22922007/08 PENDINOAPPLICATION ANNIOL FEE REVIEW REVIEW COMPLETED BY: DATE: SJW 3° 8/30/2007 APPLICATION NUMBER A023393 Was this application charged an annual fee for 2006/07? OWNER South Tahoe Public Utility, District;,'' ` ..... ,r, as'j' " r YES. l Was a public notice of the application issued? If yes, what date? X2/9/1970, -'`; o; IF ANY OF THE FIVE FOLLOWING CRITERIA ARE TRUE, AN ANNUAL FEE IS NEEDED d Has the diversion of water, the construction ofdiversion works, or•the clearing of land where the diverted water will be used or stored been initiated • before a permit has been issued authorizing the • diversion? If you are uncertain whether or not there is an existing or "threatened" diversion call the applicant/agent and write a contact memo to the file. If you have no evidence (verbal, written, picture, etc) of a diversion or threatened diversion you must answer "NO" to this question. NO ,Routing Person/ Initial & Task Date , (Completed) Reviewer (review complete) Senior (approve review) SJW post •i3 on ledger and copy to 0/30/0` Binder •rum i•i' -Ito ,r1SjYi I) /4:),E i 1 fusion in!) pp. File d' 1 "IcS I� 0-07 7 If ves provide the name & date of item that provides evidence of this. Is the application on hold because the applicant has requested an delayin processing? ��"�PP pP 4 �C p 9 If ves provide the name & date of file item that provides evidence of this. date date NO Is the applicant the CEQA lead agency and has the applicant failed to adopt or certify a final environmental document (as required) for the project within 2 years after the application was noticed? If ves provide the name & date of file item that provides evidence of this. date NO7 Has the applicant not submitted supplemental information as required by the Division of Water Rights under WC 1275? • If ves provide the name & date of the file item that provides evidence of this. date Is the permit signed by the Division Chief and ready for issuance but the applicant has not paid the fees required by Public Resources Code 10005, Fish and Game Code 711.4, or other law?. If ves provide the name & date of file item that provides evidence of this. NO 9XNNUAL FEE REQUIRED NOTE: Complete Page Two of this form even if NO annual fee is required. Enter the diversion information and initial the dialog boxes concerning diversion data and WRIMS. 'NOv'l Does this application include hydropower as a use (more than just incidental)? Page 1/2 date .Revised 8/13/07 2007/2008 Pending Application Annual Review-- Page 2 I A ation No. I A023393 `; • '',7r3,4: 1,Aiinual,Diver0101iLirriitatialif(irdi.lifiliFab10),.,:',17;1 19,000.000_ acre -ft j?..17.07r, e ;.• • • • ' POD: Purpose of Use: Number 1 POD: POD: Municipal Purpose of Use: Purpose of Use: Direct Diversion Rate (fill in only one rate for each POD) Diversion season begin date Divdrsion season end date No. of days in diversion season Direct Diversion Quantity(s) Direct Diversion Rate (fill in only one rate for each POD) Diversion season begin date Diversion season end date No. of days in diversion season Direct Diversion Quantity(s) 520 0.000 0.900 1/1/2007 12/31/2007 365.00 2.7.564.021 cfs gpm gpd days acre -ft 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 cfs gpm gpd days acre -ft 0.000 0.000 0.000 1/0/1900 1/0/1900 0.00 0.000 cfs gpm gpd days acre -ft POD: POD: POD: Purpose of Use: Purpose of Use: Purpose of Use: 0.000 0.000 0.000 1/1/1900 1/1/1900 0.00 0.000 cfs gpm gpd days acre -ft Total Annual Direct Diversion Quantity (calculated) Total Annual Direct Diversion Quantity Cap (if applicable) 0.000 0:,000 1/0/1900 = 1/0/1900 0.00 0.000 cfs gpm gpd days acre -ft ,0.000 0.000 0.000 1/0/1900 1/0/1900 0.00 ' 0.000 cfs gpm gpd 32.864:023-- days acre -ft acre -ft acre -ft 'Annual StOrage Quantity' .1 RES 1 Number of Refills (if applicable) Diversion season begin date Diversion season end date No. of days In diversion season Number of Refills (if applicable) Diversion season begin date Diversion season end date No. of days In diversion season -0.00 0.00 RES 4 0.00 1/0/1900 - 1/0/1900 0.00 acre -ft days acre -ft days Total Annual Storage Quantity Total Annual Storage Quantity Cap (if applicable) RES 2 0.000 0.00 .11/0/1900 1/0/1900 0.00 RES 5 0.000 1/0/1900i 1/0/19001 0.00 acre -ft days acre -ft days RES 3 ,0.000 0.00 1/0/1900 1/0/1900 0.00 acre -ft days 0.000 acre -ft 9.000 acre -ft ••'• Total Annual Diversion for Fee Calculatiorv• 19,000.000 acre-feet The 'Total Annual Diversion for Fee Calculation' above is based on the maximum quantity of water that may be diverted under the application/penniVlicense. have checked the above -listed and verified the Total Annual Diversion Quantity against the "Max Use Ann" value in WRIMS. If the "Max Use Ann" is incorrect, 1 have completed the WRIMS Update Sheet and attached it to this review. ANNUAL FEE DUE FOR 2007-08? NO Initials Revised 8/13/07 .<11111 • State Water Resources Control Board Winston H. Hickox Secretary for Environmental Protection Division of Water Rights 1001 I Street, 141° Floor • Sacramento, California 95814 • (916) 341-5128 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2000 • Sacramento, California • 95812-2000 FAX (916) 341-5400 • Web Site Address: http://www.waterrights.ca.gov The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian needs to take immediate action to reduce energy ( etl cun,t,tn m For a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy costs, see our Web -site at http://www.swix.b.ca.gov. Application ID: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1275 MEADOW CREST DR SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 OWNER(S): SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT; Gray Davis 11111),111,111,11,191 1,1111, 11 ,000zzaz Assignment or Address Change: To inform us of corrections to the name(s) and address(es) of current water right holders, please complete Box 1, and return the original of this form to the address on the back side of this form. If you are no longer the owner of the water right referenced above, you must inform the Division of Water Rights of the change in ownership by completing boxes 1 and 2. If there are joint owners of this water right, you must provide the names and addresses of all joint owners and designate one person to receive all correspondence from the SWRCB regarding the joint application. (Wat. Code, § 1290; Cal. Code Regs., tit. 23, § 691.) For more than one owner, attach additional sheets. Box 1, Current or New Owner: (complete for Change of Ownership or Corrections) Select One: Individual/Sole Proprietor Husband/Wife Co -Ownership_ Partner/Co-Ownership_ Corporation_ Estate_ Limited Partnership_ Trust Limited, Liability Company_ Joint Venture_ Organization/Association Owner Name: No change in . ownership ..or adr9ress Address: City, State, Zip: Assessors Parcel Number (APN) at point of diversion (optional): Phone Number: ( ) E -Mail Address: Box 2, Former Owner: (complete only for Change of Ownership) c-� Owner Name: Address: City, State, Zip: !J` 17. Phone Number:( ) E -Mail Address: Signature of Former Owner: CID Date: Please retum this original completed form to the address on the back. (Keep a copy for your records if desired) • State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Rights . P.O. Box 2000 Sacramento, CA 95812-2000 Place. Postage H ere Fold at this line, tape and add postage to mail: Fold at this line ST; -:T OF CALIFORMA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD THE PAUL R. SONDERSON BUILDING 301 P S.reet, Sa;,raa:ento, CA DEC 041986 South Tahoe Public utility District P. 0, Box AU South Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 Gentlemen: GEORGE oELI;<;.1E.;A' . Govern°, DWiSION OF WATER RIGHTS P.U. BOX 2000, Sacramento, CA 55810 • (9_ i6) 3�4-.,732 ) 5 In Reply Refer to 321:JAH:A23393 APPLICATI01 1 23393 FILED .NOVEMBER 7; 1969 Ir. accordance with the Board's policy for administration of water rights in the Lake Tahoe Basin, an annual fee of ,530 is now due. Please give this matter your prompt attention. RAYMOND WALSH, Chief Division of Water Rights Attachment JAHi3LT:ysrnooring 12/1/86 WR lh-3 (8/85) lel, / FEE SCHEDULE APPLICATION(S):' 23393 Applications for direct diversion except for power purposes, for each cubic -foot per second (cfs) or fractional cfs: from 0 to 100 cfs over 100 to 500 cfs over 500 to 2,000 cfs over 2,000 cfs 52.3 cfs @ $10.00 each $ 530 cfs @ $12.00 each cfs @ $15.00 each cfs @ $20.00 each Direct diversion for power purposes at $2.00 for each 100 theoretical horsepower or fraction thereof: theoretical horsepower $ For each acre-foot per annum (afa) or fractional afa of storage: from 0 to 1,000 afa afa @ $0.10 each $ over 1,000 to 5,000 afa afa @ $0.12 each over 5,000 to 100,000 afa afa @ $0.15 each over 100,000 afa afa @ $0.20 each 1986 Fee ($100.00 minimum) now due $ 530 STATE'OF CALIFORNIA, STATE'WATER RESOURCES CON,,TFuL .HOARD=`..' THE PAUL R. SONDE. RSOH''BUILOING. 901'P Street,.Sacramento, CA (916) 324-5738' • GEORGE' DEUKMEJIAN.,Gove: noa DIViSION.OF"WATER RIGHTS ; P.O. BOX:2000, Sacramento, CA '95a10 •In Reply; Refer.. to: 321:JAH:23393' NOV 221985:.• South Tahoe, Publ;i'c Util'i'ty D.i`stri ct P.. 0.. ° Box AU •..South; Lake Tahoe,•.•CA 95705 Genal emen: APPL'ICATION 23393 FILED ,: NOVEMBER'' 7, 1969 Ing accordance' with the Board's. policy .for administration= of water rig In 'the'. Lake. Tahoe' Basin, an9',annual fee; of, r $212.00•_ i s now-•. due Pleasegive: this ma.tti your' prompt a•ttenti•On. Lloy "Johnson; Interim"Chief`f Div1s.ion of Water; Rights"," FEE°"SCHEDULE° APPLICATION(5) :`, is 23393° Applications for directdiversion, except for' power cub.ic, foot, per second' -`(cfs) or fractional, .cfs -from. 0 to a1100."cf,s.- over '10C1. to: '500 cfs, 'over -°500 to, 2,000 cf.s over, 2;.000. cfs purposes.,d, for 52.3; cfs @a $4'.00;' each, cfs: @ $2.00 •each. cfs." @ $1,;::00 each. cfs'@ $0.25- each: 01rect< di'ver.si°onr.fbr power --=purposes, 'at Si .00:fors:each 200 -.theoretical' horsepower or fraction ...th.ereo.f ; , : - theoretical: horsepower each 212.00 Fort each=—acreY foot per. annum (afa) or fractional afa.of. storage from over 1 °,000: ilto; 5 ,000 afa over 5,,000 to: 100',000. afa,` over 100`,000 afa,2 ° afa, @ $0.05: each, = afa :@ $0:021 each .afa. _@; $0,,.:01'`eacFr • afa,. @ =$0.002' each . (6/82) 7L (916) 324-5737 NOV 3'0 1984 South 1 t oeTPubi i s Utility 'District P. O. Box AU South Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 Gentlemen: APPLICATION 23393, FILED NOVMEBER 7, 1969 In Reply 'Refer to: 321:AAC:23393 In accordance with the Board's policy for administration of water rights in the Lake Tahoe Basin, an annual fee of $212.00 is due for the year 1984 based on the enclosed schedule. - Please give this matter your prompt attention. Sincerely, Raymond Walsh, Chief Division of Water Rights Enc'lvsure AACHESLER:t1 i ndeman 11/26/84 0 ,., SURNAME //=x.7-8 Sl1�L'/ DWR SAO (REV : 7141 - • . Applications for. direct' diversion except .for power purposes, for each cubic. foot per. second (cfs) or -fractional cfs = from 0 to, -100 cfs 52:3 cfs. @ ,$4..00. each $ 212.00 over ° 100, to 500 cfs cfs @ $2.00each ...'Ofrect diversion for 'power purposes at $1;00 -?for each 200 • theoretical horsepower or fraction thereof •.Y theoretical horsepower' • For each acre-foot per 'annum .-(afa)-;; or fractional afa of storage: from. 01-to'1,000 afa. ;',. ' - afa. @ $0.:05 each over:1,000 to 5",000. afa afa @ .$0.02 each over. -5,000 to. 100,000 afa :"afa 'afa, @ $0.,.0.1 _each over -100,000 afa. -:afa' @ $0.002, each IprDER: Aomplete items 1, 2, Add your address In on reverse. 3, and 4. the "RETURN Tt7' spaiiii MIIF . (CONSULT POSTMASTER 1. The following service is requested FOR (check of in addition TOTAL FEES) • one). —0 delivery.. _G —0 to S • Show to whom and date delivered • Show to whom, date, and address s. ❑ RESTRICTED DELIVERY (71te restricted delivery fee is charged the return receipt fee) 3. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: • 4. TYPE OF SERVICE: ARTICLE NUMBER 2111:12396 INSURED • EXPRESS MAS (Always obtaht signature of addressee or agent) I have received the article described SIGNATURE above. ., orized agent ■ S DATE OF DEUVERY K ti ADDRESSEE'S ADDRESS (Only IIf request' II,/ ,„_.4, ,,....7,4,n, ,kuvra3 0 7. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: 7a EMPLOYEE'S Z, earvs UNITED STATES POSTAL S OFFICIAL BUSINESS SENDER INSTRUCTI Pent your name, address, and LP Code In 'agape F ' U ▪ Complete Cont, $ 3, and 4 on the reverse • • Attach to front of article U space penidts, -� otherwise aflhl to back of aAkle. S 8 • Endorse article "Return Receipt Requestede"-..—' adjacent to number. x3393 RETURN TO Mr PENA1.77MILE AME LTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO'AVOID'PAYMENT !� OF POSTAGE, $300 TATE 'RATER RESOURCES CONTROL SCAM D VISION OFje o�t� 77 CADILLAC RIVE SACRAMENTO, CA 95825 (Street or P.O. Box) (City, State, and ZIP Code) STATE OF CALIFORNIA-w.X''r5 STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 77 Cadillac Drive. Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) •920-6301 _FEB 1;8.1983: South Tahoe Public Utility District P. O. Box AU South Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 Gentlemen: APPLICATION 23393, FILED NOVEMBER 7, 1969 SURNAME/ FILES GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN, Governor In Reply Refer to: 321:AAC:23393 This letter will constitute official notice within the meaning of Water Code Section 1536 of the annual water right application fee of $ 636 due on the subject application, as outlined to you in our letter of January 14, 1983, The law requires that your application be cancelled if the required fee is not received within 30 days frau the date of this notice. RAYMOND WALSH, Chief Division of Water Rights CERTIFIED 22,112396 WR lh-2 (1/83) G• vv/ � • z. -i 7-e3 (916) 924-2456 JAN 14 1983 South Tahoe Public Utility District P. 0. Box AU South Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 sr,. In Reply'Refer to: 321:AAC:23393 Gen lemen: APPLICATION 23393, FILED .NOVEMBER 7, 1969 In accordance with the Board's policy for administration of water rights in the Lake Tahoe Basin, total annual fees of $636.00 are due for the years 1980, 1981, and 1982 based on the enclosed schedule. Please give this matter your prompt attention. Sincerely, Original signed by ).03 Raymond Walsh, Chief— Division of Water Rights Enclosure AAChesler/lmsanborn 12/28/82 SURNAME/ FtLES SURNAME DWR 540 (REV. 761 / - 3 - . v1 I l_. � FEE SCHEDULE APPLICATION(S): 23393 • Applications for direct diversion except for -power purposes, for each cubic foot per second (cfs) or fractional cfs: from 0 to 100 cfs over'100'to 500 cfs over 500 to 2,000 cfs over. 21,000 cfs 52.3 cfs @ $4.00 each $ 212.00 cfs- @ $2.00 each cfs @ $1.00 each cfs @ $0.25 each Direct diversion for power purposes at $1.00 for each 200 theoretical horsepower or fraction thereof: theoretical horsepower . For each acre-foot per annum (afa) or fractional afa of storage: from 0 to 1,000 •afa afa @ $0.05 each' over 1,000 to 5,000-afa _ afa: @ :$0.02 each, over 5,000.to 100,000 afa afa @ $0.01 each over 100,000:afa • afa @ $0..002 each • November 7, 1980 .Fee ($10 minimum) now due Additional Fees Due: November 7, 1981 November 7, 1982. $ 212.00 212.00 212.00 • TOTAL FEE NOW DUE $ 636.00 (6/82) • 9114.1611.111.110 (916) 924-2482 SEPTMER 15 1981' Mr. William S. Briner Tahoe City Public Utility District P.O. Box 33 Tahoe City, CA 95730. Mr. James Cofer South 'Tahoe Public Utility District P.O. Box AU South Lake Tahoe, CA. 95705 Mr. John C. Hassenplug North Tahoe Public Utility District P.O. Box 139 Tahoe Vista, CA 95732 Dear Sirs: ,In Reply Refer -to: 334:OCV:23393 PENDING APPLICATIONS 2339.3, 23479, AND 24257, AND PROPOSED WATER RIGHTS ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT' REPORT FOR LAKE TAHOE BASIN This is to confirm the meeting setr'for- October 7, 1981. The meeting will be held at offices of the Lahontan Regional Board, 2092 Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe, and will begin at 1:00 p.m. I expect that the meeting should end by 3:00 p.m. The topic of the meeting will be the preparation and funding of an Environmental Impact Report to fulfill the California Environmental Quality Act requirements for actions proposed in the Report on Water Use and Water Rights, Lake Tahoe Basin. As you know,. these recommendations include partial approval of applications and petitions of the. Tahoe area public: utility districts. Thank you for reserving your time to attend this meeting. If you have any questions, please contactChuck of my staff at (916) 924-2482. Sincerely, ORIGIN: I. SIGNED BY Raymond Walsh, Chief Division of Water Rights bcc: Andy Sawyer, Executive. Chuck White, Region, OCVOGELSANG:caramirez. SURNAME DWR 540 (REV. 761 ,,r State of California Memc randum To , Mr. James Burns Projects Coordinator Resources Agency Resources Building - 13th Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 From : STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS THE RESOURCES AGENCY Date . . NAY 4 1981 In Reply Refer to: 334: ocv: Aa334 3 (916) 924-2482 53613 a Subject: South Tahoe Public Utility District Community College Well - Environmental Impact Statement (SCH 81042019) South Tahoe Public Utility District (STPUD) proposes to construct a'two-million- gallon-per-day water well to increase the capacity of the STPUD water system. The EIS states that the extra supply is needed during summer months when demand is at its highest levels, yet surface diversions from Cold Creek may be limited by low flows in the creek. The new well will increase the reliability of the system so that adequate fire flows can be provided.at all times. The well enables the system to exceed the acre-foot limitation for the STPUD service area recommended in the Report on Water Use and Water Rights, Lake Tahoe Basin. Comment The EIS recognizes that the well can exceed the recommended water limitation and that the Board has no authority over the use of groundwater. However, the EIR should also recognize the Board's intent to meet the provisions of the' interstate compact in a fair and equitable manner. The Board will pursue and endorse legislative and any other means to enact the fair allocation of the water resources in the Tahoe Basin. f , D. W. Sabiston° Program Manager Hearing Section • STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD WORKSHOP SESSION - WATER RIGHTS JULY 30, 1980 ITEM: 11 SUBJECT: MONTHLY REVIEW OF WATER RIGHT ACTIVITIES . - 3 3G (PEI 10.5) DIS- (1) Lake Tahoe Basin. No permits have been issued on pending appli- CUSSION: cations to appropriate water within the Lake Tahoe Basin since February 11, 1970. Eight applications are now pending. In addition, 27 petitions for extension are pending. One petition for change in place of use is pending. A few limited extensions of time have been granted since 1970. The water rights situation is unusually complex in the Tahoe Basin because of (a) the proposed interstate compact between California and Nevada which has been adopted by both States, but not ratified by Congress; (b) protests and threat of liti- gation on behalf of the Pyramid Lake Tribe of Paiute Indians; (c) impact of the California Environmental Quality Act; (d) effect of adoption of proposed 208 Water Quality Plan for the Lake Tahoe Basin and proposed CTRPA general plans. As indicated in the attached notice to water users dated July 15, 1976, the Board has previously suspended issuance of new permits. Little progress has been made toward a suitable environmental impact report. Individual environmental documents by applicants and permittees would not properly reveal the true impact of allowing the extensions.and granting the new permits. Rather, it appears more appropriate to prepare a Basin -wide document which would take into consideration not only the developments proposed by the various applications but also the limitations upon such development that may result from adoption of the 208 plan and the CTRPA Plan. The staff intention has been to act on the pending applications. and petitions as soon as feasible. However, at a meeting on July 14 with Mr. Attwater, Mr. Pettit and the managers of the three California districts on Lake Tahoe, the managers strongly urged that adoption of the 208 Plan and CTRPA General Plan would deiermine the extent of allowable development and thus greatly reduce the size and complexity of any environmental document required for the water rights actions. Recent correspondence from the districts is attached....Further,, the availability of unappropriated water is._uncertain until the Supreme Court of the United States rules'on the validity of the claims of the Pyramid Lake Tribe of Paiute Indians. POLICY None. ISSUE: FISCAL None. IMPACT: STAFF This is an information item. No Board action is required. RECOM- MENDATION: Policy Rev Fiscal Review /,j Legal Review=`1 -2- o Make sure copies of this correspondence and any future correspondence H. go to Imperial Irrigation District as well as the other parties. Marie Stetson of the California Municipal Utilities Association appeared. She indicated that Imperial had not been notified of this agenda item until she contacted them. She also indicated that both DWR and the Service is conducting an investigation and the District is cooperating with those agencies. 11. Review of Water Rights Activities (Lake Tahoe) There was practically no discussion of this item. The Board members have copies of the letters from John Hassenplug and William Briner. There appeared to be no objection on the part of the Board to a possible deferral of action on the Water Right report; however, they pointed out that the Board will not be making any approvals in the interim. 12. Permitted Application 16305 - Knights Landing Ridge Cut This item is approved for the Board meeting with the following . conditions: o Paragraph 10 of the order should be amended to provide alternate representative in case the primary is not available and should • confirm that the intent is that we be able to contact somebody who will have authority to act. Mr. Mitchell requested consideration of a term pertaining to water conservation. Since we have nothing specific in the record as yet, ,we discussed the possibility for a term which would reserve juris- diction. I agreed that we would send Mr. Mitchell a copy of a term similar° to that used in the East Yolo decision so he can see if he considers it advantageous to include something similar. We will have to get a rapid turnaround time on that in order to make the _Board meeting. /i/0,74//erl.) • Excerpt from Follow-up Notes . from 7/30/80 Workshop and Special' Board Meeting . v s� South Tahoe Public. Utility 'District - P. 0: Box AU '.South- Lake. Tahoe, CA' 95705:;.., -Gentlemen: APPLICATION ,23393 FILED 'NOVEMBER 7, 1'969, In accordance with the Board'sa;pol icy., fo:„:admi.nistration -of water rights in the. Lake Tahoe Basin, 'an: annual 'fee' of $212.00 will _be„ due November 7, -1979. - :Sincerely, , 1979 :Sincere'ly, ORIGINAL SIGNED •BY Michael A. Campos, Chief n° Division of WaterYRights SURNAME ,!%?y ,2 " � u . Mx!., L. Frank Goodson Projects Coordinator Resources Agency,.leth°Floor Resources Building' 2. South' Tahoe Public Utility District P. O.Y °Box AU . =South Lake Tahoe,_ CA 95705 '420 :JR (9 16) "322 -987 REVIEW OF, NOTICE OF IAFPENr . SCH ,79051006, ,DRAFT .EIR FOR SOUTH' TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT . (STPUD) WATER SYSTEM" MASTER PLAN Introduction.: We 'have *coordinated the rev-iew. of the subject : 'environmental document with the Division of :Water Rights ,of the State Board and the California Regional 'Water Quality .Control' Board, Lahontan. Region. Recommendation: The environmental ' impact" report should address the following hem f General Comments: ° 1.Y STPUD currently holds unpermitted Appiication'23393 for diversion~ of 52.5 cubic,`feet per second from. Lake >Tahoe. for :municipal purposes. No mention is made of this application in -this. draft report,. We request clarification of the 'Purpose of this application , in :relation to the. District's. 'water' system master' plan 2. We coneur with _the" `inclusion at the fallowing ''measures- into the' ' y p p District s� waters stem master- 1$n , ae�a propriate rni.tgation, of, potentia.; .adverse- environmental impacts. Serious consideration of artificial recharge as` a water ' management, strategy should future ;groundwaterextractions cause ameasurable depletionof the aquifer.. Consutattonn, with the Department of .Fish and Game to establish. minimum flow "rates in lower Cold Creek for the, maintenance 'of ,the, creek's ° fishery.:. Erosion controlYiand.revegetation`plane should be discussed in mush greater detail._ Recent problems ;With- sewer -line ..construction.- e that raise serious` doubts 'about STPUD's� ability to �nsur -"Mi!.` L. ..Frank 'Goodson:' South Tahoe Public Utility,Dietrict contractors carry _ M1 measures with ,; r existing -practices. approved erosion control �aa�itigation The District, as ;part of the measures in this BIB, should- outline:specific actions that will"� improve techniques for monitoring and control of erosion resulting from District construction, and maintenance activities:., Specific Comments:• 1. Page. 16. (Findings of Scott =et al; 1978..) Item _2.. Per capita. water use of 87 gallons per, day is ,Much, tbo lois.. :STPUn's own estimate of sewage flows is only about. 90 gallons per capita,,_ per day. • The State Board's pending .grater use and water righta inventory Ms found that per capita water use within the STPUD, service area ranges from 136 gallons per day in the winter to 158 gallons per day in�the . summer, With an 'annual; average use of X147- gallons per, _capita; per day. " Furthermore,. a° proportional breakdown of water supplies available, tinder. the Interstate Water Compact, considering current use,rates and existing water, rights, would limit total water availability for the existing STPUD water service area to about 5330. acre-feet per `,year. This is substantially lees than the ,pro ected. "oubuild-t" ,,requirements, whish are Stated', to range from• ., 500 to 9,;504" acre-feet, per ,year. 2• Page 51. The°,discussion of legal, reguiatory,;'and institutional constrainta should include the California Tahoe Regional Planning Agency's plans and:ordinances* particularly the 33egetation Ordinance. • _ Page 58.E " 'Mi'tigation. measures. for the Cold` Creek Crossing' should include contingency plane for heavy rainatorms during construction.. Page a60•.. Dewatering of Cold Creek during pipeline construction may "not be completely ,successful. Plana .should be 'made for collection and diapoaal_ of any turbid: water which emerge$ `below the excavation:: s,Page 68. The projected year 2000 demand for water, to accomznodate population growth,is'8,928 acre -Peet per year. As noted in the comment on page 16 (above) the proportional limitation of, water -development ment within, the Tahoe:" Basin ,.(recogn'izing established 'water - rights) to abide 'by the Interstate Water •Compact would limit water, availability within the existing SITUP service area in • California to about 533o acre-feet.. If such. limitations -were` 'imposed, there would° be.°no need to -,add the proposed Phase IL improvemente,,,. 1. Mr. L. Frank Goodson 2. South Tahoe Public Utility District J1 N 7 1979 6. Page 85., -The discussion_ of irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources: does not mention the water resot ce,t which would be committed to municipaluse in the STPUD',sevvicg area, and would not be available for other uses in. the Lake Tioe and Truckee River. Hydrologic Units "_� x' ft If you have any questions regarding these comments, call ohn.-e Ruddleson at the above number. Please: send us a copy of `'the final EIR or the portion which responds to our. comments.. tr&'slt ED BY mm Thomas E. Bailey Assistant Chief cc State.`Water Resource' Control. Bo Division of Water Rights. °77 Cadillac Drive Sacramento, CA 95825 California Regional Water Quality Control Board,. Lahontan .Region 2092 Lake Tahoe Blvd.. South Lake Tahoe, CA 95702 7 7 OUL c, /suit'Qf ` —r, a �� �y r€ r r t �` Earwr - ' � $,i i p _ - ,� -- . '�/�` r'.y ..� SIlF. r- r! �'. '..• .) �- �_ y.,. 3-- Li �"' i ?;-_z'i� d �,L - v 'S, .Q e�-r- A3T 5.1.-:,r �d v V -;--z•,,..)1,- y r ••-•''r);•,&,-,-,/,;'-'-,` t -'e7,17 -":7'7, -i i, 2 ,i * '1 t i :11,-644.-';':\ m' ,'t R�. -3 � '4� s , f a �i_1, , "� ":7'7, ' .+� x ., _ -,_- � y 11,-64 t , asn. ItrtI7C3+. .tt,. - b;,7-�L 4 v-• ---- 4 c'.`,...;7s y ...'l � �v � a '`..s- '....)?_r %Atit, At m r� it t srF y 2 Fr 3_ Peter A. °Rogers TO: STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARU,i �\ -339-t • [—INT ERNAL MEMO Division of _:Planni nQ. and Resparrh DATE: .MAY 3 0 1979 FROM. D. W. Sabiston SUBJECT: DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE SOUTH LAKE TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT WATER SYSTEM MASTER PLAN The South Tahoe Public Utility District (STPUD) is proposing to improve its existing potable water service system. The District's existing water system is the combination of two formerly independent water systems pur- chased in 1974 and 1975. Since the two private water companies were designed and built independently of each other prior to acquisition by the STPUD, operational constraints have been realized. Specifically, problems include inadequate supplies for fire protection and peak demands substandard water pressures in some areas, poor circulation in areas with deadend pipes, and inadequate fire hydrant coverage. The proposed facilities will be constructed in two phases. During Phase I, 1979 to 1980, improvements needed to upgrade the present water system to accommodate the existing level of use will be made. Phase II, 1981 to 2000, corresponds to improvements that will supply water for anticipated future needs for domestic and commercial service. Comments: 1. STPUD currently holds unpermitted Application 23393 for diversion of 52.5 cubic feet per second from Lake Tahoe for municipal purposes. No mention is made of this application in this Draft Report. We request clarification of the purpose of this application in relation to the District's water system master plan. 2. We concur with the inclusion of the following measures into the District's water system master plan as appropriate mitigation of potential adverse environmental impacts: A. Serious consideration of artificial recharge as a water manage- ment strategy should future groundwater extractions cause a measurable depletion of the aquifer. B. Consultation with the Department of Fish and Game to establish minimum flow rates in lower Cold Creek for the maintenance of the creek's fishery. SWRCB 326(3-75) Surname I • STATE: WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD Date Comments Due: �z ! _ / MEMO TO: Peter A. Rogers, Chief Division of Planning and Research REVIEW OF NOTICE OF INTENT: SCH 7(;057%004t) / The attached, document was previously an NOP. In order to expedite your review, you may want to check your previous comments under EIA No Comments ( ) . Comments Attached' CO SIONOFF' Name: Title: Region/ Division MAIL THISFORM' AND COMMENTS T0: State Water Resources Control Board Division ofPlanning and Research P. 0. Box 100 Sacramento, CA 95801 Attn: Environmental Analysis Unit • TS -3 (1/78) • "i/ �•:vear.�� . Sro'. •.' rs• fors.o- Wore Rtsource• Control Board ROUTE SLIP _ -__ !DATE I 1`"' NAYS y _ - _ -.. Ka th,v Raj. t7 OIv s,ON/REGION Pin- & Res PHONE 2-451? INTERNAL MAIN DELIVERY ° 9 In 8 0 , CADILLAC DR. \ 19 tn. 8 v 21 sI 8 T ,..JEXE:::TIvEOFFICEJ\0'I_V of ATERP RIGHTS W _JO«IC +of IPUBIAFFAIRS .JEXECU1IVE Anne. ;,,,jLEG4• OIYISIOM C J Word Proctamg CI, Annsa. (MA) J0prj Trg 8 G-11:1 (P B R) II -- J LEGAL Annee 3 Of.TA UNIT, ---2"J J .J if*. Ser•.ces (DAB.) OTC/ of WATER OUAIIi Y 7 T ,-J DIv of PING a RE S ,J 16 IN 8'_L 'DT; o1 AUDITS 8 40uIN ; — ReD•adu[han Moil (OABA) Supp17 J ` ;J ADMIN, SERVICES BR J J I 9U5. 8 SYS. OFFICE _. ACTION 4din.n Anal B Contracts .J ",''� r -J Appaenale Action ❑Signature 0 Let'S Discuss 3 ApDroD•.ate Posting ❑ Rep!, - Copy to Me 0 Psr Your Request 3 .Word. Processuiig Comer Approoriola Roo.np ❑Review B Return 0 Information J FISCAL OFFICE ]ADMo.o1 CI Comments ❑Foie • �J "trounling Opvofronf~. Comma -Is DATE COMMENTS UE: Accounting Systems • ;,J NCR Machin Room -- / / / 3 PER$ B TNNG OFFICE COORDINATED REVIEW ---- J Personnel AAno�ssis U. S POSTAL SERVICE J Personnel Tronsoct.ons JDIV of WATER RIGHTS(L4)LJ Son Marcos Trno Ctr (P8R)LJ rI Tro•n.no CRWOCB's DI SANTA NOTA IIS - SACRAMENTO UG -BISHOP i T:1 MANACEME NT BF J• 0„,...0�- US - FRESNO U 7 -PALM DESERT I -AN0 1 ROGRAM ANAL/SIS BN TS- SAN .UIS OBISPO US- REDOING 18- RIVERSIDE , XEROX ROOM 4-.15 ANGLE 5 Lh SO. LAKE TAHOE LJ 9 - SAN DIEGO „J i 1 1 1 • DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT WATER SYSTEM MASTER PLAN ' 1 April, 1979 i 1 prepared for: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT by: Jones & Stokes Associates, Inc. 2321 P Street Sacramento, CA 95816 TiA ,r,ORNIA — RESOURCES AGENCY EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor 44 RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD A -ON OF WATER RIGHTS iliac Drive, Sacramento, CA 95825 /916) 920-6211 FEB 15 1979, In Reply Refer to: 323:GHN:23393 South Tahoe Public Utility District P. 0. Box AU South Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 APPLICATION 23393 FILED NOVEMBER 7, 1969 ,:R81 1978 In accordance with the Board's policy for administration of water rights in the Lake Tahoe Basin, an annual fee of $212.00 was due November 7, 1978. Because notification of this requirement was not made in time for compliance, this fee is now due 30 days from the date of this letter. Please give this matter your prompt attention. Michael A. Campo , Chief Division of Water Rights . U � _'Arrif.. ►fie=_— pmt. l t1077;&7X17:amt AG�, -<---"_ Amt. Ada:No Rid, Ext. 0.K, - 1.; ( 916 ) 920.-6211 FEB; �.5 19!19:f' South: Tahoe Public, Utility District. P . 0'. Box .. AU >= > South:, Lake Tahoe; 'C'A 9;5705" • In' Rep1y:. Refer to:- 323;tlGHN -23393 APPLICATION 233;93 FILED NOVEMBER' SURNAmpius `"a In`accordance._with the Board's policy fore administration,of... water rights in the -`Lake: Tahoe Basan,' an =annual. fee -of $212..00 was due November 7f 197$., Because .notification this `requirement, was not made .in _ time for comphance,,�:,this; fee is now,,,due 30, days from :the, dater:ofr this 'lett`er. Please - give this matter your -prompt attention. :W. Michael*A:.Campos,' Chief Division of Water Rights GHNishimura:mvincent 2%9/79_ r . .:a 12, d at SUI AME ;t FEB 13 1919 VN =l c osP "7, C. L. Whitney In summary, South Tahoe PUD has no authorization, from our Board nor are they asking for authorization from our Board to serve water to Harrahs Club under Permit 10067, or of course, unap- proved Application 23393. .However, the District does have pre 1914 and groundwater rights attaching to California sources over which the. Board has no control. Diversions under these rights are commingled in a common system and as of 1969 and 1970 the amounts used by Harrahs couldhave been supplied under these„ rights. RPArt•lwaiker 61, C. L. ,Whitney, Executive. Director Water Rights and`R'Administration NOVEMBER 48r 19?7 Division of Water Rights e. Status of South, 'Tahoe; PUD Filings. as They. Concern Harrahs Club, in Nevada Permit 10067 (Application 1199.3) and ajl Application 233 (Unapproved),- i South Tahoe Public Utility 'District added the responsibility of c, purveying water to its original sewage disposal responsibilities. startingein ,1973. „The„District's intent was to acquire the water rights of the; various water purveyors. 'in the South Lake LL Tahoe. area. At the' present time the District pumps, groundwater, claims a pre -1914:{ appropriation, of 1.8 cubic feet per second-„ (cfs) from Cold'Creek, holds Permit 10067 for 2.7 cfs from Cold.; Creek ;and unapproved Application 23393 for 52.5 cfs up to a maximum 19;000 acre-feet per annum,- (afa) fromTahoe. Lake The place of : u'se' `of both Permit 10067 and Application. 23393 stops' at te, State Line. Therefore, ” Harrahs Club is not within the ap- _ proved place of use of„,the water rights within 'the Board's y' jurisdiction: .On December 16, 1971 the 'District's- predecessor., under Permit 1006.7 (SouthsideWater. Utility)' filed a petition ,for a.three-year'' extension of _''time and, on `March, 15, 1972, a ;'petition for -change in place.af' use.!-- 'The petition for change in place of use included additional areas, part -of which; were 'being served at the =time, ;but •not the area across the State;Line,even:though Harrahs,Club was being served for 'fire protection and, domestic use. Harrahs Club usewas metered At 133 afae'`in 1969 ',and estimated at 154 afa . r 1970 after metering was discontinued.' `We have; no current specific information on the water 'served to Harrahs Club by South ;Tahoe ,PUD as ,the use had' not been metered since. 1969... Both- ._the change "in place. -.of use and extension of time. petitions were advertised and the. Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe protested the' petition for extension 66 time. This protest is'part of the pend ing hearings on Tahoe Action on:Application23393 is being deferred at -the applicant's request and the District is',., --therefore, , paying an annual fee of $212.00 -to` keep the application from being cancelled by our Hoard; _pursuant to Water Code:r,Section 1535., 77 Cadillac Drive r Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 322-9118 . In. Reply Refer to: 321:PJC: 23393 OCTOBER., 20' 1°77 South Tahoe Public Uti i ity District P' 0. Box AU .-- South Lake Tahoe, CA 95705, APPLICATION 22393 'FILED 'NOVEMBER 7, 1969 In. accordance with; the Board's Polity' for administration of water rights in the Lake Tahoe Basin, an 'annual fee of $212.00 will be. due November 7,1977. P1 , . easegive this, matter your prompt attention.; R. L. ROSENBERGER, Chie .Division,of Water Rights Attachment ` ifi PJConroy;mjeppe$en — 10/14/77 SURNAME ; Co 7 2 M VAN 24,16— '/ s Z /,e, /[/i / 7 — --7 _7 �iflJ //� , M OSP f STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor :STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD P. O. BOX 100 • SACRAMENTO 95801 (916) 445-0$46 NOTICE TO WATER USERS IN THE .LAKE TAHOE AND TRUCKEE RIVER BASINS This is to inform you the United States Supreme Court substantial questions as to the Lake Tahoe and Truckee. Basins. cv33 95 that the recent decision of in U. S. v. Cappaert raises long—term water supply to the • In *U. S. v. Cappaert, the United States Supreme Court reaffirmed the p it nciple that creation of a federal reservation (Devil's Hole, a detached component of Death Valley National Monument) reserves sufficient water to serve the purposes of the reservation as of the time of the creation of such reservation. The effect of the Court's holding was to approve a federal district court order curtailing an existingbeneficial use of water which interfered with the sufficiency othe water supply at Devil's Hole. The existing beneficial use of water which was curtailed consisted of use from aroundwater supply interconnected with the underground pool at Devil's Hole. The Supreme Court's decision in Cappaert also held that balancing of competing interests in a water supply with respect to which a reserved right is asserted is not a test in determining the extent of the federal right. As indicated in a notice .from, the State Board dated March 24, 1975, the claims of the federal government, based on the principle reaffirmed in the Cappaert decision, on behalf of the Paiute Indians to waters in the Lake Tahoe and Truckee Basins could reduce or eliminate uses of water based both upon state—issued water right entitlements and upon other claims of right, such as the right of overlying owners to extract groundwater, in those basins. The State Water Resources Control Board has previously suspended the issuance of new water right permits for these Basins. Additionally, the time within which to complete use of water has expired on the permits shown on the attached sheet. In view of the uncertainty as to water supply and substantial questions as to public interest in increased use of water in the Lake Tahoe and Truckee Basins, the State Board will either (1) license the uses under these existing permits based on the amount of water which has been applied to beneficial use, or (2) if petitions for extension of time are filed, hold hearings on the petitions. (over) K4 • • At hearings held on petitions for extension of time, the State Board will consider the public interest in increased use of water in the Lake Tahoe and Truckee Basins. In determining the public interest, the State Board will consider evidence on the uses proposed to be made of an increase in water supply. The State Board will also consider evidence of the environmental impact of such proposed uses. A detailed description of the issues to be considered will be set forth in the staff summary which will accompany the hearing notices. The State Board cautions holders of water right permits under which the time to complete use of water has expired and an extension of time has not been obtained against increasing the use of water, or making commitments (such as issuance of will -serve letters) which will result in increasing the use of water, after the date for completing use of water specified in such permits. Dated: JUL 1 5 1976 Attachment STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD • Bill B. Dendy Executive Officer CALIFORNIA WATER RIGHT PERMITS IN NEED OF EXTENSIONS OF TIME LAKE TAHOE AND TRUCKEE RIVER BASINS Permit Application Permittee 679 1379 13525 17139 .North Tahoe Public Utility District 15582 17149 15581 17235 6642 11183 12497 19072 Beryl S. Smith 7756 11449 Lake Tahoe Gold Mining Ccazy (construction only) 10067 11993 South Tahoe Public Utility District 9232 14921 12049 18414 Lake Forest Water Company 13527 18030 13528 18031 13529 18038 13530 18039 Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company 14330 18248 Fulton Water Company, Inc. 13531 18283 14334 19111 Tahoe City Public Utility District 14938 18934 Helen T. Alrich 14336 19819 Agate Bay Water Company 14675 19965 Tahoe Paradise Resort 14718 20487 Earl B. Marr 15296 22173 Earl B. and Ethel B. Marr 15241 22640 Lakeside Park Association 15771 22651 U. S. Tahoe Basin Manages-nt Unit (construction only) 13815 20443 15695 22573. Truckee Donner Public Utility District 14160 20894' 14161 20895 U. S. Tahoe National Forest 15414' 22266 Mt. Lola Development Company (over) Permit Application Permittee 14912 22026 Alan E. Bartholemy et al 15905 22822 Trimont Water Company et al (construction only) 15906 22823 County of Placer (construction only) • STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENC. EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor `STATE WATER" RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS' • 2Y75:_19TLJ TREE?: SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95818 • OCT 6 1915 In Reply Refer to: 321:CAR 23393 South Tahoe Public Utility District P. 0. Box AU South Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 ANNUAL APPLICATION FEE Application 23393 Filed November 7, 1969 In accordance with the Board's policy for aaministration of water rights in the Lake Tahoe Basin, an annual fee of $212 will be due November 7, 1975. Please give this matter ~your .prompt attention;. Sincerely, "R. L. ROSENBERGER, Chief Division of Water Rights Attachment CARich:bhalterman 6 ad/16 > d vv 7 OCT 2 1975 CAR Ill 1! 1(11 FR 4 I I; I 1 c 1 4i4 1 Ill '11,4 111 h,1 i N } � (oj I 1 I Ike ,i' *, k! I1 Ik 1 I ��, 1 411 111 11 I, 1, 1 1�I I,� r_ ft I ( k , X11 �1 ILII Il '171 II I� 1; t ;A r 4 I1�� 1 1'It'i 1'Nt �I 11 ' � + I 11 1 �'''t j)k f �jf!�I �k �Ifi f ` t�' 1 , ,Ik 1� r I ,1�1�1' Edi 1 1(111 I j III i 1 N 11_ f' J 1 1� R ( '• 11 ( I -N 1 r1, 1 �� l i o 1 +�A i l +� of f ' 111 I 'I. , 1 4 Iii 1 A 111 ` J I 1� 1 1• 1 1 1 1 �� 1 ,1 1i 1 �� �� 1 j ;1 ��AI 1 1 1 1, �1 1 l 1 l 1 1 Ii, rr iL 1 A 9 j II {' 1 m< 1 1 11 H Ik ' h 4 1 1 `il , ! it ,; 4r Il( 11' IIr1' �l 1 II.?, I 1 I 1 I Ort. m I 0 „? ii } �� 1 �k ll' 11��,{ ,� mam tl ,� ,, � Iii Dia ��1 I it ` i 1' m m II �1 ll ��� :li �c1�afi�11 u m ni a 1 1 Zm Q II 'I'fij �11 M -n0 h 1' , (n r(3 I ) j Q1{7, t1 11.1 1 1 � )) 1D' .4433 Ix 1 } 0 40 ,11 1 li ( I I lif y : qi� Im it 1_1111114A H. l7. rt It JL I II /t II 11'11111 1:1.J1 IJ UNRP ]tllIl11R711i9 f.•1. 11111 1 1' J STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGE. RONALD REAGAN, Governor STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 2125 19TH STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95818 DEC 2 1974 South Tahoe Public' Utility District P. 0. Box AU South Lake Tahoe-,, California 95705 Gentlemen: APPLICATION 23393 FILED November .7i. 1969 WATER CODE SECTION 1535 REQUIRES AN ANNUAL APPLICATION FEE ON CERTAIN PENDING WATER RIGHT APPLICATIONS. SECTION 1535 PROVIDES THAT, COMMENCING TWO YEARS AFTER THE FILING DATE OF THE APPLICATION, THE APPLICANT SHALL PAY TO THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD AN ANNUAL FEE IF THE APPLICATION IS NOT THEN COMPLETE OR DISPOSITION OF THE APPLICATION IS BEING DELAYED AT THE APPLICANTIS RE— QUEST. THE ANNUAL FEE, BASED UPON THE ATTACHED SCHEDULE, IS TO CONTINUE SO LONG AS THE APPLICATION REMAINS IN THAT STATUS. • THIS APPLICATION COMES WITHIN THE PROVISION OF SECTION 1535 AND AN ANNUAL FEE OF $212.00 WILL BE DUE 30 days from the date Of this letter. PLEASE GIVE THIS MATTER YOUR PROMPT ATTENTION. SINCERELY, ' R. L. ROSENBERGER, Chief Division of Water Rights ATTACHMENT • KRBeyer:lkitchen SWRCB 1h-1 (7/74) John L. t.luder, Chairman William S. Briner, Vice Chairman 'T'homas Stewart Lester S. Nagy gy J. Allen Bray Charles C. t1eneley, Jr. /atter E. MacKenzie Raymond L.Knisley Norman B. Livermore, Jr. Elmo J. DeRicco Jack W. Deine;na Richard R. Hanna Legal Counsel Richard M. Heikkn Executive Officer • • TAHOE REGIONAL PLANNING AGENCY Mr. Bill bendy State (Vater Resources Control Board State of Cdifornia Room 1015, Resources Building 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, California 95814 Dear Bill: 8 February 1.974 ct r' ".,ice ✓ x)/71.-,�T�/i /J i P. G. Box 3886 South Lake 'i'.hoe. Cali:crnia 05705 P. 0. Box 250 Zephyr Cove. Nevada 30::8 f •Z�(-_ f-, / (2 c. 2 5 a if We have deferred until now to answer the letter of December 5, 1973, wherein it was suggestrd that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency become the lead agency in the consideration of impact report for the appropriation of water in the Tahoe basin. We have reviewed this matter with legal staff and further have taken the matter to the Agency Governing Board for consideration. After reviewing all factors, the Agency Governing Board, on advise of counsel, declined to accept responsibility requested)the letter from your office. The principal reason is that in the opinion of counsel and staff, the agency is precluded from entering into the question of the appropriation of waters from Lake Tahoe, as there, is specific compact language on the subject that clearly spells out that we infact cannot enter into the question of water appropriation. This was done, we believe, because of the existence of the Bi -State Water Compact which has been operative for a number of years. We will make available all data that has been prepared and which is now substantial as to projected water needs within the .basin, but without necessarily getting into the question of allocation. .These reports were recently completed as part of our continuing HUD program and we believe provide the best and most accurate projections on population by watershed that exist in the Tahoe basin. If you have any questions regarding our position in this matter, please feel free to call us at your convenience. RAIl I/ j v 1052 'lata. Lane SYnc'ere,.v, I:ICHARD M. MEIKKA Executive Officer South LakeTahoe Ca!if orni.a. 076 4 -0:1'4 (5 _,a DK 5 1973 Mr. Richard Heikka, Director Tahoe Regional Planning Agency P. 0. Box 8896 South Lake Tahoe, CA 95730 Dear _ Thr. Heikka: 4 ,?-3313 The State Water Resources Control Board has received several applications to appropriate water in the Lake Tahoe Basin from the companies or districts'on the enclosed list. These districts have applied to appropriate about 42,000 acre-feet per annum, which would be far in excess of the 23,000 acre-feet per annum that have been allotted to the State of California. In 1969, the total appropriations amounted to 6,500 acre-feet annual use from Lake Tahoe, and about 3,000 acre-feet from groundwater, streams, and other lakes for a total of 9,500 acre-feet. Presently, 17,400 acre-feet per annum are permitted or licensed for the California side of the 'Tahoe Basin. The State Board is required to consider the impact of the .appro- priation of water on the Tahoe Basin prior to granting a permit. The information and data transmitted in the applications to the State Board were inadequate for this purpose. Also, because the impact of each is cumulative and affectsthe entire basin, the State Board believes that the individual requests should be considered together as a unit. The State Board also believes that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency would be the appropriate agency to coordinate the efforts of all the water users and applicants in developing an environ- mental impact report on the subject, because any use of the water in the Tahoe Basin will have an impact on the entire basin, the lower Truckee River flow, fish and wildlife, the State of Nevada, and Pyramid Lake. A single environmental impact report ,discussing. the impact of these individual projects, plus the impact of the completed projects, would seem to be the most appropriate measure. Mr. Richard Beikka, Director The State Board staff and the California; Regional Water Quality Control Board,:Lahontan Region, would be available for assistance and to provide technical expertise if you would agree to act as coordinator for this project. The zpecific;_tutility-districts. would be requested to prepare those facts pertaining to•their appropriation of water and the .resultant impacts. For more information please contact L. R. Dunham, Chief, Environmental Impact Analysis Unit, Division of Planning and Research, -or G. L. Boggs, Environmental, Specialist, Division of Planning and Research, (916) 322-2416. Sincerely, • -P. A. ROGERS FOR Bill B. Dendy •Executive Officer -Enclosure Oct Angora Water Company South Lake Tahoe Public Utility` District' Tahoe Cil:y PublicUtility,Diatrict '- William R. Hewlett North Tahoe Public Utility` District Dollar Cove. Corporation California Regional Water'Quality`Control Board, Lahontan Region bee: K. L. Woodward 'GLBoggs:jgrenz/lryder • • o • MAILING LIST Application 23502 Angora Water Company P. 0. Box 9026 1030 Industrial kvenue South Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 Application 23393 South Lake Tahoe Public Utility District South Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 Application 23479 Tahoe City Public Utility District P. O. Box 33 Tahoe City, CA 95730 Application 23275 William R. Hewlett 1501 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, CA 94304 Applications 23727 and 24257 North Tahoe Public Utility District Mr. John Hassenplug • P. 0. Box 139 Tahoe Vista, CA 95732 Application 23475 Dollar Cove Corporation, c/o Robert L. Harmon 310 Sansome Street San Francisco, CA 94104 9 STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS ROOM 1015, RESOURCES BUILDING 1416 NINTH STREET • SACRAMENTO 95814 October 11, 1973 Mr. Russell L. Culp, General Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District P. 0. Box AU South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 Dear Mr. Culp: RONALD REAGAN, Governor APPLICATION 23393 FILED November 7, 1969 WATER CODE SECTION 1535 REQUIRES AN ANNUAL APPLICATION FEE ON CERTAIN PENDING WATER RIGHT APPLICATIONS. • SECTION 1535 PROVIDES THAT; COMMENCING TWO YEARS AFTER THE FILING DATE OF THE APPLICATION, THE APPLICANT SHALL PAY TO THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD AN ANNUAL FEE IF THE APPLICATION IS NOT THEN COMPLETE OR DISPOSITION OF THE APPLICATION IS BEING DELAYED AT THE APPLICANT'S RE- QUEST. THE ANNUAL FEE, BASED UPON THE ATTACHED SCHEDULE SO LONG AS THE APPLICATION REMAINS IN THAT STATUS. IS TO CONTINUE .THIS APPLICATION COMES WITHIN THE PROVISION ANNUAL FEE OF 212 OF SECTION 1535 ANO AN WILL BE DUE November,7, 1973• PLEASE GIVE THIS MATTER YOUR PROMPT ATTENTION. SINCERELY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY OCT 9 73 M. L S. RONALD REAGAN, Governor STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS ROOM 1015, RESOURCES BUILDING 1416 NINTH STREET • SACRAMENTO 95814 October 14 1973. Mr. Russell -°'L. ' CUP,: Geinerali Manager South; Tahoe Public ,Utility District P. 0., Bax AU South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 Dear, Mr.. Culp: 23393 November 7,. 1969 ✓APPLICATION FILED . WATER CODE SECTION 1535 REQUIRES AN ANNUAL APPLICATION FEE ON CERTAIN PENDING WATER RIGHT APPLICATIONS. SECTION 1535 'PROVIDES THAT) COMMENCING TWO YEARS AFTER THEFILING DATE OF THE APPLICATION, THE APPLICANT SHALL PAY TO THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD AN:ANNUAL FEE IF. THE APPLICATION IS NOT THEN COMPLETE OR DISPOSITION OFxTHEAPPLICATION IS BEING DELAYED AT THEAPPL'ICANTIS RE- QUEST. THE ANNUAL FEE, BASED UPON THE ATTACHED'SCHEDULE, IS TO CONTINUE SO LONG AS THE APPLICATION REMAINS IN THAT STATUS.. THIS APPL I CATI lOtpMES. W ITH I N THE PROVISION 0,6� TeiNl' ND AN ANNUAL FEE OF ``YY�G WILL BE DUE lY PLEASE GIVE THIS MATTER YOUR PROMPT ATTENTION. 'SINCERELY, l • 4e K. L. WOODWARD,.CHIEF' DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS ATTACHMENT JNSoderstrand:iryder SWRCB ih (2) 4/72' RECYCLED PAPER I' IJUL 0 1973 Mr. Russell .Culp, General Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District P. ,Co. Box AU ;South Lake Tahoe, -CA 95705 Dear Mr. Culp Application 23393, Lake Tahoe In El Dorado County On 1, pril 4, 1973,, 'the Board adopted r-egulatons' for the implemen- tation` of= the CaliforniarEnvironmental Quality Act .:'Of 1970 .(CEQA) , as required by Section 15050 of :,the - Resources •Agency Guidelines . Copies of both documents are enclosed... 'c Under theses regulations, the Board 'cannot issue '.any; peru*it to appropriate water until•.major consideration ,has ='been given to preventing ,environmental damages. The, facts°`concerning environmental • imp`acts 'of a proposed ;project must be presented to the Board in either a Negative Declaration or an Environmental Impact''Report (EIR) If you have completed an SIR for : this project, please send us "a, copy -as soon' as possible so that Consideration of your application, may proceed. Your agency, 'as• a public agency proposing to carry out this project, has become . the "responsible'" or "lead". agency, (see Sections 15061 and '15066, Resources Agency Guidelines). ' As the lead agency4 it is your responsibility -to determine, theHapplicability,of CEQA to your project' and to make an initial study to .determine the necessity of preparinT•a Negative Declaration or anEIR The: Board's staff is available to ''provide guidance and assistance; to ensure that' the Negative Declaration -Or `EIR .adequately .addresses water' quantity :and quality',re'iated impacts,., Information 'as to other impacts should be solicited from Other agenciea.and persons .having expertise,:n the particular-. area of concern. If a Negative Declaration Or.EIB is necessary pfor your Project,-, please send us a copy of the final document- as adopted by your agency andrfiled'with either the Resources Agency or County Clerk (Section 1`"085, Resources Agency Guidelines). 1 2 8 4 SURNAME Y )i .` M esus-aea 6.72 15b1 oar Mr. Russell L. Culp If you have any questions; please feel.fr-ee to contact either Mr. Ray Dunham {916-445-0375) or Mr. Stephen .E ry (916-322 -2416) in the Division of Planning and Research. Since rely. /8/ I. C. Spencer L. C. SPENCER Supervising, Engineer- Enclosures LRDunh am : eme ach am : E/ 1 •.;STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY RONALD REAGAN, Governor STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS ROOM 1015, RESOURCES BUILDING 1416 NINTH STREET • SACRAMENTO 95814 P. O. BOX 7622 W ❑ ❑ IN Q ul FM Q Y - J 2 S 0 W D I ❑ Q U MAY 2 3 1973 Lukins Brothers Water Company Highway 89 South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 Gentlemen: Statements of Water Diversion and Use We have been advised that your organization serves water in the Lake Tahoe area, within the service area of South shoe Public Utility District. Inasmuch as we have no record of the source of water you utilize, or the basis of your,water rights, we are forwarding the enclosed information letter and forms for. your possible . use. If you determine that a Statement of Water Diversion and Use - is required in connection with your operation, please return two completed copies of Form 40. If you have any questions, please contact my office. Sincerely, L. C. Spencer Supervising Engineer Enclosures Gee JUN 7 9 22 AM '73 STATE WATER RESOURCES ' CONTROL:BOARD SACRAMENTO • MAY 29 10 13 '73 STATE WA RE:SpUFXES, CONTROL SCAP:•0 SACRAAIENTO • '172. : " csT. %,'.f:4.7_474 :"^45',4:!;.. °,7,:••••• 47";'",:74 • -:7 4"0,7.•.S' 11`..1 r ••••, t,4 • 4.: ° ‘.4t-7.7 r;••('`:- ?..4 :r1 ; i• MAY 2 3 1973} Mir., Russell L. Culp, Generai Manager South TahoePublic Utility,Distric:t P. 0. . Box A U H r South Lake'Tahoe, California 95705 Dear, Mr. Culp: Applienti•_on 233931 Lake Tahoe: An El Dorado County Thank, you. for .your letter; of May 1.0,1973. which trans' mi.tted' an;; assignment of the subject application to your District. 1.' We wi11 change our records to show South Tahoe Public Utility District, as owner of Application, 23393., We have also received the Declarationy o'f' Applicant. Regarding:Other Rights which Was—requested in our. earlier :correspondence. ,. ,We will advise yo0', a.s. further' action becomes necesfary Sincerely; /8/ Z. C. SDieneer L. C --.-Spencer Super'visin g Engineer cct "City of South Lake Tahoe _P.., 0.. ,Box =.1210 South °Lake "Tahoe, California 95705 .SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT , PRESIDENT ROBERT W. FESLER P. O. BOX AU SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA 95705 PHONE (916) 544-6474 May 10, 1973 State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Rights Room 1015 Resources Building 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, California 95814 Attention: Gentlemen: Mr. L. C , Spencer DI RECTORS ROBERT WAKEMAN DONALD H. KORTES • EDWARD HEGARTY GERALD G. REAM R-3672.15 The City of South Lake Tahoe wishes to transfer Application 23393, Lake Tahoe in El Dorado County, to the South Tahoe Public Utility District. A. ,copy of a,'resolution confirming, this action is enclosed. Also enclosed is a completed copy of "Declaration of Applicant Regarding Other Righ't's to Use Water" Water service at the South Shore of Lake Tahoe is currently provided by eight separate water companies. The District intends to acquire these companies and integrate them into one system. At least some of these companies claim existing surface water rights and some of the companies have applications on file. A map showing the location of the companies is enclosed. Gardner Mountain and Angora have •been combined into one company since the map was prepared. If anything further is needed at this time, please advise. RLC :cc encl. Very truly yours, PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Russell °L. Culp, General Manager "_reading de nation in waL .' iectansation' MAY 17 11 22 M '73` STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD SACRAMENTO RECEIVED MAY 1 5 1973 • NOTICE OF ASS IGNME.NT Application State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Rights 1416 Ninth Street, Room 1140 . Sacramento, California 95814 Gentlemen: I have assigned all my right, title and interest in Application 23393 , Permit , License on file with the State Water Resources Control, Board, State of California, to SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT , whose address is P .0. Box An . South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 Sincerely, CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE _ CLERK'S CERTIFICATE I, EVELYN.L. ROBERSON, City Clerk of the City of South Lake Tahoe, California, do hereby certify that the attached is true, full and correct copy of "NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT" of water rights.appl,ication #23393, dated April 4, 1972 as the same appears of record in Amy:' office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed the seal of the City of South Lake Tahoe, Ca1"i`for`ni a ,this ' May 14, 1973 Evelyn L. -'Roberson, City Clerk CITY SEAL STATE pF CaUrt,nrv�.. nc , STATE WATE3 RE'CURCES CONT;DI BOARD • • DIVISION .OF WATER RIGHT ROOM 1015, RESOURCES BUILDING • .. 1416 NINTH STREET • SACRAMENTO 95814 DECIARATION OF'APPLICANT RECARDILG OTS "RIG TS TO USE WATER TO' ACCOMPANY APPLICATION '' :? 3 J I Note: A permit`' can be issued only for unappropriated water. Unappropriated water does not `include eater that, is being used pursuant 'to an existin ;`,°right, whether the right . is owned, by trier applicant or ,by, another, person.. When. an existing rim is claim, Section 653•of Title=23 of the"California Administrative Code recui'res that,, before, an application will be approved, the applicant must ,agree not to exercise' said ;right Rso long as ,a,,permit" or •license is in ° effect. Applicant should check the appropriate_para.saph`-}below: E 1. Applicant does not claim,an existing -right for theF,use of water sought by this application.'', 0 2. Applicant claims an existing ❑ riparian, ❑ ,pre -1914• appropriati e right, or ❑"other right (explain on reverse side) for the use of water sought by.. this application but : fees- rot to, ecercise; said right so long as a permitor license for asp' re'a'ns in -effect. The water sought by this application is'for additional water over that claimed under an existing (c eek proper box) ❑ Permit Number License £Iu ben ❑ riparian right ❑ pre -191+ appropriative right ❑ .other right (explain on reverse. side) for use within the same place of use as described in the subject application. Details of the existing right are reported in: ❑ Statement of Water Diversion and Use No: S previously filed with the State Water Resources Control Board.. 0 The enclosed Statement. of Water Diversion. and Use. . 0,_7 :3 Date . Signature of Appli SWRCB 1m (l4/73) ..-14 ti t. .e&s Faog BALDWIN BEACH UTILIN( DISTRICT BOUNDARY TO SACRAMENTO LAKI6SIDE PARK ASSOCIATION TAHOE SIERRA WATER COMPANY S 470 TAHOE SOUTHSIDE WATER COMPANY ///93 LUKINS BROTHERS WATER SYSTEM TAHOE KEYS WATER SYSTEM SW43 GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER COMPANY'3So Z (yssiyae�> ECHO VIEW ESTATES WATER COMPANY S 16.Z ANGORA WATER COMPANY TAHOE PARADISE WATER COMPANY /390 .Z/ F7'c S�Gz7 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT WATER PROJECT STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGEN STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD • DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS ROOM 1015, RESOURCES BUILDING 1416 NINTH STREET • SACRAMENTO 95814 4 City of South Lake Tahoe P. 0. Box 1210 South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 Gentlemen:. RONALD REAGAN, Governor Application 23393, Lake Tahoe. in El Dorado County Enclosed is a copy of Regulation 653, adopted March 15, 1973, a form for declaration by applicant regarding other rights to use water and a form entitled "Statement of Water Diversion and Use". The Board requires a declaration to be submitted in connection with every application. Kindly complete the ,appr.opr,i.ate entr.i.es „in .the_.form, date .it, have it signed by all persons having ownership in the applica- tion and return it to this office. If the completed form is not returned to us within 60 days from present date, we will assume that you do not wish to proceed with your application and the application will be canceled. The "Statement of Water Diversion and Use" also should be com- pleted insofar as applicable and returned if item 3 of the Declaration is checked, unless such a statement was previously filed. Sincerely, L. C. Sencer Supervising Engineer Enclosures CERTIFIED is RECYCLED PAPER STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY RONALD REAGAN, Governor STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS ROOM 1140, RESOURCES BUILDING 1416 NINTH STREET • SACRAMENTO 95814 June 18, 1970 70 — - �1 '- � Q /�,-'" City of South Lake Tahoe P. 0. Box 1210 South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 Attention: Mr. Alan F. Hendrickson Public Works Director, City Engineer Subject: Application 23393, Lake 'Tahoe in El Dorado County Your answer to the protest of County of Placer, Placer Water Agency and U. S. Bureau of Reclamation has been received. If a. hearing is necessary, you will be given ample notice of the time and place to enable you or your representative to be present. Sincerely, J. M. Page, Supervisor Central Region AAC:pc STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY RONAI.D REAGAN, Governor STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS ROOM 1140, RESOURCES BUILDING 1416 NINTH STREET • SACRAMENTO 95814 June 17, 1970 County of Placer County Administrative Center Auburn, California 95603 Subject: Application 23393, Lake Tahoe -in El Dorado County • Your protest against this application has been received. If a hearing is found necessary to resolve the protest, you will be given notice of the time and place to enable you to be present or represented. Sincerely, /I/70 J. M. 'age, Supervisor Central Region AAC:pc WRCB foc(i-69) .. cirr%:.. :MTN /AKE 74110E a// year fi/ay9round america's May 26, 1970 State of California Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Rights Room 1140 Resources Building 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, California 95814 Attention: Mr. J. M. Page /a - 54/" - -38' Subject: Application, 23393, Lake Tahoe, El Dorado County Gentlemen: Please refer to your letter of May 20, 1970 concerning the protests to the subject application. Our answer to the protests filed in connection with this application are as follows: 1. United States Bureau of Reclamation: It is the opinion of the City of South Lake Tahoe that sufficient unappropriated water presently exists in the Tahoe Basin to fulfill the City's re- quested allocation. Due to the present question of allocations, however, the City is willing to accept a permit subject to conditions which would prorate the City's share of Lake Tahoe waters to the. final division of the water between the States of California and Nevada. We would therefore suggest that the permit term and condition be substantially as follows: "Permittee is hereby placed on notice that because this permit is junior in priority to all California rights in the Tahoe Basin as of November 7, 1969, date of filing of Application 23393, the water available may less than the full amount stated herein, if thehallocation of water between the states R 8; , P.O. 50X /2/0 • SOOT/,/ L/!/C,E TAHOE • C•4L/FORK/•4 • 957OS • PlIONE (9/6) 54/-2900 • • lot % 10 L 9 ,At4 tr eP State of California Water Resources Control Board/Division of Water Rights May 26, 1970 Page Two of California and Nevada is inadequate to satisfy all rights of senior priority in California." 2. County 'of'Placer'and'Piacer CountyWater' Agency: As stated above it is the opinion of the City of South Lake Tahoe that sufficient unappropriated water presently exists in the Lake Tahoe Basin to fulfill the City's requested allocation. While the City has every right to request its full share of the water of Lake Tahoe under the law of appropriation it is not the City's intent to deprive the appellants of a share of Lake Tahoe waters prorated upon proven need as expressed in potential development and population. Such potential will be determined for the forseeable future in the General Plan for the' Tahoe Basin which will be developed within the next eighteen months by the B -State Planning Agency. The City of South Lake Tahoe is willing to abide by the Agency's determination of ultimate development potential and also in the ultimate division of the waters of Lake Tahoe based upon this potential. In view of the City's desires as expressed above it will be accep- table to the City of South Lake Tahoe that the following condition be appended to the approval of Application 23393 in addition to the condition suggested in (1) above: "Permittee is hereby placed on notice that, should the allocation of Lake Tahoe water to the State of California be insufficient to fulfill the needs of the State, California's share shall be allo- cated on llo-cated'on the basis of projected need as determined by the General Plan for the Lake Tahoe Basin as approved by the Bi -State Plan- ning Agency prior to October, 1971. Copies of this letter have been sent to the protesting agencies, each of which is invited to review the answers set forth and to contact the City of South Lake Tahoe with any comments or questions which they may feel appropriate. The City of South Lake Tahoe therefore requests approval of Application 23393 subject to conditions as suggested in this letter. - Sincerely, c w, ALAN F. 'HENDRICKSON public Works. Director/City Engineer 'U. S. Bureau of Reclamation Murray, Burns' & Kienley/Atten. Mr. Kienlen Walters, Ball & Hibdon/Reno/Attn: Brian Walters cc: Gary Chase, City Manager Placer County ' Placer County Water Agency City of South ,Lake Tahoe 0/0 Murray,. Burns & Kienlen 600 Forum Building 1107 Ninth Street Sacramento,. California .95814 Gentlemen: Application 23393, Lake Tahoe :in El Dorado County Protests against the approval of this application have been received, and the protectants state that copies of the protests have been served upon you. An answer to all pro- tests against the application should be submitted to the State Water Resources Control Board and copies sent to the protestante on or before June 30; 1970. If you believe you can reach -agreement with the protestants which will result in the withdrawal of the protests, the Board, upon your request, will extend the period for answer- ing the protests for a reasonable:time -to allow for nego- tiations toward such agreement. S9noerely, Original Signed by J. M. Page J. M. Page, Supervisor Central Region' 'AAC:gv State of California Memorandum ftThe Resources Agency S - Water Resources Control Board To Files Date . May 15, 1970 Subject: Application 23393, City of South Lake Tahoe, Lake Tahoe in El Dorado County A. A. Chesler From : Division of Water Rights On May 15, Don Kienlen visited this office and in- quired about Application 23393. I noted that the applicant had not been advised of the receipt of the protests or the time allowed within which to answer protests. Mr. Kienlen was furnished copies of the protests and he asked for an extension of time within which to answer the protests. An extension until June 30, 1970 was agreeable to him. I said we would suggest that date for approval by Mr. Page. AAC:gv SURNAME WRCB 129 (10-67) azd-ev) J/611.(io(-ro 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS PROTEST Application 23393 MAY I 1 20 PH '70 STATE WATER FtEsouncES CONTROL SOAtit3 SACRAMENTO I, (We,) _ CQunty _of_ __Plac er---____-- ' Name of rotescna�c ofCounty Administrative Center,__p Auburnl Cifornia_95603 • • Post office address of protestant a notice relative to Application____2.3.3.93 of City_ _Qf___S_outh__Lake__Tahoe State name of applicant __to appropriate water from Lake Tahoe Name the source (1) I (We) desire to protest against the approval of the application because to the best of Our information and my or our belief the proposed appropriation will result in injury to . US as follows:_Thi____appi]_C.ation___S_eekS___.the right to divert a maximum of 19, 00`0°`acre-feet peryear, `ywnic`n'"`c`ons constitutes —11 u 4 000 acre-te t f theentire allot io toCCalifor is of water rrom ail sources in the Lake ahoe BBasin. The 89,00 acre-feet is more than is presently unused, and would leave no water for.use in Placer County. have read carefully (2) Applicant's appropriation adversely affect the quality of water protestant uses. (If it will, explain will or will not how and to what extent) (3) Protestant claims a right to the use of water from the source from which applicant proposes to divert, which right is based upon_ the public interest iri having _a fair apportionment within the Prior'application notice posted or use begun prior to December 19, 1914; riparian claim, etc. entire California portion of the hake Tahoe Basin of California's share of the w ter supply of that Basin. (4) The extent of present and past use of water by protestant or his predecessors in interest from this source is as follows: State approximate date first use made, amount used, time of year when diversion is made, the use to which water is put (5) Protestant diverts water in the 1/4 of '4 of Section__________, T Describe location with sufficient accuracy that position thereof relative to that R B. & M., which is downstream from the point of diversion proposed by the applicant. of applicant may be determined (6) This protest may be disregarded and dismissed if State conditions which will relieve protest diverted is reduced to fair -share of California's share--of-.the waters - of the Lake Tahoe Basin after a hearing by the Water Resources Control Board which considers the._n ; rP nrnhl,e f_.appgr -o1 the -limited water pply_ of this Basin. A true copy of this protest has been served upon the applicant by r" 11.__ ___ Date_ • rotestant sign here Tel one. c Nom.—Protests must be filed within the time allowed by the Board as stated in the published notice relative to an application or u4Surthe 70 time as may be allowed. WRCB 10 (10.60) (OVER) 26614-989\ 68 94 9 OSP NOTE A concise and definite statement of the grounds of protest may be written here to clarify or elaborate on information given on the reverse side of this sheet. DO NOT WRITE= BELOW STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY Irk '1°5° 3--70ZQ RONALD REAGAN, Governor STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS ROOM 1140, RESOURCES BUILDING 1416 NINTH STREET • SACRAMENTO 95814 SPR 1 ID Placer County Water Agency County Administrative Center Auburn, California 95603 Gentlemen: Subject: Application 23393, Lake Tahoe in El Dorado County Your protest against this application has been received. If a hearing is found necessary to resolve the protest, you will be. given notice of the time and place to enable you to be present or represented. Sincerely, lig; L 2J C . M. Page, Sja�g�rvi so r , Central Regio JMP:pc Control 3171 2 • STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY X -34° RONALD REAGAN, Governor STATE WATER, RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS ROOM 1140, RESOURCES BUILDING 1416 NINTH STREET • SACRAMENTO 93814 APR 1 'ZED Mr. Robert J. Pafford, Jr. Regional Director, Region 2 U. S. Bureau of Reclamation 2800 Cottage Way Sacramento, California 95825 Dear Mr. Pafford: Subject: Application 23393, Lake Tahoe in El Dorado. County Your protest against this application has been received. If a hearing is found necessary to resolve the protest, you will be- given notice of the time and place to enable you to be present or represented. Sincerely, Original Signed by J. M. Page J. M. Page, Supervisor Central Region JMP:pc Control Tag 3195 WRCB 10C (1-69) IN REPLY • REFER TO: 2-770 • • UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF RECLAMATION REGIONAL OFFICE, REGION 2 2800 COTTAGE WAY SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95025 MAR 18 1970 .REGISTERED --RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED City. of South Lake Tahoe P. 0. Box 1210 South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 G hntlemen: • Notice of your Application 23393 for the appropriation of unappropriated water from Lake Tahoe tributary to Truckee River, El Dorado County, has .come to our attention. The rights of the United States to store water in and divert water from Lake Tahoe was affirmed by (1) Decree of, -June 4, 1915, in the • District Court of the United States, Northern District of California, :Second Division, in the case of The United States of America v. The Truckee River General Electric Company; and (2) Truckee River Final Decree entered September 8, 1944, in the case of United States of 'America v. Orr Water Ditch Company et al. Though we are filing the enclosed. protest with the State Water Resources Control Board in keeping with the two above-mentioned court decrees, we nevertheless would be glad to discuss this matter with you at some convenient time. • Enclosure Copy to: H. E. Horton Acting Regional Director State Water Resources -Control Board Division of Water .Rights- 1416 Ninth Street,;' -Room 1140 Sacramento, California 95814 (with enclosure) '" r' ;'D • MAF ,19 10 g1, 414 •70 STATE SACRAMENTO • STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS MAR 19 10 'i AM In PROTEST STATE WATERL BORESOURCESAR[) CONTRO SACRAMENTO Application 23393 Regional Director, Region 2, United States Bureau of Reclamation, 2800 Cottage I Way.,__S6ac.raments)_,__CA1i. st tft__95825_,._on_behalf ofthe __Mated a States of America,_ r acting though the United States Name of protestant of__Bureau__n£_Rac1am tion.__Lox__th►e_benefieiary water users have read carefully a copy Post -office address of protestant of, or a notice relative to Application____2i393 of—_sitY of outh�al�e T e_____________________�__ State name of applicant to appropriate from____Iake___T_a__h4e_C-ribittBrY to—T ckC.B _8iy .r__--__--__ Name the source at a point_wi -1! ,.n :___<1)___SW4_9 L.NlT __S_ec_.__2.7_ ___Tz13__N,<a�.___18_E_,MD Mi`_-(.2.)__Iti ef__SE'k Sec. 32,x_T. 13 N., R. 18 Ems, MDBEIM;efandat_��3lap applicant's � point of diversion 12N.1 R. 18 E^1__MDBbM, El Dorado County. It is desired to protest against the approval thereof because to the best of oir_ information and belief the the United States My or Our proposed appropriation will result in injury to _ e as follows: BY reducing the uantit of water Me or us State the injury which will result to you ._atored___in__Lake Tahoe, thus impairing_ the water_supply and yield of Lake Tahoe to .xhe___United States and water users obtainillg_theirsupplies under rights held b1► the United States. Protestant claims a right to the use of water from the source from which applicant proposes to divert, which right is based upon__ Notice costed on Mater -211___1903; _United States approp-riative rights to Prior application, notice posted or we begunrior to December 19 1914; riparian claim, etc. the storage in and use of Lake Tahoe waters confirmed by becree of June 4:_ 1915, in (see other "siaej The extent of present and past use of water by protestant or his predecessors in interest from this source is as follows:_Subatantial_quantities are made available by_ releases from Lake Tahoe storage State approximate date first use made, amount used, time of year when diversion is made, the use to which water is put for downstream diversion from the Truckee River and beneficial useby beneficiaries af___the__Trucks__e___Sterages.__Newlauds , andWashoe Projects. 1 C Where isyour diversion point located?.. & M. of applicant may be determined within — AL_ %a of __ NE_.._ %a of Section — — Describe location with sufficient accuracy that position thereof relative to that -- -� - - -T-he "sorrowing condition s if udea-in any This protest may be disregarded and dismissed if__permit issued on Application 23393: __ _ _ State conditions which will relieve protest "Permittee is hereby___placed on notice that, because this_permit is junior in priority to all other _water rights in the Lake ,.Tahoe .and Truckee .River Basins, indiii ing triose ,of the _Pyramid Lake_ Paiute_ Tribe of °Indians:•existing_ as of November 7,� 1969 (the date of -t ling Application 233 -931 -the water available mi"ghc"be less Mian-tie--f`uII— Ai vtt__sta ed herein,i'f' the -allocation _of_water of the Tahoe, Basin of California under California -Nevada Compact or under a decree of a courE oT"competent-juic3"l;sdiCtion t_ adespiete__tsa___solifify. all rights of senior.priori,tyy.,in Cali_fornia:tt, u. - A true copy of thisJprotest has been served upon the applicant by registered mail__ ° r v‘. Personally or by mai1J o Date MAR 1 8 1970 AGl�n9 Protestant - here Regional Director, Region 2, Bureau of Reclamation NorE.—Protests must be filed within the time allowed by the Board as stated in the published notice relative to an application or such further time as may be allowed. WRCB 10 (12.17) (OVER) 0 1 f: P-0 -7o 16011-967 11.67 SMO OSP A concise and definite on the blanks on the reverse side blanks, or data not pertinent to the District Court of NOTE statement of the grounds of protest is desired. This statement should take the form indicated of this sheet. Additional information may be added below if there is insufficient space in the those blanks, but insofar as practicable it is desired that' protests follow the printed form. the United States, Northern District of California, Second Divi_siott. in the case of The United States of America v. The, Truckee River General .Eiectri ompany;__and �'ruckee� Riyer__Final_ Decree entered�September 8 f 1944,__ in the `i. ua al•��' ��". 3:... ( us ..r r..t o ;�" r ` n,.••h f4j 4iatrict t.the United1-)States in and&"for the Districtrof 'Nevada in tithe ,case n of UnitedLStates of America v. Orr Water4Ditch-Companyy'et 81:1 y t ' _. " y %Y 4n _ .� ^9. - u ..CJ ,:�J ;t':J J- � � . '.5✓A H 4P - a I -- sr._ GC' CS - ..u. f' ij G<?rLL uwi R ��. ,_Da_ 6, B"3 t • • <i -} -_�_- o .moi G v 8, (_'K. 'z J S �r F,C , tl *iU.?g' �, ��; �,y T 8 fl) ., -. � ., ��� ,.;,.-L a. °cul. -7 v.- . �...?, O R ^. o hL r epi L$ Y mar n( .5. ', a uv P� t3W DO NOT' WRITE BELOW BOARD OF DIRECTORS J. B. PAOLINI Chairman ROBERT P. MAHAN Secretary WM. S. BRINER ROBERT RADOVICH RAY S. THOMPSON. JOHN M. BERNARD General Manager PLACER COUNTY WATER AGENCY COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CENTER AUBURN, CALIFORNIA 95603 TELEPHONE (916) 885-0441 State Water Resources Control Board Room 1140, Resources Building 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, California 95814 Gentlemen: March 13, 1970 File No. 103-8 Subject: Application No 23393, 23393, City of South Lake Tahoe Enclosed is a protest to the above water rights application before the Division of Water Rights, said protest being authorized by the Board of Directors of the,Placer County Water Agency at their regular meeting held on Thursday, March 12, 1970. Very truly yours PLACER COUNTY WATER AGENCY j - Evlyn oyer Clerk 9f said -Agency eb Enclosure Certified Mail, RRR cc: City of South Lake Tahoe w/enc. (Certified mail, RRR) Adolph Moskovitz w/enc. First County in California to Develop Its Own Water Resources 4. STATE OF CALIFORNIA 4IP THE RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS PROTEST Application 2 3 3 9 3 ;(We,) Placer County Water Agency County Administrative Center, AublYArtalj.fornia 95603 have read carefully 23393Post office address efprnl icy of South Lake Tahoe a notice relative to Application of State name of applicant —_______ ----- ___________________ _______ to appropriate water from Lake Tahoe Name the source (1) IC (We) desire to protest against the approval of the application because to the best of our information and us This appri°cation seeks the belief the proposed appropriation will result in injury to as follows• right to divert a maximum of 19 , 00°l)°` acre-feet per yeainjury w ich consti- tutes all but 4,000 acre-feet of the entire allocation to California of e atr remll €aseurces i -n -the --Le':_ T_L__ r__ m�-Leel, is more than is presently unused, and would leave no water for use in Placer CO Lail (2) Applicant's appropriation adversely affect the quality of water protestant uses. (If it will, explain will or will not how and to what extent) _ (3) Protestant claims a right to the use of water from the source from which applicant proposes to divert, which right is based upon the public interest in having a fair apportionment within the entire California prortiori"ofn°t`hedLake raFioembBasin4pof�laCalifornia's share of L1tt wales Supply v Lli,at BdS].rr. (4) The extent of present and past use of water by protestant or his predecessors in interest from this source is as follows: State approximate date first use made, amount used, time of year when diversion is made, the use to which water is put (5) Protestant diverts water in the %4 of 1/4 of Section. , T Describe location with sufficient accuracy that position thereof relative to chat R B. & M., which is downstream from the point of diversion proposed by the applicant. of applicant may be determined (6) This protest may be disregarded and dismissed if the amount of water allowed to be diverted is reduced to a fair share of Californrersn repot the waters of the Lake Tahoe Basin after a hearing by the Water Resources Control Board which considers the entire problem of apportioning the limited water supply of this Basin. A true copy of this protest has been served upon the applicant by mail Date—March 12, 1970 Personally or by mail E GENCY Protest signhereC_renera an2ger Telephone • (9' 16) 885 -0441 Nom.—Protests must be filed within the tune allowed by the Board as stated in the published notice relative to an application or such further time as may be allowed. WRCB 10 (10.68) (OVER) 26414-983 11-68 1M P OSP NOTE A concise and definite statement of the grounds of protest may be written here to clarify or elaborate on information given on the reverse side of this sheet. MAR 113 12 22 PM '70 So.AU 77,-78A.VIAMLENTO-- DO NOT WRITE BELOW .arch 13, 1970���-c Hrs. Marjorie: 4 upringrneyer RFD - Mottsville Lane Gardnerville, Nevada 89410` Dear Mrs.- Springmeyer, Application 23393," Lake Tahoe in El Dorado. County Thank you for your letterof February 22, 1970:. A copy of the Notice of Application to -Appropriate Water which sets forth the beeic .details of the application is enclosed. We are also: enclosing a .Xerox of the map showing the point atwhich diver.. scion from; Lake Tahoe to the city of South Lake Tahoe is Pro- posed. This app lication. pioposes to divert:, water from Lake Tahoe direct to use. No reservoir is,proposed in the application. J.: _ 14. Page, $upervispi -Central. Region_ , Enclosures. Control #3090 AAC:gv • S4Y/T�4LottC'E T,4/10E Americas 3� {9 a// year p /ay,9 round C/TY COUNCIL. °/ c% Norman C. Woods, Mayor • Wm. .4. Ames • F4bberE C Orvwn • Donald L. Clarke • Fronk C Seazo March 6, 1970 J. M. Page, Supervisor `Central Region DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS' Room 1140, Resources Building 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, CA '95814 Dear Mr. Page: Enclosed is Affidavit of Publication of NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE WATER APPLICATION 23393 as requested in your letter of February 9,, 1970. Sincerely yours, Gary C. Chase City Manager- GCC:er Enclosure P.O. BOX /2/0 • SOUTW/ LAKE TAHOE • CAL/PORN/,4 0 95705 0 PHONE (9/6) 541-2900 `�/ T m 9 '3 t1Pt'i'14 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION CITY 'F' SCUT!! Lk"W: TACE 13X1210 SCUT!! LAKI1 1' A: I , CALIFORNIA STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of EI Dorado I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County foresaid: I am over the age of eighteen gears, and not part to or interested in the above -entitled matter. 1 am the principal clerk of the printer of Tahoe Sierra Tribune aka The -Tahoe Doily Tribune, o newspaper of gen- eral circulation, printed and published doily in the City of South Lake Tahoe, County of El Dorado, and which news- paper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circula- tion by the Superior Court of the County of El Dorodo, State of Colifornio, under the date of February 5, 1960 Case Number 9738, that the notice. of. which the annexed is o printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the foi- lowing dates, to wit: February 13, 1570 February 20, 1970 February 27, 1970 all in the year 19 70 r � �. �i�/iitlo; r-03 f 1 certify (or declare)j;undgrf penalty th6t' the foregoing is true and correct."b'f �' gt=� o '3' &j "r a. Dated of Stluni I ' T)TA �L'f '.rr California,his 27 day of Fearua;"'` 19 70 Signature Affidavit of Publication of NOTICE GF A`PPT,Tr`,A','Tnm 1 LEGAL NOTICE No ,NOTICE' OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE WATER , APPLICATION; 23393 Notice is hereby given that on November 7, 1969 ...',4 `City of;South Lake Tahoe 1P.O. Box 1210,South Lake Tahoe Calif. 95701 ', f Applied to the State Water,Re- sources Control ;Board "for a Permit to appropriWte unappro. f' printed water, subject to vested tir hts. ' '' D SCRIPTION OF PROJECT Water to be appropriatedfrom Lake Tahoe tributary to Truc- 'kee River Point of diversion within SW1/4 MD of NW!/4B&M section 27 T13N R18E tan the County of „El eDorado Water to be appropriatedfrom Lake Tahoe tributary to Truckee ;R Poiverint of diversion withinNW1/4 .' or SE1/4 section 32-T13N,R18E MDB&M. - _1 In the County of El-Darado Water to be appropriatedfrom Lake Tahoe tributary to Truckee River ' * ;) Point of diversion within Lot Section 5 T12N <<R18E MDB&M In the County of ,El Dorado Amount applied ;for: 52.5 cibic feet per second bydirectkliver- sion total from all points,of,,di- version. The maximum amount diverted under this rightwill'not exceed 19,000 acre-feet per year. Water to be used for munici- pal. Purposes. ;Yoi Diversion season named: Janu- ary 1.to December 31( '''''T'—', Place of use described: Within the service area of the City of South Lake ,,Tahoe; being within Townships 11, 12 and 13N, R18E and Townships 12 and_ -13N, R17E, MDB&M as shown on map - filed with State Water Resources Control Board. RELATIVE TO PROTESTS BLANKS UPON WHICH TO SUB. MIT PROTESTS WILL BE SUP. PLIED FREE UPON REQUEST Any person desiring toprotest the granting of suchpermit shall within 60 days from date hereof (or within such further time as may, for good cause shown, be allowed) file` a written protest with the State Water Resources - Control Board Room 1140 Re. sources Building 1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento, California 95814. A copy of the protest should be sent>to the applicant. Such _protest shall clearly set �, -to the approvale of the app i ca- applica- tion and shall contain' the fol- lowing information: (1) Statement of the injury which would result to protes- tant 'from such appropriation and use. (2) The basis of protestant's water right. (3) Protestant's past andpre- sent use of water both as to amount used and land irri- gated or use made of water if other than irrigation. (4) The approximate location of protestant's land or place of use and point of diversion of the water. K.L. Woodward, Chief Division of Water Rights Dated: .Sacramento, California Feb. 9 1970. Feb. 13, 20 & 27, 1970. 1 211,10ani....3 vervator.s. vat",...• •••^,1•••••3•4 • • ts. 10••••e••,•••••• ,, •.•.6, • .7. ••••,. • •• ce.r...,..!...riSoro ,1,..1,•/..........',,t,,,,...........,•,..1•0 --"'v-'-'-'.'''.... , '4.7,— .,---,..,,,/, --Ir., ',womb...a.m....art .-=.----7,ovir-ae-,,,,,---,,,7 ..,,. • •.••,...pc=vgrapaoc.,••••••,,, ; ‘A ,'. 't ,,, \ f i • , V Ir 1 N 't !:',Ciljlill'liz' gp ? cuA ni fj,•,;(3C ea 4 3 Ilwik. 4 E 00t6tS :tr6 C9J1 cs ' ' . AS,5-11'1-5g ! c'5(` -,,•.A (('' cofic..677'i..Vtrrti° 01:119-,z° 2 1 903RW'' 1 qo co Mt 11? aD Mat 1.25*-Pratla")., J. riglacua aops Got Oki ;IA poz settp 6.P; , zn,c , o t:Uzi;tc° :riz) ?wer,A1 ;iglu Cs'2.6 Va.10PP. 598 er mt 0 OutaWAG • I 6049 ct 'a., C, Optria:;\ ;ICU 0 ;1.;:, coru,' .11 bitiV). flu pGGia (;),,n3' 0 , .•'"' r Ale'? 20nii; wja,,t00C iAidafp 60; ViCPPCOL: cog 'anirgiasca IPG 1;i0r40 Otp; V"; lailitar, v.ipPeiG ahaaltI0.t,,„ Lau ape oiCJC tiCai b' og •tig3t6i1.11 'ta, 01V0,0 GUg OCCI, a,JJ1J40,.. (1flUti: y5i0a*:tt) 1A61 ti„p;' • NA, (114, ..pfi nuipq ?aca51 u a, i'avo c ;,,;4 ci OL olry-OV • ••- • laeti, •• •.•,,13, •a=•••r m,c, •va•laar • s • •.: •• ••...•••.•••••.,••••=go 1,ck- Vt1.1/4CiiVA "Ipp'OCCOAC113 Carson Valley Garden Spot of Nevada State of California Resources Agency State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Rights — Room 1140 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, California 95814 411 Marjorie 09. Springmeyer RFD — Mottsville Lane Gardnerville, Nevada SUnset 2-2593 ZZ, Resources Buallding \ Dear Mr. K.L. Woodward.: Would you please send me the complete data regarding Application 23393 regarding the application for appropriating water which the City of South Lake Tahoe has applied for? Would the water rights which my brothers, Knox and William Johnson and myself have an interest in at South Tahoe be affected and because of the fact that we own property in which the Truckee River passes through? How does the City of South Lake Tahoe plan to use this water for municipal purposes -- does this mean they are asking to pump water from Lake Tahoe itself or build a resevoir as with the Globin type of water utility? Thank you for any information you may furnish other than the enclosed newspaper clipping. (,q'h l) P.S. Our license is 7170 with your departtant which I am interested in and anxious to protect. Sincerely, kikairtAd Marjorie J. Springmeyer FEB lii 12 14 PM '70 STATE WATER RESOURCES OONTROL BOARD SACRAMENTO • 1 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE WATER APPLICATION 23393, Notice is hereby given that on November 7, 1969n+, City of South Lake'hce P,O. Boxk, 1210 Scut Lake Tahoe Calif. 95705 Applied to, the StatikaTiater Re- sources Control- for a permit to appropriate unaro- riated water, su jecttovested rights. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Water to be appropriatedfrom Lake Tahoe tributary to Truc- kee River'YI Point of,diversion„within SW/4 of NW1/4 section 27 T13N R18E MDB&M In the County' 'of El Dorado Water to be appropriated from Lake Tahoe tributary to Truckee River. Point of diversion within NW1/4 or SE% section 32 T13N R18E MDB&M. ; - In the County ,of El Dorado Water to be„appropriated from Lake rw Tahoetributary to Truckee Point of,diversionwithin Lot3 Section 5 T12N R18E MDB&M In the County of El Dorado Amount applied for: 52.5 cubic feet per second by direct diver- sion total from all points.of di- • version. The' maximum amount diverted under this right will not' exceed ' 19,000 acre'-feet per year. Water to be used for munici• pal purposes. Diversion season named: Janu- ary 1 to December 31`. Place of use described: Within the service area of the City of South Lake Tahoe, being within Townships 11, 12 and 13N, R18E, and Townships 12 and 13N;_ R17E, MDB&M as shown on map ;filed with State Water Resources Control Board°` 6y • VE°' RELATTTO PROTESTS"4 BLANKS UPON WHICH TO SUB- MIT PROTESTS WILL BE SUP- PLIED FREE UPON REQUEST Any person desiring toprotest the granting of such permit shall within 60 days from date hereof (or within such further time as may, for good cause shown, be allowed) file a written protest with the State WaterResources Control Board Room 1140 Re- sources Building 1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento, California `95814. A copy_ of the Protest should be sent to the applicant. Such protest shall clearly set. forth the protestant's objections to the approval of the applica- tion and shall contain the fol- lowing information: (1) Statement of the injury which would result to protes- tant from such appropriation and use. (2) ' The basis ofprotestant's water right. (3) Protestant's past andpre- sent use of water both as to amount` used and. land 'irri- 'gated or use made of water if other than,irrigation. (4)( The approximate location of protestant's land or place of use, and point of diversion of the water. 1` -re',• K.L. Woodward, Chief Division' of Water Rights' Dated: SacramentoACalifornia Feb.' 9, 1970. (// Feb. 13; 20 & 27, 1970. State of California MEMORANDUM • To: Mr. John T. Leggett, Executive Officer California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Lahontan Region 407 W. Line Street Bishop, California 93514 From: STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS P1 The Resources Agency Date: February 9, 1970 Subject: Application 23393 Source Lake Tahoe County El Dorado Attached is a copy of the formal notice of the subject application. Comments on the following questions will be appreciated. 1. Is this application in an area where a water quality control plan has been established? (If yes, please submit a copy.) 2. If yes, will approval of the application result in water quality being degraded below plan objectives? Yes No 3. If the answer to No. 1 is no, will approval of this application cause •any unreasonable* adverse effect on the water supply which may remain in the source? Yes No 4. If the answer to No. 2 or No. 3 is yes, please explain: a. In what manner will the proposed application adversely affect water quality? b. What special conditions should be made a part of the permit or what reasonable changes in the'project, if any, could be made to overcome this problem? Unreasonableness should be determined in the light of various factors to be considered as. enumerated in Section 13000 of the Water Code. WRCB 1G (1-70) Application 23393 • -2- February 9, 1970 If the project cannot be altered to meet water quality objectives, what specific water quality benefits offset the project benefits that would be lost if the project were abandoned? 5. Will waste discharge requirements be necessary in connection with this project? Yes No a. If yes, have they been prescribed by the regional board? Yes No (If waste discharge requirements have been prescribed, a copy should be submitted.) b. If no, should action on this application be deferred until waste discharge requirements have been prescribed? Yes No 6. Please provide any additional comments you may have which would be helpful to the State Water Resources Control Board in considering this application. (If additional space is needed, additional pages may be attached.) J. M. Page, Supervisor Central Region WRCB 1G (1-70) . lS .35?M'10 s-vgveNii gttil ikESORGE.S ClatOliOt. S000 .. sp.scoosvrto _ 41, --ATE OF CALIFORNIA -• RESOURCES f NOY :ATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL D;. d DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS Roots 1140, RESOURCES BUILDING 1416 NINTH STREET SACRAMENTO, CA-. 11 95814 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE WATER / /Y A PPL I CAT I ON 23303 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON NOVEMBER 7 1969 CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE P 0 BOX 1210, SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIF 95705, Fp 214 411,4-e, APPLIED TO THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL.. BOARD FOR A PERMIT TO APPROPRIATE UNAPP ROPR IAT. ED WATER,,SUBJECT TO VESTED RIGHTS. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT WATER TO DE APPROPRIATED FROm LAKE TAHOE TRIBUTARY TO TRUCKEE RIVER POINT OF DIVERSION WITHIN SW1/4 CF NWI/ 4 SECTION 27 T13N RISE MDBP•J.I IN THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO WATER TO BE APPROPRIATED FROM LAKE TAHOE TR I BUTARY TO TRUCKEE RIVER POINT OF DIVERSION WITHIN NW1/4 OF SE1/4 SECTION 32 713N R18E MDR :d IN THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO WATER TO BE APPROPRIATED FROM LAKE TAHOE TRIBUTARY TO . TRUCKEE RIVER POINT OF DIVERSION WITHIN LOT 3 SECTION 5. 712N R18E mos&m IN THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO AMOUNT APPLIED FOR: 52.5 CUBIC FEET PE1R SECOND BY DIRECT DIVERSION TOTAL FROM ALL POINTS OF DIYERS ON WATER TO BE USED FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES 0-7 or -4 Qe-- 'r" 4') DIVERSION SEASON NAMED: JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 PLACE OF USE DESCRIBED: WITHIN THE, SERVICE AREA OF THE CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, BEING WITHIN TOWNSHIPS 1 1 , 12 AND 13N, RICE, . ND TOWNSHIPS 12 AND 13N, R 1 %E 5 MDi3?,N; AS SHOWN ON MAP FILED WITH STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD. RELATIVE TO PROTESTS UL ANKS UPON WHICH TO SUBM T apRO T ESTS WILL BE SUPPLIED FREE UPON REQUEST ANY PERSON DESIRING TO PROTEST THE GkAKT i NG OF SUCH PERMIT SHALL WITHIN 6(1 DAYS FROM DATE HEREOF (OR WITHIN SUCH FURTHER TINE. AS. MAY, FOR GOOD CAUSE SHOWN RE ALLOWED) F ! LE A WRITTEN PROTEST' WITH THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL 3OARD, ROOM 1 1 IF0, RESOURCES BU I LC I NG', 1416 N I NTH STREET; SACRA;•IENTO, CALIFORNIA 95614, A COPY OF THE PROTEST SHOULD BE SENT TO THE APPLICANT. SUCH PROTEST SHALL CLEARLY SET FORTH THE: PROTESTANT FS CEJECT I ONS. TO THE APPROVAL OF THE APPLICATION AND SHALL CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: (1) STATEMENT OF Tr -IE INJURY WHICH t•:`0ULD RESULT TO PROTESTANT FROM 5UCH APPROPRIATION AND USE.. • J. 2) THE BASIS OF PRC i'ESTANT f 5 !!.!TER R I CHT..' FEB 9 1970 .f \ •°k' FEB 25 1 35 PH 70- sTATE WATER Resquack4 COMM C?1,139i,iFip SA9R4MtNTA • APPLICATION 23393 (3) PROTESTANT'S PAST AND.PRESENT USE OF WATER aoTH AS T3 AMOl!N'i USED AND LAND IRRIGATED OR USE MADE: OF WATER IF OTHER THAN IRRIGATION. (4) THE APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF PROTESTANT'S LAND OR PLACE OF USE AND POINT Cr DIVERSION OF THE WATER. K. L. WOODWARD) CHIEF DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS DATED.: SACRAMENTO) CALIFORNIA FEB 25 1 35 PM 70 STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD SACRAMENTO fr Postmaster South Lake 'Tahoe California:' '95705 Dear Sir: -Application `23393, hake Tahoe in '. Dorado County'. -The enclosed notice is of -interest to people ,of your community. We would appreciate it if ;you would post it in .a 'prominent place in your post office. Sincerely,: Original. Signed• by. J.11. Page • J.' M. Page, ;Supervisor. Central Region TE OF CALIFORNIA - RESOURCES Alik Y _/ATE Wz.T•ER RESOURCES CONTROL BOA DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS Roots 1140, RESOURCES BUILDING 1416 NINTH STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95814 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE WATER APPLICATION 23393 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT`ON NOVEMBER 7, 1969 CITY OF SOUTH LAKE •7:,HQ_ P 0 BOX 1210, SCUrH LAKE TAHOE, CALIF 95705 _ APPLIED TO THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL. BOARD FOR A PERMIT TO APPROPRIATE UNAPPROPRIATED WATER SUBJECT TO 'JESTED RIGHTS. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT WATER TO EE APPROPRIATED FROM LAKE TAHOE TRIBUTARY TO TRUCKEE RIVER POINT OF DIVERSION WITHIN SW1/4 OF NW1/4 SECTION .7 T13N R18E MDB&..t IN THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO WATER TO BE AFPPOPR!ATED FROM LAKE TAHOE TRIBUTARY TO TRUCKEE RIVER POINT OF DIVERSION WITHIN NW1/4 OF SE1/4 SECTION 32 T13N R18E MDB&cM IN THE COUNTY OF.EL DORADO WATER TO BE APPROPRIATED FROM LAKE TAHOE TRIBUTARY TO TRUCKEE RIVER POINT OF DIVERSION) WITHIN LOT 3 SECTION 5 T12N R1 SE NDB&M Iti THE COUNTY OF El. DORADO. AMOUNT APPLIED FOR: 52.5 CUBIC FEET PER SECOND BY DIRECT DIVERSION TOTAL FROM-ALL°POINTS OF DIVERSION. THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT DIVERTED UNDER TH-!S R!GHT•WiLL.NOT•EXCEE'D 19,000 ACRE-FEET PER YEAR. WATER TO BE USED FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES DIVERSION SEASON NAMED: JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 PLACE OF USE DESCRIBED: WITHIN THE SERVICE AREA OF THE CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE; BEING WITHIN TOWNSHIPS 11, 12 AND 13N, R18E, AND TOWNSHIPS 12 AND 13N, R17E, MDB& AS SHOWN ON MAP FILED WITH STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD. RELATIVE TO PROTESTS BLANKS UPON WHICH TO SUBMIT T TPR 1 TESiS: WILL BE SUPPLIED TREE 'UPON REQUEST ANY PERSON DESIRING TO PROTEST THE GRANTING OF SUCH PERMIT SHALL WITHIN 60 DAYS FROM DATE HEREOF (OR WITHIN SUCH FURTHER TIME AS MAY, FOR GOOD CAUSE SHOWN, BE ALLOWED) FILE A' WRITTEN PROTEST WITH THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD, ROOM 1140, RESOURCES BUILDING, 1416 NINTH STREET, SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA•95814. A COPY OF THE PROTEST SHOULD BE SENT TO THE APPLICANT. SUCH PROTEST SHALL CLEARLY SET FORTH THE PROTESTANTtS OBJECTIONS TO THE APPROVAL OF THE APPLICATION AND SHALL CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: • (1) STATEMENT OF THE INJURY WHICH WOU.LD RESULT AND USE. ) THE BASIS Or PROT.ESTAN T t` WATER RICHT. • TO PROTESTANT FROM SUCH APPROPRIATION Carl. A of So. Lake Tahoe, Post Officx 1210, So. Lake Tahoe, Calif. 95(05 Reg. /Postmaster, South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 Sticker /Mr. Chester M. Hart, Chief, Water Projects Branch, Dept. of Fish and Game, 1416 Ninth Street, Room 1206-20, Sacramento, California 95814 Reg. /District Attorney, El Dorado County, -Placerville, California 95667 Reg. ,Board.of Supervisors, El DoradcoCounty, Placerville, Calif. 95667' Sticker de4r. L. W. Carter, Chief, Federal -Local Projects, Dept. of Water Resources, Division of Resources Development, 1416 Ninth Street, Room 252-4, Sacramento, California 95814 Cert. Truckee Donner PUD, Post Office Box 308, Truckee, California 9573r4.( ert. .. Murray, Burns & Kienlen, 1107 Ninth St., Rm. 600, Forum Bldg., Sacramento, California 95814 Reg. /�Mr. Robert J. Pafford, Jr., Regional Director, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, 2800 Cottage Way, Sacramento, California 95825 Reg. cx /USBR Lahontan Project, P. 0. Box 640, Carson City, Nevada 89701 \Cert. cx 'Truckee Carson I. D., 152 No. Maine St., Fallon, Nevada 89+06 ,_Cert. cx ,4ashoe County Water Conservation Dist., 421 Hill St., Rm. 5, Reno, Nevada 89501 Cert. cx Tierra Pacific Power Co., c/o.Orrick,_Dahlquist, Herrington, & Sutcliffe, Attys. at Law, 405 Montgomery St., S.F., Ca. 94100 John T. Leggett, -Executive Officer Reg. Form 1G /California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Lahontan Region 407 W. Line St., Bishop, California 93514 A. L. Woodward /Paul .R . Bonderson Sticker Sticker Reg. (,/Cert. ! Calif. -Nevada Compact Com., c/o Robert Bond, Post Office Box Sacramento, California 95802 388, Names Vidovich, Chairman, Pyramid Lake Tribal Council, Box 64, Wadsworth, Nevada, 89442 -rt. /Bureau of Indian Affairs, Nevada Agency, Stewart, Nevada 89473 Reg. //Mr. Henry E. -Branagh, Forest Supervisor, Tahoe National Forest, Coyote St., and Highway 49, Nevada City, California 95667 Reg. Ar. E. Bosworth, Forest Supervisor, El Dorado National Forest, 100 Forni Road,. Placerville, California 95667 Reg. A. -Adolph Moskovitz, Atty. at Law, 520 Capitol Mall, Sacto., Ca. 95814 Reg. ,/Mr. Martin McDonough, Atty. at Law, 520 Capitol Mall, Sacramento, California 95814 Reg. /State Engineer, Div. of Water Resources, 201 So. Fall St., Carson City, Nevada 89701 Reg. /County of Nevada, Nevada City, California 95959 Reg. /County of Placer, Auburn, California 95603 Reg. /Placer County Water Agency, 1115 High St, Auburn, Calif. 95603 Attention: Mr. J. M. Bernard, Gen. Mgr. • Cert. dfakeworld.Develop. Co., 3055 Alvarado St., San Leandro, Ca. 94577 APPL I CA1 I ON 23393 (3) PROTESTANT'S PAST AND PRESENT USE OF ::ATTER 0 H ,1S TO At'.OUN"i USED AND LAND IRRIGATED OR USE MADE OF WATER IF OTHER, THAN IRR GATIOF'. (4) 9 THE APPR0X!MATE LOCATION I) I VEF S I ON' OF THE Wi.;fE ,, K. C. WO ODWARD, CHIEF " DIV ISION.OF WATER RIGHTS DATED: SACRAMENTO, CAC IFOkNIA 9 1970 OF PROTESTANT'S LAND OR PLACE OF USE AND O I N f OF „ T • r P 7 FEBRUARY 9, 1970 CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE P. 0, Box 1.210 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA 95705 GENTLEMEN; APPLICATION 23393, LAKE TAHOE IN EL DORADO COUNTY TWO COPIES OF A NOTICE OF YOUR APPLICATION ARE ENCLOSED. THE NOTICE SHOULD SE PUBLISHED IN THE LAKE TAHOE NEWS. IN SOUTH LAKE TAHOE. THE SECOND COPY IS FOR YOUR RECORDS. PUBLICATION SHOULD BE MADE ONCE A WEEK FOR THREE CONSECUTIVE WEEKS AND MUST COMMENCE ON OR BEFORE FEBRUARY 24, 1970. THE EXPENSE OF PUBLICATION SHOULD SE PAID BY THE APPLICANT. PROOF OF PUBLICATION BY AFFIDAVIT OF THE PUBLISHER OR FOREMAN OF THE NEWSPAPER, WITH COPY OF THE NOTICE ATTACHED, SHOULD SE FILED WITH THIS OFFICE ON OR BEFORE APRIL 10, 1970. THIS NOTICE IS DESIGNED FOR THE MUTUAL PROTECTION OF APPLICANT AND PRIOR CLAIM.. ANTS. ALTHOUGH VESTED RIGHTS TO THE USE OF WATER CANNOT SE LOST,, PREJUDICED OR IMPAIRED BY FAILURE TO PROTEST AGAINST THE APPLICATIONS PRIOR CLAIMANTS ARE GIVEN THIS NOTICE SO THAT THEY MAY PROTEST IF THEY BELIEVE THE PROPOSED APPRO. PRIATION WILL RESULT IN INJURY TO THEN. You WILL BE FURNISHED WITH A COPY OF ANY PROTEST FILED AGAINST THE APPLICATION. AN ANSWER TO THE PROTEST SHOULD BE, SUBMITTED TO THIS OFFICE AND A COPY SENT TO THE PROTESTANT. THE ANSWER NEED NOT BE IN ANY PRESCRIBED FORM, BUT SHOULD BE BRIEF AND THE CONTENT CONFINED TO FACTS RELATIVE TO THE OBJECTIONS RAISED TO YOUR APPLICATION.; SINCERELY, Original Signed by J. M. Page J. M. PAGE, SUPERVISOR CENTRAL REGION ENCLOSURE ,S CERTIFIED AAC:AK 9 ANOUS NORMAN MURRAY F. ASCE JOSEea I. BURNS F. ASCE DONALD E. KIENLEN M. ASCE JERRY J. ELLIOTT MURRAY, BURNS AND KIENLEN CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS 600 FORUM BUILDING 1107 NINTH STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95814 January 6, 1970 State Water Resources Control Board 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, California 95814 Re: Application 23393 Tsl.sraoxs (916) 443-2593 Gentlemen: Enclosed is an original reproducible map and print to accompany Application 23393 filed by the City of South Lake Tahoe on November 7, 1969. If you have any questions regarding this map please contact this office. Sincerely, D. E. Kienlen Encl. cc: Mr. John Williams Mr. Brian Walters (w/o encl.) JAN 6 3 c8 PH 70 sTATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD SACRAMENTO December $, 1969 City -of South, Lake Tahoe. c7o Mr. D. S,; Kleulen Murray, Buniet and $igen 600 Forma Building 1107 Ninth Street Sacramento,. California 958l4 Gentlegen App icc�t on 23393,.' ire Tahoe in El Dorado. County Ton are allowed, until; January 7, 1970,. within which Ulan - to :eubanit the necessary maps in cox.�:ect with your Application 23393. Sincerely, Original Signed by J. M. Page J. M. Page, Supervisor Central -Regio AAC:dc -- • 0 1 = tao 1 03 a) 8 rj %.4 a3 0 1 -14