1111Retum completed Report to: TE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS P.O. Box 2000 SACRAMENTO, CA 95812-2000 A 01 8 0 31 % P %. 2 0 0.5,• For assistance completing this Report, call: (916) 341-5300 FAX (916) 341-5400 [ PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE FOR 2005 OWNER(S) OF RECORD: If the owner information below is wrong or missing, please correct SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT; 2006 APR 20 i i'; 2: 13 III11 I 1111 1 1 III11III PRIMARY CONTACT OR AGENT FOR MNL & REPORTING: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1275 MEADOW CREST DR SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 PERMIT SUMMARY • NAME(S) OF SOURCES OF WATER (Up to first 4 sources listed) UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER MAX DIRECT DIVERSION RATE: 3 CFS [Cubic feet per second (CFS) or Gallons per day(GPD)) PERMITTED USE(S) OF WATER (First 4 uses displayed below) Domestic ACRES (AC) 0 AC PARCEL NO APPLICATION NO., A018031;1" PERMIT NO.:'013528 CONTACT PHONE NO.: (530)544-6474 COUNTY LOCATION EI Dorado MAX COLLECTION TO STORAGE AMOUNT: AC -FT [Total reservoir(s) storage volume in acre-feet (AC -FT)) DIRECT DIVERSION SEASON (month/day to month/day) 01/01 - 12/31 COLLECTION TO STORAGE SEASON (month/day to month/day) DATE BY WHICH PERMITTEE SHALL COMPLETE THE AUTHORIZED PROJECT, INCLUDING COMPLIANCE WITH ALL PERMIT TERMS AND CONDITIONS, AND MAKE FULL BENEFICIAL USE OF WATER: 12/01/1970 11 COMPLIANCE WITH PERMIT TERMS AND CONDITIONS: This Report is important since it provides a record of your actual water use,necessary to establish your water right as well as your compliance with the terms and conditions of your water right permit. The information requested below should be filled out carefully. This Report should be promptly retumed to the above address. 1.)>4 YES [ ] NO I have currently reviewed my water right permit. 2. VI, YES [ ] NO I am complying with all terms and conditions listed in the permit. Identify any noncompliance under "Remarks" on the reverse side. 3. [ ] YES XL NO I have changed the intake location, type(s) of use, and/or place of use authorized by the permit. If YES, explain under "Remarks" on reverse side. Note: A Change Petition & associated fees may be required for any significant changes to the permitted project. PERMITTED PROJECT STATUS: Califomia Water Code sections 1396 and 1397 requires a permittees) to exercise due diligence in developing an appropriative water right project so that the project is completed within the time period specified in the permit. CHECK ONE OF THE FOLLOWING CONCERNING YOUR WATER RIGHT PROJECT STATUS: 4. [ ] REVOCATION — The project has been abandoned and I request revocation of the permit. 5. [ ] PROJECT COMPLETE — The project has been completed. I have made full beneficial use of water as to the diversion rate, amount, and season specified in the permit and have complied with all terms and conditions. I am ready for (or have had) a licensing inspection by Division of Water Rights staff and request that a water right license be issued. 6. f>g. PROJECT HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED If the project has not been completed, please answer the following: a. [ ] YES [4q NO Has construction work commenced? b. [ ] YES [a1 NO Is construction completed? c. [ ] YES bQ NO Have the permitted beneficial uses of water commenced? d. [ ] YES bQ NO Will the project be completed within the time period specified in the permit?, e. Explain what work remains to be done: A 0-�Q - (� l A V i t % 0 1J 1 I� CA f. 7f /• 7 Give the estimated date of completion of the project, including maximizing beneficial use of water:E-- AT7!— EA)f cry Note: A time extension petition and associated fees may be required if the project is not completedwithin the time period specked in the permit. (Continues on reverse) PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE — PAGE 1 t_9_ -' ( ,) :oN auo4d Z 30Vd — 3311IW213d Ag 121Od321 SS3219 (33NJIS30 / 1N39V 210) 33111 0 t/ :a;ep je:/eq pue e5pe/mou,f Aw;jo lseq mil of ani; sw podai sp.') uw uogeuuojw eq e1,; Lintad jo A/eued Jepun aiepep 40022'. :ainaeu6!S ..U'-V1Lq( 3RS' (•pagoeue aq Aew sa6ed leuoj ppe :Bu!u!eldxa ale noA wa;! aq; Apiary) :S)I2NW321 •pa;deooe aq lou mm w!ep s!1,; o; s;uawpuawe amind (suolle6 uo!II!w Jo )aej-arae u!;unowe ay; i(jpeds) :Molaq pasn Jalempunab;o lunowe ay; Moys aseald 'g L Lo . uogoas epo0 Jal8M Japun paMope se 1!uuad moA Japun pazpoy;ne JaleM aoej,ns ayl;o nay u! pasn JaweMpuna6 (K; Jo;1!paJo w!ep of lueM noA pue sum '91. 1!wiad moA Japun pazuoylne JaleM aoepns aq; Jo na!! u! JaleMpunoJ6 Bu!sn noA aleM 'poda21 s!yl Aq paionoo pouad ay; 6upnp ON [ ] saA 'bL (S'LLOL vogues epo0 Ja;eM) :2131VM 33Vd21fS ONV d31VMaNfOdO d0 3Sf1 3A113NffNO3 •pa;deooe aq lou Him w!ep s!1,; of sluawpuawe anlnd (suolle6 uo!p!w Jo ;aa; -aloe ul unowe e1,; A;peds) -v� :Molaq pasn Jal0M pa;nllod Jo 'pa;eu jesap 'paw!epai to;unowe ay; Moys aseald 'o Lo L uoyoas apop Ja;eM Aq pamo!Ie se;!uuad moA Japun pazuoy;ne JeleM aoe}Ins atm lo na!! u! Ja;eM paln!!od JO 'pa;eu jesep 'paw!epai syy po uopn;!;sgns ay; Jo; pato w!ep (Alum noA pue S3A 1i £ L sesn ;epgauaq Jetyo Jo; Jaw" aq; sloaj;e Algeuoseaun go!ym aai6ep e o; a;sem Aq palnpod JawM Jo 'Appel uogeuye p e woJ; 1aleM 'Al!I!oe; luaurleau JalemalseM a wa; JaleM paw!epai asn noA pip 'bode;; s!yl Aq paianoo pouad ay; 6uunp ON [ 1 S3A 'Z L (0101 lingoes apo0 Je;eM) :NOIIVWV10321 2131VM31SVM ONV A11lVflO 2131VM •paldaooe aq lou !!!M w!ep s!1,; of sluawpuawe am;nd (suope6 uo!u!w Jo laaj-eJoe u! lunowe aq; A;pads) mfr :molaq paniasuoo JaleM;o lunowe ay; Moys aseald . Lo {. uorloas woo JaleM Japun pamolle se;iwjed moA Japun pazuoylne asn JalEM ay; spJeMol paMasuoo 1aWM;o lunowe aim Jo;1!para w!elo of 1UeM noA pue SBA 41 L L si^, 2r'/ -r Uetai ,g 11-1,10e1 /1a7d mor _i_pwnvoS7f r+r, -Lsl'7 (i A.. - QQO --7,LoN -79E :aquosap aseeld 'SBA 11 Ls Jolla uo!leniasuoo JaIOM Aue Buquawaldw! noA wank ' .ioda2! s!1,; Aq palanoo pouad atm 6uunp ON I 1 S3A' '0 L (1.1.01. uo!;oas apo3 Je;eM) :2131VM d0 NOI1VAH3SNO3 •suogoes apo0 Ja;e4 ay/ Jepun pemo//e slyeueq eq; jo noA enudep ///m slunowe aq; podai of aimed mo/aq lwpw 101 pewwep imam jo junowe pue mega egl podai Ism no,4, velem eoejms pue Jejempuna6 jo esn engounfuoo (o) Jo/pue .velem pejnpod JO 'pejeuyesep 'pepAoai jo esn (q) .'spojje uogeniesuoo Jal0M (e) :ol enp in000 11egs 1y6u Salem engeudoadde aql jo sso/ Jo uogonpai ou suogwpuoa uwepeo Jepun leg; seypeds epo0 Jejem ewwojye0 aql ienemoH •esnuou jo sjeeA snonuguoo any g6nagl pe onav JO peonpei aq ueo lg6u Jelem engeudadde uv (•peldaooe eq lou llwm moleq swiep eql of sluewpuewe ainln) leg; alou esee/d) '13 r02Id 1HOI212131VM 21fl0A Ol 31SVOI1ddV 321V HOIHM M0139 SNOIIS3fO 3SOH1 A1NO 213MSNV 3SV31d La6eJols wnw!u!w le (s) lana! JaleM ay; sem AI!eo!lJan AeMIl!ds aq; Mo!aq lea; Auew Moy 'oN 11 ds)J!oMesaJ eq; pagdwe noA aneH ON [ ] S3A [ ] .q te6wo;s wnw!xew;e (s)lanal velem atm sem Alleo!pan AeMlllds ay; Moleq lea; Auew Moy 'oN 11 ,JeaA s!yl 11!ds (s)JlonuasaJ JnoA pa ON [ 1 S3A [ ] 'e :Apo sloe/ad eBevols weal-Buo/.oj alefdwo3 •6 (paienoa.egwnu /enpe eql Ay pw.ied Rion. of iejatj •pwied a/6uws e Japun paanoo eq few snoniasa 9 of do :GM) :A1NO S103P02ld 30V2101S A;roads :;eaj-atoe [ ] Jo suo 106 [ ] u! l.uuad s!(44 Japun yluow yoee pasn JaleM jo;unowy **wad s!yl Japun pasn Allelogauaq pue pe .zeA!p slunowe eq; Apo Voda; aseald :03Sn 2131VM AO 1NflOWV slew1ue;o adAl 1 •oN s .rods loe;uoo JaleM 'Bu!ysg '6ugeog dq Jo 'MW 'M>I u! Alpedeo pallelsul Ja410 leuoneeioaa uogeJauatj .amod o;a 'ea.1e uapJe6/uMel 'suosied;o •oN uogelndod alew!xaddy o!lsawop ledp!unn A;pads sar3V Buualem o1S [ ] 'a Ieulsnpul [ 1 'p !aluo0leal-! [ ] •o , uo!loalad;sad [ ] •q uoge6!u1 1 ] •e :pasn sem Jal"M ayl moy uleldxa pue molaq saxoq a;eudadde ayl yoago 'paouewwoo seq JaleM;o asn moA 11 ()wiled jnoA.spun pezuoglne velem jo sesn /epgauaq aql jo tiewwns e ioj epws eslenai eas : eloN) :2131VM d0 (s)3sn 1V131d3N39 :IenuuyilplP1: .. '!,; os0 ::.: .A9N <s. J 3a0 deg .-;.-::.1301,-:-:. :,.Inp '.• . • .t TT,. • .. ,7::1111,,:..; .. ,,`LeW,•; •H. qa3: ::; uepjs < :: A;roads :;eaj-atoe [ ] Jo suo 106 [ ] u! l.uuad s!(44 Japun yluow yoee pasn JaleM jo;unowy **wad s!yl Japun pasn Allelogauaq pue pe .zeA!p slunowe eq; Apo Voda; aseald :03Sn 2131VM AO 1NflOWV slew1ue;o adAl 1 •oN s .rods loe;uoo JaleM 'Bu!ysg '6ugeog dq Jo 'MW 'M>I u! Alpedeo pallelsul Ja410 leuoneeioaa uogeJauatj .amod o;a 'ea.1e uapJe6/uMel 'suosied;o •oN uogelndod alew!xaddy o!lsawop ledp!unn A;pads sar3V Buualem o1S [ ] 'a Ieulsnpul [ 1 'p !aluo0leal-! [ ] •o , uo!loalad;sad [ ] •q uoge6!u1 1 ] •e :pasn sem Jal"M ayl moy uleldxa pue molaq saxoq a;eudadde ayl yoago 'paouewwoo seq JaleM;o asn moA 11 ()wiled jnoA.spun pezuoglne velem jo sesn /epgauaq aql jo tiewwns e ioj epws eslenai eas : eloN) :2131VM d0 (s)3sn 1V131d3N39 ATTACHMENT "A" This is one of five related water rights applications: A-018030 P-13527 A-18031 P-13528 A-18038 P-13529 A- 18039 P-13530 A-19629 P-14335 2NOh A,R 20 F i 2:13 4.)1S t tii0 The South Tahoe Public Utility District now holds these permits. It's predecessor The Tahoe -Paradise Water Co., Inc. filed various petitions in 1970 and 1971 for extensions of time to put water to beneficial use and for changes in place and porpuse of use for these permits. Those petitions are still pending! South Tahoe Public Utility District anticipates that these pending petitions will eventually be acted upon by the State Water Resources Control Board. South Tahoe Public Utility District intends to make reasonable and beneficial use of water pursuant to these permits at such time as these pending petitions are granted. ATTACHMENT "B" 2006 APR 20 P 2: 3 • • ITQ Or.`;: .• „ L. This project has not been completed because water rights applications have' be0,nc..Fvv;=NTO Frozen until the Truckee River Operating Agreement is completed and signed.