0609PETITION FOR CHANGE IN PLACE OF USE Attach 10.00 filing fee with petitions for changes Application) E303,Q Permit 13S 1.1 License State Water Rights Board 1+01 - 21st Street Sacramento, California Gentlemen: We 1 hereby request permission to ehange_the place of use as described in the above -numbered filing to a place described asfollowsand as shown on the map here- with submitted: For description Bald map of new place • - -- (Give acreage to be irrigated within each 0 -acre tract • GIVE REASON FOR PROPOSED CHANGE: Area planned to be subdivided and served has been enlarged. Yes, but old place of use is largely WILL THE OLD PLACE OF USE BE ABANDONED? included in new place of use. (Answer "Yes"or "No") WATER WILL BE USED FOR Domestic PURPOSES. We I control the place of use proposed by virtue of It is within the existing or proposed public uw:ility servicerea. (Ownership, Tease, agreement This change does not involve the introduction of any new source or any in- crease in the amount of the appropriation.' The persons affected by or interested in the proposed change are as follows: None ebruary 27 1963 �ate3 (Name) (Address) Very truly vours. 'er 254, Statutes of 1955 requires a lo.0 `t:+.i:tng ff e with-` ,e `:_:r for changes. J.05 �1-60 0/< ,�F DESCRIPTION 0.!? MEYERS WATER CO. PROPOSED SERVICE AREA 1 5i 741 P#60' Beginning at the W. * Corner of Section 19, T. 12 N., R. 1$ E..,_�.._:__.._.:..,.. M. D. B.. & M.;. THENCE FROM SAID POINT, OF BEGINNING Easterly one- half mile, more or less, to the center of Section 19; thence Southerly one-half 'mile, more: or less, to the S..* Corner of Section 19; thence Easterly..along the Southerly edge of Sections 19 & 20, gone mile, more or less, to the S. * Corner of'Section 20; thence J Ji 1. 4 1 Southerly one-quarter mile, more or J ss, to the S. W. Corner of the N. W. * of the N. E. * of'Sectio' ; 29; thence'Easterly one-half mile, more or less, to the S: E. Corner of the N. E. * of the N. E. 4 of Section 29;. thence Northerly one quarter mile, more,or less, to the N. W. Corner of Section 28;thence Easterly along the South- erly edge of Section 21,.one-half mile, more or less, to the S. 4 Corner of Section 21; thence Northerly through the:center of Section 21, three-quarters of a mile,`,more or less; to.the S. W. Corner of, .the N. W. * of the N. E. 4 of Section 21; thence Easterly one-half %mile, more or less, to theS , E. Corner of the N . °E. ,' of the N..E. 4 of Section 21; thence Easterly one-quarter mile to the center of the N. W. 1 of Section 22; thence Southerly three-quarters of a mile, •more or less, to the S. E. Corner of the S . W.° of the S. W. t of • Section 22; thence Southerly three-quarters of.a mile, rnore,or less, h , 'to the center of the -S. W. * ,'of Section 27;. thence Westerly one- quarter mile, more or less; to the S. W. ,Corner of, the N. W. 4 of the - S. W. of Section 27;lthence Westerly one-half mile, `more or less, to the S. W. Corner of the N ., W. 4 of the S. E. * of Section 28; thence Southerly one-quarter mile, more Or less; to"the S. k Corner of Section 28; thence Westerly along.the Southerly edge of Sections 28 & 29, one mile, 'more or less, to the S. Corner of Section 29; thence Southerly one mile, more or less, to.the S. k..Corner of Sec tion 32, T. 12 N., R. 18 E., M. D. B.'& M.; thence Southerly one mile, more or less, to the S.'„ Corner of Section 5, T. 11TN., R. ,' 18 E., M. D. B. & M.; thence Southerly one mile, more_or less, to ' the S. k Corner of Section $; thence Easterly .one-quarter mile, more or less, to the N, E..Corner of the N. W.. k of the N. E...4 of Section 17;Southerly thence yone mile, more or less, to the S. E. . ,..Corner.of the S. W. k of the S. E. i of Section 17; thence South- erly one-quarter mile, more or less, , to the center of :_the ' N . E. k of Section 20;.thence Westerly three-quarters of -a mile, more or less, to the S. W. Corner,of the N. W. k of the N. W. k of Section 20; thence Northerly one and a,, quarter miles;.more or less, along. the Westerly edge of Sections 20 & 17; to the N. W. Corner of Sec- tion 17, T.'11 N., R. 18 E.; thence Westerly one-quarter'mile, more or less, to the' S. W. Corner of the S. E.' k ,of the S. E. k of Section 7; thence Northerly, one mile; more or less, to the N. W. Corner of the N. E. k of -the N. E. k of Section 7; thence Northerly one-half mile, more or less, to the N. W. Corner of 'the N. E. k of the S. E. k of Section 6; thence Westerly one-quarter. mile, more or ,less,. to the center of Section"6; thence Northerly one-half mile, , more or less, to the N. k Corner of Section 6, T. 11°N., R. 18 E. M. D. B. & M; thence Northerly one-half mile, more or less, to the center 'of Section 31, T. ,12 N." R. 18 E., M. D. B. ..& M; thence Westerly one-half mile, more or less, to. the W. k Corner of Section 31, T, 12 N., R. 18 E., M. D. p'...& M.; thence Westerly one-half mile, • e,. Page 3 , more or less, to the center of Section 36,T. 12 N:,° R. 17 E., M. D. B. & M.; thence Northerly one: -half 'mile, 'more or less, to the N.. • Corner of Section 36; thence -Easterly one-half„mile, more or'less, • along the Northerly edge of said Section 36 to .the S. -W. Corner of Section 30, T. 12 N., R. 18 E.; thence Northerly. one-half mile, r more or less, along the• Westerly edge of 'said Section 30, to the W. 4 Corner' of said Section 30; thence Westerly three-quarters of a mile, more 'or less, to the 5.. W. "Corner .of thea S. E. . , of the N. W. w of Section 25,' T. 12 N., R. '17 E., •Ma. D. B.:4 M.; thence R Northerly one-half mile, more' or less, ,to°,the N. W. Corner. of the N. E. 4 of the N. W. of said Section 25;- :thence..three-quarters of a mile along the Northerly;kedge of, said Section 25, to the S. W. M 8 Corner of Section 19, T. 12N:°,. R.-.18 E.;' thence Northerly one-half mile, mores or less,' a1ong ;the” Westerly edge of '' ,Section 19, to the point of beginning, comprising :52.0 Acres, more or :less; and . in- • cluding the following: . a,. All of the S. W. of Section 19; all.of:Section 30; the W. • A, the S. E. 4 and the S. A of the N . E. ; 4 ; of ;Section —29; the ' To A, the N. E. 4 and the N.1 .of 'the, S. E. 4 Of Section 28; the . S . E. 4. and the *S. A of the 'N. E. ' ` of Section 21; the W. of the S. W. 4 and the S. W. -4 of •the N. W. of . Section 22; the 'W. A of the N. W. 4 and the -N. W. 4 of the S. W., 4 of Section 27; the N. A and the of Section `32, :'all' in ,.T. 12 N., R. 18 E., M. D. B. & M. pp The -N. E. 4 of Section,36; the'Nand ithe E. A of the N. W. of Section 25;,,all in' T�. 12 N P, R. 17 ,E.,`M. D: B. & M. 0 le r . aJ . iS • Page 4 1•he N. E. and the E., ` of the S. E." 4 of Section 6; the W. of Section 5; the W. i of +Section 8; the E. 2 of the N. E. and the E. 2 of the S. E. 4 of Section 7; the W. the W. of the N . E. 4 and the W. i of the S;:' E. 4 of Section 17; the N. of the N. W. , and the N. W. of the N. E. 4 of, Section 20; all in T. 11 N..„ R. 18 E.9 M. D. B. & M. • Harold S. Prescott, Civil Engineer,' R.E. 7400 I. - t 1 ' _«_... e I ' Application 10030 - 1 1 • L3 5 71 1 ...... --_Permit 4• " - 1 License___________________ 2 1 2...„....„.....;;;,.....-:;-.-.."- • Applicant %. el� 1'L"&Z P co 400;1•11 401.11-mii<11111 . j�j1111::} i 4 i 1 1 ' mo.-!i-- 1", "1 .......• O ......iiidag 1 I 1 ! ' -Jailligli....11-.41111 / 6 � 4- , y/ .1 / ! I ! 1 dddSP { _ (FI 1 1 .�... r•_r•• 1 I 1 «--.m.m.T 1 ' 1. 6 5� • — ......77...;.....„. _ „.r- 0, ; • �_1 I I mo 1 11 1 _. w —•....._.4.•__r.• 1 1 y I 1/ Pj I l 1 1 1 1 1 2 ' 7R• 1 :!! 4:':'''''''.... -� 1 I• • a/-,P' tC_- • ' i Y-' / 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 9 1 1 1 1 • �f l� I '�/ 1 T 4 jL� /e. '.4 ,✓ s ./. 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