1988State Water Resources Control Board • 40 DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 40 P.O. BOX 2000 SACRAMENTO, CA 95812-2000 901 P ST. SACRAMENTO, CA .(916) 657-1364 FAX: (916) 657-2217 PROGRESS REPORT BY -{PERMITTEE FOR 1992 fa ; NAR { f 7: 24 APPLICATION: 01'8039 OWNER OF RECORD: {ham` PERMIT: 013530 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTZtITY DISTRZ-�C�T ,�� �. ��;,, ���.f� 3 P//{y/-10/x/ /4,�7// 1275 Meadow Crest Drive S, * - # gx SOUTH LAKE TAHOE. CA i9/3V'3 / 96150 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (916) 544-6474 IF OWNER'S NAME/ADDRESS/PHONE NO. IS WRONG OR MISSING. PLEASE CORRECT. SOURCE: COUNTY: UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER EL DORADO PURPOSE: DOMESTIC DIVERSION/STORAGE SEASON: ACRES/HP: JAN 01 TO DEC 31 // JAN 01 TO DEC 31 .0 AC AMOUNT: 3.000 CFS 200.0 AC—FT COMPLETE USE BY: 12/01/1970 IMPORTANT! EVERY permit is issued subject to the conditions therein expressed. I have currently reviewed my permit: YES [ X] NO [ ]. I am complying with the conditions under which my permit has been issued: YES [ ] NO [X ]. Identify any noncompliance by permit term number under "Remarks" on reverse side. This report is important in providing the record of use needed in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the above address. • THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND I REQUEST REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT: YES [ ] NO [X ]. CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? YES [ ] NO [X]. Is construction completed? YES[ ] NO [ ]. 2. If incomplete, describe briefly the work done, including cost: 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion 4. What percent of construction work remains to be done? Explain USE OF WATER 5. Has use of water commenced? YES [ ] NO [X ]. Check appropriate box(es) below and explain how water was used. (a) [ ] Irrigation Total acres irrigated Name of crops served and acreage of each (b) [ 1 Stockwatering (f) [ ] Recreational Number of animals Boating, fishing, water contact sports (c) 1 1 Industrial (g) [ ] Power generation Nature of use Installed horsepower capacity (d) [ ] Domestic (h) [ ] Other Number of persons, area of garden, lawn, etc. (e) [ ] Municipal Approximate population 6. Amount of water used each month under this permit in gallons or acre-feet. (If not known, check months water was used.) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Annual 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? YES [ ] NO '1 1. If "No", explain in "Remarks". 8. Has location of the intake, place of use, or type of use been changed? YES [ ] NO [ ]. Explain in "Remarks". 9. Did the source go dry? YES [ ] NO 1 1. If so, during what months? STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? YES [ 1 NO[ 1. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? Have you emptied the reservoir? YES [ 1 NO [ ]. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season? APR 2 1993,pj 't WR -15 (6/92) 1841 1992 (REPORT CONTINUES ON REVERSE SIDE) PLEASE ANSWER ONLY THOSE QUESTIONS BELOW WHICH ARE APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT. MUNICIPAL, COMMUNITY, OR SUBDIVISION PROJECTS ONLY CONSERVATION OF WATER 11. How many service connections to date? Total population served by the water system • 12. Estimated number of service connections under full use: 13. Are the connections individually metered; YES [ 1 NO [ 1. 14. Do you plan to meter the connections? YES 1 1 NO 1 1. When? 15. Sewage generated by those to whom you deliver water is disposed of by: Septic tanks and leach lines [ 1; Seepage pits [ 1; Central treatment plan [ 1 operated by ; Other [ 1 (specify under "Remarks"). 16. Is water service provided to an area or subdivision including a recreational reservoir: YES [ ] NO[ J. 17. Name of area or subdivision so served: 18. State surface area at maximum water level in recreational reservoir(s) referred to in 16. Identify surface area(s) by name of dam or reservoir: 19. What measures are you using or planning to reduce water losses in conveyance systems? (1) Seepage or leak detection program [ 1; (2) Lining canals [ 1; (3) Phreatophyte and aquatic vegetation control [ 1; (4) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 20. What measures are used to encourage consumers to conserve water in agricultural use? (1) Program to encourage more efficient irrigation systems (sprinkler, drip, etc.), where applicable [ 1; (2) Return flow systems on individual farms [ 1; (3) Return flow system areawide [ 1; (4) Water'pricing to encourage reduced use [ 1; (5) Charges for drainage of irrigated lands [ 1; (6) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ I. 21. What measures are used to encourage municipal and industrial consumers to conserve water? (1) Regulations to control wasteful use [ 1; (2) Public education program on water conservation [ 1; (3) Pricing to encourage reduced use [ ]; (4) Assistance to industry in design of recycle systems [ ]; (5) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ j. 22. What records are maintained on water use and conservation? (1) Loss rate from conveyance system [ 1; (2) Water use for major crops by each farm [ 1; (3) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ 1. 23. Describe any water conservation efforts you may have started - 24. If credit toward beneficial use of water under this permit for water not used due to a conservation effort is claimed under Water Code Sectiun 1011, please show the amounts of water conserved (acre feet or mg.): WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION 25. Describe methods you are using to minimize erosion and to prevent the entry of silt into surface waters: 26. After use, the water is (1) retained in reservoir [ 1;, (2) discharged into a stream or lake [ 1; (3) discharged into settling ponds [ 1; (4) other [ ]. Describe: 27. Does or will water being discharged contain waste materials? [ ] YES [ 1 NO. (1) Domestic 1 1; (2) Municipal [ 1; (3) Industrial [ 1; (4) Agricultural [ 1; (5) Other [ 1. Describe. 28. Does or will water being discharged contain any specific material which is deleterious to fish and wildlife or which would impair the water for beneficial uses? [ 1 Yes [ 1 No. Describe: TO THE EXTENT THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS APPLY TO YOUR PERMIT, PLEASE ANSWER IN REMARKS SECTION BELOW. 29. Are you now or have you been using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment facility or water polluted by waste to a degree which unreasonably affects such water for other beneficial uses? [ 1 Yes [X] No. If credit toward use under this water right through substitution of reclaimed or polluted water in lieu of appropriated water is claimed under Section 1010 of the Water Code, please show the amounts of reclaimed water used. 30. Are you now or have you been reclaiming or reusing any of the water appropriated under this right? [ 1 Yes [X 1 No. If Yes, please describe: 31. What is present availability or current potential for using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment plant or polluted water in place of the appropriated water to satisfy all or part of your water needs? None. 32. What is the current potential for reusing the appropriated water to satisfy part of your water needs? N/A 33. If you produce reclaimed water, or polluted water, is there a potential for others to use it? In Alpine County for irrigation. REMARKS (Identify the item you are explaining. Additional pages may be attached.) #5. See attachment. I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated March 22, 1993 at South Lake Tahoe California Sign here: (Local •n) 1 (State) _c_......04_ PERMITTEE (OR AGENT OR DESIGNEE) •RESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE — 1117. 2 ATTACHMENT This is one of five related water rights applications: A 18030 P 13527 A 18031 P 13528 A 18038 P 13529 A 18.039 P 13530 A 19629 P 14335 These permits are now held by South Tahoe Public Utility District. Its predecessor, Tahoe -Paradise Water Company, Inc., filed various petitions in 1970 and 1971 for extensions of time to put water to beneficial use and for changes in place and purpose of use for these permits. Those petitions are still pending. South Tahoe Public Utility District anticipates that these pending peititions will eventually be acted upon by the State Water Resources Control Board. South Tahoe Public Utility District intends to make reasonable and beneficial use of water pursuant to these permits at such time as these pending petitions are granted. ajs7attach • State Water Resources Control Board DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS ill P.O. BOX 2000 SACRAMENYO, CA 95812-2000 901 P ST. SACRAMENTO, CA , P5 (916) 324-5626 PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE (FOR"2' 1451 OWNER OF RECORD: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT P 0 BOX 19487 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 95706 IF OWNER'S NAME/ADDRESS/PHONE NO. IS WRONG OR SOURCE: UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER PURPOSE: DOMESTIC Y'} �,a' tit APPLICATION. 018039 .��: j4ERMI-t(,013530 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (9161 544-6474 MISSING. PLEASE CORRECT. COUNTY: EL DORADO DIVERSION/STORAGE SEASON: ACRES/HP: JAN 01 TO DEC 31 // JAN 01 TO CEC 31 .0 AC AMOUNT: 3.000 CFS 200.0 AC -FT COMPLETE USE BY: 12/01/1970 IMPORTANT! EVERY permit is issued subject to the conditions therein expressed. I have currently reviewed my permit: YES [x] NO [ ]. I am complying with the conditions under which my permit has been issued: YES [ ] NO [x]. Identify any noncompliance by permit term number under "Remarks" on reverse side. This report is important in providing the record of use needed in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the above address. THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND I REQUEST REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT: YES [ ] NO [x]. CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? YES [ ] NO [ Is construction completed? YES[ ] NO [ ]. 2. If incomplete, describe briefly the work done, including cost: 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion • 4. What percent of construction work remains to be done?_ Explain• USE OF WATER 5. Has use of water commenced? YES [ ] NO [ X]. Check appropriate box(es) below and explain how water was used. (a) [ ] Irrigation (b) [ ] Stockwatering (f) [ ] Recreational (c) [ ] Industrial (g) [ ] Power generation Nature of use Total acres irrigated Number of animals (d) [ ] Domestic (h) [ ] Other Number of persons, area of garden, lawn, etc. (e) [ ] Municipal Approximate population Name of crops served and acreage of each Boating, fishing, water contact sports Installed horsepower capacity 6. Amount of water used each month under this permit in gallons or acre-feet. (If not known, check months water was used.) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Annual 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If "No", explain in "Remarks". 8. Has location of the intake, place of use, or type of use been changed? YES [ ] NO [ ]. Explain in "Remarks". 9. Did the source go dry? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If so, during what months? STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? YES [ ] NO[ ]. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? Have you emptied the reservoir? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season? WR -15 (6/90) 1697 1 991 (REPORT CONTINUES ON REVERSE SIDE) PLEASE ANSWER ONLY THOSE QUESTIONS BELOW WHICH ARE APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT. MUNICIPAL, COMMUNITY, OR SUBDIVISION PROJECTS ONLY CONSERVATION OF WATER 11. How many service connections to date? Total population served by the water system • 12. Estimated number of service connections under full use: 13. Are the connections individually metered; YES [ ] NO [ ]. 14. Do you plan to meter the connections? YES [ ] NO [ ]. When? 15. Sewage generated by those to whom you deliver water is disposed of by: Septic tanks and leach lines [ ]; Seepage pits [ 1; Central treatment plan [ ] operated by ; Other [ ] (specify under "Remarks"). 16. Is water service provided to an area or subdivision including a recreational reservoir: YES [ ] NO[ ]. 17. Name of area or subdivision so served • 18. State surface area at maximum water level in recreational reservoir(s) referred to in 16. Identify surface area(s) by name of dam or reservoir: 19. What measures are you using or planning to reduce water losses in conveyance systems? (1) Seepage or leak detection program [ ]; (2) Lining canals [ ]; (3) Phreatophyte and aquatic vegetation control [ ]; (4) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 20. What measures are used to encourage consumers to conserve water in agricultural use? (1) Program to encourage more efficient irrigation systems (sprinkler, drip, etc.), where applicable [ ]; (2) Return flow systems on individual farms [ ]; (3) Return flow system areawide [ ]; (4) Water pricing to encourage reduced use [ ]; (5) Charges for drainage of irrigated lands [ ]; (6) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 21. What measures are used to encourage municipal and industrial consumers to conserve water? (1) Regulations to control wasteful use [ ]; (2) Public education program on water conservation [ ]; (3) Pricing to encourage reduced use [ 1; (4) Assistance to industry in design of recycle systems [ ]; (5) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 22. What records are maintained on water use and conservation? (1) Loss rate from conveyance system [ 1; (2) Water use for major crops by each farm [ ]; (3) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 23. Describe any water conservation efforts you may have started: 24. If credit toward beneficial use of water under this permit for water not used due to a conservation effort is claimed under Water Code Section 1011, please show the amounts of water conserved (acre feet or mg.): WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION 25. Describe methodsyou are using to minimize erosion and to prevent the entry of silt into surface waters: 26. After use, the water is (1) retained in reservoir [ 1; (2) discharged into a stream or lake [ ]; (3) discharged into settling ponds [ 1; (4) other [ ]. Describe: 27. Does or will water being discharged contain waste materials? [ ] YES [ ] NO. (1) Domestic [ ]; (2) Municipal [ ]; (3) Industrial [ ]; (4) Agricultural [ ]; (5) Other [ 1. Describe. 28. Does or will water being discharged contain any specific material which is deleterious to fish and wildlife or which would impair the water for beneficial uses? [ ] Yes [ ] No. Describe: TO THE EXTENT THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS APPLY TO YOUR PERMIT, PLEASE ANSWER IN REMARKS SECTION BELOW. 29. Are you now or have you been using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment facility or water polluted by waste to a degree which unreasonably affects such water for other beneficial uses? [ < ] Yes [.B] No. If credit toward use under this water right through substitution of reclaimed or polluted water in lieu of appropriated water is claimed under Section 1010 of the Water Code, please show the amounts of reclaimed water used. 30. Are you now or have you been reclaiming or reusing any of the water appropriated under this right? [ ] Yes [X] No. If Yes, please describe: 31. What is present availability or current potential for using; reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment plant or polluted water in place of the appropriated water to satisfy all or part of your water needs? None. 32. What is the current potential for reusing the appropriated water to satisfy part of your water needs? N/A 33. If you produce reclaimed water, or polluted water, is there a potential for others to use it? Yes., in Alpine County for REMARKS (Identify the item you are explaining. Additional pages may be attached.) irrigation. #5 See attachment. I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated: 2/3117_ at Sign here: (Locati n) (State) G ERMITTEE (OR AGENT OR DESIGNEE) PRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE — P 2 ATTACHMENT This is one of five related water rights applications: A 18030 P 13527 A 18031 P 13528 A 18038 P 13529 A 18039 P 13530 A 19629 P 14335 These permits are now held by South Tahoe Public Utility District. Its predecessor, Tahoe -Paradise Water Company, Inc., filed various petitions in 1970 and 1971 for extensions of time to put water to beneficial use.and for changes in place and purpose of use for these permits. Those petitions are still pending. South Tahoe Public Utility District anticipates that these pending peititions will eventually be acted upon by the State Water Resources Control Board. South Tahoe Public Utility District intends to make reasonable and beneficial useof water pursuant to these permits at such time as these pending petitions are granted. aj s7attach State Water Resources Control Board Li •DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS P.O. BOX 2000 SACRAMENTO, CA 95812-2000 901 P ST.,, SACRAMENTO, CA � - 16) 324,1;542'6 ha PROGRESS REPORT Blot R11i1TEE FOR c a j1:13 i"� _ fit i" f• -r J OWNER OF RECORD: OF WATER•!_t Y}F S SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIS-S%C[gif,; EJ O P 0 ; OX)YX'X i(X 19487 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE. CA 9(3(XX)X3( 95706 APPLICATIDN: PERMIT: 1990 018039 01 3530 TELEP,IONE NUMBER: (916) 544-6474 IF OWNER'S NAME/ADDRESS/PHONE NO. IS WRONG OR MISSING. PLEASE CORRECT. SOURCE: COUNTY: UPPER TRUCKEE. RIVER EL DORADO PURPOSE: DOMESTIC DIVERSION/ STORAGE SEASON: ACRES/HP: JAN 01 TO DEC 31 // JAN 01 TO DEC 31 .0 AC AMOUNT: 3.000 CFS 200.0 AC—FT COMPLETE USE BY: 12/01/1970 IMPORTANT! EVERY permit is issued subject to the conditions therein expressed. I have currently reviewed my permit: YES [X ] NO [ ]. I am complying with the conditions under which my permit has been issued: YES [ ] NO [ X ]• Identify any noncompliance by permit term number under "Remarks" on reverse side. This report is important in providing the record of use needed in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the above address. THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND I REQUEST REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT: YES [ ] NO [X ]. CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? YES [ ] NO [ X]. Is construction completed? YES[ ] NO [ ]. 2. If incomplete, describe briefly the work done, including cost: 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion. 4. What percent of construction work remains to be done? Explain. USE OF WATER 5. Has use of water commenced? YES [ ] NO [X 1. Check appropriate box(es) below and explain how water was used. (a) [ ] Irrigation Total acres irrigated Name of crops served and acreage of each (b) [ ] Stockwatering (f) [ ] Recreational Number of animals Boating, fishing, water contact sports (c) [ ] Industrial (g) [ ] Power generation Nature of use (d) [ 1 Domestic (h) [ ] Other Number of persons, area of garden, lawn, etc. (e) [ 1 Municipal Installed horsepower capacity Approximate population 6. Amount of water used each month under this permit in gallons or acre-feet. (If not known, check months water was used.) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Annual 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If "No", explain in "Remarks". . 8. Has location of the intake, place of use, or type of use been changed? YES [ ] NO [ 1. Explain in "Remarks". 9. Did the source go dry? YES [ 1 NO [ 1. If so, during what months? STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? YES [ ] NO[ 1. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? Have you emptied the reservoir? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season? WR -15 (6/90) 1960 1 990 FEB 4 1991 trit (REPORT CONTINUES ON REVERSE SIDE) C.r PLEASE ANSWER', ONLY THOSE QUESTIONS BELOW WHICH°ARE APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT. MUNICIPAL, COMMUNITY, OR SUBDIVISION PROJECTS ONLY CONSERVATION OF WATER 11. How many service connections to date? Total population served by the water system 12. Estimated number of service connections under full use: 13. Are the connections individually metered; YES [ 1 NO [ J. 14. Do you plan to meter the connections? YES [ I NO [ 1. When? 15. Sewage generated by those to whom you deliver water is disposed of by: Septic tanks and leach lines [ ]; Seepage pits [ 1; Central treatment plan 1 1 operated by ; Other [ 1 (specify under"Remarks"). 16. Is water service provided to an area or subdivision including a recreational reservoir: YES [ 1 NO [ 1. 17. Name of area or subdivision so served • 18. State surface area at maximum water level in recreational reservoir(s) referred to in 16. Identify surface area(s) by name of dam or reservoir: 19. What measures are you using or planning to reduce water losses in conveyance systems? (1) Seepage or leak detection program [ 1; (2) Lining canals [ ]; (3) Phreatophyte and aquatic vegetation control [ 1; (4) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 20. What measures are used to encourage consumers to conserve water in agricultural use? (1) Program to encourage more efficient irrigation systems (sprinkler, drip, etc.), where applicable [ 1; (2) Return flow systems on individual farms [ ]; (3) Return flow system areawide [ ]; (4) Water pricing to encourage reduced use [ ]; (5) Charges for drainage of irrigated 'lands [ ]; (6) Other (describe in "Remarks") 1 1. 21. What measures are used to encourage municipal and industrial consumers to conserve water? (1) Regulations to control wasteful use [ 1; (2) Public education program on water conservation { ]; (3) Pricing to encourage reduced use [ ]; (4), Assistance to industry in design of recycle systems [ ]; (5) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 22. What records are maintained on water use and, conservation? (1) Loss rate from conveyance system 1 1; (2) Water use for major crops by each farm [ 1; (3) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ 1. 23. Describe any water conservation efforts you may have started: 24. If credit toward beneficial use of water under this permit for water not used due to a conservation effort is claimed under Water Code Section 1011, please show the amounts of water conserved (acre feet or mg.): WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION 25. Describe methods you are using to minimize erosion and to prevent the entry of silt into surface waters: 26. After use, the water is (1) retained in reservoir [ 1; ` (2) discharged into a stream or lake [ ]; (3) discharged into settling ponds [ 1;. (4) other [ ]. Describe: 27. Does or will water being discharged contain waste materials? [ ] YES [ ] NO. (1) Domestic [ 1; (2) Municipal [ ]; (3) Industrial [ l; (4) Agricultural [ ]; (5) Other [ ]. Describe• 28. Does or will water being discharged contain any specific material which is deleterious to fish and wildlife or which would impair the water for beneficial uses? [ ] Yes [ ] No. Describe: TO THE EXTENT THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS APPLY TO YOUR PERMIT, PLEASE ANSWER IN REMARKS SECTION BELOW. 29. Are you now or have you been using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment facility or water polluted by waste to a degree which unreasonably affects such water for other beneficial uses? [ l' Yes [X 1 No. If credit toward use under this water right through substitution of reclaimed or polluted water in lieu of appropriated water is claimed under Section 1010 of the Water Code, please show the amounts of reclaimed water used. 30. Are you now or have you been reclaiming or reusing any of the water appropriated under this right? [ ] Yes [ A, No. If Yes, please describe: 31. What is present availability or current potential for using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment plant or polluted water in place of the appropriated water to satisfy all or part of your water needs? None. 32. What is the current potential for reusing the appropriated water to satisfy part of your water needs? None. 33. If you produce reclaimed water, or polluted water, is there a, potential for others to use it? REMARKS (Identify the item you are explaining. Additional pages may be attached.) #5 See attachment. - Yes, already in Alpine County. I declare under �penalty of perjury that the information in this report, is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated: "y 1 16 ( at (State) Sign here: ITTEE (OR AGENT OR DESIGNEE). PESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE = P, 2 ATTACHMENT This is one of five related water rights applications: A 18030 A 18031 A 18038 A 18039 A 19629 P 13527 P 13528 P 13529 P 13530 P 14335 These permits are now held by South Tahoe Public Utility District. Its predecessor, Tahoe -Paradise Water Company, Inc., filed various petitions in 1970 and 1971 for extensions of time to put water to beneficial use and for changes in place and purpose of use for these permits. Those petitions are still pending. South Tahoe Public Utility District anticipates that these pending peititions will eventually be acted upon by the State Water Resources Control Board. South Tahoe Public Utility District intends to make reasonable and beneficial use of water pursuant to these permits at such time as these pending petitions are granted. ajs7attach 1 atate Water Resources Control Board`. \DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 0 P.O. BOX 2000 SACRAMENTO, CA 95810 901 P ST. SACRAMENTO, CA. (916) 324-5626 PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1987 APPLICATION: 018039 OWNER OF RECORD: South Tahoe Public Utility District P. O. Box 70542 South Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 IF OWNER'S NAME/ADDRESS/PHONE NO. SOuRCE: UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER PURPOSE: DOMESTIC PERMIT: 017.530 TELEPHONE NUMBER:, (916 )544 -6474 IS WRONG OR MISSING.—EL.E4,SE—CORRECT. COUNTY: EL DORADO DIVERSION/STORAGE SEASON: ACRES/HP: JAN 01 TO DEC 31 // JAN 01 TO DEC 31 .0 AC AMOUNT: 3.000 CFS 200.0 AC -FT COMPLETE USE BY: 12/01/1970 IMPORTANT! EVERY permit is issued subject to the conditions therein expressed. I have currently reviewed my permit: YES [X] NO [ ]. I am complying with the conditions under which my permit has been issued: YES [ ] NO [X]. Identify any noncompliance by permit term number under "Remarks" on reverse side. This report is important in providing the record of use needed in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the above address. THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND I REQUEST REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT: YES [ ] NO [X]. CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? YES [ ] NO [ X. Is construction completed? YES[ ] NO [ ]. c._% 2. If incomplete, describe briefly the work done, including cost W=A CO - fix• 19 I •"7 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion ni 4. What percent of construction work remains to be done? Explain USE OF WATER "J c) c:::, cart wi 5. Has use of water commenced? YES [ ] NO {X]. Check appropriate box(es) below and explain how water was used t` f (a) [ ] Irrigation Total acres Irrigated Name of crops served and acreage of each (b) [ ] Stockwatering (f) [ ] Recreational Number of animals Boating, fishing, water contact sports (c) [ ] Industrial (g) [ ] Power generation Nature of use (d) [ ] Domestic (h) [ ] Other Number of persons, area of garden, lawn, etc. (e) [ ] Municipal Approximate population Installed horsepower capacity 6. Amount of water used each month under this permit in gallons or acre-feet. (If not known, check months water was used.) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Annual 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If "No", explain in "Remarks 8. Has location of the intake, place of use, or type of use been changed? YES [ ] NO [ J. Explain in "Remarks". 9. Did the source go dry? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If so, during what months? STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? YES [ ] NO[ ]. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? Have you emptied the reservoir? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season? FEB 2 2 1990 aivik- (REPORT CONTINUES ON REVERSE SIDE) WR -15 (8.80) 2264 1987 PLEASE ANSWER ONLY THOSE QUESTIONS BELOW WHICH ARE APPLICABLE, TO YOUR PROJECT. MUNICIPAL, COMMUNITY, OR SUBDIVISION PROJECTS ONLY CONSERVATION OF WATER 11. How many service connections to date? Total population served by the water system • 12. Estimated number of service connections under full use: 13. Are the connections individually metered; YES [ ] NO [ ]. 14. Do you plan to meter the connections? YES [ ] NO [ ]. When? 15. Sewage generated by those to whom you deliver water is disposed of by: Septic tanks and leach lines [ ]; Seepage pits [ ]; Central treatment plan [ ] operated by ; Other [ ] (specify under "Remarks"). 16. Is water service provided to an area or subdivision including a recreational reservoir: YES [ ] NO [ ]. 17. Name of area or subdivision so served: 18. State surface area at maximum water level in recreational reservoir(s) referred to in 16. Identify surface area(s) by name of dam or reservoir: 19. What measures are you using or planning to reduce water losses in conveyance systems? (1) Seepage or leak detection program [ ]; (2) Lining canals [ 1; (3) Phreatophyte and aquatic vegetation control [ ]; (4) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 20. What measures are used to encourage consumers to conserve water in agricultural use? (1) Program to encourage more efficient irrigation systems (sprinkler, drip, etc.), where applicable [ ]; (2) Return flow systems on individual farms [ ]; (3) Return flow system areawide [ ]; (4) Water pricing to encourage reduced use [ ]; (5) Charges for drainage of irrigated lands [ ]; (6) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 21. What measures are used to encourage municipal and industrial consumers to conserve water? (1) Regulations to control wasteful use [ ]; (2) Public education program on water conservation [ ]; (3) Pricing to encourage reduced use [ ]; (4) Assistance to industry in design of recycle systems [ ]; (5) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 22. What records are maintained on water use and conservation? (1) Loss rate from conveyance system [ ]; (2) Water use for major crops by each farm [ ]; (3) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 23. Describe any water conservation efforts you may have started: 24. If credit toward beneficial use of water under this permit for water not used due to a conservation effort is claimed under Water Code Section 1011, please show the amounts of water conserved (acre feet or mg.): WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION 25. Describe methods you are using to minimize erosion and to prevent the entry of silt into surface waters: 26. After use, the water is (1) retained in reservoir [ ]; (2) discharged into a stream or lake [ ]; (3) discharged into settling ponds [ ]; (4) other [ ]. Describe: 27. Does or will water being discharged contain waste materials? [ ] YES [ ] NO. (1) Domestic [ 1; (2) Municipal [ ]; (3) Industrial [ ]; (4) Agricultural [ ]; (5) Other [ ]. Describe• 28., Does or will water being discharged contain any specific material which is deleterious to fish and wildlife or which would impair the water for beneficial uses? [ ] Yes [ ] No. Describe: TO THE EXTENT THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS APPLY TO YOUR PERMIT, PLEASE ANSWER IN REMARKS SECTION BELOW. 29. Are you now or have you been using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment facility or water polluted by waste to a degree which unreasonably°affects such water for other beneficial uses? [ ]• Yes [ A No. If credit toward use under this water right through substitution of reclaimed or polluted water in lieu of appropriated water is claimed under Section 1010 of the Water Code, please show the amounts of reclaimed water used. 30. Are you now or have you been reclaiming or reusing any of the water appropriated under this right? [ ] Yes [x] No. If Yes, please describe: 31. What is present availability or current potential for using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment plant or polluted water in place of the appropriated water to satisfy all or part of your water needs? None. 32. What is the current potential for reusing the appropriated water to satisfy part of your water needs? None. 33. If you produce reclaimed water, or polluted water, is there a potential for others to use it? It is already used in Alpine County. REMARKS (Identify the item you are explaining. Additional pages may be attached.) #5 See Attachment. I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated. �?i at • ti( dt> ;i t rr- Sign here: V -74„, G! ITTEE (OR AGENT OR DESIGNEE) PI9ESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE — P• (Ste e) ATTACHMENT This is one of five related water rights applications: A 18030 P 13527 A 18031 P 13528 A 18038 P 13529 A 18039 P 13530 A 19629 P 14335 These permits are now held by South Tahoe Public Utility • District. Its predecessor, Tahoe -Paradise Water Company, Inc., filed various petitions in 1970 and 1971 for extensions of time to put water to beneficial use and for changes in place and purpose of use for these permits. Those petitions are still pending. South Tahoe Public Utility District anticipates that these pending peititions will eventually be acted upon by the State Water Resources Control Board. South Tahoe Public Utility District intends to make reasonable and beneficial use of water pursuant to these permits at such time as these pending petitions are granted. ajs7attach ANNUAL PERMIT A /f ?7 RECORD OF FEES RECE IV"ED EXTENS ION 5 .-/J - 6 CHANGE KEEP ON TOP State Water Resources Control Board lirDIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS P.O. BOX 2000 SACRAMENTO: CA 95810 901 P ST. SACRAMENTO, CA (918Q! T-_ --, PROGRESS REPORT BY ° Fy E FOR 1989 • 1990 JAN 23 PM 4: 08 APPLICATION: 018039 DIV. OF IV.; ?RIGHTS PERMIT: 013530 DIS 1RI CTSACRAHENTO OWNER OF RECORD: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY P 0 BOX 70542 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE. CA 9705 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (916) 544-6474 IF OWNER'S NAME/ADDRESS/PHONE NO. IS WRONG OR MISSING. PLEASE CORRECT. SOURCE: COUNTY: UPPER TRUCKEE PURPOSE: DOMESTIC RIVER EL DORADO DIVERSION/S1ORAGE SEASON: ACRES/HP: JAN U1 TO DEC 31 // JAN 01 TO DEC 31 .0 AC AMOUNT: 3.000 CFS 200.E AC -FT COMPLETE USE BY: 12/01/1970 IMPORTANT! EVERY permit is issued subject to the conditions therein expressed. I have currently reviewed my permit: YES [ X] NO [ ]. I am complying with the conditions under which my permit has been issued: YES [ ] NO [ X]. Identify any noncompliance by permit term number under "Remarks" on reverse side. This report is important in providing the record of use needed in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the above address. THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND I REQUEST REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT: YES [ ] NO [XJ. CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? YES [ ] NO [X ]. Is construction completed? YES[ ] NO [ J. 2. If incomplete, describe briefly the work done, including cost: 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion• 4. What percent of construction work remains to be done? Explain USE OF WATER 5. Has use of water commenced? YES [ ] NO [X]. Check appropriate box(es) below and explain how water was used. (a) [ ] Irrigation Total acres irrigated Name of crops served and acreage of each (b) [ ] Stockwatering (f) [ ] Recreational Number of animals Boating, fishing, water contact sports (c) [ ] Industrial (g) [ ] Power generation Nature of use Installed horsepower capacity (d) [ ] Domestic (h) [ ] Other Number of persons, area of garden, lawn, etc. (e) [ ] Municipal Approximate population 6. Amount of water used each month under this permit in gallons or acre-feet. (If not known, check months water was used.) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Annual 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? YES [ ] NO [ J. If "No", explain in "Remarks". 8. Has location of the intake, place of use, or type of use been changed? YES [ ] NO [ ]. Explain in "Remarks". 9. Did the source go dry? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If so, during what months? STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? YES [ ] NO[ ]. If not, how many storage? Have you emptied the reservoir? YES [ 1 drawn down at end of season? WR -15 (8.80) 2093 1989 feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum NO [ ]. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it FEBRUARY 0 9 1990 (REPORT CONTINUE ON REVERSE SIDE) PLEASE ANSWER ONLY THOSE QUESTIONS BELOW WHICH ARE APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT. MUNICIPAL, COMMUNITY, OR SUBDIVISION PROJECTS ONLY CONSERVATION OF WATER 11. How many service connections to date? - Total population served by the water system • 12. Estimated number of service connections under full use: 13. Are the connections individually metered;. YES [ ] NO [ 1. 14. Do you plan to meter the connections?YES [ ]' NO [ ]. When? 15. Sewage generated by those to whom you deliver water is disposed of by: Septic tanks and leach lines [ ]; Seepage pits [ ]; Central treatment plan [ 1 operated by ; Other [ 1 (specify under "Remarks"). 16. Is water service provided to an area or subdivision including a recreational reservoir: YES [ 1 NO [ 1. 17. Name of area or subdivision so served 18. State surface area at maximum water level in recreational reservoir(s) referred to in 16. Identify surface area(s) by name of dam or reservoir: 19. What measures are you using or planning to reduce water losses in conveyance systems? (1) Seepage or leak detection program [ ]; (2) Lining canals [ ]; (3) Phreatophyte and aquatic vegetation control [ ]; (4) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ 1. 20. What measures are used to encourage consumers to conserve water in agricultural use? (1) Program to encourage more efficient irrigation systems (sprinkler, drip, etc.), where applicable [ 1; (2) Return flow systems on individual farms [ ]; (3) Return flow system areawide [ ]; (4) Water pricing to encourage reduced use [ 1; (5) Charges for drainage of irrigated lands [ 1; (6) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ 1. 21. What measures are used to encourage municipal and industrial consumers to conserve water? (1) Regulations to control wasteful use [ ]; (2) Public education program on water conservation [ 1; (3) Pricing to encourage reduced use [ ]; (4) Assistance to industry in design of recycle systems [ ]; (5) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 22. What records are maintained on water use and conservation? (1) Loss rate from conveyance system [ 1; (2) Water use for major crops by each farm [ 1; (3) Other (describe in "Remarks")' [ 1. 23. Describe any water conservation efforts you may have started: 24. If credit toward beneficial use of water under this permit for water not used due to a conservation effort is claimed under Water Code Section 1011, please show the amounts of water conserved (acre feet or mg.): WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION 25. Describe methods you are using to minimize erosion and to prevent the entry of silt into surface waters: 26. After use, the water is (1) retained in reservoir [ ]; (2) discharged into a stream or lake [ ]; (3) discharged into settling ponds [ ]; (4) other [ ]. Describe: 27. Does or will water being discharged contain waste materials? [ ] YES [ ] NO. (1) Domestic [ 1; (2) Municipal [ 1; (3) Industrial [ ]; (4) Agricultural [ ]; (5) Other [ ]. Describe 28. Does or will water being discharged contain any specific material which is deleterious to fish and wildlife or which would impair the water for beneficial uses? [ 1 Yes [ ] No. Describe:. TO THE EXTENT THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS APPLY TO YOUR PERMIT, PLEASE ANSWER IN REMARKS SECTION BELOW. 29. Are you now or have you been using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment facility or water polluted by waste to a degree which unreasonably affects such water,for other beneficial uses? [. 1 Yes [; XI No. o - If credit toward use under this water right through substitution of reclaimed or polluted water in lieu of appropriated water is claimed under Section 1010 of the Water Code, please show the amounts of reclaimed water used. 30. Are you now or have you been reclaiming or reusing any of the water appropriated under this right? [ ] Yes [ X] No. If Yes, please describe: 31. What is present availability or current potential for using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment plant or polluted water in place of the appropriated water to satisfy; all or part of your water needs? None. 32. What is the current potential for reusing the appropriated water to satisfy part of your water needs? None. 33. If you produce reclaimed water, or polluted water, is there a potential for others touse it? Yes, Already in Alpine County. REMARKS (Identify the item you are explaining. Additional pages may be attached.) SeP Attachment. I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated: January 22, 1990 at ' --South Lake Tahoe CA (Location _ - (State) Sign here: P RMITTEE (OR AGENT OR DESIGNEE) PFaRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE POE 2 Aib ATTACHMENT This is one of five related water rights applications: A 18030 P 13527 A 18031 P 13528 A 18038 P 13529 A 18039 P 13530 A 19629 P 14335 These permits are now held by South Tahoe Public Utility District. Its predecessor, Tahoe -Paradise Water Company, Inc., filed various petitions in 1970 and 1971 for extensions of time to put water to beneficial use and for changes in place and purpose of use for. these permits. Those petitions are still pending. South Tahoe Public Utility District anticipates that these pending peititions will eventually be acted upon by the State Water Resources Control Board. South Tahoe Public Utility District intends to make reasonable and beneficial use of water pursuant to these permits at such time as these pending petitions are granted. ajs7attach STATE RESOURCES,. CONTROL BOARD 1990 JAN 23 PH 4: 08 DIV. OF WATER RIGHTS SACRAMENTO State Water Resources Control Board • _, DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS P.O. BOX 2000 SACRAMENTO, CA 95810 901 P ST. SACRAMENTO, CA (916) 324-5626 PROGRESS REPORT' BY:PERMITTEE FOR OWNER OF RECORD: 1y88 JUN -- 3: 25 APPLICATION: 0180391 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICfi O� P 0 BOX .i 70542 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE. CA 95705 PERMIT: 013530 ONE NUh18ERs 916) 544-6474 IF OWNER'S NAME/ADDRESS/PHONE NO. IS WRONG OR MISSING SE-Co— SOURCE: o-SOURCE: UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER PURPOSE: DIVERSION/STORAGE SEASON: DOMESTIC COUNTY: EL DORADO ACRES/HP: JAN 01 TO DEC 31 // JAN 01 TO DEC 31 .0 AC AMOUNT: 3.000 CFS 200.0 AC—FT COMPLETE USE BY: 12/01/1970 IMPORVANT! EVERY permit is issued subject to the conditions therein expressed. I have currently reviewed my permit: YES [ ] NO [ ]. I am complying with the conditions under which my permit has been issued: YES [ ] NO [ Identify any noncompliance by permit term number under "Remarks" on reverse side. This report is important in providing the record of use needed in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the above address. THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND I REQUEST REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT: YES [ ] NO [X]. CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? YES [ ] NO [F; J. Is construction completed? YES[ ] NO [ ]. 2. If incomplete, describe briefly the work done, including cost: 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion• 4. What percent of construction work remains to be done? Explain• USE OF WATER 5. Has use of water commenced? YES [ ] NO [ X]. Check appropriate box(es) below and explain how water was used. (a) [ ] (b) [ ] Stockwatering Number of animals (c) [ ] Industrial (g) [ ] Power generation (d) [ ] (e) [ ] Irrigation Total acres irrigated Name of crops served and acreage of each (f) [ ] Recreational Boating, fishing, water contact sports Domestic Number of persons, area of garden, lawn, etc. Nature of use Installed horsepower capacity (h) [ ] Other Municipal Approximate population 6. Amount of water used each month under this permit in gallons or acre-feet. (If not known, check months water was used.) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Annual 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If "No", explain in "Remarks". 8. Has location of the intake, place of use, or type of use been changed? YES [ ] NO [ ]. Explain in "Remarks". 9. Did the source go dry? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If so, during what months? STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? YES [ ] NO[ ]. If not, how many storage? Have you emptied the reservoir? YES [ ] drawn down at end of season? WR•15 (8.80) 2154 19865 feet NO below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum [ ]. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically ally as it V JUN 27 1989 Cikft- (REPORT CONTINUES ON REVERSE SIDE) PLEASE ANSWER ONLY THOSE QUESTIONS BELOW WHICH ARE APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT. MUNICIPAL, COMMUNITY, OR SUBDIVISION PROJECTS ONLY CONSERVATION OF WATER 11. How many service connections to date? • Total population served by the water system • 12. Estimated number of service connections under full use: 13. Are the connections individually metered; YES [ ] NO [ ]. 14. Do you plan to meter the connections? YES [ ] NO [ ]. When? 15. Sewage generated by those to whom you deliver water is disposed of by: Septic tanks and leach lines [ ]; Seepage pits [ ]; Central treatment plan [ ] operated by ; Other [ ] (specify under "Remarks"). 16. Is water service provided to an area or subdivision including a recreational reservoir: YES [ ] NO [ ]. 17. Name of area or subdivision so served 18. State surface area at maximum water level in recreational reservoir(s) referred to in 16. Identify surface area(s) by name of dam or reservoir: 19. What measures are you using or planning to reduce water losses in conveyance systems? (1) Seepage or leak detection program [ ]; (2) Lining canals [ ]; (3) Phreatophyte and aquatic vegetation control [ ]; (4) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ -1. 20. What measures are used to encourage consumers to conserve water in agricultural use? (1) Program to encourage more efficient irrigation systems (sprinkler, drip, etc.), where applicable [ ]; (2) Return flow systems on individual farms [ ]; (3) Return flow system areawide [ ]; (4) Water pricing to encourage reduced use [ ]; (5) Charges for drainage of irrigated lands [ ]; (6) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 21. What measures are used to encourage municipal and industrial consumers to conserve water? (1) Regulations to control wasteful use [ ]; (2) Public education program on water conservation [ ]; (3) Pricing to encourage reduced use [ ]; (4) Assistance to industry in design of recycle systems [ ]; (5) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 22. What records are maintained on water use and conservation? (1) Loss rate from conveyance system [ ]; (2) Water use for major crops by each farm [ ]; (3) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 23. Describe any water conservation efforts you may have started: 24. If credit toward beneficial use of water under this permit for water not used due to a conservation effort is claimed under Water Code Section 1011, please show the amounts of water conserved (acre feet or mg.): WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION 25. Describe methods you are using to minimize erosion and to prevent the entry of silt into surface waters: 26. After use, the water is (1) retained in reservoir [ ]; (2) discharged into a stream or lake [ ]; (3) discharged into settling ponds [ ]; (4) other [ ]. Describe: 27. Does or will water being discharged contain waste materials? [ ] YES [ ] NO. (1) Domestic [ ]; (2) Municipal [ ]; (3) Industrial [ ]; (4) Agricultural [ ]; (5) Other [ J. Describe• 28. Does or will water being discharged contain any specific material which is deleterious to fish and wildlife or which would impair the water for.beneficial uses? [ ] Yes [ ] No. Describe TO THE EXTENT THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS APPLY TO YOUR PERMIT, PLEASE ANSWER IN REMARKS SECTION BELOW. 29. Are you now or have you been using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment facility or water polluted by waste to a degree which unreasonably affects such water for other beneficial uses? [ ] Yes [ X] No. If credit toward use under this water right through substitution of reclaimed or polluted water in lieu of appropriated water is claimed under Section 1010 of the Water Code, please show the amounts of reclaimed water used. 30. Are you now or have you been reclaiming or reusing any of the water appropriated under this right? [ ] Yes [ )( No. If Yes, please describe: 31. What is present availability or current potential for using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment plant or polluted water in place of the appropriated water to satisfy all or part of your water needs? None 32. What is the current potential for reusing the appropriated water to satisfy part of your water needs? None. 33. If you produce reclaimed water, or polluted water, is there a potential for others to use it? Yes, in Alpine County. REMARKS (Identify the item you are explaining. Additional pages may be attached.) #5 SPP Attachment__ I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date& May -30, 1989 at So. Lake Taho CA Sign here: (Locatio ) _ (State) 4 -•'L- 1 n RMITTEE (OR AGENT OR DESIGNEE) Rick I-iydrick, tanager ofW ter Operations PfESS REPORT BY ' RMITTEE—.P 2 ATTACHMENT This is one of five related water rights applications: A 18030 P 13527 A 18031 P 13528 A 18038 P 13529 A 18039 P 13530 A 19629 P 14335 These permits are now held by South Tahoe Public Utility District. Its predecessor, Tahoe -Paradise Water Company, Inc., filed various petitions in 1970 and 1971 for extensions of time to put water to beneficial use. and for changes in place and purpose of use for these permits. Those petitions are still pending. South Tahoe Public Utility District anticipates that these pending peititions will eventually be acted upon by the State Water Resources Control Board. South Tahoe Public Utility District intends to make reasonable and beneficial use of water pursuant to these permits at such time as these pending petitions are granted. ajs7attach (916) 324-5689 JAN 1 3 1988 South Tahoe Public Utility District P. 0. Box AV South Lake Tahoe, CA 95705`, Gentlemen: SURNAME/FILES In Reply Refer to:341:S0:18021 PERf1ITS 13526, 13527, 13528, 13529, 13530 AND 14335 (APPLICATIONS 18021, 18030, '18031, 18038, 18039 -,AND 19629) VARIOUS SOURCES IN EL DORADO.COUNTY We have been informed by the law office of Luster, Conine and Brunson that Tahoe Paradise Water Company, current holders of the above water rights, has been dissolved as part of a bankruptcy proceeding and that you have acquired the assets of the Company: We assume that all the water rights were also transferred as part of the proceeding and will 'change our records to show ownership of Permits 13526, 13527, 12528, 13529, 13.530 and 14335 in the name of South Tahoe Public Utility District: We assume that you were given copies of the Permits in the above transfer. If not, we, will forward copies on request.'r If I can be of further assistance,"please write or call (916) 324-5689. Sincerely; ORIGINAL 81O D BYs. Shige Okada, Chief Permit and License Unit cc: Tahoe Paradise Water Company, Inc.. P. 0. Box 11117 Tahoe Paradise, CA 95708 -0117 - Law Offices - of Luster, .Conine and Brunson P. 0. Box 1207 Natchitoches, LA . 71457 SOkada:lryder (1/12/88) LLR097 State Water Resources Control Board 41) DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS P.O. BOX 2000 SACRAMENTO, CA 95810 901 P ST. SACRAMENTO, CA (916) 324-5626 PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR r -- OWNER OF RECORD: TAHOE PARADISE WATER CO. INC P 0 BOX 11117 TAHOE PARADISEE. CA 95708 1936 APPLICATION: 018039 PERMIT: 013530 TELEPHONE NUMBER: ( ) 3F OWNER'S NAME/ADDRESS/PHONE NO. IS WRONG OR MISSING PLEASE CORRECT. SOURCE: COUNTY: UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER EL DORADO PURPOSE: DOMESTIC DIVERSION/STORAGE SEASON: ACRES/HP: JAN 01 TO DEC 31 // JAN 01 TO DEC 31 .0 AC AMOUNT: 3.000 CFS 200.0 AC—FT COMPLETE USE BY: 12/01/1.970 IMPORTANT! EVERY permit is issued subject to the conditions therein expressed. I have currently reviewed my permit: YES [)(] NO [ J. I am complying with the conditions under which my permit has been issued: YES [ ] NO [ x]. Identify any noncompliance by permit term number under "Remarks" on reverse side. This report is important in providing the record of use needed in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the above address. THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND I REQUEST REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT: YES [ 7 NO [x]. - CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? YES [ ] NO [X ]. Is construction completed? YES[ ] NO [ ]. 2. If incomplete, describe briefly the• work done, including cost• 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion• 4. What percent of construction work remains to be done? Explain. USE OF WATER 5. Has use of water commenced? YES [ ] NO [ X]. Check appropriate box(es) below and explain how water was used. (a) [ ] Irrigation Total acres Irrigated Name of crops served and acreage of each (b) [ ] Stockwatering (f) [ ] Recreational Number of animals Boating, fishing, water contact sports (c) [ ] Industrial (g) [ ] Power generation Nature of use Installed horsepower capacity (d) [ ] Domestic (h) [ ] Other Number of persons, area of garden, lawn, etc. (e) [ ] Municipal Approximate population 6. Amount of water used each month under this permit in gallons or acre-feet. (If not known, check months water was used.) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Annual 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, beenas great as you expect in any future year under this permit? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If "No", explain in "Remarks". 8. Has location of the intake, place of use, or type of use been changed? YES [ ] NO [ ]. Explain in "Remarks". 9. Did the source go dry? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If so, during what months? STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY N/A 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? YES [ ] NO[ ]. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? Have you emptied the reservoir? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season? JAN 2 2 1987&-'1. WR -15 (8.80) UM+ A (REPORT CONTINUES ON REVERSE SIDE) 2266 1986 PLEASE ANSWER ONLY THOSE QUESTIONS BELOW WHICH ARE APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT. MUNICIPAL, COMMUNITY, OR SUBDIVISION PROJECTS ONLY CONSERVATION OF WATER 11. How many service connections to date? Total population served by the water system • 12. Estimated number of service connections under full use: 13. Are the connections individually metered; YES [ ] NO [ ]. 14. Do you plan to meter the connections? YES. [ ] NO [ ]. When? 15. Sewage generated by those to whom you deliver water is disposed of by: Septic tanks and leach lines [ ]; Seepage pits [ ]; Central treatment plan [ ] operated by ; Other [ ] (specify under "Remarks"). 16. Is water service provided to an area or subdivision including a recreational reservoir: YES [ ] NO[ ]. 17. Name of area or subdivision so served 18. State surface area at maximum water level in recreational, reservoir(s) referred to in 16. Identify surface area(s)kby name of dam or reservoir: 19. What measures are you using or planning to reduce water losses in conveyance systems? (1) Seepage or leak detection program [ ]; (2) Lining canals [ ] (3) Phreatophyte and aquatic vegetation control [ ]; (4) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 20. What measures are used to encourage consumers to conserve water in agricultural use? (1) Program to encourage more efficient irrigation systems (sprinkler, drip, etc.), where applicable [ ]; (2) Return flow systems on individual farms [ 1; (3) Return flow system areawide [ ]; (4) Water pricing to encourage reduced use [ ]; (5) Charges for drainage of ihrigated lands [ ]; (6) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 21. What measures are used to encourage municipal and industrial consumers to conserve water? (1) Regulations to control wasteful use [ ]; (2) Public education program on water conservation [ ]; (3) Pricing to encourage reduced use [ ]; (4) Assistance to industry in design of recycle systems [ ]; (5) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 22. What records are maintained on water use and conservation? (1) Loss rate from conveyance system [ ]; (2) Water use for major crops by each farm [ ]; (3) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ J. 23. Describe any water conservation efforts you may have started: 24. If credit toward beneficial use of water under this permit for water not used due to a conservation effort is claimed under Water Code Section 1011, please show the amounts of water conserved (acre feet or mg.): WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION 25. Describe methods you are using to minimize erosion and to prevent the entry of silt into surface waters: 26. After use, the water is (1) retained in reservoir [ 1; (2) discharged into a stream or lake [ ]; (3) discharged into settling ponds [ ]; (4) other [ ]. Describe: 27. Does or will water being discharged contain waste materials? [ ] YES [ ] NO. (1) Domestic [ ]; (2) Municipal [ ]; (3) Industrial [ ]; (4) Agricultural [ ]; (5) Other [ ]. Describe• 28. Does or will water being discharged contain any specific material which is deleterious to fish and wildlife or which would impair the water for beneficial uses? [ ] Yes [ ] No. Describe: ` TO THE EXTENT THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS APPLY TO YOUR PERMIT, PLEASE ANSWER IN REMARKS SECTION BELOW. 29. Are you now or have you been using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment facility or water polluted by waste to a •degree which unreasonably affects such water for other beneficial uses? [ o ] Yes ,[X] No. If credit toward use under this water right through substitution of reclaimed or polluted water in lieu of appropriated water is claimed under Section 1010 of the Water Code, please show the amounts of reclaimed water used. 30. Are you now or have you been reclaiming or reusing any of the water appropriated under this right? [ ] Yes [X ] No. If Yes, please describe: 31. What is present availability or current potential for using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment plant or polluted water in place of the appropriated water to satisfy all or part of your water needs? 32. What is the current potential for reusing the appropriated water to satisfy part of your water needs? 33. If you produce reclaimed water, or polluted water, is there a potential for others to use it? REMARKS (Identify the item you are explaining. Additional pages may be attached.) See Page 3. CZ' i CO N c_–n - 1? S v D= co1 declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. — I *h. January 20th, 1987 Tahoe Paradise, ,Californian Dated' at (Location) - (State) 90 PARADISE WATER CO INC. Sign here: _' ----.1%- i�� Georg -7C. Baron pryio-g- E (OR AGENT OR DESIGNEE) P• ESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE — P41,2 APPLICATION: 018039 PERMIT: 013530 PP.C.";kESH kE; URT BY PE}:T:.'_'i; EE - PAGE 3 REMARKS Or, May 6, 1970, the Company filed a "Petition for Chanoc in Point of Diversion" and simultaneously filed a "Petition. for Change of Place v' Uric-". These petitions are the result of engineering studies 7ccpmplished to date and in collaboration with the other utilities mentioned in said petitions. To provide water for domestic use of the companies' potential customers based on presently subdivided lands the total quantity of water•in the permit•"is considered essential. On July 30, 1971, the Company filed petition for extension of time as the Water Rights Branch had not acted on petitions cited in paragraph one on page one. On June 18, 1973, a hearing was held at which time both DWR Staff and Utility were instructed to recheck data submitted in evidence. A preliminary meeting was held, however the final meeting between Staff and Utility.has not been held. • Company received letter of August 23, 1974, from State Water Rights Control Board re: an EIR on -subject applications. On or about September 30, 1974, Company requested 120 day extension to prepare EIR. However, on checking Company files it has been found that an EIR was presented as part of June 18, 1973, hearing. 31: Regulations of the State Department of Health Services prohibit use as potable water.-,Lahontan'Water Quality Control Board prohibits use of reclaimed' water for irrigation. 32. No possiblity. After use, water goes into South Tahoe Public Utility District's sewage system and cannot be used. See above. 33. After passing thCough South Tahoe Public Utility District's f f Reclamation Plant, water could be used for recharge if regulations were relaxed. State Water Resources Control Board 410 DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS P.O. BOX 2000 SACRAMENTO, CA95810 901 P ST. SACRAMENTO, CA (916) 324-5626 PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1985 OWNER OF RECORD: APPLICATION: 018039 TAHOE PARADISE WATER CO. INC P 0 BOX 11117 TAHOE PARADISE. CA 95708 PERMIT: 013530 TELEPHONE NUMBER: C ) IF OWNER'S NAME/ADDRESS/PHONE NO.. IS WRONG OR MISSING. PLEASE CORRECT. SOURCE: COUNTY: UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER EL DORADO PURPOSE: DOMESTIC DIVERSION/STORAGE SEASON: ACRES/HP: JAN 01 TO DEC 31 // JAN 01 TO DEC 31 .0 AC AMOUNT: 3.000 CFS 200.0 AC—FT COMPLETE USE BY: 12/01/1970 IMPORTANT! EVERY permit is issued subject to the conditions therein expressed. I have currently reviewed my permit: YES [ x] NO [ ]. I am complying with the conditions under which my permit has been issued: YES [ ] NO [ x]. Identify any noncompliance by permit term number under "Remarks" on reverse side. This report is important in providing the record of use needed in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the above address. THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND I REQUEST REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT: YES [ ] NO [X]. CONSTRUCTION WORK oise, 1. Has construction work commenced? YES [ ] NO [X ]. Is construction completed? YES[ ] NO [ ].Nc) -n 2. If incomplete, describe briefly the work done, including cost• •, .-;1 j1 W C") r,► i"mom 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion• n r° rn 4. What percent of construction work remains to be done? Explain • --► () cn USE OF WATER 5. Has use of water commenced? YES [ ] NO [ X]. Check appropriate box(es) below and explain how water was used. r r\ (a) [ ] Irrigation Total acres Irrigated Name of crops served and acreage of each (b) [ ] Stockwatering (f) [ ] Recreational Number of animals Boating, fishing, water contact sports (c) [ ] Industrial (g) [ ] Power generation Nature of use (d) [ ] Domestic (h) [ ] Other Number of persona area of garden, lawn, etc. (e) [ ] Municipal Installed horsepower capacity Approximate population 6. Amount of water used each month under this permit in gallons or acre-feet. (If not known, check months water was used.) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Annual 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? YES [ ] NO [ 1. If "No", explain in "Remarks". 8. Has location of the intake, place of use, or type of use been changed? YES [ ] NO [ ]. Explain in "Remarks". 9. Did the source go dry? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If so, during what months? STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY N/A 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? YES [ ] NO{ 1. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? Have you emptied the reservoir? YES [ ] NO 1 1. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season? 1986 JTA WR -15 (8-80) 2430 1985 FEB 10 (REPORT CONTINUES ON REVERSE SIDE) PLEASE ANSWER ONLY THOSE QUESTIONS BELOW WHICH ARE APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT. MUNICIPAL, COMMUNITY, OR SUBDIVISION PROJECTS ONLY CONSERVATION OF WATER 11. How many service connections to date? Total population served by the water system 12. Estimated number of service connections under full use: 13. Are the connections individually metered; YES [ ] NO [ ]. 14. Do you plan to meter the connections? YES [ ] NO [ 1. When? 15. Sewage generated by those to whom you deliver water is disposed of by: Septic tanks and leach lines [ ]; Seepage pits [ ]; Central treatment plan [ ] operated by ; Other 1 ] (specify under "Remarks"). 16. Is water service provided to an area or subdivision including a recreational reservoir: YES [ ] NO[ 1. 17. Name of area or subdivision so served 18. State surface area at maximum water level in recreational reservoir(s) referred to in 16. Identify surface area(s) by name of dam or reservoir: 19., What measures are you using or planning to reduce water losses in conveyance systems? (1) Seepage or leak detection program [ ]; (2) Lining canals [ 1; (3) Phreatophyte and aquatic vegetation control [ ]; (4) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 20. What measures are used to encourage consumers to conserve water in agricultural use? (1) Program to encourage more efficient irrigation systems (sprinkler, drip, etc.), where applicable [ ]; (2) Return flow systems on individual farms [ ]; (3) Return flow system areawide [ 1; (4) Water pricing to encourage reduced use [ ]; (5) Charges for drainage of irrigated lands [ 1; (6) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 21. What measures are used to encourage municipal and industrial consumers to conserve water? (1) Regulations to control wasteful use [ 1; (2) Public education program on water conservation [ ]; (3) Pricing to encourage reduced use [ ]; (4) Assistance to industry in design of recycle systems [ ]; (5) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 22. What records are maintained on water use and conservation? (1) Loss rate from conveyance system [ ]; (2) Water use for major crops by each farm [ 1; (3) Other (describe in "Remarks") ( ]. 23. Describe any water conservation efforts you may have started: 24. If credit toward beneficial use of water under this permit for water not used due to a conservation effort is claimed under Water Code Section 1011, please show the amounts of water conserved (acre feet or mg.): WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION 25. Describe methods you are using to minimize erosion and to prevent the entry of silt into surface waters: 26. After use, the water is (1) retained in reservoir (, ]; (2) discharged into a stream or lake [ ]; (3) discharged into settling ponds [ 1; (4) other [ ]. Describe: 27. Does or will water being discharged contain waste materials? [ ] YES [ ] NO. (1) Domestic [ 1; (2) Municipal [ ]; (3) Industrial [ ]; (4) Agricultural [ 1; (5) Other [ 1. Describe• 28. Does or will water being discharged contain any specific material which is deleterious to fish and wildlife or which would impair the water for beneficial uses? ( ] Yes [ ] No. Describe: TO THE EXTENT THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS APPLY TO YOUR PERMIT, PLEASE ANSWER IN REMARKS SECTION BELOW. 29. Are you now or have you been using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment facility or water polluted by waste to a degree which unreasonably affects such water for other beneficial uses? [' 1 Yes [X ] No. If credit toward use under this water right through substitution of reclaimed or polluted water in lieu of appropriated water is claimed under Section 1010 of the Water Code, please show the amounts of reclaimed water used. 30. Are you now or have you been reclaiming or reusing any of the water appropriated under this right? 1 1 .Yes [ x] No. If Yes, please describe• 31. What is present availability or current potential for using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment plant or polluted water in place of the appropriated water to satisfy all or part of your water needs? 32. What is the,current potential for reusing the appropriated water to satisfy part of your water needs? 33. If you produce reclaimed water, or polluted water, is there a potential for others to use it? REMARKS (Identify the item you are explaining. Additional pages may be attached.) See Page 3. o I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated. January 29th, 1986 at Tahoe Paradise, California TAHOF-PARADISE) (State) WATER CO INC. Sign here:�QO//`/��,fy /f SGC • George QC. Baron, EE (OR AGENT OR DESIGNEE) PRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE - Ira 2 Y _ A APPLICATION: 018039 PERMIT: 013530 PRU.'kES$ RE OF.T BY PCRMIT3 EE - PAGE 3 REMARKS On May 6, 1970, the Company filed a "Petition for Change in Point of • Diversion" and simultaneously filed a "Petition for Changof Place of U':e". These petitions are the result of engineering studies a=complished to date and in collaboration with the other utilities mentioned in said petitions. To provide water for domestic use of the companies' potential customers based on presently subdivided lands the total quantity of water.in the permit -is considered essential. On July 30, 1971, the Company filed petition for extension of time as the Water Rights Branch had not acted on petitions cited in paragraph one on page one. On June 18, 1973, a hearing was held at which time both DWR Staff and Utility were instructed to recheck • data submitted in evidence. A preliminary meeting was held, however the final meeting between Staff and Utility has not been held. Company received letter of August,.23., 1974, from State Water Rights Control Board.re: an EIR on•subject•applications. On or about September 30; 1974, Company requested 120 day•extension to prepare • EIR. However, on checking Company files it has been found that an EIR was presented as part of June 18, 1973, hearing. 31. Regulations of the State Department of Health Services prohibit use as potable water. Lahontan Water Quality Control Board prohibits use of reclaimed water for irrigation. 32. No possiblity. After use, water goes into South Tahoe Public Utility District's sewage system and cannot be used. See above. 0 33. After passing trough South'�Tahoe Public Utility District'•s Reclamation Plant, water could be used for recharge if regulations r7 were relaxed. 7 c. :. G 7- i n t 2 - 1 `� a -t CO rrt rn rri -"Deb 2 C9 =u CD v) CO 7 rit Cr:. \f� {916) 52.44.5694?: IrrY NAR "12 1985 -Tahoe Paradise. iiator, °., L'ec.< 3=11117 , TahoeParadise; CA 95704-0117 • 'nisin tie1tt1ee{.. .Reply f r' tty"341 `P •1 ;21' �1qC+�{�,��}} QQ Tao Ano 'P£RfTS li 27 '135 23, a 135 D 143i5 i Y,+i1•��rr ,(APPL1 IOnS' i 1,� l 3o ; 1Z031i 10311, 13099 r tI ,19 49) MMR.1 U$, SOURCES IN EL.:,-ZORA '1 CO Tp ` aiknOtt4leidge raceiOt aef ' Our .rregr rt -of a r development 'ani/er 50- far 1§34 _ As' .rioted; on tice reports , , taJ ;a er51nt our re rds '$Q st€e 3 4140 of iahr i ?ar-ai145e; Nater. ORIGINAL- SIGNED BY: 40 An M 1 r' ;Sanitary En i eoriri a Associate: Pe It and Litense `tdt €DEcA1E1'is.°`iryder (;3/11/€5}' G� - -.s R 4 ti •P_ State Water Resources Control Board DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS P.O. BOX 2000 SACRAMENTO, CA95810 901 P ST. SACRAMENTO, CA (916) 324-5626 PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1984 OWNER OF RECORD: APPLICATION: 0 8031 TAHOE PARADISE WATER Ax1311kxnx;4k CO., INC. PERMIT 013530 P 0 BOX 11117 TAHOE PARADISE• CA 95708 TELEPHCNE NUMBER: (916 ) 577 r. 2622 IF OWNER'S NAME/ADDRESS/PHONE NO. IS WRONG OR MISSING• PLEASE CORRECT. SOURCE: COUNTY: UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER PURPOSE: DOMESTIC EL DORADO DIVERSION/STORAGE SEASON: ACRES/HP: JAN 01 TO DEC 31 // JAN 01 TO DEC 31 .0 AC AMOUNT: 3.000 CFS 200.0 AC—FT COMPLETE USE BY: 12/01/1970 IMPORTANT! EVERY permit is issued subject to the conditions therein expressed. I have currently reviewed my permit: YES [x ] NO [ ]. I am complying with the conditions under which my permit has been issued: YES [ ] NO [x ]. Identify any noncompliance by permit term number under "Remarks" on reverse side. This report is important in providing the record of use needed in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the above address. THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND I REQUEST REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT: YES [ ] NO [X ]. CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? YES [ ] NO [ x]. Is construction completed? YES[ ] NO [ ]. 2. If incomplete, describe briefly the work done, including cost: 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion• 4. What percent of construction work remains to be done? - Explain USE OF WATER 5. Has use of water commenced? YES [ ] NO [x]. Check appropriate box(es) below and explain how water was used. (a) [ ] Irrigation Total acres irrigated Name of crops served and acreage of each (b) [ ] Stockwatering (f) [ ] Recreational Number of animals (c) [ ] Industrial (g) [ ] Power generation Nature of use Boating, fishing, water contact sports Installed horsepower capacity (d) [ ] Domestic (h) [ ] Other Number of persons, area of garden, lawn, etc. (e) [ ] Municipal Approximate population 6. Amount of water used each month under this permit in gallons or acre-feet. (If not known, check months water was used.) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Annual 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If "No", explain in "Remarks". 8. Has location of the intake, place of use, or type of use been changed? YES [ ] NO [ ]. Explain in "Remarks". 9. Did the source go dry? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If so, during what months? STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY N/A 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? YES [ ] NO[ ]. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? Have you emptied the reservoir? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season? WR -15 (8.801 2410 1984 MAR 6 1986 il" (REPORT CONTINUES ON REVERSE SIDE) PLEASE ANSWER ONLY THOSE QUESTIONS BELOW WHICH ARE APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT. MUNICIPAL, COMMUNITY, OR SUBDIVISION PROJECTS ONLY CONSERVATION OF WATER 11. How many service connections to date? Total population served by the water system • 12. Estimated number of service connections under full use: 13. Are the connections individually metered; YES [ 1 NO [ ]. 14. Do you plan to meter the connections? YES [ 1 NO [ J. When? 15. Sewage generated by those to whom you deliver water is disposed of by: Septic tanks and leach lines [ ]; Seepage pits [ 1; Central treatment plan [ ] operated by ; Other [ 1 (specify under "Remarks"). 16. Is water service provided to an area or subdivision including a recreational reservoir: YES [ ] NO[ ]. 17. Name of area or subdivision so served • 18. State surface area at maximum water level in recreational reservoir(s) referred to in 16. Identify surface area(s) by name of dam or reservoir: 19. What measures are you using or planning to reduce water losses in conveyance systems? (1) Seepage or leak detection program [ 1; (2) Lining canals [ ]; (3) Phreatophyte and aquatic vegetation control [ ]; (4) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ].. 20. What measures are used to encourage consumers to conserve water in agricultural use? (1) Program to encourage more efficient irrigation systems (sprinkler, drip, etc.), where applicable [ ]; (2) Return flow systems on individual farms [ ]; (3) Return flow system areawide [ ]; (4) Water pricing to encourage reduced use [ ]; (5) Charges for drainage of irrigated lands [ 1; (6) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ 1. 21. What measures are used to encourage municipal and industrial consumers to conserve water? (1) Regulations to control wasteful use [ ]; (2) Public education program on water conservation [ ]; (3) Pricing to encourage reduced use [ 1; (4) Assistance to industry in design of recycle systems [ ]; (5) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ 1. 22. What records are maintained on water use and conservation? (1) Loss rate from conveyance system [ ]; (2) Water use for major crops by each farm [ 1; (3) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 23. Describe any water conservation efforts you may have started• 24. If credit toward beneficial use of water under this permit for water not used due to a conservation effort is claimed under Water Code Section 1011, please show the amounts of water conserved (acre feet or mg.): WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION 25. Describe methods you are using to minimize erosion and to prevent the entry of silt into surface waters• 26. After use, the water is (1) retained in reservoir [ ]; (2) discharged into a stream or lake [, 1; (3) discharged into settling ponds [ ]; (4) other [ ]. Describe• 27. Does or will water being discharged contain waste materials? [ ] YES [ ] NO. (1) Domestic [ 1; (2) Municipal [ ]; (3) Industrial [ ]; (4) Agricultural [ ]; (5) Other [ ]. Describe• 28. Does or will water being discharged contain any specific material which is deleterious to fish and wildlife or which would impair the water for beneficial uses? [ ] Yes [ ] No. Describe• TO THE EXTENT THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS APPLY TO YOUR PERMIT, PLEASE ANSWER IN REMARKS SECTION BELOW. 29. Are you now or have you been using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment facility or water polluted by waste to a degree which unreasonably affects such water for other beneficial uses? [ *1 Yes [ ?Cl No. _ y If credit toward use under this water right through substitution of reclaimed or polluted water in lieu of appropriated water is claimed under Section 1010 of the Water Code, please show the amounts of reclaimed water used. 30. Are you now or have you been reclaiming or reusing any of the water appropriated under this right? [ 1 Yes [x ] No. If Yes, please describe: - 31. What is present availability or current potential for using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment plant or polluted water in place of the appropriated water to satisfy all or part of your water needs? 4 - 32. What is the current potential for reusing the appropriated water to satisfy part of your water needs? 33. If you produce reclaimed water, or polluted water, is there a potential for others to use it? REMARKS (Identify the item you are explaining. Additional pages may be attached.) See Page' 3. C7 a •- tz ! I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated: February 27th, 1984 at Tahoe Paradise, California Sign here: (Location) (State) TARO PARADISE WAT R CO., vi George Baron, g -TEE (OR AGENT OR DESIGNEE) PRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE — PO 2 411 APPLICATION: 018039 PERMIT: 013530 1'Y-L;.:kES5 RETORT bY PERMIT -IL; - PAGE .3 REMARKS On May 6, 1970, the Company filed a -Petition for Change in FointRof Diversion" and simultaneously filed a "Petition for Chang? of Place_ of Ur:e". These petitions are the.result of engineering studies, accomplished to date and in collaboration with the other utilities. mentioned in said petitions. To provide water for domestic use of the companies' potential customers based on presently subdivided /% lands the total quantity of water.in the permit -'is considered essential. On July 30, 1971, the Company filed petition for extension of time as the water Rights Branch had not acted on petitions cited in paragraph one on page one. On June 18, 1973, a hearing was held at which time both DWR Staff and Utility were instructed to recheck data submitted in evidence. .A preliminary meeting was held, however the final meeting between Staff and Utility has not been held. Company received letter of August 23_, 1974, from State Water Rights Control-Board're: an EIR on -subject applications. On or about September 30, 1974, Company requested 120 day•extension to prepare EIR. However, on checking Company files it has been found that an EIR was presented as part of June 18, 1973, hearing. 31. Regulations of the State Department of Health. Services.prohibit use as potable water. Lahontan Water Quality Control Board prohibits use of reclaimed water for irrigation. 32. No possiblity. After use, water goes into South Tahoe Public Utility District's sewage system and cannot be used. See above. 33. After passing trough South%'Tae hoe Public Utility Districtl.s Reclamation Plant, water could be used for recharge if regulations were relaxed. State Water Resources Control Board DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS P.O. BOX 2000 SACRAMENTO, CA 95810 901 P ST. SACRAMENTO, CA (916) 324-5626 PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1993 I � OWNER OF RECORD: APPLICATION: 018039 TAHOE PARADISE WATER KX)SMSO$MKACK' CO., INC. P 0 BOX 11117 TAHOE PARADISE, CA 95708 PERMIT: 013530 TELEPHONE. NUMBER: ( 916) 577 — 2622 IF OWNER'S NAME/ADDRESS/PHONE NO, IS WRONG OR MISSING• PLEASE CORRECT. SOURC E: COUNTY: U?P_2 TRUCKEE RIVER EL DORADO PURPOSE: DOMESTIC DIVERSION/STORAGE SEASON: ACRES/HP: JAN 01 TO DEC 31 // JAN 01 TO DEC 31 .0 AC AMOUNT: 3.000 CFS 200.0 AC—FT COMPLETE USE BY: 12/01/1970 IMPORTANT! EVERY permit is issued subject to the conditions therein expressed. I have currently reviewed my permit: YES [x ] NO [ ]. I am complying with the conditions under which my permit has been issued: YES [ ] NO [X ]. Identify any noncompliance by permit term number under "Remarks" on reverse side. This report is important in providing the record of use needed in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the above address. THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND I REQUEST REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT: YES [ ] NO PC 1. CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? YES [ ] NO [ x]. Is construction completed? YES[ ] NO [ ].,... ="r. 2. If incomplete, describe briefly the work done, including cost: 4 —i 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion: _C v,* .Z3 ,,r„ r, a ;Jpl 4. What percent of construction work remains to be done? Explain • 'i .... 0 —j 0 -74 USE OF WATER xo a C6 .C. 5. Has use of water commenced? YES [ ] NO [ )I. Check appropriate box(es) below and explain how water was used. (a) [ ] Irrigation Total acres irrigated Name of crops served and acreage of each (b) [ ] Stockwatering (f) [ ] Recreational Number of animals Boating, fishing, water contact sports (c) [ ] Industrial_ (g) [ ] Power generation Nature of use Installed horsepower capacity (d) [ ] Domestic (h) [ ] Other Number of persons, area of garden, lawn, etc. (e) [ ] Municipal Approximate population 6. Amount of water used each month under this permit in gallons or acre-feet. (If not known, check months water was used.) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Annual 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If "No", explain in "Remarks". 8. Has location of the intake, place of use, or type of use been changed? YES [ ] NO [ ]. Explain in "Remarks". 9. Did the source go dry? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If so, during what months? STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY N/A 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was th vMer I at maximum storage? Have you emptied the reservoir? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If not, how many feet below spillway rtically wa it jelA drawn down at end of season? WR -15 (8.80) (REPORT CONTINUES ON REVERSE SIDE) 2341 1983 PLEASE ANSWER ONLY THOSE QUESTIONS BELOW WHICH ARE APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT. MUNICIPAL, COMMUNITY, OR SUBDIVISION PROJECTS ONLY CONSERVATION OF WATER 11 How many service connections to date? Total population served by the water system • 12. Estimated number of service connections under full use: 1 13. Are the connections individually metered; YES [ ] NO [ ]. 14. Do you plan to meter the connections? YES [ ] NO [ ]. When? 15. Sewage generated by those to whom you deliver water is disposed of by: Septic tanks and leach lines [ ]; Seepage pits [ ]; Central treatment plan [ ]operated by ; Other [ ] (specify under "Remarks"). 16. Is water service provided to an area or subdivision including a recreational reservoir: YES [ ] NO[ ]. 17. Name of area or subdivision so served: 18. State surface area at maximum water level in recreational reservoir(s) referred to in 16. Identify surface area(s) by name of dam or reservoir: 19. What measures are you using or planning to reduce water losses in conveyance systems? (1) Seepage or leak detection program [ ]; (2) Lining canals [ ]; (3) Phreatophyte and aquatic vegetation control [ ]; (4) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 20. What measures are used to encourage consumers to conserve water in agricultural use? (1) Program to encourage more efficient irrigation systems (sprinkler, drip, etc.), where applicable [ ]; (2) Return flow systems on individual farms [ ]; (3) Return flow system areawide [ ]; (4) Water pricing to encourage reduced use [ ]; (5) Charges for drainage of irrigated lands [ 1; (6) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 21. What measures are used to encourage municipal and industrial consumers to conserve water? (1) Regulations to control wasteful use [ ]; (2) Public education program on water conservation [ ]; (3) Pricing to encourage reduced use [ ]; (4) Assistance to industry in design of recycle systems [ ]; (5) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 22. What records are maintained on water use and conservation? (1) Loss rate from conveyance system [ ]; (2) Water use for major crops by each farm [ ]; (3) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ J. 23. Describe any water conservation efforts you may have started: 24. If credit toward beneficial use of water under this permit for water not used due to a conservation effort is claimed"under Water Code Section 1011, please show the amounts of water conserved (acre feet or mg.): WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION 25. Describe methods you are using to minimize erosion and to prevent the entry of silt into surface waters: 26. After use, the water is (1) retained in reservoir [ ]; (2) discharged into a stream or lake [ ]; (3) discharged into settling ponds [ 1; (4) other [ ]. Describe: 27. Does or will water being discharged contain waste materials? [ ] YES [ ] NO. (1) Domestic [ ]; (2) Municipal [ ]; (3) Industrial [ ]; (4) Agricultural [ ]; (5) Other [ J. Describe• 28. Does or will water being discharged contain any specific material which is deleterious to fish and wildlife or which would impair the water for beneficial uses? [ ] Yes [ ] No. Describe• TO THE EXTENT THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS APPLY TO YOUR PERMIT, PLEASE ANSWER IN REMARKS SECTION BELOW. 29. Are you now or have you been using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment facility or water polluted by waste to a degree which unreasonably affects such water for other beneficial uses? [ ] Yes — [ X] No. If credit toward use under this water right through substitution of reclaimed or polluted water in lieu of appropriated water is claimed under Section 1010 of the Water Code, please show the amounts of reclaimed water used. 30. Are you now or have you been reclaiming or reusing any of the water appropriated under this right? [ ] Yes [X] No. If Yes, please describe: 31. What is present availability or current potential for using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment plant or polluted water in place of the appropriated water to satisfy all or part of your water needs? 32. What is the current potential for reusing the appropriated water to satisfy part of your water needs? 33. If you produce reclaimed water, or polluted water, is there a potential for others to use it? REMARKS (Identify the item you are explaining. Additional pages may be attached.) See Page 3 I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated: April 16th, 1984 at rt Tahoe Paradise, California Sign here: (Location) PARADISE WATER CO. INC. George C. Baron, gg-EE (OR AGENT OR DESIGNEE) PRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE - Fe 2 (State) APPLICATION: 018039 PERMIT: 013530 PkC; :kESS REPORT BY PENMIT1 EE - PAGE 3 REMARKS On May 6, 1970, the Company filed a "Petition for Change in Point of Diversion" and simultaneously filed a "Petition for Change of Place of Us.:c". These petitions are the result of engineering studies .accomplished to date and in collaboration with the other utilities mentioned in said petitions. To provide water for domestic use of the companies' potential customers based on presently subdivided lands the total quantity of water.in the permit•'is considered essential. On July 30, 1971, the Company filed petition for extension of time as the Water Rights Branch had not acted on petitions cited in paragraph one on page one. On June 18, 1973, a hearing was held at which time both DWR Staff and Utility were instructed to recheck data submitted in evidence. A preliminary meeting was held, however the final meeting between Staff and Utility has not been held. Company received letter of August 23; 1974, from State Water Rights Control Board•re: an EIR on•subject applications. On or about September 30, 1974, Company requested 120 day.extension to prepare EIR. However, on checking Company files it has been found that an EIR was presented as part of June 18, 1973, hearing. 31. Regulations of the State Department of Health Services,prohibit use as potable water. Lahontan Water Quality Control Board prohibits use of reclaimed water for irrigation. 32. No possiblity. After use, water goes into South Tahoe Public Utility District's sewage system and cannot be used. See above. 33. After passing t!nrough_South'',Tahoe Public Utility District's Reclamation Plant, water could be used for recharge if regulations were relaxed. State Water Resources Control Board • ISDIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 77 Cadillac Drive, Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 920-6151 PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1982 OWNER OF RECORD: APPLICATION: 018039 TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY P 0 BOX 11117 TAHOE PARADISE• CALIF 9570in IF OWNER'S NAME/ADDRESS/PHONE NO. IS (WRONG SOURCE: UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER PURPOSE: DOMESTIC PERMIT': 013530 TELEPHONE NUMBER:4/ (?1/G ).61-2622. OR MISSING, PLEASE CORRECT. COUNT Y: EL' DORADO DIVERSION/STORAGE SEASON: ACRES/HP: JAN 01 TO DEC 31 // JAN 01 TO DEC 31 .0 AC AMOUNT: 3.000 CFS 200.0 AC—FT COMPLETE USE BY: 12/01/70 IMPORTANT! EVERY permit is issued subject to the conditions therein expressed. I have currently reviewed my permit: YES [ X] NO [ ]. I am complying with the conditions under which my permit has been issued: YES [ ] NO [X ]. Identify any noncompliance by permit term number under "Remarks" on reverse side. This report is important in providing the record of use needed in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the above address. THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND I' REQUEST REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT: YES [ ] NO [ X]. CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? YES [ 1 NO DC 1. Is construction completed? YES[ ] NO [ 1. 2. If incomplete, describe briefly the work done, including cost 6,3E -4 D. n C'7 -=aa -1 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion. 4. What percent of construction work remains to be done? Explain CO c• rrrt O ,co ' USE OF WATER :n C, 4-> a pC -4 C, rri LJ 5. Has use of water commenced? YES [ 1 NO [ X]. Check appropriate box(es) below and explain how water was used. (a) [ ] Irrigation Total acres irrigated Name of crops served and acreage of each (b) [ ] Stockwatering (f) [ ] Recreational Number of animals Boating, fishing, water contact sports (c) [ ] Industrial (g) [ ] Power generation Nature of use Installed horsepower capacity (d) [ ] Domestic (h) [ ]' Other Number of persons, area of garden, lawn, etc. (e) [ ] Municipal Approximate population 6. Amount of water used each month under this permit in gallons or acre-feet. (If not known, check months water was used.) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Annual 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? YES [ 1 NO '[ 1. If "No", explain in "Remarks". 8. Has location of the intake, place of use, or type of use been changed? YES [ 1 NO [ 1. Explain in "Remarks 9. Did the source go dry? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If so, during what months? STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY N/A 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? YES [ ] NO[ 1. If not,°how many feet below spillway vertically was the water le at Ihaximum storage? Have you emptied the reservoir? YES [ ] NO [ J. If not, how many feet below spillway verti ally was it drawn down at end of season? WR•1541-80) 0095 1982 (REPORT CONTINUES ON REVERSE, SIDE) PLEASE ANSWER ONLY THOSE QUESTIONS BELOW WHICH ARE APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT. MUNICIPAL, COMMUNITY, OR SUBDIVISION PROJECTS ONLY CONSERVATION OF WATER 11. How many service connections to date? Total population served by the water system • 12. Estimated number of service connections under full use: 13. Are the connections individually metered; YES [ ] NO [ 1. 14. Do you plan to meter the connections? YES [ ] NO [ 1. When? 15. Sewage generated by those to whom you deliver water is disposed of by: Septic tanks and leach lines [ ]; Seepage pits [ 1; Central treatment plan [ 1 operated by ; Other [ ] (specify under, "Remarks"). 16. Is water service provided to an area or subdivision including a recreational reservoir: YES [ ] NO[ ]. 17. Name of area or subdivision so served: 18. State surface area at maximum water level in recreational reservoir(s) referred to in 16. Identify surface area(s) by name of dam or reservoir: 19. What measures are you using or planning to reduce water losses in conveyance systems? (1) Seepage or leak detection program [ ]; (2) Lining canals [ ]; (3) Phreatophyte and aquatic vegetation control [ ]; (4) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 20. What measures are used to encourage consumers to conserve water in agricultural use? (1) Program to encourage, more efficient irrigation systems (sprinkler, drip, etc.), where applicable [ 1; (2) Return flow systems on individual farms [ ]; (3) Return flow system areawide [ ]; (4) Water pricing to encourage reduced use [ ]; (5) Charges for drainage of irrigated lands [ 1; (6) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 21. What measures are used to encourage municipal and industrial consumers to conserve water? (1) Regulations to control wasteful use [ 1; (2) Public education program on water conservation [ 1; (3) Pricing to encourage reduced use [ ]; (4) Assistance to industry in design of recycle systems [ 1; (5) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 22. What records are maintained on water use and conservation? (1) Loss rate from conveyance system 1 1; (2) Water use for major crops by each farm [ ]; (3) Other (describe in "Remarks") 1 1. 23. Describe any water conservation efforts you may have started: 24. If credit toward beneficial use of water under this permit for water not used due to a conservation effort is claimed under Water Code Section 1011, please show the amounts of water conserved (acre feet or mg.): .e. WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION 25. Describe methods you are using to minimize erosion and to prevent the entry of silt into surface waters: 26. After use, the water is (1) retained in reservoir [ ]; (2) discharged into a stream or lake [ 1; (3) discharged into settling ponds [ ]; (4) other [ 1. Describe: 27. Does or will water being discharged contain waste materials? [ ] YES [ ] NO. (1) Domestic [ 1; (2) Municipal [ ]; (3) Industrial 1 1; (4) Agricultural [ ]; (5) Other [ 1. Describe• 28. Does or will water being discharged contain any specific material which is deleterious to fish and wildlife or which would impair the water for beneficial uses? [ 1 Yes [ 1 No. Describe: TO THE EXTENT THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS APPLY TO YOUR PERMIT, PLEASE ANSWER IN REMARKS SECTION BELOW. 29. Are you now or have you been using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment facility or water polluted by waste to a degree which unreasonably affects such water for other beneficial uses? [ ] Yes —1 X] No. If credit toward use under this water right through substitution of reclaimed or polluted water in lieu of appropriated water is claimed under Section 1010 of the Water Code, please show the amounts of reclaimed water used. 30. Are you now or have you been reclaiming or reusing any of the water appropriated under this right? [ 1 Yes [ g] No. If Yes, please describe: 31. What is present availability or current ,potential for using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment plant or polluted water in place of the appropriated water to satisfy all or part of your water needs? 32. What is the current potential for reusing the appropriated water to satisfy part of your water needs? 33. If you produce reclaimed water, or polluted water, is there a potential for others to use it? - REMARKS (Identify the item you are explaining. Additional pages may :be attached.) See Page #3. I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated i March 23rd, 1983 at Tahoe. Paradise, California Sign here: (Location) TAH PARADISE WATER AND GAS CO. (State) - PERMITTEE (OR AGENT OR DESIGNEE) George C. Baron, Pres. FESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE P • • APPLICATION:. 018039 PERMIT: 013530 PRO ski 5S REPORT BY PERMITTEE - PAGE 3 REMARKS On May 6, 1970, the Company filed a "Petition for Change in Point of Diversion" and simultaneously filed a "Petition for Change of Place of Use". These petitions are the result of engineering studies: accomplished to date and in collaboration with the other utilities mentioned in said petitions. To provide water for domestic use of the companies' potential customers based on presently subdivided lands the total quantity of water.in the permit is considered essential.' On July 30, 1971, the Company filed petition for extension of time as the Water Rights Branch had not acted on petitions cited in paragraph one on page one. On June 18, 1973, a hearing was held at which time both DWR Staff and Utility were instructed to recheck data submitted in evidence. A preliminary meeting was held, however the final meeting between Staff and Utility has not been held. Company received letter of August 23, 1974, from State Water Rights Control Board re: an EIR on•subject applications. On or about September 30, 1974, Company requested 120 day extension to prepare EIR. However, on checking Company files it has been found that an EIR was presented as part of June 18, 1973, hearing. 31. Regulations of the State Department of Health Services prohibit use as potable water. Lahontan Water Quality Control Board prohibits use of reclaimed water for irrigation. 32. No possiblity. After use, water goes into South Tahoe Public Utility District's sewage system and cannot be used. See above. 33. After passing through South Tahoe Public Utility District's 0 Reclamation Plant, water could be used for recharge if regulations were relaxed. STATE OF CALIFORNIA RESOURCES AGENCY - EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD - DIVISION OF- WATER RIGHTS ' -• 77 Cadillac Drive, Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) '924-2462 Tahoe Paradise Water & Gas ,Company' P. P. 0. Box 11117 Tahoe Paradise, CA 95708. Gentlemen: PERMIT 13527, 13528, 13529, 13530 AND 14335 (APPLICATION 1803.0, 18031, 18038, 1803AND 19625) UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER IN- EL DORADO COUNTY Your petitionfor an extension of time has been received and will be filed in the file for the above permits. A petition for an extension of time was accepted on August 4,_1981. The petition was Noticed in February 1976 resulting in three protests including the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe. The State Water Resources Control•Board has not acted on the petition because' they are waiting on action on the Tahoe Basin Environmental Impact Report. Since we have a petition for an extension of time on file, your latest petition is not necessary and your $5 filing fee will be returned under separate cover. If you have any questions, please contact Rick Miner at (916) 924-2462. Sincerely, Original Signerd Bya Jim Pankratz, Chief Extension, Change and Compliance Unit PROGRESS OWNER OF RECORD: State Water Resources Control Board DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 7 Cadillac Drive, Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 920-6151 REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY P 0 BOX 11117 TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 9ti2)X 95708 1961 APPLICATION: 018039 PERMIT: 013530 TEL EPH ONE NUMBER : (916 ) 577 — 2622 IF OWNER'S NAME./ADDRESS/PHONE NO. IS WRONG OR MISSING, PLEASE CO2RECT. SOURCE: UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER EL. DORADO COUNTY: PURPOSE: DIVERSION/STORAGE SEASON: DaM_STIC ACRES /HP: JAN 01 TO DEC 31 // JAN 01 TO DEC 31 .0 AC AMOUNT: 3.000 CFS 200.0 AC—FT COMPLETE USE BY: 12/01/70 IMPORTANT! EVERY permit is issued subject to the conditions therein expressed. I have currently reviewed my permit: YES [x ] NO [ J. I am complying with the conditions under which my permit has been issued: YES [ ] NO [X ]. Identify any noncompliance by permit term number under "Remarks" on reverse side. This report is important in providing the record of use needed in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned p omp1 'to the above address. o:`,E ANT t../J THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND I REQUEST REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT: YES [ ] ].(.31 CONSTRUCTION WORK 73. —s ,° rrl l -4 —Q, c)"' 1. Has construction work commenced? YES [ ] NO [ X]. Is construction completed? YES[ ] NO [ '7")_ --ca' 2. If incomplete, describe briefly the work done, including cost• c, to 'N 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion. 4. What percent of construction work remains to be done? Explain: USE OF WATER 5. Has use of water commenced? YES [ ] NO [X 1. Check appropriate box(es) below and explain how water was used. (a) [ 1. Irrigation Total acres irrigated Name of crops served and acreage of each (b) [ ] Stockwatering (f) [ ] Recreational Number of animals Boating, fishing, water contact sports • (c) [ ] Industrial (g) [ ] Power generation Nature of use Installeo horsepower capacity (d) [ ] Domestic (h) [ ] Other Number of person% area of garden, lawn, etc. (e) [ ] Municipal Approximate population 6. Amount of water used each month under this permit in gallons or acre-feet. (If not known, check months water was used.) Jan. L Feb. . Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Annual 7. Has'use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? YES [ 1 NO [ 1. If "No", explain in "Remarks". 8. Has location of the intake, place of use, or type of use been changed? YES [ ] NO [ 1. Explain in"Remarks". 9. Did the source go dry? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If so, during what months? STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY N/A 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? YES [ ] NO[ ]. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? Have you emptied the reservoir? YES [ ] NO [ 1. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season? WR•15 (8-80) 0105 1981 (REPORT CONTINUES ON REVERSE SIDE) PLEASE ANSWER ONLY THOSE QUESTIONS BELOW WHICH ARE APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT. MUNICIPAL, COMMUNITY, OR SUBDIVISION PROJECTS ONLY CONSERVATION OF WATER 11. How many service connections to date? Total population served by the water system. 12. Estimated number of service connections under full use: 13. Are the connections individually metered; YES [ ] NO [ ]. 14. Do you plan to meter the connections? YES 1 ] NO [ 1. When? 15. Sewage generated by those to whom you deliver water is disposed of by: Septic tanks and leach lines 1 ]; Seepage pits [ 1; Central treatment plan [ ] operated by ; Other [ ] (specify under "Remarks"). 16. Is water service provided to an area or subdivision including a recreational reservoir: YES 1 ] NO[ 1. 17. Name of area or subdivision so served. 18. State surface area at maximum water level in recreational reservoir(s) referred to in 16. Identify surface area(s) by name of dam or reservoir: 19. What measures are you using or planning to reduce water losses in conveyance systems? (1) Seepage or leak detection program [ 1; (2) Lining canals [ 1; (3) Phreatophyte and aquatic vegetation control [ 1; (4) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ 1. 20. What measures are used to encourage consumers to conserve water in agricultural use? (1) Program to encourage more efficient irrigation systems (sprinkler, drip, etc.), where applicable [ ]; (2) Return flow systems on individual farms [ 1; (3) Return flow system areawide [ 1; (4) Water pricing to encourage reduced use [ ]; (5) Charges for drainage of irrigated lands [ ]; (6) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ 1. 21. What measures are used to encourage municipal and industrial consumers to conserve water? (1) Regulations to control wasteful use [ ]; (2) Public education program on water conservation [ 1; (3) Pricing to encourage reduced use [ 1; (4) Assistance to industry in design of recycle systems [ 1; (5) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 22. What records are maintained on water use and conservation? (1) Loss rate from conveyance system 1 .1; (2) Water use for major crops by each farm [ ]; (3) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ 1. 23. Describe any water conservation eftorts you may have started: 24. If credit toward beneficial use of water under this permit for water not used due to a conservation effort is claimed under Water Code Section 1011, please show the amounts of water conserved (acre feet or mg.): WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION 25. Describe methods you are using to minimize erosion and to prevent the entry of silt into surface waters:' 26. After use, the water is (1) retained in reservoir [ ]; (2) discharged into a stream or lake [ 1; (3) discharged into settling ponds [ ]; (4) other [ ]. Describe• 27. Does or will water being discharged contain waste materials? 1 1 YES [ ] NO. (1) Domestic [ 1; (2) Municipal [ 1; (3) Industrial [. ]; (4) Agricultural [ ]; (5) Other [ ]. Describe• 28. Does or will water being discharged contain any specific material which is deleterious to fish and wildlife or which would impair the water for beneficial uses? [ ] Yes [ ] No. Describe: TO THE EXTENT THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS APPLY TO YOUR PERMIT, PLEASE ANSWER IN REMARKS SECTION BELOW. 29. Are you now or have you been using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment facility or water polluted by waste to a degree which unreasonably affects such water for other beneficial uses? [ a ] • Yes _[ X] No. . If credit toward use under this water right through substitution of reclaimed or polluted water in lieu of appropriated water is claimed under Section 1010 of the Water Code, please show the amounts of reclaimed water used. 30. Are you now or have you been, reclaiming or reusing any of the water appropriated under this right? 1 ] Yes Ex ] No. If Yes, please describe. 31. What is present availability or current potential for using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment plantor polluted water in place of the appropriated water to satisfy all or part of your water needs? 32. What is the:current potential for reusing the,appropriated water to satisfy part of your water needs? 33. If you produce reclaimed water, or polluted water, is there a potential for others to use it? REMARKS (Identify the item you are explaining. Additional pages may be attached.) See Page 3 1 declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. e Y� Dated: February 22nd, 1982 at_ Tahoe Paradise, California TAHOE PPA g�/WWAATER AND GAS O. Sign here: `�GG v O' George C. Baron, ITEE (OR AGENT OR DESIGNEE) PFESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE - P4.2 (State) A1410CATION: 018039 PERMIT: 013530 R? teRr i PCRA;:°I"i& - i"I1:;E 3 REMARKS ., May 6, 19'0, the Company filed a "Petition for Change in event. of ,u .PE -en" and simultaneously filed a "Petition for Change of Place Thee petitions are the result of engineering studiee le eu,1 shed to date and in collaboration with the other utilities met eeneu in said petitions. To provide water for domestic use of th, eompanic_s' potential customers based on presently subdivided lands the total quantity of water in the permit is considered essential. rn Jute 30, 1971, the Company filed petition for extension of time as 'ne Watet Rights Branch had not acted on petitions cited in piragraph one on page one. On June 18, 1973, a hearing was held et w1,ich time both DWR Staff and Utility were instructed to recheck data submitted in evidence. A preliminary meeting was held, however the final meeting between Staff and Utility has not been held. a'ompany received letter of August 23, 1974, from State Water Rights Coetael Board re: an EIR on subject applications. On or about September 30, 1974, Company requested 120 day extension to prepare EIR. However, on checking Company files it has been found that an EIP was presented as part of June 18, 1973, hearing. 31. Regulations of the State Department of Health Services prohibit use as potable water. Lahontan Water Quality Control Board prohibits use of reclaimed water for irrigation. 32. No possiblity. After, use, water goes into South Tahoe Public Utility District's sewage system and cannot be used. See above. 33. After passing through South Tahoe Public Utility District's Reclamation Plant, water could be used for recharge if regulations were relaxed. 6'q STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL. BOARD MAY 13 5 27 PH '82 DIV. OF WATER RIGHTS SACRAMENTO • • • STATE OF CALIFORNIA - RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 77 Cadillac Drive, Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 920-6151 WATER USERS: Application 018039 • S rO oNTRe/ RRFSOUR EDMIG�OWN JFl _slam WN t)� y OF `� 27 , Permit 013530 Water Code Section 1396 requires an applicant to exercise due diligence in developing a water supply for beneficial use. The State Water Resources Control Board, in considering requests for extension of time, will review the facts presented to determine whether there is good cause for granting an extension of time to complete the project. Where diligence in completing the project is not fully substantiated, the Board may set the matter for hearing to determine the facts upon which to base formal action relating to the permit. Formal action may involve: 1. Revoking the permit for failure to proceed with due diligence in completing the project. 2. Issuing a license for the amount of water heretofore placed to beneficial use under the terms of the permit. c 3. Granting a reasonable extension of time to complete construction work and/or full beneficial use of water. The time previously allowed in your permit within which to•complete construc- tion work and/or use of water has either expired or will expire shortly. Please check below the action you wish taken on this permit. / / The project has been abandoned and I request revocation of the permit Signature FUZZ use of water has been made, both as to amount and season, and I request license be issued. Signature / x/ The project is not yet complete. I request the Board's consideration of the following petition for an extension of time: PETITION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME If start of construction work has been delayed, complete items 1, 2, and 3. 1. What has been done since permit was issued toward commencing construction? NO WORK ACCOMPLISHED. 2. Estimated date construction work will begin UNKNOWN 3. Reasons why construction work was not begun within the time allowed by the permit SEE ATTACHMENT TO "PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1981" If construction work and/or use of water is proceeding but is not complete, an _extension of time may be petitioned by completing the appropriate items on reverse side. Statements must be restricted to construction or use of water only under this permit. WR 20C (6/81) 4. A year extension of time is requested to complete construction work and/or beneficial use of water. (Indicate period of time. -- Must be consistent with time frame allowed in "Guidelines for Considering Petitions for Extensions of Time"). 5. How much water has been used? 6. How many acres have been irrigated? of/year cfs 7. How many houses or people have been served water? 8. Extent of past use of water for any other purpose 9. What construction work has been completed during the last extension? 10. Approximate amount spent on project during last extension period is 11. Estimated date construction work will be completed 12. Estimated year in which water will be fully used. 13. Reasons why construction and/or use of water were not completed within previously allowed time If the use of water is for municipal' (including industrial) and irrigation supplies provided or regulated by public agencies and use of the water has commenced, but additional time is needed to reach full use contemplatea the following information must be provided. 14. What water conservation measures are in effect or feasible within the place of use 15. How much water is being conserved or is it feasible to conserve using these conservation measures? acre-feetEper annum. 16. How much water per capita is used during'the maximum 30 -day period gpd. I dectane unde& penalty ob penjtay chat the above t ue and corvr.ec t .to the o6 my Fznowfedge and betie6. Dated S./1. , 19 2) at TAHOE PARADISE , California. NOTE: A $5 fee must accompany a petition for an extension of time. TAHOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS CO. 'rWR. 20C (6/81) Perrin t George C. PRESIDENT or Authorized BaronSignature presentative but Title • State Water Resources Control Board DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 77 Cadillac Drive, Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 920-6151. PROGRESS REPORT SWIPEcurBOARDETEE FOR FEB 1q 10.08 AN' OWNER' OF RECORD: 8I Of I%.� Eg ICi•iTS TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANYSACRAME;N1°0 P 0 BOX 11117 TAHOE PARADISE" CALIF HINIXIME 95708 APP LICAT'/O N: 1980 018 039 PERMIT: 013530 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (916 ) 577 — 2622 IF OWNER'S NAME/ADDRESS/PHONE NO. IS WRONG OR MISSING, PLEASE CORRECT. SOURCE: COLI'NTY: UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER EL DORADO, PURPOSE: DOMESTIC DIVERSION/STORAGE SEASON: ACRES/HP: JAN 01. TO DEC 31 // JAN r01 TO DEC 31 .0 AC AMOUNT: 3.000 CFS 200.0 AC -FT COMPLETE USE BY: 1:2/01/70 IMPORTANT! EVERY permit is issued subject to the conditions therein expressed. 1 have currently reviewed my permit: YES [ x] NO [ ]. I am complying with the conditions under which my permit has been issued: YES [ ] NO P 1. Identify any noncompliance by permit term number under "Remarks" on reverse side. This report is important in providing the record of use needed in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the above address. THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND I REQUEST REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT: YES [ ] NO (1. CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? YES ( ] NO [X ]. Is construction completed? YES[ ] NO ( ]. 2. If incomplete, describe briefly the work done;including cost• 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion• 4. What percent of construction work remains to be done? Explain • USE OF WATER 5. Has use of water commenced? YES [ ] NO [ X]. Check appropriate box(es) below and explain how water was used. (a) [ ] Irrigation Total acres irrigated Name of crops served and acreage of each (b) [ ] Stockwatering (f) [ ] Recreational Number of animals Boating, fishing, water contact sports (c) [ ] Industrial (g) [ ] Power generation Nature of use Installed horsepower capacity (d) [ ] Domestic (h) [ ] Other Number of persons, area of garden, .lawn, :etc. - - - (e) [ ] Municipal Approximate population, 6. Amount of water used each month under this permit in gallons or acre-feet. (If not known, check months water was used.) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Annual 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? YES [ 1 NO [ ]. If "No", explain in "Remarks 8. Has location of the intake, place of use, or type of use been changed? YES [ ] NO [ ]. Explain in "Remarks". 9. Did the source go dry? YES [ ] NO [ 1. If so, during what months? STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY N/A 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? YES [ ] NO[ 1. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? Have you emptied the reservoir? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season AFIll 2 4 f081 ND WR -15 (8-80) 0126 1980 (REPORT CONTINUES ON REVERSE SIDE) PLEASE ANSWER ONLY THOSE QUESTIONS BELOW WHICH ARE APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT. MUNICIPAL, COMMUNITY, OR SUBDIVISION PROJECTS ONLY CONSERVATION OF WATER 11. How many service connections to date? Total population served by the water system: 12. Estimated number of service connections under full use: 13. Are the connections individually metered; YES [ ']' NO [ 1. 14. Do you plan to meter the connections? YES [ 1 NO [ 1. When? 15. Sewage generated by those to whom you deliver water is disposed of by: Septic tanks and leach lines [ 1; Seepage pits [ 1; Central treatment plan [ ] operated by ;,Other [ ] (specify under "Remarks"). 16. Is water service provided to an area or subdivision including a recreational, reservoir: YES [ ] NO,[ ]. 17. Name of area or subdivision so served 18. State surface area at maximum water level in recreational reservoir(s) referred to in 16. Identify surface area(s) by name of dam or reservoir: 19. What measures are you using or planning to reduce water losses in conveyance systems? (1) Seepage or leak detection program [ ]; (2) Lining canals [ 1; (3) Phreatophyte and aquatic vegetation control [ ]; (4) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 20. What measures are used to encourage consumers to conserve water in agricultural use? (1) Program to encourage more efficient irrigation systems (sprinkler, drip, etc.),where applicable [ 1; (2) Return flow systems on individual farms [ ]; (3) Return flow system areawide [ 1; (4) Water pricing to encourage reduced use [ 1; (5) Charges for drainage of irrigated lands [ 1; (6) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 21. What measures are used to encourage municipal and industrial consumers to conserve water? (1) Regulations to control wasteful use [ 1; (2) Public education program on water conservation [ 1; (3) Pricing to encourage reduced use [ ];' (4) Assistance to industry in design of recycle systems [ 1; (5) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ ]. 22. What records are maintained on water use and conservation? (1) Loss rate from conveyance system [ ]; (2) Water use for major crops by each farm [ 1; (3) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ J. 23. Describe any water conservation efforts you may have started: 24. If credit toward beneficial use of water under this permit for water not used due to a conservation effort is claimed under Water Code Section 1011, please show the amounts of water conserved (acre feet or mg.): WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION 25. Describe methods you are using to minimize erosion and to prevent the entry of silt into surface waters: 26. After use, the water is (1) retained in reservoir [ 1; (2) discharged into a stream or lake [ ]; (3) discharged into settling ponds [ ]; (4) other [ ]. Describe: 27. Does or will water being discharged contain waste materials? [ ] YES [ 1 NO. (1) Domestic [ ]; (2) Municipal [ ]; (3) Industrial [ 1; (4) Agricultural [ ]; (5) Other [ ]. Describe`, 28. Does or will water being discharged contain any specific material which is deleterious to fish and wildlife or which would impair the water for beneficial uses? [ ] Yes [ ] No. Describe: TO THE EXTENT THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS APPLY TO YOUR PERMIT, PLEASE ANSWER IN REMARKS SECTION BELOW. 29. Areyou now or have you been using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment facility or water polluted by waste to a degree which unreasonably affects such water for other beneficial uses? [ ] Yes [ X] No. If credit toward use under this water right through substitution of reclaimed or polluted water in lieu of appropriated water is claimed under Section 1010 of the Water Code, please show the amounts of reclaimed water used. 30. Are you now or have you been reclaiming or reusing any -of'the water appropriated under this right? [ ] Yes [X ] No If Yes, please describe: 31. What is present availability or current potential for using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment plant or polluted water in place of the appropriated water to satisfy all or part of your water needs? 32. What is the current potential for reusing the appropriated water to satisfy part of your water needs? 33. If you produce reclaimed water, or polluted water, is there a potential for others to use it? REMARKS (Identify the item you are explaining. Additional pages may be attached.) 31. Regulations of the State Department of Health Services prohibit use as potable water. Lahontan Water Quality Control Board prohibits use of reclaimed water for irrigation. 32. No possibility. After use, water goes into South Tahoe Public Utility District's sewage system and cannot be used. See above. 33. After passing through South Tahoe Public Utility'District's Reclamation Plant, water could be used for recharge if regulations were relaxed. I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated i February 13th, 1981 at Tahoe Paradise, California TAHOE PA iB1%/ WATER AND GAS CO (State) Sign here: Georg E (OR GENT OR DESIGNEE) FESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE — Pi" 2 APPLICATION: 018039 PERMIT: 013530 PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE - PAGE 3 REMARKS On May 6, 1970, the Company filed a "Petition for Change in Point of Diversion" and simultaneously filed a "Petition for Change of Place of Use". These petitions are the result of engineering studies accomplished to date and in collaboration with the other utilities mentioned in said petitions. To provide water for domestic use of the companies' potential customers based on presently subdivided lands the total quantity of water in the permit is considered essential. On July 30, 1971, the Company filed petition for extension of time as the Water Rights Branch had not acted on petitions cited in paragraph one on page one. On June 18, 1973, a hearing was held at which time both DWR Staff and Utility were instructed to recheck data submitted in evidence. A preliminary meeting was held, however the final meeting between Staff and Utility has not been held. Company received letter of August 23, 1974, from State Water Rights Control Board re: an EIR on subject applications. On or about September 30, 1974, Company requested 120 day extension to prepare EIR. However, on checking Company files it has been found that an EIR was presented as part of June 18, 1973, hearing. P4337:0 tO r.0e#1,1 RIGHTs s *State Water Resources Control Board DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 77 Cadillac Drive, Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 920-6151 PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1979 OWNER OF RECORD: TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY P 0 BOX 11117, TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705(8 APPLICATION: 18039 ( 916 ) 577-2622 Area Code and Telephone Number If the owner's name or address shown above is wrong, please correct. SOURCE: UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER COUNTY: E L DORADO AMOUNT: 3 cu FT/SEC 200 AC—FT/ANN PURPOSE: DOMEST I C PERMIT: 13530 Timeto complete use of water expires this date IMPORTANT! EVERY permit is issued subject to the conditions therein expressed. I have currently reviewed my permit: YES [ NO [ ] . I am complying with the conditions under which my permit has been issued: YES [ ] NO [x] . Identify any noncompliance by permit term number under "Remarks" on reverse side. This report is important in providing the record of use needed in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the above address. THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND I REQUEST REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT: YES [ ] NO [X ]. CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? YES [ ] NO [x] .-If YES, is construction completed? YES [ ] NO [ ] . 2. If complete, describe briefly the work done, including cost: 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion: 4. What percent of construction work remains to be done? Explain• USE OF WATER 5. Has use of water commenced? YES [ ] NO [ A . Check appropriate box(es) below and explain how water was used. (a) [ ] Irrigation Total acres irrigated Name of crops served and acreage of each (b) [ ] Stockwatering (f) [ ] Recreational Number of animals Boating, fishing, water contact sports (c) [ 1 Industrial (g) [ ] Power generation Nature of use Installed horsepower capacity (d) [ 1 Domestic (h) [ ] Other Number of persons, area of garden, lawn, etc. (e) [ 1 Municipal Approximate population 6. Amount of water used each month under this permit in gallons or acre-feet. (If not known, check months water was used.) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Annual 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? YES [ ] NO [ I. If "No", explain on reverse side under "Remarks". 8. Has location of the intake, place of use, or type of use been changed? YES [ ] NO [ ] . Explain on reverse side under "Remarks". 9. Did the source go dry? YES [ ] NO [ I. If so, during what months? STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY N/A 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? YES [ ] NO [ 1. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? Have you emptied the reservoir? YES [ ) NO [ ] . If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season? I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated' February 12th, 1980 at Tahoe Paradise, California `g0 �P TARO PAR1� ° ' ATER ANI AS co . (State)E.g �j,i 1 / ' Sign here: k€444/‘ (State) George ! 7,T,EE (OR AGENT OR DESIGNEE) SWRCB-15 (6-79) 1979 (REPORT CONTINUES ON REVERSE SIDE) PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE — PAGE 2 PLEASE ANSWER THOSE QUESTIONS BELOW WHICH ARE APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT: MUNICIPAL, COMMUNITY, OR SUBDIVISION PROJECTS ONLY 11. How many service connections to date? Total population served by the water system - 12. Estimated number of service connections under full use • 13. Are the connections individually metered? YES [ ] NO [ 1. 14. Do you plan to meter the connections? YES [ ] NO [ ] . When? 15. Sewage generated by those to whom you deliver water is disposed of by: Septic tanks and leach lines [ ] ;Seepage pits [ 1; Central treatment plan [ ] operated by ; Other [ ] (specify under "Remarks"). PURVEYORS OF WATER ONLY 16. Water service is provided to an area or subdivision including a recreational reservoir: YES [ ] NO [ 1. 17. Name of area or subdivision so served• 18. State surface area at maximum water level in recreational reservoir(s) referred to in 16. Identify surface area(s) by name of dam or reservoir• NOTE: The following questions relate to the Board's continuing responsibility to insure that appropriate water is best developed, conserved, and utilized in the public interest as required by the Water Code. CONSERVATION OF WATER. 19. What measures are you using or planning to reduce water losses in conveyance systems? (1) Seepage or leak detection program [ 1; (2) Lining canals [ 1; (3) Phreatophyte and aquatic vegetation control [ ] ; (4) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ 1. 20. What measures are used to encourage consumers to conserve water in agricultural use? (1) Program to encourage more efficient irrigation systems (sprinkler, drip, etc.), where applicable [ ] ; (2) Return flow systems on individual farms [ ] ; (3) Return flow system areawide [ ] ; (4) Water pricing to encourage reduced use [ 1; (5) Charges for drainage of irrigated lands [ 1; (6) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ 1. 21. What measures are used to encourage municipal and industrial consumers to conserve water? (1) Regulations to control wasteful use [ ] ; (2) Public education program on water conservation [ ] ; (3) Pricing to encourage reduced use [ ] ; (4) Assistance to industry in design of recycle systems [ 1; (5) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ 1. 22. What records are maintained on water use and conservation? (1) Loss rate from conveyance system [ 1; (2) Water use for major crops by each farm [ ] . (3) Other (describe in "Remarks") [ 1. WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION 23. Describe methods you are using to minimize erosion and to prevent the entry of silt into surface waters• 24. After use, the water is (1) retained in reservoir [ ] ; (2) discharged into a stream or lake [ 1; (3) discharged into settling ponds [ 1; (4) other [ ] . Describe - 25. Does or will water being discharged contain waste materials? [ 1 Yes [ ] No. (1) Domestic [ 1; (2) Municipal [ ] ; (3) Industrial [ ] ; (4) Agricultural [ ] ; (5) Other [ ] . Describe• 26. Does or will water being discharged contain any specific material which is deleterious to fish and wildlife or which would impair the water for beneficial uses? [ ] Yes [ ] No. Describe TO THE EXTENT THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS APPLY TO YOUR PERMIT, PLEASE ANSWER IN REMARKS SECTION BELOW. 27. Are you now or have you been using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment facility or water polluted by waste to a degree which unreasonably affects such water for other beneficial uses? [ ] Yes k 1 No. If credit toward use under;this water right through substitution of reclaimed or polluted water in lieu of appropriated water is claimed under Section 1010 of the Water Code, please show such amounts of reduced diversion and amounts of reclaimed water used. 28. Are you now or have you .been reclaiming or reusing any of the water appropriated under this right? [ ] Yes k ] No. If Yes, please describe. 29. What is present availability or current potential for using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment plant or polluted water in place of the appropriated water tosatisfy all or part of your water needs? 30. What is the current potential for reusing the appropriated water to satisfy part of your water needs? 31. If you produce reclaimed water, or polluted water, is there a potential for others to use it? REMARKS Please indicate, the number of the item you are explaining: 29. Regulations of, the State,Department of Health Services prohibit use as potable water. ,t "Control Board,•rohibits use of reclaimed water for irri•ation. 10 Nn pncc;hil;ty. After use, water goes into South Tahoe Public Utility District's 0• • • a.n.t •- e used. See above. outh Tahoe Public Utilit District's Reclamation Plant water „ce(1 for recharge if regulations were relaxed. (If additional space is needed for remarks, attach numbered sheets.) (Continued) APPLICATION: 18039 PERMIT: 13530 PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE - PAGE 3 REMARKS • On May 6, 1970, the Company filed a "Petition for Change in Point of Diversion" and simultaneously filed a "Petition for Change of Place of Use". These petitions are the result of. engineering studies accomplished to date and in collaboration with the other utilities • mentioned in said petitions. To provide water for domestic use of the companies' potential customers based on presently subdivided lands the total quantity of water in the permit is considered essential. On July 30•, 1971, the Company filed petition for extension of time as the Water Rights Branch had not acted on petitions cited in 'paragraph•one on page one. On June 18, 1973, a hearing was held at which time both DWR Staff and Utility were instructed to recheck data submitted in evidence.' A preliminary meeting was•held, however the final meeting between Staff and Utility has not been held. Company received letter of August 23, 1974, from State Water Rights Control Board re: an EIR on subject applications. On or about September 30, 1974, Company requested 120 day extension to prepare EIR. However, on checking Company files it has been found•that an EIR was presented as part of June 18, 1973, hearing. gate Water Resources Control Boar DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 77 Cadillac Drive Sacramento, Ca. 95825 (916) 920-6151 PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1978 OWNER OF RECORD: APPLICATION: 18039 TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY nrr- t P 0 BOX 11117 _ , cr- r—..3 � /E TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 c y� 91A 577-7F,77 =r7 p,3 Area Code and Telephone Number r^ . O N If the owner or address shown above is wrong, please correct. oc = - Lam' o z c, SOURCE: UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER N cArn , COUNTY: EL DORADO AMOUNT: 3 cu FT/SEC 200 AC—FT/ANN PURPOSE: DOMESTIC PERMIT: 13530 Time to complete use of water expires this date IMPORTANT! EVERY permit is issued subject to the conditions therein expressed. I have currently reviewed my permit: YES D NO ❑ I am complying with the conditions under which my permit has been issued: YES 0 NOM . Identify any noncompliance by permit term number under "Remarks" on reverse side. This report is important in providing the record of use needed in establishing your water right•. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the above address. THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND I REQUEST REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT: YES Nati. CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? YES 0 NO ❑ . If YES, is consfruction completed? YES❑ NO ❑ . 2. If incomplete, describe briefly the work done, including cost: 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion: 4. What percent of construction work remains to be done? Explain: USE OF WATER 5. Has use of water commenced? YES❑ NO®. Check appropriate box(es) below and explain how water was used. (a) ❑ Irrigation Total acres irrigated Name of crops served and acreage of each (b) 0 Stockwatering (f) 0 Recreational Number of animals (c) ❑ Industrial (g) 0 Power generation Nature of Use (d) 0 Domestic (h) ❑ Other Number of persons, area of garden, lawn, etc. (e) 0 Municipal Approximate population 6. Amount of water used each month under this permit in gallons or acre-feet. (If not known, check months water was used.) Booting, fishing, water contact sports Installed horsepower capacity Jana Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Annual 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? YES 0 NO 0. If "No", explain on reverse side under "Remarks". 8. Has location of the intake, place of use, or type,of use been changed? YES ❑ NO ❑ . Explain on reverse side under "Remarks". 9. Did the source go dry? YES ❑ NO 0 . If so, during what months? STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY N/A 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? YES 0 NO ❑ . If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? Have you emptied the reservoir? YES 0 NO 0 . If not, how many feet • below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season? . 1 declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated: February 12th, 1979 at Tahoe Paradise, (Location) (State) Sign here: Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Co. SWRCB-18 California MA CCH.D, I9 8 RMITrEE George C. Baron, Pres. (REPORT CONTINUES ON REVERSE SIDE) PROGRESS REPORT BY. PERMITTEE - PAGE 2 PLEASE ANSWER ONLY THOSE QUESTIONS BELOW WHICH ARE APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT: MUNICIPAL, COMMUNITY, OR SUBDIVISION PROJECTS ONLY 11. How many service connections to date? Total population served by the water system: 12. Estimated number of service connections -under full use: 13. Are the connections individually metered? YES 0 NO 0 14. Do you plan to meter the connections? YES ❑ NO 0 . When? 15. Sewage generated by those to whom you deliver water is disposed of by: Septic tanks and leach lines ❑ ; Seepage pits[]; Central treatment plan 0 operated by ; Other ❑ (specify under "Remarks") PURVEYORS OF WATER ONLY 16. Water service is provided to an area or subdivision including a recreational reservoir: YES 0 NO 0 . 17. Name of area or subdivision so served: 18. State surface area of recreational reservoir(s) at maximum water level referred to in 16 and 17. Identify surface area(s) by name of dam or reservoir: NOTE: The following questions relate to the Board's continuing responsibility to insure that appropriate water is best developed, conserved, and utilized in the public interest as required by the Water Code. CONSERVATION OF WATER 19. What measures are you• using or planning to reduce water losses in conveyance systems? (1) Seepage or leak detection program 0 ; (2) Lining canals 0 ; (3) Phreatophyte and aquatic vegetation control 0 ; (4) Other (describe in "Remarks")0.0 20. What measures are used to encourage consumers to conserve water in agricultural use? (1) Program to encourage more efficient irrigation systems (sprinkler, drip, etc.), where applicable ❑.; (2) Return flow systems on individual farms 0 ; (3) Return flow system areawide 0 ; (4) Water pricing to encourage reduced use 0 ; (5) Charges for drainage of irrigated lands 0 ; (6) Other (describe in "Remarks") 0. 21. What measures are used to encourage municipal and industrial consumers to conserve water? (1) Regulations to con- trol wasteful use ❑ ; (2) Public education program on water conservation 0 ; (3) Pricing to encourage reduced use 0 ; (4) Assistance to industry in design of recycle systems 0 ; (5) Other (describe in "Remarks") 0. 22. What records are maintained on water use and conservation? (1) Loss rate from conveyance system 0 ; (2) Water use for major crops by each farm 0 ; (3) Other (describe in "Remarks") 0. WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION 23. Describe methods you are using to minimize erosion and to prevent the entry of silt into surface waters: . 24. After use, the water is (1) retained in reservoir 0 ; (2) discharged into a stream or lake 0 ; (3) discharged into settling ponds 0 ; (4) other 0. Describe 25. Does or will water being discharged contain waste materials? 0Yes ❑No. (1) Domestic 0 ; (2) Municipal 0 ; (3) Industrial 0; (4) Agricultural 0 ; (5) Other ❑. Describe. 26. Does or will water being discharged contain any specific material which is deleterious to fish and wildlife or which would impair. the water for beneficial uses? ❑Yes ❑No. Describe: 27. Describe what steps you are taking, have been taking, or can take to reclaim or indirectly reuse the water being appropriated. REMARKS Please indicate the number of the item you are explaining: On May 6, 1970, the Company filed a "Petition for Change in Point of Diversion" yd simultaneously filed a "Petition for Change of Place of Use". These petitions are the result of engineering studies°accomplished to date and in collaboration with the other utilities mentioned in said petitions. To provide water for domestic use of the compan- ies' potential customers' based on presently subdivided lands the total quantity of water in the permit is considered essential. On 30 July, 1971, the Company filed petition for extension of time as the Water Rights Branch had not acted on petitions cited in paragraph one above. On 18 June, 1973, a hearing was held at which time both DWR Staff and Utility were instructed to recheck data submitted in evidence. A preliminary meeting was held, however the final meeting between Staff and Utility has not been held. "Company received letter of 23 August, 1974, from State Water Rights Control Board re: an EIR on subject applications. On or about 30 September, 1974, Company requested 120 day extension to prepare EIR. However, on checking Company files it has been found that an EIR was presented as part of June 18, 1973, hearing. (If addll(aI space is needed for remarks, attach numbereeets.) • SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONS CONCERNING USE OF RECLAIMED OR POLLUTED WATER You should complete and return this supplement if you seek the benefit of Water Code Section 1010 concerning cessation or reduction of use of water under this water right through the substitution of reclaimed or polluted water or if any of the questions concerning the potential use of such water are applicable to your project or your water supply. Are you now or -have you been using reclaimed water from awastewater treatment facility or water polluted by waste to a degree which unreasonably affects such water for other beneficial uses? / / yes J x/ no If credit toward use under this water right through substitution of reclaimed or polluted water in lieu of appropriated water is claimed under Section 1010 of the Water Code, please show such amounts of reduced diversion and amounts of reclaimed water used in remarks section below. Are you now or have you been reclaiming or reusing any of the water appropriated under this right? / / yes / x/ no If so, please describe in remarks section below. (a) What is present availability or current potential for using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatmentplant or polluted water in place of the appropriated water to satisfy all or part of your water needs? (b) What is the current potential for reusing the appropriated water to satisfy part of your water needs? If you produce reclaimed water, or polluted water, is there a potential for others to use it? Please describe in remarks section below. REMARKS All water under this permit is for potable water for the Utility's domestic customers. Use of reclaimed water, if available, is not allowed at this time by the State Department of Health. .`;TATE OF CALIFORNIA - RESOURCES AGENCY EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 77 Cadillac Drive, Sacramento, CA 95825 WATER USERS: Application 18039 Permit 13530 • Water Code Section 1396 requires an applicant. to exercise due dili- gence in developing a water supply for beneficial use. The State Water Resources Control Board, in considering requests for extension of time, will review the' facts presented to determine whether there :is good cause for granting an extension of time to complete the project. Where diligence in completing the project is not fully substantiated, the Board may set the matter for hearing to determine the facts upon which to base formal action relating to the permit. Formal action may involve: 1. Revoking the permit for failure to proceed with due diligence in completing the project. Issuing a license for the amount of water heretofore placed to beneficial use under the terms of the permit. 3. Granting a reasonable extension of time to complete construction work and/or full be.ri.efi.cial. use of water. The time previously allowed in your permit within which to complete construction work and/or. use of water has either expired or will cx.pi.re shortly. :Please check below the action you wish taken on this permit: ,7 ❑ The project has beat,, aban.don.ed. ,and. I request revocation of the permit. Signature ❑ Vu.11 use of water has been made, both .as to amount and season, and I request license be issued'. Signature ❑ The project is not yet complete. I request the Board's con- sideration. of the following petition for an extension of time: PETITION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME `If start of construction work has been delayed, complete items 'i, 2, and 3. 1. What has been done since permit was issued toward commencing construction? See attached statement SWRCB 20c (1) (1.2/74) 2. Estimated date construction work will begin Unknown. 3. Reasons why construction work was not begun within the time al- lowed by the .permit See attached statement. If construction work and/or use of water is proceeding but is not complete, an extension of time may petitioned by completing the appropriate items below. ,Statements must be restricted to construc- tion or use of water only under this permit. 4. A (one-year) (two-year) (three-year) extension. of time is re- quested to complete construction work and/or beneficial use of water. (Indicate period of time required.) 5. How much ' water has been used? of/year cfs 6. How many acres have been irrigated? 7. How many houses or people have been served water? 8. Extent of past use of water for any other purpose 9. What construction work has been completed during the last extension? 10. Approximate amount spent on project during last extension period is $ 11. Estimated date construction work will be completed 12. Estimated year in which water will be fully used 13. Reasons Why construction and/or use of water were not completed within time previously allowed I declare under penalty of perjury that the above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated February ,12th, , 19 79 at Tahoe Paradise , California. Ab • Note: A $5 fee mus ccompany a petition for extension of time. SWRCB' 20c (2) (3-74) TAHOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS CO. Geotge C. Saron, Pres. Please indicate )n May th 6, 1 number 70, the'Company of the item you arIg filed Yr' explaining:: ' ` , a on "Petitifor Change in Point of givers Lon" a-. simultaneously fi ed'a'Petition for Changeof$,;P1ace of Use". These pstiti.ns are resultf of engineering`studies'accomplished1'4, , tobdate and in collaboration wit the c utilities mentioned in said petitions 1r`�,,, To provide water for d0 estic use o the : n ies' potet_al customers based on presently.ubdivided lands the total quan ity of in th•/permt is "considered rt - , b -essential On"43O July 1971, the Comapny filed .etitic .. .- . -. . -. -.• .. .= u- b.�°�;' 1 . the Water Rights` Branch.,had not a -. one au;ove. On 18 a hearing was held at :which time hloth DV June, 1973, ; Sta f and ,',V41u ed♦, tom; were +nstrubted to recheck data submittevidence. A preliminary eeti g was howevTr the'final'meeting between if , StaffjaridUUtility has not been held. Compa' letter' of 23 August, 197,4,, from_State applilations. Ont or,about 30,,8egtem01024Company Water�Rights Control Board re: an EI. on s' requested 120 day e ensioy pre a e EIR. However on the^kin presented' 'as -part of June 18, Com an flies it 1973, heariri'c�°z has been found that an IR w � a; p (If additional spice , is needed for remp1�'Cs attach ��'tahAy,, t , .3 t'' numbered qj sheets.) w P3 d the ther ompan wate n for aragr Utili held, y rec bject to t >. (916) 920-6316 - OCTOBER 16 1978 Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company P. 0. Box 11117 Tahoe Paradise, CA 95705 In Reply Refer to: 311:DHK:18030 PERMIT 13527 (APPLICATION 18030), PERMIT 13528 (APPLICATION 18031), PERMIT 13529 (APPLICATION 18038), PERMIT 13530 (APPLICATION 38039), PERMIT 14335 (APPLICATION 19629), UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER IN EL DORADO COUNTY . Protests against the approval of these petitions have been received, and the protestant states copies of the protests have -been served on you. Answers to these and any other protests against these petitions should be submitted to the State Water Resources Control Board and copies sent to the protestants. within 15 days after the expiration of the time to submit protests. If you believe you can reach agreement with the. protestants which will result in the withdrawal of the protests, upon your request to the Board, the period for answering the protests will be extended for a reasonable time to allow for negotiations toward such agreement. D. H. Kite • Associate Engineer DHKITE:tgraybill SURNAME . •' - •-- 1 7��HK y •• OCTC1 I s 1978 :- a 4 a ... ger (916) 920-6316 ' .In Reply Refer "to: 311:DHK:18030 • 'California Tahoe Regional Planning Agency P. 0. Box .14467 South Lake Tahoe, CA 95702 PERMIT 13527 (APPLICATION 18030), PERMIT-13528•(APPLICATION.18031), PERMIT 13529 (APPLICATION 18038), PERMIT 13530 (APPLICATION 18039), PERMIT.14335 (APPLICATION 19629), UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER IN EL DORADO COUNTY dour protests have been accepted. If a hearing is found necessary, ''you will be given notice of the time and place. :,The petitioner is required to answer all protests within 15 days of the close of the protest period or such additional time as the Board for good cause may allow. D. H. Kite Associate Engineer cc: Tahoe Paradise Water and y. Gas Company :P. 0. Box 11117 Tahoe Paradise, CA 95705 DHKITE:tgraybill J • SURNAME • . •+ 2 s n ' a 4 w OCT 1 �' 978 s n * 4 m cs (916) 920-631 'OCTOBER.. 16 1978 In Reply Refer to: 311:DHK:18030 Roy C. Hampton, Executive Officer California Regional Water Quality Control Board. Lahontan Region Pe O. Box 14367 . South Lake. Tahoe, CA 95702 --PERMIT 13527 (APPLICATION! 18030), PERMIT 13528 (APPLICATION 18031) ,. PERMIT 13529 (APPLICATION 13033) , PERMIT' '1530 (. PP ICATIOU 18039)', PERMIT 14335 (APPLICATION 19629), UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER IN EL DORADO COUNTY . Your protests have been accepted. If a hearing'is found necessary. you will be given notice of the time and place. The petitioner is required to answer all protests within 15 days of the Close of the protest period or suchadditional. time as the Board. for good cause may allow. 0, H. Kite Associate Engineer Tahoe Paradise Water and Gat Company. _ P. 0.. Box 11117 • :Moe Paradise, CA 95705 DHKITE: tgraybi 11 • • • SURNAME + 2 ` _ nct 1 s IFSM 0 State of California I, (We) of • • State Water Resources Control Board DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 2125 — 19th Street, Sacramento, California 95818 Phone (916) 445-2055 PROTEST (Extension of Time Petitions) keg 44P/keis G q ff BASED ON LEGAL, ENVIRONMENTAL, OR PUBLIC INTEREST CONSIDERATIONS Protests based on injury to vested rights should be completed on other side of this form APPLICATION 18039 PERMIT 13530 California Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Name of protestant P.O. Box 1446, South Lake Tahoe, CA 95702 Address of protestant (Include zip code) a notice relative to a petition for extension of time to peace of use and point of diversion Begin construction, complete construction, complete use of water under PERMIT 18039 of Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company State name of petitioner have read carefully to appropriate water from Upper Truckee Ri ver Name of source It is desired to protest against the approval thereof because to the best of our information and belief: My or our the proposed extension of time will ' (1) be contrary to law (2) _have an adverse environmental impact (3) not best serve the public interest State facts which describe how lack of diligence by the petitioner supports the foregoing allegations It is premature to grant a change of use at this time. The present study by the SWRCB to inventory water use within the Tahoe Basin will relate. water use, water rights and population forecasts which will substantially affect future decisions regarding land use with- in the Tahoe Basin. The CTRPA has calculated future populations which may exceed the actual availability of water. Water rights decisions made now may have to he reviewed and revised based on the results of the ongoing inventory. Hence, such decisions should be held in abeyance until the SWRCB study is complete - Under what conditions.may this protest be disregarded and dismissed This protest could be disregarded or State conditions which will relieve protest, or if none, so state dismissed onee the relationship of water use, water rights, land use and total population levels permitted in the Basin is analyzed and evaluated as intended in the SWRCB study. A true copy of this protest has been served upon the petitioner by mai 1 Date• August 18, 1978 Personally or by mall Protestants) or uthorized Representative sign here John Vostrez, ecutive Officer - CTRPA Protests MUST be filed within the time allowed bthe Board as stat d in the notice relative to the change or such further. time as may be allowed. (NOTE: Attach supplemental sheets as necessary) SWRCB-20K (2/76) 98932-989 9-70 750 0 OSP State of California I, (We) of 'State Water Resources Control Board DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 2125 — 19th Street, Sacramento, California 95818 Phone (916) 445-2055 PROTEST (Extension of Time Petitions) BASED ON INJURY TO VESTED RIGHTS Protests based on OTHER considerations should be completed on other side of this form APPLICATION PERMIT Name of protestant Address of protestant (Include zip code) a notice relative to a petition for extension of time to under PERMIT of have read carefully Begin construction, complete construction, complete use of water State name of petitioner to appropriate water from Name of source It is desired to protest against the approval thereof because to the best of information and belief the proposed extension My or our of time will result in injury to as follows. Me or us State the injury which will result to you (See NOTE below) Protestant claims a right to the use of water from the source from which petitioner is diverting, or proposes to divert, which right is based on: Prior application, notice posted, use prior to 12/19/14, riparian claim, or other right NOTE: if your right is a junior right, you should attach a complete statement of facts supporting the allegation that lack of diligence by the petitioner is adverse toryou. , Please provide application, permit or license numbers or statement of diversion and use numbers, which cover your use of water, or state 'none' The extent of present and past use of water by protestant. or his predecessors in interest from this source is as follows: State approximate date first use made, amount used, time of year when diversion is made, the use to which water Is put Where is YOUR DIVERSION POINT located? 1/a of 1/4 of Section Describe location with sufficient accuracy that position thereof relative to that of petitioner may be determined T. R B&M. Is this point downstream from petitioner's point of diversion? YES ❑, NO D. If Yes, explain: Under what conditions may this protest be disregarded and dismissed? State conditions which will relieve protest, or if none, so state A true copy of this protest has been served upon the petitioner Date. Personally or by mall Protestant(s) or Authorized Representative sign here .Protests MUST be filed withina time allowed by the Board as stated in the notice relative to the change o►,such further time as may be wed. (NOTE: Attach supplemental sheets as necessar SWRCB-20K (2/76) iState Water Resources Control Boarr. . gtate.gf California o The Resources Agency E DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 9',,v.=-6 77 Cadillac Dri ve, Sacramento, CA 95825STATEATER RESOURCES p (916) 322-9120 'CONTROL BOARD/ LzG,.� Telephone Number: �,31'7� AUG 2 ? 8 43 AM '78 PROTEST - (Change . Petitiai: ,,,,,,,TrR R!cH T,s S c Ai INT6 BASED ON ENVIRONMENTAL OR PUBLIC INTEREST CONSIDERATIONS Protests based on injury to vested rights should be completed on other side of this form APPLICATION 18039 PERMIT 13530 LICENSE l,(>] ) ROY C. HAMPSON. EXECUTIVE OFFICER of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Region Name of protestant of P. 0. Box 14367, South Lake Tahoe, CA 95702 have read carefully a notice relative to a petition to change Post Office address of protestant point of diversion and place of use. point of diversion, place of use, character of use under APPLICATION 18039 of Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company to appropriate water from State name of petitioner Upper Truckee River tributary to Lake Tahoe thence Truckee River It is desired to protest against the approval thereof because to the best -of Name of source. our information and belief: my or our the proposed change will (1) not be within the Board's jurisdiction (2) not best serve the public interest (3) be contrary to law (4) have an adverse environmental impact State facts which support the foregoing allegations 1. If development under existing permit conditions this right will he totally insufficient for summer needs of service area_ 9_ Water needs of Tahoe Paradise Service area must be figured with total Tahoe Basin demand and not to exceed Bi—State compact allocation. '3. Insufficient knowledge of current or projected future water development is presently available. 4. No comprehensive plan exists to guide the development of water resources of the Tahoe Basin. Under what conditions may this protest be disregarded and dismissed' State conditions which will relieve protest, or if none, so state 1. Completion of State Water Resources Control Board's Inventory of Water HAP and Water Rights of the Lake Tahoe Basin. e 0 f • 11 ,. . ,- 0 - . ( - . - •011-11 unappropriated water in the Tahoe Basin. A true copy of this protest has been served upon the petitioner personally or by mail Date August 18, 1978 Protesta s) or Authorized Repr sentative sign here Protests MUST be filed within the time allowed by the Board as stated in the notice relative to the change or such further time as may be allowed. SWRCB 23D(2/7e) (NOTE: Attach supplemental sheets as necessary) State of`California State Water Resources Control Board DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 77 Cadillac Drive, Sacramento, CA 95825 Telephone Number: (916) 322-9128• PROTEST - (Change Petitions) The Resources Agency BASED ON INJURY TO VESTED RIGHTS Protests based on OTHER considerations should be completed on other side of this form APPLICATION PERMIT LICENSE I, (We,) Name of protestant of have read carefully Post Office address of protestant a notice relative to a petition to change point of diversion, place of use, character of use under APPLICATION of State name of petitioner to appropriate water from Name of source It is desired to protest againstthe approval thereof because to the best of my or our as follows: me or us information and belief the proposed change will result in injury to State the injury which will result to you (see NOTE below) Protestant claims a right to the use of water from the source from which petitioner is4liverting, or proposes to divert, which right is based on': Prior, application, notice posted, use begun prior to 12/19/14, riparian claim, or other right_ Please provide application, permit or license numbers or statement of diversion and use numbers,which cover your use of water,or state 'none' The extent of present and past use of water by protestant or his predecessors in interest from this source is as follows: State approximate date first use made, amouht used,•time of year when diversion is made, the use to which water is put Where is YOUR DIVERSION POINT located? T. , R. explain: µ_ 1/4of 1/4 of Section r Describe,location with sufficient accuracy That position thereof relative to that of petitioner may be determined B. & M. Is this point downstream frompetitioner'spoint of diversion? YES ❑ NO❑ If Yes, Under what conditions may this'protest be.disregarded and dismissed' State conditions which will relieve pTotest,•er if none, so state. A true copy of this protest has been served upon the petitioner personally or by'amail s Date Protestant(s) or Authorized Representative sign here Protests MUST be filed within the ti allowed by the Board as stated in theotice relative to the change or such further time as may be allowed. SWRCB 23D(2/76) t OTE: Attach supplemental sheets as necessary) s4'1 (916). 920-6151 In Reply Refer • To: 332:NDK:18030 gyc,UST yg 1913 Tahoe. Paradise- Water and Gas CampaBy-- P.-0. Box 11117 Tahoe Paradise* CA 95705 PERMIT 13527 (APPLICATION 18030), Pi R 11 : T 13528 (APPLICATION 1- 1 PERMIT 13529 (APPLICATION- 18033) PERMIT 13530 (APPLICATION • .Tft19 PERMIT 14335 (APPLICATI€N 19629), UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER IN EL DORADO - COUNTY. Protests -against the approval'of these petitions have been received, and the protestant states copies of the protests hive been served on you. Answers to these ,and any other protestsagainst these petitions should be 'submitted to the State Water Resources Control Board and copies sent to the protestants within 15 days'after the expiration of .the time to sub. spit Protests.: If you believe you can. reach agreement .with the protestant& which will result inthe withdrawal' of the protests, upon your' request to the &nerd, the period for answering the protests will be extended for a reasonable :tires to allow for negotiations toward suchagreement.. To assist in this matter, we are enclosing a copy of our regulations pertaining to protests, and hearings. Origlual Signed by J..M. Dago J. IL.Page, - 5 ervising Englneor Enclosure NDKontos:j omeo 8/8/78 .j, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe= c/o Robert D. - St tser, LTD 755 Forest Street Reno,, Revada, 89509 Pert 13527 °(App kation l8030), Penult 13529 (Application' 18038 :Permit 14335 (Application 19629), County. In Reply Refer - To; ' ::332 : NOK:18O3D Permit 13528 Application 1803i.), Permit 135 (Ap.Plication. Upper Truckee ,River in El Dorado -Yds protests have been accepted. If a .,hearing is found necessary, you will be given notice of .the time and place._ _The' petitioner is required to answer all protests within 15 days of the close of the ,protest 'period or such additional time as the Coated-, for good, cause may alio*. 0r g nal Signed by J.i f Pa Page Supervising Engineer cc: Tahoe Paradise Mater and Gas Company P. 0. Box 31117 Tahoe,Paradise, CA 95705 iDKontos: jrcmeo /8/78 Stain of California I, (We) of State Water Resources Control Board DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS STATE WATER RESOURCES 2125 — 19th Street, Sacramento, California 958180NTROL BOARD Phone (916) 445-2055 Ai1G0 A'8 PROTEST — (Extension of Time1PetutIansf {Ts BASED ON INJURY TO VESTED RIGHTS Protests based on OTHER considerations should be completed on other side of this form APPLICATION 18039 PYRAMID LAKE PAIUTE TRIBE PERMIT 13530 Name of protestant NIXON, NEVADA 89424 have read carefully Address of prote n ncl de zr code) construction & use of water & to a notice relative to a petition for extension of time to/p1a•cea of use and point of d version Begin construction, complete construction, complete use of water under PERMIT 13530 of Tahoe Paradise Water & Gas Company- State name of petitioner to appropriate water from upper Truckee River tributary to Lake Tahoe & thence Truckee Name of source River. change It is desired to protest against the approval thereof because to the best of our information and belief the proposed extension My or our of time will result in injury to us • as follows. Me or us State the injury which will result to you (See NOTE below) (See attached "Exhibit A", incorporated fully herein by reference Protestant claims a right to the use of water from the source from which petitioner is diverting, or proposes to divert, which right is based on: Federal Executive Order creating the Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation, dated November 29, 1859 Prior application, notice posted, use prior to 12/19/14, riparian claim, or other right NOTE: If your right is a junior right, you should attach a complete statement of facts supporting the allegation that lack of diligence by the petitioner is adverse toyou. See above Executive Order Please provide application, permit or license numbers or statement of diversion and use numbers, which cover your use of water, or state 'none' The extent of present and past use of water by protestant or his predecessors in interest from this source is as follows: 385, 000 a. f . of water average per year from the Truckee River for fishery purposes, and prescribed minimum flows in the lower Truckee River and 30,087 a.f. for farming purposes on the Reservation per year State approximate date first use made, amount used, time of year when Qiversion Is made, the use to which water Is put Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation & lower Truckee River Where is YOUR DIVERSION POINT located? / 1/4 of 1/4 of Section Describe location with sufficient accuracy that position thereof relative to that of petitioner may be determined T. : R B&M. Is this point downstream from petitioner's point of diversion? YES LB NO ❑. If Yes, explain: Under what conditions may this protest be disregarded and dismissed? This is an unconditional protest. State conditions which will relieve protest, or if none, so state The mere. appropriation of water for any purpose will materially injure The Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe as explained in Exhibit A, attached hereto. A true copy of this protest has been served upon the petitioner Date• August , 1978 Protestant(s or Author zed Re RobertD. Stitser, Ltd. Protests MUST be filed within the time allowed by the Board as stated in the or such further time as may be allowed. Pyramid Lake Paiute Tr • (NOTE: Attach supplemental sheets -as necessary) SWRCB-20K (2/76) esentative sign here , Attorney for the notice relative to the change ib 755 755 Forest Street !l Reno,•Neyada'89509 702/323=1352 State of California. I, (We) State Water Resources Control Board DIVISION• OF WATER RIGHTS 2125 — 19th Street, Sacramento, California 95818 Phone (916) 445-2055 PROTEST (Extension of Time Petitions) BASED ON LEGAL, ENVIRONMENTAL, OR PUBLIC INTEREST CONSIDERATIONS Protests based on injury to vested rights should be completed on other side of this form APPLICATION PERMIT Name of protestant of have read carefully Address of protestant (Include zip code) a notice relative to a petition for extension of time to under PERMIT Begin construction, complete construction, complete use of water of State name of petitioner to appropriate water from Name of source It is desired to protest against.the approval thereof because to the best, of information and belief: My or our the proposed extension of time will (1) be contrary to law (2) have an adverse environmental:impact (3) not best serve the public interest State facts which describe how lack of diligence by the petitioner supports the foregoing allegations Under what conditions may this protest be disregarded and dismissed? State conditions which will relieve protest, or If none, so state A true copy of this protest has been served upon the petitioner Personally or by mail Pate. Protestant(s) or Authorized Representative sign here Protests MUST be filed within,the time allowed by the Board as stated in the notice relative to the change or such further time as may be allowed. (NOTE: Attach supplemental sheets as necessary) SWRCB-20K (2/76) 98992-989 9-79 75000 OSP • ROBERT D. STITSER, LTD, ATTORNEY AT LAW 75S FOREST STREET - RENO, NEVADA 89509 T[I.CPHONI: 1702)323-1352 August 2, 1978 Division of Water Rights State Water Resources. Control Board 77 Cadillac Drive Sacramento, California 95825 Dear Mr. Rosenberger: Reference is hereby made to the above application. This letter will serve as a formal protest by the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe to such application upon the following grounds: 1. The granting of the application will allow the applicant to perfect his diversion of water under Permit 13530 On information and belief from California State officials, California's share of any water of the Truckee watershed to which it may be entitled relative to the California - Nevada Compact has already been over -appropriated. The amount under the Compact has never been confirmed by the U. S. Congress and even this amount is subject to the claims of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe. United States v. California and Nevada, 93 S.Ct. 2763 (June 11, 1973). 2. The United States of America is now conducting litigation on behalf of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe to quiet the Tribe's claims to water on, the Nevada side of the Truckee watershed. United States of America v. Truckee -Carson Irrigation District, State of Nevada, et al, (No. R-2987 U.S. Dist. Ct., Nevada) 3. If the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe does not secure adequate relief as a result of the Federal District Court suit in Nevada, above, it will seek supplementary relief from those claiming water on the California side of the Truckee water- shed. The Tribe claims use to the water of the Truckee -1- Exhibit A watershed dating from November 29, 1859.. On information and belief, there are few water right claimants in Cali- fornia who can claim use of Truckee watershed water prior to the Tribe's claims. Therefore, allowing the applicant to perfect his requested water diversion shall only exac- erbate an already over -appropriated and contentious situ- ation in the Truckee watershed. 4. There is no unappropriated water remaining in the Truckee River Basin, rather the water in the 'Truckee River Basin has been over appropriated pursuant'to the Winters Doctrine granting Indian tribes sufficient water to maintain a viable economy on their Indian reservations from appurtenant waters, in this case the Truckee River, and the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe located at the Pyramid Lake Paiute Indian Reservation at the end of the Truckee River. Winters v. United States, 207 U.S. 564 (1908). Further, you will note that pursuant to the various decrees that have purportedly appropriated water from the Truckee River Basin including Lake Tahoe that there has been appropriated more than twice as much water as the watershed develops. See.United States v. Orr Water Ditch Co., No. 83 (D. Nevada 1944). and other related decrees.. 5. The Board lacks jurisdiction to determine the reserved Win- ters Doctrine Water Rights of the protestant vis-a-vis the applicant. The reserved water rights claimed by the Pyramid Lake.Paiute'Tribe, to maintain Pyramid Lake and the lower Truckee River so as to restore the Tribe's natural fishery and maintain a viable economy on the Tribe's Reservation are the creature of Federal law rather than State law, which Fed- eral law is pre-emptive over conflicting State adjudications of water rights. Therefore, the Board cannot, make a determi- nation which would be res judicata to the Tribe's claims and the applicant would take his permit subject to such claims. In reliance on the State, he may erect certain improvements based on his State permit for which the State may be liable to him for detrimental reliance should the Tribe perfect by adverse decree its claims to Truckee watershed water. Winters v. United States, 207 U.S. 564 (1908); Alaska Pacific Fisheries v. United States, 248 U.S. 78 (1918); Arizona v. California, 373 U.S. 564 (1963); United States v. District Court in and for the County of Eagle, Colorado, 401 U.S. 520'(1971); and, United States v. Cappaert, 96 Sup. Ct. 2062 U.S. (1976) 6. Granting any more applications for any reason to allow ap- propriation of water in the upper Truckee and Lake Tahoe watershed induces destruction of, that fragile environment. The Board can take judicial notice of the environmental crisis that population growth has brought to the Lake Tahoe - Upper Truckee River area to which this application relates. A very effective way to curb the increasing despoilation of the environment there is to begin cutting off the water to feed such destructive population growth. This is being done in other forward-looking areas by not granting such applications. The protestant, thePyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, would suffer irreparable injury_ from the approval of the above application since every drop of water taken out of the Truckee watershed upstream from the Tribe's reservation causes'a corresponding drop in the Tribe's lake which renders it unstable and too saline for development to provide the Tribe with the proper economy to which it is entitled pursuant to Federal law. 7. The basis of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe's water rights is the Winters Doctrine as articulated by the United States Supreme Court in the case of Winters v. United States, 207 U.S. 564 (190'8); and other methods of making a viable econ- omy by Indians, such as fishing which would be applicable to the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe. Alaska Pacific Fisheries v. United States, 248 U.S. 78 (1918). The Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation was established November 29, 1859. From time immemorial and before the white man came to this country the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe used all of the waters developed in the Truckee River watershed including' Lake Tahoe to provide a fishery to feed all the Indians of. northern Nevada and California. Since the coming of the white man in the late 19th century waters developed in the Truckee River watershed have been illegally diverted away from the Tribe despite the Winters Doctrine; and this unlawful di- version has resulted in substantial injury to the economy of the Pyramid Lake Tribe, namely, the said fishery. How- -ever, it has been demonstrated recently that the fishery can be revived if the Indians are allowed to have at least 385,000 acre feet of water per year from the Truckee River watershed to maintain their lake. Further, their fishery economy could be supplemented by a recreation economy which the United States Government, Department of Interior, Bureau of Outdoor Recreation says has the highest recreation poten- tial of any lake in northern Nevada and California, 1968 Report of the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, page 14. The destitution of the Indians and the destruction of Pyramid Lake can be reversed if the cancerous upstream growth is stopped now. -3- ,01 Therefore, denying this application would be consistent with pre- servation of the Truckee Basin environment and protection of the rights of its citizens: granting it would not. Because of the above points and authorities, it reasonably appears an environmental impact statement pursuant to California law must be prepared and hearings held prior to any administrative decision on this matter. Next, the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe herein puts the Applicant on notice of the decision of the United States Supreme Court, namely, United States v. Cappaert and Nevada, 96 Sup.'Ct. 2062 (1976), which holds -that even if a water permit. is granted by a state agency, if it is found later that the exercise of that permit interferes with Federal reserved water rights used for,the preservation of en- dangered species, even though such Federal reserved. rights are not perfected by decree or state permit, that the state permitted water to private parties shall be cut off so that the Federal reserved water rights shall be fulfilled. Also, the Cappaert decision clearly stands for the proposition that the equitable doctrine .of balancing the hardships shall not be applied to diminish the needed Federal reserved water sufficient to preserve and maintain the endangered species. (In the Cappaert case, the private permitted water right holder. had spent some seven million dollars on improvements). Please see also the policy of the State Water Resources Control Board, Notice to Water Users in the 'Lake Tahoe and Truckee River -Basins, dated July 15, 1976. The Tribe is claiming, approximately 385,000 acre feet on an average - each year from the Truckee River to maintain the viability of Pyramid Lake and various flow rates at -certain times of the year in certain portions of the Truckee River all to maintain a viable natural fish- ery-. The fishery claims are for an 1859 priority. RDS:ht CERTIFIED MAIL NO. ° 504779* Cordially yours, Robert D. Stitser, Ltd. Attorney for the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED. • t, • STATE OF CALIFORNIA — RESOURCES AGENCY EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 77 Cadillac Drive, Sacramento, CA 95825 (916)920-6151 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO COMPLETE APPROPRIATION OF WATER UNDER PERMIT AND PETITION TO CHANGE PERMIT 13530, ISSUED PURSUANT TO APPLICATION 18039 / NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY P O BOX 11117, TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 PETITIONED THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD FOR AN EXTENSION OF TIME TO COMMENCE CONSTRUCTION AND USE OF WATER AND TO CHANGE PLACE OF USE AND POINT OF DIVERSION AS AUTHORIZED UNDER THE ABOVE—NUMBERED PERMIT. PERMIT PRESENTLY ALLOWS DIVERSION FROM UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER TRIBUTARY To LAKE TAHOE THENCE TRUCKEE RIVER POINT OF DIVERSION WITHIN NW1/4 OF SW1/4 SECTION 5 T11N R18E MDB&M IN THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO IN THE AMOUNT OF: 3 CUBIC FEET PER SECOND BY DIRECT DIVERSION 200 ACRE—FEET PER ANNUM BY STORAGE PURPOSES: DOMESTIC DIVERSION SEASON: JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 PLACE OF USE: SW1/4 OF SECTION 19, S1/2 OF NE1/4 OF SECTION 21; SE1/4 OF SECTION 21; W1/2 OF SW1/4 AND SW1/4 OF NW1/4 OF SECTION 22; W1/2 OF NW1/4 AND NW1/4 OF SW1/4 OF SECTION 27; iN1/2, SW1/4 AND N1/2 OF SE1/4 OF SECTION 28; w1/2, SE1/4 AND S1/2 OF NE1/4 OF SECTION 29; SECTION 30; N1/2 AND SE1/4 OF SECTION 31; AND w1/2 OF SECTION 32, ALL IN T12N, R18E, MDB&M; W1/2 OF SECTION 5;'NE1/4 AND E1/20F SE1/4 OF SECTION 6; E1/2 OF NE1/4 AND E1/2'0F SE1/4 OF SECTION 7;'W1/2 OF SECTION 8; w1/2, w1/2 OF 'NE1/4 AND W1/2 OF SE1/4 OF SECTION 17; AND N1/2 OF NW1/4 AND NW1/4 OF NE1/4 OF SECTION 20; ALL IN T11N, R18E, MDB&M; E1/2 OF NW1/4 OF SECTION 25; NE1/4 OF SECTION. 25; AND THE NE1/4 OF SECTION 36, ALL IN T12N, R17E, MDB&M.' DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGE PETITION TO (1) CHANGE THE PLACE OF USE TO INCLUDE SERVICE AREAS OF TAHOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS COMPANY, ANGORA WATER COMPANY, GARDNER MOUNTAIN -WATER COMPANY, AND TAHOE KEYES WATER COMPANY, AND (2) CHANGE THE POINT OF DIVERSION TO A POINT AT LAKE TAHOE IN SECTION 5 T12N R18E MDB&M. PETITIONER REPRESENTS THAT THIS CHANGE INVOLVES NO CHANGE IN SOURCE AND NO INCREASE IN THE AMOUNT OF APPROPRIATION. RELATIVE TO PROTESTS BLANKS UPON WHICH TO SUBMIT PROTESTS WILL BE SUPPLIED FREE UPON REQUEST ANY PERSON DESIRING TO PROTEST THE' GRANTING OF SUCH EXTENSION OF TIME AND/OR CHANGE SHALL WITHIN 30 DAYS FROM DATE HEREOF FILE A WRITTEN PROTEST WITH THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD, AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS. A COPY OF THE PROTEST SHALL BE SENT TO THE PETITIONER. SUCH PROTEST SHALL CLEARLY SET FORTH THE PROTESTANT'S OBJECTIONS TO AN EXTENSION OF TIME AND/OR CHANGE AND SHALL BE ON FORMS PROVIDED BY THE BOARD. IF A PROTESTANT'S VESTED RIGHT TO WATER IS JUNIOR IN PRIORITY TO THAT OF THE PETI— TIONER AND/OR THE PROTEST IS BASED ON INJURY TO THE PUBLIC RESOURCES, A COMPLETE STATEMENT OF FACTS SUPPORTING THE ALLEGATION THAT THE CHANGE AND/OR LACK OF DILI— GENCE, ON THE PART OF THE PETITIONER IS ADVERSE TO THE PROTESTANT•AND/OR THE PUBLIC RESOURCE MUST BE INCLUDED. R. L. ROSENBERGER, CHIEF DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS DATED: SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA . JULY. g 1976 STATE OF CALIFORNIA — RESOURCES AGENCY EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 77 Cadillac Drive, Sacramento, CA 95825 (916)920-6151 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO COMPLETE APPROPRIATION OF WATER UNDER PERMIT AND PETITION TO CHANGE • PERMIT 13529, ISSUED PURSUANT TO APPLICATION 18038 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY P 0 BOX 11117, TAHOE•PARADISE, CALIF 95705 PETITIONED THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD FOR AN EXTENSION OF TIME TO COMMENCE CONSTRUCTION AND USE OF WATER AND TO CHANGE PLACE OF USE AND POINT OF DIVERSION AS AUTHORIZED UNDER THE ABOVE—NUMBERED PERMIT. PERMIT PRESENTLY ALLOWS DIVERSION FROM UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER TRIBUTARY TO LAKE TAHOE THENCE TRUCKEE RIVER POINT OF DIVERSION WITHIN NW1/4 OF SW1/4 SECTION 8_711N R18E MDB&M IN THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO IN THE AMOUNT OF: 3 CUBIC FEET PER SECOND BY DIRECT DIVERSION 200 ACRE—FEET PER ANNUM BY STORAGE PURPOSES: DOMESTIC DIVERSION SEASON: JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 PLACE OF USE: SW1/4 OF SECTION 19; S1/2 OF NE1/4 OF SECTION 21; SE1/4 OF SECTION 21; W1/2 OF SW1/4 AND SW1/4 OF NW1/4 OF SECTION 22; w1/2 OF NW1/4 AND NW1/4 OF SW1/4 OF SECTION 27; N1/2, SW1/4 AND N1/2 OF SE1/4 OF SECTION 28; w1/2, SE1/4 AND S1/2 'OF NE1/4 OF SECTION 29; SECTION 30; N1/2 AND SE1/4 OF SECTION.31; AND W1/2 OF SECTION 32, ALL IN T12N, R18E, MDB&M; W1/2 OF SECTION 5; NE1/4 AND E1/2 OF SE1/4 OF SECTION 6; E1/2 OF NE1/4 AND E1/2 OF SE1/4 OF SECTION 7; W1/2 OF SECTION 8; w1/2, w1/2 OF NE1/4 AND W1/2 OF SE1/4 OF SECTION 17; AND N1/2 OF NW1/4 AND NW1/4 OF NE1/4 OF SECTION 20; ALL IN T11N, R18E, MDB&M; E1/2 OF N141/4 OF SECTION 25; NE1/4 OF SECTION 25; AND THE NE1/4 OF SECTION 36, ALL IN T12N, R17E, MDB&M. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGE PETITION TO (1) CHANGE THE PLACE OF USE TO INCLUDE SERVICE AREAS OF TAHOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS COMPANY, ANGORA WATER COMPANY, GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER COMPANY, AND TAHOE KEYES WATER COMPANY, AND (2) CHANGE THE POINT OF DIVERSION TO A POINT AT LAKE TAHOE IN SECTION 5 T12N R18E MDB&M. PETITIONER REPRESENTS THAT THIS CHANGE INVOLVES NO CHANGE IN SOURCE AND NO INCREASE IN THE AMOUNT OF APPROPRIATION. RELATIVE TO PROTESTS BLANKS UPON WHICH TO SUBMIT PROTESTS WILL BE SUPPLIED FREE UPON REQUEST ANY PERSON DESIRING TO PROTEST THE GRANTING OF SUCH EXTENSION OF TIME AND/OR CHANGE SHALL WITHIN 30 DAYS FROM DATE HEREOF FILE A WRITTEN PROTEST WITH THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD, AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS. A COPY OF THE PROTEST SHALL BE SENT TO THE PETITIONER. SUCH PROTEST SHALL CLEARLY SET FORTH THE PROTESTANT'S OBJECTIONS TO AN EXTENSION OF TIME AND/OR CHANGE AND SHALL BE ON FORMS PROVIDED BY THE BOARD. IF -A PROTESTANT'S VESTED RIGHT TO WATER IS JUNIOR IN PRIORITY TO THAT OF THE PETI— TIONER AND/OR THE PROTEST IS BASED ON INJURY TO THE PUBLIC RESOURCES, A COMPLETE STATEMENT OF FACTS SUPPORTING THE ALLEGATION THAT THE CHANGE AND/OR LACK OF DILI— GENCE ON THE PART OF THE PETITIONER IS ADVERSE TO THE PROTESTANT AND/OR THE PUBLIC RESOURCE MUST BE INCLUDED. R. L. ROSENBERGER, CHIEF DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS DATED: SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA JUL 181978 STATE OF CALIFORNIA — RESOURCES AGENCY EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS ' 77 Cadillac Drive, Sacramento, CA 95825 (916)920-6151 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO COMPLETE APPROPRIATION OF WATER UNDER PERMIT AND PETITION TO CHANGE PERMIT 13527, ISSUED PURSUANT TO APPLICATION 18030 NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN THAT TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY P 0 BOX 11117, TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 PETITIONED THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD FOR AN EXTENSION OF TIME TO COMMENCE CONSTRUCTION AND USE OF WATER AS AUTHORIZED AND FOR PERMISSION TO CHANGE THE PLACE OF USE AND POINT OF DIVERSION UNDER THE ABOVE—NUMBERED PERMIT. PERMIT PRESENTLY ALLOWS DIVERSION FROM UNNAMED STREAM TRIBUTARY TO UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER THENCE LAKE TAHOE THENCE TRUCKEE RIVER POINT OF DIVERSION WITHIN NW1/4 OF SE1/4 SECTION 30 T12N R18E MDB&M IN THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO IN THE AMOUNT OF: 3 CUBIC FEET PER SECOND BY DIRECT DIVERSION PURPOSES: DOMESTIC DIVERSION SEASON: JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 PLACE OF USE: SW1/4 OF SECTION 19; s1/2 OF NE1/4 OF SECTION 21; SE1/4 OF SECTION 21; W1/2 OF SW1/4 AND SW1/4 OF NW1/4 OF SECTION 22; W1/2 OF NW1/4 AND NW1/4 OF SW1/4 OF SECTION 27; N1/2, SW1/4 AND N1/2 OF SE1/4 OF SECTION 28; W1/2, SE1/4 AND S1/2' OF NE1/4 OF SECTION 29; SECTION 30; N1/2 AND SE1/4 OF SECTION 31; AND W1/2 OF SECTION 32, ALL IN T12N, R18E, MOB&M; W1/2 OF SECTION 5; NE1/4 AND E1/2 OF SE1/4 OF SECTION 6; E1/2 OF NE1/4 AND E1/2 OF SE1/4 OF SECTION 7; W1/2 OF SECTION 8; W1/2, W1/2 OF NE1/4 AND W1/2 OF SE1/4 OF SECTION 17; AND N1/2 OF NW1/4 AND NW1/4 OF NE1/4 OF SECTION 20; ALL IN T11N, R18E, MDB&Mj E1/2 OF NW1/4 OF SECTION 25; NE1/4 OF SECTION 25; AND THE NE1/4 OF SECTION 36, ALL IN T12N, R17E, MDB&M. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGE PETITION TO (1) CHANGE THE PLACE OF USE TO INCLUDE SERVICE AREAS OF TAHOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS COMPANY, ANGORA WATER COMPANY, GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER COMPANY, AND TAHOE KEYES WATER COMPANY, AND (2) CHANGE THE POINT OF DIVERSION TO A POINT AT LAKE TAHOE IN SECTION 5 T12N R18E MDB&M. PETITIONER REPRESENTS THAT THIS CHANGE INVOLVES NO CHANGE IN SOURCE AND NO INCREASE IN THE AMOUNT OF APPROPRIATION. RELATIVE TO PROTESTS BLANKS UPON WHICH TO SUBMIT PROTESTS WILL BE SUPPLIED FREE,UPON REQUEST ANY PERSON DESIRING TO PROTEST THE GRANTING OF SUCH EXTENSION OF TIME AND/OR CHANGE SHALL WITHIN 30 DAYS FROM DATE HEREOF FILE A WRITTEN PROTEST WITH THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD, AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS. A COPY OF THE PROTEST SHALL BE SENT TO THE PETITIONER. SUCH PROTEST SHALL CLEARLY SET FORTH THE PROTESTANTS OBJECTIONS TO AN EXTENSION OF TIME AND/OR CHANGE AND SHALL BE ON FORMS PROVIDED BY THE BOARD. IF.A PROTESTANTIS VESTED RIGHT TO WATER IS JUNIOR IN PRIORITY TO THAT OF THE PETI— TIONER AND/OR THE PROTEST IS BASED ON INJURY TO THE PUBLIC RESOURCES, A COMPLETE STATEMENT OF FACTS SUPPORTING THE ALLEGATION THAT THE CHANGE AND/OR LACK OF DILI— GENCE ON THE PART OF THE PETITIONER IS ADVERSE TO THE PROTESTANT AND/OR THE PUBLIC RESOURCE MUST BE INCLUDED. R. L. ROSENBERGER, CHIEF DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS DATED: SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA JULY 1 3-1-976 STATE OF CALIFORNIA -• RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 77 Cadillac Drive, Sacramento, CA 95825 (916)920-6151 EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor NOTICE OF.PETITION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO COMPLETE APPROPRIATION OF WATER UNDER PERMIT AND PETITION TO CHANGE PERMIT 13528, ISSUED PURSUANT TO APPLICATION 18031 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY P 0 BOX 11117, TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 PETITIONED THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD FOR AN EXTENSION OF TIME TO COMMENCE CONSTRUCTION AND USE OF WATER AND TO CHANGE PLACE OF USE AND POINT OF DIVERSION AS AUTHORIZED. UNDER THE ABOVE— NUMBERED PERMIT. PERMIT PRESENTLY ALLOWS DIVERSION FROM UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER TRIBUTARY TO LAKE TAHOE THENCE TRUCKEE RIVER POINT OF DIVERSION WITHIN NE1/4 OF NE1/4 SECTION 31 T12N R18E MDB&M IN THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO IN THE AMOUNT OF: 3 CUBIC FEET PER SECOND BY DIRECT DIVERSION PURPOSES: DOMESTIC DIVERSION SEASON: JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 PLACE OF USE: SW1/4 OF SECTION 19; s1/2 OF NE1/4 OF SECTION 21; SE1/4 OF SECTION 21; W1/2 OF swl/4 AND SW1/4 OF NW1/4 OF SECTION 22; W1/2 OF NW1/4 AND NW1/4 OF SW1/4 OF SECTION 27; N1/2, SW1/4 AND N1/2 OF SEl/4 OF SECTION 28; w1/2, SEl/4 AND S1/2• OF NE1/4 OF SECTION 29; SECTION 30; N1/2 AND SE1/4 OF SECTION 31; ANO W1/2 OF SECTION 32, ALL IN T12N, R18E, MDB&M; W1/2 OF SECTION 5; NE1/4 AND E1/2 OF SEl/4 OF SECTION 6; E1/2 OF NE1/4 AND E1/2 OF SEl/4 OF SECTION 7; W1/2 OF SECTION 8; w1/2, W1/2 OF NE1/4 AND W1/2 OF SEl/4 OF SECTION 17; AND N1/2 OF NWl/4 AND NW1/4 OF NE1/4 OF SECTION 20; ALL IN T11N, R18E, MDB&M; E1/2 OF Nw1/4 OF SECTION 25; NE1/4 OF SECTION 25; AND THE NE1/4 OF SECTION 36, ALL IN T12N, R17E, MDB&M. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGE PETITION TO (1) CHANGE THE PLACE OF USE TO INCLUDE SERVICE AREAS OF TAHOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS COMPANY, ANGORA WATER COMPANY, GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER COMPANY, AND TAHOE KEYES WATER COMPANY, AND (2) CHANGE THE POINT OF DIVERSION TO A POINT AT LAKE TAHOE IN SECTION 5 T12N Rift MDB&M. PETITIONER REPRESENTS THAT THIS CHANGE INVOLVES NO CHANGE IN SOURCE AND NO INCREASE IN THE AMOUNT OF APPROPRIATION. RELATIVE TO PROTESTS BLANKS UPON WHICH TO SUBMIT PROTESTS WILL BE SUPPLIED FREE UPON REQUEST ANY PERSON DESIRING TO PROTEST THE GRANTING OF SUCH EXTENSION OF TIME AND/OR CHANGE SHALL WITHIN 30 DAYS FROM DATE HEREOF FILE A WRITTEN PROTEST WITH THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD, AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS. A COPY OF THE PROTEST SHALL BE SENT TO THE PETITIONER. SUCH PROTEST SHALL CLEARLY SET FORTH THE PROTESTANTS OBJECTIONS TO AN EXTENSION OF TIME AND/OR CHANGE AND SHALL BE ON FORMS PROVIDED BY THE BOARD. IF A PROTESTANT'S VESTED RIGHT TO WATER IS JUNIOR IN PRIORITY TO THAT OF THE PETI— TIONER AND/OR THE PROTEST 1S BASED ON INJURY TO THE PUBLIC RESOURCES, A COMPLETE .STATEMENT OF FACTS SUPPORTING THE ALLEGATION THAT THE CHANGE AND/OR LACK OF DILI— GENCE ON THE PART OF THE PETITIONER IS ADVERSE TO THE PROTESTANT AND/OR THE PUBLIC RESOURCE MUST BE INCLUDED. R. L. ROSENBERGER, CHIEF DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS DATED: SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA JULY 1 1976 410 STATE OF CALIFORNIA — RESOURCES AGENCY EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 77 Cadillac Drive, Sacramento, CA 95825 (916)920-6151 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO COMPLETE APPROPRIATION OF WATER UNDER PERMIT AND PETITION TO CHANGE PERMIT 14335, ISSUED PURSUANT TO APPLICATION 19629 NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN THAT TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY P 0 BOX 11117, TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 PETITIONED THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD FOR AN EXTENSION OF TIME TO COMMENCE CONSTRUCTION AND USE OF WATER AND TO CHANGE PLACE OF USE AND POINT OF DIVERSION AS AUTHORIZED UNDER THE ABOVE—NUMBERED PERMIT. PERMIT PRESENTLY ALLOWS DIVERSION FROM COYOTE CREEK TRIBUTARY TO UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER THENCE LAKE TAHOE THENCE: TRUCKEE RIVER POINT OF DIVERSION WITHIN NW1/4 OF SW1/4 SECTION 25 T12N R17E MDB&M IN THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO IN THE AMOUNT OF: 2.33'CUBIC FEET PER SECOND BY DIRECT DIVERSION 104 ACRE—FEET PER ANNUM BY STORAGE PURPOSES: DOMESTIC DIVERSION SEASON: JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 (DIRECT DIVERSION) OCTOBER 1 TO JUNE 1 (STORAGE) PLACE OF USE: SW1/4 OF SECTION 19; s1/2 OF NE1/4 OF SECTION 21, SE1/4 OF SECTION 21; wl/2 OF SW1/4 AND SW1/4 OF NW1/4 OF SECTION'22; W1/2 OF NW1/4 AND NW1/4 OF swl/4 OF SECTION 27; N1/2, SWI/4 AND NI/2 OF SE1/4 OF SECTION 28; W1/2, SEl/4 AND S1/2' OF NE1/4 OF SECTION 29,; SECTION 30; NI/2 AND SEI/4 OF SECTION 31; AND W1/2 OF SECTION 32, ALL IN T12N, R18E, MDB&M; W1/2 OF SECTION 5; NE1/4 AND E1/2 OF SE1/4 OF SECTION 6; E1/2 OF NEI/4 AND EI/2 OF SE1/4 OF SECTION 7; W1/2 OF SECTION 8; 0/2, W1/2 OF NEI/4 AND WI/2 OF SEl/4 OF SECTION 17; AND N1/2 OF NWl/4 AND NW1/4 OF NE1/4 OF SECTION 20; ALL IN T11N, R18E, MDB&M; E1/2 OF Nw1/4 OF SECTION 25; NE1/4 OF SECTION 25; AND THE NE1/4 OF SECTION 36, ALL IN T12N, R17E, MDB&M. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGE PETITION TO (I) CHANGE THE PLACE OF USE TO INCLUDE SERVICE AREAS OF TAHOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS COMPANY, ANGORA WATER COMPANY, GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER COMPANY, AND TAHOE KEYES WATER COMPANY, AND (2) CHANGE THE POINT OF DIVERSION TO A POINT AT LAKE TAHOE IN SECTION 5 T12N R18E MDB&M. PETITIONER REPRESENTS THAT THIS CHANGE INVOLVES NO CHANGE IN SOURCE AND NO INCREASE IN THE AMOUNT OF•APPROPRIATION. RELATIVE TO PROTESTS BLANKS UPON WHICH TO SUBMIT PROTESTS WILL BE SUPPLIED FREE UPON REQUEST ANY PERSON DESIRING TO PROTEST THE GRANTING OF SUCH EXTENSION OF TIME AND/OR CHANGE SHALL WITHIN 30 DAYS FROM DATE HEREOF FILE A WRITTEN PROTEST WITH THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD, AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS. A COPY OF THE PROTEST SHALL BE SENT TO THE PETITIONER. SUCH PROTEST SHALL CLEARLY SET FORTH THE PROTESTANTS OBJECTIONS TO AN EXTENSION OF TIME AND/OR CHANGE AND SHALL BE ON FORMS PROVIDED BY THE BOARD. IF A PROTESTANTIS VESTED RIGHT TO WATER IS JUNIOR IN PRIORITY TO THAT OF THE PETI— TIONER AND/OR THE PROTEST IS BASED ON INJURY TO THE PUBLIC RESOURCES, A COMPLETE STATEMENT OF FACTS SUPPORTING THE ALLEGATION THAT THE CHANGE AND/OR LACK OF DILI— GENCE ON THE PART OF THE PETITIONER IS ADVERSE TO THE PROTESTANT AND/OR THE PUBLIC, RESOURCE MUST BE INCLUDED. R. L. ROSENBERGER, CHIEF DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS DATED: SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA v�lhLY 1 g 1978 Sierra Valley Water Company P. 0. Box 466 Beckwourth,CA 96129 M _y Dave Wilson . US'GS'Conservation Division 2800 Cottage Way Sacramento, CA 95825 Nature Conservancy 425 Bush Street San Francisco, CA 94108 W. Russell Kletzing Department of Water Resources 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, CA 95814 David M. & Shirley H. Allen P. 0. Box 458 Carnelian Bay, CA 95711 Mrs. Helen T. Alrich P. 0. Box 165 Homewood, CA 95718 Angora Water Company P. 0. Box 9026 S. Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 Toiyabe National Forest John Kincheloe 705 N. Plaza Federal Bldg., Rm. 207 Carson City, NV 89701 Hon. Herbert Rhodes, Director Department of Parks & • Recreation 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Bureau of Reclamation MP -710 2800 Cottage Way Sacramento, CA 95825 Hon. Charles Fullerton • Department of Fish & Game 1416 Ninth Street, 12th Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 Luther J. Avery & R. J. Drews c/o James Hanson 926 J Street, Suite 1415 Sacramento, CA 95814 Jean Bath 15053 Sutton Avenue Sherman Oaks, CA 91401 Carl E. & Norma L. Bell P. 0. Box 200 Tahoe Vista, CA 95732 Phillip N. Allen 139 Yale Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 Elizabeth Sheafe Ames, et. al 47464 Medina Drive E Palm Desert, CA 92260 Margaret Anton & Beatrice M. Heggie P. 0. Box 185 Kentfield, CA 94901 Fred Baker P. 0. Box 224 Kings Beach, CA 95719 Mrs. Adelaid Beans 122 Woodland Way Piedmont, CA 94611 City of Berkeley c/o Ian S. Lockhead Brkly Vacation Camp Office . I 1835 Allston Way Berkeley, CA 94704 Sierra Sun Bonanza •P. 0. Box 248 Truckee, CA 95734 Mr. Jack Port, Exec. Secretary Contra Costa Co. Water Agency 6th Floor, County Admin. Bldg. Martinez, CA 94553 California Department of Fish & Game 12th Floor, Resources Bldg. 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Agate Bay Water Company Box 444 Carnelian Bay, CA 95711 Alpine Springs Co. Water Dist. c/o Leigh H. Rovzar, Jr. Drawer E Tahoe City, CA 95730 Edmund F. Anderson, Jr. & Jane Anderson Armstrong 1460 Hamilton Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94301 Paul H. Avery, et. al. 14290 Edgehill Lane Auburn, CA 95603 John W. Ballou P. O. Box 934 Grass Valley, CA 95945 Becker Peak Water System c/o Ted Durein Box 576 Carmel, CA 93921 Marie T. Best P: 0. Box 331 Homewood, CA 95718 Donald E. Bischoff 19575 Three Oaks Way Saratoga., CA 95070 Board of Education/CA-NV Annual Conf. United Methodist Church 330 Ellis Street San Francisco, CA 94102 Albert L. & Samuel E. Bradley 202 D Street Roseville, CA 95678 Franklin M. Brown 196 Hall Drive Orinda, CA 94563 Division of Forestry 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Department of Health Alta Area 1900 K Street, Suite 202 Sacramento, CA 95814 Dept. of Parks & Recreation District 3 4125 West Lane Stockton, CA 95204 State Lands Division 1807 - 13th Street Sacramento, CA 95814 CA Regional Water Quality Control Board Lahontan Region P. 0. Box 3329 S. Lake Tahoe, CA 95702 ATNN: Roy Hampson, E.O. Robert Birnbaum c/o Ted Durein ox 576 Carmel, CA 93921 Sally & Glen Bowlsbey_ P. 0. Box 400 Dixon, CA 95620 Harold C. Briggs 2048 Buttner Road Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 Wm. S. Briner, Executor Estate of J. Ralph & Monica Sears • 1870 Westlake Blvd. Tahoe City, CA 95730 ATTN: Robert B. .Bond CA -NV Interstate Compact Commission 3251 S Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Department of Fish and Game Reg. Mngr., Region II Headquarters 1001 Jedsmith Drive Sacramento, CA 95819 Division of Forestry Sierra Cascade Region 1000 Cypress Street Redding, CA 96001 Department of Health Placerville District Office 341 Placer Drive Placerville, CA 95667 Department of'Real Estate 714 P Street Sacramento, CA 95814 William E. & Nancy Bittner Amk 411 Hopkins Road lup Sacramento, CA 95825 Division of Planning & Research SWRCB P. 0. Box 100 Sacramento, CA 95818 Ronald Robie, Director Dept. of Water Resources 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, CA 95814 John Bozich 495 Bret Harte Road Sacramento, CA 95825 William S. Briner 1850 Westlake Blvd. Tahoe City, CA 95730 Victor Brochard 135 Garcia Avenue San Francisco, CA 94127 Department of Conservation 1416 Ninth Street, 15th Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 Chester M. Hart, Chief Water Projects Branch Department of Fish and Game 1416 Ninth Street, Rm. 1206 Sacramento, CA 95814 Division of Forestry South Sierra Region 1234 E. Shaw Avenue Fresno, CA 93726 Dept. of Parks & Recreation 1416 Ninth Street, 14th Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 Claire T. Dedrick Secretary for Resources 1416 Ninth Street, Rm. 1311 Sacramento, CA 95814 . Executive Officer SWRCB 1416 Ninth Street, Rm. 1015 Sacramento, CA 95814 Kenneth L. Woodward Dept. of Water Resources 1416 Ninth Street, Rm. 215-36 Sacramento, CA 95814 G. Donald Meixner Res. Evaluation Office Dept. of Water Resources 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, CA' 95814 N. L. Camblin 3420 Ben Lomond Drive Sacramento, CA 95821 • Cathedral Water Association c/o Rodman Bingham 7 Lassen Court Menlo Park, CA 94025 The Christopher Corporation P. 0. Box 7767 S. Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 Sheldon G. Cooper & David Marsten, Trustees under the Will of Marion Marsten c/o Cooper, White & Cooper Attorneys at Law 44 Montgomery Street San Francisco, CA 94104.. Harriet P. Craven & Estate of F. P. Street Fallen Leaf Lake Lodge Fallen Leaf, CA 95716 Paul D'Anneo 6126 Ocean View Drive Oakland, CA 94618 Percy or Francis Devita 627 Casswall Street Napa, CA 94558 Roy C. Hampson CA. REG. WQCB,Lahontan Region P. 0. Box 14367 S. Lake Tahoe, CA 95702 Donner Euer Valley A. Corp. P. 0. Box 52 Walnut Creek, CA 94597 Loren Eden Clara Eden P. 0. Box 917 Pleasanton,: CA 94566 conn vostrez, executive utticer CA Tahoe Regional. Planning Agency P. 0. Box 14467 • S. Lake Tahoe, CA 95702 Russell W. & Ruth W. Carlton 340 Santa Clara Avenue Oakland, CA 94610 W. M. Cavitt P. 0. Box 1101 Truckee, CA 95734 A. H. & Effie M. Clark P. 0. Box 126 Soledad, CA 93960 Sheldon.G. & Patricia T. Cooper 44 Montgomery Street San Francisco, CA 94104 Harold N. Culver 6244 El Cajon Blvd., Suite 12 .San Diego, CA 92115 Jack F. Dempsey P. 0. Box 321 Tahoma, CA 95733 Steward M. Dingwall 4784 Mount Helix Drive La Mesa, CA 93041 Claude Dukes, Fed. Watermaster P. 0. Box 3571 Reno, NV 89505 Donner Lake Utility Co. P. 0. Box 2418 Reno, NV 89505 George H. & Janet L. Edmondson Box 308 Carnelian Bay, CA 95711 Martin M. Seldon CA Trout, Inc. P. 0. Box 2393 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Carnelian Bay Water Company c/o Stewart L. Oliver 1233 S. Arlington Avenue Reno, NV, 89503 Honorable E. A. Chappie Cool, CA 95614 Dan Coleman Associates 201 Sir Francis Drake Greenbrae,,CA 94904 • J. V. Corica 1148 Manor Drive Reno, NV 89502 Cathryn Daggett 6840 West Lake Blvd. • Tahoma, CA 95733 Richard & Marilyn Dennis 2197 Euclid Avenue Napa, CA 94558 Robert L. & E. Joyce Dorian 1120 - 46th Street Sacramento, CA 95819 Gilbert W. Dygert & Irene C. Dygert 125 Norlene Way Grass Valley, CA 95945 Donner Tract Impr. Assn. c/o Eugene L. Hackett Jr. P. 0. Box 1078 Truckee, CA 95734 George Egen 2840 Tice Creek Drive Manor 6, Rossmoor Walnut Creek, CA 94595 Board of Supervisors County of El Dorado Placerville, CA 95667 County of El Dorado County Planning Office 2850 Cold Springs Road Placerville, CA 95667 Fallen Leaf Camp Association c/o George E. Thomas 354 Donald Drive Moraga, CA 94556 Daniel M. Feeley 1120 Hamilton Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94301 A. Gardner Finn P. 0. Box 595 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 W. C. & Cora K. Frost P. 0. Box 2 Homewood, CA 95718 Michael Garabedian c/o Dr. Charles Goldman U/C - Dept. of Zoology Davis, CA 95616 J. B. Gilbert & Associates 1101 R Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Kenneth A. Green 1170 Crandano Court Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Clyde and Gladys Gruhler; and Pierce and Dorothy Tully 3366 McGraw Lane Lafayette, CA 94549. Leila M. Hardy Route 1, Box 70 Woodland, CA 95695 District Attorney AftCounty of El Dorado. Placerville, CA 95667 . Margery A. Ellerherst 3430 Crestmoor Drive San Bruno, CA 94066 Fred Fallon 3016 Waterman Court El Dorado Hills, CA Raymond Fellows 5240 N. Lake Blvd. Carnelian Bay,' CA 95711 Margaret M. Fisher 3247 Kempton Avenue Oakland, CA 94611 Fulton Water Co., Inc. P. 0. Drawer W Tahoe City, CA 95730 Vincent P. Gianella 175 Tample Drive Auburn, CA 95603 El Dorado Co. Health Dept. Aft 2850 Cold Springs Road low Placerville, CA 95667 Fred Girard Kronick, Moskovitz, Tiedemann, and Girard 555 Capitol Mall Sacramento, CA 95814 Albert F. Greil.ich 1700 Wentworth Avenue Sacramento, CA 95820 Chester S. Guzek & Jeane U. Guzek 5390 West Lake Blvd. Homewood, CA 95718 Harlan & Dumars Route 1, Box 510 Woodland, CA 95695 David J. Elliot, Jr. P. 0. Box 425 Courtland, CA 95615 Harold R. Farr P. 0. Box 51 Tahoe City, CA 95730 Louise Oppio Fenech Box 859 Tahoe City, CA 95730 Ronald H. Fremlin Box 798 Tahoe City, CA 95730 Mary S. Gamble 1031 High Road Woodside, CA 94062 Finley J. Gibbs, et. al. c/o Finley J. Gibbs 1620 El Camino Real Menlo.Park, CA 94025 Golden Empire Council B S A c/o George Morrow 3775 Erlewine Circle Sacramento, CA 95819 Oliver D. Grey, et. al. c/o Oliver D. Grey 425 E Street Lincoln, CA 95648 John Hamlin P. 0. Box 644 Tahoe City, CA 95730 Joseph H. Harn, Forest Supvr.. El Dorado Nat'l Forest 100 Forni Road Placerville, CA 95667 Harrah Realty Company P. 0. Box 819 Reno, NV 80504 • Hiram H. & Beatrice I. Hendren 5300 Pleasant Drive Sacramento, CA 95822 Stanford L. Holmgren 15 Cascade Lane Orinda, CA 94563 Lathrop Soule Huntley 135 Finley Street Auburn,CA 95603 Barbara K. & W. Turrentine Jackson 702 Miller Drive Davis, CA 95616 Reynold C. Johnson 180 Montair Drive Danville, CA 94526 Charles C. & Bruce C. Kennedy 24733 Loma Prieta Avenue . Los Gatos, CA 95030 J. Lackey. 0. & A. Ancinas c/o Jack Lackey (Lot 46) P. 0. Box 1001 Tahoe City, CA 95730 Lakeside Park Association c/o Kenneth H. Glantz Consulting Civil Engineer P. 0. Box 4437 Stockton, CA 95204 Richard A. Lavery P. 0. Box 416 Crystal Bay, NV 89402 •Fred C. Hartmeyer P. 0. Box 11282 .S. Lake Tahoe, CA 9570 Francisc ealy Way. 94127 Rudy Howald 32 Toyon Drive Woodland, CA 95695 W. M. Hoskins 3476 Springhill Road. Lafayette, CA '94549 Innisfree'Corporation. c/o Kronick, Moskovitz, Tiedemann & Girard 555 Capitol Mall, Suite 855 Sacramento, CA 95814 Frederick & Mary A. Haswell •P. 0. Box 1016 Truckee, CA 95734 Mabel C. Joerger Trust, et al. c/o Bertha Joerger Wolverton 1800 Carlin Reno, NV 89503 Wm. Van Dyke Johnson, et al. c/o Marjorie Springmeyer Route 3, Box 92 Gardnervil.le, NV 89410 Donald Kienlen Murray, Burns & Kienlen 1107 Ninth Street, Rm. 600 Forum Building Sacramento, CA 95814 Lake Forest Water Company c/o Ted Finger P. 0. Box 211 Tahoe City, CA 95730 Lakeside Park Association c/o Ed Pollack P. 0. ,.Box 4573 So. Lake Tahoe, CA 95729 Robert Lancaster. Forest Supervisor Tahoe National Forest Coyote Street & Hwy. 49. Nevada City, CA 95959 Courtenay T. & Rhoda S. Headland 9010 Sceola Court Walnut Creek, CA 94598 Marilyn R. Hoffman & D. E. Rhoades 42 Tuscaloosa Avenue Atherton, CA 94025 Charles Hughes, et. al. IBM Building, Suite 802 520 Capitol Mall Sacramento, CA 95814 Innisfree Corporation 2656 Brideway Sausalito, CA Inez Loomis Johnson and Harlan A. Johnson 3517 E. Hidden Valley Drive Reno, NV 89502 Sybil S. Jones 1400 - 39th Street Sacramento, CA 95801 Wolfgang E. Kuhn & J. Thomas Baccehetti c/o Wolfgang Kuhn (Lot 2) 612 Alvarado Row Stanford, CA 94300 Lake Tahoe Area Council Sierra Tahoe Reg. Res. Library P. 0. Box 14287 So. Lake Tahoe, CA 95702 John J. Lavin Forest Supervisor Toiyabe National Forest 111 North Virginia Stre Reno, NV 89503 Allen B. Lemmon . '562 Garden Street Sacramento, CA 95815 D. E. Loewen 918 S. Central Avenue Lodi,.CA 95240 Charles & Lurelda Mahakian 2340 Hilgard Avenue. Berkeley, CA 94709 B. E. Martin, Reg. Director Region 2 U. S. Bureau of Reclamation 2800 Cottage Way Sacramento, CA 95825 Gilbert J. McGuinness c/o Fred Haswell P. 0. Box 1016 Truckee, CA 95734 Mrs. Robert W. Miller 1021 California Street San Francisco, CA 94108 John W. Mitchell, et al. c/o John W. Mitchell 2021 Waverley Palo Alto, CA 94301 Mt. Lola Development Co. c/o Mr. -M. E. McCombs 228 Arletta Street Reno, NV 89503 Kenneth & Charlotte Musker 748 Plum Lane Davis, CA 95616 Ron M. MacMillen District Attorney County of Nevada Nevada City, CA 95959 - League to Save Lake Tahoe P. 0. Box 10110 So. Lake Tahoe, CA 9570 Irving M. & Viva D. Liner 230 Southampton Avenue Berkeley, CA 94707 Weyman I. Lundquist 5460 West Lake Blvd. Homewood, CA 95718 Earl B. Marr Box 264 Tahoma, CA 95733 Barbara McConnell 3651 Meadow Lane Sacramento, CA 95825 Robert N. & Jeanne R. Meier 2110 Lincoln Street Oroville, CA 95965. Mrs. Grace P. Mills 803 Nixon Avenue Reno, NV 89502 George, Antionette & Charles B. Mollett :. 1603 Hillcrest Glendale, CA .91202 Burleigh H. Murray c/o M. Meland 1100 Gough Street, 10-# San Francisco, CA 94109 Charles & Martha Nagy 306 La Cueste Avenue Los Altos, CA 94022 Nevada County Health Dept. County of Nevada Nevada City, CA 95959 Janet E. Leary AIIK 120 West Empire Street Grass Valley, CA 95945 N & Bar•. a Little P. 0. Box Tahoe 'sta, C 2 Jerome Magee P. 0. Box 11073 Oakland, CA 94611 Doris Q. Marsh 5418 North Lake Blvd. Carnelian Bay, CA 95711 Martin McDonough Attorney at Law 555 Capitol Mall, Suite 950 Sacramento, CA 95814 Gene 0. & Joyce M. Miller 3857 Petersburg Circle . Stockton, CA 95207 Charles C. & John H. Miltner c/o Charles Miltner & Assoc. -511 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. Greenbrae, CA 94904' J. D. & S. Morton; J. F. & M. T. Latour c/o James D. Morton P. 0. Box 2277 Olympic Valley, CA 95730 Paul R. Murray 6000 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819 Board of Supervisors 'County of Nevada Nevada City, CA 95959 l.ounLy or r evaoa County .Planning Office Nevada City, CA 95959 • Gladys M. Newington 321 - 37th Street Sacramento, CA 95816 Malcolm Nobs, et al. 50 Avondale Avenue Redwood City, CA 94062 Herbert P. Obexer Obexer & Son, Inc. P. 0. Box 186 Homewood, CA 95718 Paul R. Parrette P. 0. Box 817 Carefree, Arizona 85331 Nolan E. Petz, et al. 618 Gaffery Road Vermalis, CA 95385 District Attorney Courthouse, Room #24 Auburn, CA 95603 James Scribner Placer Co. Health Dept. P. 0. Drawer CC Tahoe City, CA 95730 Quail Lake Water Co. c/o Ray Kettenhofen P. 0. Box 305 Homewood,'CA 95718 Donald A: Rhoades 42 Tuscaloosa Avenue Atherton, CA 94025 Rocky Ridge Properties & R. T. Nahas & George J. Schlenker, Trustees P. 0. Box 802 Tahoe City, CA 95730 Koiana westergara Nevaaa risn came comm. State Eng., Div. of Wtr. Res. P. 0. Box 10678 •• 201 South Fall Street • Reno, NV 89510 Carson City, NV 89701 Nielsen Water Company c/o Stein Nielsen P. 0. Box 602 . Tahoe City, CA 95730 N. Tahoe Public Utility Dist.. P. 0. Box 139 Tahoe Vista, CA 95732 L. D. & Kathleen M. Ohlson P. 0. Box 71 Oroville, CA 95965 L. J. & E. K..Payen; B. c/o Louis J. Payen 7915 Folsom Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95826 Neal Walton Planning Director City of S. Lake. Tahoe P. 0. Box 1210 S. Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 Anders A. Nyquist 76 Hernandez Avenue San Francisco, CA 94127 Richard Osmundsen P. 0. Box 1445 Tahoe City, CA Atwood - J. & A. Pedretti; B. & L. P. Marshall c/o Joseph Pedretti 5669 Dam Road El Sobrante, CA 95800 Placer County Water Agency P. 0. Box 3218 Auburn, CA 95603 County of Placer County Planning Office 175 Fulweiler Avenue Auburn, CA 95603 Thomas & Shirley Poffenberger 416 Hamilton Place Ann Arbor, Mich 48104 Howard L. Reedy P. 0. Box 1632 Tahoe City, CA 95730 Fred A. & Dorothy H. Rihs P. 0. Box 1343 Kings Beach, CA 95719 Board of Supervisors Administrative Center 175 Fulweiler, #206 Auburn, CA 95603 Placer County Dept. of Public eoWorks unty Administrative Center Auburn, CA 95603 C.002r µouSE James Vidovich, Chairman Pyramid Lake Tribal Council Box 64 Wadsworth, NV 89442 Regents of the U of Calif. Business Services Office 2543 Channing Way Berkeley, CA 94720 Elizabeth N. Robinson The Mapls Woodland, CA 95695 Arthur W. Rose 6073 North Lake Blvd. Kings Beach, CA 95719 H. W. & Maude E. Ruby Ronald W. Rupp 2851 Northrop Avenue Agi4770 West Lake*Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95825 • IIIHomewood, CA 95718 Paul or Viola Scaglon 454 Vincente Avenue Berkeley, CA 94707 Larry Sevison Box 108 Tahoe Vista, CA 95732 Sierra County Health Dept. County of Sierra Downieville, CA 95936 D. G. Snyder & D. Westerlund P. 0. Box 750 Tahoe City, CA 95730 Orval L. & Helen L. Shreck 3400 East.Country Club Lane Sacramento, CA 9582.1 Sierra Pacific Power Co. P. 0. Box 10100 Reno, NV 89510 Beryl S. Smith 2765 - 13th Street Sacramento, CA 95818 J. B. Snell 44 La Cresenda Vallejo, CA 94590 Standord Alumni Ass'n. Bowman Alumni House Stanford, CA 94305 _Sutcliffe & Morrow, Inc. Engrs., Surveyors, Plnrs. 3350 Watt Avenue Sacramento, CA 95821 George R. Saxton • 110 Idlewood Road Kentfield, CA 94904 Carl W. Jr. & Grace M. Schmidt P. 0. Box 3098 S. Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 j Board of Supervisors County of Sierra Courthouse Downieville, CA 95936 County of Sierra County Planning Office Downieville, CA 95936 Samuel A. Snyder 936 - 46th Street Sacramento, CA 95816 Clarence N. & Robert D. Shurtleff 7 Oak Grove Way Napa, .CA 94558 Vera Silberstein 2706 Ashlan, Space 166 Fresno, CA 93705 Mrs. Jack A. Smith P. 0. Box 269 Tahoma, CA 95733 R. G. Sproul & Stanley B. Freeborn, Jr. c/o John A. Sproul 8413 Buckingham Drive El Cerrito, CA 94530 Merle Stark & Anita F. Williams 2908 Judah Street San Francisco, CA 94122 Lawrence E. Swanson 41167 Thurston Street Fremont, CA 94538 Milton & Daisy Selby 107 Camino Don Miguel Orinda, CA 94563 District Attorney County of Sierra Courthouse Downieville, CA 95936 S. A. Snyder & W. G. Keenan c/o S. A. Snyder 939 - 46th Street Sacramento, CA 95816 S. Tahoe Public Utility Dist. P. 0. Box AU S. Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 Sierra Club Mother Lode Chapter P. 0. Box 1335 Sacramento, CA 95806 Silver Creek -Tahoe Imp Assn., Inc. 10727 Cotter Street Oakland,.CA 94605 William L. Smith 1835 Green Valley Road Suisun, CA 94585 Sierra Sun Bonanza P. 0. Box 248 Truckee, CA 95734 Stephen D. & Ruth T. Storey 671 Santa Ynez Stanford, CA 94305 Charles W. or John Sweeney 2190 Broadway San Francisco, CA 9411410 ;Tahoe Paradise Resort • P. 0. Box 11117 Tahoe Paradise, CA 95705 Tahoe Tahoma Cabin 1131 Westfield Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025 Paul F. Taylor, et al 6985 Exeter Drive Oakland, CA 94611 Margaret M. Trembley P. 0. Box 532 Belvedere, CA 94920 Tahoe City, P U D • c/o Paul H, Chamberlain • P. O. Box 33 Tahoe City, CA 95730 Truckee Donner Public Utility District ° P. 0. Box 308 Truckee, CA 95734 Regional Director U. S. Fish & Wildlife'Svc. P. 0. Box 3737 Portland, OR 97208 U. S. Toiyabe National Forest c/o Regional Forester 324 - 25th Street Ogden, Utah 84401 U. S. Bureau of Land Mgmt. 2800 Cottage Way Sacramento, CA 95825 U. S. Tahoe Basin Management Unit P. 0. Box 8465 S. Lake Tahoe, CA 95731 Ann Milton Wallis 2490 Westlake Blvd. Box 564 Tahoe City, CA 95730 Tahoe Paradise Water & Gas Company P. 0. Box 11117 Tahoe Paradise, CA 95705 Tamarack Mutual Water Co. & Rubicon Mutual Water Co. c/o Ann H. Ewer, C.P.A. 625 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94105 Charles & Barbara Thieriot 1802 Floribunda Avenue Hillsborough, CA 94010 Tahoe Keys Water Company • P. 0. Box 1239 S. Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 Trimont Water Co. c/o Gordon E. Davis, Esq. Attorney for Trimont Water Co. 111 Sutter Street, Room 1100 San Francisco, CA 94101 Frank E. & Clarie J. Turpin 1107 Merritt. Turlock,CA 95380 U. S. Tahoe Nat'l Forest Coyote Street & Highway 49 Nevada City, CA 95959 U. S. Bureau of Indian Affairs Nevada Agency Stewart, NV 89437 U. S. Bureau of Reclamation 2800 Cottage Way Sacramento, CA 95825 E. S. von.Dessonneck 123 Edgewood Avenue San Francisco, CA 94117 Mrs. Mary Walton P. 0. Box 2047 Reno, NV 89505 Tahoe Regional Ping. Agency Box 8896 S. Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 Mrs. Hazel C. Taylor P. 0. Box 9186 S. Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 Gary L. & Marilyn Thomas 3770 Random Lane Sacramento, CA 95825 James D. Wood, Proj. Mgr. Truckee -Carson Irrig. District P. 0. Box 957 Fallon, NV 89406 Field Supervisor Div. of River Basin Studies U. S. Fish.& Wildlife Service 2800 Cottage Way, Room E-2727 Sacramento, CA 95825 U. S. El Dorado Nat'l Forest Irwin E. Bosworth, Forest Supervisor 2929 Grandview Street Placerville, CA 95667 U. S. Bureau of Reclamation Lahontan Project P. 0. Box 640 Carson City, NV 89701 Alvin Waddle 202 Carolyn Street Auburn, CA 95603 Ward Creek Water Co. c/o Cooper, White & Cooper 44 Montgomery Street San Francisco, CA 94104 Washoe Co. Water Conservation Western States Equipmerit Co. Bertram C. Wheeler Districtc/o Fred Haswell - • Box H 421 Hill Street, Room 2410. • P. 0. Box 1016 • Courtland, CA 95615 Reno, 14V 89501 Truckee, CA 95734 Mabel Winter Whitney P. 0. Box 4056 S. Lake Tahoe, CA 95729 Sammie June Wi l er 520 Edan Avenue Stockton, CA 95205 Harold A. Ranquist U. S. Department of Interior Special Project Office 900 West 1st Street Reno, NV 89503 Bob Rennie c/o U. S. Forest Service 650 Sansome Street San Francisco, CA 941.11 Glen,Griffith, Director Nevada Fish and Game Dept. P. 0. Box 10678 Reno, NV 89510 Public Utilities Commission Utilities Division 350 McAllister Street San Francisco, CA 94102 California Advisory Committee on Western States Water Planning State Capitol, Room 2148 Sacramento, CA 95814 Department of Water Resources Central District P. 0. Box 9137 Sacramento, CA 95816' Henry J. Ongerth, Chief Water Sanitation, Department of Health 2151 Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94704 Finch, Sauers, Player & King P. O. Box 759 Palo Alto, CA 94312 Mabel Winter Whitney 92 Sunset Avenue Amherst, Mass. 01002 James D. Yoakum P. 0. Box 9098 • University Station Reno, NV 89507. Ms. Sari Sommarstron c/o CTRPA P. 0. Box 14467 S. Lake Tahoe, CA 95702 Dr. H. P. Tapia, Superintendant Truckee -Donner Rec. & Park District P. 0. Box 1087 Truckee, CA 95734 SUPPLEMENTAL MAILING LIST (from this square on) Air Resources Control Board Planning Division 1131 S Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Reclamation Board 1416 Ninth Street, Room 335 Sacramento, CA 95814 Division of Mines and Geology 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Placer Co. Service Area #21 P. 0. Box 1469 Kings Beach, CA 95719 ATTN: Bill Matulich Department of Health, Water Sanitation 1025 P Street, Room 110 Sacramento, CA 95814 William A. & Madeline Williams 718 Oeste Drive Davis, CA 95616 James B. & Joan H. Zischke 144 Bonita Avenue Piedmont, CA 94611 Robert D. Stitser Attorney/Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe 755 Forest Street Reno, NV 89502 Mrs. Marjorie Springmeyer Route 3, Box 92 Gardnerville, NV 89410 Air Resources Control Board 1709 - llth Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Public Utilities Commission Environmental. Impact Branch 350 McAllister Street San Francisco, CA 94102 Division of Forestry, Resource Management 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Mr. Edward G. Chandler Athearn, Chandler & Hoffman Attorneys at Law 111 Sutter Street San Francisco, CA 94 105 Department of Health Water Sanitation 2135 Alsaid Avenue Redding, CA 96001 Department of Transportation Legal Division 1120 N Street Sacramento, CA 95814 ATTN: Gene Bonnstetter Public Utilities Commission Richard Carlson Finance and Accounts Di' ion • Dept. of Real Estate 350 McAllister Street 714 P Street • San Francisco, CA 94102 Sacramento, CA 95814 Mark Weiner P. 0. Box 417 Foresthill, CA 95631 Research Coordination Board Sierra Tahoe Reg. Res. Library P. 0. Box 14287 So. Lake Tahoe, CA 95702 U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Water Div. & Enforcement Div. 100 California Street San Francisco, CA 94111 Mr. Joe Holzen Conservation Chairman Oakland Casting Club 3085 Greenview Drive Castro Valley, CA 94546 City of South Lake Tahoe Planning Officer 1700 D Street So. Lake Tahoe, CA 95702 Bob Baiocchi 1859 Salida Way Paradise, CA 95969 Washoe Co. Water Cons. Dist. 421 Hill Reno, NV 89501 i Pcveadi S eater Q P- 0.`%o7C /1117 T , 04 (757C5 Mr. John Wright •State Reclamation Board 1416 Ninth Street, Rm. 335 Sacramento, CA 95814 Lake Tahoe Environ. Ed. Cons. Sierra Tahoe Reg. Res. Library P. 0. Box 14287 So. Lake Tahoe, CA 95702 Alan Walker No. Lake Tahoe Bananza News Incline Village, NV 89450 California Trout, Inca P. 0. Box 2046 San Francisco, CA 94126 Roland Westergard State Engineer, St. of Nevada 201 South Fall Carson City, NV 89701 Donald Peek Michigan -California Lumber Co. P. 0. Box 461 Camino, CA 95709 Truckee -Donner Public Utility District P. 0. Box 308 Truckee, CA 95734 Frank B. Clendenon 12405 Locksley Lane Auburn, CA 94603 Mr: James P. Tryner, Chief Resource Preservation & Dept. Interpretation Division sg 14"1NinthaStreetRel4thtF1. Sacramento, CA 95814 Mr. Thomas I. Graff Environmental Defense Fund 2728 Durant Street Berkeley, CA 94704 Placer'Co. Planning Commission Co. Admin. Center, Room 501 Auburn, CA 95603 Pacific Gas & Electric Co. c/o Mr. E. E. Hall 77 Beale Street San Francisco, CA 94106 Forest Supervisor U. S. El Dorado Nat'l Forest 929 Grandview Street Placerville, CA 95667 Nevada Irrigation District P. 0. Box 1019 Grass Valley, CA 95945 Lake Tahoe Area Res. Coord. Bd. Sierra Tahoe Reg. Res. Library P. 0. Box 14287 So. Lake Tahoe, CA 95702 f Donald L. LollocK, Chief Env. Services Branch Dept. of Fish and Game Rm. 1206-20, Resources Bldg. VIA MESSENGER (6) Allan I. Wendroff State Reclamation Board Room 335, Resources Bldg. VIA MESSENGER Bill D. Whitener, Gen. Mgr. Idyllwild County Water Dist. P. 0. Box 397 Idyllwild, CA 92349 Martin McDonough, Atty. 555 Capitol Mall, Suite 950 Sacramento, CA 95814 Paul Art Chuck Harris J. M. Page Wynn Rowlands L. C.' Spencer SWRCB-Div. of Water Rights 107 South Broadway-Rm. 3009 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (2) B. E. Martin, Director Mid-Pac. Region, U.S.B.R. 2800 Cottage Way Sacramento, CA 95825 Lake Hemet Muni. Water Dist. 40-988 Florida Avenue Hemet, CA 92343 R. L. Rosenberger Don Carroll Murt Lininger Glenn Peterson D. W. Sabiston Files • Don Meixner, DWR Project Analysis Office 1416 Ninth Street,•Rm. 215 - VIA MESSENGER ais_ltt Tom Quinn, Spec. Assistant Governor for Env. Protect 1709 - llth Street VIA MESSENGER Dept. Water Resources Room 338, Resources Bldg. VIA MESSENGER (2) Subash Agarwal Archie Chesler Ernie Miller Walt Pettit Joe Soderstrand Joyce Romeo • State Water Resources. Control Board DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 77 Cadillac Drive Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 322-9128 STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL 90ARD FEB 2 9 o7 Anti 18 PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FORD1,917 , Eri RIGHTS SACRAMENTO APPLICATION: 18039 OWNER OF RECORD: TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY P 0 BOX 11117,E TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 SOURCE: COUNTY: AMOUNT: PURPOSE: PERMIT: 13530 ( 916) 541-2622 Area Code and Telephone Number If the owner or address shown above is wrong, please correct. UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER EL DORADO 3 CU FT/SEC 200 AC—FT/ANN DOMESTIC TIME TO COMPLETE USE OF WATER EXPIRES ON 12-01-70 IMPORTANT! EVERY permit is issued subject to the conditions therein expressed. I have currently reviewed my permit: YES ® NO ❑ . I am complying with the conditions under which my permit has been issued: YES ❑ NO ®. Identify any noncompliance by permit term number under "Remarks" on reverse side. This report is important in providing the record of use needed in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the above -listed address. THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND I REQUEST REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT: YES 0 NO in. CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? YES 0 NO £] . If YES, is construction completed? YES ❑ NO ❑ . 2. If incomplete, describe briefly the work done, including cost. 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion. 4. What percent of construction work remains to be done?— Explain. USE OF WATER 5. Has use of water commenced? YES ❑ NO Check appropriate box(es) below and explain how water was used. (a) ❑ Irrigation Total acres Irrigated Name of crops served and acreage of each (b) 0 Stockwatering (c) ❑ Industrial (d) ❑ Domestic (h) ❑ Other (e) 0 Municipal Approximate population 6. Amount of water used each month under this permit in gallons or acre-feet. (If not known, check months water was used.) Dec. Total Annual Number of animals Nature of Use (f) ❑ Recreational Boating, fishing, water contact sports (g) ❑ Power generation Installed horsepower capacity Jan. Number of persons, area of garden, lawn, etc. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? YES ❑ NO ❑. If "No", explain on revese side under "Remarks". 8. Has location of the intake, place of use, or type of use been changed? YES 0 NO ❑ . Explain on reverse side under "Remarks". 9. Did the source go dry? YES 0 NO ❑ . If so, during what months? STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY N/A 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? YES 0 NO ❑ . If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? Have you emptied the reservoir? YES 0 NO ❑ . If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season? I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my Dated January 27th, 1978 at Tahoe Paradise, (Location) Sign here Tahoe Paradise Water SWRCB-15 (8.77) knowledge and belief. California. d Gas C (State) 191.1 u (, 174 t-1 George C Baron; Pressr j9 • (REPORT CONTINUES ON REVCWE SIDE) 1 10� r PERMI PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1977 -PAGE 2 PLEASE ANSWER ONLY THOSE QUESTIONS BELOW WHICH ARE APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT: MUNICIPAL, COMMUNITY, OR SUBDIVISION PROJECTS ONLY 11. How many service connections to date? Total population served by the water system • 12. Estimated number of service connections under full use - 13. Are the connections individually metered? YES 0 NO ❑ . 14. Do you plan to meter the connections? YES 0 NO ❑ . When? 15. Sewage generated by those to whom you deliver water is disposed of by: Septic tanks and leach lines ❑ ; Seepage pits ❑ ; Central treatment plan 0 operated by ; Other ❑ (specify under "Remarks") PURVEYORS OF WATER ONLY 16. Water service is provided to an area or subdivision including a recreational reservoir: YES ❑ NO ❑ . 17. Name of area or subdivision so served. 18. State surface area of recreational reservoir(s) at maximum water level referred to in 16 and 17. Identify surface area(s) by name of dam or reservoir. NOTE: The following questions relate to the Board's continuing responsibility to insure that appropriate water is best developed, conserved, and utilized in the public interest as required by the Water Code. CONSERVATION OF WATER 19. What measures are you using or planning to reduce water losses in conveyance systems? (1) Seepage or leak detection program 0; (2) Lining canals 0; (3) Phreatophyte and aquatic vegetation control ❑; (4) Other (describe in "Remarks") ❑. 20. What measures are used to encourage consumers to conserve water in agricultural use? (1) Program to encourage more efficient irrigation systems (sprinkler, drip, etc.) where applicable ❑; (2) Return flow systems on individual farms 0; (3) Return flow system areawide O ; (4) Water pricing to encourage reduced use ❑ ; (5) Charges for drainage of ir- rigated lands 0; (6) Other (describe in "Remarks") 0. 21. What measures are used to encourage municipal and industrial consumers to conserve water? (1) Regulations to control wasteful use ❑ ; (2) Public education program on water conservation ❑ ; (3) Pricing to encourage reduced use ❑ (4) Assistance to industry in design of recycle systems ❑; (5) Other (describe in "Remarks") J. 22. What records are maintained on water use and conservation? (1) Loss rate from conveyance system ❑; (2) Water use for major crops by each farm 0; (3) Other (describe in "Remarks") 0. WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION 23. Describe methods you are using to minimize erosion and to prevent the entry of silt into surface waters: 24. After use, the water is (1) retained in reservoir ❑ ; (2) discharged into a stream or lake 0 ; (3) discharged into settling ponds 0; (4) other ❑. Describe. 25. Does or will water being discharged contain waste materials? 0 Yes 0 No . (1) Domestic ❑ ; (2) Municipal ❑ ; (3) Industrial 0 ; (4) Agricultural ❑ ; (5) Other 0 . Describe. 26. Does or will water being discharged contain any specific material which is deleterious to fish and wildlife or which would im- pair the water for beneficial uses? 0 Yes 0 No . Describe: 27. Describe what steps you are taking, have been taking, or can take to reclaim or indirectly reuse the water being appropriated. REMARKS Please indicate the number ,of the item you are explaining: On May 6, 1970, the Company filed a "Petition for Change in Point of Diversion" and simultaneously filed a "Petition for Change of Place of Use". These petitions are the result of engineering studies accomplished to date and in collaboration with the other utilities mentioned in said petitions. To provide water for domestic use of the compan- ies' potential -customers based on presently subdivided lands the total quantity of water in the'permit°is considered essential. On 30 July, 1971, the Company filed petition for extension of time as the Water Rights Branch had not acted on petitions cited in paragraph one above. On 18 June, 1973, a hearing was held at which time both DWR Staff and Utility were instructed to recheck data submitted in evidence. A preliminary meeting was held, however the final meeting, between Staff and Utility has not been held. Company received letter of 23 August, 1974, from State Water Rights Control Board re: an¢1 EIR on subject appli cations. On or about 30 September, 1974, Company requested 120 day extension to prepare EIR. However, on checking Company files it has been found that an EIR was presented as part of June 18, 1973 hearin(gadditional space is needed for remarks, attach numbered sheets.) o 33943-9B3 B-77 2M QDOSP ' *ate Water Resources Control Boar. DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 2125 — 19th Street, Sacramento, California 95818 PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1916 OWNER OF RECORD: APPLICATION 18039 TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY P O BOX 11117,0 TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 (916) 541-2622 Telephone Number (Include Area Code) If the owner or address shown above is wrong, please correct SOURCE: UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER COUNTY: EL DORADO AMOUNT: 3 CU FT/SEC 200 AC�FT/ANN PURPOSE: DOMESTIC PERMIT: 13530 ..t rn 12-01-70 TIME TO COMPLETE USE OF WATER EXPIRES THIS DATE IMPORTANT! EVERY permit is issued subject to the conditions therein expressed. I have currently reviewed my permit: YES EN NO ❑ . I am complying with the conditions under which my permit has been issued: YES ❑ NO ®. Identify any non-compliance by permit term number under "remarks" on reverse side. This report is important in providing the record of use needed in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD, DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 2125 Nineteenth Street, Sacramento, California 95818 THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND I REQUEST REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT: YES ❑ NO ❑ . CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? YES ❑ NO ®. If YES, is construction completed? YES ❑ NO ❑ . 2. If incomplete, describe briefly the work done, including cost. 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion. 4. What percent of construction work remains to be sloe? Explain. USE OF WATER 5. Has use of water commenced? YES ❑ NO [a Check appropriate box(es) below and explain how water was used. (a) ❑ Irrigation Total acres irrigated Name of crops served and acreage of each (b) ❑ Stockwatering (f) ❑ Recreational Number of animals Boating, fishing, water contact sports (c) ❑ Industrial (g) ❑ Power generation Nature of Use Installed horsepower capacity (d) ❑ Domestic (h) ❑ Other Number of persons, area of garden, lawn, etc. (e) ❑ Municipal Approximate population 6. Amount of water used each month under this permit in gallons or acre-feet. (If not known, check months water was used.) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Annual 1111111111111 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? YES ❑ NO 0 If "No", explain on reverse side under "remarks". 8. Has location of the intake, place of use, or type of use been changed? YES ❑ NO . Explain on reverse side under "remarks". 9. Did the source go dry? YES ❑ NO ❑ . If so, during what months? STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY N/A 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? YES ❑ NO ❑ . If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? Have you emptied the reservoir? YES ❑ NO ❑ . If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season? I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated. January 5th, 1977 at Tahoe Paradise, Sign here - SWRCB-15 46.761 California (Location) te) 1976 PERMITTEE George C. Baron, Pres. (REPORT CONTINUES ON REVERSE SIDE) PLEASE ANSWER ONLY THOSE QUESTIONS BELOW WHICH ARE APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT: MUNICIPAL, COMMUNITY, OR SUBDIVISION PROJECTS ONLY 11. How many service connections to date? Total population served by the water system 12. Estimated number of service connections under full use. 13. Are the connections'individually metered? YES ❑ NO ❑ . 14. Do you plan to meter the connections? YES 0 NO ❑ . When? 15. Sewage generated by those to whom you deliver water is disposed of by: Septic tanks and leach lines ❑ ; Seepage pits ❑ ; Central treatment plan 0 operated by ; Other 0 (specify under "remarks") PURVEYORS OF WATER ONLY 16. Water service is provided to an area or subdivision including a recreational reservoir: YES ❑ NO ❑ . 17. Name of area or subdivision so served. 18. State surface area of recreational reservoir(s) at maximum water level referred to in 16 and 17. Identify surface areas) by name of dam or reservoir. NOTE: The following questions relate to the Board's continuing responsibility to insure that appropriate water is best developed, conserved, and utilized in the public interest as required by the Water Code. CONSERVATION OF WATER 19. What measures are you using or planning to reduce water losses 'in conveyance systems? program ❑ ; (2) Lining canals ❑ (3) Phreatophyte and aquatic vegetation control ❑ ; (4) Other (describe in remarks) 0 . 20. What measures are used to encourage consumers to conserve water in efficient irrigation systems (sprinkler, drip, etc.), where applicable ❑; (3) Return flow system areawide ❑ ; (4) Water pricing to encourage rigated lands ❑ ; (6) Other (describe in remarks) ❑ . 21. What measures are used to encourage municipal and industrial consumers (1) Regulations.. to control wasteful use ❑ ; (2) Public education program on water conservation ❑ ; (3) Pricing to encourage reduced use ❑ ; (4) Assistance to industry in design of recycle systems ❑ ; (5) Other (describe in remarks) 0 . 22. What records are maintained on water use and conservation? (1) Loss rate from conveyance system ❑ ; • major crops by each farm ❑ ; (3) Other (described in remarks) 0. WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION 23. Describe methods you are using to minimize erosion and to prevent the entry of silt into surface waters: (1) Seepage or leak detection agricultural use? (1) Program to encourage more (2) Return flow systems on individual farms ❑ ; reduced use ❑ ; (5) Charges for drainage of ir- to conserve water? (2) Water use for 24. After use, the water is (1) retained in reservoir ❑ ; (2) discharged into a stream or lake ❑ ; (3) discharged into settling ponds ❑ ; (4) Other ❑ . Describe. 25. Does or will water being discharged contain waste materials? 0 Yes 0 No (1) Domestic ❑ (2) Municipal ❑ ; (3) Industrial ❑ ; (4) Agricultural 0 ; (5) Other ❑ . Describe. 26. Does or will water being discharged contain any specific material which is deleterious to fish and wildlife or which would im- pair the water for beneficial uses? 0 Yes 0 No . Describe: 27. Describe what steps you are, have been, or can take to reclaim or indirectly reuse the water sought being appropriated: REMARKS Please designate by number the question you are answering: On May 6, 1970 the Company filed a "Petition for Change in Point of Diversion_' and simultaneously filed a "Petition for Change of Place of Use". These petitions are the result of engineering studies accomplished to date and in collaboration with the other utilities mentioned in said petitions. To provide water for domestic use of the compan- ies' potential customers based on presently subdivided lands the total quantity of water in the permit is considered essential. On 30 July 1971, -the Comaany filed petition for extension of time as the Water -Rights Branch had not acted on petitions cited in paragraph one above. On 18 June 1973 a hearing was held at which time both DWR Staff and Utility were instructed to.recheck data submitted in evidence. A preliminary meeting was held, however the final meeting between Staff and Utility has not been held. Company received letter of 23 August 1974 from State Water Rights Control Board re: an ETR on suhjert appli- cations. On or about 30 September 1974 Company requested 120 day extension to prepare EIR. However, on checking Company files it has been found that an EIR was prss ntsd as part of June 18, 1973 hearing. (If *onal space is needed for remarks, attach numblisheets.) 48478-883 6-76 211 n O OSP STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD P. O. BOX 100 • SACRAMENTO 95801 (916) 445-0a46 EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor NOTICE TO WATER USERS IN THE .LAKE TAHOE AND TRUCKEE RIVER BASINS is6 This is to inform you that the recent decision of the United States Supreme Court in U. S. v. Cappaert raises substantial questions as to the long-term water supply to the Lake Tahoe and Truckee Basins. In U. S. v. Cappaert, the United States Supreme Court reaffirmed the hciple that creation of a federal reservation (Devil's Hole, a detached component of Death Valley National Monument) reserves sufficient water to serve the purposes of the reservation as of the time of the creation of such reservation. The effect of the Court's holding was to approve a federal district court order curtailing an existingbeneficial use of water which interfered with the sufficiency othe water supply at Devil's Hole. The existing beneficial use of water which was curtailed consisted of use from aroundwater supply interconnected with the underground pool at Devil's Hole. The Supreme Court's decision in Cappaert also held that balancing of competing interests in a water supply with respect to which a reserved right is.asserted is not a test in determining the extent of the federal right. As indicated in a notice from. the' State Board dated March 24, 1975, the claims of the federal government, based on the principle reaffirmed in the Ca aert decision, on behalf of the ,Paiute Indians to waters in tie acme Tahoe and Truckee Basins could reduce or eliminate uses of water based both upon state -issued water right entitlements and upon other claims of right, such as the right of overlying owners to extract groundwater, in those basins. The` State Water Resources Control Board has previously suspended the issuance of new water right permits for these Basins. Additionally, the time within which to complete use of water has expired on the permits shown on the attached sheet. In view of the uncertainty as to water supply and substantial questions as to public interest in increased use of water in the Lake Tahoe and Truckee Basins, the. State Board will either (1) license the uses under these existing permits based on the amount of water which has been applied to beneficial use, or (2) if petitions for extension of time are filed, hold hearings on the petitions. (over) At hearings held on petitions for extension of time, the State Board will consider the public interest in increased use of water in the Lake Tahoe and Truckee Basins. In determining the public interest, the State Board will consider evidence on the uses proposed to be made of an increase in water supply. The State Board will also consider evidence of the environmental impact of such proposed uses. A detailed description of the issues to be considered will be set forth in the staff summary which will accompany the hearing notices. The.State Board cautions holders of water right permits under which the time to complete use of water has expired and an extension of time has not been obtained against increasing the use of water, or making commitments (such as issuance of will—serve letters) which will result. in increasing the use of water, after the date for completing use of water specified in such permits. Dated: JUL 1 5 1976 Attachment STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD &g. Bill B. Dendy Executive Officer CALIFORNIA WATER RIGHT PERMITS IN NEED OF EXTENSIONS OF TIME LAKE TAHOE AND TRUCKEE RIVER BASINS Permit Application Permittee 679 1379 13525 17139 North Tahoe Public Utility District 15582 17149 15581 17235 6642 11183 12497 19072 Beryl S. Smith 7756 11449 Lake Tahoe Gold Mining Company (construction only) 10067 11993 South Tahoe Public Utility District 9232 14921 12049 18414 Lake Forest Water Company 13527 18030 13528 18031 13529 18038 13530 18039 Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company 14330 18248 Fulton Water Company, Inc. 13531 18283 14334 19111 Tahoe City Public Utility District 14938 18934 Helen T. Alrich 14336 19819 Agate Bay Water Company 14675 19965 Tahoe Paradise Resort 14718 20487 Earl B. Marr 15296 22173 Earl B. and Ethel B. Marr 15241 22640 Lakeside Park Association 15771 22651 U. S. Tahoe Basin Management Unit (construction only) 13815 20443 15695 22573 Truckee Donner Public Utility District 14160 20894 14161 20895 U. S. Tahoe National Forest 15414 22266 Mt. Lola Development Company (over) Permit Application Permittee 14912 22026 Alan E. Bartholemy et al 15905 22822 Trimont Water Company et al (construction only). 15906 22823 County of Placer (construction only) STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES ONCY EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL. BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS MONTHLY NOTICE OF PETITIONS RECEIVED FIRST MONTHLY LIST 2125— 19TH STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95818 PHONE (9)6)445-2055 031 PETITIONS WERE RECEIVED FOR THE PROJECTS AS NOTED BELOW. ANY PERSON DESIRING TO PROTEST THE GRANTING OF SUCH A PETITION SHALL WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THIS NOTICE FILE A'WRITTEN PROTEST WITH THE BOARD ON ITS FORMS AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS. A COPY OF THE PROTEST SHALL DE SENT TO THE PETITIONER BY THE PROTESTANT. ANY PROTEST AGAINST AN EXTENSION OF TII4E SUBMITTED ON THE BASIS OF PUBLIC INTEREST OR JUNIOR VESTED RIGHTS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A STATEMENT OF FACTS RELATING HOW THE PET1— TIONERIS LACK OF DILIGENCE HAS BEEN INJURIOUS TO THE PROTESTANT. ! PETITIONS RECEIVED w 4F * * * APPLICATION 231 01-13-16 ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER COMPANY, P 0 BOX 790, ATASCADERO, CALIF 93422 WATER TO BE DIVERTED FROM SALINAS RIVER TRIBUTARY TO PACIFIC OCEAN IN SE1/4 OF SE1/4 SECTION,31 T285 R13E MDBFM (SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY) WATER TO Dc. DIVERTED FROM SALINAS RIVER TRIBUTARY TO PACIFIC OCEAN IN NE1/4 OF ::E1/4 SECTION 10 T28S R12E MOD&M (SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY) WATER TO DE DIVERTED FROM SALINAS RIVER TRIBUTARY TO PACIFIC OCCE,N IN NW1/4 OF SW1/4 SECTION 3 T28S R12E t4OD&14 (SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY) WATER TO 13E DIVERTED FROM SALINAS RIVER TRIBUTARY TO PACIFIC OCEAN IN NE1/4 OF SE1 4 SECTION 14 T28S R12E: MDR&M (SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY) AMOUNT 7 CU FT/SCC FOR IRRIGATION, DOMESTIC & MUNICIPAL PURPOSES SEASON JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 PERMIT 261 23,000 ACRES APPLICATION 5193 09-08-26 NEVADA IRRIGATION DISTRICT, P 0 BOY. 1019, GRASS VALLEY, CALIF 95945 • WATER TO BE DIVERTED FROM MIDDLE YUDA RIVER TRIBUTARY TO YUBA RIVER THENCE FEATHER RIVER IN SW1/4 OF SE1/4 SECTION 18 T19N H13E MDB&M (NEVADA COUNTY) WATER TO DE DIVERTED FROM MIDDLE YUBA RIVER TRIBUTARY TO YUBA RIVER THENCE FEATHER RIVER IN SW1/5 OF SW1/4 SECTION 12 T19N R12E MDB&M (NEVADA COUNTY) AMOUNT 50,000 AC—FT/ANN FOR IRRIGATIONS DOMESTIC & RECREATIONAL PURPOSES SEASON OCTOBER 1 TO DECEMBER 1 AND JANUARY 1 TO JUNE 30 PERMIT 13770 167,789 ACRES APPLICATION 56486 07-30-27 JACKSON VALLEY IRRIGATION DIST, ROUTE 1, BOX 235, IONE, CALIF 95640 WATER TO DE DIVERTED FROM MOKELUMNE RIVER' TRIBUTARY TO SAN JOAQUIN RIVER IN SE1/4 OF NW1/4 SECTION 15 T5N R10E MDB&M (AMADOR COUNTY) AMOUNT 50 CU FT/SEC FOR IRRIGATION DOMESTIC & STOCKWATERING PURPOSES SEASON MARCH 1 TO NOVEMBER 1 (IRRIGATION) JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 (OTHER PURPOSES) PERMIT 12167 8000 ACRES a. * * * * * r ' APPLICATION 18030 03-06-58 TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY, I o P o COX 11117, TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 WATER TO BE DIVERTED FROM UNNAMED STREAM TR1LUTAFY TO UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER THENCE LAKE TAHOE THENCE TRUCKEE RIVER IN NW1/4 OF 5E1/4 SECTION 30 T12:1 8181: MDO&14 (EU DORADO COUNTY) AMOU;IT 3 CU FT/SEC FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSES SEASON JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 PERMIT 13527 LICENSE PETITION TO (1) CHANGE THE PLACE OF USE TO INCLUDE SERVICE AREAS OF TAHOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS COMPANY, ANGORA \ATER COMPANY, GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER COMPANY, AND TAHOE KEYES WATER COMPANY, AND (2) CHANGE THE POINT OF DIVERSION TO A POINT AT LAKE TAHOE'IN SECTION 5, T12N, R18E, MDB&M. APPLICATION 18031 03-06--58 TAIIOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY, P 0 DOX 11117, TAIIOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 WATER TO DE DIVERTED FROM UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER TRIBUTARY TO LAKE TAHOE THENCE TRUCKEE RIVER I11 NE1/4 OF NE14 SECTION 31 T12N R1aE Moo&i (EL DORADO COUNTY) AMOUNT 3 CU FT SEC FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSES SEASON JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 PERMIT 13528 LICENSE PETITION TO (1) CHANGE THE PLACE OF USE TO INCLUDE SERVICE AREAS OF TAHOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS COMPANY, ANGORA WATER COMPANY, GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER COMPANY, AND TAHOE KEYES WATER COMPANY, AND (2) CHANGE THE POINT OF DIVERSION TO A POINT .1T LAKE TAHOE IN SECTION 5, T12N, R18E, MDD&M. APPLICATION 18038 03-13-58 TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY, I' 0 BOX 11117, TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 WATER TO BE DIVERTED FROM UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER TRIBUTARY TO LAKE TAHOE THENCE TRUCKEE RIVER IN NW1/4 OF SW1 4 SECTION 8 T11N R18E 1,400e.1 (EL DORADO COUNTY) AMOUNT 3 CU FT SEC 200 AC-SFT/A11N.FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSES SEASON JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 PERMIT 13529 LICENSE PETITION TO (1) CHANGE THE PLACE OF USE TO INCLUDE SERVICE AREAS OF TAHOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS COMPANY, ANGORA WATER COMPANY, GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER COMPANY, AND TAIIOE KEYES 'ATER COMPANY, AND (2) CHANGE THE POINT OF DIVERSION TO A POINT AT LAKE TAHOE 111 SECTION 5, T12N, R18E, MOB&1.1. * * * * * APPLICATION 18039 03-13-58 TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY, 'P 0 BOX 11117 TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 WATER To.DE DIVERTED FROM UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER TRIBUTARY TO LAKE TAHOE THENCE TRUCKEE RIVER I11 NW1/4 OF civil 4 SECTION 5 tilt.] R18E MOB&M (EL DORADO CONNTY) AMOUNT 3 CU FT SEC 200 AC-FT/ANN FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSES SEASON JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 PERMIT 13530 LICENSE PETITION TO (1) CHANGE THE PLACE OF USE. TO INCLUDE SERVICE AREAS OF TAIIOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS COMPANY, ANGORA t:i&TER COMPANY.,. GARDNER MOUNTAIN t;'d,TER COMPANY, AND' TAHOE KEYES WATER COMPANY, A110 (2) CHANGE THE POINT OF DIVERSION TO A POINT AT LAKE TAHOE IN SECTION 5,, T12N, 08E, MU0€i4. -4G- FEB 2t; 19/6 State Water Resources Control Boar. DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 2125 19th Street, Sacramento, California 95818 PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1975 OWNER OF RECORD: APPLICATION TAHOE PARAD I SE 'WATER & GAS COMPANY P O BOX 11117 T TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 (916) 541-2622 18039 Telephone Number (Include Area Code) If the owner or address shown above is wrong, please correct SOURCE: UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER AMOUNT: 3 cu FT/SEC 200 AC—FT/ANN PURPOSE: DOMESTIC PERMIT: 13530 VD 12-4.70 IMPORTANT! EVERY permit is issued subject to the conditions therein expressed. I have currently reviewed my permit: YES ® NO ❑ . I am complying with the conditions under which my permit has been issued: YES 0 NO E. Identify any non-compliance by permit term number under "remarks" on reverse side. This report is important in providing the record of use needed in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD, DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 2125 Nineteenth Street, Sacramento, California 95818 THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND I REQUEST REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT: YES ❑ NO E. CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? YES ❑ NO [ . If YES, is construction completed? YES ❑ NO ❑ . 2. If incomplete, describe briefly the work done, including cost: 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion. 4. What percent of construction work remains to be done? Explain• USE OF WATER 5. Has use of water commenced? YES ❑ NO ® Check appropriate box(es) below and explain how water was used. (a) ❑ Irrigation Total acres Irrigated Name of crops served and acreage of each (b) ❑ Stockwatering (f) 0 Recreational Number of animals (c) ❑ Industrial Nature of Use (d) ❑ Domestic (h) ❑ Other Number of persons, area of garden, lawn, etc. (e) 0 Municipal Approximate population 6. Amount of water used each month under this permit in gallons or acre-feet. (If not known, check months water was used.) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Annual _ Boating, fishing, water contact sports (g) 0 Power generation Installed horsepower capacity 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? YES ❑ NO 0 If "No", explain on reverse side under "remarks". 8. Has location of the intake, place of use, or type of use been changed? YES ❑ NO ❑ . Explain on reverse side under "remarks". 9. Did the source go dry? YES ❑ NO ❑ . If so, during what months? STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY N/A 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? YES 0 NO ❑ . If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? Have you emptied the reservoir? YES 0 NO ❑ . If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season? I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated: 23 January 1976 SWRCB-15 (9.75) at Tahoe ParadiSP, California (Location) Sign here Tahoe Paradise Water and G.�Co. 19 (State) PERM! EE George C. Baron, Pres. (REPORT CONTINUES ON REVERSE SIDE) FEB 02 1976WCS (le 4aNA. MUNICIPAL, COMMUNITY, OR SUBDIVISION PROJECTS ONLY 11. How many service connections to date? Total population served by the water system 12. Estimated number of service connections under full use. 13. Are the connections individually metered? YES 0 NO ❑ . 14. Do you plan to meter the connections? YES ;❑ NO ❑ . When? 15. Sewage generated by those to whom you deliver water is disposed of by: Septic tanks and leach lines ❑ ; Seepage pits ❑ ;. Central treatment plan '❑ operated by ; Other D (specify under "remarks") PURVEYORS OF WATER ONLY 16. Water service is provided to an area or subdivision including a recreational reservoir: YES 0 NO ❑ . 17. Name of area or subdivision so served. 18. State surface area of recreational reservoir(s) at maximum water level referred to in 16 and 17. Identify surface area(s) by name of dam or reservoir. NOTE: The following questions relate to the Board's continuing responsibility to insure that appropriate water is best developed, conserved, and utilized in the public interest as required by the Water Code. CONSERVATION OF WATER 19. What measures are you using or planning to reduce water losses in conveyance systems? (1) Seepage or leak detection program ❑ ; (2) Lining canals ❑; (3) Phreatophyte and aquatic vegetation control p (4) Other (describe in remarks) ❑ . 20. What measures are used to encourage consumers to conserve water in agricultural use? (1) Program to encourage more efficient irrigation systems (sprinkler, drip, etc.), where applicable ❑ ; (2) Return flow systems on individual farms ❑ ; (3) Return flow system areawide ❑ ; (4) Water pricing to encourage reduced use ❑ ; (5) Charges for drainage of ir- rigated lands ❑ ; (6) Other (describe in remarks) ❑ . 21. What measures are used to encourage municipal and industrial consumers to conserve water? (1) Regulations to control wasteful use 0 ; (2) Public education program on water conservation ❑ ; (3) Pricing to encourage reduced use ❑ ; (4) Assistance to industry in design of recycle systems ❑ ; (5) Other (describe in remarks) ❑ . 22. What records are maintained on water use and conservation? (1) Loss rate from conveyance system ❑ ; (2) Water use for major crops by each farm ❑; (3) Other (described in remarks) ❑. WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION 23. Describe methods you are using to minimize erosion and to prevent the entry of silt into surface waters: 24. After use, the water is (1) retained in reservoir ❑ ; (2) discharged into a stream or lake ❑ ; (3) discharged into settling ponds ❑ ; (4) Other ❑ . Describe 25. Does or will water being discharged contain waste materials? 0 Yes 0 No . (1) Domestic '❑ ; (2) Municipal ❑ ; (3) Industrial 0; (4) Agricultural ❑ ; (5) Other ❑ . Describe. 26. Does or will water being discharged contain any specific material which is deleterious to fish and wildlife or which would im- pair the water for beneficial uses? ❑ Yes ❑ No . Describe: 27. Describe what steps you are, have been, or can take to reclaim or indirectly reuse the water sought being appropriated: REMARKS Please designate by number the question you are answering: On May 6, 1970 the Company field a "Petition. for Change in Point of Diversion -II -and simultaneously field a "Petition'for'Change of'Place of Use". These petitions --are the result of engineering studies accomplished to date and in collaboration with the other utilities mentithned in said petitions. To provide waterfor domestic use off_the compan- ic —. ies' potential customers based on presently subdivided lands the total quantity of water in the permit is considered essential. On 30 July 1971, -the Company field petition for extension of time as—the' Water' Rights Branch had not'acted on petitions cited in paragraph onP above_ On '1 R Jim; =1973. a bearing.was held at -which time both DWR Staff and Utility were instructed to rPL`dataPck data submit -tad in evidanre_'A preliminary meeting was held, however the final meeting between Staff land Utility has -not been held. Company received letter of 23 August 1974 from State Water Rights Control Board re: an EIR on subaect appli- cations. On or about 30 September 1974 Company requested 120. day extension to prepare EIR. However, on checking Company files it has been found that an EIR was presented as part of June 18, 1973 hearing. (If anal space is needed for remarks, attach numbereeeets.) '35018-993 7-73 2M 0 OSP STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE RESOURCES AGENCY Sah E WATER RESOURCES CONTROL "RD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 2125 Nineteenth Street, Sacramento, California 95818 • • PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1974 OWNER OF RECORD APPLICATION 18039 TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY P O BOX 11117 TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 (916) 541-2622 • Telephone Number (include Area Code) If the owner or address shown above is wrong, please correct SOURCE: UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER AMOUNT: 3 cu FT/SEC 200 AC—FT/ANN PURPOSE: DOMESTIC PERMIT: 13530 12-01-70 IMPORTANT! EVERY permit is issued subject to the conditions therein expressed. I have currently reviewed my permit: YES© NO❑ I am complying with the conditions under which my permit has been issued: YES ❑ NO E. Identify any noncompliance by permit term number under "remarks" on reverse side. This report is important in providing the record of use needed in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD, DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS, 2125 Nineteenth Street, Sacramento, California 95818 THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND I REQUEST REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT: YES ❑ NO E. CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? YES ❑ NO an . If YES, is construction completed? YES ❑ NO D. 2. If incomplete, describe briefly the work done, including Cost* • 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion* 4. What percent of construction work remains to be done to complete the project? Explain* USE OF WATER N/A 5. Has use of water commenced? YES ❑ NO ❑x Check appropriatebox(es) below and explain how water was used. (a) ❑ Irrigation Total acres irrigated Name of crops served and acreage of each (b) ❑ Stockwatering (f) ❑ Recreational Method of water use (c) ❑ Industrial (g) ❑ Recreational Nature of use Number of animals Nature of Use (d) ❑ Domestic (h) ❑ Number of persons, area of garden, lawn, etc. (e) ❑ Municipal Approximate. population (i) ❑ Power generation installed horsepower capacity Other 6. What quantity of water was used each month in 1974 under this permit in gallons or acre-feet? (If not known, check months water was used.) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Annual 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? YES ❑ NO ❑ If "No", explain on reverse side under "remarks". 8. Has location of the intake, place of use, or type of use been changed? YES [] NO ❑. Explain on reverse side under "remarks". 9. Did the source go dry? YES ❑ NO ❑. If so,.during what months? STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY N/A 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? YES ❑ NO ❑. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? Have you Emptied the reservoir? YES ❑ NO ❑. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season? 1 declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. 8 February 1975 Dated: SWRCB 15(9/74) at Tahoe Paradise California (location) Sign here: Tahoe (state) Paradise Water and Gas Co. Permittee George C. `Baron, President 1974 (REPORT CONTINUES ON REVERSE SIDE) N FEB 18 I975WCS �IR- MUNICIPAL, COMMUNITY, OR SUBDIVISION PROJECTS ONLY 11. How many service connections to date' Total population served by the water system 12. Estimated number of service connections under full use: 13. Are the connections individually metered? YES ❑ NO ❑. 14. Do you plan to meter the connections? YES ❑ NO ❑ When 15. Sewage generated by those to whom you deliver water is disposed of by: Septic tanks and leach lines ❑; Seepage pits ❑ ; Central treatment,plant p operated by Other ❑ (specify under "remarks") PURVEYORS OF WATER ONLY 16. Water service is provided to an area or subdivision including a recreational reservoir: YES ❑ NO ❑. 17. Name of area or subdivision so served: 18. State surface area of recreational reservoir(s) at maximum water level referred to in 16 and 17. Identify surface area(s) by name of dam or reservoir NOTE: The following questions relate to the Board's continuing responsibility to insure that appropriated water is best developed, conserved, and utilized in the public interest as required by the Water Code. CONSERVATION OF WATER 19. What measures are you using or planning to reduce water losses in conveyance systems? - (1) Seepage or leak detection program ❑; (2) Lining canals ❑; (3) Phreatophyte and aquatic vegetation control ❑; (4) Other (describe in "remarks") El; 20. What measures are used to encourage consumers to conserve water in agricultural use? (1) Program to encourage more efficient irrigation systems (sprinkler, drip, etc.), where applicable ❑ ; (2) Return flow systems on individual farms ❑; (3) Return flow system areawide El; (4) Water pricing to encourage reduced use ❑; (5) Charges for drainage of irrigated lands ❑; (6) Other (describe in "remarks") El; 21. What measures are used to encourage municipal and industrial consumers to conserve water? (1) Regulations to control wasteful use El (2) Public education program on water conservation ❑; (3) Pricing to encourage reduced use El ; (4) Assistance to industry in design of recycle systems ❑ ; (5) Other (describe in "remarks") ❑ 22. What records are maintained on water use and conservation? (1) Loss rate from conveyance system ❑ ; (2) Water use for major crops by each farm ❑; (3) Other (describe in "remarks") ❑, WATER QUALITY. AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION 23. Describe methods you are using to minimize erosion and to prevent the entry of silt into surface waters: 24. After use, the water is (1) retained in reservoir El ; (2) discharged into a stream or lake ❑; (3) discharged into settling ponds ❑. (4) Other El Describe: 25. Is or will water being discharged contain waste materials? YES ❑ NO ❑. (1) Domestic ❑; (2) Municipal ❑; (3) Industrial ❑; (4) Agricultural ❑; (5) Other El Describe* 26. Is or will water being discharged contain any specific material which is -deleterious to fish and wildlife or which would impair the water for beneficial uses? YES ❑ NO ❑.Describe• 27, Describe what steps you are, have been, or can take to reclaim or directly reuse the water sought to be appropriated: REMARKS Please designate by number the question you are answering: On May 6. 1970 th Companyf led a "Petition for Change in Point of Diversion" and simultaneously filed a "Petition for Change of Place of Use". These petitions are the result of engineering studies accomplished to date and in collaboration with the other utilities mentioned in said petitions. To provide water for domestic use of the companies' potential customers based on presently subdivided lands the total quantity of water in the permit is considered essential. On 30 July 1971, the Company filed petition for extension of time as the Water Rights Branch had not acted on petitions cited in paragraph one above. On 18 June 1973 a hearing was held at which time both DWR Staff and Utility were in— structed to recheck the data submitted in evidence. A preliminary meeting was held, however the final meeting between Staff and Utility has not been held. Company received letter of 23 August 1974 from State Water Rights Control Board re an EIR on subjiectjapplications. On or about 30 September 1974 Company requested 120 days extension of time`to;prepare EIR. No answer has been received. However, on checking Company files it has been found tha $g4as presented as part of the hearing of 18 June 1973. Company awaits instructions. CMG 0U1Noa SI Nd'a I I 93 (If al space is needed for remarks, attach numberedsips) IlitTE OF CALIFORNIA — THE RESOURCES AGEN ST t. WATER RESOURCES.CONTROL BOht D DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1973 OWNER OF RECORD APPLICATION 18039 SOURCE: TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY P O BOX 11117 TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 If the owner or address shown above is wrong, please correct. UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER Telephone Number [dJ —11 rn �T -4 03 mor' 0 a CO AMOUNT: 3 CU FT/SEC 200 AC-FT/ANN 67 ° PURPOSE: DOMESTIC CD -d PERMIT 13530 --11-01-70 rh IMPORTANT! Every permit is issued subject to the conditions therein expressed. I have currently reviewed and am complying with the conditions under which my permit has been issued. n Yes n No This report is important in providing the record of use needed in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Rights, Room 1015, Resources Building, 1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento, California 95814. The project has been abandoned and I request revocation of this permit. ❑ Yes © No CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? ❑ Yes ❑x No If yes, is construction completed? ❑ Yes ❑ No 2. If incomplete, describe briefly the work done, including cost. 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion. Bee Remarks 4. What percent of construction work remains to be done to complete the project? Explain. USE OF WATER 5. Has use of water commenced? ❑ Yes f No Explain how water was used under "remarks" on reverse side. 6. What quantity of water was used each month in 1973 under this permit in gallons or acre-feet? Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I f Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Annual 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? n Yes ❑ No 8. Has location of the intake, place of use, or type of use been changed? ® Yes ❑ No Explain on reverse side. under "remarks", 9. Did the source go dry? ❑ Yes ❑ No If so, during what months? STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? ❑ Yes El No If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? Have you emptied the reservoir? ❑ Yes ❑ No If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season? MUNICIPAL, COMMUNITY, OR SUBDIVISION PROJECTS ONLY 11. How many service connections to date' Total population served by the water system 12. Estimated number of service connections under full use 13. Are the connections individually metered? ❑ Yes ❑ No 14. Do you plan to meter the connections? ❑ Yes ❑ No When' 15. Sewage generated by those to whom you deliver water is disposed of by: ❑ Septic tanks and leach lines; ❑ Seepage pits; In Central treatment plant operated by ; ❑ Other (specify under "remarks" on reverse side) I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in thisT report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. adise Wat- and Ga�...' Dated: 28 January 1974 Sign Here' SWRCB-15 (8-73) 1973 r (Report continues on reverse side)0, Sf � NOTE; The following questions relate to the Board's continuing responsibility to insure that appropriated water is best developed, conserved, and utilized in the public interest as required by the Water Code. CONSERVATION OF WATER 16. What measures are you using or planning to reduce water losses in conveyance systems? (1) Seepage or leak detection program ❑ (2) Lining canals ❑ ; (3) Phreatophyte and aquatic vegetation control ❑ ; (4) Other (describe in remarks) ❑ . 17. What measures are used to encourage consumers to conserve water in agricultural use? (1) Program to encourage more efficient irrigation systems (sprinkler, drip, etc.), where applicable ❑ ; (2) Return flow systems on individual farms ❑ ; (3) Return flow system areawide ❑ ; (4) Water pricing to encourage reduced use ❑ ; (5) Charges for drainage of irrigated lands ❑ ; (6) Other (describe in remarks) ❑ ; 18. What measures are used to encourage municipal and industrial consumers to conserve water? (1) Regulations to control wasteful use ❑ ; (2) Public education program on water conservation ❑ ; (3) Pricing to encourage reduced use 0 ; (4) Assistance to industry in design of recycle systems ❑ ; (5) Other (describe in remarks) E. 19. What records are maintained on water use and conservation? (1) Loss rate from conveyance system[]; (2) Water use for major crops by each farm ❑; (3) Other (describe in remarks) 0. WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION 20. Describe methods you are using to minimize erosion and)o-prevent the entry of silt into surface waters: 21. After use, the water is (1) retained in reservoir ❑ ; (2) discharged into a stream or lake ❑ ; (3) discharged into settling ponds ❑ ; (4) Other ❑ ; Describe* 22. Is or will water being discharged contain waste materials? 0 Yes ❑ No (1) Domestic ❑ (2) Municipal ❑; (3) Industrial ❑ ; (4) Agricultural ❑ ; (5) Other ❑ ; Describe: 23. Is or will water being discharged contain any specific material which is deleterious to fish and wildlife or which would impair the water for beneficial uses? ❑ Yes ❑ No Describe* 24. Describe what steps you are, have been, or can take to reclaim or directly reuse the water sought to be appropriated* REMARKS Please designate by number the question you are answering: On May 6, 1970 the Company filed a "Petition for thange in Point of Diversion" and simultaneously filed a "Petition for Change of Place of Use". These petitions are the result of engineering studies accomplished to date and in collaboration with the other utilities mentioned in siid petitions. Tb provide water for domestic use of the companies' potential customers bid on presently subdivided lands the total nuantity of water in the permit i.B considered essential. On 30 July 1971, the COmpany filed petition for extension of time as the Water Rights Branch had.not aced on petitions cited in paragraph one Above. On Jute 10, 1973 a hearing was held at which tire both D P Staff and Utility were instructs ed to recheck the data submitted ineevidenve. A preliminary n eting was held, however the - final meeting between Staff and Utility has not held. Utility awaits instructions. (If a '►ional space is needed Or remarks, attach numbered ets.) JUN 2 5 1974, Hydraulic Branch Public Utilities Connission 1/fornia State Building San Francisco, California 94102 Gentlemen: Application18021s 18030, 18031s 18038, 18039 and 19629, Upp Truckee River and Tribuiragi in El Dorado County • Your File Ho. 699-2 Thank you for your comments on the above applications which mere formarded to ua in Mr. Johnson's letter of June 20. We will continue to send you hearing-notides concerning cases in which your ectmission may have some interest. In this nanners me hope to keep you advised of our Board's actions concerning projs eats that are cf interest to bath agencies; in eases in which you have nothing to add to our record me mould anticipate no further action on your part* She hearing discussed in our letter as June 12 as held as ached., uled and the natter as taken under eubnission by the Board. We mill forward copies of the Board's resulting actions when they axe available. If you desire any further informationsplease contact us. Sincerely, /S/ E.L Woodward Z. 1.1* Woodward, Chief Division of Water Rights IMPettitmbergman bcc: R. B. Robie w/copy 6/20 letter 'JUN 21 1973 SWIM tattOlita WOW O. 0. ,' '. Iebtm �6►'iaa: MU*'2100t.bal*_ lice° 4011011ta Vona. or«+ ; -� 1I4 leowting oitot ofd 10704.414 btaits Atio ,ems Othoeweiri, June ,;V" ' 1973 Applicatione, 34021, 1303Q, X33.,, Sar 18039 ans 19r329 jam.v+!'r :anti es: Toe •beathle. s ou Ju ,i8 s nce with the wee a ' Beetting dated any 17"; 3. ng pe nel wcaae f -Vice 6nilneui. die "ems: Mier Miugten ez bye sir; -nembernifOolleys end Pettit.. Itis (ieor ` of :Tap* •PZracbtse alter a ,'t a - " ez t . ,fgenloRi '14ertin o$ Angora Wee r Coniesuiar Pr ted direact. test ' , 3t g it i :gO extetteptine c " time� ,in,plece of Wm> ay& voidnt u di`vereiogi Heeron pry project ozw of We anticipate0 water needs both tar theo,pre4ently pick* of 'usti tudi tbit,propoSedplace of. ice.: Ineemuth so hi" ,projetatione,4firered ecomtibet 'frmie those,'oonte.triedl in ,ex: -i to ' the 1 ,lees -deter hy" Boei r "e t.), E i direete t'. tt*t staff ,nit; further with. ,'Aaron. "in en "eattezapt to: arrgve t a .dam °proJectioh, Conitdeilt.tion at thethe,pOntittteeit rrequestn v ear ate! sates.; t STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD Room 1015, Resources Building 1416 Ninth Street• Sacramento, California 95814 In the Matter -of Permits 13526, 13527, ) 13528, 13529, 13530 and 14335 ) NOTICE OF HEARING Issued on Applications 18021, 18030, ) 18031, 18038, 18039 and 19629 `) Source: Upper Truckee.River and Tributaries TAHOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS COMPANY ) County: El Dorado Permittee ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing will be held on Monday, June 18, 1973, at 10:00, a.m. in Room 1131 of the Resources Building, 1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento, California. The time allowed.to complete construction work and.to complete application of the water to the proposed use pursuant to Permits 13526, 13527, 13528, 13529, 13530 and 14335 has expired. Permittee has requested extensions of time. Permittee has also filed peti- tions requesting changes in point of diversion and place of use. The hearing will be to determine whether (1) extensions of time should be granted and the requested changes in point of diver- sion and place of use approved, (2) a license should be issued for the amount of water placed to beneficial use under the terms of Permit 13526, or (3) the permits should be revoked in accordance with Water Code Section 1410, which provides that the Board shall revoke permits after hearing, if the project is not- completed as contemplated in the permits. Permittee should be prepared to show (1) quantity, purpose and season to which water has been placed to beneficial use, (2) what progress has been made toward completion of the projects, (3.) the reason they have not been completed, and (4) the reasons for the proposed changes in point of diversion and place of use. Special attention is directed to the enclosed copy of information concerning appearance at water right hearings. A copy of the staff summary for the hearing is also enclosed. K. L. Woodward, Chief Division of Water Rights Enclosures May 17, 1973 LD Johnson RECYCLED PAPER STATE OFFCALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGEN STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD RONALD REEAGAN, Governor DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS ROOM 1015, RESOURCES BUILDING 1416 NINTH STREET • SACRAMENTO 95814 INFORMATION CONCERNING APPEARANCE AT WATER RIGHT HEARINGS The regulations of the State Water Resources Control Board were recently amended with regard to exhibits and qualifi- cations of expert witnesses. The Board has directed that the •rovisions of these re•ulations be ri•orousl a••lied. Not later than ten days prior to a hearing, those intending to participate shall submit to the Board in writing the name of each witness who will appear, together with a state- ment of the qualifications of each expert witness, the sub- ject of the proposed testimony, and the estimated time required by the witness to present his direct testimony. Copies of proposed exhibits shall be supplied to adverse ;parties and.:seven copies shall be supplied,to the Board not later than ten days prior to the hearing. The exhibits of an applicant, permittee, or licensee shall include any environmental impact statement concerning the proposed project. Failure to submit,such exhibits and information before the ten-day deadline may be interpreted by the Board as intent not to appear and may result in cancellation of the hearing and such -further action as the Board may consider appropriate under the circumstances. RECYCLED PAPER Alk i 6 1973 Tahoe Paradise Mater" '& Gas ,: y P. 0. x° 3.1117 TahoeParadise California' `95705r • Oentlement rrita 13526, .135,17, '13528, 1'1529, 13530 14335 ( 1 lication8 8021, 18030, 1eo31,: 18038, 18039 and '196291 Unnoined Creek, r 'Muck** liver ai o' Greet in El gado City fou haves ming ,before the :fir; <re sta for 4iprensions of time and petition's to thange place of use a pointe Of divert -7 ssion under these rmits.- _ k`"hear-i on, their* matter* hae been tentatively scheddled for ,June 1 , .;1973` Sacr a nto. staffThe has reviewed your rets and patitio and is rec.- oven ,ng_ that a 'license, to the extent use has bei made -f' the water, bok rase ob .Permit 13528. - Construction a t coamenceed , on the Works required to maakstw use . of water Under the other five ,permits. The,proposed changes i; pa .t of d.tverai n and place ' of use, mer these pewit* appear to represent .a ;stantialiy neer project. :We understandthat :a aliccation..2350 filed by, Angora Water -Coeipany also covers the project p red by the -petitions. Therefore, ,the staff h ,ro�ended� that' theses: ii omits vi. fierl'reviewing. ybnr" 'water ri t.program you stay vieb to cent- Anent elAnent on "these,. recommendations. !formal notice of the hearing wilt be lamed about 30 days prior. , to.A lune, 18. % a Igowoo ,. Y.. ttwa, Chief .. t9i iaiOn of Water ` :gh ZDJohnson: Mbergma 44, STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS CENTRAL REGION-LAHONTAN PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1972 OWNER OF RECORD: APPLICATION TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY P 0 BOX 11117 T TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 18039 (916) 541-2622 TELEPHONE NUMBER If the owner or address shown above is wrong, please correct SOURCE: UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER AMOUNT: 3 CU FT/SEC 200 AC—FT/ANN PURPOSE: DOMEST I C PERMIT 13530 EXPIRATION DATE: 12-01-70 This report is important in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Rights, Room 1015, Resources Building, 1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento, California 95814. Neither the filing of an application nor issuance of a permit in approval thereof constitutes a water right. A water right is established only by beneficial use of water in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit. This report provides a record of the development of your project. If the project is diligently completed a license will be issued to confirm the right developed by beneficial use. The project has been abandoned and I request revocation of this permit. ❑ Yes If No CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? No 2. Has all construction work been completed? ___If not, describe briefly the portions of the project completed including cost of work done: _omina1 engineering______ 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion See___r_emarks___heiow 4. What construction work remains to be done to complete the project?_____A11__ USE OF WATER 1. Has use of water commenced? It was used for: (a) ❑ Irrigation Total acres irrigated Name of crops served and acreage of each (b) ❑ Stockwatering _ ____ (f) ,❑ Recreational Number of animals Method of water use (c) 0 Industrial (g) 0 RecreationaL__ Nature of use Nature of use (d) 0 Domestic (h) ,❑ Power generation_ Number of persons, area of garden, lawn, etc. Installed horsepower capacity (e) ❑ Municipal _—_ (i) 0 Other__ Approximate population 2. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? 3. Has location of the intake, place of use or type of use been changed? See remarks 4. Did the source go dry? If, so, during what months? 5. What quantity of water was used each month in 1972 under this permit in gallons or acre-feet? (If not known check months water was used.) Total Jan. Feb.1 Mar. 1 Apr. 1 1 1 1 1 May June July Aug. Sept. 1 Oct. 1 Nov. Dec. 1 1 Annual STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY Did your reservoir spill this year? level at maximum storage? Po..; feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season? REMARKS See attachment ,,;vii 2 %Q t VI 413 ' (If more space is needed, use reverse side) not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water 4'Haveyou emptied> the reservoir? If not, how many Date.___5__.t x 11___19.7.3 WRCB-15 (7.72) PTahoe��aradise Water an Gas Co. Sign Here by !Ji ��etmm `� ,0i_-:_� 76 n 1971 George C. Baron, Presideri't 00I00-800 7-72 0.200 O OSP wive MAR o 9o2AM73 STATE WATEOIMMp{3 ,g§ coNi .A ARI) WIMP/TO > On May 6, 1970, 'the Company filed a "Petition^ for v ' Chan C "Petition' in, Point of Diversion",and simultaneously filed for Change of"Place of Use". These petitions a are the result'of engineering studies accomplished to date, and `in collaboration, with the other utilities mentioned. in said petitions. t- To provide water for dome.sticnuse`of the companies' potential customers ,based. on' presently subdivided lands the -total quantity „of °water in - the, permit is considered: ` k, essential, ° • On 30 Julym'1971, .the 'Company filed petition for - extension of time as the; Water"'Rights Branch had not acted ' on" petitions cited 'in paragraph- one above