2495(916)' 920-6211' t r. '�In Reply' Refer to: 1219/19: 23502 AUG 1'6 1978 ,. Angora Water Company- P. 0. Box 9026 South Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 APPLICATION 23502 FILED MAY 7, 1970 In accordance with the'Board's policy for administration of water rights in "the Lake Tahoe Basin, an annual fee of $60.00-wa"s due May 7, 1978. As notification of this requirement was not made in time ° for compliance, this fee is now due 30 days from this letter's date. ;Please give this matter your prompt attention. R. L. Rosenberger,'Chief Division of Water Rights MHOberthmjeppesen 8/10/78 1 SURNAME AA;4141 - s a5j.1=1"'""' Ill AA11100°N Itil t,.