1291F3,1es G. B. t ' une 21, 1971 Applications1,. 16030, 18038, 18039 - and 19629 Mr. Stanley Martin of Angora Water Company vi; 4. June 21, 1971, to be assured that he is not overlooking arty action that he should be ung. He is concerned about timing because Angora Water COmpany as well as the others involved with Tahoe Paradise Water and. toss Carl filings are bard pressed for addi- tional water supplies. Obtaining the6e supplies by drilling more uel .s ie expensive and vonldut laze the financial ,resources on tap Khich could be used to deve , their system for use of water frau Take Tahoe. eIs prave n to a costly sce of :e s,7.a are declining.