1956Retum completed Report to: STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD, uggillii21131 DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTSP.O..Box2000- - SACRAMENTO, CA 95812-2000 For assistance completing this Report, call: (916) 341-5300 ' FAX (916) 341-5400 PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR OWNER(S) OF RECORD: If the owner information below is wrong or missing, please correct. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT; PRIMARY CONTACT OR AGENT FOR MAIL 8 REPORTING: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1275 MEADOW CREST DR SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 PERMIT SUMMARY NAME(S) OF SOURCES OF WATER (Up to first 4 sources listed) PARCEL NO UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER MAX DIRECT DIVERSION RATE: 3 CFS [Cubic feet per second (CFS) or Gallons per day(GPD)] PERMITTED USE(S) OF WATER (First 4 uses displayed below) Domestic ACRES (AC) 0 AC 2001 APPLICATION NO.: A018039 PERMIT NO.: 013530` CONTACT PHONE NO.: (530)544-6474:° FOR ONLINE REPORTING AT www.waterrights.ca.gov USER NAME: A018039 PASSWORD: CO2232 COUNTY LOCATION" El Dorado I1 MAX COLLECTION TO STORAGE AMOUNT: 200 AC -FT [Total reservoir(s) storage volume in acre-feet (AC -FT)] DIRECT DIVERSION SEASON (month/day to month/day) COLLECTION TO STORAGE SEASON • (month/day to month/day) 01/01 - 12/31 01/01 - 12/31 DATE BY WHICH, PERMITTEE SHALL COMPLETE THE AUTHORIZED PROJECT, INCLUDING COMPLIANCE WITH ALL PERMIT TERMS AND CONDITIONS, AND MAKE FULL BENEFICAL USE OF WATER: 12/01/1970 COMPLIANCE WITH PERMIT TERMS AND CONDITIONS: This Report is important in providing the record of your actual water use necessary to establish your water right as well as your compliance with the terms and conditions of your water right permit. The information requested below should be filled out carefully. This Report should be promptly returned to the above address. 1. [)(] YES [ ] NO I have currently reviewed my water right permit. 2. [)(] YES ] NO I am complying with all terms and conditions listed in the permit. Identify any noncompliance under "Remarks" on the reverse side. 3. [ ] YES ] NO I have changed the intake location, type(s) of use, and/or place of use authorized by the permit. If YES, explain under "Remarks" on reverse side. Note: A Change Petition & associated fees may be required for any significant changes to the permitted project. PERMITTED PROJECT STATUS: California Water Code sections 1396 and 1397 require that permittee(s) exercise due diligence developing an appropriative water right project so that the project is completed within the time period specified in the permit. Time extensions may be authorized when there is good cause. CHECK ONE OF THE FOLLOWING CONCERNING YOUR WATER RIGHT PROJECT STATUS: 4. [ ] REVOCATION — The project has been abandoned and I request revocation of the permit. 5. [ ] PROJECT COMPLETE — The project has been completed. I have made full beneficial use as to diversion rate, amount, and season anticipated under the permit and have complied with all terms and conditions. I am ready for (or have had) a licensing inspection by Division of Water Rights staff and request that a water right license be issued. 6. [X] a. b. c. d. e. PROJECT HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED If the project has not been completed, please answer the following: [ ] YES I)(] NO Has construction work commenced? [ ] YES [ ] NO Is construction completed? [ ] YES I.] NO Have the permitted beneficial uses of water commenced? [ ] YES [X] NO Will the project be completed within the time period specified in the permit? Explain what work remains to be done: Waiting on TROA f. Give the estimated date of completion of the project, including maximizing beneficial use of water: Note: A time extension petition and associated fees may be required if the project is not completed within the time period specified in the permit. (Continues on reverse) PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE — PAGE 1 SEP 18 2002 •Z 39Vd — 33111W213d A8121 d321,SS3219021d A zoO it, 8£Zx 17Ll79-t7175 ( ) ••oN auoy(33N°JIS30 / NJb'2i0 W213d � d Y / _ :a�ay u6!S ZOOZ '61 aune :Pomo jallagpue a6pa/nnowf (II {o asateyl o; j s! oda/ syon / uoi uuo{u/ ey/ jail; /(iniad }o A//euod Japun aiepap / ' uawyap��e eas (•payoelle aq dew sa6ed Ieuoq ppe :6u!u!eldxe ate noA welt ay; Al!luapI).:S)121VW3H •peldeooe aq lou 1)!m wiep sly) o1 sluawpuewe aJnlnd (suope6 uo!I !w Jo lege-aloe u! lunowe eq) A}loads) :molaq pasn JelempunoJ6 jo lunowe a41 mous aseald 'g L l01 uogoas 91)00 aa1eM Japun pamope se 1!WJed inoA Japun pazuo4lne Ja)em aoejins aul to nag u! pasn Jelempuna6 ayl JoJ pato w!elo of luem noA pue S3A 11 'S G aimed JnoA Japun pezuoq ne°�eleM eoepns ayl to nal u! Ja em uno.6"6u!sn noA a.am 'oda s! 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Alpedeo pal(elsul uoge.aua0 Jarrod [ 1 •y 'ow 'ewe uapJe6/ume('suosiad to ON ogsawo0 [ ] •6 uogelndod elew!xo.ddy ledp!uni [ ] •l slewlue to edAl g "ON A/!oads saioy :pasn sem.al8M eq) Moy u!eldxe pue moleq sexoq aleudo.dde 0q1 veto 'peouawwoo say .alem to asn moA 11 •L (•pwiad inoX Japun pezuoylne Jalem )o sesn lepyeueq my {o Alewwns a 101 ap/s aslanai a0S :MoN) 2131VM:OAS)3Sn 1VIOId3N38 411 lenuuV'!awl. p-0 . ?380 '. „AON .330 •ldeS 'any blot_ > , eun(', AeW : I!idy s yoieiN , •qa3 'oeE ( pasn sem Ja)em 1e41 s4luow aul iloauo 'umow lou p) •laal-°Joe Jo suope6 U! 1!uuad sig) Japun yluow 43ee pasn Salem to lunowy •g :a3Sl2131VM AO1NfOWV 6upelem5polS [ ] e lewsnpul [ 1 'P Iw1uo01eaN [ 1 •o uo!1oaloJd 1soJd [ ] •q uoge6wl [ ] e Al!oads sl.ods peluoo Jalem '6u!usg '6ugeo8 Jayl0 [ ] •! leuogealoaj [ du .o 'MW 'MSI u! Alpedeo pal(elsul uoge.aua0 Jarrod [ 1 •y 'ow 'ewe uapJe6/ume('suosiad to ON ogsawo0 [ ] •6 uogelndod elew!xo.ddy ledp!uni [ ] •l slewlue to edAl g "ON A/!oads saioy :pasn sem.al8M eq) Moy u!eldxe pue moleq sexoq aleudo.dde 0q1 veto 'peouawwoo say .alem to asn moA 11 •L (•pwiad inoX Japun pezuoylne Jalem )o sesn lepyeueq my {o Alewwns a 101 ap/s aslanai a0S :MoN) 2131VM:OAS)3Sn 1VIOId3N38 411 ATTACHMENT This is one of five related water rights applications: A 18030 P 13527 A 18031 P 13528 A 18038 P 13529 A 18039 P 13530 A 19629 P 14335 These permits are now held by the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Its predecessor, Tahoe -Paradise Water Company, Inc., filed various petitions in 1970 and 1971 for extensions of time to put water to beneficial use for changes in place and purpose of use for these permits. Those petitions are still pending. South Tahoe Public Utility District anticipates that these pending petitions will eventually be acted upon by the State Water Resources Control Board. South Tahoe Public Utility District intends to make reasonable and beneficial use of water pursuant to these permits as such time as these pending petitions are granted.