1673•ate Water Resources Control Boar. DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 2125 — 19th Street, Sacramento, California 95818 PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1975 OWNER OF RECORD: APPLICATION 18038 TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY P 0 BOX 11117, TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 (916) 541-2622 Telephone Number (Include Area Code) If the owner or address shown above is wrong, please correct SOURCE: UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER; AMOUNT: 3 Cu FT/SEC 200 AC-FT/ANN PURPOSE: DOMESTIC PERMIT: 13529 12-01-70 IMPORTANT! EVERY permit is issued subject to the conditions therein expressed. I have currently reviewed my permit: YES ® NO ❑ . I am complying with the conditions under which my permit has been issued: YES ❑ NO J . Identify any non-compliance by permit term number under "remarks" on reverse side. This report is important in providing the record of use needed in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD, DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 2125 Nineteenth Street, Sacramento, California 95818 THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND I REQUEST REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT: YES 0 NO ] . CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? YES D NO J. If YES, is construction completed? YES 0 NO ❑ 2. If incomplete, describe briefly the work done, including cost 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion - 4. What percent of construction work remains to be done? Explain - USE OF WATER 5. Has use of water commenced? YES ❑ NO ® Check appropriate box(es) below and explain how water was used. (a) 0 Irrigation Total acres irrigated Name of crops served and acreage of each (b) ❑ Stockwatering (f) 0 Recreational Number of animals Boating, fishing, water contact sports (c) ❑ Industrial (g) ❑ Power generation (d) 0 Domestic Nature of Use Number of persons, area of garden, lawn, etc. Installed horsepower capacity (h) ❑ Other (e) ❑ Municipal Approximate population 6. Amount of water used each month under this permit in gallons or acre-feet. (If not known, check months water was used.) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Annual 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? YES 0 NO 0 If "No", explain on reverse side under "remarks". 8. Has location of the intake, place of use, or type of use been changed? YES 0 NO ❑ . Explain on reverse side under "remarks". 9. Did the source go dry? YES ❑ NO ❑ . If so, during what months? STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY N/A 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? YES 0 NO p . If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? Have you emptied the reservoir? YES 0 NO ❑ . If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season? I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated• 23 January 1976 at Tahoe Paradise, California (Location)Sign (State) here. Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Co. George C. Baron, Pres. SWRCB-18 (9.75) 1915 (REPORT CONTINUES ON REVERSE SIDE) FEB 0 2 1976 WC S pet,1,o �r..Aa1 j`J MUNICIPAL, COMMUNITY, OR SUBDIVISION PROJECTS ONLY 11. How many service connections to date? Total population served by the water system 12. Estimated number of service connections under full use. 13. Are the connections individually metered? YES ❑ NO ❑ . 14. Do you plan to meter the connections? YES 0 NO ❑ . When? 15. Sewage generated by those to whom you deliver water is disposed of by: Septic tanks and leach lines ❑ ; Seepage pits ❑ ; Central treatment plan 0 operated by Other 0 (specify under "remarks") PURVEYORS OF WATER ONLY 16. Water service is provided to an area or subdivision including a recreational reservoir: YES p NO ❑ . 17. Name of area or subdivision so served. 18. State surface area of recreational reservoir(s) at maximum water level referred to in 16 and 17. Identify surface area(s) by name of dam or reservoir. NOTE: The following questions relate to the Board's continuing responsibility to insure that appropriate water is best developed, conserved, and utilized in the public interest as required by the Water Code. CONSERVATION OF WATER 19. What measures are, you using or planning to reduce water losses in conveyance systems? (1) Seepage or leak detection program ❑ ; (2) Lining canals ❑ ; (3) Phreatophyte and aquatic vegetation control ❑ ; (4) Other (describe in remarks) 0 . 20. What measures are used to encourage consumers to conserve water in agricultural use? (1) Program to encourage more efficient irrigation systems (sprinkler, drip, etc.), where applicable ❑ ; (2) Return flow systems on individual farms ❑ ; (3) Return flow system areawide ❑ ; (4) Water pricing to encourage reduced use ❑ ; (5) Charges for drainage of ir- rigated lands ❑ ; (6) Other (describe in remarks) ❑ . 21. What measures are used to encourage municipal and industrial consumers to conserve water? (1) Regulations to control wasteful use 0 ; (2) Public education program on water conservation ❑ ; (3) Pricing to encourage reduced use 0 ; (4) Assistance to industry in design of recycle systems ❑ ; (5) Other (describe in remarks) ❑ . 22. What records are maintained on water use and conservation? (1) Loss rate from conveyance system ❑ (2) Water use for major crops by each farm ❑ ; (3) Other (described in remarks) ❑ . WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION 23. Describe methods you are using to minimize erosion and to prevent the entry of silt into surface waters: 24. After use, the water is (1) retained in reservoir ❑ ; (2) discharged into a stream or lake !❑ ; (3) discharged into settling ponds ❑ ; (4) Other ❑ . Describe - 25. Does or will water being discharged contain waste materials? 0 Yes 0 No . (1) Domestic ❑ ; (2) Municipal ❑ ; (3) Industrial ❑ ; (4) Agricultural ❑ ; (5) Other ❑ . Describe - 26. Does or will water being discharged contain any specific material which is deleterious to fish) and wildlife or which would im- pair the water for beneficial uses? 0 Yes 0 No . Describe: 27. Describe what steps you are, have been, or can take to reclaim or indirectly reuse the water sought being appropriated: REMARKS Please designate by number the question you are answering: On May 6, 1970 the Company field a "Petition for Change in Point of_ Diversion" and simultaneously field a "Petition for Change of Place of Use". These petitions the result o • 1 1 . - • 1 utilities mentitned in said petitions- To provide water for domestic use of 'the compan— ies' potential customers based on presently subdivided Janda the total gnanti`ty of writer in the permit is considered essntial. On 90 .July 1971. -the Company field'patition for .11 1 . : . . . _ . •1. 1 . . graph oue above- (?n'tl'1fR- Juno 1973' a hearing waaa, held at Gihinh time both ntrp Staff and utility were inratrnctPd to rpnhpnk data submitted in evidennp _ A preliminary meeting wan held, however the final meeting between Staff land Utility has -not been held. Company received letter of 23 August 1974 from State Water Rights Control Board re: an EIR on subject appli— cations. On or about 30 September 1974 Company requested 120 day extension to prepare EIR. However, on checking Company files it has been found that en. FIR was presented as part of June 18, 1973 hearing. (If anal space is needed for remarks, attach numbere-eets.) 75016-983 7-77 2M 0 OSP • STATE OF CALIFORNIA ST, WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BAD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 2125 Nineteenth Street, Sacramento, California 95818 PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1974 OWNER OF RECORD APPLICATION 18038 THE RESOURCES AGENCY TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY P o Box 11117, TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 (916) 541-2622 Telephone Number (include Area Code) If the owner or address shown above is wrong, please correct SOURCE: UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER AMOUNT: PURPOSE: 3 CU FT/SEC 200 AC—FT/ANN DOMESTIC PERMIT: 13529 12-01-70 IMPORTANT! EVERY permit is issued subject to the conditions therein expressed. I have currently reviewed my permit: YES g NO❑ . I am complying with the conditions under which my permit has been issued: YES ❑ NO ©. Identify any non-compliance by permit term number under "remarks" on reverse side. This report is important in providing the record, of use needed in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD, DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS, 2125 Nineteenth Street, Sacramento, California 95818 THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND I REQUEST REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT: YES ❑ NO E. CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? YES ❑ NO El. If YES, is construction completed? YES ❑ NO E. 2. If incomplete, describe briefly the work done, including cost* 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion* 4. What percent of construction work remains to be done to complete the project? Explain* USE OF WATER N/A 5. Has use ofwater commenced? YES ❑ NO x❑ Check appropriatebox(es) below and explain how water was used. (a) ❑ Irrigation Total acres irrigated Name of crops served and acreage of each (b) ❑ Stockwatering (f) ❑ Recreational Method of water use (c) ❑ Industrial (g) ❑ Recreational Nature of use Number of animals Nature of Use (d) ❑ Domestic. (h) ❑ Power generation Number of persons, area of garden, lawn, etc. Installed horsepower capacity (e) ❑ Municipal (i) ❑ Other Approximate. population 6. What quantity of water was used each month in 1974 under this permit in gallons or acre-feet? (If not known, check months water was used.) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Annual 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? YES ❑ NO ❑ If "No", explain on reverse side under "remarks". 8. Has location of the intake, place of use, or type of use been changed? YES ❑ NO E. Explain on reverse side under "remarks". 9. Did the source go dry? YES ❑ NO ❑. If so, during what months? STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY N/A 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? YES ❑ NO J. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? Have you emptied the reservoir? YES ❑ NO J. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season? I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated: 8 February 1975 at Tahoe Paradise (location) (state) SW RCB 15(9/74) California Sign here: Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Co. By PermIttee � GeorgC. Baron, President 1974 (REPORT CONTINUES ON REVERSE SIDE) FEB 18 1975WCS ip- "tea MUNICIPAL, COMMUNITY, OR SUBDIVISION PROJECTS ONLY 11. How many service connections to date? Total population served by the water system 12. Estimated number of service connections under full use* 13. Are the connections individually metered? YES ❑ NO ❑. 14. Do you plan to meter the connections? YES ❑ NO ❑ When 15. Sewage generated by those to whom you deliver water is disposed of by: Septic tanks and leach lines ❑; Seepage pits ❑ Central treatment plant ❑ operated by ; Other (specify under "remarks"). PURVEYORS OF WATER ONLY 16. Water service is provided to an area or subdivision including a recreational reservoir: YES ❑ NO E. 17. Name of area or subdivision so served' 18. State surface area of recreational reservoir(s) at maximum water level referred to in 16 and 17. Identify surface area(s) by name of dam or reservoir: NOTE: The following questions relate to the Board's continuing responsibility to insure that appropriated water, is best developed, conserved, and utilized in the public interest as required by the Water Code. CONSERVATION OF WATER 19. What measures are you using or planning to reduce water losses in conveyance systems? (1) Seepage or leak detection program ❑; (2) Lining canals ❑; (3) Phreatophyte and aquatic vegetation control ❑; (4) Other (describe in "remarks") ❑; 20. What measures are used to encourage consumers to conserve water in agricultural use? (1) Program to encourage more efficient irrigation systems (sprinkler, drip, etc.), where applicable ❑ ; (2) Return flow systems on individual farms ❑; (3) Return flow system areawide ❑; (4) Water pricing to encourage reduced use ❑ ; (5) Charges for drainage of irrigated lands ❑; (6) Other (describe in "remarks") ❑; 21. What measures are used to encourage municipal and industrial consumers to conserve water? (1) Regulations to control wasteful use ❑ ; (2) Public education program on water conservation ❑; (3) Pricing to encourage reduced use ❑; (4) Assistance to industry in design of recycle systems ❑ ; (5) Other (describe in "remarks") ❑ . 22. What records are maintained on water use and conservation? (1) Loss rate from conveyance system ❑ ; (2) Water use for major crops by each farm (3) Other (describe in "remarks") ❑, WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION 23. Describe methods you are using to minimize erosion and to prevent the entry of silt into surface waters: ❑; 24. After use, the water is (1) retained in reservoir ❑ ; (2) discharged into a stream or lake ❑; (3) discharged into settling ponds ❑. (4) Other ❑ Describe: 25. Is or will water being discharged contain waste materials? YES ❑ NO D. (1) Domestic ❑; (2) Municipal ❑; (3) Industrial ❑; (4) Agricultural ❑; (5) Other ❑ Describe: 26. Is or will water being discharged contain any specific material which is -deleterious to fish and wildlife or which would impair the water for beneficial uses? YES ❑ NO ❑.Describe: 27, Describe what steps you are, have been, or can take to reclaim or directly reuse the water sought to be appropriated: REMARKS Please designate by number the question you are answering: On May 6, 1970 the Company filed a "Petition for Chage in Point of Diversion" and simultaneously filed a "Petition for Change of Place of USe". These petitions are the result of engineering studies accomplished to date and in collaboration with the other utilities mentioned in said petitions. To provide water for domestic use of the companies` potential customers based on presently subdivided lands the total quantity of water in the permit is considered essential. On 30 July 1971, the Company filed petition for extension of time as the Water Rights Branch had not acted on petitions cited in paragraph one above. On 18 June 1973 a hearing was held at which time both DWR Staff and Utility wer in- structed to recheck the data submitted in evidence. A preliminary meeting was held, however the final meeting between Staff and Utility has not been: held. Company received letter of 23 August 1974 from State Water Rights Control Board re an EIR on subject applications. On or about 30: September 1974 Company requested 120 days extension of time to prepare EIR. No answer has been received. However, on checking Company files it has been found tLyn1at_an /EIS♦Rn was presented as part of the hearing -of 18 June 1973. O ?:'i3 lGu1N00 Company awaits instructions. SIG Wd 8° 1 11 93 j (If addiI space is needed for remarks, attach numbered ship SATE OF CALIFORNIA — THE RESOURCES AGE STA!rE WATER RESOURCES .CONTROL B _. D DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1973 OWNER OF RECORD APPLICATION 18038 TAHOE PARADISE WATER &GAS COMPANY P 0 BOX 11117, TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 Telephone Number If the owner or address shown above is wrong, please correct. SOURCE: UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER 0 en su AMOUNT: 3 CU FT/SEC 200 AC—FT/ANN ' k L) PURPOSE: DOMESTIC 0 PERMIT 13529 a E -01-70 - IMPORTANT! Every permit is issued subject to the conditionstherein expressed. I have currently reviewed and am comptpang with the conditions under which my permit has been issued. n Yes El No This report is important in providing the record of use needed in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Rights, Room 1015, Resources Building, 1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento, California 95814. The project has been abandoned and I request revocation of this permit. ❑ Yes pi No CONSTRUCTION WORK • 1. Has construction work commenced? ❑ Yes a] No If yes, is construction completed? ❑ Yes ❑ No 2. If incomplete, describe briefly the work done, including cost. 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion. See Remarks 4. What percent of constructidn work remains to be done to complete the project? Explain. USE OF WATER 5. Has use of water commenced? ❑ Yes © No Explain how water was used under "remarks" on reverse side. 6. What quantity of water was used each month in 1973 under this permit in gallons or acre-feet? Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Annual 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit? n Yes ❑ No 8. Has location of the intake, place of use, or type of use been changed? ® Yes ❑ No Explain on reverse side. under "remarks", 9. Did the source go dry? ❑ Yes n No If so, during what months? STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY 10. Did your reservoir spill this year? ❑ Yes 0 No If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? Have you emptied the reservoir? 0 Yes ❑ No If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down at end of season MUNICIPAL, COMMUNITY, OR SUBDIVISION PROJECTS ONLY 11. How many service connections to date' Total population served by the water system 12. Estimated number of service connections under full use 13. Are the connections individually metered? ❑ Yes rl No 14. Do you plan to meter the connections? ❑ Yes ❑ No When? 15. Sewage generated by those to whom you deliver water is disposed of by: ❑ Septic tanks and leach lines; n Seepage pits; ,❑ Central treatment plant operated by ; r Other (specify under "remarks" on reverse side) I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this reot '•soreitsoe theatet an flyGaow-oee.dgecd belief. Dated: 28 January 1974 Sign Here`. Permitte •e C. Baron, Pres,. (Report continues on reverrsEeBsidde) .74 `K.S.N, SWRCB-15 (8-73) 1973 NOTE: The following questions relate to the Board's continuing responsibility to insure that appropriated water is best developed, conserved, and utilized in the public interest as required by the Water Code. CONSERVATION OF WATER • 16. *What measures are you using or planning to reduce water losses in conveyance systems? (1) Seepage or' leak detection program ❑ (2) Lining canals ❑; (3) Phreatophyte and aquatic vegetation control ❑ ; (4) Other (describe in remarks)❑. 17. What measures are used to encourage consumers to conserve water in agricultural use? (1) Program to encourage more efficient irrigation systems (sprinkler, drip, etc.), where applicable ❑ ; (2) Return flow systems on individual farms ❑ ; (3) Return flow system areawide ❑ ; (4) Water pricing to encourage reduced use ❑ ; (5) Charges for drainage of irrigated lands ❑ ; (6) Other (describe in remarks) ❑ ; 18. What measures are used to encourage municipal and industrial consumers to conserve water? (1) Regulations to control wasteful use ❑ ; (2) Public education program on water conservation ❑ ; (3) Pricing to encourage reduced use ❑ ; (4) Assistance to industry in design of recycle systems ❑ ; (5) Other (describe in remarks) E. 19. What records are maintained on water use and conservation? (1) Loss rate from conveyance system ❑ ; (2) Water use for major crops by each farm ❑; (3) Other (describe in remarks) J. WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RECLAMATION 20. Describe methods you are using to minimize erosion and—to-prevent the entry of silt into surface waters: 21. After use, the water is (1) retained in reservoir ❑ ; (2) discharged into a stream or lake ❑ ; (3) discharged into settling ponds ❑ ; (4) Other ❑; Describe' 22. Is or will water being discharged contain waste materials? ❑ Yes ❑ No (1) Domestic ❑ ; (2) Municipal ❑; (3) Industrial ❑ ; (4) Agricultural ❑ ; (5) Other ❑ ; Describe: 23. Is or will water being discharged contain any specific material which is deleterious to fish and wildlife or which would impair the water for beneficial uses? ❑ Yes ❑ No Describe. 24. Describe what steps you are, have been, or can take to reclaim or directly reuse the water sought to be appropriated' REMARKS Please designate by number the question you are answering: On May 6, 1970' the Company filed a "Petition for Change in Point of Diversion" and simultaneously filed a "Petition for Change of Place of Use". These petitions are the result of engineering studies accomplished to date and in collaboration with the other utilities mentioned in skid petitions. TO provide water for domestic use of the meanies' potential customers based on presently subdivided lands the total ouanti1 v of water in t-hA parmi f i m mrgi aerea essential. On 30 July 1971, the Company filed petition for extension of time as the Water Rights Branch -had not acted on petitions cited in paragraph one above. On June 18, 1973 a hearing was held at which time both IY R Staff and Utility were instruct ed to recheck the data submitted ineevidence. A preliminary meeting was held, however the ,n_ final meeting between Staff and Utility has not been held. Ufi l i t y awai fm i nstrnr+i rtina ,(If a Tonal space is needed for remarks, attach numberedts.) JUN 2 5 1913 Hydraulic Branch Publie Utilities Commission California State Building San 'raneisco, California 94102 Gentlemen: Applications 18021, 18030, 18031, 18038, 18039 and 19629, Upper Truckee River and Tributaries in El Dorado County Your File No. 699-2 Thank you for your Comments on the above applications which Fere forwarded to us in Mr. Johnson's letter of June 20. We will continue to send you hearing -nc°ticea concerning cases in Which your Commission ssion my have some interest. In this manner, we hope to keep you advised of our Board's actions concerning projp eats that ara o: interec t to both awencicv; in cases in which you have noting to add to our record we would anticipate no further action on your part. The hearing discusaed in our .letter of June 12 was held as oohed., uled and the matter was taken under submirision by the Board. We mill forward copies of the Board's resulting actions when they axe available, f you desire any further information, please contaet us. Sincerely; /S/ K. L. Woodward K. 1. Woodward, Chief Division of Hater Rights WGPettit:mbergman bcc: R. B. Robie w/copy 6/20 letter L _JUN 211 1973 Fid Jung .19 1973 Ap 1i tione t8p2i 1803© , 1803L, .8039.a.01 196g9 Viver TrUckee 'lifter and butariaa hearing intohclady ,on June; 18.;in. accori anee th. the -rwiticeLaf datea .1.64V 17"r ,1 '3 T Rea :panel : conaie<ted . Vice; C rmau _ r Member•Illaughen aaaieted by steft me®bere iioci y :ands- Pettit., Mr .Cede Baron :af cies. Paradise *tera y and Stanley biotin at -Angor. Water :Cc eay rrrsetcted, direct to 1n r con- ung the ;petitions tor, extenatona; o?- tin 'end c paint of ,divvreion.- rresented project of his,entic pat iaater needs bt far the ,presently authorined Wit, 0? nee,sad the placer wt tsveich , s hia; projection differed somevbat the fiained in a'reno to thec files dater: fir' 11, 1972 (prepared ,bpi Balza staft);F directed that the vetaf f consult further srl tb Mr. 'Baron is an attempt to rrive at a- conion projeeti<n►., Consideration ,0f the permittee•a-regueete :waee token Under eubmieaian. w .r STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS CENTRAL REGION—LAHONTAN PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 1972 OWNER OF RECORD: APPLICATION 18038 TAHOE PARADISE WATER & GAS COMPANY P 0 BOX 11117, TAHOE PARADISE, CALIF 95705 SOURCE: (916) 541-2622 TELEPHONE NUMBER If the owner or address shown above is wrong, please correct UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER AMOUNT: 3 CU FT/SEC 200 AC—FT/ANN PURPOSE: DOMEST I C PERMIT 13529 EXPIRATION DATE: 12-01-70 This report is important in establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and returned promptly to the State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Rights, Room 1015, Resources Building, 1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento, California 95814. Neither the filing of an application nor issuance of a permit in approval thereof constitutes a water right. A water right is established only by beneficial use of water in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit. This report provides a record of the development of your project. If the project is diligently completed a license will be issued to confirm the right developed by beneficial use. The project has been abandoned and I request revocation of this permit. 0 Yes in No CONSTRUCTION WORK 1. Has construction work commenced? No 2. Has all construction work been completed? If not, describe briefly the portions of the project Nominal engineering____ completed including cost of work done: 3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion_ See _remarks_ _belnsa- 4. What construction work remains to be done to complete the project? All USE OF WATER 1. Has use of water commenced? No (a) 0 Irrigation It was used for: (b) 0 Stockwatering (c) ❑ IndustriaL Total acres irrigated Name of crops served and acreage of each Number of animals Nature of use (d) !❑ Domestic Number of persons, area of garden. lawn, etc. (e) .❑ Municipal Approximate population 2. Has use of water, both amount and season, been as great as you expect in any future year under this permit?_ 3. Has location of the intake, place of use or type of use been changed?_.See___re.ks 4. Did the source go dry?. If so, during what months? 5. What quantity of water was used each month in 1972 under this permit in gallons or acre-feet? (If not known check months water was used. ) Total Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Recreational_ Method of water use Recreational___ Nature of use Power generation_ Installed horsepower capacity Other_--^--____-_ STORAGE PROJECTS ONLY Did your reservoir spill this year? ..If not,vhow manyifeet below spillway vertically was the water level at maximum storage? Have :you emptied the reservoir? .If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was it drawn down'at end of season? REMARKS See attachment i3O,1 1 2 r--% V4 A (If more' space ii needed, use reverse side) Date 5 March 1973 WRCB-15 (7.72? Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas_o. Sign Here b r, ° George C. aron, President�R TZ -73 C.Ha . 1972 /7/Xe 155160-005 7-72 5.100 O OSP MAR 0 9 02 AM 73 STATE WAr R RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD SACRAMENTO' • a�l ; 11 'On May 6, 1970, the. Company° filed a "Petition:for Change in Point of Diversion"'.and simultaneously filed ,',, a "Petition for •Change of Place `of Use". • These.,°. petitions are the'result of engineering studies fi accomplished to date and -in, with the other a utilities mentioned`in saidw,pe€itions,,, To provide water for domestic .use of the companies' • potential customers based on presently subdivided lands.: the total quantity of;waterin,the permit is considered - , On_ 30• July 1971, ' the ,Company filed ' petition for extension of'time as -the WaterRights Branch had not acted, on°petitions cited in paragraph one above. `1 r `7 4' APR 1 6 1973 Tahoe; Paradise Water &, Gasp Company` � 0 .Box` '11117 Tahoe Paradise, California, 95.705'. Gentlemen:. permits 13526,, 13527, 13528, 13529, 13530 :and 14335 (Applications 18021., 18030, 1031, _ 10038,46034 and' a 19629) 'Unnamed` Creek, Upper Truckee,. River _end; ;Coyote. Creek 1n El; Dorado County You have pending beflire the Board •requests' ;for -extensions of time' and •petitions to, change pease of use: aand pointe, of diveer. sion .under these: ' permi ts.. A .. hearing. , on :these matters, has been tentatively scheduled. for June ,:10, ,:1973 in Sacramento-. The staff' hasp `reviewed your requests`•and. petitions and ids. rec-, ommending that a -license, to the extent use .has 'been. made of the water, be issued - on Permit 13526. Construction has ;not commenced .on the works required to :make use°of water under the' ;other ,five parfaits.` -The 'props 'sed -changes in :point. of .diversion and place. of use under these permits appear toc ;represent a sub etantially new'. project. We understand that •Application, 23507: - £ilea; by Angora, Waiter co any ,aleo ,covers tried project proposed uby.: the. pe-titiona.., . Therefore., the::staff has recommended, that these five permits be: t.evoked. After reviewing, your water right. program you may' wish to com. mint an these, recommendations.; Formal notice of the: hearing will' ;be issued about. 30.r deys prior, to -to.June 18.> Sincerely,; /S/ 'K,: L< Woodward, Ii. L Woodward.' Chief Division of =Water Righ40 LDJohnsonimbergman'