1326ti STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RIGH 1. S, BOARD In the Matter of Application 19111 of Sierra Nevada Water Company; Applications 19509 and 19510 of Fulton Water Company; Application 19629 of Meyers Water .Company; Application 19819 ofMountain Springs Water Company;.. Application 19845 of. Tahoe City Public Utility District; and A_ppl .cation 20137 of Lawrence H. and Beryl S. Smith and Robert H. Williams to Appropriate from Lake Tahoe and Coyote Creek in El Dorado and Placer Counties Decision D 1152 DECISION APPROVING APPLICATIONS IN PART The above-named applications are for permits to appropriate unappropriated water from Lake Tahoe and Coyote Creek, a tributary of Upper Truckee River. Protests having been re- ceived with respect to said applications, public hearings were held in Sacramento, California, on February 28, 1962, and on February 27, 1963. Board Member W. A. Alexander presided at both hearings. The esential features of the applications are set forth in Table 1. Application 19965 of Tahoe. Paradise, Incor- porated, also heard at the same time, will be the subject of a separate decision. ° TeuoTo.easoaH -.11 f ZedTOTunig - f otqsauioa - a z °uznuue sad ^.aa;-asoe = 'axe fpu000s sad �.aaj oTgno = sjo 1 ° (wwBaciri) upTpTsaw pue aseg otgeTa °kum uzo.xj ase suoTo.euBTsep aux pue dTusuMo;. `uoT oes ITV*. a 1E/t-1/1 TE/at-I/1 CI 1Vz1-1/T T/9-t/o1 a TUT -1/1 t�/z1-t/t . TA 'a tE/1-t/ 1 3 6a 1�/zt6 L/1 (T) uoseeS trot 9r0. E91 N51 5z EN MS 5°L. EL1 N5T 9' ES ES 3t7°0 ELT N91 51 EN ES 00 5°0 aLi MT 4N ELT N91 -2 ES as ELT N91 2e ES MS 5g.°0 ELT N91 Ms as aoue, axe 1 aoueI axeg aoues axeg. xaas0 egofo0 aoLje,I 03r- aouez axeu aouea, ayce7 eJe Ejo: *-9171:111*S:11- 8 ao,znos a>>od.zn s uozs°aan o { t /€;2u:now : uo Tsaa.&Tn. �To _ * . c' ' suoT eOTtddlr a q. ,To r ani r eoueo.sgns sureTt1TM °g 4sagog pus ugTms °S T.Esag pup °g aouaJMeZ 40TsorsTa 4TTTUIl oTtgnd d�TO aoues (°o0 saTeM sSurads uTe4unoW egp ) sTA c .° S ueouna 19/91/ 09/91/TT 09/i 1/0t 000 sa4tM ssa.gaW 09/9 /L 09/6z/9 L�tOz Str861 61961 6a961: o161 (.Juedro0 aaseM uo4Tn,3 eqp) uo4ing uuo f 09/6z/9 60561 fuediuo0 aageM 'epenaN easaTS 65/Lz/TT gueoTtadv patTd: aged:° The evidence and issues relativeto•water supply, vested rights, unappropriated water, interstate division of -'interstate waters, and conditions. and limitations to be imposed in the`publ-ic interest are to a large extent identical with the evidence and issues discussed by the Board in its Decision D'1056, adopted February 15, 1962, of which the Board takes official notice. In that decision the. Board assumed to be. surplus and unappropriated the water from Lake Tahoe and the Truckee River -stream system "fl,owing by Derby Dam which is not required to satisfy decreed � downstream Indian rights and which wastes into Pyramid Laken . An analysis of studies of the Department of Water Resources indicated the availability of unappropriated water. The same conclusion is indicated by the "Joint Report on the Use of: Water in the Lake Tahoe Watershed," prepared by the State Engineers of Nevada and California, and dated June 1949 (Staff Exh. 3). As was the case in Decision D1056, careful consideration must be given to quanti- tative diversion limitations expected to be imposed by the California -Nevada Compact, covering allocation of water in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Accordingly, individual applications will be considered on their own merits and then with respect to maximum monthly and annual _limitations based on requirements. A staff study (introduced by reference, page 4+, transcript of February 27, 1963) indicates, and the Board finds, that it reasonable to limit requirements to a capita use basis' not in excess of 250 gallons per' day. °Because no long --ter„ water development projects are involved, and because of anticipated Compact diversion °96T 6t[I goteW uo pagdope .10p,10 Fq pagegsuTaa 'uoTge.xapTsuooas JagJe spue 9SOt Q uoTsToaq Aq paAoadde seM uogTnd °I uuoj Jo 8i/8-[ uo rgeoTIddV* 0114 qe pageoot eatze Ire °Atlas oq aoue,Z axe' WoaJ uoTTeTadoadde 4sanbaa ` o t Pue 60S6t '41.e 8I suoTgeottddv (uogin,y, pa LTeo ae J'euzaaaq uecitaoo .xeq.ep uoq [nd eqp uogi nj uuor °az-ea& Atte uT gaaJ-a.xoe 89T Jo 6uquoux tanux-pmit e ut gaaJ-a.xoe zz Jo sseoxe LIT qou GIS (Itt6t uo-rgeoTTddV Jo sl.TmTI u-ruq-rM) squauxaarrnbaa s, !ueduo0 at °Tddns teuoT4TPPe Ire aoj Sueduxo0 al -14 Sq PoITJ uaaq seq e6e u uoTgeoTTddy • qunouxe 's uq paaoxa Eeux a-aquxagdas g0no1u4 aunt ao j sguauxaaTnba1 F_Tu .uom geuq aT.qTssod sI gT ° asn o-rgsawop aoj eq. pi -nom pagsanbax sJa 5e•0 et Jo aoueT`eq aq1 -ago, Jo sg4uouz xTs I0J sJo Jo MoIJ e aJTnb.aJ oq pagoadxa sT Tood SuTuxuxTMs e ur .Iaq:eM Jo asn, teuoTgeaaoa3 ° s1.o-E tezquapTsaa oqut pepTATpgns aq oq sT uotuM jo ire c'eolusili oq snonS-rquoo saaoe Sgt gnoqe sT gUeuldoiaaap auq Jo ssoaS aqs ' igTO .aoueL. Jo gseauq,xou satTux 5°.� gnoge 'aoq axe' JO apzs gsaMuq°xou ago uo s -r 6.4u-roa J IT0a se UMoux 6Sa,,xe aoTAJas sqI °uo'-rssTwmOD s9t4TlT4l oTtgnd ,etuJoJTttO aug Jo uotq -oTpsTJn? auq oq .goargns uo-rgeiod,zoo S.gTTTgn o-cTgnd .e s T queoTtddV • sasodznd TeuoTgeaaoa,x pue oTgsauxop JoJ aoc{es axe' tuoaj 6punoa -.zea& '. (sjo) puooas Jacdn qoo j oTgnp Se ° 0 ageTadoadde og tu i d .zo°l. sti TTI V L7eeuxo0 aa4ex ep.enaN eaaaT °950T R uoTsToaa uT auop SSM se `OL6t 1zea& aug uo paseq aq TTtM squauxa,ITnbaa tunuutxezu `suoT4e4ttITI northwest corner of Lake Tahoe, about 5 miles northeast of Tahoe City, Applicant is a public utility under the jurisdiction of the Public Utilities Commission. Application 18248 was: approved for year-round diversion, limited to a maximum diversion rate of 0.74 cfs and a total diversion of 280 acre-feet in any year. Application 19510 requests year-round diversion at the rate of 2 cfs for an area almost identical to the place of use presently authorized for Application 18248. Petitions are now pending to authorize the identical place of use for both appli- cations. If approved,. the newly authorizedplace:: of use would be similar to that now authorized for Application 18248, except that it would add a small excluded area, 'As originally filed, each ap- plication proposed a single point of diversion, located about one mile apart. Petitions are now pending in connection . with ,each application to add the point of diversion requested in the other application. It is found that no legal user of water would be prejudiced by the proposed change of place of use or change of points of diversion. An order will be entered approving said petitions. The Board finds that the total 1970 diversion require- ments of the area to be served by Applications 18248 and 19510. will be about 50.5 acre feet in a maximum month" and 314 acre-feet in any year Said figures are inclusive of and not in addition to comparable amounts already authorized. Fulton's Application 1D509 relates to a separate water system to serve a separate place of use located about one mile to °PazTaoggnv sq IITM asn Jo aowId pa .tpTTosuoo ago pue 6peAToauT aoanos ag4 uxo.TJ ao4em Jo aasn Teal Sue jo AancuT age..o4 agvaado 40u pTnoM e2uego age. Tel.14 punoj sT 41 °•eam: aaT4ua ago aoJ pauueId sT uxa4sRs uoT4ngTa .sTp uouxuxoo v '6a)91 Pu'? 8�o81 `Igo9I 6oeo81 ..`io81 suoTToTlddd sqT o4 q.uensand uoT .eTadoadde aoJ 9501 a uoTsTOaa Sq paZTaoggn.' asn Jo aoeTd eq4 TI4TM TtoT;uapT sea°p 000'5 aa.no aig4Tl Jo eaae um 04 6 961 uoT4voTlddd aapun asn Jo aa•eld pasodoad ago oSuiga.oq. uoTgT;ad Sq s3Iaas saaSo •uoTssTurIuo3 saT4TTT411 oTlgna uTuJoJTItO sT-14 Jo uoT4oTpsT•xnr 0u4 aapun A4TIT4n aTignd put 'ul BasTp'eaerz aoge,I jo SaeTpTsqns panto -AllogM sT' saaAaw `-aaATH aax.ona aaddp-auk. Jo SaVqnciTaq V 6Taatio ao.oSoo uxoaj sana& SuTpaaoons age.. jo I eunr pue aea:f gone jo T aaq -0400 uaamgaq 'aSeao4s Sq oe . -fin ' a4eTadoadde 04 pun 'puna -a•ea& 6s;o 04eTadoadde 04 AYTx0g4nV sgonbaa 66966 uo Teo-clo.cV (saa_Aow Pali. o aaq.JVTJTaaaq Suedu;oo ao4em s.•xa 's ?:urTT TVnUuV ao ATg4uotu SuTpaaoxa 4nog4TM uuTas'Tunuon saT4T T4fl QTlgnJ age jo squewaaTnbaaz a- q,euos°eaa g4TM Alduxoo pus equauxaaTnbaa 31ead AITtP s ,T. 40auz oq U04Ina 4Tuxaad pTnogs uoTsz oad e qon °pcpaaoxa y.ou axe s.TmTI Tenuue pun gquoux uxnuxTxeux aq4 PapTAoad • s•Tseq M©TJ-snonuT4uoo e uo .pazTaog4nn pue paq.nduxoo 4e1.14 jo ssaoxp uT uoTsaGATp Jo area snoaue ,ue4suT ue axeq 04 pazTaog4ne STssaadxa as IITM (s7uioTldd`e aaggo pue) uo .lrt ° aV a1K LUV UT 4aa, -aa0V W. Put (0J0 E61 ° 0 Jo Mo IJ snonuT uoo e- o4 quaTen- nba) qwoux mnmTxum e uT q.aaj7oaoe zl 4noq's sq IITM teat sTq4 aoj e4uauaaTnbaa uoTsaaaTP oL61 agl q'eg4 punoj sT 4I °PagTaosap ATsnoTAaao asn Jo aoTTd sguo';Inff jo 4samggnos 0q4 Since the evidence of requirements with respect to subject application is -for the most part identical -with that introduced by•Meyers at the earlier hearing, the Board -will regard -the maximummonthly and annual -limits imposed by•Decision D 1056 as still being applicable but will approve subject application. for the•purpose of firming the supply and adding flexibility. to' the system. A stipulation with the Department of Fish. and .Game for • the release of water• in Coyote Creek for fish preservation was found reasonable by the*Board and approved in the earlier decision, The Board will again for the same purpose require in the natural channel of Coyote Creek below the proposed dam "a flow of 0.25 cubic foot per second or the natural flow whichever is less." (Emphasis added) Since the water to be appropriated under Ap- plication 19629 rises largely from springs which will be inundated by the reservoir :proposed under the filing,. the applicant requests a preconstruction observation period of three years for postconstruc- tion use in calculating "natural flow." This request is found to be reasonable, and required commencement of construction will be postponed to July 1, 1966. Duncan S. Davis dba Mountain Springs tipater Com an yl pplication 19819 requests appropriation, year-round, from Lake Tahoe at the rate of 0.42 cubic foot per second for an area at the north end of the lake known as Agate Bay Development Sites. The applicant is a public utili • 'agegs Jo epTs ElaarsaM Guo. uo^ S4 j aouey 3o urns sa1Tu j7 gnoge paa.eoot seaoe oL TareuTxoadde . Jo 'sea's ue aAaas d4 eou`ey a3 eq uoaJ . 'puna®aeaE 6.sJo 91° o. Jo uoT 'eTadoadde s4sanb6zc LcTOz uoT4e0T1 .. suezTTTM °H gaagou pus 114TwS • S TEaea pue °H aorzaaMe I . •saaquT4sa ruemaaTnbea erTdeo Gad E1Tep s s roTaa.sTQ Gua-. Jo paeog aur Sq uoTgdope EjTa.snf rou scop e ;uapTaa eqy ° saoanos ire uXoaJ aa4eM apnlouT ITTm suoTrerTUITt tenuue pus ETuruou 'ETBuTpa000'I ° raaj-aaoe Litt se sqtzaUXGJ Tnbaa lenuue srT pue .aa, - ea e zL se paq.ndzuoo axe saoanos TZ'e utoJj squauzaaTnbe I ETTI4uoUX utnuTxeu s 8 a.0TJ sTa aur `erTdeo Tad suol;Te2 05z Our pue oL6T oa. suoTrooCoad ,uoTrelndod s,roTarsTQ at -1k.» 2uTZTTTr11 °aageM GlieT auos pue aaa.eM BuTads unTM panaas sT tioTpM azTs rear .;Tet 4..noge Jo eaae aoTAaas e seu ROU rOTagsTg Gus °aOATH eaxonay aur oof aouey e pI Jo :�a1rno aur aeau par�oo L sacro opp ° 1 , o hI OOTnaas par dTOTrue ue ` ao j eouey-ale a uoaJ SJo .L Jo-`punoI-aeeE 6uoT4eTadoadde saiaas Str86T uoT4eaTTa cr 40Ta4sTQ •&41-1Tgf oTTgnd 1rT0 Gooey °uegsfs uogind e geaechuoa Imre Egaeau Gua. Jo esn Jo oTgea auT4aauut.Xns-amTa.a04uTM Gua- pardope pr og Gua. uoTa,ea.nduoo sTur jo: sasodand aoj °papnloxa uaaq aaeu ilBuTpaatql, aoj paq.sanbaa aaa.eM Jo saT4T4uen0 °,xareM Jo esn TeToTJeueq aAT©AuT rou scop 6sadTd Jo SuTzaaaj 2uT4ueAead Jo esodand aTos ata. JO; i[aaa j una . or aareM SuTMo1Te ao: H `SuTpeGTgn 3o eoTroe ad emTraaruTM Guy ° 4eeJ -aaae 091 poo6xe oa. a.ou 'zea& TTnj e aoj aa4vm Jo asn TVToTjaueq. JOS. 612u8 a.aa, •-aaoe 9Z se pa;ndmoo °JP 1.14uout wnntTxeut Jo3 s.ruauaa.Tnb.aa aur auTr uoTuM re `8961 Eq paroadxe sT aoues o ' uxoaj pa/Gas aq or eaae aur Jo a.uaudolanap mnmTreyi ° 2uTads Highway 89. Maximum month requirements for 1970 are found not to exceed 9 acre-feet and the annual diversion not to exceed 50 acre- feet. This application was originally filed in the nameof "Kimberly W. Mosier, representing the Tahoe Mutual Water fompany__:not formed at this date a" (Emphasis added). At the hearing on February 28, 1962, Mrd Mosier testified that it was definitely intended to incorporate a mutual water company to serve the placeof use (RT 155), and indi- cated that shares would be issued to the purchaser of each lot (RT 151), The application indicates the subdivision is intended to contain 140 lots, each of which would be dependent on the future mutual water company for its water supply. Establishment of such a water company by the applicant would be consistent with the Board's rules 754 and 756, and would simplify, administration by the Board of appropriative water rights to serve the 140 lots. .Accordingly, it is found to be in the public interest to require the applicants to forma mutual water company or arrange for some comparable agency capable of permanent service to the place of use. The evidence indicates and the Board finds that unappro- priated water exists in the Lake Tahoe Basin, including all proposed points of diversion, and that subject to suitable limitations and conditions, such water may be diverted and used in the manner proposed without causing substantial injury to any lawful user of water. The intended use is beneficial. From the foregoing findings, the Board concludes that Applications. 19111v 19509, 19510, 19629, 19819, 19845, and 20137 should be approved in part, and that permits should be issued to °gTuzaad stuq jo suaaq aqq ggTm eouWTTduoo auTuaagap o4 siaom qoe f oad oq ssaoou pigtouost=aa 'paleog p Tus iq auTq oq auTq uoaJ. pazTaoggnu aq &12u se 'saTgaud aeggo puU . pzrog sgggTj aaguM age4s aqq jo•saATgUguasaadaa MO1te 11'eus aaq?.Tuaaa fr •aaq:eM pTes. Jo uoTsaanTp Jo poggam aTquuosueaun ao 'asn Jo poggau a1q'euosuaaun 'eon algeuoseaaun.'agsum quanaad oq aaujiam oTZgnd aqg Jo gsaaaquT egg- uT pine M'S'T. ggTM aout;pa000u uT pauog squSTH aaq:eM aqugs egg jo SgTaoggnu SuTnuTguoo aqq o4 goacgns are pagaaATp aagem Jo SqT4uunb puu 'asn Jo.pougau 'uoTsaaATp jo poggau OuTpnIo -uT 'gTuaad sTgq aapun saSaITATad puu s41-12Ta'1TV 'panssT sT asueoTT 'Torun pauog s4uSTK aagem -ag qs ago, .&q R11 nuuu papTnoad aq 11Tm goTTM sutaoJ uo eaggTuaad Sq FTgduoad pa1Tj aq autls-sgaodaa scaaSoaa ° s VuJa1M uOT4'?0T .sanuT Ji asuaoTT auq uT paonpea. aq Sum paqugs uTaaaq qunomu unuTxum aqq, ° t : sMo ftoJ . su gTutaad qona. uT papn.Tou;: aq og 14TTTq -uoTTddu TuaeuaS 3o suoTgTpuoo pue su0T4P4TUTT aqq O. puu sa°pa0 . BuTMOTTOJ aqq uT tjgaoj oras su ATTTquoTTdde IuToads Jo suoTgtpuoo pu:a. suo_Tqu4TITT aqqoq pus -a squSTa pagsan og- goaCgns 'gaud uT panoadd1 'eau Eagq pine 'aq Letoz puu Si;e61 661861 '6g61 'o156t `6og6t 'tt161 suOTq'3OTIddV gLLIg O Ha o xaaH,aH si II uEauo °pag-eOTpuT sP 1S4T TgU0- Tddu oTJToads ao Tuaaua0 Jo suoTgTpuoo puu suoTquq mzutTT og qoo qns pine 9501 CI uoTsToaQ'oq quinsand pailssT sq.Tuaad aaTTaua aapun qaa, -aaoe me SuTpnTouT qaa, -aao'e o66L peeoxa oq, qou SgTquenb renuum regog p.aoj sgueoTTddi.aATgoadsaa aqq ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that: 1. The amount of water to be appropriated under the peiulit issued pursuant to Application .19111 of•Sierra-Nevada. Water Company for domestic and recreational purposes shall be limited to the amount which can be,„beneficially used and shall not exceed Oo35 cubic foot per second by direct diversion year- round. The instantaneous rate of diversion under the permit may exceed said.rate, provided that the amount of water. appropriated shall ' not exceed 22 acre-feet in -any month (.equivalent to a continuous flow of 0,35 cfs) e 'Total _appropriation under this. permit shall not exceed 188 acremf'eet.in any year 2. Actual construction work shall be completed *on ar before December' 1, • 19696 3e Complete application of the water to the proposed use shall be made on or before December'1, 1970, ORDER Petitions having been: filed by John A. Fulton . (dba Fulton. Water Company) to._..change the points. of diversion and place of use described in his Applications 18248 and 19510 so that each appli- cation will have the same_ two points of diversion and the same place 'of use, as described in detail in said petitions, and it being found that the proposed changes will not .operate to the injury of any lawful user of water, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that said four petitions be, .and they are, approved; and. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that: °pa:loAaa oq Sum 4 -landed stun. '.pa .noasoexd pum paauowuoa os ?.ou JT pug .6aouaTTlTP o geuosuaa 1.14Tm paq.noasoad aq aa4Juaaauq. Ti'sgs Pue' 96T (t aunj aaojaq JO uo uTSaq TTuus )aoM uoT4on 4suoo Tun4ov °£ - °auaR .Kuu uT o.aoj®aaou f7TE paaoxa 4ouTregs 8t3eT uoT4"sOTTddV 04 q.uensand panssT 4-tuxad atm. aapun pun 4-Tmaad sTL14 aapun uot:.}utadoaddxo Te4oI ° (sJo z9 ° 0 JO MO j , snonuTquoo "Goff. 4ua iunTnba) uquom .4uu uT 499j-aJoU 5 ° 05 paaoxa q.ou *tugs 2,7zgi uo-T7'soTtddj aapun pug 4Tmaad stg4 aapun pa4uTadoaddp aa4um jo q.unours agq. Tug4 popTnoad ba4ea pees paaoxa Spur ;tutaad ago .zapun uozzaanrp jo aortia snoeup4usgsuT au,T °puna-ara&. uoTsaOATP 4oaa-Tp Sq pu02a2 aad q.00; olgno z9°0 paaoxa .ou Thus. puu pasn '.ET.T' ToT;auaq aq uea uoTtgM 4UTIOUre et14 oq pa4TuT» aq 'Tugs sasodand tudToturm ,;pug rT4sauop aoj (ru duao0 ao4UM uoo.tnj wl.P) uoq.tnj °I' ugof jo. Ot 6t uoTa oTTddy oq q.uunsand panssT 4Tuzaad auq aopun pao.-sTadoaddu aq, o4 aa4uM., Jo a.unours auk °� . *auaS- Suu uT 4aaj aao:U L pea:oxa fou,,. ZTeus 4Tuaad swot aapun uoT4uTad -oaddu tugo r, ° (s.Jo e6T ° 0 30 MoIJ snonuTq.uoo oq quaTuA.Tn o) u�uouz iug uT 4aajm-axon paaoxa aou T Deus pa4utado.xddu as Tum jo 4unouit aqq. 4u1-14 Papp\oad. 'aqua plus paaoxa .iuuz 4turaad eq4 aapun uotsaaATp Jo 04'eJ snoau-s4upgeuT aqw °puna-auaS uoTsaoATP goaaTp puooas aad oo j oTgno (c..6T' 0 paaoxa gou 'Tugs puu pasn sS-ET TOTjauaq aq uao uo-u,M qunoup ago .04 pa4TuxTT aq TTuqu sasodand tudToTunuz pug oT sauop ao j ( u-aduo0 aa4um uo4tna uqp ) uo Tn3 truo . 'JO 6o 6'E uoT4PoTTddV 04 4uunsand pansst O pITJad aqq, aapun pa4uTadoaddu aq oq. ao4um• jo qunoure au °T 4. Said construction work -shall be completed on or before December lm, 1969. 5, Complete application of the water to the proposed use shall be made on or before December 1,'197Qo -ORDER A petition having been filed.to change the place of use as described in Application 19629 of Meyers Water Company to be identical with the .amended place of use as authorized (but misde- scribed by clerical error) in Applications :18021., '18030, 18031, 18038, and 18039 of Meyers Mater -Company, randit being• found that the proposed change of place of use would not operate to the injury of any lawful user of water; 1m TS HEETRY ORDERED that said petition be, and it is, approved and that the conuolidated::p1ace of use .for Applications- \ 18021, 18030, 18031, 1.80389. 18039., " and 19629 of Meyers Water Company be -amended -or -corrected to-describe.a place of 'use as follows: SWI of Section :L9; S1 of NEI of Section 21; SES of Section 21; W2 of SW* and ,SWC. _ of NWS -of Section 22° WI z of NW- and NW*1 of SWC` of Section 270 N2, SWC and N2, of SE* of Section 28; W2, SE* and Sy of N] of Section 29; Section 30; Ni and SE of Section 31; and W2 of Section 32; all in T12N, R18E, MDB&M; W2 of Section 5; Na and El of SE* of Section 6; E2 of NES and Ell of SE* of Section 7; W2. of Section 8; W, ti^J2 of NES: and W2 of SE*,of Section 17; and N2 of NW* and NW * -of NE* of Section 20; all in T11N, R18E, MDB&M; EZ of NWof Section 25; NES of Section 25; and the NES :of Section 36, all in T12N, R17E, MDB&M'm eq4 oq etq oTgoead se aeau se uuep 9111 uT £4Toedeo egenbape jo adTd ga14no .ue uTequTeuz puu TTegsuT 11eLTs aag4 Luzaaa °9 ' a.�T1usT, u g q.UTeuu 04' .xaAegoTtgM (mo1J ruanoeu a11q ao `puooas - aad goo j oTgno 53 ° o Jo Mo1J 990T ST e 'uteri aa.oSo0 Mo.Ta.q S1ageTp.ammT si0aao e oLoo Jo Tauue110 aqq. oquT samTg•T1e qe-asea1aa 1Te11s aa4gTuuaad auu °S ° OL6z (1. .xagmaaaa eao jaq ao uo• apeuu aq T1eug atm og aagem aug jo uoTgeo'Tidde aoraTdmo0 't ° 6961 s1 aoctmooaa aa0Jog ao uo pagaTduuoo eq 11eus 31aoM uoT.gonagsuoo prus °£ •'pa)ioAaa. aq Sum ...: -4Tmaad 6:Tt14,. 'pognoasoad pue peouatamoo os qou JT pue 60ouaOTTTp .algeuoseaa ugiM pagnoa$oad .aq; aagj9.aaa114 :TTeLis Puu `9961 '1 STnf pasodoact Teangeu 0911 aao jaq ao .uo uT.Socl'um.is xaoM uoTAonagsuoo en4oy ° (sJo £e°3 Jo MoTj snonuT4uoo e oq qualeATnba) 114uout .&ue uT gaaj-aaoe E,t1 paaoxa qou 1Te11s uo:TsaaATp._ goaa_rp pad: Tado rdde aageM Jo gunoure: 0114 geuq pepTnoad. 6s_jo. ° z paaoX0:Sem -4Tuua.ad, ago : aapun uoT$aaATp Jo aged snoeueque0suT aus °aeaS OUTpaaoons 2114 JO 1 aunt 4nog2 oq aeaS goea Jo T aagogoo 4noge utoxJ pagoatloo aq oq a uaogs iq uznutxe aad 400j-eaoe f7O1 puu puna-aeaS pagaaATp eq og uoTsaeATp 4o0aTP Sq puooas aad gaaj oTgno ee°z paaoxa qou T1eus pue pasn SITeToTjauaq aq ueo uozuM qunouie 0114 oq pa4TuTT aq 1T.eus sesodand oTgsamop aoj 1Suedmoo aa:47eM saa&ani. Jo; 6E9'61 uoTgepT.TddV oq 4uensand penssT gTtuaad a114 aepun pa4eTadoadde aq og as Um Jo qunouue 0T °I :4e1-1.4 Tailani0 xg a, x sI IT 'H IQ} O. bottom of the natural Stream channel or provide other means satis- factory to the State Water Rights Board in order that water entering the reservoir or collect.edin the reservoir during and after the current storage season may be released.into .the downstream channel to the extent necessary to satisfy downstream prior rights and/or to the extent •-that appropriation of said water is not authorized under this permit. 7. Permittee shall install and maintain suitable measuring devices (a) upstream from the high-water elevation of his reservoir and (b) immediately below his storage dam in order that accurate measurement can be made of the quantity of water flowing into and out of said reservoir. 8. In accordance with the requirements of Water Code Section 1393, permittee shall clear thesite of .the proposed reservoir of. all structures, trees, and other vegetation which would interfere with the use of the reservoir for water storage and recreational purposes, 9. A separate application for approval of plans and specifications for construction of the dam described in this approved water right application shall be filed with and approved by the Department of Water -Resources prior to commencement of construction of the dame 10., The total amount of water appropriated by direct 0 diversion under permits issued pursuant.to Applications 18021, 18030, .18031, 18038, 18039; and 19629 shall not exceed 3.5 acre- feet in any calendar month, and total diversions under said permits shall not exceed 2,760 acre-feet in any year. _s9T- 91°1 paaoxa 4ou TTegs pug pasn StreToT, eueq aq ueo goTgM 4unoure ego, .04 p04TiTT aq TTegs sasodand TedToTucuu xoj 40T-14sTQ S4TTT411 DTTgnd Agt0 aolTeil Jo 5ire6T uoT .poTTddV o4 qurnsand panssT 4Twaad aqq cxapun pa4E,zadoadde aq oa. aa4wt Jo 4unoum aq , °T :4'm-14 =GM AgaaaH SI SI HEGUO °0L61: '1 aaquaoaa .eao aq oto uo epaur aq 1Tegs esn pasodoad aq4 oq aa4i t aq4 Jo uoT4voTidd' a4aTduio0 °17 '6961 '1 JGgateoaa o1xojaq ao uo pa4aTduzoo aq .' reqs A,zox, UoTOonx4Nuoo pTus °E °paajoaa1 aq ��uz Tnrerad _ sTq�. `pad noasozd' puv poouaumxoa os q.ou JT puu ,` daoueSTTTp aivuosigaa- u4Tm pa4noasoxd aq aa'4J'eaaaq.4 T`Leus Pu 'i7961 .'T aunj aao;oq .xo uo. uTSaq 3,11xoM- uoTq.ona4suoo ` en oy :a.ea.. . u`e,.., uT siaaJ-aao' 091 p aaoxe 4ou TTegs, 4Tmaed s- I14 .xapun uoT4vTactoaddu re4om ° (sJo ztT ° 0 JO mot; snonuT4 -uoo :e oq. u:are Tnbal. uq.uoux Lug uT gaaJmaao 9 paaoxa Oou Tregs pe4'eTJdoadd Ja4.BM jo' 4unoure aq4- 4 -eq:} papTAoad 'ape-eJ pTvs paaoxa gem 4Tmaad- au4 aapun uo o aan.Tp. jo a x snoaue4uv4ouT aq,T ° puno.x '-1va& uoTsaaATp qoaaTp &q puooas aad 400 j ozgno 17°0 paaoxa 4ou 'Tugs puv poen .KIreToTJauaq aq .treo qo 'q M 3unoure o4 paqTuZTT aq 'Pegs sasodand oT.sauxp JoJ (i reduxo0 aa4pm SuTadS uTp4uno 'eqp) sT.Ata .s uuouna Jo 6T96T . uoT4`eoTTddV 04 wenSand penssT 4Tuzzxad egg. ,xapun pa.47eT1doadde, sq,. o4 ,xa4.'ei Jo qunoure eq;y °I a 4"eu4 CHHHC i0 . `daHSI II cubic feet per second by direct diversion year-round.. The in- stantaneous rate bf diversion under-thepermt may exceed said rate, provided that the amount of•water appropriated shall not exceed 72 acre-feet in any month (equivalent to a, .continuous flow of 1016 cfs). Total appropriation under this permit, when added to all other water delivered,by,the permittee to its customers within the:'`place of use authorized for Application 19845, shall not exceed 72 acre-feet in any month or 444 acre-7feet in any year. 2. Actual construction work shall begin on or before June 1, 1964and shall thereafter be prosecuted ;;.with reasonable diligence, and if not so commenced and prosecuted, may be revoked. 3. Said canstructian work shall be -completed on or this permit before December -1;1,969. .. Complete application -of the:water to the proposed use shall be made on or before ,December 1, 1970. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that: 1e The amount of water to be appropriated under the permit issued pursuant to Application 20137 of Lawrence He and Beryl S. Smith and Robert H. Williams ,for domestic purposes shall be limited to the amount which can be beneficially used and shall not exceed 0,16 cubic foot per second by direct diver- sion year-round. The instantaneous rate of diversion under the permit may exceed saidrates provided that the amount of water appropriated shall not exceed 9 acre-feet in any month (equivalent usnrorTvuo ‘auaougaa tTs . 4u9.31 °E96T �xaquzaoac .jo _dap a;6 T sTu=� ��Tuao�TT�o -'oqua ao :_ p. [ pug:; p.aIreo .. Tnp SUTqaam v ory paXog sgg9Tu aa4vm a4v4s atiq jo aapao .pue uo TsToap paqdop ' !sTsvq.queuvmaad pup snonuT4uoo `e uo aon jo aov-cd a -O. OuT. Tddns jo 'pavog squ3Tu aagvm. agvgs .au4 jo uoTa.avjeT4ros auk 00; satgvdvo uoT .lazTuv ao aaugo amo.s .xo .£unduioo da4P t Tvn nm v pausT T q 4sa an2u saa4. Tuxaad auq TTqun 4Tmaaci sTu4 aapun paqleTadoadd2 aq TT'aus aagvm om ac °0L6T 'i`aa'quzooe .aJoJaq ao uo apvui aq TT1 tE asn pasodoa— auq o4:- aa4v a q jo._ uoT4voTtddd oqaIdmoo ° '696T `T aaquzaoac aaojaq ao uo paqaTduzoo aq T L'sus 31:aoM uoT .ona suoo pTvs °E °paxonaa aq £3ul T 1rTed sTu4- 6pagnoasoad IMP peouauzuoo os fou 3T . ptxs 6aoue TTTp aTgvuosvaa . pa .noesoad aq .aa jPaaau4 TTPus PUP `+796T sT aunf - aaojaq ao uo uTO.aq 11sus: aom uoTgpnaorsuoo Teno,oi °z °,zea& 4ue uT qaaJ-aaae o5 paaoxa a.ou TT'aus gTmaed STu� aapun uoTT'eTadoaddi regpT . ° (sjo 9T°0 Jo Pou snonuTa.uoo P oq