1667• STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES, AGENCY EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD- P. OARD P. O. BOX 100 • SACRAMENTO 95801 (916) 445-0$46 NOTICE TO WATER USERS IN THE .LAKE TAHOE AND TRUCKEE RIVER BASINS /Mg This is to inform you that the recent decision of the United States Supreme Court in U. S. v. Cappaert raises substantial questions as to the long-term water supply to the Lake Tahoe and Truckee Basins. • In U. S. v. Cappaert, the United States Supreme Court reaffirmed the principle that creation of a federal reservation (Devil's Hole, a detached component of Death Valley National Monument) reserves sufficient water to serve the purposes of the reservation as of the time of the creation of such reservation. The effect of the Court's holding was to approve a federal district court order curtailing an existingbeneficial use of water which interfered with the sufficiency othe water supply at Devil's Hole. The existing beneficial use of water which was curtailed consisted of use from a roundwater supply interconnected with the underground pool at Devi s o e. The Supreme Court's decision in Cappaert also held that balancing of competing interests in a water supply with respect to which a reserved right is•asserted is not a test in determining the extent of the federal right. As indicated in a notice from. the' State Board dated March 24, 1975, the claims of the federal government, based on the principle reaffirmed in the Cappaert decision, on behalf of the Paiute Indians to waters in the Lake Tahoe and Truckee Basins could reduce or eliminate uses of water based both upon state -issued water right entitlements and upon other claims of right, such as the right of overlying owners to extract groundwater, in those basins. The' State Water Resources Control Board has previously suspended the issuance of new water right permits for these Basins. Additionally, the time within which to complete use of water has expired'on the permits shown on the attached sheet. In view of the uncertainty as to water supply and substantial questions as to public interest in increased use of water in the Lake Tahoe and Truckee Basins, the. State Board will either (1) license the uses under these existing permits based on the amount of water which has been applied to beneficial use, or (2) if petitions for extension of time are filed, hold hearings on the petitions. • • At hearings held on petitions for extension of time, the State Board will consider the public interest in increased use of water in the Lake Tahoe and Truckee Basins. In determining the public interest, the State Board will consider evidence on the uses proposed to be made of an increase in water supply. The State Board will also consider evidence of the environmental impact of such proposed uses. A detailed description of the issues to be considered will be set forth in the staff summary which will accompany the hearing notices. The.State Board cautions holders of water right permits under which the time to complete use of water has expired and an extension of time has not been obtained against increasing the use of water, or making commitments (such as issuance of will -serve letters) which will result. in increasing the use of water, after the date for completing use of water specified in such permits. Dated: JUL 1 5 1976 Attachment STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD Bill B. Dendy Executive Officer • • CALIFORNIA WATER RIGHT PERMITS IN NEED OF'EXTENSIONS OF TIME LAKE TAHOE AND TRUCKEE RIVER BASINS Permit Application Permittee 679 1379 13525 17139 North Tahoe Public Utility District 15582 17149 15581 17235 6642 11183 12497 19072 Beryl S. Smith 7756 11449 Lake Tahoe Gold Mining Company (construction only) 10067 11993 South Tahoe Public Utility District 9232 14921 12049 18414 Lake Forest Water Company 13527 18030 13528 18031 13529 18038 13530 18039 Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company 14330 18248 Fulton Water Company, Inc. 13531 18283 14334 19111 Tahoe City Public Utility District 14938 18934 Helen T. Alrich 14336 19819 Agate Bay Water Company 14675 19965 Tahoe Paradise Resort 14718 20487 Earl B. Marr 15296 22173 Earl B. and Ethel B. Marr 15241 22640 Lakeside Park Association 15771 22651 U. S. Tahoe Basin Management Unit (construction only) 13815 20443 15695 22573 Truckee Donner Public Utility District 14160 208940 14161 20895 U. S. Tahoe National Forest 15414 22266 Mt. Lola Development Company (over) • • Permit Application Permittee 14912 22026 Alan E. Bartholemy et al 15905 22822 Trimont Water Company et al (construction only) 15906 22823 County of Placer (construction only) STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS MONTHLY NOTICE OF PETITIONS RECEIVED FIRST MONTHLY LIST 2125 — 19TH STREET SACRAMENTO. CALIFORNIA 95818 PHONE (916)445-2055 PETITIONS WERE RECEIVED FOR THE PROJECTS AS NOTED BELOW. 'ANY PERSON DESIRING TO PROTEST THE GRANTING OF SUCH A PETITION SHALL WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THIS NOTICE FILE A•WRITTEN PROTEST WITH TIIE 8OARD ON ITS FORMS AT THE ABOVE. ADDRESS. A COPY OF THE PROTEST SHALL DE SENT TO THE PETITIONER BY THE PROTESTANT. ANY PROTEST AGAINST AN EXTENSION OF TIME SUBMITTED ON THE BASIS OF PUBLIC INTEREST OR JUNIOR VESTED RIGHTS MUST DE ACCOMPANIED BY A STATEMENT or FACTS RELATING HOW THE PETI— TIONERIS LACK OF DILIGENCE HAS BEEN INJURIOUS TO THE PROTESTANT. N -PETITIONS RECEIVED APPLICATION 231 • 01-13-16 ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER COMPANY, P 0 BOX 790, ATASCADERO, CALIF 93422 WATER TO BE DIVERTED FROM SALINAS RIVER TRIBUTARY TO PACIFIC OCEAN IN SE1/4 OF SE1/4 SECTION.31 T28S R13C MUB&A1 (SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY) WATER TO Dc. DIVERTED FROM SALINAS RIVER TRIBUTARY TO PACIFIC OCEAN IN NE1/4 OF SE1/4 SECTION 10 T28S 812E IIC)B&At (SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY) WATER TO DE DIVERTED FROM SALINAS RIVER TRIBUTARY 10 PACIFIC OCEAN IN NW1/4 Or sw1/4 SECTION 3 128s R12E I•IDB&14 (SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY) WATER TO BE DIVERTED FROM SALINAS RIVER TRIBUTARY TO FACIFIC OCEAN IN NE1/4 OF SE1 4 SECTION 14 T28S R12E MDB&M (SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY) AMOUNT 7 CU FT/SEC FOR IRRIGATION, DOMESTIC & MUNICIPAL PURPOSES SEASON JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 PERMIT 261 23,000 ACRES APPLICATION 5193 09-08-26 NEVADA IRRIGATION DISTRICT, P 0 BOX 1019, GRASS VALLEY, CALIF 95945 WATER TO BE DIVERTED FROM MIDDLE YUDA RIVER TRIBUTARY TO YUBA RIVER THENCE FEATHER RIVER IN SWl/4 OF SE1/4 SECTION 18 T19N R13E FiDU&1't (NEVADA COUNTY) WATER TO BE DIVERTED FROM RIDDLE YUBA RIVER TRIBUTARY TO YUBA RIVER THENCE FEATHER RIVER IN SW1/4 OF SW1/4 SECTION 12 T19N 02E MOL'&ti (NEVADA COUNTY). AMOUNT 50,000 AC-FT/ANI! FOR IRRIGATION, DOMESTIC & RECREATIONAL PURPOSES SEASON OCTOBER 1 TO DECEMBER 1 AND JANUARY 1 TO JUNE 30 PERMIT 13770 167,789 ACRES IF # 1F. * * APPLICATION 56486 07-30-27 JACKSON VALLEY IRRIGATION DIST ROUTE 1, BOX 235, IONE, CALIF 95640 WATER TO DE DIVERTED FROM MOKELUMNE RIVER TRIBUTARY TO SAN JOAQUIN RIVER IN sEl/4 or NW1/4 SECTION 15 T5N R1OE MD0&M (AMADOR COUNTY) AMOUNT 50 Cu FT/SEC FOR IRRIGATION DOMESTIC & STOCKWATERING PURPOSES SEASON MARCH 1 TO NOVEMBER 1 (IRRIGATION) JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 (OTHER PURPOSES) PERMIT 12167 8000 ACRES * •*- * * * APPLICATION 18030 03-06-53 'TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY, P 0 COX 11117, TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95+/05 WATER TO BE DIVERTED FROM UNNAMED STREAM TRIBUTARY TO UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER THENCE LAKE TAHOE THENCE TRUCKEE RIVER IN NW1/4 OF 5E1/4 SECTION 30 T12N R18E MO3e°A1 (IL DORADO COUNTY) AMOUNT 3 CU FT/SEC. FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSES SEASON JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 PERMIT 13527 LICENSE PETITION TO (1) CHANGE THE PLACE OF USE. TO INCLUDE SERVICE AREAS OF TAHOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS COMPANY, ANGORA WATER COMPANY, GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER COMPANY, AND TAHOE KEYES WATER COMPANY, AND (2) CHANGE THE POINT OF DIVERSION TO A POINT AT LAKE TAHOE'IN SECTION 5, T12N, R18E, MOD&M. ose * * * * * APPLICATION 18031 03-06.58 TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY, P 0 ow( 11117, TAIIOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 WATER TO DE DIVERTED FROM UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER TRIBUTARY TO LAKE TAHOE THENCE TRUCKEE RIVER IU NE1/4 OF NE14 SECTION 31 T12N R18E MDD&M (EL DORADO COUNTY) AMOUNT 3 CU FT SEC FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSES SEASON JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 PERMIT 13528 LICENSE PETITION TO (1) CHANGE THE PLACE OF USE TO INCLUDE SERVICE AREAS OF TAHOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS COMPANY, ANGORA WATER COMPANY, GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER COMPANY, AND TAHOE KEYES WATER COMPANY, AND (2) CHANGE THE POINT OF DIVERSION TO A POINT AT LAKE TAHOE IN SECTION 5, T12N, R18E, MDD&M. * * * * * APPLICATION 18038 03-13-58 TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY, P 0 BOX 11117, TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 WATER TO BE DIVERTED FROM UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER TRIBUTARY TO LAKE TAHOE THENCE TRUCKEE RIVER IN NW1/4 OF SW1 4 SECTION 8 T11N R18E MDOPdd (EL DORADO COUNTY) AMOUNT 3 CU FT SEC 200 AC-FT/ANN FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSES SEASON JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 PERMIT 13529 LICENSE PETITION TO (1) CHANGE THE PLACE OF USE TO INCLUDE SERVICE AREAS OF TAIIOE PARADISE WATER AND GAS COMPANY, ANGORA WATER COMPANY, GARDNER MOUNTAIN WATER COMPANY, AND TAHOE ;(EYES W TE_R COMPANY, AND (2) CHANGE THE POINT OF DIVERSION TO A POINT AT LAKE TAHOE IN SECTICt! 5, T12N, R18E, MDOP&M. APPLICATION 18039 03-13-58 TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY, P 0 BOX 11117 TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 WATER TO DE DIVERTED FROM UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER TRIBUTARY TO LAKE TAHOE THENCE TRUCKEE RIVER IN NI•11/4 OF swl 4 SECTION 5 r11t1 R18E MUDPd1 (EL DORADO COUNTY) AMOUNT 3 CU FT /EC 200 AC-FT/ANN FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSES SEASOtI JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 PERMIT 13530 LICENSE PETITION TO (1) CHANGE THE PLACE OF USE TO INCLUDE SERVICE AREAS OF TAIIOE PARADISE WATER A;10 GAS COMPANY, ANGORA WATER COMPANY, GARDNER MOUNTA I'ri WATER COMPANY, AND TAHOE KEYES WATER COMPANY, AND (2) CHANCE THE POINT OF DIVERSION TO A POINT AT LAKE TAHOE IN SECTION 5, T12N, R18E, MUDpM. -46- FEF32(3 1916