1107Return completed Report to: ---.TE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS P.O. Box 2000 SACRAMENTO, CA 95812-2000 For assistance completing this Report, call: (916) 341-5300 FAX (916) 341-5400 caw 8-ot3 1 pp %2006 PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 2006 OWNER(S) OF RECORD: If the owner information below is wrong or missing, please correct. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT; PRIMARY CONTACT OR AGENT FOR MAIL & REPORTING: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1275 MEADOW CREST DR SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 PERMIT SUMMARY NAME(S) OF SOURCES OF WATER (Up to first 4 sources listed) PARCEL NO UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER APPLICATION NO.: A018031 PERMIT NO.: 013528 CONTACT PHONE NO.: (530)544-6474i ter-: COUNTY LOCATION=. El Dorado 33, • ;''ro O MAX DIRECT DIVERSION RATE: 3 CFS MAX COLLECTION TO STORAGE AMOUNT: 0 AC -FT [Cubic feet per second (CFS) or Gallons per day(GPD)] [Total reservoir(s) storage volume in acre-feet (AC -FT)] PERMITTED USE(S) OF WATER ACRES DIRECT DIVERSION SEASON COLLECTION TO STORAGE SEASON (First 4 uses displayed below) (AC) (month/day to month/day) (month/day to month/day) Domestic 0 AC 01/01 - 12/31 DATE BY WHICH PERMITTEE SHALL COMPLETE THE AUTHORIZED PROJECT, INCLUDING COMPLIANCE WITH ALL PERMIT TERMS AND CONDITIONS, AND MAKE FULL BENEFICIAL USE OF WATER: 12/01/1970 (n COMPLIANCE WITH PERMIT TERMS AND CONDITIONS: This Report is important since it provides a record of your actual water use necessary to establish your water right as well as your compliance with the terms and conditions of your water right permit. The information requested below should be hied out carefully. This Report should be promptly returned to the above address. 1. YES [ ] NO I have currently reviewed my water right permit. 2. YES [ ] NO lam complying with all terms and conditions listed in the permit. Identify any noncompliance under "Remarks" on the reverse side. 3. ] YES 1NO I have changed the intake location, type(s) of use, and/or place of use authorized by the permit. If YES, explain under "Remarks" on reverse side. Note: A Change Petition & associated fees may be required for any significant changes to the permitted project. PERMITTED PROJECT STATUS: California Water Code sections 1396 and 1397 requires a permittees) to exercise due diligence in developing an appropriative water right project so that the project is completed within the time period specified in the permit. CHECK ONE OF THE FOLLOWING CONCERNING YOUR WATER RIGHT PROJECT STATUS: 4. [ ] REVOCATION — The project has been abandoned and !request revocation of the permit. 5. [ ] PROJECT COMPLETE — The project has been completed. I have made full beneficial use of water as to the diversion rate, amount, and season specified in the permit and have complied with all terms and conditions. I am ready for (or have had) a licensing inspection by Division of Water Rights staff and request that a water right license be issued. 6. PROJECT HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED If the project has not been completed, please answer the following: a. [ ] YES [X NO Has construction work commenced? b. [ ] YES NO Is construction completed? c. [ ] YES NO Have the permitted beneficial uses of water commenced? d. [ ] YES NO Will the project be completed withinthe time period specified'in the permit? _� %� J� e. Explain what work remains to be done: A LL l4. ozk ^ U �) ` X3C D z 1 . • v . ' 1 S 4-77746-#144 EAJT „ce? itf. Give the estimated date of completion of the project, including maximizing beneficial use of water: SEF 4-7Ad 4" r Note: A time extension petition and associated fees may be required if the project is not completed within the time period specified in the permit. (Continues on reverse) PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE — PAGE 1 t E6..5„ (Q :oN auoyd ,a/;aq pue e5pa/mow;Aw/o;sag ay; o; enij si podai s/y; ui uogewi 39Vd — 33111W213d A81210d321 SS3219021d :ales (33NOIS3a / 1N3 V 2iO) 33 VInd LOOZ/1. :aJnleu6!S Jepun eiepap / I (•payoeue aq i(ew sa6ed leuog!ppe :6u!u!eldxa aie nog( wal! eyl APlueP1) :SN21VW321 •paldaooe aq lou pin w!ep sly) o) swewpuewe am)nd (suope6 uo!low Jo laa;-ai a u! )unowe ey) /loads) :molaq pasn Jalempunoi6;o )unowe eql mops aseald 'g L )o) uogoas epo0 JeleM lapun pamope se )!unad inoA Japun pezuoy)ne Ja)em aoepns at");o na!l ul pasn Ja)empuna6 ay) Jo; )!pan w!el0 01 wenn nog( pue S3A L)!wJed Jno�( Japun pazuoylne Ja)em aoepns ay);o nag u! �a)empuna6 6u!sn no/( a1am 'podaa sly) �(q piano pouad ay) 6uuna ON 1 1 S3A 'b l (s•ll,ol• uogoas 0p03 JaleM) :2131VM 3OVddfS aNV 2I31VMUNfO21J AO asn 3A`' I�13N 1141033 "V/1 •paldaooe aq lou Him wlep sly) o) sluawpuawe am)nd (suolle6 uo!II!w Jo )aa;-aJoe u! )unowe a n Apoads) :molaq pasn Salem pa)nllod JO 'paleu!lesap 'pawleloaJ;o )unowe ay) mous aseald '0!.0) uogoas opo Ja)eM Aq pamolle se ;pied moi( Japun pazuoylne Ja)em aoepns 844;o nag u! 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Sin ( 37r(t •a..d.ilt 34. r -LX; A Mr& '41 5 4 L �- .L� C) ci 5r3 ck' "9? cec1 - %%08. :aquosap aseald 'S3A )I GslJO;;a uo!)eniasuoo Jalem i(ue 6u!luawaldw! not aJam 'poda2{ sly) dq paanoo pouad ailj 6uuna ON 11 S3A '01 (I IpI uogoas apo3 JaleM) :2131VM d0 NOIIVAHI SNO) suogoes epop Je;eM eq; Jepun pamope s;yaueq ay; jo no/ enudep ///m s;unowe ay; podai o; eJn//ed •mo/eq;ipOJO Jo) pew/e/o Je;em {o;unowe pue wage ey; podaj;snw noA •Ja;em eoepns pue Je;empuna510 esn en/;ounfuoo (o) Jo/pue :Je;em pe,n/;od Jo 'pa;eu//esep pepifoew jo esn (q) 'spolle uo/;enJesuoo Jejem (e) :0; enp Jn000 Heys ;Op Je;em en/;eudojdde ay; So sso; Jo uo/pnpoi ou suop/puoo u/epeo Japun ;eq; seijpeds epop Je;e4 e/wop/;e) eq; 'JenemoH •esnuou jo slam( snonu/;uoo any y6noJy; payonei Jo peonpei eq ueo;y6u as;em engeudojdde uv (•pe;deooe eq jou ;gm molaq stump eq; o; s;uewpuewe ein;n{;ey; a;ou asee/d) 13 f0dd 1HOR1 2131VM HnOA 01319VOIlddV 321V HOIHM M0139 SNOIIS3n0 3S0H1 A1N0 213MSNV 3SV31d La6eJols wnw!u!w )e (s) lanai Jalem ay) sem Alleo!pan i(emlllds ay) molaq )aa; j uew mop 'oN 11 ;,(s)noAJasaJ 041 pa!ldwa noA aneH ON 11 S3A 11 ,a6eJols wnwlxew )e (s)lanal Salem ay) sem Alleo!pan I(emll!ds ay) molaq )aa; Auew mot" 'oN 11 Clem( s!yl II!ds (s)J!oAJasaJ moi( ala ON 11 S :Apo s;oafoad e5eJo;s wie)-6(1o/ (•peianoo Jagwnu /enpe eq; Jo/;/wlad JnoX o; iejej •pwjed ej6u/s e Jepun peJanoo eq Aew sJ/oMeseJ g o; do :e;oN) :A1NO Sl) '6 9V2I01S Ienuuv Ie)o1 oaa • nON. 100 des 6nV !or unr seal Jdy .qed uef Alpe ds :)aa; -aloe [ ].10 suo le6 [ 1 u! 1!uued sp.)) Japun ywow yoea pasn Ja)em;o )unowV •)Iujad sly) noun pasn i(IIelogauaq pue palJan!p slunowe ay) Apo pods.' aseald :03Sn 2131VM AO INnOWV slewlue;o adi •oN spods )oewoO Ja)em '6u!ysg '6ugeos Jay10 [ 1 '[ leuogeaoalj [ 1 dy Jo 'Ml J 'M)l u! /pedeo palle)sul uogeiauo Jarrod [ ] •y o)a 'ea.e uapJe6/umel 'suosJad;o ON ogsawoa [ ] •6 uo!lelndod alew!xaddv led!Olunn [ ] •; (;pads SeJOV saJOV saJOV 6u419)em)1p0)S [ 1 'a IeulsnPul [ ] 'P IoJwoOleaH [ 1 •O uogoaloJd )sad [ 1 'q uoge6w1 [ 1 e :pasn sem Jalem 041 mop uleldxe pue molaq saxoq aleudadde ay) ){08140 'paouawwoO sey Ja)em;o asn moi(;I ()pied Jno f Jepun pezuoy;ne Ja;em jo sasn /epyeueq ay;jo tiewwns e Joh ems esienoJ eos :e;oN) :2131VM d0 (S)3sn 1V13Id3N38 ATTACHMENT "A" This is one of five related water rights applications: A-018030 P-13527 A-18031 P-13528 A-18038 P-13529 A- 18039 P-13530 A-19629 P-14335 The South Tahoe Public Utility District now holds these permits. It's predecessor The Tahoe -Paradise Water Co., Inc. filed various petitions in 1970 and 1971 for extensions of time to put water to beneficial use and for changes in place and porpuse of use for these permits. Those petitions are still pending! South Tahoe Public Utility District anticipates that these pending petitions will eventually be acted upon by the State Water Resources Control Board. South Tahoe Public Utility District intends to make reasonable and beneficial use of water pursuant to these permits at such time as these pending petitions are granted. } ATTACHMENT "B" This project has not been completed because water rights applications have been Frozen until the Truckee River Operating Agreement is completed and signed.