1124• Return completed Report to: "''',TE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS P.O. Box 2000 SACRAMENTO, CA 95812-2000 " For assistance completing this Report, call: (916) 341-5300 FAX (916) 341-5400 PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE OWNER(S) OF RECORD: If the owner information below is wrong or missing, please co SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT; PRIMARY CONTACT OR AGENT FOR MAIL 8 REPORTING: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1275 MEADOW CREST DR SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 PERMIT SUMMARY NAME(S) OF SOURCES OF WATER (Up to first 4 sources listed) PARCEL NO UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER MAX DIRECT DIVERSION RATE: 3 CFS [Cubic feet per second (CFS) or Gallons per day(GPD)] PERMITTED USE(S) OF WATER (First 4 uses displayed below) Domestic 111 1 11111 1 1111 1 1 II 1 1111111111 A 01 8 0 3 AER %-IZOEOCJRCES FOR 2002 C`, N:RO! Bo4RD rrect. 2003 JUL 17 PM I I : I 0 WATER RtGHTS SACRAMENTO APPLICATION NO.: A018031 PERMIT NO.: 013528 CONTACT PHONE NO.: (530)544-6474 FOR ONLINE REPORTING AT www.waterrights.ca.gov USER NAME: A018031 PASSWORD: D02232 COUNTY LOCATION El Dorado MAX COLLECTION TO STORAGE AMOUNT: AC -FT [Total reservoir(s) storage volume in acre-feet (AC -FT)] ACRES DIRECT DIVERSION SEASON COLLECTION TO STORAGE SEASON (AC) (month/day to month/day) (month/day to month/day) 0 AC 01/01 - 12/31 DATE BY WHICH PERMITTEE SHALL COMPLETE THE AUTHORIZED PROJECT, INCLUDING COMPLIANCE WITH ALL PERMIT TERMS AND CONDITIONS, AND MAKE FULL BENEFICIAL USE OF WATER: 12/01/1970 COMPLIANCE WITH PERMIT TERMS AND CONDITIONS: This Report is important since it provides a record of your actual water use necessary to establish your water right as well as your compliance with the terms and conditions of your water right permit. The information requested below should be filled out carefully. This Report should be promptly retumed to the above address. 1. DI YES [ ] NO I have currently reviewed my water right permit. 2. [Xj YES [ ] NO I am complying with all terms and conditions listed in the permit. Identify any noncompliance under "Remarks" on the reverse side. 3. [ ] YES [x1 NO I have changed the intake location, type(s) of use, and/or place of use authorized by the permit. If YES, explain under "Remarks" on reverse side. Note: A Change Petition & associated fees may be required for any significant changes to the permitted project. PERMITTED PROJECT STATUS: California Water Code sections 1396 and 1397 requires a permittee(s) to exercise due diligence in developing an appropriative water right project so that the project is completed within the time period specified in the permit. Time extensions may be authorized for good cause. CHECK ONE OF THE FOLLOWING CONCERNING YOUR WATER RIGHT PROJECT STATUS: 4. [ ] REVOCATION — The project has been abandoned and I request revocation of the permit. 5. [ ] PROJECT COMPLETE — The project has been completed. I have made full beneficial use of water as to the diversion rate, amount, and season specified in the permit and have complied with all terms and conditions. I am ready for (or have had) a licensing inspection by Division of Water Rights staff and request that a water right license be issued. PROJECT HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED If the project has not been completed, please answer the following: [) YES DI NO Has construction work commenced? [ ] YES [ ] NO Is construction completed? [ ] YES [ ] NO Have the permitted beneficial uses of water commenced? [ ] YES NO Will the project be completed within the time period specified in the permit? e. Explain what work remains to be done: Waltjnrg on TROA f. Give the estimated date of completion of the project, including maximizing beneficial use of water: Note: A time extension petition and associated fees may be required if the project is not completed within the time period specified in the permit. (Continues on reverse) PROGRESS REPORT BY PERMITTEE — PAGE 1 JUL 2 5 2003 3SVd — 3311IW213d A811:1Od3M SS3210021d tLV9-17175 (0£S ) :oN auogd £OOZ '17T kTnf:alea (33NOIS3G , —.39V ):1O) 11IW213d :ain;eu61S ad jo,Heued Jepun aepap / :joyeq pue e6pe/Mouf dw /o )saq ewe); any s/ podai s/y) u/ uogewi Id! ay) ) • £00Z/9 • 4uaucopq.;a eas (*payoelte aq Aew sa6ed leuonlppe :6ululeldxa ale noA way aql A;nuapl) :S)12PVW3M *pa;daooe eq lou Ilan wlep slp o; s;uawpuawe anlnd (suope6 uo!raw Jo pa; -ane ul lunowe ay; A;pads) :Molaq pasn .ateMpune6;o lunowe au; mous aseald '9•1401. uonoas opo JaleM Japun pamone se plied moA Japun pazuoylne ppm aoepns aillo nen ul pasn Ja;empuna6 NI Jo; pan wlep of;um noA pue S3A ;I 'g l t wied JnoA Japun pazuoylne Jalem aoepns ail;o nail u! Jatempuna6 6ulsn noA WJBM 'poda)d sly; Aq paJanoo pouad aul 6uun0 ON [ 1 S3A [ 1 371• (g•1.Lot. uolpas epo0 Jale}W :2131VM 30VJ IFS °NV M31VMaNfOMJ d0 3Sn 3AI10NnfN00 •peldaooe aq lou ppm w!ep spill of s;uawpuewe aJnlnd (suone6 uonllw Jo;aa;-aloe w lunowe ail A;pads) :molaq pasn ppm palnllod Jo 'paleullesap 'pawlepal;o lunowe ail moils aseald '0101 uonoas apoo Jalem Aq pamolle se llwJad JnoA Japun pazuoylne Salem aoepns ail ;o nail u! Salem palnllod Jo 'paleunesap 'pawlepa spit;o uonn;llsgns ay; Jo; pan wlep o; luem noA pue S3A 11 £L l,sasn leloyauaq pup Jo; Jalem ail smile Algeuoseawn yo!gm aa6ap e o; alsem Aq palnllod ppm Jo ',Crape; uonewlesap e wa; Ja;em ',Crape; luauneay JalemalseM e wag Ja;eM pawlepai asn noA pip 'poda2l spy; Aq paianoo pouad ail 6uuna ON [ 1 S3A [ 1 'ZL (OLOL uo!;oas apo0 JeleM) :NoI1VWV10321M31VM31SVM aNV Alllvnb 831VM .•paldaooe aq lou ppm wlep slp of sluawpuawe anlnd (suone6 uonnw Jo lea; -ane ul;unowe ew A}pads) :Molaq panJasuoo ppm ;o lunowe ay; mous aseald ' L L0; uonoas apoa ppm Japun pamo!!e se lluuad moA Japun pazuoylne asn Salem ail spiemol panjesuoo JaleM }o lunowe ail Jo} ppao weep of )uem noA pue S3A :aquosap aseald '83A11 LspoJa uogenuasuoo Ppm Aue 6unuawapdw! noA a.1am 'podad spit Aq paJaAOO pope(' ail 6uuna ON 11 S3A b{l '0L (L1.01. uonoas epo0 Jele1V1) :2131VM dO NOIIVA213SNO3 •suo/}oas epop ia)em ail Jepun pamo//e s)yeueq ay; jo nod enudap ///M s)unowe eta coda o) singed •Mo/aq )/pan Jo) paw/ep Ja)eM }o )unowe pue )ua)xa eqj yodel )snw noA velem aoepns pue Je)empuna6 Jo asn angounfuoo (o) io/pue :Ja)eM pa)njod Jo 'pa)eullesap 'pepdoai /o asn (q) :spo}}a uogeivasuoo ia)eM (e) :0) anp mom Heys )y6u Ja)eM enpeudadde ay) }o sso/ Jo uogonpai ou suog/puoo u/epao Japun ley) seppeds epoO Ja)eAn e/woJi/e0 ay) JeneMoH .esnuou to steed snonupuoo any Omuta monar Jo peonpai eq ueo ).16u Ja)eM anpeudadde uv (pa)daooe eq jou !pm Mo)aq sw/ep ay) o) s)uatupuawe amity ley; e)ou aseald) •133fOMd 1HOIM M31VM Mn0A 01318VOIlddV 3 1V HOIHM M0138 SNOIIS3nb 3SOH1 K1NO M3MSNV 3SV31d La6emols wnwlulw le (s) !anal Salem ail sem Aneolpan Aemlllds ail molaq laa; Auew MOW 'ON }I 6(s)J!onJasa.1 ail pandwa noA aneH ON [ 1 s3A ( 1 'q a6eJols wnw!xew le (s)lanal ppm ail sem Alleoppan Aemlllds aut molaq pal Auew moil 'oN /I LpeA sly! II!ds (s)noniasai moA P!a ON 11 S3A [ 1 'e :Apo spelad a6eio)s iia)-6uo)Jo/ e)a/dwoa •6 (paJanoo Jagwnu /enpe ay) Jo{ )lwjad jnod o) Ja}a2/ •)/weed a/6u/s e .iepun paienoo aq dew snoniesai g o) do :a)oN) :AINO S103fO13d 3OV2101S Apoads spods peluoo ppm '6ulysl; '6uneo8 du Jo 'MW 'M)1 u! Atpedeo Pallelsul :pal -ane [ ] Jo suone6 [ 1u! tluuad sly; Japan yluow pea pasn ppm;o lunowy •g :a3Sn M31VM 101Nn0WV slew!ue;o adA1 +g 'ON Ja430 [ 1 '[ leuonealoa2{ [ ] uoneJauaO Jarrod [ ] •y 'ole 'ease uapje6/uMel 'suosiod;o •oN uonelndod alewpxeddV onsawoo [ ] *6 ledlolunn [ ] '1 A;loeds saioV saJoV 6uua;emmools [ 1 *a Ie1J;snpul [ ] 'P laluo3 1eaH 11 •o uol;oateud;sad [ 1 'q uone6wl [ 1 •e :pasn sem Tatem alp moil uleldxa pue molaq saxoq aleudadde 0U4 >payo 'paouawwoo set; JaleM;o asn moA;l L ()/uued jnoX Japun pazpoy)ne Ja)eM }o sasn )epyaueq ay) /o Alewwns e go/ cops aslanai ea$ :a)oN) :1:131VM d0 (S)3Sn IV131A3N38 IenuuV',Ielo1•: aaa, : ii,_ °noN !'' 4o0 < des + ;:BnV • . :z .ln f, . ' ; -, ‘. ung •.: .. ApI -, , . •: {dV,: •,; -- Jele :.: ' qed• uep ": Apoads spods peluoo ppm '6ulysl; '6uneo8 du Jo 'MW 'M)1 u! Atpedeo Pallelsul :pal -ane [ ] Jo suone6 [ 1u! tluuad sly; Japan yluow pea pasn ppm;o lunowy •g :a3Sn M31VM 101Nn0WV slew!ue;o adA1 +g 'ON Ja430 [ 1 '[ leuonealoa2{ [ ] uoneJauaO Jarrod [ ] •y 'ole 'ease uapje6/uMel 'suosiod;o •oN uonelndod alewpxeddV onsawoo [ ] *6 ledlolunn [ ] '1 A;loeds saioV saJoV 6uua;emmools [ 1 *a Ie1J;snpul [ ] 'P laluo3 1eaH 11 •o uol;oateud;sad [ 1 'q uone6wl [ 1 •e :pasn sem Tatem alp moil uleldxa pue molaq saxoq aleudadde 0U4 >payo 'paouawwoo set; JaleM;o asn moA;l L ()/uued jnoX Japun pazpoy)ne Ja)eM }o sasn )epyaueq ay) /o Alewwns e go/ cops aslanai ea$ :a)oN) :1:131VM d0 (S)3Sn IV131A3N38 h ATTACHMENT r ' This is one of five related water rights applications: A 18030 P 13527 A 18031 P 13528 A 18038 P 13529 A 18039 P 13530 A 19629 P 14335 These permits are now held by the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Its predecessor, Tahoe -Paradise Water Company, Inc., filed various petitions in 1970 and 1971 for extensions of time to put water 'to beneficial use and for changes in place and purpose of use for these permits. Those petitions are still pending. South Tahoe Public Utility District anticipates that these pending petitions will eventually be acted upon by the State Water Resources Control Board. South Tahoe Public Utility District intends to made reasonable,and beneficial use of water pursuant to these permits at such time as these pending petitions are granted. JUL 2 5 2003