1496PETITION FOR CHANGE IN PLACE OF USE Attach $10.00 filing fee with petitions for changes Application( g03 g Permit (31'j License State Water Rights Board 1401 - 21st Street Sacramento, California Gentlemen: 1 hereby request permission to change_the place of use as described in the above -numbered filing to a place described as follows and as shown on the map here- with submitted: •.t .9 .u. • o n -w • - of use seetac-hment.,� Give acreage to be irrigated within each 40 -acre tract) GIVE REASON FOR PROPOSED CHANGE: Area planned to be subdivided and served has been enlarged. Yes, but old place of use is largely WILL THE OLD PLACE OF USE BE ABANDONED? included in new place of use. (Answer "Yes"or "No") WATER. WILL BE ,USED FOR Domestic PURPOSES. We X control the place of. use proposed by virtue of It is within the existing: or proposed public uitility service rea. (Ownership, -Tease, agreement) This change does not involve the introduction of any new source or any in- crease in the amount of the appropriation. - The persons affected by or interested in the propooed change'are as follows: None 'eb-ruary 2.7 1963 Date) (Name) (Andress) Very truly yours. er 254, Statutes of 1955 requires-aAvio.uu +.1.T 1g fA6 with -pec:, :nor changes. .1.05 Pa 1 .1