1980• RECEIVED NOl'ICE Of ASSIGNMENT 10 T- 66 • 3-1a-25 stictAn) p06 -3O FILE IN DUPLICATE rFor full information concerning the filling out of this form refer to). Article 4 of Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Appropriation of Water STATE OF CALIFORNIA—STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD Application No. 18039 Filed March 3,3,_15/A at 3:56 P. Ni. (Applicant muse not fill in the above blanks) APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE UNAPPROPRIATED WATER Notice of Assignment (Over) _Meyers Water Comnanv' -- Name of applicant of Address Meyers State of California County of RI 11Q dg do hereby make application for a permit to appropriate the. following described unappropriated waters of the State of California, SUBJECT TO VESTED RIGHTS: Source, Amount, Use and Location of Diversion Works 1. The source ofthe proposed appropriation ? Y__' ` /gkee__ce Give name of stream, lake,. etc., if tamed: if unnamed state nature of source and that it is unnamed' located in El Dorado County, tributary to eke Tahoe 2. The amount of water which applicant desires to appropriate under this application is as follows: (a) For diversion to be directly appliedto beneficial use__ 3.00 cubic feet per 1 cubic foot per second equals 40 statute miners inches or. 646,317 gallons per day second, to be diverted from January 1 December 31 to of each year. Beginning. date Cloaing date (b) For diversion to be stored and later applied to beneficial use 200 acre-feet 1 acre-foot equals 323.011 gallons per annum,. to' be; collected between January 1 and December 31 _of each season. Beginning date Closing date Nose.—Answer (a) or (b) or both. (a) and (b) as may be necessary. If amount under (a) is less than .025 cubic foot per second, state in gallons per day. Neither the amount nor the season may be,increased,after application is filed. If underground ,storage is proposed a.special supplemental form will be supplied by the State Water Rights Board upon request. 3. The use to which the water is to be applied is Domestic Domestic, irrigation, power, municipal, mining, industrial, recreational 4. The point of diversion is to be located TUX, R18E, MDB&M, purposes. N15° 50' E 1420 _feet fowl SW corner of Section 54_ State bearing and distance or coordinate distances from section or quarter section corner being within the NI* or 5_W'-' State 40 -acre subdivision of public land survey or projection thereof of Section_.` _, T. l 1 N , R 18E , M_ D • B & M in the County of ��9s13.do 5. The main conduit terminates in 3*-,,QLS of Sec. , T.__3 PN , R & M. State 40 -acre subdivision of U. S. Government survey or projection. thereof' Description . of Diversion Works NOTE.—An application cannot be approved for an amount grossly' in excess of the estimated capacity of the diversion works. 6. Intake or Headworks (fill only those blanks which apply) (a) Diversion will be made by pumping from Sump Sump. offset well. unobstrueted`cbannel, etc. (b) Diversion will be by gravity, the diverting dam being____ _feet in height (stream bed to level of overflow) ; feet long on top; andconstructed of Concrete, earth, brush. etc. (c) The storage dam wi11•be—_20 -_—_—__feet in height (stream bed to overflow level) ; 210 long on top; have a freeboard of 10 - - feet, and be constructed of _eartah'_ Concrete, earth, etc. 7. Storage Reservoir Low Lake Name feet The storage reservoir will flood lands in STS of SW of Se t1on-5a NW1_ f sn ar nd SW oP 1(W of Section 8, T11N, R18E, IDBijp: este section or section[, also 40 -acre subdivisions unless shown upon map o It will have a surface area, of 32 a acres, and a capacity of 200 acre-feet. Mr In case of insufficient space for answers in form, attach extra sheets at top of page 3 and cross reference. FORM 1 8. Conduit System (describe main conduits only) (a) Canal, ditch, flume: Width -on, top (at water line) feet; width at bottom_ Cross oat two not Wed _ _ feet; depth of water feet; length - " feet; grade' "`` feet per :1;000 feet; materials of construction Earth, rock, timber. etc. (b) Pipe line: Diameter 10inches;length 8.500 feet; grade ' 6 feet per 1,000 feet; total lift from intake to outlet—_59__—___feet; kind— Transite Riveted steel, concrete, wood -:ave, etc. Note.—If a combination of ,different sizes or kinds of conduit is to be used, attach extra sheets with complete description, also show location of each clearly on map. 9. The estimated capacity of the diversion conduit or pumping plant proposed is__'0_ eta State cubic feet per second or gallons per minute The estimated cost of the diversion works proposed is $55, 000 Give only cost of intake, or headworks, pumps, storage .reservoirs and main conduits described herein Completion Schedule 10. Construction work will begin on or before Construction work will be completed on or before • The water will be completely applied to the proposed use on or before June 1, 1961 June 1, 1962 .Tune 1, 1964 Description of Proposed Use 11. Place' 'of Use: : See , Supplement State 40 -acre subdivisions of the public land survey. If area itunaurveyed indicate the location as if liner of the public land -survey were projected. In the case of irrigation use este the number of acres to be Jeri gated in each 40acre tract, if space permits.. If space does not permit listing of all 40 -acre trams, describe area in a general way and show detail upon map. Do (es) applicant (s) own the land whereon use of water will be made? ''' __—__ rid _____ Jointly? Yes Yes or No Yes or No Most of land is under option to Tahoe Paradise, Homes, the parent company. If applicant does not own land whereon meof water still be made,give name and, address of owner and state what arrangemens have; been made with him. • -12. Other;Rights. Describe all rights except those on file with the State Water Rights Board under which water is served to the above named lands. ' Nature of Right - `° (riparian, appropriative, purchased water, etc.) Year of First Use Use made in recent years including amount' if known Season of Use Source of Other Supply 1. . 1.a .' 2. 3. 4. Attach supplement at top of page; 3 if necessary. 13. Irrigation Use. The area to be irrigated is 1`3 acres State net acreage to bo irrigated. The segregation of acreage as to crops is as follows: Rice___________ _____acres; alfalfa acres; orchard acres; general crops acres; pasture Norn.—Care should" be taken that the various statements as to acreage are consistent with each other, with the statement in Paragraph 11, and. with • the map. acres The irrigation -season -will begin about and end about Closing data Beginning date 14. Power Use.' The- total'' fall to::: be utilized is feet niffe`rniu betSeem aoazleQ or,'draft tYube water level end first free water surface above .- The maximum amount of water to be used through the penstock is cubic feet per second. The maximum theoretical horsepower capable of being generated by the works is Second feet X fall -'r s.s The use to which the power is to be applied is - - For distribution and sale or private use. etc. The nature of the works by means of which power is to be developed is The size of the nozzle to be used is -- _inches. The water will be returned to a, Will not Name stream - State 40 -acre subdivision Turbine, Pelton wheal, etc. horsepower. Sec ,T ,R , —B &M. of Supplement to Paragraph 11 SW -1,- of Section 19; 5 - of NE} of Section 21; �E f' Section 2y ,j. \1 .T1 11 5�:,, o_ u.:c � on G.1.; �. � of S;; �; and S:: �; of I`�t: u of Section 22.W- of Nil and N�•l of SW2 of Section 27° I3 , SW } and N2. of SE* of Section 28; WI, SE, and 0 of NE* of Section 29; Section 30; N- and SE -;1- of Section 31; and l of Section 32, all in T12N, R18E, MD13 &M; W 2 of Section 5; NE,, and E2 of S- F of Section 6; E2 of NE -1 and E2 of SE of Section 7; 1'J-- of .Section' 8; 1d2, W2 of. NE* and Ida of SE- of Section 17; and N2 of N and NW* of NE.1 of Section 20; all in T11N, R18E, MDBEL.M; E? of NWt of . Section. 25; NE';; of Section 25; and the NE -j of ection 36, all in T12N, R17E, NDB&M. • CNFORMN (TO CRU ; oris-/ y, 3 ° • L . JL Y, e5(4* c J ' Supplement`to Paragraph 11 A place of use as follows: SW. of Section 19; SE* and Si of NE4 of Section 20; Wi of SWl. and SW* of NW j of Section 22; W2' of NW* and NW* of SW,—, 'of Section 27; Ni, SWµ and N1 of SE* of Section 28; W2, SE and Si of NE* of Section 29; Section 30; N-, and SE* of Section •31;' and W2 of Section , 32, all in T12N, R18E, MDB&M; Wi of Section 5; NE* and Ez of SE,i of Section 6; E of NE and :E2 of SE* of Section 7; Wa of Section 8; W2, 4 of NE* and W2 of SE4 of Section 17; and Ni of NW4 and NW,— of NES of Section 20; all in T11N, R18E, MDB&M; SE* of Section 25 and SE,i--, of Section 36, both :gin T12N, R17E, MDB&M. CONFORMING. TO ORDER OFA �--' G2� F1 '•A IMPORTANT [Please Read Carefully] e 1. Note the terms and conditions of this permit. Construction work must be prosecuted, and the water applied to the beneficial uses intended with due diligence. Annual reports of progress will be expected from you upon forms which will be furnished for the purpose. When the water has been fully applied to the beneficial uses intended the Water Code requires that you notify the State Water Rights Board thereof. 2. Neither this application nor the permit is a water right, but if the terms and conditions of the permit are observed a water right can be obtained through beneficial use of the water—the extent of the right to be determined by a field inspection which will be made by a representative of the State Water Rights Board. 3. No change in point of diversion, or place of use or character of use, can be made under this application and permit without the approval of the State Water Rights Board. 4. If the rights under this permit are assigned immediate notice to that effect with the name and address of the new owner should be forwarded to the State Water Rights Board, Sacramento, California. 5. Please advise immediately of any change of address. Until otherwise advised communications will be sent to the address used in the letter transmitting this permit. 81379 10-61 2M SPO December 1, 1970. ° (000o009) 6. Progress reports shall be filed promptly by permittee on forms which will be provided annually by the State Water Rights Board until license is issued. 000000/0) 7. A11 rights and privileges under this permit including method of diversion, method of use and quantity of water diverted are subject to the continuing authority of the State Water Rights Board in accordance with law and in the interest of the public welfare to prevent waste, unreasonable use, unreasonable method of use or unreasonable method of diversion of said water. (0006017-) 8. The total amount of water appropriated by direct diversion under this application and Applications 18021, 18030, 18031 and 18038, shall not exceed 345 acre-feet in any, calendar month or 2,360 acre-feet in any year. GDe1l�f, 9. Permittee shall bypass the following quantities of water into the natural stream bed of the Upper Truckee River at all times: (a) During the months of April, May, and June, 75 cubic feet per second or the total flow of the stream, whichever is less. (b) During July, a flow decreasing gradually from 75 cubic feet per second or the total flow of the stream, whichever is less, to 15 cubic feet per second or the total flow of the stream, whichever is less. The reduction caused by the permittee shall not be greater than,5 cubic feet per second .inany one day. (c) During the remainder of the year, 15 cubic feet per second or the total flow, whichever is less. " ° ' CO/4'0400 10. Ii accordance with Water Code Section 1393, permittee shall clear the site of the proposed reservoir of all structures, trees, and vegetation which would interfere with the use of the reservoir for water :'storage. and =rec'reetional. purposes. (-01/.0 056) 11. A separate application for the approval of plans and specifications for construction of the dam shall be filed with, and approved by, the Department of Water Resources prior to commencement of construction of the dam described under this approved water right application. ooh q4) 12. Permittee shall allow representatives of the State Water Rights Board and other parties, as may be authorized from time to time by said Board, reasonable access to project works to determine compliance with the terms of this permit. 67626 q This permit is issued and permittee takes it subject to the following provisions of the Water Code: Section 1390. A permit shall be effective for such time as the water actually appropriated under it is used for a useful and beneficial purpose in con- formity with this division (of the Water Code), but no longer. Section 1391. Every permit shall include the enumeration of conditions therein which in substance shall include all of the provisions of this article and the statement that any appropriator of water to whom a permit is issued takes it subject to the conditions therein expressed. Section 1392. Every permittee, if he accepts a permit, does so under the conditions precedent that no value whatsoever in excess of the actual amount paid to the State therefor shall at any time be assigned to or claimed for any permit granted or issued under the provisions of this division (of the Water Code), or for any rights granted or acquired under the provisions of this division (of the Water Code), in respect to the regulation by any competent public authority of the services or the price of the services to be rendered by any permittee or by the holder of any rights granted or acquired under the provisions of this division (of the Water Code) or in respect to any valuation for purposes of sale to or purchase, whether through condemnation proceed- ings or otherwise, by the State or any city, city and county, municipal water district, irrigation district, lighting district, or any political subdivision of the State, of the rights and property of any permittee, or the possessor of any rights granted, issued, or acquired under the provisions of this division (of the Water Code). Dated: APR 2 4 1962 i 94659 3-59 1M 0 SPO sr ssa - r moi STATE WATER RIGHTS BOARD xo plceed L. K. Rill Executive Officer N APPLICANT MUST NOT FILL IN BLANKS BELOW PERMIT No. 13530 • This is to certify that the application of which the foregoing is a true and correct copy has been considered and approved by the State Water Rights Board SUBJECT TO VESTED RIGHTS and the following limitations and conditions: 1. The amount of water appropriated shall be limited to the amount which can be benefically used and shall not exceed 3 cubic feet per second by direct diversion and 200 acre-feet,per annum by storage to be diverted and collected from January 1 to December 31 of each year. (O(9D0006) 2. The maximum amount herein stated may be reduced in the license if investigation so warrants,. (o cep ooO6) • 3. Actual construction work shall begin on or before July 1, 1962, and shall there- after be prosecuted with reasonable diligence, and if not so commenced and prosecuted, this permit .may be revoked. (00000U%� Said- construction work•'shall' be completed on 'or- 'before --December° 1,; '1968 .(OftOO ) 5. Complete application of the water to the proposed use,shall be_made.,on or before December 1, 1970. (000c4D9) 6. Progress reports shall be filed promptly by permittee on forms which will be provided annually by the State Water Rights Board until license is issued. `20000/0) 7. All rights and privileges under this permit including method of diversion, method of use and quantity of water diverted are subject to the continuing authority of the State Water Rights Board in accordance with law and in the interest of the public welfare to prevent waste, unreasonable use, unreasonable method of use or unreasonable method of diversion of said water. 0000001) 8. The total amount of water appropriated by direct diversion under this application and Applications 18021, 18030, 18031 and 18038, shall not exceed 345 acre-feet in any calendar month or 2,360 acre-feet in any year. C&ILO 9. Permittee shall bypass the following quantities of water into the natural -stream bed of the Upper Truckee River at all times: (a) During the months of April, May, and June, 75 cubic feet per second or the total flow of the stream, whichever is less. (b) During July, a flow decreasing gradually from 75 cubic feet per second or the total flow of the stream, whichever is less, to 15 cubic feet per second or the total flow of the stream, whichever is less. The reduction caused by the permittee shall not be greater than, ;5 cubic feet per second .jn, any,° one day. (c) During the remainder of the year, 15 cubic feet per second or the total flow, whichever is less. C%04n0) 10: It.accordance with Water Code Section 1393, permittee shall clear the site of the proposed reservoir of all structures, trees, and vegetation which would interfere with the use of the reservoir for water:storage•anUrecreationai purposes. OWL.Co SOS 11. A separate application for the approval of plans and specifications for construction of the dam shall be filed with, and approved by, the Department of Water Resources prior to commencement of construction of the dam described under this approved water right application. oocogg4') 12. Permittee shall allow representatives of the State Water Rights Board and other parties, as may be authorized from time to time by said Board, reasonable access to project works to determine compliance with the terms of this permit. (°106'07 qt This permit is issued and permittee takes it subject to the following provisions of the Water Code: Section 1390. A permit shall be effective for such time as the water actually appropriated under it is used for a useful and beneficial purpose in con- formity with this division (of the Water Code), but no longer. Section 1391. Every permit shall include the enumeration of conditions therein which in substance shall include all of the provisions of this article and the statement that any appropriator of water to whom a permit is issued takes it subject to the conditions therein expressed. Section 1392. Every permittee, if he accepts a permit, does so under the conditions precedent that no value whatsoever in excess of the actual amount paid to the State therefor shall at any time be assigned to or claimed for any permit granted or issued under the provisions of this division (of the Water Code), or for any rights granted or acquired under the provisions of this division (of the Water Code), in respect to the regulation by any competent public authority of the services or the price of the services to be rendered by any permittee or by the holder of any rights granted or acquired under the provisions of this division (of the Water Code) or in respect to any valuation for purposes of sale to or purchase, whether through condemnation proceed- ings or otherwise, by the State or any city, city and county, municipal water district, irrigation district, lighting district, or any political subdivision of the State, of the rights and property of any permittee, or the possessor of any rights granted, issued, or acquired under the provisions of this division (of the Water Code). e Dated: APR 2 4 1962 94659 9-59 1M 0 590 STATE WATER. RIGHTS BOARD xP >ice& e L. K. Hill Executive Officer °Susduo3 aagsM s1ai t4 4uapTsead toosTT rt �i :C� c' � /s/ [s.xva;zaJV ao auruvxoISJ - a . A.4V k 11t16 . 6 nsc 3 o 3uiod pasodosd ,ag3 mopq £iddns jo aasnos aq2 utos3 JaateA 3o slUEU EIa 3o sassasppt put sauttu .3113 a1 3rqh& •I Z , a a. . .0 a "ate `aC" .x •�ry _ ? 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JO spec! oaogS .omasm iad sooiiYS.•puoass sad soa;.asquo v v aq iIj'" �oa[osd srgi so3 3itautainbai Ja3Ees ai.turpin aqs 3t53 paiiumsa sr 21 • ; F �; 'o Fa_"u C . •021 •22seab 42aoeid plot — — - -- — --- - — --sr sauna alp 3o asn3tu alp put 01roIa;o omriij -s1 ante's. ag3 Suizripn 50 potpaut agy —sr paesas aq o3 .i iadosd Suitgtu agi jo autta ata .ass Surt 1W •9I :smouo; sr si asn itpgauag 41i1d s! `ion paliddt 3unouit un3 alp Ipun pouad JEa i -meg data 3o pua alp re asn utnuitatut jo tpuoui ag1 Suunp uopdutnsuoo Amp 33Esaet pa3tutr3sa acl,I, 3o uontindod 3uasasd t Su►etrl--- r Liao rams mgsn •maw so arw .?9p JO d31 spasm ' Supaas 3o asodsnd ag3 so3 op= st uoutoriddt srgj, •ass Iudianrny+T •SI aaaH S1a3:1-1S vLLX'a HSV I..LV "ADV: r:„_IL NI Zcf