriCanacar Nevada oat• , _ '' ... 0 Sierra 'Pacific ? -Co: c/o ka Banlquists iterrinston 1- aitolifft 405 ITontrgsnory S u . . Safi . , California • August 27, 19 A1ications 1802118030 .r. Harold S. Prescott, Vice -President Meyers Water Company 594 Nein Street Placervi1l . California Deer Mr. Prescott: This will acknowledge your letter of August 21, 1958 answering the protests against the above -numbered applications of Meyers Water Company. It is noted that a copy of the answer has been served upon the various protest:anta. Very truly yours, /s/ L. K. Hill L. K. Hill Executive Officer DRJ:cs 0 Department of Fish and Game 722 Capitol Avenue Sacramento, California Attention:. Mr. J. G. Fraser Water Projects Coordinator August 138 195$ Applications 18021 18030, 18031,, 18038, 18039 This will acknowledge receipt of your protests against the above -numbered applications of Meyers Water Company, and it is noted that copies thereof have been served upon the applicant. /s/ L. K. Hill L. K. Hill Executive Officer DRJ:lpb STATE. OF-CFORNIX—STATE WATER. RIG .BOARD 1401 21sT STREET- P. O. BOX 1592 • SACRAMENTO 7 • 58 17T 7 41 20 Ail P R O TES.T.�.� 1'vvbCARO '58 SACRAMENTO Application 18030 California Department of Fish and Game Name of protestant of 722 CapitolAygaue,Sae amento,_ California have read carefully a copy pa,t.office addreii of protectant ' of, or a notice relative to Application 18030 of Meyers Water Company, Meyers, California State name of applicant �� to appropriate from �aTL fid_ streagn_t�buta ty to 'Upper Truckee [LjvBr�ellc@�ia�i___�oe Name the source ata point Within � of_Se_of Sggtion 30, T12N, R18EyMDB&M Describe location of applicant's point of diversion It is desired to protest against the approval thereof 'because to the best of______9P ____iaformatioa and belief the My or our `proposed appropriation will result in injury follows: Destruction_ of_ fisheries resources_ Me o m S to the s jury w ch w Il «cul to yon property of the., State of_ .California, because_ the_ _amount a wafer ` 0 1�e lverted is believed to be greater than the known minimum flow of the stream at times and this stream contributes to the flow of the Upper Truckee River which supports fisheries resources. Protestant claims a right to the use of water from the source from which applicant proposes to divert, which right is based upon_ Seg j.on 59 7 o_f_th '3sand Game Code (See reverse side) . The- '- prior application, notice posted or use begun prior to December 19, 1914; riparian claim, etc. proposed source of divereido contributes -to the flow -of the'Upper Truckee River which supports .fisherifes, .resources. Tile extent o present and past use -of water by protestant or his predecessors in interest from this source is as • follows. Trout are_present-and reproduce—naturally in Upper. Truckee River., . State approximate date first use made, amount used, time of year when diversion is made, the use to which water is put Where is your diversion point of Section Describe location with sufficient accuracy that position thereof relative to that T. , R _B. & M. of applicant may be determined This protest may be disregarded and dismissed if_ Terms for the dismissal of this protest State conditions which will relieverotest cannot be stated until applicant supplies protestant with detailed plans and operatatg schedules for its proposed works and until protestant bas had an opportunity to make necessary field investigations and other studies. " - A true copy of this protest has been served •upon -the• applicant by main • Date_' 4ugalst_6_=___1958 NOTE.—Protests must be filed time as may be allowed. cc: Applicant — N FORM 7J egion 2 Vandegrift Moskovitz Perwnally protuuent elan hen Seth Gordon Director ' -• within the time allowed by the Board as stated in the published notice relative to an application or such further ote to applicant — If you desire discussion of this protest, please con est) Dept. of Fish and Game, Region},, '_a, eM m npo 1001 Jedsmith Drive, Sacramento 19, California. Aoiag a.Li& .Lox oa ��' .• mrep ego edoteq i.srxe .xo pequutd eq dem 4eu4 .gst . Ue ,uoT.zpuoo pool uT dead o. Cmep ago gan0ag4 ao punoze '1eno ssed o4 .xa`.EM 13:1etoi.JJn9 Otte c.BLgs a 30 eouasge agq ui 10 Cfiemgst; a q nosg4 seed og, seUR4 tte le 10.Ra que-cotjjns 1tte tteils wep due 3o .xeuM0 egg„ :' 8I4 laed uz speex epoo eme° pus gsY3 egg ;'0 L£6g uot'}0eg •urso} pa 3uud aq3 mono; s3saaosd ieg3 parrsap si 3i aigvapaud se se;osut 3nq 'sjiueiq asog3 o3 3ui3s auad Sou e3ep .10 's3iueiq aq3 ui aoeds 3unroWnsur sr asag3 ;! mopq pappe aq LW uoi3eursoJur teuoiirppv 3aags sig3 JO ams assaens age uo s>jueiq aq3 uo pa3eorpu! urso3 aq3 031e3 pings 3uauraaels scgj, •paiisap si 3sa3osd jo spunoaS aq3 jo 3uaura3e3s 93rugap pue ascouoa v T QN r C - 4 ' STATE OF CALIFORNIA I; I; 1 atEr aigItii Tivarh 1401 2157 STREET P. O. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA 3ttly 25, 1958:. Applications 18021 18030, 18031, 18038' and 8039 Meyers Water Company Layers, California Gentlemen s Receipt is acknowledged of affidavits in con- nection with notices of the above -numbered applications. Further action will follow in due course. Very truly yours, K:A L. K. Hill Executive Officer 8E PL. '#hitt STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1111 utile Rt;l1tL Enai'd 1401 21sT STREET P. 0. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA Jai''234, ar o:m eomattum; Your protest against Application a ' cbovo of `' has been received and it is noted that a copy thereof has been served upon the applicant. If a hearing is found necessary, you will be given sufficient advance notice of the time and place. Very truly yours, AaJala L. K. Hill Executive Officer 48 Valles '#M#P STATE OF CALIFORNIA 111 aII?r l fns mi 1401 218T STREET P. O. BOX 1502 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA 3, 190 tlan rz a floszacwa are Your protest against Application of has been received and it is noted that a copy thereof has been served upon the applicant. If a hearing is found necessary, you will be given sufficient advance notice of the time and place. Very truly yours, L. K. Hill Executive Officer 48 Enter STATE OF IFORNIA-STATE WATER RiG. BOARD 1401 21sT STREET P. O. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7 L: 7_a/ -.sem PROTES TATEINA Si Application 18030 ',The Officers and Directors of Uashoe County Ilate_clonservIltion District, _ - _ _ _. -Name of protestant of 2c) E tst F2 r et :S,trePt , Repo, aPva(a _have read carefully a copy Post -Office address of protectant of, or a notice relative to Application 1803n of CY,oivers °Sates nor,nanv • State name of applicant toappropriatefrom_ tt nn�amed Creel- trlibutnry to LAI -re PahoP Name the soum. atapoint within scIfel of S of Sec. 30,_T. 12 N R. 18PI—, Describe location of applicant's point of diversion It. is desired to protest against the approval thereof because to the best of_ __t.hA i r___information and belief the landowners within saidDistrict My or our proposed appropriation will result in injury to A /�______as follows- ` Ma or us State the injury which will result to you Said landowners will he derrivoraof th s ileo nf wat.or nhirh fhov aT+o arra have bean continuously since prior to December 19, 1911, pn,ttina to hanofi i,al „ea, and to the rise nf tiv'1i rh thov aro l prrf'it11 v onti ti orl Protestant claims a right to the use of water from the source from which applicant proposes to divert, which right is based upon �3se b berrIM.nri 0r to Dater has 19, 1 91 /. 9 aver) cant _niiet� t?�i t}tout interrttnt.i.on Prior application, notice posted or use begun prior to December 19, 1914; riparian claim, etc. pr to and i nrl1lrli na fho nrpcont tiro_ .oP t.ho fi nol faor+roo ont.srora his the T}ist,ri rt, (COT"TlPIED CFS R RSE OF THIS S} ' ,.Ta) The extent of present and past use of w ter by protestant or his predecessors in interest from this source is as follows: hP -r P.htS n the -liso�nf wat_o, ashl i short pari rao,tortni-v +ho ranl!t neAllts_ State approximate data first use made, amount used, time of year when diversion is made, the use to which water is put TefPrrorl t.n +, tht-rearaerr ap+h 1 act• • rrsnarl.n aro `sutra• haa.n . ruil lir avorni can i n- al 1 ma -Far i a] respects ns to aratrox-i matQ dntP_nf_ first ttso vonciPy nnonnt iisora, tiro of arear t7hrIn diversions made, use to which water was and is rift And ].and irriPAted since rrior to December 19, 1914, continuously UD to and includin' the Present time. Where is your diversion point located? 1/4 of %4 of Section Describe location with sufficient accuracy that position thereof relative to that T________________, R.________, __—_:__B. & M. From Lake Tahoe into the Truckee River; and from of applicant may be determined the Truckee River' into sot.le 30 ditches onto -lands within the - boundarips of Saul ni ctri rt in 77ashoa nonnt.vr n.avarice _ this l i rat.i nn is doni pra _ This protest may be disregarded and dismissed if State conditions which will relieve protest A true copy of this protest has been served upon the applicant - htr rani Penonally or by mail Date 41 v 179 1Q5Ft MIRE T Noss.—Protests must be filed within the time allowed by the Board as stated in the published notice relative to an application or such further time as may be allowed. (OVER) FORM 78 e1262 0-s7 OM ©SPO AO1a I aLI .LON OQ �ttDL ,'.uumdaaaiv aa/Lta aa.ouad a4J su ut_tOu3j puu A Lttl M '+G N b.•tvut'+U Nuns `iiuGuwau j avuvd .av Lb ° fJ L a+b Ll1 uU L•+Gn.,tvSUV3 iL+' "'- J ck.A.Lb '.}..�;.a•$�,Lld UUL•$ea�aal UUaaGu—vdsj.Juad GJLavul7 J.v �d:.}.n`•.�.;� pu4 t.Utt .Juotau q.uouloaa t: puu :Sthi ° % auttf Liu ='Ltj ' Y L "Uii =nLWuL•,tU3 J Loi ¢ JC3.L� Lt:a'suv.J ..Lv1L Ld cft?ilJtta11, ott,l, ate }` ' mat "1—"LI;u by}c$ Nv'$ Lull Vd L$ L'$uv •+ LLLb c111•+ UL, v LU..40.1 L G:1 jU }J La fa L(1 uavtq+"a vt.1+ aU� Vut u: "r -F°4 Nv$ Lull v44 ,41-l1 tto- Via•+S j (j a41- nQ paxa4uu aaaaaj pug uaivasinj• etc.]. : f ° og 4s:t0ou 11.44.0P7,uT . c • re av+e 1 as bu "Lavol • J "$b+) P°4L411 041 NvLa•L•$uv 41-"S 044 UL /'/ L L3 avl{uuv4tx0b; uv G1aGal013+JLa+ALU vg} aUJ_ L)Le- p$4eUll vzl4 JO +a.ttu3. •uuo; p nuud ag3 mojjo; sasaiosd 3Et;3 pasisap s! 3! aigianoEsd se su;osui 3nq 's3juuiq sop 03 3uaunsad lou Earp s0 corium ag3 ui aavds 3uaiz, nsu! st Nay ;t moiaq pappE aq £ w uoi3Euuo;ut juuoulppy •3aags stg3 jo ams assanas aq3 uo s3luEjq ag3 uo pa3EOTpui uuo; aq3 a)JE3 pjnogs 3uatua3E3s snit' •pa1Tsap si 3sa3osd ;o spunos8 aq3 jo 3uatua3E3s a3tur9ap puv aslauoa v Old STATE 'OF C FORNIA—STATE -WATER RIGI-1i BOARD 1401 21sT STREET P. O. BOX 1592 • SACRAMENTO 7 PROTEST Application 18030 Truckee–Carson Irrigation District Name of protestant of Fallon Chur thiU County¢ Ne$ada Post-office address of protestant 18 P 35 Phi '58 $'PATE IdOARD SACRAMENTO _have read carefully a copy of, or a notice relative to Application of j yarn .Water Comp nor, Meyers, Cal i forni a State name of applicant Y____________—_______—__to appropriate from tream tributary to_apper Truckee thence Lake Taiioe Name the source ata point In SWW, _Sec. 30. T L2 N R 18 E. M. D. M. Describe location of applicant's point of diversion _ It is desired to protest against the approval thereof because to the best of____ R___information and belief the My or nr proposed appropriation will result in injury' to_:___ us_ as follows It will derive us to _ water. that we Me or us _ State the injury which will result to you are now using and have been using for irrigation, power generation. domestic use, and _other uses since the 21st day of May 1903. Under appropriations made in 1903 and rights acquired by purchase in 1915. Protestant `claims a right to the use of water from the source from which applicant proposes to divert, which right is based upon_ appropriations made and notice posted on the Truckee River the 21st day Prior application, notice ported or use begun prior to December 19, 1914; riparian claim, etc. of May 1903 and the construction of irrigation works at a cost of $6,000,000 to Utilizthiswater, The extent o present and past use of water .by protestant` or his predecessors in interest from this source is as follows. The ter or_`Iak o. Dime iind__,iie kee_ -River e_xs nszwbeing and have been used State approximate date first we made, amount used. time of year when diversion is made, the use to which water is put for the irrigation -of 70,00 -acres of,lands,_the generation of power by 2 power plants furnishing domestic water for_3.towns and the U. S. N. Fallon Aux. Naval Station located near Fallon. Nevada. Also for the Stillwater Wildlife, an;area of 1204000 acres, and the irrigation of 30,000 acres of pasture lands. Where is your diversion point located? T. 20 N, R. 23 E , ��•_B. & M. of applicant may be determined %4 of 1/4 of Section 19 , Describe location with sufficient accuracy that position thereof relative to that This protest may be disregarded and dismissed if _S£_it _p_ears there are unappropriated waters State condition which will relieve protest on the Truckee River and that no permit be granted under this application until an Inter -State- Caapact may be drawn and approved arid it may be shown that`there•are any unappropriated waters in°hake Tahoe or the Truckee River Basin. A'true copy of this protest has been served -upon the applicant registered mail• Personslly or by mail Date__ July152 1958 _�• Protestant sign here Irrigation Supt. NOTE.—Protests must be filed within the time allowed by the Board as stated in the published notice relative to an application or such further time as may be allowed. (OVER) FORM 78 0t262 0.57 OM © SPO &alas 3.LIZIdil .LOI.I oa •uTseg eogej 831S1MM. JO -AGATE. aaxanaa,. 914 uT saageM. pa ieTadoaddeun ou eae 040144 Begg uTieguTe u0.Zd spueTMati a4' -Jo sarin aagetd an '5061* 'T'ady uT ujeQ AgaaQ pue Teueo aexonay_ auq' 3o uoTletdrnoo uodn asn TeoT3auaq oq qnd gsaT3 sem aagem shy *ssieTTop uorTTpu XIS 'c►og8 Jo gsoo a qv xaoM uoTge2TaaT pagonagsuoo 'goaCoad spuetr►aN atm 3o saasn aegeM 00 "5T61 uT asegoznd A9 pexmboe sggPta eqg pue suoTgeTadoadde asayg uodn 2u puadea •qoe oad spueIIag eqg ao3 aageat Aaessaoau epTeoad og •s•3•0 oo og do aogey axed; pue :zanTa aaxon.IL eqg 3o sageM pagetadoaddeun TTe 2uTuiTeTo, 4.zaATu. aaxonay atm uo sod oe.zgg qv apem uoTgvT.zdoadde pue pagsod a.zaM saoTgou £06t 'AeN 30 Lel) gsTZ sq.} uo •goaCoad spuetMag aqq 3o wed se 5T6T uT uoTgeaado uT gnd pue lung a.zaM sxaoM Toaquoo pue urep Mau y • sggWTa asagq aapun moa3-aaagq pasjeataa pue aogey axed uT paaogs uaaq seq .zageM euttg guesaad aqg oq do pue 9/$T a0uTs '94K uT uozgeaacIo uT4no pue paganagquoa aaaM sxaoM Toaguoo pue WEp a asTgouea3 STgg aapuf • ILK fiuedwo0 wooa pue ..iagmnT _Jsuu9Q aqg _og eTu 0J3Te0 3o agegS eqg Act pagueaV asTgouea3-e aapun pageaao:aaaM sg0Ta.esagy •Auedmoo,aaMod 3TJToed eaaaTS P44.30 lee -10411T uTraosssoSP.ald AuectWo3 oTagoaIZ Te.zauao a9ATg aaxonay - agg uroa3 4sgg4T.z uTegaao asego.znd pue uoTgeuurpuoo Aq paaTnboe''goTagsTQ uoTn?WTaal uubavu—deAuriay eta ao3 aaqsna1 pue gue2y se uoTqemeioau 3o neaang agg 5T6T uI uuo; paiupd ay mono; s3saao4 aegz pansap s? ii a(geanaesd st ivy's!!! anq 'sluejq asoya oa auaunsad aou tarp so 'ojuujq ay ur aaeds auaraWnsu! si way ;r mojaq pappu aq Lew uo►auuuo;ui jeuota?ppy •aaays saja jo ams assanax ay uo ssjuejq aq3 uo paavarpu! uuo; aya ava pjnogs auauiaaeas srgj •paaisap sr asaaosd;o spun.$ ayz;o auaruaatas aarurpp pue aspuoa d ILON AFFYDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICE In the Matter of Application 18030 Before the State Water Rights Board State of California. STATE OF CALIFORNIA n COUNTY OF____E t1S11_LJ_7_l!__6 (Enter name of county where affiant is sworn) ss. ill! IS 9 c1I All '53 STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD SACRAMENTO J/ "i > .t � 4N , being first duly sworn, deposes and says: (Name of person who posted copies of notice) (Insert here "that he is the applicant" or "that acting on belralfof the applicant") , in the matter of Application___ 180_30 _before the (Name of applicant) State Water Rights Board, State of California, d/ e/ on the_ .49 'ti day ("and did" or "he did") of £�ls_/ , 19:5ipost two copies of notice of said application and that annexed is a full, true and correct copy. That he posted one copy of said notice 242`i A/W27 a ti -cd goo )".q/4--)07-5-7.- (Here describe how and where posted as accurately as possible) Ms' cell- 5-6c. 3/ r /2 /v. R. 'Br ; B. ��� ��✓__ _ — and the other copy of said 'notice 2 3/Y4.77/- X ' 17 i' a.nd 4.00 Y/ �E�zsyL (Here describe how and where posted as accurately as possible) /Y GY 4-;r. r c. 3/, 77/2 /,. A'- =���- 30 Yet! 4' 2,g7,S' /7/2 57- A' .e'• 4t er,l.ti - ..r , rs That each of said copies thus posted occupied a conspicuous place in the locality to be affected by 'a aid:•proposed°`appropriation. y Subscribed and sworn to before me this A9 day of VP 19_.�`"� � (Signateceof person who posted copies of notice) Notary public in and for said County ROSS S. WHITE, Notary Public DO NOT DETACH in and for the County of El Dorado, State of Wawa My commission expires November 9, 1960 FORM 8-D Meyers, El Dorado County, Calif,- 40186 7-56 2M 0 SPO STATE OF' 1FORNIA-STATE WATER RIG. BOARD 1401,21sT-STREET Pl O. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA NOTICE, OF s APPLICATION .TO .j APPROPRIATE 'WATER Application 18030 NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN, THAT Meyers Water Company Meyers' California X14 has under the date of March 6, 1958 permit to appropriate unappropriated water;subject to vested rights. applied to the State Water Rights Board for, a = Description'' of Project Water to be appropriated from an unnamed' stream tributary River thence -,Lake Tahoe.:. In the County of. El Dorado. a Amount applied for: 3.0 cubic foot per second. Diversion season named: "'January 1 to December 31 Water to be used for domestic purposes. o Upper Truckee each .:year. Point of diversion: within '~SW4 sof SW4 of Section 30,.' T12N, R18E, MDB&M. Place of use 25 and 36 32, T12N, Board'„ described: ° Domestic use being within 2,840 acres of' Sections T12N, -R17E, MDB&M; and Sections 19, -'20, 28,- 29, 30, 31 _and R18E, MDB&M as shown' on maps filed with.: State `Water Rights Relative to Protests Blank, upon which to submit protests will be supplied free upon request.-' Any person desiring -to protest against the granting of such permit shall within 1+0' days from date hereof file with the State Water Rights Board, Sacramento, California, a written protest. Such protest shall clearly set forth the protestant's objections to the approval of the application and shall contain the following information: - (1) Statement of the injury which would result to protestant from such'apiropriation and use. (2) The basis of;protestant''s water right. (3) Protestant's past and piesent use of water: both -as to amount used'and land irrigated,' or use made of water if other than irrigation. - (4) The approximate location of protestant's land or place of use and point of diversion of the water. A copy of the protest should be sent to the applicant 'and this Office notified that the same has been done. • Dated: Sacramento, California, June 27 , 19 58 FORM 8•A L. K. HILL q ; Executive Officer 72847 9-08 5M o SPO STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1111 MhPr tglits Tegnarb 1401 218T STREET P. 0. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA July 9, 1958 App1ieatione 18021,.. 1$0300 18031, 13038, 18039 - , Orrick, 3a lquist, Herrington. & Sutcliffe Counselors qndMttovneye ,at :Law405 Nontgomery. Street San Francisco 4, California Gentlemen: Your protest against Application 6,160211. 18030, 10031 1803e, 18039 of Meyers Water domPanY has been received and it is noted that a copy thereof has been served upon the applicant. If a hearing is found necessary, you will be given sufficient advance notice of the time and place. Very truly yours, L. K. Hill Executive Officer 48 DRJ cs #tate STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1111 1 Orr faigigs JnFtid 1401 219T STREET P. 0. 1302 1592 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA July 9, 1958 J APPl .c tions 18021, 18030s 18031, 18038, 18039 Heyers batar Company eYer, s, California, Gentleman: A protest against the approval of your above -numbered applica- tion has recently been received and the protestant states therein that a copy of the protest has been served upon you. Pursuant to our rules and regulations which are set forth in the enclosed leaf- let, an answer to this and any other protest against the application should be submitted to the State Water Rights Board and a copy there- of served upon the protestant on or before August 21, 1958. If it -appears that it may be possible to reach an agreement with the protestant that will result in the withdrawaldof the pro- test and thus avoid the delay and expense incident to a hearing which may otherwise be required, the Board, upon your request, will extend the period for answering the protestfor any reasonable time as may be suggested to allow negotiations toward such an agreement. Very truly yours, - t. K. Hill Executive Officer Enc. 48b DRJ:cs 18 POST OFFICE PEPA� 1 poi. 180 OFFICI USfNESS�,�1 O c 3r P - � ALTY RPRNATE-USE ' TO. AVOID fR. , r r -A PAYMENT'OF POSTAGE..t300 . RETURN TO REGISTERED NO. Pri TMAR NAME OF SENDEI(TATE WATER RIGHTS BOAile OFFICE CERTIFIED NO. STREET AND NO. OR P. O. BOX P. 0. BOX 1592 INSURED NO. POST OFFICE SACRAMENTO 7, CALIFORNIA POD July 811 STATE Y{ 11. 8. GOVERNMENT IRINTING OFFICE . 1953 3$0304-m DELI VER I❑ Deliver ONLY to addressee. (Does nota EMPLOY perry to c d mail.) ❑ Show address where delivered. Received from the Postmaster the Registered, Certified, or Insured Article, the number of which appears on the face of this return receipt. 1. -- (Signe tu a or name of addresse 2. (Signatur of addressee's agent—Agent should enter addressee's name on line ONE above)( Date of Delivery t POST OFFICE DEPARiNIVi. 18030-31 PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID OFFICIAL BUSINESS 18038-39 PAYMENT OF(G POSTAGE. $300 �Q 'J U N30 . 4' -PMS 7958• SAVE BUY PAY R J.S. BONDS 0 OLL SAVING RETURN TO REGISTERED NO. N NAME OFSENDERSTAII WAItR 11:, 113 bOARD CERTIFIED NO. '�►//Lc? STREET AND NO. OR P. O. BOX P. 0. BOX 1592 INSURED NO. POST OFFICE SACRAMENTO 7, CALIFORNIA POD July STATE i7 U. 5. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE s 1955 350304—m DEL IVERI EMPLOY ❑ Show address where delivered. ' Deliver ONLY to addressee. (Does not apply to (11111ed mail.) Received from the Postmaster the Registered,,Certified, or Insured Article, the number of which appears on the face of this return receipt. l., nlbit•If n1R41 t111MT u': -:Z i111741}r'F . ��(Signatp qor name of addressee) 2. 1 - (Signature (Signature of addressee's agent=Agent should enter addressee's name on line, ONE above) Date of Delivery - f r I POST OFFICE DEPAf2TIC'IL?4t 8�1 PENALTY FORIPRIYA'T� U TO AVOID E OFFICIAL BUSINE 8038:739 - PAY ENT'0P QP #6Eri30 if \1/4,0,1V U' f 4.1• \VI, +-)+ i�.�.: 3 • NE`s • w�--'""�,,e .. .�,sPBSTMARK•OPv°� r+.-DELIVERING �n"�r'r._ ••fix :70..,.,,„, ��-s- - >.�.0. OFFICE � ��I. ... -�Ysi"x' Y - ,., 1 RETURN TO if REGISTERED NO. NAME OF SEND• ER STATE WATER RIG`11S BOARD CERTIFIED Q. . STREET AND 140. OR P. O. BOX. P O. BOX 1592 - , INSURED NO. ♦ POST OFFICE . STATE SACRAMENTO 7, CALIFORNIA . POD F July i I Yf O. 5. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1155 350304-55 DELIVERI Deliver ONLY to addressee. (Does not apply to Ce EMPLOYE ❑ Show address where delivered. I mail.) Received from the Postmaster the Registered, Certified, or Insured Article, the number of which appears on the face of this return receipt. -9--- `U\a--est-- 1. ,(S1�natu{.or name of addressee) (SignaTure of addressee's agent—Agent should enter addressee's name on line ONE. above) Date of Delivery JUI 2 , 19 DELIVER! S EMPLOY Deliver ONLY to addressee. (Does not apply to �ed mail.) ❑ Show address where delivered. • Received from the Postmaster the Registered, Certified, or Insured Article, the number of which appears on the fac of this return receipt. 'gnatur1or name of add .1;T:e) +.1 2. (sill fet6re;of addressee's agent—Agent should enter :%dr see's name on line ONE above) JUN 3 tides Date of Delivery POST'OFFICE DEPAR'ilV L r 18030-3Y PENALTY FOR PRIVATE US AVOID 1$038-39. PAYM . •o-. . OFFICIAL BUSINESS • STMARK OF LIVERING OFFICE RETURN TO REGISTERED NO. NAME OF SENDER STATE wATLR RTA CER71FIED NO. STREET AND NO. OR P. 0. BOX P. 0. BOX 1592 INSURED NO. POST OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1, CALIFORNIA POD 811 July STATE * Y. 8. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1 1888 350.304-m POST OF KCAL BU .MEnnlg._ OFFICIAL BU S 18 jO RETURN ID REGISTERED NO. CERTIFIED NO. PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE. $300 (GPO)' STMARK OF OFFICE NAME OF SENDER Shot: �ItR kitInaS STREET AND NO. OR P. 0. BOX P. O. BO INSURED NO. .POST OFFICE SACRAMENTO 7, CALIFORNIA POD 811 July STATE U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE s 1955 360304—m DELIVERI ❑ Deliver ONLY to addressee. (Does not apply to Cfilled mail.) EMPLOY . 0 Show address where delivered. Received from the Postmaster the Registered, Certified, sor Jnsured Article, the num • er of which a • pears on the face of this return receipt. 1. gneture or name ofaddr=esee) 2. ��_ �1 (Signature ddressee's ant—Agent shout en addressee's name on line ONE above) Date of Delivery EMPLOYDELI VERT. Deliver ONLY to addressee. .(Does not apply to 411104 mail.) ❑ Show address where delivered. • Received from the Postmaster the Registered, Certified, or Insured Article, the number of which appears on the face of this return receipt. 1. -•-�=.� c .s�..l_ . signature oorr name of addrresse) (Signature 6 addreasee'a agent—Agent should enter addressee's name vv on line ONE above) Date of Delivery .p _ , 19_x. • nn 18030-31, POST OFFICE DEPARTINI:bbI�T• PENALTY FOR P O AVOID OF FIC IAL BUSINESS 18038-39 PAYME ,. . OM 4 PO EL `' •F ..1 1 le itu RETURN TO ' REGISTERED NO. ` NAME OF SENDER S A:E itiAl.R V.A IS BOARD ., CERTIFIED NO. STREET AND NO. OR P. O. BOX P. 0. BOX 1592 INSURED NO. POST OFFICE SACRAMENTO 7, CALIFORNIA POD 811 July 1 STATE Y( O. 5. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1950 350804-m DELIVERI ❑ Deliver ONLY to addressee. (Does not apply to ed meii.) EMPLOY no Show address where delivered. Received from the Postmaster the Registered, Certified, or Insured Article, the number of which appears on the face of this return, receipt. I. ,i7il - - - —:r._ _i'4_- "1 �"l_.►�' (Si nature. r nam of addre •ee)" 2. (Signature of addressee's agent—Agent should enter addreaeee's name on line ONE above) Date of Delivery _ , I9_________. Ira Al I' POST OFFICE DEPAR .T iv0�- OFFICIAL BUSINESS 180-038-39 PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE. 5300 (GPO) RETURN TO POSTMARK OF DELIVERING • .ICE S 441 * 000=. REGISTERED NO. NAME OF SENDER5fATE WATER RIG9T 0 CERTIFIED NO. STREET AND NO. OR P. O. BOX P. 0. BOX 1592 INSURED N0. POST OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1, CALIFORNIA POD July 811 STATE Yt U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1 115S 800304-m 9 ORRICK, DAHLQUIST, HERRINGTON & SUTCLIFFE 405 Montgomery Street 2 San Francisco 4, California Telephone: EXbrook 2-1120 3 Attorneys for Protestant 4 Sierra Pacific Power Company 5 6 8 BEFORE THE STATE .WATER RIGHTS BOARD OF THE 0 STATE OF CALIFORNIA } 0 11 In the Matter of the Application of 12 MEYERS WATER COMPANY 13 to appropriate unappropriated water. Application No. 18030 r ) 16 PROTEST OF i7 SIERRA PACIFIC POWER COMPANY i0 i() The undersigned, SIERRA PACIFIC POWER COMPANY, a 20 corporation (hereinafter called "Protestant"), respectfully 21 protests the granting of the Application for a permit to appro- 22 priate unappropriated water filed herein and dated February 28, 23 1958, and in support of such Protest states as follows: 24 1 0 73 Protestant is a corporation duly organized and 26 existing under the laws of the State of Maine; the address of 27 Protestant is 220 South Virginia Street, Reno, Nevada; the 28 address of Protestant in California is care of Orrick, Dahlquist, 29 Herrington & Sutcliffe, 405 Montgomery Street, San Francisco 4, 30 California. 1 ' IL. 2 Protestant has read Notice of Application to Appro- 3 priate Water published by the State Waster Rights Board and. 4 dated June 27, 1958, relating to the above entitled Application 5 and hereby states that itis the. owner of rights to the use of 6 water in Lake Tahoe and the Truckee River and their tributaries 7 and is and for many years last past has been in the exercise of 8 said rights. 10 Protestant now uses and for many years last past 11 has used said water for the purposes of (a) generating electric 12 power to its five plants on the Truckee River known, respectively, 13 as Farad Plant, Fleish Plant;:, Verdi Plant, Washoe Plant and 14 Reno Plant; (b) domestic use in the Cities of Reno and Sparks; 15 and (c) irrigation use upon lands lying under and contiguous to 16 the Highland Ditch in the State of Nevada. For a more particular 17 description of said rights and for a statement of the points at 18 which diversion is made by Protestant, Protestant refers to and 1`G makes part of this'Protest the Final Decree in the action in'the 20 District Court of the United States, in and for the.District 21' of Nevada entitled, "The United States of America, plaintiff, '1 2' vs. Orr Water Ditch Company, et al.", Equity Docket No. A-3, 73 and also the Final Decree in the proceeding in the District Court 24 of the United States in and for the Northern Aistrict of Call- -25 fornia, Second Division, entitled "The United States of America, 26 plaintiff, vs. The Truckee River General Electric Company, a 27 corporation, defendant", copies of which Decrees are on file 28 herein. Protestant is also the owner of various riparian rights California upon the Truckee River and its tributaries. 30 2 2 3 4 • 1 IV. All of the water in Lake Tahoe is necessary to satis- fy the storage requirements in Lake Tahoe, as set forth in said Final Decrees, and to satisfy the rights of Protestant above referred to. All of the waters in Lake Tahoe and its tribu- taries are fully appropriated and are required in order to '7 satisfy such appropriations and no basis for further appropriation 8 exists. If said proposed appropriation is made the same will 9 result in injury to Protestant for the reasons hereinabove stated. 10 V. 11 Protestant has served a duplicate copy of.the within 12 Protest upon Applicant by certified mail, 13 l4. .15 Applicant be denied. WHEREFORE, Protestant prays, that said Application of 16 17 18 DATED: July 3 , 1958. 19 SIERRA PACIFIC POWER COMPANY, Protestant 70 21 22 23 ?4 25 26 27 28 79 30 By . ' '`ei te` o - 3 Its Attorneys a Ota#r STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1111 M pk t f Boarti 1401 218T STREET P. 0. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA June 27, 1958 Application 18030, 18031, 18038 and :1U0a9 POSTMASTER: Meyers, California Dear Sir: Notice is enclosed regarding applications to appropriate water. This office will appreciate your courtesy if you will post this notice in a prominent place in your Post Office. Very truly yours, L. K. Hill Executive Officer Enc. 8 PL LEM:de uN2t LEA. JUN 2 7 758 I.W.C. STATE OF `,LIFORNIA—STATE WATER RIC "S BOARD 1401 218T STREET P. O. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA Jnr°tlgca� .rie° `Iv.r aomdeoa stn'Yo11Is0 t ellev'xe ,slci 00nuo0t ob,s io(1 la e tei 1oJJ do.L i aJC j—iso s `lO NOTICEI:OP°APPLICA°TION10 O2'1APPROPRIATE W'ATERle° ermi) briiB 'af51 Application 18030 bQr swbo ° . J ,1$ � .n _. 7t77I noa7� 0-ee)lom � . x° ,, � NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN, THAT Myers oat ' -r CO!,.'panysbsveM tnoE ts'' y .W aemst :nedJA C' .iirornia d'oxr.t~:tG "Told' vqa rio0 ' elEW idt o0 :)or1PeW xo f r,Y u�i rrz00 e°rir�nuanl 9_r:t��' 00� ®onF has under the date of [rC�9 �79 X95 applied to1gt Staate1W` ___ Rights Board for a permit to appropriate unappropriated water, subject to vested rights. .00 'iewoci 9ntIOtge 5j irooEr s�0101'110 °\°DescriptionofPjeq axemojtN JeeplE y. ismoVn rn1 04A rldri `Y' an unnamed serergtrlbuita3q°tooMp nWrge3 ee River Water to be appropriated from t `'ene _ Lake Tahoe 0 In the County of E1 Dols" ido 0 e°'ioviC eTos{) xo "Iewoci o lfos9. t f;mt°ista o\o . dcleo been stria 'i. V r1zmoG 0S7:: Amount applied for: 3 ® 0 cubic foot Igor s; condPve vi 110 a'i .. °isenilr edl$JE t°$exiSC.i!T rde .A rynr,JH X° Sbnve�i ° 0 e�Y is f8 abizv°eA toriefi Diversion season named: 'IMAM rn41eg9A4 n3.11c941 ,saclimAtit I w e X 70 lu sJe'xocc. yrt.t:+oA 1 bxYoa .E d°xedo.H 8bC xoLl .0 .9. Water to be used for domestic Ilerpos.,s a t o ' nerr.s'srsi. Point of diversion within SItt of SW4 of Section 309 T12N9 R18 9 B&M. Place of use described: Domestic We being mitbin 29840 aer s of Sections 25 and 36, T121 R.7E, ' . '; and Sections 19,209 282 292 309 31 and 32 T12N9R18E, MOM as 84., ;n on maps fied mitt State Water nights Board. Relative to Protests Blanks upon which to submit protests will be supplied free upon request. Any person desiring to protest against the granting of such permit shall within g days from date hereof file with the State Water Rights Board, Sacramento, California, a written protest. Such ptc est shall clearly set forth the protestant's objections to the approval of the application and shall contain the following information: (1) Statement of the injury which would result to protestant from such appropriation and use. (2) The basis of protestant's water right. (3) Protestant's past and present use of water both as to amount used and land irrigated, or use made of water if other than irrigation. (4) The approximate location of protestant's land or place of use and point of diversion of the water. A copy of the protest should be sent to the applicant and this office notified that the same has been done. L. K. HILL Executive Officer Dated: Sacramento, California, lz, :27 , 19 FORM 8•A 72047 3.58 SM 0 SPO GAO 24. )651 5/3TAW 3TAT2—A61/51071.1r '(2 3TATa cert. Applicant Postmaster cert District Attorney, El Dorado,County, Placerville, California cer •p' ° . 'te a afrAIIMOWNAE017014RMWRITIAP 6N1 latIrMvf °rnia K. cx MBST8 rats 104f seat X00.o.9 A11H51O31JAJ .OT113MAAOA2 cx isn and Game L. Woodward t ` E stoi3naWitk Truckee -Carson Irrig io -H t et.— Fal ion Nevem a ,,r?c` Atten: James W. Johnson, Jr.awen atzWIAKDO Washoe County Water Conservation District omsl0,' 0, 9T .R$ Insurance CompRyi;IBu� ld gnY 1 101 b-uoa a3 YE13saH aI 3 MTOUl 6.99,1-1 10 936 :till ssbnu and .audgis balm o3 3ssjduz ,Isisw bs3saYgo'zelgsnu s3singosgqs o3 3iml9q cx Sierra Pacific Power Co. cert. c/o Orrick, Dahuist, H rrington anUtoliffe Attorneys at La et0 a° ��1�- 1132 �fiTenthFltoor, 405trNon1�i-f tFgomery, Street %eu lea' � - San Franc c o CCaorri ` ,P - � cx cert. cx cert. cx cert. George Divore c/o Sierra, Pacific Power 220 South Virginia Street Carson City, Nevada my, , Hugh A. Shamberger, State State of Nevada Reno, Nevada Company EV1 rich b9*shgosggs sd oy zs3sVV crga er:,,rn mow. i b9i qcl, snuosn.A Engineer Nevada=C411 f-ornja Compa :t0o misYMPa' Robert B. Bond, Acting Secretary P. 0. Box 388 Sacramento, California assi an rirozoon noiassvia co r"°c3 BEs- { 14.E a2J sal beau sd os ,x `7 3 e20Lz aL .i. DG 6 ro $� nidsiw noiassvib ?o snioq E ! .Egu'o53 c2o C ZO8 e f e a ada2r1 Dag 0.2e €r,5- 01 sbsdilpasb sau $o 3" 1(1 tOZ ja AS 02 .Q1 aeoltIos0 gwom taw 0111L2 ,E Em RS rb loll q 02 evittlei oJe up91 tIoqu 991 bbilgqua 9d [liw Bsassosq 3i!ndata 03 da11fw noqu alhaela tmb mo:? zirb S nidLiw llsdz 3im-1 q ((sue gnitnslg 9113 3anisgs 3293m os gaisiasb noassq ynA dnoi 39a yissab !dada 32sioiq da:12 .3zssozq ns33i1V7 S Eiino ila� ,oin9mE19s2 ,blioEii a3dgiA 1s3sW 93a32 9di d31W sift }osi9d :noihamiolni gniwollol 9d3 nisinoa llsda bis aohsailqqn eds 3o 1svo1ggs 9d3 of anoins(do elan:as3Uiq 9d3 .:au bis nciJi.isgoigga dam moll 3w 3e 3osq o3 31ua91 bluow daidw 1 tu[ni 9d3 io 3n3m93S3a .sdgil 103aw 2'3nniasso1q 3o Bind sdT Ii 1s3sw $o sbsm say 10 ,b9Jsgi1li bad bis bsau 3nuoms ol as d3od 193nw }o sau 3nnasiq bis 32sq z`3110233o111 .noissirni ands 1srbo (1) (c) (E) Ra�oa not* 3.. o....r®v:1. 1.0, ....... 1,..« e... a., ..,..f.. �., i` --f °�--'--'•---• 1-------� --- -- n..g . • HENRY HOLSINGER. CHAIRMAN W. P. ROWE. MEMBER RALPH J. MCGILL, MEMBER Meyers Water Company Meyers California Gentlemen: GOODWIN J. KNIGHT GOVERNOR 'STATE OF CALIFORNIA I.I. tapir NigIps Buar? 1401 218T STREET P. O. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO. CALIFORNIA June 27, 1958 Application 18030 LELAND K. HILL EXECUTIVE OFFICER There are enclosed three copies of a notice of your application, two of which should be posted as indicated below and the third of which should be returned to this office with attached affidavit. You are directed to post two copies of this notice on or before July 12, 1958 in at least two conspicuous places in the locality to be affected by the proposed appropriation. On or before August 6, 1958 you should file with this office proof of such posting. IT IS REQUIRED THAT PROOF OF POSTING SHALL CONSIST OF AN AFFIDAVIT EXECUTED ON THE ENCLOSED FORM ATTACHED TO A COPY OF THE NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE. In case of inability to post two copies of the notice or file proofof posting within the time allowed kindly advise this office immediately and copies of a new notice of a later date will be forwarded. This notice is designed for the mutual protection of applicant and prior claimants. Although vested rights to the use of water from the source from which the appropriation is sought cannot be lost, prejudiced or impaired by failure to protest against the application, prior claimants are given this notice so that they may protest if it is felt the proposed appropriation will result in injury to them. If protests are filed you will be furnished with copies thereof and you are required to file with this office and with the protestant a brief but complete answer to each protest. There is no prescribed legal form which such answer must take but anything which you may do toward placing this office in possession of all the facts relative to the objections raised to your application will expedite action thereon. Very truly yours L. K. HILL, Executive Officer Enc. Cert. LEM:de FORM SB 71006 2-56 551 0 SPO June 20, 1958 J Applications 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038 and 18039 Orrick, Dahlquist, Herrington and Sutcliffe Attorneys at Law 405 Montgomery Street San Francisco, California Gentlemen In response to the request received by this office the names Orrick, Dahlquist, Herrington and Sutcliffe, Attorneys at Law» 405 Morntgomery Street,, San Francisco 49 California, have been placed upon our records to receive notice of application to appropriate water and etc. pertaining to the Gbove-numbered pplicationa. Very truly yours, L. K. Hill ecutive Officer LEVAalpb STATE OF#LIFORNIA—STATE WATER RIOTS BOARD MEMORANDUM OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE WATER Application 18030 Forest Supervisor EldoradoNational Forest Placerville,, ,California This is to advise you that Meyers Water Company has under date of March 6 for a permit to appropriate for Domestic 3.0 CFS tributary to upper Truckee River to be located within Eldorado 1958 , applied to the State Water Rights Board of the waters of an unnamed stream purposes . The project appears National Forest. Water will be diverted at a point within SA Of SA Section 30, T12N, Rl$E, FD I. and used within Seetzons 19,, 20, 2$, 29, 30, 31 and 32., T12N, R18E, 11DD and Sections 25 and 36, T12N, R17E, FFDB&PIa Diversion to begin abtsttt January 1 and end bmt December 31 of each year. According to our records the proposed project {iv) (is not) within a Federal Power Site Withdrawal. STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD Dated: Sacramento, California April 1]. ; 19 58 By Leslie C. Jopson Chief Engineer Are there any diversions on this stream, or stream to which it is tributary, below applicant's pro- posed diversion? If so, please- give names and post office addresses of the users. If the proposed project involves right of access to or right of way across Forest Service lands, will the necessary easements be granted? Comments Yed Approved_ DATE]] Forest Supervisor -y, d+Cr FORM 7 (REV.) • Forest Ranger 77,5_72r— i0135 1,5__8 40190 7-56 2M 0 sP0 y Sy 1958 J Orrick, Dahlquist, Harrington and Sutcliff Attorneys at Law 405 Montgomery Street San Francisco 4, California Gentlemen: We are returning herewith your protest filed on behalf of Sierra. Pacific Power Company against the above- numbered applications of Meyers Water Company which were transmitted with your lett rs of April 7 and 25. The pro.. tests are being returned inasmuch as a advertieinotices setting forth protest period have not been released by this office. Although them may be no serious objection to the filing of a protest prior to the ti`ae an application as advertised, we mould prefer that in the future you with- hold protests against applications until suchtie as notices are released because of the administrative proce- dures involved in the handling of Protest d applicatlone. In addition, protests filed prior to the time notices are sent from this office are considered Premature since major amendments are often ,{jade to applications before they are coipleted and advertised. Your cooperation ifiling protests in accordance with the above procedure will be appreciat d. Very truly yours, /s/ L. K. Hill L. K. Hill Ex, cutin Offic r DRJ:ram April. 29 1958 4etions 1g021, O3iOji,180 a ict**6, Truckee -Careen Irrigation District Fallen, Mevada Attn: H. B. Richards Gentl en: Reference is made to the above -numbered applica- tions of WeYors Water Compzny to appropriate from various sources in El Dorado and Nevada Counties which have been protested by the "District althouth advertisi notices have n t been rel ased by this ofTice. Although there may be no serious objection to the filinz of a protest prior to the tine an aPPIication is ad- vertised, we would prefer that you withhold protests sEainet applications until such tiaa as notides are released bec use of the administrative procedures involved in the handlinG of protested applications. In addition, protests filed prior to the time notices are sent from this ofice are considered pre- mature *ince major amendments are often made to Applications before they are completed and advertised. Since wo havo already acknowledged protests against the Application 1g006 of the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation to appropriate from ProssercreT,k, we will retain that articular protest on file. However, we are returning the remaining pro- tests and wa would greatly appreciate your cooperation in filing the protests in accordance with tho ProcAure suWested. Very trulY Yours, /8/ L. K. Hill L. K. Hill Executive Officer Eno DRJ:cs STATE OF ^ALIFORNIA—STATE WATER R i TS BOARD MEMORANDUM OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE WATER Forest Supervisor Eldorado Application 18030 National Forest , 0al tf ornia This is to advise you that Meyers Water Company has under date of March 6 1958 , applied to the State Water Rights Board for a permit to appropriate for eatte 3.0 cfs tributary to upper Truckee : River to be located within Eldorado Iorado of the waters of as unnamed stream purposes . The project appears National Forest. Water will be diverted at a point within SA of Stlk Section 30, T12N, 1118E, and used within Sections 19, 20, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32, T12N, R18 and Sections 25 and 36, T12N, Rin, Diversion to beginabvut January 1 and endgut December 31 of each year. According to our records the proposed project ' h) (is not) within a Federal Power Site Withdrawal. Dated: Sacramento, California April 11 19 58 JTA:cc By Leslie C. Jepson Chief Engineer S : TE WATER RI HTS BOARD Are there any diversions on this stream, or stream to which it is tributary, below applicant's pro- posed diversion? If so, please give names and post office addresses of the users. If the proposed project involves right of access to or right of way across Forest Service lands, will the necessary easements be granted? Comments Approved Forest Supervisor DDATE1 FORM 7 (REV.) �DATE1 Forest Ranger 40135 7-56 255 0 BPO • STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD P. O. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA Receipt Date March'' 195 ($ t) QO ) N? 1742 • Received ""..,. �..($ 10. CO ❑ Cash T L 0 Money Order 0 Check (Receipt contingent upon collection) M r niter Co. Held 7ro=ott Civil Engineer W4 Elate A. Placerville, California Re FILIM MAR 7 MO ❑ Deposit Recordation Fee Verification—Fee Expense ❑ Uncleared Collections • ❑ Application ❑ Proof of Claim ❑ Adjudication Apportionment ❑ Verification Advance O Other FORM 300 47160 11-56 20M QUIN Q SPO 0 Balance 0 Full $ Application No $____--__ Permit Fee $ Permit Extension Fee $-_ Petition Fee Additional Fee on Charges Certification Fee Copying—Comparing Proof of Claim Fee Adjudication Apportionment Refund—Verification Other l • $-------- STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD LESLIE C. JOPSON, Chief Engineer Title HENRY HOLSINGER. CHAIRMAN JOHN B. EVANS, MEMBER W. P. ROWE, MEMBER 'tihI aabfuin 3.1ffnight Gabel -nor STATE OF CALIFORNIA I1I1 Orr faigigs Bitatit 1401 219T STREET P. O. BOX 1592 SACRAMENTO 7. CALIFORNIA March 10.: 1958 Application 18030 Meyers Water Company Meyers: California Gentlemen: Your application to appropriate from Unn. Str. Trib. Upper Truckee River was received March 6, 1958 18030 and given the number It will be examined soon and you will then be informed of further requirements. Very truly yours, STATE.WATER RIGHTS BQ4RD Form 19 2/19/57 LESLIE C. JOPSON CHIEF ENGINEER LAWRENCE SPENCER APPLICATIONS JOHN PAGE ADJUDICATIONS-RECORDATIONS l 4 fFor full information concerning the filling out of this form refer to). Article 4.of Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Appropriation of Water FILE IN DUPLICATE STATE.,OF CALIFORNIA—STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD 0). .41'4- Nv4 j. 40F',i j94i'�, 944/Fr t3® Sep 'brO O 14:19PM 440 U.C.. Application No. lSO3_Filed March 62 1958 (Applicant must not fill in the above blanks) at . APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE UNAPPROPRIATED WATER MEYERS- WATER '`C Name of applicant _r r s Address California ��, State County of El Dorado , do hereby make application for a permit to appropriate the. following described unappropriated waters of the State of California, SUBJECT TO VESTED RIGHTS: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works 1. The source of the proposed appropriation is Unnamed Stream ------------------------------------------- Give name of stream, lake, etc., if named; if unnamed state nature of source and that it is unnamed located in El Dorado __aunty, tributary to Upper Truckee River 2. The amount of water which applicant desires to appropriate under this application is as follows: (a) For diversion to be directly applied to beneficial' use_ 3.0 cubic feet per 1 cubic foot per second equals 40 statute miner's inches or 646,317 gallons per day second, to be diverted from January 1 s7 to December 311 of each year. Beginning date Closing date (b) For diversion to be stored and later applied to beneficial use—_—NO/le �'' acre-feet 1 acre-foot equals 321,831 gallons a " per annum, to be collected between and — of each season. Beginning date Closing date NOTE. —Answer (a) or (b) or both (a) and (b) as may be necessary. If amount under (a) is less than .025 cubic foot per second, state in gallons per day. Neither the amount nor the season may be increased after application is filed. If underground storage is proposed a special supplemental form will be supplied by the State Water Rights Board upon request. 3. The use to which the water is to be applied Domestic, irrigation, power, municipal, mining, industrial, recreational Domest-ic n•.. purposes. 4. The point of diversion is to be located N.57°- 50' E.4 1350 feet from S. ''o ''Corner State bearing and distance or coordinate distances from section or quarter section corner Section 30' T.12 N.a. Re 18 E.„_M.D.B & M.,, being within the;—`S m h o ! of $ a'W,, State 40 -acre subdivision of public land survey or projection thereof • El Dorado of Section_3®_____ ,T l� N. R1.8 E. ,�M.D. B. & M., in the County of____-_ 5. The main conduit terminates in- None of Sec. T , R —___., B. & M. State 40 -acre subdivision of U. S. Government survey or projection thereof Description of . Diversion Works NOTE.—Ad application cannot be approved for an; amount, grosslyin excess of the estimated capacity of the diversion works. 6. Intake or Headworks (fill only those blanks which apply) (a) Diversion will be made by pumping from S, Sump, offset well, unobstructed channel, etc. (b) Diversion will be by 'gravity; the diverting dam ,being feet in height (stream bed to level of overflow) ,_._._._— _____feet long on top; and constructed of Concrete, earth brush, eta (c) The storage dam will be__:_ _De __________feet in'height (stream bed to overflow level) ; feet long on top have 'a freeboard of feet; and be constructed of________; ___�___________________________ _ ____ _____ Concrete, earth, etc. 7 Storage' Reservoir_ None Name The storage age reservoir will flood lands 1n — None - Indicate section or sections, also 40 -acre subdivisions unless shown upon map wrr, +c It will` have a' surface area 'of_ 6_ __ lil____T __��__ ,� _-acres, and a capacity of_____ y ___ ____acre=feet. Emir In case of insufficient space for answers in form, attach extra sheets at top of page 3 and cross reference. FORM 1 •4\ , 8. Conduit System (describe main conduits only) None,Water will be pumped directly into (a) Canal, ditch, flume: Width on top (at water line)/ -__________—_—_____feet; width at bottom mains Croce out two not rated feet; depth of water__ _______feet; length__ —______feet; grade _____— feet per 1,000 feet; materials of construction—__ Earth, rock, timber, etc. (b) Pipe line: Diameterinches; length__ ____ feet; grade____________ _____feet per 1,000 feet; total fall t from intake to outlet feet; kind—__ _____ _ Riveted steel, concrete, wood -save, etc. NOTE.—If a combination of different sizes or kinds of conduit is to be used, attach --extra sheets with complete description, also show location of each clearly on map. 9. The estimated capacity of the diversion conduit or pumping plant proposed is 3_0_Q—C.017-03 State cubic feet per second or gallons per minute The estimated cost of the diversion works proposed is DOCL— Give only cost of intake, or headwork,. pumps, storage reservoirs and main conduits described herein Completion Schedule 10. Construction work will begin on or before -ailiae _h. --19612_____R_ Construction work will be completed on or before __thine___4___.19-63 The water will be completely applied to the proposed use on or before Jane. air 19&5 Description of Proposed Use 11. Place of Use. £htainII1_upnn_ rain's o 2$4CLAcre_sapproxi mately 1 n C1 ud p_ 1 area s State 40 -acre subdivisions of the public land survey. If area is unmrveyed indicate the location as if lines of the public land o__bE____sErsrn nrith domestic Water frnrn this sources - survey were projected. In the case of irrigation use ante the number of acre. to be irrigated in each 40 -acre tract, if space permiu. If space does not permit listing of all 40 -acre tract,, describe area in a general way and show detail upon snap. Do (es) applicant (s) own the land whereon use of water will be made? Jointly? Yes Yes or No If applsemtd not of land whereon s� tai ; b�$t t�aa ha ' adis.e _.Jiomes, th_parent-company of owner and state what arrangements have been made with him. 12. Other Rights. Describe all rights except those on file with the State Water Rights Board under which water is served to the above named lands. Ya or No Nature of Right (riparian, appropriative, purchased water, etc.) Year of First Use Use made in recent years including amount if known Season of Use Source of Other Supply 1. • 2. 3. 4. Attach supplement at top of page. 3 if necessary. 13. Irrigation Use. The area to be irrigated is State net acreage to be irrigated The segregation of acreage as to crops is as follows: Rice _acres; alfalfa__ _____________acres; _acres. orchard ___________acres; general crops ____—_____—_____acres; pasture acres. Nora.—Care should be taken that the various statements as to acreage are consistent with each other, with the statement in Paragraph 11, andrwith the map. The irrigation season will begin about___ _and end about Beginning date 14. Power Use. The total fall to be utilized is Difference between nozzle or draft tube water level and first free water surface above The maximum amount of water to be used through the penstock is_________— —__—_cubic feet per second. The maximum theoretical horsepower capable of being generated by the works is____—_______— _—______horsepower. Second feet X fall r 8.8 Closingdate feet. The use to which the power is to be applied,is LL For distribution and sale or private use, etc. The nature of the works by means of which power is to be developed is_ Turbine, Pelton wheel, etc. The size of the nozzle to be used is inches. ' 11 it The water Wil be returned to_— Will not Name stream State 40 -acre subdivision Sec. , T• — ---_—, R. , --- _B. & M. DO NOT WRITE . N THIS SPACE4 ATTACH EXTRA SHEETS HERE r 15. Municipal Use. This application is made for the purpose of serving Name city or cities, town or towns: Urban areas only having a present population of The estimated average daily consumption during the month of maximum use at the end of each five-year period until the full amount applied for is put to beneficial use is as follows: 16. Mining Use., The name of the mining property to be served is Name of claim • and the nature of the mines is_ Gold placer, quartz, etc. The method of utilizing the water is__ It is estimated that the ultimate water requirement for this project will be The water will will not Cubic feet per second, gallons per minute. State basis of estimate be polluted by chemicals or Explain nature of pollution, if any State 40 -acre subdivision will and it will not be returned to__ Name stream Sec • __, T. - ---- - r R. a - _B. & M. _of 17. Other Uses. The nature of the use proposed is Dome.at is _s ermine_ to_ a grn ss arm !L Industrial, recreational, domestic, stockwatering, fish culture, etc. _Jutio Acres State basis of determination of amount needed. Lt _6stimated_that___thg_area_to_be_z-erv,941 rv, Number of persona, residences, area of domestic lawns and gardens, number and kind of stock, type �otiLL__hav _sn Pv_en_tul papulation, of 25eQO persons_xaequiring 13 C ! SO - industrial use, and unit requirements: o� Cr. ,. ,f _ VF u J General 18. Are the maps as required by the Rules and Regulations filed with If not, Yes or No state specifically the time required for filing same 19. Does the applicant own the land at the proposed point of diversion?_N 0 Yes or No address of owner and state what steps have been taken to secure right of access thereto r' nrA ^z �erlti�e appl icant gar_ use permit wi 11 he_made 20. What is the name of the post office most used by those living near the proposed point of diversion? _. If not, give name and Yieyer_s_o_C_alifornia 21. What are the names and addresses of claimants of water from the source of supply below the proposed point of diversion? Nnt known [SIGNATULSOP APPLICANT eyers Water Co. Jim A. Em Wilson9 President' APPLICANT, MUST NOT FILL IN BLANKS BELOW PERMIT No. This is to certify that the application of which the foregoing is true and correct copy has' been considered 'and approved by the State Water Rights Board SUBJECT TO VESTED RIGHTS and the following limitations 'and conditions: 1. The amount of water appropriated shall be limited to the amount which can be beneficially used, and shall not exceed ra I��''R LLQ 2. The maximum amount herein stated may be reduced in the license if investigation so warrants. 3. Actual construction work shall begin on or before and shall thereafter be prosecuted with reasonable diligence, and if not so commenced and prosecuted this permit may be revoked. 4. Said construction work shall be completed on or before S. Complete application of the water to the proposed use shall be made on or before 6. Progress reports shall be filed promptly by permittee on forms which will be provided annually by the State Water Rights Board until license is issued. 7. All rights and privileges under this permit including method of diversion, method of use and quantity of water diverted are subject to the continuing authority of the State Water Rights Board in accordance with law and in the interest of the public welfare to prevent waste, unreasonable use, unreasonable method of use or unreasonable method of diversion of said water. This permit is issued and permittee takes it subject to the following provisions of the Water Code: Section 1390. A permit shall be effective for such time as the water actually appropriated under it is used for a useful and beneficial purpose in con- formity with this division (of the Water Code), but no longer. Section 1391. Every permit shall include the enumeration of conditions therein which in substance shall include all of the provisions of this article and the statement that any appropriator of water to whom a permit is issued takes it subject to the conditions therein expressed. - Section 1392. Every permittee, if he accepts a permit, does so under the conditions precedent that no value whatsoever in excess of the actual amount paid to the State therefor shall at any time be assigned to or claimed for any permit granted or issued under the provisions of this division (of the Water Code), or for any rights granted or acquired under the provisions of this division (of the Water Code), in respect to the regulation by any competent public authority of the services or the price of the services to be rendered by any permittee or by the holder of any rights granted or acquired under the provisions of this division (of the Water Code) or in respect to any valuation for purposes of sale to or purchase, whether through condemnation proceed- ings or otherwise, by the State or any city, city and county, municipal water district, irrigation district, lighting district, or any political subdivision of the State, of the rights and property of any permittee, or the possessor of any rights granted, issued, or acquired under the provisions of this division (of the Water Code). Dated: 57214 6-57 551 0 EPO STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD