1969• State Water Resources Control Bo DIVISION OF WATER RIGHT P.O. Box 2000 SACRAMENTO, CA 9581 -2000 901 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA (916) 657-1364 FAX: (916) 657-1485 III IIII III 1111 II II PROGRESS -REPORT BY PERMITTEE PCCR° 19979 OWNER OF RECORD: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 6xI., =j ` . c1a ° APPLICATION:` A69.80.39: v. v SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PERMIT:" 013530 r 1275 MEADOW CREST DR ` - SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (916):':,44 6474°`y c� IF OWNER'S NAME/ADDRESS/PHONE NO. IS WRONG OR MISSING, PLEASECORRECT - al -( j. SOURCE: COUNTY: :-_, UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER EL DORADO PURPOSE: DIVERSION/STORAGE SEASON: ACRES/HP: DOMESTIC JAN 01 TO DEC 31 / JAN 01 TO DEC 31 0 AC AMOUNT : 3 CFS 200 AC—FT COMPLETE USE BY: 12/01/1970 IMPORTANT! EVERY permit is issued subject to the conditions therein expressed. I have currently reviewed my permit: YES [ X ] NO [ ]. I am complying with the conditions under which my permit has been issued: YES [ X ] NO [ ]. Identify any noncompliance by permit term number under "Remarks" on reverse side. This report is important in providing the record of use needed in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the above address. THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND I REQUEST REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT: YES [ ]. CONSTRUCTION WORK - 1. Has construction work commenced? YES [ X] NO [ ]. Is construction completed? YES [ ] NO [ ]. 2. If incomplete. describe briefly the work done, including cost: 3. If not completed. give estimated date of completion: 4. What percent of construction work remains to be done? Explain: USE OF WATER 5. Has use of water commenced? YES [x ] NO [ ]. Check appropriate box(es) below and explain how water was used. (a) [ ` ) Irrigation (e) [ ] Municipal Approximate population (b) [ ] Stockwatering (f) [ ] Recreational Number of animals Boating, fishing, water contract sports (c) [ ] Industrial (g) [ ] Power generation Nature of use Installed horsepower capacity (d) f ] Domestic (h) [ ] Other Number of persons, area of garden, lawn. etc. 6. Amount of water used each month under this permit in gallons or acre-feet. (If not known, check months water was used.) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Annual 1997 (Continues on reverse side) SEP 91999 SO SHK IOHOd 3DVd- 3311IVI AB 1HOd3H SS3U0OHd (33NOIS3a UO 1N3OV 80) 11I 4 3d :mpg pue e6peIMom{ /(w ;o l' aq ayi anal s! :aJaHu6!S 56/6 • 86/£T/fig :Plea podei s 4t u! uo!l ,wEo;u! ayl mitt /inljad ;o dl!eued Japun aaepap (•payoeue eq Aew sa6ed Ieuolllppe '6u!u!e!dxe are noA wet! eqt Aptuopi) s wvvi i :pasn JaleMpunoa6;o stunowe eqi Moys eseeid 'apoa Jetef eql to s• 1. i'p i uo!loes iepun pewiep st JaleM pate!adoidde ;o nal! u! JeleMpunaa6 to uo!intlisgns g6noJg1 i!wjed s!yt Japun asn pJEMoi i!P8Jo it •9l [ 1 ON [ 1 93A LJaleM a etans;o nap u! JeteMpunoJ6 6u!sn MOu noi( aay •91. d31VMaNfOLIO ONV k131VM aovaanS d0 3511 3AllaNn NOO (6w/;e) :pasn JeteM pew!e!oaJ ;o stunowe aqt Moys eseeid 'apoa JeteM ayl;o 01.01. uo!loas Japun pew!ep s! JaleM pateudwdde ;o ne!I u! JeteM palnpod 10 '/alert pejeu!Iesep 'aaleM pew!epei ;o uopnlilsgns g6noigi i!wjed s!yi aepun asn pieMol l!paao;I '}.1. [ ] ON [ ] S3A Lsesn si!;aueq Jaylo Jot JeteM Lions stooge / IgeuoseeJun tow eel ep e of etseM Aq painpod /alert Jo 'Awe; pe; uo!leu!IeSep '/(l!I!oe; luewieaat JeteMe seM e wort JeteM pew!epei 6u!sn uaaq noi( aneq Jo Mou no aay •g 1. NOIIVINV13 U a31VM31SVM ONV AlIiVnO 1:131VM (6w/le) :(6w Jo teal -aloe) pa/uesuoo JeteM to stunowe eqi Moys asea!d 'apoo Jatem ayi to 1.1.01. uo!loa9 Jepun pew!ep s! lona uo!ieAJasuo3 a of anp pasn lou JaleM Jo; Hutted s!Lil Japun JeteM ;o asn Iepteueq pieMoi moan n 'Z :pal.iels aneq AMU no/( spoja uo!lenJesuoo JateM Rue aquosaO •1.1. U31VM d0 NOIIVAki3SNO3 '103f ONd 81OA 013l9V0IlddV 39V HOIHM M0139 SNOIIS3fO 3SOH1 A1NO li3MSNV 3SV31d i,uosees ;o pue le uMop uMeJp i! seM i(Ileo!pan /(eM!I!ds Mo!aq teat i(uew Moy 'lou it •[ 1 ON [ 1 S3A LJ!o/uesaa eql peudwe noi( aneH 6a6eiols wnw!xew le lana! JeteM eyi seM AUEo!pen AeM11!ds Mo!eq lea; Auew Moy 'tou II •[ 1 ON [ ] S3A Clem( s!yl !I!ds noAiesei anoi( pia •01. AlNO S133POad 3DVHOIS Lsgluow iegM 6uunp 'os ti •[ 1 ON [ 1 93A LtiP o6 eomos ayi P!O '6 •„s>pewa1:1„ Japun u!e!dx3 [ ] ON [ 1 S3A ,pe6uego uaaq asn ;o adAl Jo 'asn to aoe!d 'amelu! aqt to uo!leooi seH •g •„s)pewaa„ Japun u!eidxa '„oN,, II •[ 1 ON [ 1 S3A Li!wJad slyi 19pun meal( amint Aue u! loadxe no,( se teaJ6 se uaaq 'uoseas pue lunowe ytoq 'JeteM to asn seH -•L -(•iuoa) 1:131VM A0 asn • • ATTACHMENT This is one of five related water rights applications: A 18030 A 18031 A 18038 A 18039 A 19629 P 13527 P 13528 P 13529 P 13530 P 14335 These permits are now held by South Tahoe Public Utility District. Its predecessor, Tahoe -Paradise Water Company, Inc., filed various petitions in 1970 and 1971 for extensions of time to put water to beneficial use and for changes in place and purpose of use for these permits. Those petitions are still pending. South Tahoe Public Utility District anticipates that these pending peititions will eventually be acted upon by the State •dater Resources Control Board. South Tahoe Public Utility District intends to make reasonable and beneficial use of water pursuant to these permits at such time as these pending petitions are granted. ajs7attach