1688• STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD Division of Water Rights CLOSING FORM FOR FILE FOLDERS FILE: A-18039 SUBJECT: Correspondence FOLDER: Main FROM 3/13/58 TO FOR SUBSEQUENT CORRESPONDENCE SEE FOLDER: 12/31/72 ttAtt (Inclusive dates must also be entered on folder label) State of California n orcn uni • Files B. Rinehart 'From Division of Water Rights The; Resources ,6tgen.y • Water Resources Control Board Dote December:11, 1972 subject Per-mits 13526, 13527, '13528, 13529, 13530 & 14335 (Apolications 18021, 18030, 18031a 18038, 18035, = &s, 19629) Application' 23502, e Tahoe in El -Dorado Co. Angora Water Co • Pending. Application 23502 is for 14.33 cfs -to be diverted from: Lace Tahoe by Angora Water Company for - the ,same .amount and place of use as under Applications 18030, 18031, 18033, 18039 and 19629 which are collectivelypermitted for 14.33 cfs from the- Upper he ,Upper Trackee River and trlbutar_Es°. Petitions have been -filed with each of the , companion filings for extension of time, change in point of diversion and to add to the place of use Tahoe Keys, Gardner .Mountain, Angora andl,ahoe Paradise;and ,consolidate them into a single enterprise ;which is now called Angora Water Comcany. Well are presently used to serve the entire area with the excep- tion of a 'supplemental' ;rarity diversion_ from a spring (A-18021). Pending Application` 23502 wa-s filed to consolidate the entire place of use and, requirements of water into a single filing: Water requirements have been calculated based on • Provisional 1972 El Dorado County zoning maps for the petitioned and, permitted places of use. The permitted area covers 4,884 acres which will 'support 12,600 dwelling units and require 3,610 afa. The petitioned place of use covers 4,912 acres and will support 17,015 dwelling units for a water requirement of 5,106 SURNAME NRC 129 0O.67) • total water ,pp ve giber 1 2c.615 r_ft's 'e i'1 -ls 8,716 : Waterre virf;' e ent - as shown r2 n i2?, abl e A were deet r _.ned Viand p e t, i t ±. o n d place -el ^h t s the per .itted i e rccelieie?1972 Provisional . _, i.Cd�. J_on _ zoning map -w, 2. i44.;pp.,l ed a din i l' in''' unit per 1cre ac tor from the land -use "'Sumar-y in the ,1972 General Plan of TRS Ato obtain total dwelling units for full development. :3. A.Pp1'ied a. unit requirement of 0.3 afa p'er DU (i.e. 265 gpd oer DU per year) as shown as an average annual require �rzL in the Report on 1969 use., of eater• .v i thin- Lake, -Tahoe- Basin, California-., example: Acres x DU ser "acre = DU DU x 0.3 = afa requirement Table A Suirr,Ilary Showy ng Zoning, Acreage and Water Requirements for Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Co. Per i tted Area Zoning: Acreage DU,per Acre DU AFA - ��eaUirement LDR 1,905 4 7.;620 2,286 0 272 2 GF ')62 v t;� C 1 7 15 3% ;'05 1,112 F RE10 =; 1 103. 103 R -EC 4 TC 6 15 90 27 44 - _. ^1 �t- on o f 217 1E 187 :113 L v9 4,912 3- , 1972 V. DU -er Acre, 15 15 1 15 Tabs e °A DU 9, 11336 , 295 296 c,� 2,805 .113 21:0 17,015 urinary. Annual imitation Of 'permit,s Require: lents for .permitted place of use Additional amount needed to satisfy requirements for permitted place of use RequirementS for pelrii iOned'Plac.e of use Total .addition?;1 • equir-earC'n is for, permitted and petitioned place of use.. • C ! I'1e Jz3,11. 2,789 01 842 34L 63 5,106 2,760 afa 3., 61 C-7717. 5,106 5,956 The permitted amount is insufficient therefore re1ianc.e - ..on.pend ng,;Application 23502 wiil,..be -made, and in addition a portion of water requirem ?nt. •maY C;;? me,t, th•e, City of South Lake 'Tahoe filing _ (p'en ine Application 23393) which requested 52.5'cfs. It is recommended that an extension Of time and change in point of diversion be granted on the companion filings. petition for change in glace of use must be denied due to insuf- ficient ns ;c'fficient water. The permits should be amended allowing quantitative 11mit ;,from- all sources including ,.veils. The BR:lryder STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL. BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS CENTRAL REGION PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1971 OWNER OF RECORD: APPLICATION 18039 TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY P 0 BOX 11117 TAHOE PARADISE: CALIF 95705 (916) 541-2622 TELEPHONE NUMBER If the owner or address shown above is wrong, please correct SOURCE: UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER AMOUNT: PURPOSE: 3 CU FT/SEC 200 AC—FT/ANN DOMESTIC PERMIT 13530 EXPIRATION DATE: 12-01-70 This report is important in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Rights, Room 1140, Resources Building, 1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento, California 95814. Neither the filing of an application nor issuance of a permit in approval thereof constitutes a water right. A water right is established only by beneficial use of water in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit. This report provides a record of the development of your project. If the project is diligently completed a license will be issued to confirm the right developed by beneficial use. The project has been abandoned and I request revocation of this permit. ❑ Yes n No CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? NO 2. Has all construction work been completed? If not, describe briefly the portions of the project completed including cost of work done: _Nominal Engineering 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion See remarks below 4. What construction work remains to be done to complete the project? All USE OF WATER 1. Has use of water commenced?__________It was used for: (a) 0 Irrigation Total acres irrigated Name crops served and acreage of each (b) ❑ Stockwatering_______________ --------________ — — — (f) 0 Mining Number of animals Method of water use (c) 0 Industrial (g) p Recreational Nature of use Nature of use (d) 0 Domestic —___—___________—____ (h) 0 Power generation Number of persons, Area of garden, lawn, etc. Installed horsepower capacity (e) ❑ Municipal -- — -- --- — -- (i) ❑Other — — ---- — Approximate population----------�- 2. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? =—.= 3. Has location of the intake, place of use or type of use been changed? See remarks 4. Did the source go dry? If so, during what months? 5. What quantity of water was used each month in 1970 under this permit in gallons or acre-feet? (If not known check months water was used.) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY Did your reservoir spill this year?_____ --__If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? Rave you emptied the reservoir?—__—___If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season? REMARKS See attachment (If more space is needed, use reverse side) Tahoe 18 ary 1972 b Date---------Janu --___--------__-- Sign Here WRCB-15 (8.71) 1971 aradise Water ByGJa s Co. ermtaee C. Baron, President OPS George 99308-983 8-71 3M 0 OSP t • g,i1.4‘4 4,04 • .Ay ; -;"‹, 4 • h 00r '4' • - Cep' • On May 6, 1970, the Company filed a "Petition for Chancre in Point of Diversion" and simultaneously filed a "Petition for Change of Place of Use". These petitions are the result of engineering studies. accomplished to date and in collaboration with the other utilities mentioned in said petitions. To provide water for domestic use of the companies' potentional customers based on presently subdivided lands the total quantity of water in the permit is considered essential. On 30 July 1971, the Company filed petition for extension of time as the Water Rights Branch had not acted on petitions cited in paragraph one above. The Company is. initiating a bacteriological sampling program at the new proposed point of diversion.. APPLICATION: NAME ADDRESS SOURCE • PT. OF DIV. AMOUNT PURPOSE SEASON PERMIT NO. STATE OF CALIFORNIA --THE RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS REPORT OF INSPECTION Filing Data 1 8039 FILING DATE.: TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY P 0 BOX 11117 TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER TRIB LAKE TAHOE THENCE TRUCKEE RIVER NW1/4 OF SW1/4 SECTION 5 T11N R18E MDB&M 3 CO FT/SEC 200 AC-.FT/ANN DOMESTIC JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 13530 DATE ISSUED: 04-24-62 EXPIRES: 12-01-70 COUNTY: 03-13-58 EL DORADO Date of Inspection June 10, 1971 Inspected by Ben Rinehart ... ... Accompanied by... George Baron President • ; Persons interviewed. _Stapley..14artin • . .... ..... Beason for inspection ....r.11:i-Ir.i?-_.e,xpLyed_on...pets._ _ License 0 Changes or corrections Recommendation Extension EZ to .. None 0 (Indicate by an "X" the items that need change from permit or license and show correctly below) Owner 0 Address 0 Amount 0 Season 0 Purpose 0 Point of diversion 2] Plate of use f a No action 0 Revoke 0 Remarks (Explain basis for recommendation) Diversion system has not -15e -en installed. Petitions for change in point of diversion to divert from Lake Tahoe have been -submitted. Petitions to change _thel.PlaCa_Of_uae to include the entire service area. and consolidate with Tahoe. _Keys,_Angora_Garil.nei li.gantain and Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company water .systems— Name . Truckee River Tributary to.. Lake Tahoe From (direction) South Source During what portion of year does minimum flow occur? US GS Who measures flow? Is supply natural flow Estimated minimum flow Late s mime r Yes 10 cis Measured or estimated flow at time of inspection • See U.S.G.S. Diversion System records Is point'of diversion at location specified in permit, license'or order? Not constructed IF not, when will petition be submitted? May 6.,___I970 If diversion point has been moved, roughly. describe prescnt location withrespect to.authorized location.... ..... Plan to divert from Lake Thhoe Would change_ cause any injury? No Is diversion by gravity or pumping? Not constructed Is diversion system eemplete?.... No . If not, briefly explain what remains to be done has not been made. Alternate.water suppq_y_presently from wells. Diversion If not complete, does it appear to have. been pursued with reasonable diligence? NQ • • What is the capacity of the limiting settion? . How determined?. NA. Explain briefly wanner of determining above capacity:...... Not...constructed ..... ...... • \ 0.4.31'; niOVS 04 i 330:1..!(109'Fli��=i.Ly400 e 1110 Place of Use (Permit) Name of place of use, if commonly known as such Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company service area Describe briefly any changes from. place of use as described in permit, license or order. No change at present -_petitions have been. submitted to,j ncxea. g Ljf __pl4=___Qf use. . Is petition required? Yes If so, indicate when it will be submitted /flay 6, 1970 Is place of use developed to a point where full use of water may be made? If not, describe briefly what remains to be done_ Use is increasing rapidly. with new construction No Does it appear that development has been pursued with due diligence? Yes - entire service area expand ,, Does permittee or licensee own or control all the land originally covered'or as covered by change?.—_B'nnitt_Qe___ _at_ed —control bx virtue of P.U.C. certificate of convenience and necaasi.ty_._ Major Use of Water Briefly describe method of applying water to major use -Use is presently from drilled wells. Does method of use appear to be wasteful, judging from local standards? NO Explain answer system is under gressure _— List units served during maximum season (if applicable) 1969 Lake Tahoe Report under all filin s"is for 643 services and a total of 189.1 acre-feet. 40 acre-feet was used under—A-1:8021 from unnamed creek in 1970. The balance of use was from wells. No Other Uses . Average number of persons served during maximum period Number of housing units Plumbing facilities available ............ Area of garden, lawn, etc., served Area sprinkled to allay dust__ Number of domestic livestock served_ -- Other miscellaneous domestic use Recreational use Extent of Use of Water Season of use and/or diversion to storage:__________ No use under permit �---- Average rate of use by direct diversion during maximum period None Approximate beginning and ending dates of maximum period done _______ Year of maximum use Complete the following only if storage is involved Maximum amount diverted to storage in one season__Year Does the purpose for which water was stored require withdrawal before use? If so, give maximum withdrawal in one season_Year _ How much water was held over in dead storage? For what what purpose?—_ ------------------- Other Rights A 18021 - Unnamed Creek - inspected 1971 - Recc. license for.0.21 cfs. A 23562 pending' SWRB 19.2 (2-601 .e.1 -e. /M O.. • 411 CLLN3I'VV:MVS ;.4n3 101i.i.N00 413761LVj -. 116 Nci °t1 .6$4 REMARKS A 18030 P 13527 3 cfs all year A 18031. P 13528 3 cfs all year A 18038 P.13529 3 cfs all Jeer plus 200 JUA storage A 18039 P 1,530 3 cfs all sear pl.= 200 AFA storage A 19629 r' 14335 2.33 cfo all year plus 104 AFA storage No use of liter has been made under these permits. Tahoe Paradise Uate~r and Gas. Company was purchased from Myers Water Company in 1966. 20 drilled. Breus presently provide the additions Tater requirements of the Company* . Use from an unnaned. creek (1.0 AF in 1970) is alae geed (A 18021). Petitionz have been submitted Nkay 62 19702 x•equeeting change in point of diversion to a proposed pumping plant at Take Tahoe and change in place of use to consolidate eater systems presently served by wells within Upper Truckee River watershed to Tahoe Keys. The entire area is growing rapidly with greater demand for seater. Permittee reaiisee the problemof surface diversion from Upper Truckee River with low summer flown.; requirements by Department of Fish and Came and use of water by riparian users. Permittee has considered drilling another well. but anticipates a more feasible method te be diversion from the Lake. Hearings are anticipated during 1972 , on the Companies' filings from Upper Truckee Watershed. The tonal amount under. permit is 14.33 cfs and 504 AFA . storage. A.23562. is a pending application for 14.33 cfs :from Lake Tahoe for diversion from the same point of diversion as shown in petition for request for. change in point of diversion under the Upper Truckee River pee its. The pending application envisions consolidation of the entire place of use of Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas as yell as Agora and Tahoe Keys Water Service areas which are presently served by drilled Wells. A substantial increase in service area is involved. Permittees esti- mate of the number of parcels to be served within each area is: Angora. 4,092 Tahoe Paradise 5,132 Tahoe Keys 2,500. 11,724 parcels 112724-x 0.3 AF/year 3,0517 acre -feat per year requirement. . Pernittee indicated. that the U. S. Eldorado Rational Forest Wants service of water for the Pope Beach, Camp - Richardson to Spring Creek Tract. This will require 24,000 feet of 12" pipeline. In addition,, permittee stated that a request for service of a 150 site campground near Upper Truckee River and Highway 50 has also been made. Decision 1152 on A 19629 resulted in a chance: in place of use (total area about 52000 acres) identic l with A 180210 .1.8:030, 18031, 18038 and 18039 with a limitation of 143 acre-feet per month under A-19629. The total limitation under all of the subject Upper Truckee River permits is 345 acre-feet per month and 2,760 acre-feet per year. aem Ben nehart Cater Resources Engineering Associate Juno 25, 1971 •"'-'-',•-•0';',•••,4P • '" • r . • I . • , - • ••• •.•-• / ' . *. • • 1 •••.. • • •••.: • -..) . I t- • - •-' 1 .• • • 1 • rr• X°, e ; rr• r: • '• • �1211V( CA TE 2....-.11,r.", . 4.t.. • . 4 --....r.• .-... q .T., -;;;,,,id 5. P,r ri..•;;::;;;;- •••; •.„ •• US17.';'• . ..'-', . ; , et i? ,...1:::. h: :,r' adels.:, -..-1,.,,,<!. 1-.,.....N. • . ;:r ; .. ON. C;, r KIN -1"S: • . ..t f;•Er•.RA P.::•,•-_!1:'.:11 1-"VnIR CO. , ..• : .,. • . t . 01 u.s.r.-- • . . • •.' .-• ' '• , • • - : : I -r-. Iz -T: ii r.---- — - ',. . • . , :. _ . • . . . ... . .. : . . ‘1 • •• " ;!•, I - !'• 1 . :4"l N : • k • • • - • N. • • •• I • .• • . • • • — • . ,•. •• • . -`•-••• 7•„, • • ••4•-•-•.•;:a.. • _12. • , . • . _ • •‘1, ; • • • • ' • • ! 1. • rr; , •• , . •i • 1 I • , •*" . • • •vA.t.t.E1 U?It NP. 1 : I, :TYT MAS VALI. EY J IT N2. • 4 • 9 • 1 • • ", • • ; • ' • • ' - 1,7.4; • I , erRIDC.;::.TR14.11 " •PERMIT" ritr:b PLAG‘ OF LJSZ, EXLST-t AIG PL.,AcE (F USE • • \I -\\-\\.I 11 AKE: UNIT 1'; ‘ LE:11 CESA • •• Sfr. lr. G • elL.W.F. CREEK LINTtt'a. 'ZERKE ( AGEE • , • kr•-- '=•.;:'-ri JC \ ( • SPEREETZZEHEMID 1f1 1 r A pi DE P.ii.. t 1 ArEie. 411Th GAS Co. A _ aa02./ /8030- /80.34 /8039- /96a9 TA's 14 AP C.alu.4*.o4P4 Ir -o .ek. t Al F /2 /9 - 6 3 • rA, 411/1P A), e Aof 3- 6 - 7 2 43Y £3.tZ. : • . . • • • C (6.•. :.1:7c C)' (.:-)•••••.r. . • I:L T. 12 N. U.S ''7.AUDE -p/yyAD,5 — !4 tE 'igthl iem A (golf _ f e)3a,-,J.o3/ a r,0039. 19421 0 Tiles Asan A'� 1,3,4ftEo s- 9-72. b y 43.R. -t- / / � r U 5.2 'S i-) ow , •� Cj A 11 Wa e r USeA is ME'lp� e /1 ����.is �'t �..% ' Ieci 4y f/ e j0 Tree.• I n1 1 tli�;l Mt D Sp(?../A-)6 PLANT #` 2 - WATER CONSUMPTION 1970 Month 1110,1CGA 5 January February March 3. / 3•�9 April May June July August 3 `at September 2 :w October Z. -4-% November 3.4-3 December 3. 9 1971 January. February March April IV?) Max. rior,+b ...- /2.95 AF -- Use Iq"1c 40 M g = 124,1 4F Water Pumped 394,507 cu. ft. 514,733 cu. ft. 417,440 cu. ft. 492,987 cu. ft. 563,810 cu. ft.4.--o21�fs 470,730 cu. ft. 468,570 cu. ft. 509,400 cu. ft. 334,790 cu. ft. 330,630 cu. ft. 458,240 cu. ft. 452,620 cu. ft. • qr. 270,460 cu. ft. 377,400 cu. ft.. 463,280 cu. ft. 453,810 cu. ft. o ,2 I CIS A Wholly Owned Subsiclia y of WHITTINGTON OIL CO., INC. -(A UTAH CORPORATION) LISTEN ONPAC,IE1C COAST STOCK EXCHANGE Present Water Use • Water use under permit is limited to use under Application 18021 (Permit 13526). Total 1970 use was 124.1 acre-feet from this gravity source. Maximum monthly use was in Eby which was 12.95 acre-feet which is equivalent to a continuous flow of 0.21 cfs. This permit can be licensed; however, the natter of consolidation of the place of use must be resolved. The system comingles with the present well supplies. A petition has been submitted requesting an identical expanded place of use under all six filings. .1969 Use from all Sources within Permitted Place of Use The 1969 Report on Use of Water is based on metered values from the two wells and the gravity source as follows: Well No. 1. . Well No. 2 Permit 13526 109.9 afa 7.0 afa 72.2 afa 189.1 afa total. Existing Zoning, in Permitted Place of Use Zoning maps which cover the entire permitted place of use were plani- metered. A tabulation was made showing the number of acres within each zone, the acre-feet per acre allowance and the conversion to acre-feet requirements. The unit value for requirements per dwelling unit (0.3 AFA per D.U.) is based on the 1969 Report on Use of Water in Lake Tahoe Basin, California.. The tabulation is broken down into two parts as follows: (1) Permitted place Of use presently served and '(2) Permitted place of use for proposed. service. A summary of the attached tabulation indicates Acres AFA Reouirement Area (1) Now Served. 2671.5 0089 Area (2) Proposed Service 2753.4 1262 5424.9" 7351 A separate tabulation was rade covering the entire service areas of three other water companies which plan to consolidate with Tahoe Paradise as filed. by Gardner Mountain Water Company under pending Application 23502. The water companies are presently served by wells. Petitions and maps have been received to include these areas within the place of use. Additional areas covered by petition are: Water Company Acres AFA Requirement Tahoe Keyes 1,022 2,263 Angora 1,627 3,929 Angora Proposed 1,290 .1,037 Gardner Mountain 545 1,766 .4,484 8,995 Total acres proposed 5,424 4,484 9;909 'Total AFA Requirement 7,351 8,995 16,346 AFA • Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Data on Population Density D.U.vs AFA Requirements* 17,900 5,370 APA City of South Lake Tahoe 33,610 10,083 AFA 51,510 15,453 AFA Total Co. Requirement El Dorado County 1960 Use of Water - Metered . Water Company AFA Tahoe Keys 374.0 • Angora • 148.9 Gardner Mountain . 68.4 591.3 D.U. x 0.3 AF per year