1609State Water Resources Control Board DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 77 Cadillac Drive, Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 920-6151 PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR OWNER OF RECORD: TAHOE PARADISE WATER 8 GAS COMPANY P 0 BOX 11117. TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95701 1992 APPLICATTON: 018038 IF OWNER'S NAME/ADDRESS/PHONE N0. IS WRONG OR MISSING• SOURCE UPPER TRUCKE€ RIVER PURPOSE: DOMESTIC PERMIT: 013529 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (9,G) G-57 _ 26 z ek z -- PLEASE PLEASE CORRECT. COUNTY: EL DORADO DI VERSION/STORAGE SEASON: ACRES/HP: JAN 01 TO DEC 31 // JAN 01 TO DEC 31 .0 AC AMOUNT: 3.000 CFS 200.0 AC -FT COMPLETE USE BY: 12/01/70 IMPORTANT! EVERY permit -is issued subject to the conditions therein expressed. I have currently reviewed my permit: YES [ x] NO [ ]. Iam complying with the conditions under which my permit has been issued: YES [ ] 'NO b ]. Identify any noncompliance by permit term number under "Remarks" on reverse side. This report is important in providing the record of use needed in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the above address. THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND 1 REQUEST REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT: YES [ ] NO [X]. CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? YES [ ] NO [X ]. Is construction completed? YES[ ] NO [ ]. 2. If incomplete, describe briefly the work done, including cost Zy 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion. C 4. What percent of construction work remains to be done? Explain. USE OF WATER ,r- max'7Tra-fly _ • —a CO cr 5. Has use of water commenced? YES [ ] NO [ X]. Check appropriate box(es) below and explain how water was used. v .p 0 rn (a) [ ] Irrigation Total acres irrigated Name of crops served and acreage of each (b) [ ] Stockwatering (f) [ ] Recreational Number of animals (c) [ ] Industrial (g) [' ] Power generation Nature of use (d) [ ] Domestic (h) [ ] Other Number of persons, area of garden, lawn, etc. (e) [ ] Municipal Boating,fishing, water contact sports Installed horsepower capacity Approximate population 6. Amount: of water used each month under this permit in gallons or acre-feet. (If not known, check months water was used.) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Annual. 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? YES [ ] NO [ ]. If "No", explain in "Remarks". 8. Has location of the intake, place of use, or type of use been changed? YES [ ] NO [ ]. Explain in "Remarks". 9. Did the source go dry? YES [ ] NO [ 1. If so, during what months? STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY N(A 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? YES [ ] NO[ 1. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water le storage? Have you emptied the reservoir? YES [ ] NO [ J. If not, how many feet below spillwayye drawn down at end of season? WR -15 (8-80) 0094 1,982 tiximum ically was it ej0 (REPORT CONTINUF,S ON REVERSE SIDE) Z d - 331111N133d AEI 11:1Od311 SS 3 d 'said 'UO •p abzoa0 (33NOIS3a I:101N30V 2:10) 33111WHla :away; u6)S SVD UN'd Havitm asIUV IVa 3OHVs (uop.e3o,) (alelS) PTu.zo3?-rep ;a!laq pue a6palMoull Aw o lsaq a41 of anal s! laoda.1 s!41 u! uo!lew.10}u! a411e4; Aanf.1ad }o Alleuad aapun a.1eloap I as=p2 t d aou'zy le E861 'p1EZ 140.1E74- '03183 .£ a6Ed aes (•pa43eue aq Aew sa6ed leuowppy •6uiu!eldxa axe noA wau! 341 A;!luapl) SNHVIN3H 0.! asn of s.1a43o .1o; le!1ualod e wag s!'.1a1eM palnllod .10 '.1aleM pew!elpa.1 a3npo.1d noA }I '££ zspaau .1aieM .1noA }o l.1ed Als!les o; .1alem paleudoidde ay; 6u!sna.1.1o; Ie!lualod lua.Ian3 941 s! 1e4M 'Z£ Jalem 84 o a3e d u! aaleM aln od .1o'lue d-luawlea.1l-aaleMalseM e woa .1aleM ew!e oa u6u sn ao o� 1u lied lu He 3 Jo of a en p uesajd side 4AA } I P II I} P I lleilualod lux.1.1np ao Al!I!ge1!ene luasa.1d' s! leyM '1E : aq!aosap aseald 'saA n saA [ ] 0y6!a s!41 .1apun pale!ado.1dde .1aleM 341 o Aue 6u!sna1 ao 6u!w!epa.1 uaaq noA met! .10 Mou noA a.1y '0£ •pasn .1a1eM paw!epa.1 }o slunowe 841 Moils aseald'apoo .1aleM 8414o 0101 uo!133s aapun ]alert pale!.1doadde 40 no!! u! .1aleM palnllod.10 paw!epai ;o uo!lnl!lsgns 46noa41 146!.1 .1aleM s!41 aapun asn p.1eMol 1!paJo 41 , •oN [ g] `saA [ a]'i.sesn Ie!3i}auaq.13410Jo; .alert g3nss13a;;e Algeuosea.1un 43!4M aa.16ep e 01 alsem Aq palnllod' JaleM ao Al!i!oel lu3wleaa1 .1aleMalseM e wo.1} ]alert paw!epaa 6u!sn uaaq noA aney .10 Mou noA a.1y •6Z 'MO13E1 NOI133S SNHIVIN3H NI 1i3MSNV 3SV31d 11Wa3d Hf1OA 01 AlddV SNOIIS3f1O DNIMO11O3 3H1 1N31X3 3H1 01 paw!eI3 s! N :aquosaa •oN [ ] saA [ ] zsasn le!pu.auaq .1o} .1aleM 341 a!edwl p!noM 9314M .10 a;!!pl!M pue Lou. 01 sn0IJ313lap s! 4o!14M lepalew 3!}loads Aue uleluo3 pa6.1eyos1p 6u!aq .1aleM IIIM .10 saoa •gZ :aqi.13saa`[ 1 aa410 (9) :[ ] le.1nlln3u6y (b) "[ 1 le!.11snPul (£) %[ ] led!o!unW (3) [ ] 3!lsawoo (1) 'ON [ ] S3A [ ] Zsie!.1alew alseM u!eluo3 pa6aegos!p 6u!aq.1a1eM !um Jo saoa 'LZ raq!.13saa •[ ] .13910 (b) '.[ ) spuod 6u1111as ow! pa6ae43s!p (E) ;[ ] a4lel ,ao weals a olu! pe6Jegos!p (Z) ;[ ] .21onaasa.1 u1 pau!elaa (I•) s! .1aleM 391 'asn Jolly '93 :saal8M 3384.1ns ow! lis 40 A.1lua 3411uana.1d 01 pue uo!so.a az!wiu!w o1 6u!sn aae noA spoglaw aq!aosaa 'SZ NOI1VWy1031:1 a31VM31SVM-ONV All1Vf1O 1I31VM (•6w .2o laa} woe) panJ3SU03 .1aleM }o slunowe 341 Moos aseald'L Lot uo!lpas 3000 .1aleM .apunn pew!ep s! 1.10}}3 uo!len.1asuo3 a 01 anp pasn low .1aleM .1o} 1!w.1ad s!91.apun .1a18M 40 asn le!3!}auaq p.1eMol 1!pa3 41 •i3 : palaels meg Aew noA sl.10}}a uo!1eA.2asuo3 .1aleM Aue aq!.1osaa '£Z •[ 1 („smpewal:I„ u! aq!.Losap) .13410 (£) :[ ] w.1e; 4383 Aq sdoi3 aofew .10; asn .1aleM (Z) :( ] walsAs a3ueAanuo3 wo.14 318.1 sso1 (1.) zuo!len.1asuo3 pue asn JaleM uo pau!elu!ew a.!e sp.1o3aJ 1.e4M •ZZ -[ ] („sal.1ewa8„ u2 aqu3sap) x3410 (9) ;[' ] swalsAs al3A3a.1}0 u6sap u! Aalsnpu! 01 apuels!ssy (yi) :[ '] asn pa3npa a6e.no3ua 01 6u!3!.1d (E) ;[ ]' uoIle,uesuo3 .1318M uo we.16o.1d uo!1e3npa 3!Ignd (3) ] asn In}a1seM Io.1luo3' 01 suo!1elnbal:{ (l.) z.1aleM aA.13SUO3 0l s.1awnsuo3 I8!alsnpu! pue led!3!unw a6eJnooua o1 pasn aae sa.1nseaw le4M . 1Z [ ] („svewaH„ u! aq!.1osap) .13410 (9) :[ ] spuel pale6 .1.1! 40 a6eu!e.1p .104 sa6Je40 (9) ±[ ] asn pa3npaJ a6eano3ua o1 6u!o!.1d .1a18M (b) '[ ] ap!Mea.1e walsAs Mo14 u.1nla>J (£),:[ ] sw.1e} ienp!A!pu! uo swalsAs Mol} u.1nlabi (3) :[ ] algeo!Idde aaa4M '(•3la 'd!.1p '.1aplupds) swalsAs uolle6!.1a! lua!o!}}a aaow 36e.nooua 01 we.160.1d (I•) asn le.1nlln3!a6e U! .1a1eM an.1asuop 01 saawnsuo3 a68.1no3u3 0l pasn 3.e sainseaw 184M '0Z [ ] („s>pewau„ u! aq!uosap) I3410 (17) [ ] to.11uo3 u0!181363n 3!1enbe pue a1A9doleayd (£) ![ ]'sieue3 6u!u!i (Z) :[ ] we.16o.1d uo113alap Meal ao a6edaas ([) swa1sAs apueAanuo3 U! sassol .1aleM a3np3:1 01 6u!uueld ao 6u!sn noA 3.18 sainseaw 184M '61 .1!on.1asaJ .10 wep }0 aweu Aq (s)ea.1e a3e}.1ns A}!luapl '91 u2 0l pa.1.130.1(s).1!on.Iasa.1 leuo!1ea.13aa u! !anal.1aleM wnw!xew 1e ea.1e 33e4..1ns alels : pan.1as os uo!s!n!pgns .Io ea.1e }o aweN [ ]ON [ ] S3A :a!onuasa.1 Ieuo!lea.13aa e 6u!pnlpu2 uo!s!n!pgns.1o•ea.1e Lie of pap!no.1d a3!AJas.1aleM sl. •(„sm.1ewal,b, Japun A;loads) [ ] .13410: Aq pale.1ado [ ] ueld luewlea.4 18.11u93 :[ ] s1!d a6edaas :[ ] sau!I 43831 pue siluel,3!ldaS :Aq }o pasods!p s! .1aleM, aaA1lap noA woyM 01 asoyl Aq pale.1aue6 868M39 •9L 2u39M'[ 1 ON [ ] S3A Lsuo!13auuo3 341 Jalaw of ueld noA 00 •b1 •[] ON [ l Sail : Pa.1alaw A(Ienp!n!pu! suo!l3auuop 341 aay '£i :asn !In} aapun suo!13auuo3 a3!A.1as;0.agwnu palew!1s3 'Zl . walsAs .1aleM 391 Aq pandas uollelndod 18101 alep of suo!13auuo3 a3!n.as Auew MOH •'L L 1:131VM 30 NOI1VAH3SNO0 A -MO S103fO1Id NOISIAIa8f1S 1:10 Jl1INf1WW00 "1b'dI3INf1 AI '1031`Oad' alOA 01 318y0Ilddy 31IV HOU-1M M0139 SNOI1S3f10 3SOH1 AlNO 1:13MSNV 3SV31d '81 'L1 91 PPLICATION: 018038 PERMIT: 013529 PRO:•:kESS RETORT BY PERMI_TIEE — PAGE 3 REMARKS On May 6, 1970, the Company filed a "Petition for Change in Point of Diversion" and simultaneously filed a "Petition for Change of Place o'. Ur:t•". These petitions are the result of engineering studie. accomplished to date and in collaboration with the other utilities`! mentioned in said petitions. To provide water for domestic use of. the companies' potential customers -based on presently subdivided lands•the total quantity of water.in the permit•'is considered essential. On July 30, 1971, the Company filed peti-tion*for•-extension of time. as the Water Rights Branch had not acted on petitions cited in paragraph one on page one. On June 18, 1973, a hearing was held at which time both DWR Staff and Utility were instructed to recheck .data submitted in'evidence.- A preliminary meeting was held, however the final•meeting.between Staff-and•-Utility:has not been held.. Company received letter of August -23,U974, from State Water Rights; Control Board re: an EIR on•subject applications. On or about September 30, 1974, Company -requested 120 day. -extension to prepare EIR. However, on checking Company files it has been found that an EIR was presented as part of June 18, 1973, hearing. 31. Regulations of the State Department of Health Services prohibit use as potable water. Lahontan Water Quality Control Board - prohibits use of reclaimed water for irrigation. 32. No possiblity. After use, water goes into South Tahoe Publici Utility District's sewage system and cannot be used. See above. 33. After passing through South Tahoe Public Utility District's Reclamation Plant, water could be used for recharge if regulations were relaxed. • 1) P... Q. *.v. Oy 0cTh 446 16 -lb �y Lh