1633CtaState Water Resources Control Boarf te-of California The Resources Agency ,.,•DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 77 Cadillac Drive', Sacramento, CA 958MTE RESOURCES Telephone Number: (916) 322-9128 C(lNTI?OI, BQ^RD An 2L 8 43 M '18 PROTEST - (Change . PetitIlons) GliTs SACRO W o BASED ON ENVIRONMENTAL OR PUBLIC INTEREST CONSIDERATIONS Protests based on injury to vested rights should be completed on other side of this form APPLICATION 18038 PERMIT 13529 LICENSE I, OR ROY C. HAMPSON, EXECUTIVE OFFICER of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Region Name of protestant of P. 0. Box 14367, South Lake Tahoe, CA 95702 have read carefully Post Office address of protestant a notice relative to a petition to change point of diversion and place of use. point of diversion, place of use, character of use under APPLICATION 18038 of Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company to appropriate water from State name of petitioner Upper Truckee River tributary to Lake Tahoe thence Truckee River Name of source It is desired to protest against the approval thereof because to the best -of our information and belief: my or our the proposed change will (1) not be within the Board's jurisdiction (2) not best serve the public interest (3) be contrary to law (4) have an adverse environmental impact State facts which support the foregoing allegations 1. If development under existing permit conditions this right will be totally insufficient for summer needs of service area. 2. Water needs of Tahoe Paradise Service area must be figuredwith total Tahoe Basin demand and not to exceed Bi -State compact allocation. 3. Insufficient knowledge of current or projected future water development is presently available. 4. No comprehensive plan exists to guide the development of water resources of the Tahoe. Basin. Under what conditions may this protest be disregarded and dismissed' State conditions which will relieve protest, or if none, so state 1. Completion of State Water Resources Control Board's Inventory of Water Use and Water Rights of the Lake.Tahoe Basin 7_ navel npmant of i-nmprehanaivP pnl i r•y and plan to vii da daval npmant of ran1Liriing unappropriated water in the Tahoe Basin. A true copy of this protest has been served upon the petitioner personally or by mail Date August 18, 1978 Prole ant(s) or Authorized Re resentative sign here Protests MUST be filed within the time allowed by the Board as stated in the notice relative to the change or such further time as may be allowed. SWRCB 2:1D(2/76I (NOTE: Attach supplemental sheets'as necessary). State of•California State Water Resources Control Board DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 77 Cadillac Drive, Sacramento, CA 95825 Telephone Number: (916) 322-9128 PROTEST - (Change Petitions) The Resources Agency BASED ON INJURY TO VESTED RIGHTS Protests based on OTHER considerations should be completed on other side of this form APPLICATION PERMIT LICENSE I, (We,) Name of protestant of have read carefully Post Office address of protestant a notice relative to a petition to change point of diversion, place of use, character of use under APPLICATION of State name of petitioner' to appropriate water from Name of source It is desired to protest against the approval thereof because to the best of my or our • ,as follows: me or us information and belief the proposed change will result in injury to State the injury which will result to you (see NOTE below) da 2 ny Protestant claims a right to the use, of water from the source from which petitioner is diverting, or proposes to divert, which right is based on: Prior application, notice posted, use begun prior to 12/19/14, riparian claim, or other right Please provide application, permit or license numbers or statement of diversion and use numbers,which cover your use of water,or state 'none' The extent of present and past use of water by protestant or his predecessors in interest from this source is as follows: State approximate date first use made, amouht used,•time of year when diversion is made, the use to which water is put Where is YOUR DIVERSION POINT located? . 1/4of 1/4 of Section . Describe location wit'sufficient accuracy that position thereof relative to that of petitioner may be determined T. , R. B. 8 M. Is this point downstream frompetitioner's point of diversion? YES ❑ NO ❑ If Yes, explain: Under what°conditions may this protest be'disregarded and dismissed' State conditions which will relieve]protest,•er if none, so state. A true copy of this protest has been served, upon the petitioner personally of by -mail Date Protestant(s) or Authorized Representative sign here P ote is MUST be filed within the ti allowed by the Board as stated in the- tice relative to the change or such •furTher'time as may be allowed. SWRCB 23DI2/76) t OTE: .Attach supplemental sheets as necessary) ',,___ ,fState of California • State Water Resources Control Board DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 2125— 19th Street, Sacramento, California 95818 Phone (916) 445-2055 C49:49/?4%., PROTEST — (Extension of Time Petitions) `yic/wic BASED ON LEGAL, ENVIRONMENTAL, OR PUBLIC INTEREST CONSIDERATIONS Protests based on injury to vested rights should be completed on other side of this form APPLICATION 18038 PERMIT 13529 I, (We) California Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Name of protestant of P.O. Box 14467, South Lake Tahoe, CA 95702 Address of protestant (Include zip code) a notice relative to a petition for extension of time to p1 ace of use and point of di version Begin construction, complete construction, complete use of water, under PERMIT 18038 of • Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company State name of petitioner have read carefully to appropriate water from Upper Truckee Ri ver Name of source It is desired to protest against the approval thereof because to the best of our information and belief: My or our the proposed extension of time will (1) be contrary to law 0 (2) _have an adverse environmental impact ❑` (3) not best serve the public interest State facts which describe how "lack of diligence by the petitioner supports the foregoing allegations to grant a change of use at this time. The present study by the SWRCB to inventory water use within the Tahoe Basin will relate -water use, water rights'and'population It is premature forecasts which will substantially affect future decisions regarding land use with- in the Tahoe Basin. The CTRPA has calculated future populations which may exceed the actual availability of water. Water rights decisions made now may have to be reviewed and revised based on the results of the ongoing inventory. Hence, such decisions should be held in abeyance until the SWRCB stu•y is complete_ Under what conditions: may this protest be disregarded and dismissed This protest could be disregarded or State conditions which will relieve protest, or If none, so state dismissed once the relationship of water use, water rights, land use and total population levels permitted in the Basin is analyzed and evaluated as intended in the SWRCB study. A true copy of this protest has been served upon the petitioner by mail Personally or by mall Date• August 18, 1978 Protests MUST be filed within the time allowed or such further time as may be allowed. (NOTE: Attach supplemental sheets as necessary) SWRCB-20K (2/76) Protestant(s)' or ohn 'Vostrez, Elecutive Officer - CTRPA the Board as stated in the notice relative to the change thorized Representative sign here 30932_993 9-70 730 0 OSP State of California I, (We) of State Water Resources Control Board DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 2125 — 19th Street, Sacramento, California 95818 Phone (916) 445-2055 PROTEST (Extension of Time Petitions) BASED ON INJURY TO VESTED RIGHTS Protests based on OTHER considerations should be completed on other side of this form APPLICATION PERMIT Name of protestant have read carefully Address of protestant (Include zip code) a notice relative to a petition for extension of time to under PERMIT of to appropriate water from Begin construction, complete construction, complete use of water State name of petitioner Name of source It is desired to protest against the approval thereof because to the best of information and belief the proposed extension My or our of time will result in injury to as follows. Me or us State the injury which will result to you (See NOTE below) Protestant claims a right to the use of water from the source from which petitioner is diverting, or proposes to divert, which right is based on: Prior application, notice posted, use prior to 12/19/14, riparian claim, or other right NOTE: If your right is a junior right, you should attach -a complete statement of facts supporting the allegation that lack of diligence by the petitioner is adverse to; you. Please provide application; permit or license numbers or statement of diversion and use numbers, which cover your use of water, or state 'none' The extent of present and past use of water by protestant or his predecessors in interest from this source is as follows: State approximate date first use made, amount used, time of year when diversion Is made, the use to which water is put -Where is YOUR DIVERSION POINT located? VI of 1/a of Section Describe location with sufficient accuracy that position thereof relative to that of petitioner may be determined T. - R B&M. Is this point downstream from petitioner's point of diversion? YES 0, NO 0. If Yes, explain: Under what conditions may this protest be disregarded and dismissed? State conditions which will relieve protest, or 0 none, so state A true copy of this protest has been served upon the petitioner bate. Personally or by mall Protestant(s) or Authorized Representative sign here 1.;;;r -,-Protests MUST be filed within e time allowed by the Board as stated in the notice relative to the change o, such further time as may be wed. ° (NOTE: Attach supplemental sheets as necessarr. SWRCB-20K (2/76)