2420State of California Memorandum The esources Agency state Water Resources Control Board To : Files Date : November 21, 1969 Subject: Application 23393 Lake Tahoe in El Dorado County A. A. Chesler From : Division of Water Rights Mr. Donald E. Kienlen,of the firm of Murray, Burns and Kienlen, called at the office and amended the application to show the third point of diversion within Lot 3 as being as noted and initialled on the application eC aed, when »fioP5 a form. It appears this application is now ready for advertisini /Y` -' '04.o AAC: do SURNAME WRCB 129 (10.67) y *RUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLO Show,to whom, date, andDeliver ONLY Liaddress where delivered ❑ to addressee (Additional charges required for these services) RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO. ' SIGNATU 'R NAME OF ADDRESSEE (Mu always befilkd in) AP I CERTIFIED NO. A INSURED NO. SIGN R u ADDI SSEE'S A NT. IF ANY DATE DELIVERED FEB lU SHOW W ER DELIVERED (only if requested) C55-18-71548-10 OPO GOO eh E a o. POSTOFFICIOFFICEAL BUSINESS DEPARTMENT 8 3 3 5 3 INSTRUCTIONS: Show name and address below and complete instructions on other side, where applicable. Moisten gummed ends, attach and hold firmly to back of article. Print on front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED.Ade PENALTY FORPRIVATE USE TO AVOID. PAYMENT OF POSTAGE. $300 POSTMARK OP DELIVERING OPPICC RETURN TO NAME OF SENDER STREET AND NO. OR P.O., BOX State Water Resources Control B.o Room 1140, 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento. California 95814 POST OFFICE. STATE, AND ZIP CODE - *RUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLO Show to whom, date, andDeliver ONLY 1_,Jaddress where delivered ❑ to addressee' (Additional charges required for these services) RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO. IFIED NO. 1T. Lf t?/ INSURED NO. SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE ( fust always Wiled in) qe Q) SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT, IF ANY BATE DELIVERED H WORE DELIVERED (orfly if requcslcd) < 05-16-71&48-10 GPO n PDD Form 3811 Apr. 1967 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT .) 3 3 / 3 PENALTY FOR PRIVATE, USE TO AVOID OFFICIAL ROSINESS _ - - PAYMENT OF POSTAGE, 1300. INSTRUCTIONS: Show name an complete instructions on other sid Moisten gummed ends, .attach and of article. Print on front of RECEIPT REQUESTED. orC �tlress f Iow and here app [cable. old firmly ,to back rticle 1ETURN et 4 POSTMARK OF DELIVERING, OFFICE I RETURN" NAME OF SENDER STREET AND NO. OR P.O. BOX stat,- t'40orr sources Control BoE Room 1140, 1416 Ninth &treet Sacramento, California 95814 POST OFFIC•ATE, AND ZIP CODE • l •TRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLC• 1---- Show to whom, date, and Deliver ONLY ❑ address where delivered ❑ to addressee (Additional charges required for these services) -RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO. SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (Must always be filled in) CERTIFIED NO. / 7k,K3 �- INSURED NO. DATE DELIVERED 4 /,e• -.v MATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT, IF ANY 7 SHOW WHERE DEL W RED (on! requested) =1//`�lsl'®s% Ol/-7rf, r f J c55-10-715 8-10 GPO POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL BUSINESSP GEM 3 3 3 P5}�LR' FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID +Isk0.1171 PINK ELI NFAMN ° 10 =ma 1970 sma P /01sEn TO INSTRUCTIONS: Show name and address below and complete instructions on other side. where applicable. Moisten gummed ends, attach and hold firmly to back of article. Print on front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED. NAME OF SENDER STREET AND NO. OR P.O. BOX State Water Resources Control Bo Roou, 1140, 141C Ninth Strc Sacramento, California 95814 POST OFFSTATE, AND ZIP CODE RUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOY. Show to whom, date, andDeliver ONLY, 1_1 address where delivered ❑ to addressee (Additional charges required for these services) RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO, CERTIFIED NO, / aa INSURED NO, DATE DELIVERED F.: To 19 SIGNATURE 0 NAME OF ADDRESSEE (Must always b filled in) O "..i in,.�.e'�il_,j,*9__//�',!"; ,�^✓ -_;,:dam SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT, IF ANY SHOW WHERE DELIVERED (only if requested) c55 -1O -71518-l0 GPO POST of R ENT OF,=S POD Form 3811 Apr. 19 50TH ANNIVE 1919 - 1 INSTRUCTIONS: Show name and'address below and complete instructions on other side, where applicable. Moisten gummed ends, attach and hold firmly to bac of article. Print on front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED. RETURN TO NAME OF SENDER STREET AND NO. OR P.O. BOX State Water Resources Control. Rwm 1140, 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, California. 95814 POST OFFICiTE, AND ZIP CODE OTRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPL_O• ®Show to whom, date, and Deliver ONLY address where delivered ❑ to addressee (Additional charges required for these services) RECEIPT Received°the numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO. SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE Won always bcfiRedin) CERTIFIED N0. 1 SUREO. DATE DELIVERED /1/712 SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT IF ANY SHOW WHERE DELIVE ED only i/ rcquestc • c55 -16 -71S48 -1U GPO co co E 0 O 0 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL BUSINESS 333 INSTRUCTIONS: Show name and address below and complete instructions on other side, where applicable. Moisten gummed ends, attach and bold firmlyto back of article. Print on front of article RE RECEIPT REQUESTED. PENALTY FOR �' 1. USE TO AVOID PA{i7fii'� irx.. 1305 RE Ukr TO NAME OF SENDER STREET AND NO. OR P.O. BOX State Water Resources Control Bo Hoom 114D. 1410 Ninth SLree. Sacramento. California 95814 POST OFF•TATE, AND ZIP CODE • IIiUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOY. ❑Show to whom, date, and Deliver ONLY address where delivered ❑ to addressee (Additioi:al charges required for these services) RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO. SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (Must always be filled in) CERTIFIED,NO. /%lee,36 INSURED NO. DATE DELIVERED FIE1310197 SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT, IF ANY SHOW WHERE DELIVERED (only if requested) c55-16-71548-10 OPO POD Form 3811 Apr., 1967 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL BUSINESS a 3 3 i 3 INSTRUCTIONS: Show name and address below and complete instructions on other side, where applicable. Moisten gummed ends, attach and hold firmly to back of article. Print on front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED. PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE, TRIG POSTMARK OF DELIVERING OFFICE 7) RET71 URN Y0 NAME OF SENDER STREET AND NO. OR P.O. BOX State Water Resources Control B( Room 1140, 1416 Ninth SL cC6 Sacramento. California 95814 POST OFFICE SATE, AND ZIP CODE • II0RUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOY• ❑Show,to whom, date, and Deliver ONLY address where delivered ❑ to addressee (Additional charges required for these services) RECEIPT Received the nurnbePedtarticle decribed below. REGISTERED NO. SIGNATU E OR/NAM F ADDRESSEE (Must always befilled in) CERTIFIED NO. ` o I rl���`�LL /TI/D (Ji7.4 INSURED NO. DATE DELIVERED SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT, IF ANY SHOW WHERE DELIVERED (only i/requested).= c55=10-71548-10 GPO POST OFFICE D OFFICIAL ti FEB 10 `• t970 9c-73.? PAYAGULOE.POSTAGE DE G OFF INSTRUCTIONS: Show name and address below and complete instructions on other side. where applicable. Moisten gummed ends. attach and hold firmly to back RETURN a of article. Print on front of article RETURN TO RECEIPT REQUESTED. NAME OF SENDER State Water Resources Control Boal, Room 1140 1426 Xinth Street STREET AND NO. OR P.O. BOX Sacramento, California 95814 j POD Form 3811 ftp POST OFFICE STATE, AND 11P CODE RUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMMY' Show to whom, date, and Deliver ONLY r--1address whore delivered ❑ to addlossce (Additional charges required for these services) RECEI PT Receivedd the numbered article described below. REGISTERED N0. CERTIFIED N0. SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (Must always bcjlled in) -/ SIGNATU 0;'ADDRE E'S AGENT. IF ANY INSURED N0. DATE DELIVERER_ SHOWaWHERE DELIVERED (only ij requested) c55-113-71548-10 'Po POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT 3 S 3 PENALTY FOR P: • AVOID PAYM OFFICIAL BUSINESS INSTRUCTIONS: Show name and address below and complete instruZtions on other side, where applicable. Moisten gummed ends, attach and hold firmly to back of article. Print on front of article RETURN -• RECEIPT REQUESTED. RETURN AC TO NAME OF SENDER e4 STREET AND NO. OR P.O. BOX E State Water Resources Control Room 1140, 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, California 95814 POST OFFICE, STATE, AND ZIP CODE A O- 6 INDUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOY* ❑Show to whom, date, and Deliver ONLY address where delivered ❑ to addressee (Additional charges required for these services) a, a RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO, SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (Must always bcfilled WO CERTIFIED N0. 1 7RED tT c3 DATE DELIVERED FEB 1 l l SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT, IF ANY SHOW WHERE DELIVERED(ntyi/ a erred) ca5—I6-71548-10 OFO POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT a '3 3 / 3 OFFICIAL BUSINESS POD Form 3811 Apr. 1967 INSTRUCTIONS: Show name and address below and complete instructions on other side, where applicable. Moistenummed ends, attach and hold firm( to back of article. Print on front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED. PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF 300 NAME OF SENDER State Water Resources Control STREET AND NO, OR P.O. BOX Room 1140, 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, California 95814 POST OFFICE•E, AND ZIP CODE 1 Bo'