2407-41 STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE WATER Nov 7 3 16 PM '69 STATE 'c��!"JILT Efl f;!?41OURCEIi , , November 7; 19690 3 s 16 PM (91 OL BOArriD Application No. 9' Filed'AMENTo (Applicant must not fill in the above blanks.) (This application must be typewritten or legibly written in ink.) CiSy of South Lake Tahoe Name of applicant Post Office Box 1210 South Lake Tahoe California 95705 Address City or Town Stat. Zip Code do hereby make application for a permit to appropriate the following described unappropriated waters of the State of California, SUBJECT TO VESTED RIGHTS: 1. The name of the source at the point of diversion -is Lake Tahoe If unnamed, state nature of source and that it is unnamed. tributary to__Truckee River _ ' It 2. The amount of water which applicant desires to appropriate under this application is as follows: (a) To be diverted directly to beneficial use 52.5 cubic feet lisp per second telioinvelic 16,000 gallons per day is approximately. 0.025 cubic' foot per second. Use gallons per day if less than 0.025 e.f... to be diverted from January 1 to December 31 of each year. Total annual Bc ivdrsion of 19,000 acre-feet °'°""s date (b) To be stored and later applied to beneficial, use_________________acre-feet per, annum, to be collected between and of each season. Closing date Beginning date If offstream storage is proposed, maximum rate of diversion to storage will Nose.—Neither the amount nor the season may be increased after the application is filed. If underground storage is proposed a special supple- mental form will be supplied by the State Water Resources Control Board upon request. 3. The use to which the water is to be applied is municipal purposes. Domestic, irrigation, power. municipal, mining, industrial, recreational, ttckwatering, fish, culture, eta Describe more fully in par°grsphs 15, 14. 15, 16 end/or 17. 4. The points of diversion or rediversion are to be located as follows: to List all points giving coordinate distances or bearing and ' a distance from section corner or quarter section corner 40 -acre subdivision of public land survey or projection thereof Section own - Tshr. p Range Base and Meridian 4,000 feet west and 1,600 feet south oft n northeast corner, Sec. 27 T13N, R18E SWy4 of NW y4 27. 13N 18E MDB&N 2,000 feet north and 2,300 feet west soute4st corner Sec. 32, T13N, -R18E NW y4 of SE /4 32--' 13N 18E MDB&1v 1, 4nv000 set east o� northeast corner, Sec, 5, T12N, R18E Lot /4 of y4 5 12N 18E MDB&I� The points of diversion are located in El Dorado County. 5. The main conduit will terminate in of Sec. , T ... R. , . _B. & M. State 40 -acre subdivision of public land survey or projection thereof. All three diversions by pumps directly to the distribution system. Description of Diversion Works Nora.—An application cannot be approved for an amount grossly in excess of the estimated capacity of the diversion works. 6. Intake or headworks (complete only those blanks which apply) Complete (a) and/or (b) for direct diversion or diversion to offstream storage. (a) Diversion will be made by pumping from Lake Tahoe Sump, offset well, unobstructed channel, etc. (b) Diversion will be by gravity, the diverting dam being ________ _—_--feet in height (stream bed to level of overflow), long on top, and constructed of (c) Complete for storage reservoirs only Concrete. earth, brash, etc. Height of dam, ft. (streambed to spillway level) Crest length of dam, ft. Freeboard above spillway level, ft. Material of construction • • WRCB 1 (9-6e) 1. 7. Storage Reservoirs Name, if any Sections flooded by reservoir. Also name 40 -acre subdivisions unless shown on map Surface area, acres Capacity acre-feet Grade, feet per 1,000 feet •Construction Materials: earth, rock, concrete, plastic, etc. `Unknown Approx. 200' N/A Steel 24 Unknown Approx. 200' N/A Steel �,�: For any reservoir having a capacity of 25 acre-feet or more, complete the following: Diameter of outlet pipe, inches Length of outlet pipe, feet Difference in elevation, spillway level to top of outlet pipe in reservoir, feet Fall in outlet pipe, feet 8. Conduit system (describe diversion conduits and main distribution conduits only) (a) Open channel ; ditch ; flume ; canal (check type to be used) Width of top at water line, feet Width at bottom, feet Depth of water, feet Length, feet Grade, feet per 1,000 feet •Construction Materials: earth, rock, concrete, plastic, etc. `Unknown Approx. 200' N/A Steel 24 Unknown Approx. 200' N/A Steel �,�: (b) Pipeline_ sprinkler system ; tunnel (check type to be used) Diameter, inches Length;. feet „Pumplift, feet Gravity fall intake to outlet, feet Construction Materials: steel, concrete, wood, etc. ' 24 - `Unknown Approx. 200' N/A Steel 24 Unknown Approx. 200' N/A Steel 24 Unknown Approx. 200' Estimated capacities of the pumping plants are Estimated capacities of the diversion conduits are N/A 17.5 c. f. s. ___U_nknOw.n Estimated total cost of the diversion works'proposed Give only cost of intake, or headworks, pumps, storage reservoirs and main conduits. Completion Schedule 10. (a) Construction work will begin on or before_. December 1, 1972. (b). Construction ;wink' will be completed on or before Steel December 1, 1973. (c) 'Water will becompletely applied to the proposed use on or before December 1, 1990. (d) If complete, state .year of completion Description of Proposed Use 11. Place of use Does applicant own the land where the water will be used? No Jointly? All joint owners should include their names as applicants and sign the application at bottom of page 4. If applicant does not own land where the water will be used, give name and address of owner and state what arrangements have been made with him. Land owned by water users within City of South Lake Tahoe proposed service area. If area is unsurveyed state the location as if lines of the public land survey were projected. If space does riot permit listing all 40 -acre tracts, state sections, townships, and ranges and show detail on map. 40 -acre tract Section Township Range Base and Meridian If irrigation, state number of acres (SEE ATTACHED SHEETS.) �,�: a c s f Mount Diablo Base & fi Section Township Range Meridian(MDB & M) Portion of 14 T1o1N, RILSE' 15 ,t 16 9, '„ _ ft 17 ftp ft a. Portion of 18'- ,, , ,.. ft IV 19 a.. . 21 11 nt l ,, 2Z^ _ .►, 23: tf Portion- of 28 It ft Partial 25. - T13N R17E 26 . 99 Portion of 27; � 34 35 -- 41 t _ _,t - 99 ' 36. ,.t:y _ - ft Partial 1 ' T12N ° R17E 2 , Portion of '-3 "- ft 10 `,,, /t ,,f Partial' 11 r i Partial_ 12J ,, ff 4� ' 13 1,4`, ,, VP Portion of 15 ft 'Portion of Unsurveyed Section -of 22r , Portion of Unsurveyed Section of 23" , ',Portion of 24 �� ytl ,, 25 26•,` 36 tf Portion of 26.' Partial '28�` ;31 32 ,33- ;Portion of 34 n_ 35 Portion of 1 11 Portion' of 12 13, 15 16 17 18 19. 20. 21 Portion of 22 23 - '26 27f,µ 28 29' 30 ttPortion-of 31 32 Portions of 33 34 arr 01 401/11 / %AWE 741/0E immismim americals Ntoe a// year Ida/ground oars aillts C/TY COUNC/l- 4.911'..4416 'Varna"-, c t1.52yei.- • Wm 4. 4me.s • 4bber-6 C etroudr, • 1h7e7.9/ci L. CA5irke • C iiRRAY URkS & :(ICAEN u0(.) cru bui lcii 11U? Ni 9h 3tree' vacs er t03 'oent;eic n: c.. • / C ,ioventer 5. 1969 Re: Pori. i cat' on to appropriate Water from lake alice for Muni ci pal Uses eve cat'on a oLato.e. The tiling fee will Oe z.r_s su'' tan t Wr L .); :_L ° -FAIN & SHAW. make ano irYtal any rinor changes .on the JU z.es s a ry J r ric _;sores aALL 141j,..1011, & SqmV 'JRAt '1,Yr UT SI; :t..T e_nc. Po 50Y /2!ONir ,4,71„/ TA/ LA ilez Sincerely yours, Jo n Willianis, City ana ne r CAL IFORN/4 • 95705 • PMW (9/6) 5/- 2900 STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY RONALD REAGAN, Governor STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS ROOM 1140, RESOURCES BUILDING 1416 NINTH STREET • SACRAMENTO 95814 November 7, 1969 City of South Lake Tahoe F. 0. Box 1210 South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 Gentlemen: Application 23393' Your application to appropriate water from tributary to Truckee River and assigned number shortly. Sincerely, 23393 • J. M. Page, Supervisor Central Region WRCB 5 (2-69) was received Further action Lake Tahoe, 11-7-69 will follow ANGUS NORMAN MURRAY F. ASCE Josses I. BURNS F. ASCE DONALD E. KIENLEN M. ASCE JERRY J. ELLIOTT s MURRAY, BURNS AND KIENLEN . CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS 600 FORUM BUILDING 1107 NINTH STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95814 November 7, 1969 State Water Resources Control Board Resources Building 1416 Mirth Street Sacramento, California 95814 Gentlemen: TELEPHONE (916) 443-2593 Enclosed is an application to appropriate water from Lake Tahoe by the City of South Lake Tahoe, together with a check in the amount of $105 for the filing fee and a certified copy of the City Council resolution authorizing the filing of this application. We will require 60 days in which to prepare the filing maps to accompany this application. If you have any questions regarding this appli- cation please contact this office. cc: Mr. John Williams Mr. Brien Walters Sincerely, D. E. Kienlen L 05 39 p_p_C. `' La ktJtdt( 0-7 • ...666.6 ••16- Nav STATE WA't ERagyaqii% CONTROL. 1110: SA ORAMEUTFO) " r 4.. 3 r T , G TA. -C Fi SY F.1 4 , r rr-Ir ;; PE 23 " ••• ) 6 • ';7 •r. (165., 1.6 X , • CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE RESOLUTION NO. 1969- 54 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO FILE AN APPLICATION FOR THE ALLOCATION OF WATER FROM LAKE TAHOE The City Council of the city of South Lake Tahoe does hereby authorize its City Manager, John T. Williams, to file an application on behalf of the said City with the State Water Resources Control Board for an allocation of water from Lake Tahoe for municipal purposes. . PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the city of South Lake Tahoe on November 4, 1969, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen AMES, BROWN, CLARKE and WOODS NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT: Councilmen SOUZA ATTEST: �•...v ..vim �a • 1• 4 I •i} c ?s• f.%..Ped °;'.... .. , lC j e. ..'John'T. Williams, City Clerk SEN 1 Pc £ Mayor ;/i Nov l 3 .16 PM 19' STATE WATER RESOVROES CONTROL BOARD . SACRAMENTO • 1