1637Pyramid F lake Palute ri be c/o, Robert D. Stitier, LTD, 755. Forest Street Rena, Nevada ° 89509 • A1.IIWST 91978. ,Permit; 13527 (Application - Perit_13529 (Applicati Peril 14335 -(Appllcatian County.- . ti 3, - .Ire Reply. Refer ;To: '332:NDK:18030' , Penni t 13928(APpl icatiop 18031) Permit 13530 (Application 18039),. Upper Truckee, Riirerr in El Dorado: Your protests have been accepted., If 'a. hearing is; .found necessary, `you, will be given notice. of the, time and place. The:;Pettt#over Ts required to answer a1.lprotests within 15 days of the close of the .protest ,period or such; additional time as the Board for good cause may,. flow. Original Signed, by y J. M. Page, J. N. Page„• Supervising. Engineer. cc: Tahoe ,Paradf se' Water and. Gas Company` . ." . P.-.0. Sox 11117' Tahoe. Paradise, .CA. 95705 • NDKontos : j romea 8/8/78 (916), 920-6151 In; Reply Refer To:. 332:N©K:i8030 AUGUST ` 9.197- Tahoe'Paradise' Water and Gas Cosany P. 0. Box 11117 Tahoe Paradise, CA. 95705. PERMIT 13527. APPLICATION t11- - 14 ., PERMIT 13528APPLICATION 18031 PERMIT 13529 APPLICATION ` t*Rt* , PERMIT 1`3530 (APPLICATION 18039), PERMIT 14335 APPLICATION 19629 , UPPER TRUCKEE' RIVER •ire EL,DORA00 COUNTY. Pretests against the approval of these 'petitionshave been received, and the protestant states copies e of the protests have been served on you. Answers to, these, and: any other protests against: these petlttons should be submitted to the State Water Resources Control Board and copies sent to the protestants within 15 days after the expiration of the time to sub- t protests. If -you believe you ,can reach agreement, with the protestants ,which will result. in the withdrawal, of the protests, upon your request to the Board, the period for 'answering. the protests will be extended for a reasonable time to ;allow, for negotiations toward such' agreement.. To assist .in this matter, we are enclosing; a copy of our 'regulations pertaining to protests and bearings. 'Original -Signe by J. ,Mo 'Page J. M Page' Supervising Cngtneer Enol©sure NOKontos:jromeo_ 8/8/:78,, 4' State of California I, (We) • • *State Water Resources Control Board DIVISION OF WATER., RIGHTS STATE WATER RESOURCES 2125 — 19th Street, Sacramento, California 95818 CONTROL. BOARD Phone (916) 445-2055 An L 8 4•o MI'18 PROTEST (Extension of Time Pet.iiJoesnAtOS BASED ON INJURY TO VESTED RIGHTS Protests based on OTHER considerations should be completed on other side of this form APPLICATION 18 0 3 8 PERMIT 135 29 PYRAMID LAKE PAIUTE TRIBE Name of protestant of NIXON, NEVADA 894.24 have read carefully Address of protestant (Include zip code) & to change a notice relative to a petition for extension of time to commence construction. & use of water/place of use Begin construction, complete construction, complete use of water & point of Tahoe Paradise Water 6,, Gas Company diversion. under PERMIT 13529 to appropriate water from of State name of petitioner upper Truckee River tributary to Lake Tahoe & thence Truckee Name of source River It is desired to protest against the approval thereof because to the best ofoirinformation and belief the proposed extension My or our of time will result in injury to us as follows. Me or us State the injury which will result to you (See NOTE below) (See attached "Exhibit A:, incorporated fully herein by reference) Protestant claims a right to the use of water from the source from which petitioner is diverting, or proposes to divert, which right is based on: Federal•Executive Order creating the Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation, dated November 29, 1859 Prior application, notice posted, use prior to 12/19/14, riparian claim, or other right NOTE: If your right is a junior right, you should attach a complete statement of facts supporting the allegation that lack of diligence by the petitioner is adverse to•you. See above Federal Executive Order • Please provide application, permit or license numbers or statement of diversion and use numbers, which cover your use of water, or state 'none' The extent of present and past use of water by protestant or his predecessors in interest from this source is as follows: 385000 000; a.f. of_ water average per year from the Truckee River for fishery purposes, and prescribed minimum flows•in the lower Truckee River and 30,087 a.f. for farming purposes on the Reservation per year State approximate date first use made, amount used, time of year when diversion is made, the use to which water Is put Where is YOUR DIVERSION POINT located?/Pyramid Lake Paiute Ressf rvati�orot Sectio owerr Truckee River oDescribe Location with sufficient accuracy that position thereof relative to that of petitioner may be determined T. - R B&M. Is this point downstream from petitioner's point of diversion? YES F], NO O. If Yes, explain: Under what conditions may this protest be disregarded and dismissed? This is an unconditional protest. State conditions which will relieve protest, or if none, so state The mere appropriation of water for any purpose will materially injure the Pyramid Lake,Paiute Tribe as explained in Exhibit A, attached hereto. A true copy of this protest has been served upon the petitioner Date• August 2, 1978 Protests MUST be filed within or'such fujther time as may be • SWRCB-20K (2/76) by mail Personally or by mall ' Representative sign here Protestants) or Autho p B Robert D. Stitser, Ltd., Attorney for th the time allowed by the Board as stated in the notice relative to the change allowed. Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, 755 Forest Street (NOTE: Attach supplemental sheets as necessary) Reno , Mi. 89509 - C702)_323 X1352 State of California I, (We) State Water Resources Control Board DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 2125 — 19th Street, Sacramento, California 95818 Phone (916) 445-2055 PROTEST (Extension of Time Petitions) BASED ON LEGAL, ENVIRONMENTAL, OR PUBLIC INTEREST CONSIDERATIONS Protests based on injury to vested rights should be completed on other side of this form APPLICATION PERMIT Name of protestant of have read carefully Address of protestant (Include zip code) a notice relative to a petition for extension of time to under PERMIT of to appropriate water from Name of source Begin construction, complete construction, complete use of water State name of petitioner It is desired to protest against the approval thereof because to the best of information and belief: My or our the proposed extension of time will (1) be contrary to law , (2) _have an adverse environmental impact (3) not best serve the public interest'' State facts which describe how lack of diligence by the petitioner supports the foregoing allegations Under what conditions, may this protest be disregarded and dismissed? State conditions which will relieve protest, or If none, so state A true copy of this protest has been served upon the petitioner Personally or by mall Date. Protestant(s) or. Authorized Representative sign here Protests MUST be filed within the time allowed by the Board as stated in the notice relative to the change or such further time as may be allowed. (NOTE: Attach supplemental sheets as necessary). SWjtCB-2OYs (2/76) 3 693 2-9133 9-75 750 0OSP