2nd Quarter 2019 Reclamation Permit Monitoring ReportSouth Tahoe Public Utility District Gen e r a l M a n ager J o hn A Thiel Dir ectors Chris Cefalu James R. Jones Ra ndy Vog elgesa ng Kell y S hee han Nick Ex li ne 1275 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 • Fax 530 541 -0614 • www.stpud.u s August 2, 2019 Patty Kouyoumdjian California Regional Water Quality Control Board -Lahontan Region 2501 Lake Tahoe Boulevard South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 RB6 -Lahontan@waterboards.ca.gov Subject: Reclamation Permit Monitoring Report, 2nd Quarter 2019 Ms. Kouyoumdjian, Enclosed is the South Tahoe Public Utility District's 2019 2nd quarter self-monitoring report for April through June 2019. The District is reporting as required by the Wastewater Reclamation Permit (Board Order R6T-2004-001 OA3 , WDID No. 6A095900700). Wastewater Reclamation Permit (Board Order R6T-2004-0010A1). The effluent met all the requirements set forth in the Board Order for this quarter; there were no violations. Emergency Retention Basin (ERB) A Total of 4.69 MG of wastewater was pumped to the ERB on April 9 , 2019.This was done so that a corrosion problem in the export C-Line could be investigated . The ERB was drained back to O MG during the week that followed. There was no wastewater remaining in the ERB on April 16, 2019. Export Pipeline The District's Final Effluent Export Line was not inspected this quarter. Wastewater Reclamation Permit Compliance This monitoring program provides for continuous surface water monitoring , except during the months of December, January and February when only SW-0 1, SW-05, and SW-06 are monitored . LRWQCB -Page 2 Operational Problems or Major Maintenance Activities Modifications and operational problems occurring during this quarter are detail ed in the section t itled Operational Problems and Major Maintenance Activities in this report. Notes Sampling and analysis problems for offsite sample locations are listed in the Sample Comments section. Certification I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision following a system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted . Based on my knowledge of the person(s) who manage the system or those directly responsible for data gathering, the information submitted is , to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information , including the possibility of fine and imprisonment. If you have any questions or require additional information , please contact me at the number provided above . Sincerely , -~ .. ~ Shannon Cotulla Assistant General Manager / Engineer scotulla@stpud.dst.ca.us D:\Lahontan\Reports\2019 2nd Quarter Report.doc LRWQCB -Page 3 Enclosures: 1 . Monthly Report .Summary Operational problems and maintenance activities. Wastewater Treatment plant Permit Compliance Record Emergency Retention Basin (ERB) Inspection report . Export Pipeline Inspection Report: Sample site locations Map of Alpine County sample sites Harvey Place Reservoir recycled water storage Harvey Place Reservoir Trihalomethanes test results Alpine County and Tahoe Basin Surface waters , Groundwaters, and HPR Blue Green Algae results Alpine County and Tahoe Basin groundwater elevations Alpine County soils Sample Comments Tahoe Basin ERB Monitoring Wells Purge Records Alpine County Monitoring Wells Purge Records Photos of Irrigation ditch flows Total pages cc : Alpine County Board of Supervisors pdf: ST PUD Contract Commission -Dr. Richard Harvey Alpine County Health Department-Dr. Richard Johnson Alpine County Health Department -Dennis Lampson Irvin Jim , Woodfords Community Council Chairman Nevada Division of Environmental Protection -Jean Stone STPUD General Manager -John Thiel STPUD Alpine County Operations -Jim Hilton STPUD Manager of Operations -Jeff Lee STPUD Operations Chief Plant Operator -Chris Siano STPUD Laboratory Director -Dan Arce D:\Lahontan\Reports\2019 2nd Quarter Report.doc Pages 1 6 1 4 0 2 3 2 27 7 1 1 1 1 5 10 1 73 Operational Problems and Major Maintenance Activities April -June 2019 Wastewater Treatment Facilities • The District continued its $6.4 million dollar construction project at the Waste Water Treatment Plant to replace Plant Emergency Generator System. Expected completion date remains the summer of 2020. • The District continued utilizing control system upgrades at the Luther Pass Pump Station to shift export pumping to off-peak electricity rate periods in order to save energy costs. • The District continued preventive maintenance activities on the Air Relief valves on the export pipelines. Wastewater Conveyance System • Sewer Pump Stations o Pump #2 and Pump #4 at Luther Pass Pump Station were greased. o Pump #2 at Al Tahoe Sewer Pump Station was pulled and rags were removed. o Rotating Element #2 at Upper Truckee Sewer Pump Station was replaced. o Fallen Leaf Lake Septic Tanks (14 of them) were pumped, cleaned and alarms were checked. o Tank #2 at Luther Pass Pump Station was drained due to leak. o New Pump #2 was installed at Trout Creek Sewer Pump Station. o Vacuum Tanks at Pope Beach Sewer Pump Station #1 and #2 were cleaned. o Pump Driveline #1 at Upper Truckee Sewer Pump Station was replaced. o New Pump Controls at Johnson Sewer Pump Station were installed. • Collection System o Only regular maintenance activities were performed on the collection system. Alpine County Disposal Facilities • There were no modifications or additions to, or any major maintenance or construction conducted on, or any major problems occurring at the disposal facilities in Alpine County for April -June. Page 1 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 6/20/2019 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT MONTHLY REPORT 9:29 AM April 2019 <--------------------Flow M GD--------------------> BOD ss 2-Hr Peak Pond Pond Precipitation mg/L mg/L Date Day Inf Inf Eff Return Inf Inch Type Raw Final Raw Final 4/1/2019 Mon 4.57 5.3 5.35 0.19 Rain 4/2/2019 Tue 5.26 6.0 5.32 0.65 Rain 4/3/2019 Wed 4.75 5.6 5.91 143 3.6 116 2.7 4/4/2019 Thu 4.56 5.3 5.03 4/5/2019 Fri 4.56 5.3 5.61 4/6/2019 Sat 4.74 5.6 5.13 180 4.8 153 2.1 4/7/2019 Sun 4.82 5.9 5.39 4/8/2019 Mon 4.92 5.5 5.32 0.32 Rain 4/9/2019 Tue 4.82 5.9 0.14 4.69 0.02 Snow 4/10/2019 Wed 4.35 5.2 5.56 0.65 162 3.8 106 1.4 4/11/2019 Thu 4.24 5.1 5.89 1.07 4/12/2019 Fri 4.33 4.9 5.89 0.97 4/13/2019 Sat 4.67 5.6 5.63 0.40 161 4.3 140 1.5 4/14/2019 Sun 4.71 5.8 5.87 0.58 4/15/2019 Mon 4.56 5.7 6.10 0.93 0.03 Snow 4/16/2019 Tue 4.46 5.3 4.86 0.09 0.06 Snow 170 4.3 122 1.7 4/17/2019 Wed 4.33 5.2 4.68 4/18/2019 Thu 4.43 5.3 4.68 4/19/2019 Fri 4.58 5.4 4.72 4/20/2019 Sat 4.74 5.9 4.80 192 4.0 148 1.3 4/21/2019 Sun 4.47 6.0 5.27 4/22/2019 Mon 4.19 5.1 4.41 4/23/2019 Tue 4.11 4.9 4.21 155 3.5 130 1.3 4/24/2019 Wed 4.12 4.8 4.65 4/25/2019 Thu 4.13 4.9 4.40 4/26/2019 Fri 4.16 5.0 4.47 4/27/2019 Sat 4.39 5.5 4.47 185 4.1 130 1.2 4/28/2019 Sun 4.23 5.6 4.53 4/29/2019 Mon 3.88 4.7 4.18 4/30/2019 Tue 3.74 4.5 3.93 195 3.8 175 1.2 Permit Max 7.7 45 60 . Permit Min Permit Ave 30 30 Total 133.82 160.8 146.40 4.69 4.69 1.27 1543 36.1 1220 14.4 Maximum 5.26 6.0 6.10 1.07 4.69 0.65 195 4.8 175 2.7 Minimum 3.74 4.5 , 0.14 0.09 4.69 0.02 143 3.5 106 1.2 Average 4.46 5.4 4.88 0.67 4.69 0.21 171 4.0 136 1.6 # Tests 30 30 30 7 6 9 9 9 9 Page 2 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 6/20/2019 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT MONTHLY REPORT 9:29 AM April 2019 pH Chlorine <Final Total Coliforms> Total Nitrogen TDS Units mg/L MPN/100 ml mg/L mg/L Date Day Raw Final Final Total ?day-Median Raw Final Raw Final 4/1/2019 Mon 7.34 7.75 6.0 < 1 < 1 4/2/2019 Tue 7.45 7.75 6.4 < 1 < 1 24.0 17.8 4/3/2019 Wed 7.42 7.87 6.2 < 1 < 1 236 226 4/4/2019 Thu 7.52 7.74 7.1 < 1 < 1 4/5/2019 Fri 7.56 7.72 10.0 < 1 < 1 4/6/2019 Sat 7.48 7.73 7.0 < 1 < 1 4/7/2019 Sun 7.35 7.73 6.2 < 1 < 1 4/8/2019 Mon 7.36 7.63 6.1 < 1 < 1 4/9/2019 Tue 7.36 5.8 < 1 < 1 4/10/2019 Wed 7.36 7.66 6.2 < 1 < 1 24.0 16.8 4/11/2019 Thu 7.51 7.81 6.1 < 1 < 1 4/12/2019 Fri 7.42 7.69 5.8 < 1 < 1 4/13/2019 Sat 7.39 7.71 6.5 < 1 < 1 4/14/2019 Sun 7.37 7.79 6.1 < 1 < 1 4/15/2019 Mon 7.47 7.79 6.8 < 1 < 1 30.2 19.3 4/16/2019 Tue 7.44 7.75 5.8 < 1 4/17/2019 Wed 7.47 7.85 7.7 < 1 < 1 4/18/2019 Thu 7.33 7.75 6.2 < 1 < 1 4/19/2019 Fri 7.38 7.80 6.2 < 1 < 1 4/20/2019 Sat 7.40 7.81 5.9 < 1 < 1 4/21/2019 Sun 7.40 7.75 6.0 < 1 < 1 4/22/2019 Mon 7.39 7.86 6.6 < 1 < 1 4/23/2019 Tue 7.41 7.84 6.4 < 1 < 1 28.8 20.4 240 209 4/24/2019 Wed 7.37 7.74 6.2 < 1 < 1 4/25/2019 Thu 7.40 7.82 6.7 < 1 < 1 4/26/2019 Fri 7.40 7.73 6.3 < 1 < 1 4/27/2019 Sat 7.36 7.74 6.4 < 1 < 1 4/28/2019 Sun 7.32 7.68 6.9 1 < 1 4/29/2019 Mon 7.45 7.69 7.0 1 < 1 4/30/2019 Tue 7.38 7.89 7.0 < 1 < 1 29.1 21.6 Permit Max 9.00 23 Permit Min 6.50 Permit Ave Total 222.26 225.07 195.6 30 30 136.1 95.9 476 435 Maximum 7.56 7.89 10.0 1 1 30.2 21.6 240 226 Minimum 7.32 7.63 5.8 1 1 24.0 16.8 236 209 Average 7.41 7.76 6.52 1.0 1.0 27.2 19.2 238 218 # Tests 30 29 30 30 30 5 5 2 2 Page 1 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 6/26/2019 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT MONTHLY REPORT 4:58 PM May 2019 <--------------------Flow MGD--------------------> BOD ss 2-Hr Peak Pond Pond Precipitation mg/L mg/L Date Day Inf Inf Eff Return Inf Inch T pe Raw Final Raw Final 5/1/2019 Wed 3.66 4.2 4.16 5/2/2019 Thu 3.67 4.3 3.94 5/3/2019 Fri 3.77 4.5 3.80 5/4/2019 Sat 3.98 5.1 3.78 200 6.2 162 2.9 5/5/2019 Sun 3.92 5.2 4.50 0.10 Rain 5/6/2019 Mon 3.61 4.5 3.92 205 6.4 174 2.9 5/7/2019 Tue 3.54 4.3 3.59 5/8/2019 Wed 3.50 4.2 4.14 5/9/2019 Thu 3.50 4.2 4.08 0.01 Rain 5/10/2019 Fri 3.56 4.2 3.56 5/11/2019 Sat 3.73 4.7 3.97 177 14.5 143 5.6 5/12/2019 Sun 3.66 4.9 3.79 5/13/2019 Mon 3.49 4.3 3.70 5/14/2019 Tue 3.40 4.2 3.63 218 8.2 236 4.7 5/15/2019 Wed 3.45 4.1 3.94 0.14 Rain 5/16/2019 Thu 3.58 4.2 3.96 0.29 Snow 5/17/2019 Fri 3.59 4.3 3.97 0.02 Snow 5/18/2019 Sat 3.67 4.8 4.00 208 5.7 159 2.4 5/19/2019 Sun 3.73 4.9 3.92 0.10 Snow 5/20/2019 Mon 3.51 4.4 3.66 5/21/2019 Tue 3.48 4.1 3.93 0.19 Snow 208 4.0 140 1.4 5/22/2019 Wed 3.50 4.2 4.05 0.12 Snow 5/23/2019 Thu 3.51 4.2 3.58 0.07 Rain 5/24/2019 Fri 3.70 4.8 4.02 5/25/2019 Sat 4.18 5.3 4.34 5/26/2019 Sun 4.43 5.8 4.70 0.34 Snow 239 8.9 203 2.0 5/27/2019 Mon 4.00 5.6 4.44 0.01 Snow 5/28/2019 Tue 3.55 4.4 3.78 5/29/2019 Wed 3.48 4.3 4.00 232 5.2 203 2.0 5/30/2019 Thu 3.50 4.2 3.60 0.12 Rain 5/31/2019 Fri 3.61 4.3 3.87 Permit Max 7.7 45 60 Permit Min Permit Ave 30 30 Total 113.46 140.7 122.32 0.00 0.00 1.51 1687 59.0 1420 23.9 Maximum 4.43 5.8 4.70 0.00 0.00 0.34 239 14.5 236 5.6 Minimum 3.40 4.1 3.56 0.00 0.00 0.01 177 4.0 140 1.4 Average 3.66 4.5 3.95 0.13 211 7.4 178 3.0 # Tests 31 31 31 0 0 12 8 8 8 8 Page 2 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 6/26/2019 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT MONTHLY REPORT 4:58 PM May 2019 pH Chlorine <Final Total Coliforms> Total Nitrogen TDS Units mg/L MPN/100 mL mg/L mg/L Date Da Raw Final Final Total ?day-Median Raw Final Raw Final · 5/1/2019 Wed 7.37 . 7.72 6.0 < 1 < 1 5/2/2019 Thu 7.39 7.71 6.0 < 1 < 1 5/3/2019 hi 7.40 7.76 7.1 < 1 < 1 5/4/2019 Sat 7.39 7.77 5.8 < 1 < 1 5/5/2019 Sun 7.39 7.75 6.3 < 1 < 1 5/6/2019 Mon 7.43 7.84 5.7 < 1 < 1 5/7/2019 Tue 7.37 7.78 6.4 < 1 < 1 29.2 25.1 5/8/2019 Wed 7.44 7.83 6.2 2 < 1 5/9/2019 Thu 7.41 7.82 9.7 < 1 < 1 5/10/2019 Fri 7.47 7.83 7.1 < 1 < 1 5/11/2019 Sat 7.46 7.74 7.7 < 1 < 1 5/12/2019 Sun 7.43 7.72 7.7 < 1 < 1 5/13/2019 Mon 7.49 7.71 7.1 < 1 < 1 5/14/2019 Tue 7.42 7.66 7.1 1 < 1 33.7 24.7 264 251 5/15/2019 Wed 7.41 7.64 6.8 < 1 < 1 5/16/2019 Thu 7.46 7.77 8.2 < 1 < 1 5/17/2019 Fri 7.44 7.80 7.0 < 1 < 1 5/18/2019 Sat 7.41 7.68 6.1 < 1 < 1 5/19/2019 Sun 7.37 7.76 7.5 < 1 < 1 5/20/2019 Mon 7.45 7.75 6.6 < 1 < 1 36.6 25.9 5/21/2019 Tue 7.43 7.77 6.7 < 1 < 1 5/22/2019 Wed 7.39 7.74 7.8 < 1 < 1 5/23/2019 Thu 7.48 7.79 6.2 < 1 < 1 5/24/2019 Fri 7.40 7.74 6.9 < 1 < 1 5/25/2019 Sat 7.45 7.73 7.0 < 1 < 1 5/26/2019 Sun 7.43 7.79 6.5 < 1 < 1 5/27/2019 Mon 7.42 7.81 6.8 < 1 < 1 38.6 30.8 5/28/2019 Tue 7.42 7.78 7.4 2 < 1 5/29/2019 Wed 7.43 7.84 6.6 < 1 < 1 254 247 5/30/2019 Thu 7.48 7.84 5.5 < 1 < 1 5/31/2019 Fri 7.52 7.87 7.5 < 1 < 1 Permit Max 9.00 23 Permit Min 6.50 Permit Ave Total 230.25 240.74 213.0 33 31 138.1 106.5 518 498 Maximum 7.52 7.87 9.7 2 1 38.6 30.8 264 251 Minimum 7.37 7.64 5.5 1 1 29.2 24.7 254 247 Average 7.43 7.77 6.87 1.1 1.0 34.5 26.6 259 249 # Tests 31 31 31 31 31 4 4 2 2 Page 1 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 8/6/2019 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT MONTHLY REPORT 1:43 PM June 2019 <--------------------Flow MG 0--------------------> BOD ss 2-Hr Peak Pond Pond Precipitation mg/L mg/L Date Day Inf Inf Eff Return Inf Inch Type Raw Final Raw Final 6/1/2019 Sat 3.83 4.9 3.86 239 5.9 201 2.3 6/2/2019 Sun 3.82 5.4 4.19 0.04 Rain 6/3/2019 Mon 3.57 4.5 3.92 6/4/2019 Tue 3.70 5.4 4.03 231 3.9 252 1.3 6/5/2019 Wed 3.66 4.3 4.12 6/6/2019 Thu 3.74 4.5 3.94 6/7/2019 Fri 3.78 4.7 4.03 6/8/2019 Sat 3.98 5.2 4.04 234 4.8 200 1.3 6/9/2019 Sun 3.94 5.4 4.05 6/10/2019 Mon 3.72 4.5 3.99 6/11/2019 Tue 3.69 4.9 3.89 204 6.4 179 0.9 6/12/2019 Wed 3.66 4.4 4.21 6/13/2019 Thu 3.74 4.7 3.83 6/14/2019 Fri 3.90 5.0 4.67 6/15/2019 Sat 4.25 5.4 4.46 236 8.8 206 1.7 6/16/2019 Sun 4.08 5.8 3.78 6/17/2019 Mon 3.80 4.9 4.05 ' 6/18/2019 Tue 3.76 5.0 4.25 244 6.6 234 1.3 6/19/2019 Wed 3.77 4.8 3.63 6/20/2019 Thu 3.77 4.8 3.79 6/21/2019 Fri 4.00 5.1 4.50 6/22/2019 Sat 4.24 5.6 4.32 247 7.1 178 2.1 6/23/2019 Sun 4.09 5.8 4.32 6/24/2019 Mon 3.80 5.0 3.93 6/25/2019 Tue 3.73 4.9 4.15 245 6.2 210 2.8 6/26/2019 Wed 3.70 5.0 4.00 6/27/2019 Thu 3.72 4.8 3.65 6/28/2019 Fri 3.87 4.9 3.65 6/29/2019 Sat 4.13 5.6 4.21 269 8.0 218 3.4 6/30/2019 Sun 4.05 5.8 4.52 Permit Max 7.7 45 60 Permit Min Permit Ave 30 30 Total 115.49 151.0 121.98 0.00 0.00 0.04 2149 57.6 1878 17.1 Maximum 4.25 5.8 4.67 0.00 0.00 0.04 269 8.8 252 3.4 Minimum 3.57 4.3 3.63 0.00 0.00 0.04 204 3.9 178 0.9 Average 3.85 5.0 4.07 0.04 239 6.4 209 1.9 # Tests 30 30 30 0 0 9 9 9 9 Page 2 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 8/6/2019 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT MONTHLY REPORT 1:43 PM June 2019 pH Chlorine <Final Total Coliforms> Total Nitrogen TDS Units mg/L MPN/100 ml mg/L mg/L Date Day Raw Final Final Total 7day-Median Raw Final Raw Final 6/1/2019 Sat 7.46 7.85 6.0 < 1 < 1 6/2/2019 Sun 7.43 7.82 5.6 < 1 < 1 6/3/2019 Mon 7.42 7.80 6.7 < 1 < 1 38.2 27.1 6/4/2019 Tue 7.31 7.76 6.7 < 1 < 1 246 255 6/5/2019 Wed 7.36 7.83 8.5 < 1 < 1 6/6/2019 Thu 7.38 7.81 5.9 < 1 < 1 6/7/2019 Fri 7.37 7.86 8.0 < 1 < 1 6/8/2019 Sat 7.45 7.79 6.9 < 1 < 1 6/9/2019 Sun 7.37 7.75 6.8 < 1 < 1 6/10/2019 Mon 7.48 7.94 5.8 < 1 < 1 6/11/2019 Tue 7.45 7.93 6.5 NV < 1 6/12/2019 Wed 7.51 7.80 7.3 NV < 1 39.2 27.4 6/13/2019 Thu 7.44 7.79 6.3 < 1 < 1 6/14/2019 Fri 7.39 7.78 5.6 < 1 < 1 6/15/2019 Sat 7.44 7.77 5.9 < 1 < 1 6/16/2019 Sun 7.44 7.80 6.1 < 1 < 1 6/17/2019 Mon 7.46 7.84 6.0 < 1 < 1 39.4 31.4 6/18/2019 Tue 7.41 7.88 6.7 < 1 < 1 270 261 6/19/2019 Wed 7.52 7.91 6.2 < 1 < 1 6/20/2019 Thu 7.47 7.82 5.8 < 1 < 1 6/21/2019 Fri 7.43 7.80 6.9 < 1 < 1 6/22/2019 Sat 7.45 7.84 7.7 < 1 < 1 6/23/2019 Sun 7.43 7.86 8.3 1 < 1 6/24/2019 Mon 7.42 7.86 7.8 < 1 < 1 6/25/2019 Tue 7.43 7.80 7.1 < 1 < 1 42.6 30.5 6/26/2019 Wed 7.38 7.75 7.6 < 1 < 1 6/27/2019 Thu 7.50 7.85 6.7 < 1 < 1 6/28/2019 Fri 7.48 7.89 7.7 < 1 < 1 6/29/2019 Sat 7.48 7.81 7.7 < 1 < 1 6/30/2019 Sun 7.43 7.88 7.3 < 1 < 1 Permit Max 9.00 23 Permit Min 6.50 Permit Ave Total 222.99 234.87 204.1 28 30 159.4 116.4 516 516 · Maximum 7.52 7.94 8.5 1 1 42.6 31.4 270 261 Minimum 7.31 7.75 5.6 1 1 38.2 27.1 246 255 Average 7.43 7.83 6.80 1.0 1.0 39.9 29.1 258 258 # Tests 30 30 30 28 30 4 4 2 2 Page 3 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT NUMBER OF VIOLATIONS 2019 Parameter # Tests Jan Feb Mar Apr Mat Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total Compliance Total Plant Inflow; 7.7 MGD; Dry Weather 181 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.0% 2-Hour Peak Inflow; 18.5 MGD 181 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.0% BOD, 30 Day Ave: 30 mg/L 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.0% BOD, Max: 45 mg/L 51 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.0% SS, 30 Day Ave: 30 mg/L 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.0% SS, Max: 60 mg/L 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.0% . pH, 6.5 to 8.5 180 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.0% Total Coliforms, Max: 240 MPN/100 ml 179 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.0% Total Coliforms, ?-day Median: 23 MPN 181 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.0% Total 1,017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.0% Date of Inspection: Inspection Procedure: South Tahoe Public Utility District ERB Inspection Performed by: Walk the entire crest of the ERB looking for any problems. Pay particular attention to the condition of the liner. Note the location of any needed repairs on the map on the next page. If the basin is empty and free of snow, walk the entire interior tow checking for liner failures. Scan the entire floor for breaches of any kind. Rodent activity: 6Vt J t0Cf. l)f: ~id ae,f;v:,·tr,-, 110 ya~~ 'i. '-f /v, ~ ,J, Y~ i: Vegetation control: fev,f 9 { vtff'J, fM""/tl pl,oe 5~/1,J l,•,15' s 11,eJ p~II,',,,. Overflow Spillway: J)\;11ar @e,te1-e. rep4.i C t1n ,«~erJ,, Stairs North: _5..;;:.11>_.o.._J.__ __ -____ _ Stairs South: C•Nl o v,e J TopFiJIStructureNorth: f•movd r1p/4cd w,'H, At?se d111t1r, /t!41t,'.fb/d Top Fill Structure South: ., .. I 1 ,, " -~ IL,l Drain Valve North: fl-~orl.. 't!Jl( ~~II. c.~te. dvrlt1.J h1 q,14 +-tr,,lf,11 (, ,e ... e,Y.lv. .. 1:,,•e5 ' .. "l. ""L '( Drain Valve South: ... , ,,.J 5; ..: " 5 t1 -e e cljt:/ Perimeter Fence & Gates: 1ome too l's,; I ftl>!N'.r> 11 e,J4, cl ll t? 7 • ValveHouse:. re.pfuee. ,cN)/-t.v,'.f-1.-t.. 4,if~~lf u,11"'1,')~ Comments: J, · ... -/11-e,ed fc2 re G?j td 0'7 e M 1/"'e l.lci fve, .. Pe,,~r"""-ro.l,:nt/-. Cnd-,..r.1l ~-e-&1:e. hJq.#el,,:c,$s: ~,t,d bt1$b~s b/wn4. Date oflnspection: 1 I(){, In ( ( I ( !' !' r I' !' !' ( ftf 1~,1 ~~Al'f l ,,., ,-+ ... (Yll f+ + + + + + + + + - va lve House /:::- ,-+ fePq 11 r Vt\ lvt +I~ ,-+ -+ + + + + + + -A + + + + + + ---. North-Pond · · · -+ + +· +-+ + - ,-+ + + - " 1 .... ' { / -+ + + + + + ("' + + -c~ /\ "'c-., "i (' 4 .,,... <::> ·-+ + + + + + '<-1 + -.. ..., •-"\ : South Pond -+ + + + + + + + -\ ) ' ---""' '..__J ·-+ + + + + + + - -+ + + + + + ..... -+ + + + + + + + + + - -""t f t. l - -+ + + + + ~ clo •~"5' + + + + + + -t t t t !, !, !, I ., I ., !, t South Tahoe Public Utility District ERB Inspection Date of Inspection: k: -t ~ -J ~ Performed by: k'j lJ[ C..H6L-AV B Inspection Procedure: V1 ~Uo{l.,-A J,~I\\IN~L.... -(D~,. + Walk the entire crest of the ERB looking for any problems. Pay particular attention to the condition o the liner. Note the location of any needed repairs on the map on the next page. If the basin is empty and free of snow, walk the entire interior tow checking for liner failures. Scan the entire floor for breache s of any kind. Rodent activity: Sory & -\!"J } LL-fi ·u.... µ~~ ( OLD µolf:.S) Vegetation control: ---''"'--/_...;;()::a....k-=---------- Overflow Spillway: _.,L/ __ 0__;,_;,__ ______ _ Stairs North: -~/ __ O_k~,-------- Stairs South: -~( __ O_k ______ _ Top Fill Structure North: _/ __ O_k_: ______ _ Top Fill Structure South: _V __ O_k_· -------- Drain Valve North: / c:f) l\TW Drain Valve South: / Qf§-:f0•W Perimeter Fence & Gates: V O k' -----'--------- Valve House: __ _._( __ O_k_-_____ _ Comments: Date of Inspection: b-l~-l~ Performed by: b,) L£ (\.-l ~lj6uJ t / c.;1 A J; M;N€,L ( r ( r ( f' !' !' !' r r -+ + + + + + + + + + - -+ + -- ,-+ + + + + + + - --+ + + + + + + - North Pond + • + + + - .-+ + + - -· + + + - .-+ + • + • + + + + - South Pond ·-+ • J + + + - __;-< -· + + + - -· + + + + + ..... ,-+ + + + + + + + + + --+ + + + + + + + --t l l l l l I, t Sample Sites Site -Latitude--.. Loiigitude·· location ... Type Sample Alpine County Monitoring Wells ACMW-01AW 38.766952 -119.781561 Below Main Dam Monitoring Well ACMW-01BE 38.766333 -119.785321 Below Secondary Dam Monitoring Well ACMW-02N 38.772392 -119.776819 Access gate Monitoring Well ACMW-02S 38.772341 -119.776816 Access gate Monitoring Well ACMW-03W 38.815138 -119.778848 Fredericksburg D @Hwy 88 Monitoring Well ACMW-04W 38.836719 -119.779439 Gansberg Ranch Monitoring Well ACMW-06N 38.800522 -119.763225 Celie Ranch, along DV Rd Monitoring Well ACMW-06S 38.800481 -119.763195 Celie Ranch, along DV Rd Monitoring Well ACMW-07S 38.771882 -119.801658 Diamond Valley Ranch Monitoring Well ACMW-07D 38.771882 -119.801658 Diamond Valley Ranch Monitoring Well ACMW-08N 38.773618 -119.776847 Diamond Valley Ranch Monitoring Well ACMW-08S 38.773618 -119.776847 Diamond Valley Ranch Monitoring Well ACMW-09D 38.780489 -119.790314 Diamond Valley Ranch Monitoring Well ACMW-09S 38.780489 -119.790314 Diamond Valley Ranch Monitoring Well ACMW-10 38.773336 -119. 794246 Diamond Valley Weather Station Monitoring Well ACMW-11 38.775595 -119.788216 Diamond Valley Ranch Monitoring Well ACMW-12 38.777644 -119.795388 Diamond Valley Ranch Monitoring Well ACMW-13 38.768977 119.797083 Diamond Valley Ranch Monitoring Well ACMW-14 38.767441 119.793215 Diamond Valley Ranch Monitoring Well ACMW-15 38.769600 119.784280 Diamond Valley Ranch Monitoring Well ACMW-16 38.773829 119.784173 Diamond Valley Ranch Monitoring Well ACMW-17 38.776273 119.790107 Diamond Valley Ranch Monitoring Well ACMW-18 38.779213 119.782997 Diamond Valley Ranch Monitoring Well ACMW-19 38.776249 119.762112 Diamond Valley Ranch Monitoring Well ACMW-20 38:808781 119.777665 NearSW-05 Monitoring Well ACMW-21 38.819915 119.777072 Emigrant Trail near Chambers Lane Monitoring Well ACMW-22 38.829022 119.783738 Fredericksburg Lane near S7 Monitoring Well ACMW-23 38.825384 119.760193 On road to SW-15, upstream (S) Monitoring Well ACMW-24 38.832193 119.757427 On road, downstream (N) of SW-15 Monitoring Well ACMW-25 38.830470 119.769901 Road between Brooke's & Neddenriep @ Neddenripp's Monitoring Well ACMW-26 38.840602 119.769677 Road between Brooke's & Neddenriep @ Stateline Monitoring Well Alpine County Domestic Well GW-01 38.761146 -119.810926 Cohen House Domestic Well GW-02 38.772195 -119.801259 DV Ranch Domestic well Domestic Well GW-03 38.789132 -119.752446 Springmeyer Ranch house Domestic Well GW-04 38.800343 -119.762579 Celia Ranch house Domestic Well GW-05 38.830897 -119.773807 Neddenriep Ranch house Domestic Well GW-07 38.838895 -119.794154 Gansberg, Jr, Ranch house Domestic Well GW-08 38.815528 -119.781095 Arant Ranch house Domestic Well GW-11 38.766522 -119.808540 Diamond Valley School Domestic Well GW-14 38.757140 -119.818462 Sierra Pines Store Domestic Well GW-17 DV Ranch Domestic well Domestic Well D:\Lahontan\Sample Sites\Lahontan Report -Sample Sites Page 1 of2 ;Site Alpine County Surfacewater Sites SW-01 38.768903 SW-02 38.756651 SW-03 38.773149 SW-04 38.776730 SW-05 38.809525 SW-06 38.840850 SW-07 38.854967 SW-08 38.786579 SW-09 38.867242 SW-10 38.788719 Alpine County Soils Sites S-2 38.800316 S-3 38.801156 S-4 38.842761 S-5 38.836900 S-6 38.829075 S-7 38.829190 S-8 38.817425 Heavenly Valley Creek HVC-1 38.917861 HVC-2 HVC-3 HVC-4 HVC-5 38.920120 38.921373 38.920591 38.921278 Tahoe Basin Monitoring Wells Control MW01-50 MW01.5 MW02-50 MW03-50 MW03.5 MW04-50 MW05-50 MW06/50 MW0?-50 MWOS-25 MW11 MW12 MW13 Ditch Sites DD-01 SW-12 SW-13 SW-14 SW-15 SW-16 Reservoirs HPR 38.9135951 38.9131807 38.9129062 38.9128116 38.9129187 38.9140351 38.9148881 38.9157076 38.9157148 38.9157020 38.9213967 38.9238680 38.9226200 38.9206200 38.765624 38.809127 38.810082 38.866992 38.828440 38.866896 38.764500 Sample Sites -119.838353 Carson River. W Fork. Crystal Springs Rd -119.806706 Indian Creek @ Diversion -119.772618 Indian Creek downstream of 1st bridge -119.760423 Indian Creek upstream of 2nd bridge -119.777030 Carson River, W Fork, Paynesville -119.764100 Carson River, W Fork, Stateline -119.786541 Fredericksburg Ditch -119.799800 Irrigation Ditch along Carson River Road -119.760810 Carson River, W Fork, Dressler Lane -119.750599 Indian Creek @ Springmeyer Ranch -119.764305 Celia Ranch -119.780333 Bentley Ranch -119.780047 Gansberg Ranch -119.780200 Gansberg Ranch -119.780010 Neddenriep Ranch -119.785420 Bruns Ranch -119.757000 On-Farm -119.959632 Heavenly Valley Creek; Downstream of Pioneer -119.969390 Heavenly Valley Creek; 250' upstream of Pond #2 -119.971421 Heavenly Valley Creek; 25' downstream of Meadow Crest Dr -119.969271 Heavenly Valley Creek; Effluent of drain from Lower Shop area Type Sample Surfacewater Surfacewater Surfacewater Surfacewater Surfacewater Surfacewater Surfacewater Surfacewater Surfacewater Surfacewater Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Surfacewater Surfacewater Surfacewater Surfacewater -119.971090 Heavenly Valley Creek; Effluent of drainage pipe along Meadow Crest Dr Surfacewater -119.9623870 -119.9640739 -119.9642166 -119.9652141 -119.9657562 -119.9664341 -119.9666463 -119.9663302 -119.9648075 -119.9639551 -119.9709800 -119.9677190 -119.9683700 -119.9692200 -119.780543 -119.777411 -119. 776900 -119.794173 -119.756263 -119.783627 -119.780450 North east of post office @ Black Bart and Pioneer Trail SE corner of Emergency Retention Basin, At access gate to ERB SE corner of Emergency Retention Basin, At access gate to ERB South side of Emergency Retention Basin, on Black Bart Ave South side of Emergency Retention Basin, on Black Bart Ave W side of Emergency Retention Basin, off Hank Monk Ave W side of Emergency Retention Basin, off Hank Monk Ave NW corner of Emergency Retention Basin, off Hank Monk Ave North side of Emergency Retention Basin NE corner of Emergency Retention Basin SW corner of Pond #1, at south access gate to STPUD 250 ft south east of North Gate (to Al Tahoe Blvd) 110 ft south of Biosolids Building 125 ft south east of Pond #2 Diamond Ditch @ beginning; HPR effluent Bruns Diversion Fredericksburg Ditch Fredericksburg Ditch Celia Tail water Drain Ditch @ Fairview Ln Harvey Place Reservoir Monitoring Well Monitoring Well Monitoring Well Monitoring Well Monitoring Well Monitoring Well Monitoring Well Monitoring Well Monitoring Well Monitoring Well Monitoring Well Monitoring Well Monitoring Well Monitoring Well Ditch Ditch Ditch Ditch Ditch Ditch Reservoir D:\Lahontan\Sample Sites\Lahontan Report -Sample Sites Page2 o/2 . ·(.,~!' :. : 1.,:. i I/ -: ). l . 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'~MW-24 . . • SW-15 \ SW-10 f&> ! "•.._~SW-04 #:!? SW-0: .t :/ .• ~~. ~: . \ N f' EXPLANATION ~ Surface Water OJ Ditch 'cf Reservoir ~ MONITOR WELL ', •, Irri gation -Recyled-23 Water .:::::=J Irrigation -Blended Recycled Water SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIST RICT RECYCLED WATE R PROGRAM MONITORING LOCATIONS ALPIN E COUNTY, CA ~ ~ Path: X .IG IS\IB_Alpine County\Alpine C o Morntonng_11 x17 _15 Aug 2014.mxd Harvey Place Reservoir Recycled Water Current Storage Not including 200+/-acre-foot dead pool Maximum Storage, Acre-feet: 3,800 Stored Remaining Date Acre-feet Acre-feet 01/01/16 743 3,057 02/01/16 1,185 2,615 03/01/16 1,493 2,307 04/01/16 1,875 1,925 05!i01/16 2,104 1,696 06/01/16 2,322 1,478 07/01/16 2,139 1,661 08/01/16 1,304 2,496 ·~ 09/01 /16 595 3,205 10/01/16 72 3,728 11/01/16 243 3,557 12/01/16 479 3,321 01/01/17 940 2,860 02/01/17 1,843 1,957 03/01/17 3,082 718 04/01/17 3,460 340 05/01/17 3,005 795 06/01/17 2,617 1,183 07/01/17 2,210 1,590 08/01/17 1,626 2,174 09/01/17 878 2,922 10/01/17 114 3,686 11/01/17 220 3,580 12/01/17 544 3,256 01/01/18 878 2,922 02/01/18 1,177 2,623 03/01/18 1,410 2,390 04/01/18 1,938 1,862 05/01/18 2,246 1,554 06/01/18 2,465 1,335 07/01/18 • 1,927 1,873 08/01/18 1,240 2,560 09/01/18 531 3,269 10/01/18 88 3,712 11/01/18 206 3,594 12/01/18 453 3,347 01/01/19 781 3,019 02/01 /19 1,131 2,669 03/01/19 1,714 2,086 04/01/19 2,210 1,590 05/01/19 2,517 1,283 06/01/19 1,991 1,809 E:IHPRIHPR Current Storage-Lahontan_Report 01/16 02/16 03/16 04/16 05/16 06/16 07/16 08/16 09/16 10/16 11/16 12/16 01/17 02/17 03/17 04/17 05/17 06/17 07/17 08/17 09/17 10/17 11/17 12/17 01/18 02/18 03/18 04/18 05/18 06/18 07/18 08/18 09/18 10/18 11/18 12/18 01/19 02/19 03/19 04/19 05/19 06/19 0 0, 0 0 ....... 0 0 0 ....... 0, 0 0 Acre-feet I'-) 0 0 0 I'-) 0, 0 0 (..,) 0 0 0 (..,) 0, 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 ....._ ________ .,,.b. ______ ,,__, __________ .,,.b. ____ ,,__ ______ _. :::0 :::c CD m ~ <! (") CD -'< CD C. "'O -~~ ,.. CD CD :::0 ""'I CD en"' ,.. CD ~ <! mo cc -· CD. ""'I =:~ eu rofi ns Eaton Analytical 750 Royal Oaks Drive , Suite 100 Mo nrovia , Californ ia 91016-3629 Te l : (626 ) 386-110 0 Fa x: (866 ) 98 8-37 57 1 800 566 LAB S ( 1 800 566 52 27) Date of Issue 06/26/2019 ~~ EUROFINS EATON ANALYTICAL, LLC UMVN : Mon ica Van Natta Project Manager Laboratory Report for South Lake Tahoe Public Utilities District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe , CA 96150 Attention : Daniel Arce Fax : 530-541-0614 Report:808532 Project:SPECIAL Group :8260+oygenates • Accredited in accordance with T NI 2016 and ISO/I EC 17025 :201 7 . A CCR OIT 0 TES rtNC L.ASOA.ATOAV A T-1807 Utah ELCP CA00006 • Laboratory certifies that the test results meet all TN! 2016 and ISO/IEC 17025:2017 requirements unless noted under the individual analysis. • Following the cover page are State Certifica tion List, ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Accredited Method List, Acknowledgement of Samples Received , Comments, Hits Report, Data Report, QC Summary , QC Report and Regulatory Forms, as applicable . • Te st results relate only to the sample(s) tested . • Test results apply to the sample(s) as received , unless EEA-M collected and ana lyzed the sample(s) as noted in the COC and final report . • This report shall not be reproduced except in full , without the written approval of the laboratory . • This report inc ludes ISO/IEC 17025 .2017 and non -lSO/IEC 17025 .2017 accredited methods. Pa ge 1 of 27 pag es :;; e u rofi ns State Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida* Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois * Indiana Iowa -Asbestos Kansas • Kentucky Louisiana • Maine Maryland Commonwealth of Northern Marianas Is . Massachusetts Michigan Mississippi Eurofins Eaton An alytica l, LLC Eaton Analytical STATE CERTIFICATION LIST Certification Number State Certification Number 41060 Montana Cert 0035 AZ.0778 Nebraska Certified Certified Nevada CA000062018 2813 New Hampshire * 2959 Certified New Jersey* CA 008 PH-0107 New Mexico Certified CA006 New York * 11320 E871024 North Carolina 06701 947 North Dakota R-009 18-005R Oregon* CA200003-005 Certified Pennsylvania * 68-565 Certified Puerto Rico Certified 200033 Rhode Island LA000326 C-CA-01 South Carolina 87016 413 South Dakota Certified E-10268 Tennessee T N02839 90107 Texas* T104 704230-18-15 LA180000 Utah (Primary AB)* CA00006 CA0006 Vermont VT0114 224 Virginia * 460260 MP0004 Washington C838 M-CA006 EPA Region 5 Certified 9906 Los Angeles County 10264 Sanitation Districts Certified * NELAP/TNI Recognized Accreditation Bodies 750 Royal Oaks Drive , Suite 100 Monrovi a, CA 91016-3629 T I 6 2 6-386 -1100 F I 866-988-3757 www .Eurofins US.com/Eaton Page 2 of 27 pages 150/IEC 17025 Accredited Method List The tests listed below are accredited and meet the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 as verified by the ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board/ANAB. Refer to Certificate and scope of accreditation (AT 1807) found at: https://www.eurofinsus.com/Eaton Environ-Environ-Environ-Environ- METHOD OR mental mental Watcr1.1$a SPECIFIC TESTS (Drinking (Waste Component oflo'ood TECHNIQUE USED and Bcl"/Dcv/ METHOD OR mental mental \Vntcr u.~ u SPECIFIC TESTS (Drinking (Waste Compuncnl of J<'ood TECHNIQUE USED undllll\'/Hl."\'/ Water) Water) llottfod\Vatcr Water) Water) Bottled Waler 1,2,3-TCP (5 PPT & 0.5 CA SRL 524M-TCP PPT) X X Hexavalent Clu·ornium EPA 218.7 X X 1,4-Dioxane EPA 522 X X Hexavalent Chromium SM 3500-CrB X 2,3,7,8-TCDD Modified EPA 16138 X X Honnones EPA 539 X X Acrvlamide In House Method (2440) X X Hydroxide as OH Cale. SM 23308 X X Algal T oxins/Microcystin In House Method (3570) Kjeldahl Nitrogen EPA351.2 X Alkalinity SM 23208 X X X Legionella Legiolert X X Ammonia EPA 350.1 X X Mercury EPA 245.1 X X X Ammonia SM 4500-NH3 H X X Metals EPA 200. 7 I 200.8 X X X Anions and DBPs by IC EPA 300.0 X X X Microcvstin LR ELISA (2360) X X Anions and DBPs by IC EPA 300.1 X X Microcystin, Total EPA 546 X X Asbestos EPA 100.2 X X NDMA EPA 521 In house method 12425\ X X BOD/CBOD SM 52108 X X Nitrate/Nitrite Nitrogen EPA 353.2 X X X Bromate In House Method (244 7) X X OCL, Pesticides/PCB EPA 505 X X Carbamates EPA 531.2 X X 01tho Phosphate EPA 365.1 X X X Carbonate as C03 SM 23308 X X X Ortho Phosphorous SM 4500P E X X Carbonyls EPA 556 X X Oxyhalides Disinfection EPA317.0 Bvnroducts X X COD EPA 410.4/ SM 5220D X Perchlorate EPA 331.0 X X Chiara.mines SM 4500-CL G X X X Perchlorate (low and high) EPA314.0 X X Chl01inated Acids EPA 515.4 X X Peril uorinated Alkvl Acids EPA 537 X X Chlorinated Acids EPA 555 X X Perfluorinated Polutant In house Method (2434) X X Chlorine Dioxide SM 4500-CL02 D Palin Test X X pH EPA ISO.I X Chlorine -Total/Free/ SM 4500-CI G Combined Residual X X X pH SM 4500-H+B X X X Conductivity EPA 120.1 X Phenylurea Pesticides/ In House Method, based on EPA X X Herbicides 532 (2448) Conductivity SM 25108 X X X Pseudomonas !DEXX Pseudalert (2461) X X Corrosivity (Langelier Index) SM 23308 X X Radiwn-226 GA Institute of Tech X X Cyanide, Amenable SM4500-CNG X X Radium-.2..2.8 GA Institute of Tech X X Cyanide, Free SM 4500CN F X X X Radon-.2.2.2. SM 7500RN X X Cvanide, Total EPA 335.4 X X X Residue, Filterable SM2540C X X X Cyanogen Chloride screen) In House Method (2470) X X Residue, Non-filterable SM 2540D X Diquat and Paraquat EPA 549.2 X X Residue, Total SM 25408 X X DBP/HAA SM 62518 X X Residue. Volatile EPA 160.4 X Dissolved Oxygen SM4500-0G X X Semi-VOC EPA 525.2 X X DOC SM 5310C X X Silica SM 4500-Si D X X E. Coli (MTF/EC+MUG) X X Silica SM 4500-Si02 C X X E.Co!i CFR 141.2l(f)(6)(i) X X Sulfide SM 4500-S-D X E.Coli SM 9223 X Sulfite SM 4500-S03 B X X X E. Coli (Enumeration) SM 92218.1/ SM 9221F X X Surfactants SM 5540C X X X E. Coli (Enwneration) SM 92238 X X Taste and Odor Analvtes SM 6040E X X EDBIDCBP EPA 504.1 X Total Coliform (PIA) SM 9221 A, B X X EDB/DBCP and DBP EPA551.l X X Total Coliform SM 9221 A, B, C !(Enumeration) X X EDTAandNTA In House Method (2454) X X Total Colifonn /E.coli Colisure SM 9223 X X Endothall EPA 548.1 X X Total Coliform SM 92218 X Endothall In-house Method (2445) X X Total Coliform with Ch101ine SM 92218 Present X Enterococci SM 92308 X X Total Colifonn / E.coli (PIA SM 9223 and Enwneration) X X Fecal Colifonn SM 9221 E fMTF/EC) X TOC SM 53IOC X X X Fecal Co!ifonn SM 9221 C, E (MTF/EC) X TOX SM 53208 X Fecal Colifonn SM 9221 E (MTF/EC) (Enumeration) X X Total Phenols EPA420.1 X Fecal Colifonn with SM 9221E Chlorine Present X Total Phenols EPA420.4 X X X Fecal Streptococci SM 92308 X X Total Phosphorous SM4500 PE X Fluoride SM 4500-FC X X X Triazine Pesticides & In House (3617) Degradates X X Glyphosate EPA 547 X X Turbidity EPA 180.1 X X X Glyphosate+ AMPA In House Method (3618) X X Turbidity SM 21308 X X Gross Alpha/Beta EPA 900.0 X X X Uranium by ICP/MS EPA 200.8 X X Gross Alpha Coprecipitation SM7110C X X X UV 254 SM 59108 X Hardness SM 23408 X X X voe EPA 524.2 X X Heterotrophic Bacteria In House Method (2439) X X voe In House Method (2411) X I X Heterotrophic Bacteria SM 9215 B X X Yeast and Mold SM 9610 X X Hexavalent Chromiwn EPA218.6 X X X Field Sampling NIA 750 Royal Oaks Dr., Ste 100, Monrovia, CA 91016 Tel (626) 386-1100 Fax (866) 988-3757 https://www.eurofinsus.com/Eaton Version 003 Issued: 09/20/2018 Page 3 of 27 pages S.outh Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone: (530)~543-6231 Lab ID# Sample Site AG.flfl838 HPR Harvey Place Reservoir Notes: _Report MTBE to 0.2 ug/L _Analyze Travel and Field Blanks only if voes detected in samples. _Use Calif State WriteOn to report & upload results of Potable Water Wells. Please Return all STPUD ice chests & Blue Ice Comments: CHAIN OF CUSTODY Eurofins Lab Sent Sampler(s): B. Chernago Collection Date & Time 06/03/2019 10:02 Relinquished by: WW X Preservatives: 4C voe -HCI Signature Print Company Date: •.. J South Tahoe Public Utility District c,g; · 6'3 ·I 1 Time: t L.: "5 ,s- Relinquished by: Signature ------------- Print Company ---,,,-, ---------- Date: ------Time:-__ _ Turn-Around-Timet°0-'7]i- Standard Received by: ~-· '." . /J' , Signature -,--.-+· _. _&_,-_.~ ·-·· .... --_-_-_-·..,,, A-_·~· ...----- Print '-§.Lj L: . h; §i -.~ f{ ~ Company ~ W-·~'4 · Date: LR .. xf ..:_c q Time: t cs 7 Received by: Signature ------------- Print Company ------------- Date: ------Time: ___ _ Page 1 of 1 -u Dl co CD (/1 Q., N --I "Cl Dl co CD en • "' .f. ~:: euro-·1ns \ Eaton Analytical INTERNAL CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD SAMPLE TEMP RECEIVED: IEEA Folder Number: Note; If ntnples ore out of tompl'lraturtS range, hit lhl!I ASMs know, ASMs. wlll determine wh~lher to proceed with annlv.sls or not. SAMPLES REC'D DAY OF COLLECTION? Yes/ No IR Gun ID = l.Q l 8' ~ (Observation= ?. ',r{ •c) (Corr.Fact;<) '¥ °C) (Flnal = '2. -] °C) TYPE OF ICE: Real __ Synthetic V No Ice__ CONDITION OF ICE: Frozen v;artlally ~rozen __ Thawed __ NIA __ METHOD OF SHIPMENT: Pick-Up / Walk-In /~UPS / OHL / Area Fast / Top Line / Other:----- Compliance Acceptance Criteria: 1) Clwmlstry: >O, s 6°C, not frozen (NELAP) (If received after 24 hrs of sample-collection) 2) Microbiology, Distribution: < 10°c, not frozen (can be i!:10"C if received on ice the same day as sample collectlon, within 8 hours) 3) Microbiology, Surface Water:< 1o·c (If received after 2 hours of sample collection) II cul of ternparalura range for both Chemistry end Mloroblology samples and lemperalura does riol connm1, !hon measure lho temperature or each quodront und record oach lcmperalure or Iha quodronls 1 c (ObsmvnUon• 3 • {ObsorvoUon• 'Cl (Corr.Foolor •CJ (Finni• 'Cl (Corr.Foclor 'Cl (Flnol • 'C) 2 = (ObseMIJonc 'Cl (Corr.Factor 'Cl 4 • !Observell<ln•· 'Cl (Carr.Factor 4 Dioxin (1613 or 2,3, 7,B TCDD): must be between 0-4 •c, not frozen (lfrecelved after 24 hrs of sample collection) 'O) (Final• 'Cl (Flnal• 'CJ 'C) 5) pH Check. Manufacturer:-------Lot Number: ____ ,pH strip type: 0 -14 or ____ Expiration Date ____ Results: 6) Chlorine check. Manufacturer: Sansafe. Lot No.: ___ _ Expiration Date: ___ _ Results------- 7) VOA Heads pace: No Samples with Headspace: i==! Samples with Headspace (see below}: c=J Headspace Documentation {use additional VOC Internal COFC for additional bottles} Exempl from headspnce concerns: Meth9ds 515.4, HAA(G:1.51,552), 500, SPME, @CH, 532LCMS, 650, 536, Anatoxh1, LCMS methods using 40 ml vials, lnternatlonal cflents: Semp IO Bollie fl No~~<~ >Omm Samp ID Bottle# No;:<o >6mm Samp ID Bollie II No;~<B >6mm Samp ID Batlle·# Nono/<O >Omm mm - 1---1----1---- 1----,,~--1---'.,---- Note Sample ID.s which have dlsslmllar headspace (I.e. potential sampling errors).: _________________________ _ COMPAflYITITlE DATE TIME Euronns Eaton Analyllcal · OMO 008~,7 {QA FO·fRMSSO~I IS/23/18) Vor 7 J>age_of_ Page l of l -I ~ ~-! -~~~ 0 -u:,ooo ~ -"'OO:a:i ... -es: ...... m u!~Sj~ = ~o g: C: S:::c:cz ~-!-!i5 ...... ~z :::0 :::0 5:5:~ ...... o::O 00 ~oo< (11 -oo -< ::!J mm!; :e w ii!!!!! 0-0"0 < )>Z :.:ice en mmo )> r-en rm- 00 (") -lo -;,; 00 (") om :,:, ~Si ...., :::c -. )> )>)> "" S! .,, <F 0 (0 A-t u; m~ ~ (11 ..... 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Using a photocopy of this label for shipping purposes is fraudulent and could result in additional billing charges, along with the cancellation of your FedEx account number. · Use of this system constitutes your agreement to the service conditions in the current FedEx Serv.ice Guide, available on fedex.com.FedEx will not be responsible for any claim in excess of$100 per package, whether the result of loss, damage, delay; non- delivery,misdelivery,or misinformation, unless you declare a higher value. pay an additional charge, document your actual loss and file a tirnely claim.Limitations found in the current FedEx Service Guide apply. Your right to recover from FedEx for any loss, including intrinsic value. of the package. loss of sales, income interest, profit, attorney's fees, costs, and other forms of damage whether direct, incidental.consequential, or special is limited to the greater of $100 or the authorized declared value. Recovery cannot exceed actual documented loss.Maximum for items of extraordinary value is $1,000, e.g. jewelry, precious rnetals, negotiable instruments and other items listed in our ServiceGuide. Written claims must be filed within strict time limits, see current FedEx Service Guide. https://www.fedex.com/shipping/html/en/PrintIFrame.html 6/~~Q s9of 27 pages =:~ eurofins 'I , __ _1 Eaton Analytical Tel: (626) 386-1100 Fax: (866) 988-3757 1 800 566 LABS (1 800 566 5227) South Lake Tahoe Public Utilities District Daniel Arce 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Folder Comments Results for 8260 are submitted by Eurofins Calscience in Garden Grove CA The Comments Report may be blank if there are no comments for this report. Laboratory Comments Report: 808532 Project: SPECIAL Group: 8260+oygenates Page 7 of 27 pages =:~ eurofins Tel: (626) 386-1100 Fax: (866) 988-3757 Eaton Analytical 1 800 566 LABS (1 800 566 5227) South Lake Tahoe Public Utilities District Daniel Arce 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Prepared Analyzed Prep Batch Analyzed Batch HPR (201906040128) Variable ID: AG66838 Method EPA 8260B -4848_8260 VOC W Super List 06/14/19 06/15/19 11 :14 (EPA 82608) 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 (EPA 82608) 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 (EPA 82608) 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 (EPA 82608) 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 (EPA 82608) 06/14/19 06/15/19 11: 14 (EPA 82608) 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 (EPA 82608) 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 (EPA 82608) 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 (EPA 82608) 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 (EPA 82608) 06/14/19 b6/15/19 11:14 (EPA 82608) 06/14/19 06/15/1911:14 (EPA 82608) 06/14/19 06/15/19 11 :14 (EPA 82608) 06/14/19 06/15/1911:14 (EPA 82608) 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 (EPA 82608) 06/14/19 06/15/19 11 :14 (EPA 82608) 06/14/19 06/15/1911:14 (EPA 82608) 06/14/19 06/15/1911:14 (EPA 82608) 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 (EPA 82608) 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 (EPA 82608) 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 (EPA 82608) 06/14/19 06/15/19 11: 14 (EPA 82608) 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 (EPA 82608) 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 (EPA 82608) 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 (EPA 82608) 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 (EPA 82608) 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 (EPA 82608) 06/14/19 0~/15/19 11 :14 (EPA 82608) 06/14/19 06/15/1911:14 (EPA 82608) Rounding on totals after summation. (c) -indicates calculated results. Analysis is a calculated result. Reported results are not rounded until the final step before reporting. Therefore methods that use a test result with further calculation may have slight differences in final result than the component analyses. Analyte 1, 1, 1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane 1, 1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Laboratory Data Report: 808532 Project: SPECIAL Group: 8260+oygenates Result Samples Received on: 06/04/2019 1157 Units MRL Dilution Sampled on 06/03/2019 1002 ND ug/L 2 ND ug/L ND ug/L 1, 1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane ND ug/L 10 10 1, 1,2-Trichloroethane 1, 1-Dichloroethane 1, 1-Dichloroethene 1, 1-Dichloropropene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1,3-butadiene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichloropropane 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dioxane 2,2-Dichloropropane 2-Butanone 2-Chloroethy/ vinyl ether 2-Chlorotoluene 2-Hexanone 2-Methyl-2-Butanol (T AA) ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L 5 10 0.5 25 100 20 50 10 50 Page 8 of 27 pages ::~ eurofins 1 1 Eaton Analytical ·-· I ----·-------- Tel: (626) 386-1100 Fax: (866) 988-3757 1 800 566 LABS (1 800 566 5227) South Lake Tahoe Public Utilities District Daniel Arce 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Prepared Analyzed Prep Batch Analyzed Batch 06/14/19 06/15/1911:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/1911:14 06/14/19 06/15/1911:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/1911:14 06/14/19 06/15/1911:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/1911:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11 :14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/1911:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/1911:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15119 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14119 06/15119 11:14 06/14119 06/15/19 11:14 Rounding on totals after summation. \ Method (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (EPA 82608) (c) -indicates calculated results. Analysis is a calculated result. Reported results are not rounded until the final step before reporting. Therefore metllods that use a test result with further calculation may have slight differences in final result than the component analyses. Analyte 4-chlorotoluene 4-methyl-2-Pentanone Acetone Acetonitrile Acrolein Acrylonitrile Benzene Bromobenzene Bromochloromethane Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane c-1,2-Dichloroethene Carbon disulfide Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane cis-1,3-Dichloropropene Cyclohexane Cyclohexanone Dibromochloromethane Dibromomethane Dichlorodifluoromethane Diethyl Ether Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) Ethanol Ethyl benzene Hexachloro-1,3-8utadiene Hexane lodomethane I so butyl Alcohol Laboratory Data Report: 808532 Project: SPECIAL Group: 8260+oygenates Samples Received on: 06/04/2019 1157 Result Units ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L MRL 10 20 20 50 20 2 5 50 10 0.5 5 10 0.5 10 50 2 5 10 2 100 20 5 50 50 Dilution Page 9 of 27 pages =::: eurofins Eaton Analytical Tel: (626) 386-1100 Fax: (866) 988-3757 1 800 566 LABS (1 800 566 5227) South Lake Tahoe Public Utilities District Daniel Arce 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Prepared Analyzed Prep Batch Analyzed Batch 06/14/19 06/15/1911:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/1911:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/1911:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11 :14 06/14/19 06/15/1911:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 \ 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/1911:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 06/14/19 06/15/1911:14 06/14/19 06/15/19 11:14 Rounding on totals after summation. Method (EPA 82606) (EPA 82606) (EPA 82606) (EPA 82606) (EPA 82606) (EPA 82606) (EPA 82606) (EPA 82606) (EPA 82606) (EPA 82606) (EPA 82606) (EPA 82606) (EPA 82606) (EPA 82606) (EPA 82606) (EPA 82606) (EPA 82606) (EPA 82606) (EPA 82606) (EPA 82606) (EPA 82606) (EPA 82606) (EPA 8260B) (EPA 8260B) (EPA 82606) (EPA 82606) (EPA 8260B) (EPA 82606) (EPA 82606) (c) -indicates calculated results. Analysis is a calculated result. Reported results are not rounded until the final step before reporting. Therefore methods that use a test result with further calculation may have slight differences in final result than the component analyses. Analyte lsopropanol lsopropylbenzene m,p-Xylene Methylene chloride Methyl-I-Butyl Ether (MTBE) naphthalene n-Butylbenzene n-Propyl benzene o-Xylene p-lsopropyltoluene sec-Butyl benzene Styrene t-1,2-Dichloroethene t-1,3-Dichloropropene t-1,4-Dichloro-2-Butene Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) tert-Butylbenzene Tetrachloroethene Tetrahydrofuran Thiophene Toluene Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane Vinyl Acetate Vinyl chloride 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene Dibromofluoromethane Toluene-dB Laboratory Data Report: 808532 Project: SPECIAL Group: 8260+oygenates Samples Received on: 06/04/2019 1157 Result Units ND ug/L N[? ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L 96.0 % 92.0 % 102 % 99.0 % MRL 200 2 10 10 0.5 10 20 10 10 10 0.5 Dilution Page 1 0 of 27 pages =:~ eurofins Calscience WORK ORDER NUMBER: 19-06-0332 The difference is service AIR I SOIL I WATER I MARINE CHEMISTRY Analytical Report For Client: Eurofins Eaton Analytical , Inc Client Project Name: 808532 / SOLAKETAH Attention: Jaclyn Contreras 750 Royal Oaks Drive Suite 100 Monrovia, CA 91016-3629 Approved for release on 06/18/2019 by : Cecile deGuia Project Manager Eurofins Calscience (Ca lscience) ce rtifies that th e test results provided in t his report meet all NELAC In stitute requirements for pa rameters for which accredi tatio n is required or av ailable. Any exceptions to NE LAC Institute require ments are noted in the case narrative. The original report of subcontracted analyses, if an y , is attached to t his report . Th e resul ts in this report are limited to the sample(s) tested and any re produ cti on th ereof must be made in its entirety . Th e client or recipie nt of this repo rt is specifi cally prohibited from makin g material c ha nges to said report and, to the extent th at such c hanges are made, Calscience is not responsib le, legally or ot herwise . T he client or recipient agrees to indemnify Calscie nce for any defense to any litigatio n which may ari se. . . CA a.AP JD: 2944 I CSDLAC ID 10109 Page 1 1 of 27 pag es Page 2 of 17 :::: eurofins I Calscience Contents Client Project Name: 808532 / SOLAKETAH Work Order Number: 19-06-0332 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Work Order Narrative ................................................. . Sample Summary .................................................... . Client Sample Data .................................................. . 3.1 EPA 82608 Volatile Organics (Aqueous) ................................ . Quality Control Sample Data ............................................ . 4.1 LCS/LCSD ..................................................... . Sample Analysis Summary ............................................. . Glossary of Terms and Qualifiers ......................................... . Chain-of-Custody/Sample Receipt Form ................................... . 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 • TEL: (714) 895-5494 FAX: (714) 894-7501 3 4 5 5 11 11 14 15 16 Page 12 of 27 pages Page 3 of 17 ~:: eurofins I Cal science Work Order Narrative Work Order: 19-06-0332 Page 1 of 1 Condition Upon Receipt: Samples were received under Chain-of-Custody (COC) on 06/06/19. They were assigned to Work Order 19-06-0332. Unless otherwise noted on the Sample Receiving forms all samples were received in good condition and within the recommended EPA temperature criteria for the methods noted on the COC. The COC and Sample Receiving Documents are integral elements of the analytical report and are presented at the back of the report. Holding Times: All samples were analyzed within prescribed holding times (HT) and/or in accordance with the Calscience Sample Acceptance Policy unless otherwise noted in the analytical report and/or comprehensive case narrative, if required. Any parameter identified in 40CFR Part 136.3 Table II that is designated as "analyze immediately" with a holding time of<= 15 minutes (40CFR-136.3 Table II, footnote 4), is considered a "field" test and the reported results will be qualified as being received outside of the stated holding time unless received at the laboratory within 15 minutes of the collection time. Quality Control: All quality control parameters (QC) were within established control limits except where noted in the QC summary forms or described further within this report. Subcontractor Information: Unless otherwise noted below (or on the subcontract form), no samples were subcontracted. Additional Comments: Air -Sorbent-extracted air methods (EPA T0-4A, EPA T0-13A): Analytical results are converted from mass/sample basis to mass/volume basis using client-supplied air volumes. Solid -Unless otherwise indicated, solid sample data is reported on a wet weight basis, not corrected for % moisture. All QC results are always reported on a wet weight basis. 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 • TEL: (714) 895-5494 • FAX: (714) 894-7501 t *-0 u 0 Page 13 of 27 pages :::: eurofins I Cal science Client: Eurofins Eaton Analytical, Inc 750 Royal Oaks Drive, Suite 100 Monrovia, CA 91016-3629 Attn: Jaclyn Contreras Sample Identification Lab Number 201906040128 19-06-0332-1 Sample Summary Work Order: Project Name: PO Number: Date/Time Received: Number of Containers: Collection Date and Time 06/03/19 10:02 Page 4 of 17 19-06-0332 808532 / SOLAK ET AH 99-66911 06/06/19 12:05 3 Number of Containers Matrix 3 Aqueous t 1 () 0 C " "' 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 • TEL: (714) 895-5494 • FAX: (714) 894-7501 Page 14 of 27 pages :::: eurofins I . Cal science Eurofins Eaton Analytical, Inc 750 Royal Oaks Drive, Suite 100 Monrovia, CA 91016-3629 Project: 808532 / SOLAKETAH Client Sample Number 20-1906040.128 Analytical Report Date Received: Work Order: Preparation: Method: Units: Lab Sample Date/Time Matrix Instrument Date Number Collected Prepared GC/MSJ'P · 06/1'4/19 Page 5 of 17 06/06/19 19-06-0332 EPA 5030C EPA 82608 ug/L Page 1 of 6 Date/Time QC Batch ID Analyzed 06/15/19 . 190614L033 · 11:N Comment(s): -Results were evaluated to the MDL (DL), concentrations >= to the MDL (DL} but< RL (LOO), if found, are qualified with a "J" flag. Parameter Result RL MDL OF Qualifiers lsobutyl Alcohol ND 50 20 1.00 Cyclohexanone ND 50 6.1 1.00 2-Methyl-2-Butanol (TAA) ND 50 15 1.00 Acetone ND 20 10 1.00 Benzene ND 1.0 0.14 1.00 Bromobenzene ND 1.0 0.19 1.00 Bromochloromethane ND 2.0 0.46 1.00 Bromodichloromethane ND 1.0 0.23 1.00 Bromoform ND 5.0 1.8 1.00 Bromomethane ND 50 19 1.00 2-Butanone ND 20 6.6 1.00 n-Butylbenzene ND 1.0 0.30 1.00 sec-Butylbenzene ND 1.0 0.19 1.00 tert-Butylbenzene ND 1.0 0.25 1.00 Diethyl Ether ND 10 0.31 1.00 Carbon Disulfide ND 10 0.70 1.00 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.50 0.23 1.00 Chlorobenzene ND 1.0 0.16 1.00 Chloroethane ND 5.0 0.76 1.00 2-Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether ND 50 9.0 1.00 Chloroform ND 1.0 0.18 1.00 Chloromethane ND 10 0.50 1.00 2-Chlorotoluene ND 1.0 0.16 1.00 4-Chlorotoluene ND 1.0 0.18 1.00 Dibromochloromethane ND 2.0 0.46 1.00 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane ND 10 2.1 1.00 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 1.0 0.27 1.00 Dibromomethane ND 1.0 0.30 1.00 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 1.0 0.14 1.00 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 1.0 0.19 1.00 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 1.0 0.24 1.00 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 5.0 0.28 1.00 1, 1-Dichloroethane ND 1.0 0.28 1.00 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.50 0.19 1.00 RL: Reporting Limit. DF: Dilution Factor. MDL: Method Detection Limit. 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 • TEL: (714) 895-5494 • FAX: (714) 894-7501 t § i3 u 2 C 0 ;;:; er: Page 1 5 of 27 pages :;:: eurofins j Calscience Eurofins Eaton Analytical, Inc 750 Royal Oaks Drive, Suite 100 Monrovia, CA 91016-3629 Project: 808532 / SOLAKETAH Parameter 1, 1-Dichloroethene c-1,2-Dichloroethene t-1,2-Dichloroethene Acetonitrile 1,2-Dichloropropane Acrolein Acrylonitrile 1,3-Dichloropropane 2,2-Dichloropropane 1, 1-Dichloropropene c-1,3-Dichloropropene t-1,3-Dichloropropene Ethylbenzene 2-Hexanone lsopropylbenzene p-lsopropyltoluene Methylene Chloride 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene Styrene 1, 1, 1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1, 1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane Hexachloro-1,3-Butadiene 1, 1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane 1, 1,2-Trichloroethane lodomethane Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl Acetate Vinyl Chloride RL: Reporting Limit. OF: Dilution Factor. Analytical Report Date Received: Work Order: Preparation: Method: Units: Result RL ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 50 ND 1.0 ND 50 ND 20 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 0.50 ND 0.50 ND 1.0 ND 10 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 10 ND 10 ND 10 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 2.0 ND 10 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 20 ND 10 ND 1.0 ND 50 ND 1.0 ND 10 ND 5.0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 10 ND 0.50 MDL: Method Detection Limit. MDL OF 0.22 1.00 0.27 1.00 0.40 1.00 1.5 1.00 0.20 1.00 2.4 1.00 3.1 1.00 0.14 1.00 0.44 1.00 0.17 1.00 0.20 1.00 0.23 1.00 0.14 1.00 5.3 1.00 0.16 1.00 0.22 1.00 4.0 1.00 0.46 1.00 5.1 1.00 0.18 1.00 0.15 1.00 0.43 1.00 0.17 1.00 0.24 1.00 0.13 1.00 0.28 1.00 0.34 1.00 0.31 1.00 0.42 1.00 0.62 1.00 0.22 1.00 19 1.00 0.24 1.00 0.28 1.00 0.22 1.00 0.21 1.00 0.17 1.00 2.9 1.00 0.16 1.00 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 • TEL: (714) 895-5494 • FAX: (714) 894-7501 Page 6 of 17 06/06/19 19-06-0332 EPA 5030C EPA 8260B ug/L Page 2 of 6 Qualifiers t ~ c 0 u 9 C ~ '" a:: Page 16 of 27 pages :::: e urofi ns I Cal science Eurofins Eaton Analytical, Inc 750 Royal Oaks Drive, Suite 100 Monrovia, CA 91016-3629 Project: 808532 / SOLAKETAH Parameter p/m-Xylene o-Xylene Methyl-I-Butyl Ether (MTBE) t-1,4-Dichloro-2-Butene Tetrahydrofuran Teri-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) Ethyl-I-Butyl Ether (ETBE) Teri-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) Ethanol Cyclohexane Thiophene 1,4-Dioxane Hexane 1,3-Butad iene lsopropanol 2,2,4-Trimethyl Pentane Surrogate 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene Dibromofluoromethane 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Toluene-dB Analytical Report Date Received: Work Order: Preparation: Method: Units: Result RL ND 2.0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 20 ND 20 ND 10 ND 2.0 ND 2.0 ND 2.0 ND 100 ND 10 ND 10 ND 100 ND 5.0 ND 25 ND 200 ND 10 Rec./%} Control Limits 92 77-120 102 80-128 96 80-129 99 80-120 RL: Reporting Limit. OF: Dilution Factor. MDL: Method Detection Limit. MDL OF 0.31 1.00 0.15 1.00 0.16 1.00 2.6 1.00 3.3 1.00 3.1 1.00 0.16 1.00 0.12 1.00 0.13 1.00 53 1.00 3.3 1.00 0.16 1.00 26 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 100 1.00 0.82 1.00 Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 • TEL: (714) 895-5494 • FAX: (714) 894-7501 Page 7 of 17 06/06/19 19-06-0332 EPA 5030C EPA 8260B ug/L Page 3 of 6 Qualifiers t ~ ~ u 3 C 0 ~ a:: Page 17 of 27 pages =:~· eurofins I Cal science Eurofins Eaton Analytical, Inc 750 Royal Oaks Drive, Suite 100 Monrovia, CA 91016-3629 Project: 808532 / SOLAKETAH Client Sample Number Lab Sample Number L Analytical Report Date Received: Date/Time Collected Work Order: Preparation: Method: Units: Matrix Instrument Page 8 of 17 06/06/19 19-06-0332 EPA 5030C EPA 8260B ug/L Page 4 of 6 Date/Time QC Batch ID Analyzed .·; .• 06/15119 .. ·· 0.6:10 Comment(s): -Results were evaluated to the MDL (DL), concentrations >= to the MDL (DL) but< RL (LOQ), if found, are qualified with a "J" flag. Parameter Result RL MDL DF Qualifiers lsobutyl Alcohol ND 50 20 1.00 Cyclohexanone ND 50 6.1 1.00 2-Methyl-2-Butanol (TAA) ND 50 15 1.00 Acetone ND 20 10. 1.00 Benzene ND 1.0 0.14 1.00 Bromobenzene ND 1.0 0.19 1.00 Bromochloromethane ND 2.0 0.46 1.00 Bromodichlo'romethane ND 1.0 0.23 1.00 Bromoform ND 5.0 1.8 1.00 Bromomethane ND 50 19 1.00 2-Butanone ND 20 6.6 1.00 n-Butylbenzene ND 1.0 0.30 1.00 sec-Butylbenzene ND 1.0 0.19 1.00 tert-Butylbenzene ND 1.0 0.25 1.00 Diethyl Ether ND 10 0.31 1.00 Carbon Disulfide ND 10 0.70 1.00 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.50 0.23 1.00 Chlorobenzene ND 1.0 0.16 1.00 Chloroethane ND 5.0 0.76 1.00 2-Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether ND 50 9.0 1.00 Chloroform ND 1.0 0.18 1.00 Chloromethane ND 10 0.50 1.00 2-Chlorotoluene ND 1.0 0.16 1.00 4-Chlorotoluene ND 1.0 0.18 1.00 Dibromochloromethane ND 2.0 0.46 1.00 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane ND 10 2.1 1.00 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 1.0 0.27 1.00 Dibromomethane ND 1.0 0.30 1.00 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 1.0 0.14 1.00 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 1.0 0.19 1.00 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 1.0 0.24 1.00 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 5.0 0.28 1.00 1, 1-Dichloroethane ND 1.0 0.28 1.00 1 ,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.50 0.19 1.00 RL: Reporting Limit. OF: Dilution Factor. MDL: Method Detection Limit. 7fl40 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 • TEL: (714) 895-5494 • FAX: (714) 894-7501 t ~ ~ i5 u 2 C 0 ;;; a'. Page 18 of 27 pages :::: eurofins I Cal science Eurofins Eaton Analytical, Inc 750 Royal Oaks Drive, Suite 100 Monrovia, CA 91016-3629 Project: 808532 / SOLAKET AH Parameter 1, 1-Dichloroethene c-1,2-Dichloroethene t-1,2-Dichloroethene Acetonitrile 1,2-Dichloropropane Acrolein Acrylonitrile 1,3-Dichloropropane 2,2-Dichloropropane 1, 1-Dichloropropene c-1,3-Dichloropropene t-1,3-Dichloropropene Ethylbenzene 2-Hexanone lsopropylbenzene p-lsopropyltoluene Methylene Chloride 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene Styrene 1, 1, 1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1, 1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane Hexachloro-1,3-Butadiene 1, 1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane 1, 1,2-Trichloroethane lodomethane Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl Acetate Vinyl Chloride RL: Reporting Limit. OF: Dilution Factor. Analytical Report Date Received: Work Order: Preparation: Method: Units: Result RL MDL OF ND 1.0 0.22 1.00 ND 1.0 0.27 1.00 ND 1.0 0.40 1.00 ND 50 1.5 1.00 ND 1.0 0.20 1.00 ND 50 2.4 1.00 ND 20 3.1 1.00 ND 1.0 0.14 1.00 ND 1.0 0.44 1.00 ND 1.0 0.17 1.00 ND 0.50 0.20 1.00 ND 0.50 0.23 1.00 ND 1.0 0.14 1.00 ND 10 5.3 1.00 ND 1.0 0.16 1.00 ND 1.0 0.22 1.00 ND 10 4.0 1.00 ND 10 0.46 1.00 ND 10 5.1 1.00 ND 1.0 0.18 . 1.00 ND 1.0 0.15 1.00 ND 2'.0 0.43 1.00 ND 10 0.17 1.00 ND 1.0 0.24 1.00 ND 1.0 0.13 1.00 ND 1.0 0.28 1.00 ND 1.0 0.34 1.00 ND 1.0 0.31 1.00 ND 20 0.42 1.00 ND 10 0.62 1.00 ND 1.0 0.22 1.00 ND 50 19 1.00 ND 1.0 0.24 1.00 ND 10 0.28 1.00 ND 5.0 0.22 1.00 ND 1.0 0.21 1.00 ND 1.0 0.17 1.00 ND 10 2.9 1.00 ND 0.50 0.16 1.00 MDL: Method Detection Limit. 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 • TEL: (714) 895-5494 • FAX: (714) 894-7501 Page 9 of 17 06/06/19 19-06-0332 EPA 5030C EPA 82608 ug/L Page 5 of 6 Qualifiers t ~ C m 0 l) g ~ 0 ,; Cl'. Page 19 of 27 pages ::~ eurofins I Calscience Eurofins Eaton Analytical, Inc 750 Royal Oaks Drive, Suite 100 Monrovia, CA 91016-3629 Project: 808532 / SOLAKETAH Parameter p/m-Xylene a-Xylene Methyl-I-Butyl Ether (MTBE} t-1,4-Dichloro-2-Butene Tetrahydrofuran Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) Ethanol Cyclohexane Thiophene 1 ,4-Dioxane Hexane 1,3-Butadiene lsopropanol 2,2,4-Trimethyl Pentane Surrogate 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene Dibromofluoromethane 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Toluene-dB Analytical Report Date Received: Work Order: Preparation: Method: Units: Result RL ND 2.0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 20 ND 20 ND 10 ND 2.0 ND 2.0 ND 2.0 ND 100 ND 10 ND 10 ND 100 ND 5.0 ND 25 ND 200 ND 10 Rec./%) Control Limits 95 77-120 100 80-128 95 80-129 98 80-120 RL: Reporting Limit. OF: Dilution Factor. MDL: Method Detection Limit. MDL OF 0.31 1.00 0.15 1.00 0.16 1.00 2.6 1.00 3.3 1.00 3.1 1.00 0.16 1.00 0.12 1.00 0.13 1.00 53 1.00 3.3 1.00 0.16 1.00 26 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 100 1.00 0.82 1.00 Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 • TEL: (714) 895-5494 • FAX: (714) 894-7501 Page 10 of 17 06/06/19 19-06-0332 EPA 5030C EPA 82608 ug/L Page 6 of 6 Qualifiers t ~ m 0 l) 2 C ~ ;; 0: Page 20 of 27 pages Page 11 of 17 :::: eurofins I Quality Control -LCS/LCSD Calscience Eurofins Eaton Analytical, Inc Date Received: 06/06/19 750 Royal Oaks Drive, Suite 100 Work Order: 19-06-0332 Monrovia, CA 91016-3629 Preparation: EPA5030C Method: EPA 82608 Project: 808532 I SOLAKET AH Page 1 of 3 Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Instrument Date Prepared Date Analyzed LCS/LCSD Batch Number 09944-001 ~29021 ...... Aqueo~~ .· .. GC/MSPP.··· .06/14/19 ,, / .06/15119'04:08· 1906141:,033 . ,· ., .> :0~114,~9, . · . ' . . ' . . ' . . .. 0,99-14-0_01~29021 . Aq~eou{ .. ··, · · .. ··GCiMS~P . 06115/:fa 04:38 190614L033 Parameter Spike LCS Cone. LCS LCSD LCSD %Rec. CL MECL RPO RPDCL Qualifiers Added %Rec. Cone. %Rec. Cyclohexanone 250.0 200.8 80 185.0 74 50-150 33-167 8 0-30 2-Methyl-2-Butanol (TAA) 250.0 241.4 97 262.1 105 50-150 33-167 8 0-21 Acetone 50.00 49.23 98 48.35 97 53-137 39-151 2 0-21 Benzene 50.00 48.80 98 51.92 104 79-121 72-128 6 0-20 Bromobenzene 50.00 51.34 103 52.80 106 80-120 73-127 3 0-20 Bromochloromethane 50.00 50.22 100 51.81 104 80-122 73-129 3 0-20 Bromodichloromethane 50.00 55.22 110 58.51 117 80-124 73-131 6 0-20 Bromoform 50.00 65.06 130 65.63 131 73-127 64-136 0-20 ME Bromomethane 50.00 44.83 90 45.46 91 50-150 33-167 0-26 t 2-Butanone 50.00 45.31 91 45.70 91 60-126 49-137 0-20 n-Butylbenzene 50.00 50.02 100 51.35 103 72-138 61-149 3 0-20 ~ sec-Butylbenzene 50.00 49.60 99 51.46 103 77-131 68-140 4 0-20 .8 tert-Butylbenzene 50.00 47.78 96 49.69 99 80-125 72-132 4 0-20 2 C Diethyl Ether 50.00 51.67 103 52.90 106 71-125 62-134 2 0-22 0 ~ O'. Carbon Disulfide 50.00 48.38 97 51.42 103 50-150 33-167 6 0-22 Carbon Tetrachloride 50.00 56.49 113 61.36 123 65-143 52-156 8 0-20 Chlorobenzene 50.00 49.98 1.00 51.94 104 80-120 73-127 4 0-20 Chloroethane 50.00 46.19 92 48.65 97 62-128 51-139 5 0-20 Chl.oroform 50.00 49.80 100 51.32 103 80-120 73-127 3 0-20 Chloromethane 50.00 36.33 73 37.17 74 43-133 28-148 2 0-20 2-Chlorotoluene 50.00 49.92 100 52.54 105 80-121 73-128 5 0-20 4-Chlorotoluene 50.00 50.59 101 52.04 104 80-120 73-127 3 0-20 Dibromochloromethane 50.00 68.43 137 69.83 140 80-123 73-130 2 0-20 X 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 50.00 59.50 119 59.48 119 66-126 56-136 0 0-20 1,2-Dibromoethane 50.00 53.62 107 54.18 108 80-120 73-127 1 0-20 Dibromomethane 50.00 50.94 102 52.15 104 80-120 73-127 2 0-20 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50.00 51.08 102 · 51.58 103 80-120 73-127 1 0-20 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 50.00 49.80 100 51.15 102 80-120 73-127 3 0-20 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50.00 50.18 100 51.49 103 80-120 73-127 3 0-20 Dichlorodifluoromethane 50.00 34.17 68 35.36 71 50-150 33-167 3 0-30 1, 1-Dichloroethane 50.00 42.82 86 45.36 91 72-126 63-135 6 0-20 1,2-Dichloroethane 50.00 49.86 100 50.73 101 76-120 69-127 2 0-20 1 , 1-Dichloroethene 50.00 48.94 98 51.11 102 66-132 55-143 4 0-20 c-1,2-Dichloroethene 50.00 51.25 103 53.84 108 78-120 71-127 5 0-20 t-1,2-Dichloroethene 50.00 48.71 97 51.50 103 66-132 55-143 6 0-20 1,2-Dichloropropane 50.00 44.80 90 47.70 95 80-120 73-127 6 0-20 RPO: Relative Percent Difference. CL: Control Limits 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 TEL: (714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 Page 21 of 27 pages Page 12 of 17 :::: e u rofi ns I Quality Control -LCS/LCSD Calscience Eurofins Eaton Analytical, Inc Date Received: 06/06/19 750 Royal Oaks Drive, Suite 100 Work Order: 19-06-0332 Monrovia, CA 91016-3629 Preparation: EPA 5030C Method: EPA82608 Project: 808532 / SOLAKET AH Page 2 of 3 Parameter Spike LCS Cone. LCS LCSO LCSO %Rec. CL MECL RPO RPO CL Qualifiers Added %Rec. Cone. %Rec. 1,3-Dichloropropane 50.00 49.88 100 49.90 100 80-120 73-127 0 0-20 2,2-Dichloropropane 50.00 32.34 65 35.20 70 50-150 33-167 8 0-20 1, 1-Dichloropropene 50.00 48.51 97 51.26 103 75-123 67-131 6 0-20 c-1,3-0ichloropropene 50.00 45.54 91 47.47 95 77-131 68-140 4 0-20 t-1,3-0ichloropropene 50.00 42.52 85 42.61 85 76-136 66-146 0 0-20 Ethylbenzene 50.00 49.63 99 52.18 104 80-120 73-127 5 0-20 2-Hexanone 50.00 47.85 96 47.62 95 63-123 53-133 0 0-20 lsopropylbenzene 50.00 51.10 102 54.03 108 80-128 72-136 6 0-20 p-lsopropyltoluene 50.00 49.44 99 52.07 104 73-133 63-143 5 0-20 Methylene Chloride 50.00 47.41 95 49.11 98 61-133 49-145 4 0-27 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone 50.00 45.38 91 46.16 92 65-125 55-135 2 0-20 Naphthalene 50.00 47.51 95 46.90 94 69-129 59-139 1 0-20 t n-Propylbenzene 50.00 51.71 103 54.59 109 80-128 72-136 5 0-20 Styrene 50.00 51.62 103 54.10 108 80-126 72-134 5 0-20 C 1, 1, 1,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.00 61.00 122 64.10 128 80-129 72-137 5 0-20 ,',] a u 1, 1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50.00 48.85 98 48.77 98 74-122 66-130 0 0-20 g C Tetrachloroethene 50.00 55.66 111 57.08 114 55-139 41-153 3 0-23 ~ w 0:: Toluene 50.00 48.51 97 51.41 103 80-120 73-127 6 0-20 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 50.00 49.24 98 49.82 100 72-132 62-142 0-20 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 50.00 49.95 100 49.77 100 74-134 64-144 0 0-20 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane 50.00 49.33 99 52.40 105 76-124 68-132 6 0-20 1, 1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-50.00 45.26 91 45.85 92 54-150 38-166 0-30 Trifluoroethane 1, 1,2-Trichloroethane 50.00 52.08 104 52.05 104 80-120 73-127 0 0-20 Trichloroethene 50.00 47.63 95 50.46 101 -79-121 72-128 6 0-20 Trichlorofluoromethane 50.00 53.29 107 55.73 111 72-132 62-142 4 0-20 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 50.00 50.35 101 50.60 101 75-123 67-131 0-20 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 50.00 50.37 101 51.63 103 74-128 65-137 2 0-20 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 50.00 52.11 104 54.65 109 77-131 68-140 5 0-20 Vinyl Acetate 50.00 44.21 88 46.99 94 50-150 33-167 6 0-20 Vinyl Chloride 50.00 44.63 89 47.42 95 63-129 52-140 6 0-20 p/m-Xylene 100.0 97.52 98 103.3 103 80-122 73-129 6 0-20 a-Xylene 50.00 50.77 102 53.54 107 80-128 72-136 5 0-20 Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 50.00 38.26 77 39.04 78 69-123 60-132 2 0-20 Teri-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) 250.0 299.4 120 303.5 121 80-124 73-131 1 0-20 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) 50.00 46.70 / 93 47.74 95 79-121 72-128 2 0-20 Ethyl-I-Butyl Ether (ETBE) 50.00 38.12 76 39.50 79 71-125 62-134 4 0-20 Teri-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) 50.00 43.39 87 44.73 89 70-124 61-133 3 0-20 Ethanol 500.0 536.8 107 504.3 101 53-149 37-165 6 0-24 1 ,4-0ioxane 500.0 449.5 90 410.9 82 80-150 68-162 9 0-20 RPO: Relative Percent Difference. CL: Control Limits 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 . TEL: (714) 895-5494 . FAX: (714) 894-7501 Page 22 of 27 pages :::: e u rofi ns J Calscience Eurofins Eaton Analytical, Inc 750 Royal Oaks Drive, Suite 100 Monrovia, CA 91016-3629 Project: 808532 / SOLAKETAH Total number of LCS compounds: 75 Total number of ME compounds: 1 Total number of ME compounds allowed: 4 LCS ME CL validation result: Pass Quality Control -LCS/LCSD Date Received: Work Order: Preparation: Method: RPO: Relative Percent Difference. CL: Control Limits 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 • TEL: (714) 895-5494 • FAX: (714) 894-7501 Page 13 of 17 06/06/19 19-06-0332 .. EPA 5030C EPA 8260B Page 3 of 3 t w C ru C 0 u g Page 23 of 27 pages =::: eurofins I Ca!science Work Order: 19-06-0332 Method EPA 8260B Sample Analysis Summary Report Extraction EPA 5030C Chemist ID 1191 Instrument GC/MS PP Location 2: 7445 Lampson Avenue, Garden Grove, CA 92841 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 • TEL: (714) 895-5494 • FAX: (714) 894-7501 Page 14 of 17 Page 1 of 1 Analytical Location 2 t Page 24 of 27 pages Page 15 of 17 :::: e u rofins J Calscience Glossary of Terms and Qualifiers Work Order: 19-06-0332 Page 1 of 1 Qualifiers Definition See applicable analysis comment. < Less than the indicated value. > Greater than the indicated value .. Surrogate compound recovery was out of control due to a required sample dilution. Therefore, the sample data was reported without further clarification. 2 Surrogate compound recovery was out of control due to matrix interference. The associated method blank surrogate spike compound was in control and, therefore, the sample data was reported without further clarification. 3 Recovery of the Matrix Spike (MS) or Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) compound was out of control due to suspected matrix interference. The associated LCS recovery was in control. 4 The MS/MSD RPO was out of control due to suspected matrix interference. 5 The PDS/PDSD or PES/PESD associated with this batch of samples was out of control due to suspected matrix.interference. 6 Surrogate recovery below the acceptance limit. 7 Surrogate recovery above the acceptance limit. B Analyte was present in the associated method blank. BU Sample analyzed after holding time expired. BV Sample received after holding time expired. Cl See case narrative. E ET HD HOH HDL J Concentration exceeds the calibration range. Sample was extracted past end of recommended max. holding time. The chromatographic pattern was inconsistent with the profile of the reference fuel standard. The sample chromatographic pattern for TPH matches the chromatographic pattern of the specified standard but heavier hydrocarbons were also present (or detected). The sample chromatographic pattern for TPH matches the chromatographic pattern of the specified standard but lighter hydrocarbons were also present (or detected). Analyte was detected at a concentration below the reporting limit and above the laboratory method detection limit. Reported value is estimated. JA Analyte positively identified but quantitation is an estimate. ME LCS Recovery Percentage is within Marginal Exceedance (ME) Control Limit range(+/-4 SD from the mean). ND Parameter not detected at the indicated reporting limit. Q Spike recovery and RPO control limits do not apply resulting from the parameter concentration in the sample exceeding the spike concentration by a factor of four or greater. SG The sample extract was subjected to Silica Gel treatment prior to analysis. X % Recovery and/or RPO out-of-range. Z Analyte presence was not confirmed by second column or GC/MS analysis. Solid -Unless otherwise indicated, solid sample data is reported on a wet weight basis, not corrected for% moisture. All QC results are reported on a wet weight bas.is. Any parameter identified in 40CFR Part 136.3 Table II that is designated as "analyze immediately" with a holding time of<= 15 minutes (40CFR-136.3 Table II, footnote 4), is considered a "field" test and the reported results will be qualified as being received outside of the stated holding time unless received at the laboratory within 15 minutes of the collection time. A calculated total result (Example: Total Pesticides) is the summation of each component concentration and/or, if "J" flags are reported, estimated concentration. Component concentrations showing not detected (ND) are summed into the calculated total result as zero concentrations. 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1427 • TEL: (714) 895-5494 FAX: (714) 894-7501 t Page 25 of 27 pages Submittal Form Date: 6/6/2019 :::: eurofins I ···-····Eaton ___ Analytica_l Ship To: 'Euroflns Ca1Science 7440 Lincoln Way Garden Grove, CA 92641-1432 Phone: 714-895-5494 Fax: 714-894-7501 Folder#: 808532 Report Due: 06/25/2019 Sub COC#: 99-66911 *REPORTING REQUIRMENTS: Do Not Combine Reports with any other samples submitted under different Folder Numbers/ Report & Invoice must have the Folder# 808632 Job# 1000014 Report au auauty control data according to Method Include dates analyzed. pate extracted /jf extracted\ and Method reference on the report Results muat have Complete data & QC with Approval Signature. SOLAKETAH: 966334 19-08-0332 Sample JLS Use Lab Order # for ID Client Sample ID for reference only Analysis Requested Date & Time Matrix PWS Systemcode PWSID EPA8260B 201906040128 HPR Sample type: @8260B_Super_Cals cience Sample Event: 06/03/19 1002 ow Facility ID: Sample Point ID: {CL_SAMPLEPOINTID) Static ID: 4848_8260 VOC W Super List Ill -u iiil".lfn:'"•'il!r~-----,,-.;.=,:/....;.""'-.:;;.:.;.;m,p~le;:_C.::...o:..:.;n.::...tro;;.;_I ________ Date ~ Time {'q-OS-w Di .. JUd1!itlli!At!i!S'cil ! 1111,IJ~i'llffl jJA.A ""'r,/./ ~--Date ,jt(t9 Time~ NOTIFICATION REQUIRED IF RECEIVED OUTSIDE OF 0-6 CELSIUS Caj ~ Billraitiliffi.lB ........ _/ ______ s_am_pl_e-_c_on_t_ro_l --------Date Time I'.) .;) ~i'.ti!D.1191D Date Time ~ Page1of1 mBIBifiiBl!f~fffll~ll§''1'ilffl~[qiJr£r~aftir.ii'lr/Jfilifflll,itll Q, rn 750 Royal Oaks Drive, Suite 100, Monrovia, CA 91016 l~U~ifil,~,&~ Fax (866) 988-3757 www.EurofinsUS.com/Eaton ~~ eurofins ! woRK ORDER NUMBER: 1'!,a,i1s£.f lJ ] 3 c I i Calscience SAMPLE RECEIPT CHECKLIST COOLER_!_ OF!_ CLIENT: &.£A DATE: 06/06/2019 - TEMPERATURE: (Criteria: 0.0°C -6.0°C, not frozen except sediment/tissue) Toermometer ID: SC6 (CF_: -0.2°C); Temperature (w/o CF): ;/ • 4 °C (w/ CF): :;)_ 7 •c; D Sample(s) ou.tside temperature criteria (PM/APM contacted by: ) D Sample(s) outside temperature criteria but received on ice/chilled on same day of sampling D Sample(s) received at ambient temperature; placed on ice for transport by courier Ambient Temperature: D Air D Filter ' CUSTODY SEAL: Cooler D Present and Intact Sample{s) D Present and Intact SAMPLE CONDITION: D Present but Not Intact D Present but Not Intact £Not Present ~Present D N/A D N/A Chain-of-Custody (COC) document(s) received with samples .................................................. . COC document(s) received complete ................................................................................ . D Sampling date D Sampling time D Matrix D Number of containers D No analysis r~quested D Not 1relinquished D No relinquished date D No relinquished time Sampler's name indicated on COC ; .................................................................................. . { - Sample container l~bel(s) consistent with COC ................................................ -.................. .. Sample container(s) intact and in good condition ................................................................. . Proper containers for analyses requested .......................................................................... . Sufficient volume/11'.lass for analyses requested ................................................................... .. Samples received ,Within holding time ................................................................................ . Aqueous samples for certain analyses received within 15-minute holding time D pH D Residual Chlorine D Dissolved Sulfide D Dissolved Oxygen ............................ .. Proper preservation chemical(s) noted on COC and/or sample container .................................. .. Unpreserved aqueous sample(s) received for certain analyses D Volatile Organics D Total Metals D Dissolved Metals D Blank ~ample Checked by: ~ Checked by~ Checkedb~ Yes ~ D ? ~ ft1 D ¢ No D D 0 D D D D D D D N/A D D ¢' _. D D D D D J21 D Acid/base preserved samples -pH within acceptable range .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ... .. D D D Jlf Container(s) for certain analysis free of headspace ................................. , ................................ ~ JJ4olatile Organics D Dissolved Gases (RSK-175) D Dissolved Oxygen (SM 4500) D D Carbon Dioxide (SM 4500) 0 Ferrous Iron (SM 3500) D Hydrogen Sulfide.(Hach) Tedlar™ bag(s) free of condensation ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... D D CONTAINER TYPf.'..Pa\ (Trip Blank Lot Number: \ Aqueous: Cl VOA ~ Cl VOAna 2 Cl 100PJ Cl 100PJna2 Cl 125AGB Cl 125AGBh Cl 125AGBp D 125PB Cl 125PBznna (pH_9) CJ 250AGB Cl 250CGB Cl 250CGBs (pH_2) Cl 250PB D 250PBn (pH_2) Cl 500AGB Cl 500AGJ D 500AGJs (pH_2) D 500PB D 1AGB D 1AGBnaz D 1AGBs (pH_2) Cl 1AGBs (O&G) D 1PB D 1PBna (pH_12) Cl Cl o ___ _ Solid: Cl 4ozCGJ Cl 8ozCGJ D 16ozCGJ Cl Sleeve(_) D Encores®(_) Cl TerraCores® (_} 0 D o __ _ Air: D Tedlar™ D Canister Cl Sorbent Tube Cl PUF D Other Matrix I ): Cl D Cl __ _ Container: A= Amber, B = Bottle. C = Clear, E = Envelope, G.= Glass, J = Jar, P = Plastic, and Z = Ziploc/Resealabl~ Bag /l .t\ Preservative: b = buffered, f = filtered, h = HCI. n = HN03, na = NaOH, na2 = Na2S203, p = H3PQ4, Labeled/Checked by_:_~~-- s = H2~04, u = ultra-pure, x = Na2S0 3+NaHSQ4.H~O, znna = Zn (CH3C02)2 + NaOH Re_viewed ey7Jl' t ~ 0 u g C a '" Cl'. Alpine County Summary Report Temp pH EC DO Alk TDS ss Turb Chloride Sulfate ACMW-01AW 04/11/2019 Main Dam 9.0 6.19 118 37.8 74 6.06 2.50 ACMW-01BE 04/11/2019 Secondary Dam 5.9 6.20 94.4 39.9 72 2.73 4.91 ACMW-02N 04/11/2019 Access Gate 11.9 6.28 129 56.4 78 1.84 2.81 ACMW-02S 04/11/2019 Access Gate 9.5 5.97 127 48.8 73 2.43 3.33 ACMW-04W 04/11/2019 Gansberg 11.5 5.91 176 45.1 113 10.5 16.9 ACMW-06S 04/1112019 Celio 12.4 7.25 596 186 351 60.1 25.0 ACMW-08N 05/22/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 9.9 6.85 134 82.3 119 1.63 1.27 ACMW-09D 06/06/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 13.6 6.13 80.3 31.2 80 1.48 2.16 ACMW-10 06/06/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 12.8 6.24 171 75.8 125 4.32 4.26 ACMW-11 06/06/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 10.7 6.20 78.1 28.4 58 1.91 3.72 ACMW-12 05/22/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 9.5 7.09 105 47.4 83 1.74 2.52 ACMW-13 05/22/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 6.7 6.52 143 48.6 111 3.85 3.14 ACMW-14 06/06/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 11.7 5.91 72.4 22.1 78 1.10 2.01 ACMW-15 06/13/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 13.0 5.96 66.0 29.1 44 0.640 1.42 ACMW-16 06/13/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 11.0 6.19 116 49.9 73 1.17 2.27 ACMW-17 06/13/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 10.3 6.22 82.1 31.0 55 1.61 2.50 ACMW-18 06/13/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 12.9 6.30 89.1 33.0 57 1.48 2.07 ACMW-19 06/13/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 12.4 6.68 207 88.9 127 9.12 4.08 ACMW-20 05/22/2019 Diamond Valley Rd -8.8 6.71 139 36.1 105 5.99 5.70 Paynesville ACMW-21 04/25/2019 River Ranch Rd 9.2 6.36 93.0 29.6 78 5.00 4.11 ACMW-22 04/25/2019 Fredericksburg Ln 12.0 6.16 110 37.1 99 4.27 2.41 ACMW-23 04/25/2019 Scott Brooke's Ranch by 14.8 7.19 369 172 272 4.06 19.5 Irrigation Ditch ACMW-24 04/25/2019 Scott Brooke's Ranch by 13.4 6.34 625 180 406 68.5 36.6 Irrigation Ditch ACMW-25 04/25/2019 Access road between 10.8 6.24 200 42.2 150 13.8 8.70 Neddenriep & Brooke ranches ACMW-26 04/25/2019 Access road between 9.5 6.32 183 49.0 132 22.2 6.33 Neddenriep & Brooke ranches CONTROL 04/17/2019 East side near Post Office 9.9 6.77 231 17.6 DD-01 05/08/2019 Diamond Ditch @ Beginning 14.9 7.59 488 5.42 ERB 04/16/2019 ERB 7.2 7.69 298 31.1 GW-05 06/06/2019 Neddenriep 14.2 6.11 250 61.2 169 25.9 9.68 GW-08 06/06/2019 Arant Ranch house 17.4 5.88 337 46.0 213 46.7 13.3 GW-11 05/22/2019 Diamond Valley School 13.4 6.76 141 70.1 112 1.23 1.09 GW-17 05/22/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch House 9.5 6.63 128 60.2 103 1.74 1.20 Well HPR 04/01/2019 Harvey Place Reservoir 9.1 9.08 484 19.19 134 209 43.1 7.1 47.9 1_3.9 05/08/2019 Harvey Place Reservoir 16.0 7.68 487 4.05 133 221 3.76 2.8 51.4 13.7 05/22/2019 Harvey Place Reservoir 11.9 7.13 484 6.68 06/03/2019 Harvey Place Reservoir 16.4 7.62 494 6.28 131 226 2.42 4.1 49.8 12.9 HVC-1 04/24/2019 HVC@ Pioneer Trail 6.7 6.69 45.8 1.09 05/21/2019 HVC @ Pioneer Trail 2.8 6.97 38.9 0.959 06/26/2019 HVC@ Pioneer Trail 8.6 6.97 23.0 0.635 Results resported as mg/L except EC as uS/cm Turbidity as NTU Colifoms as MPN/100ml Temp as C NC:::: Not counted Page 1 of 8 HVC-2 04/24/2019 05/21/2019 06/26/2019 HVC-3 04/24/2019 05/21/2019 06/26/2019 HVC-5 04/09/2019 MW01_5 04/17/2019 MW02-50 04/17/2019 MW03-50 04/17/2019 MW04-50 04/17/2019 MW07-50 04/18/2019 MWOB-25 04/17/2019 MW11 04/16/2019 MW12 04/16/2019 MW13 04/16/2019 SW-01 04/01/2019 05/08/2019 06/04/2019 SW-02 04/01/2019 05/08/2019 06/04/2019 SW-03 04/01/2019 05/08/2019 06/04/2019 SW-04 04/01/2019 05/08/2019 06/04/2019 SW-05 04/01/2019 05/08/2019 06/04/2019 SW-06 04/01/2019 05/08/2019 06/04/2019 SW-07 05/08/2019 06/04/2019 SW-08 04/01/2019 Results resported as mg/L except EC as uS/cm Turbidity as NTU Colifoms as MPN/100ml Temp as C NC = Not counted Temp HVC 250' Upstream Pond #2 12.5 HVC 250' Upstream Pond #2 6.5 HVC 250' Upstream Pond #2 12.7 HVC 25' Downstream of 11.2 Meadow Crest HVC 25' Downstream of 3.9 Meadow Crest HVC 25' Downstream of 12.6 Meadow Crest Effluent of STPUD Drainage 4.7 Pipe along Meadow Crest SW corner of ERB 8.7 South side of ERB Pond 10.3 Southwest corner of ERB Pond 10.2 Hank Monk side of ERB 9.0 North side of ERB Pond 7.6 South of Pond 1 9.0 North of Biosolids building 8.9 South of Biosolids Building 9.8 South of Pond 2 along HVC 5.1 Carson River Woodfords 2.7 Carson River Woodfords 3.3 Carson River Woodfords 9.2 Indian Creek Upper 5.6 Indian Creek Upper 10.1 Indian Creek Upper 12.2 Indian Creek Mid 6.5 Indian Creek Mid 12.0 Indian Creek Mid 14.7 Indian Creek Lower 7.3 Indian Creek Lower 11.8 Indian Creek Lower 15.4 Carson River Paynesville 5.1 Carson River Paynesville 5.7 Carson River Paynesville 7.6 Carson River Stateline 6.3 Carson River Stateline 6.3 Carson River Stateline 9.9 Fredericksburg Ditch 19.8 Fredericksburg Ditch 19.2 Irrigation Ditch 14.0 Alpine County Summary Report pH EC DO Alk TDS ss Turb Chloride Sulfate 6.31 42.7 3.15 6.28 34.2 1.04 5.99 27.0 0.551 6.21 45.4 1.70 6.48 37.8 1.05 6.39 28.0 0.569 6.39 124 5.94 20 8.99 7.09 159 1.98 6.55 275 28.5 6.23 361 64.8 6.15 83.0 6.36 7.08 180 10.8 6.34 369 11.3 6.03 184 17.3 6.43 416 18.5 6.83 874 17.8 6.98 84.6 10.99 31.7 56 2.92 1.5 5.28 2.39 6.65 37.0 12.27 19.6 38 NV 4.4 0.965 1.28 7.85 37.0 10.20 19.5 32 14.6 7.8 0.520 0.793 7.37 70.5 10.14 33.9 62 0.97 2.2 1.74 0.697 7.49 86.0 9.13 46.6 73 NV 2.5 1.05 0.735 7.61 90.5 8.59 48.4 77 2.85 2.9 0.586 <0.50 7.94 80.1 11.09 27.8 65 1.52 2.6 2.03 1.02 7.28 90.0 9.71 46.0 80 NV 3.9 1.51 1.36 7.43 80.6 8.57 39.5 69 3.37 5.3 1.05 1.04 8.15 91.1 10.71 37.0 69 3.99 3.7 2.09 1.27 7.42 71.0 10.01 36.5 71 NV 9.7 1.26 1.46 7.51 84.8 8.72 41.8 72 8.56 4.7 0.916 1.18 8.22 90.9 11.07 34.4 65 3.17 1.9 5.19 2.28 7.60 40.0 11.73 19.9 39 NV 6.1 1.01 1.31 7.83 40.3 10.30 19.7 39 16.3 8.8 0.570 0.816 7.88 91.6 10.91 35.0 62 3.26 2.1 5.31 2.42 7.63 41.0 11.84 20.3 38 NV 5.8 1.02 1.32 8.00 40.2 9.38 20.5 31 19.5 9.1 0.583 0.826 7.02 121 7.12 49.0 39 NV 8.7 5.46 3.01 7.21 134 7.57 52.7 96 12.4 7.7 5.95 2.22 7.33 149 6.94 66.4 141 0.68 1.8 1.98 4.08 Page 2 of 8 Alpine County Summary Report Total P Total P P04-P NH3-N Total N N02-N N03-N TKN Dissolved ACMW-01AW 04/11/2019 Main Dam 0.021 0.021 <0.020 1.69 <0.010 1.65 <0.07 ACMW-01BE 04/11/2019 Secondary Dam 0.027 0.024 <0.020 0.214 <0.010 0.166 <0.070 ACMW-02N 04/11/2019 Access Gate 0.019 0.018 <0.020 0.620 <0.010 0.638 <0.070 ACMW-025 04/11/2019 Access Gate 0.016 0.015 <0.020 1.48 <0.010 1.40 0.080 ACMW-04W 04/11/2019 Gansberg 0.016 0.018 <0.020 1.94 <0.010 1.88 <0.07 ACMW-065 04/11/2019 Celia 0.068 0.062 <0.020 0.200 <0.010 0.081 0.199 ACMW-OSN 05/22/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 0.038 0.035 <0.020 0.667 <0.010 0.603 0.064 ACMW-09D 06/06/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 0.052 0.051 <0.020 2.13 <0.010 1.23 0.900 ACMW-10 06/06/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 0.033 0.033 <0.020 1.59 <0.010 0.668 0.922 ACMW-11 06/06/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 0.016 0.020 <0.020 0.916 <0.010 0.956 <0.050 ACMW-12 05/22/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 0.033 0.029 <0.020 0.517 <0.010 0.422 0.095 ACMW-13 05/22/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 0.021 0.023 <0.020 2.90 <0.020 2.76 0.14 ACMW-14 06/06/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 0.017 0.017 <0.020 2.37 <0.010 2.48 <0.050 ACMW-15 06/13/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 0.030 0.024 <0.020 0.148 <0.010 0.118 <0.050 ACMW-16 06/13/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 0.048 0.040 <0.020 0.431 <0.010 0.398 <0.050 ACMW-17 06/13/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 0.029 0.022 <0.020 0.712 <0.010 0.657 0.055 ACMW-18 06/13/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 0.032 0.024 <0.020 1.18 <0.010 1.12 0.06 ACMW-19 06/13/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 0.102 0.066 0.048 0.147 <0.010 <0.012 0.147 ACMW-20 05/22/2019 Diamond Valley Rd -0.054 0.054 <0.020 4.06 <0.030 4.35 <0.05 Paynesville ACMW-21 04/25/2019 River Ranch Rd 0.064 0.059 <0.020 1.43 <0.010 1.42 <0.050 ACMW-22 04/25/2019 Fredericksburg Ln 0.018 0.016 <0.020 2.58 <0.010 2.55 <0.050 ACMW-23 04/25/2019 Scott Brooke's Ranch by 0.032 0.029 <0.020 0.988 <0.010 1.03 <0.050 Irrigation Ditch ACMW-24 04/25/2019 Scott Brooke's Ranch by 0.070 0.061 <0.020 2.61 <0.010 2.58 <0.50 Irrigation Ditch ACMW-25 04/25/2019 Access road between 0.036 0.033 <0.020 6.75 <0.010 6.55 0.200 Neddenriep & Brooke ranches ACMW-26 04/25/2019 Access road between 0.089 0.079 <0.020 0.581 0.014 0.246 0.321 Neddenriep & Brooke ranches CONTROL 04/17/2019 East side near Post Office <0.010 4.32 ERB 04/16/2019 ERB 0.272 0.136 GW-05 06/06/2019 Neddenriep 0.038 0.035 <0.020 4.20 <0.010 4.15 0.050 GW-08 06/06/2019 Aranl Ranch house 0.052 0.044 <0.020 9.22 <0.010 9.46 <0.050 GW-11 05/22/2019 Diamond Valley School 0.038 0.039 <0.020 0.586 <0.010 0.495 0.091 GW-17 05/22/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch House 0.026 0.022 <0.020 1.01 <0.010 0.869 0.141 Well HPR 04/01/2019 Harvey Place Reservoir 2.15 1.84 19.9 22.2 0.213 0.744 21.2 05/08/2019 Harvey Place Reservoir 2.19 2.06 19.8 20.1 0.201 0.727 19.2 06/03/2019 Harvey Place Reservoir 2.38 1.96 18.0 18.7 0.218 0.693 17.8 HVC-1 04/24/2019 HVC@ Pioneer Trail <0.020 0.069 <0.010 0.018 0.051 05/21/2019 HVC@ Pioneer Trail <0.020 0.071 <0.010 0.021 0.050 06/26/2019 HVC@ Pioneer Trail <0.020 0.116 <0.020 0.016 0.100 HVC-2 04/24/2019 HVC 250' Upstream Pond #2 <0.020 0.201 <0.010 0.016 0.185 05/21/2019 HVC 250' Upstream Pond #2 <0.020 0.102 <0.010 <0.010 0.102 Results resported as mg/L except EC as uS/cm Turbidity as NTU Colifoms as MPN/100mL Temp as C NC= Not counted Page 3 of 8 HVC-2 06/26/2019 HVC 250' Upstream Pond #2 HVC-3 04/24/2019 HVC 25' Downstream of Meadow Crest 05/21/2019 HVC 25' Downstream of Meadow Crest 06/26/2019 HVC 25' Downstream of Meadow Crest HVC-5 04/09/2019 Effluent of STPUD Drainage Pipe along Meadow Crest MW01_5 04/17/2019 SW corner of ERB MW02-50 04/17/2019 South side of ERB Pond MW03-50 04/17/2019 Southwest corner of ERB Pond MW04-50 04/17/2019 Hank Monk side of ERB MW07-50 04/18/2019 North side of ERB Pond MWOS-25 04/17/2019 South of Pond 1 MW11 04/16/2019 North of Biosolids building MW12 04/16/2019 South of Biosolids Building MW13 04/16/2019 South of Po.fld 2 along HVC SW-01 04/01/2019 Carson River Woodfords 05/08/2019 Carson River Woodfords 06/04/2019 Carson River Woodfords SW-02 04/01/2019 Indian Creek Upper 05/08/2019 Indian Creek Upper 06/04/2019 Indian Creek Upper SW-03 04/01/2019 Indian Creek Mid 05/08/2019 1 Indian Creek Mid 06/04/2019 SW-04 04/01/2019 05/08/2019 06/04/2019 SW-05 04/01/2019 05/08/2019 06/04/2019 SW-06 04/01/2019 05/08/2019 06/04/2019 SW-07 05/08/2019 06/04/2019 SW-08 04/01/2019 Results resported as mg/L except EC as uS/cm Turbidity as NTU Colifoms as MPN/100mL Temp as C NC = Not counted Indian Creek Mid Indian Creek Lower Indian Creek Lower Indian Creek Lower Carson River Paynesville Carson River Paynesville Carson River Paynesville Carson River Stateline Carson River Stateline Carson River Stateline Fredericksburg Ditch Fredericksburg Ditch Irrigation Ditch Total P 0.017 0.036 0.040 0.022 0.027 0.024 0.025 0.048 0.057 0.033 0.100 0.060 0.017 0.040 0.044 0.016 0.043 0.051 0.191 0.264 0.069 Alpine County Summary Report Total P P04-P NH3-N Total N N02-N N03-N TKN Dissolved <0.020 0.201 <0.020 <0.010 0.201 <0.020 0.176 <0.010 0.022 0.176 <0.020 0.094 <0.010 <0.010 0.094 <0.020 0.145 <0.020 <0.010 0.145 0.22 0.020 1.12 <0.020 0.692 0.428 0.017 0.454 <0.010 2.62 <0.010 0.899 <0.010 0.085 \ <0.010 0.441 <O.D10 0.080 <0.010 0.051 <0.010 2.66 <0.010 17.3 0.014 <0.020 0.172 <0.010 0.012 0.160 0.014 <0.020 0.253 <0.010 <0.010 0.253 <0.015 <0.020 0.127 <0.010 0.017 0.110 0.015 <0.020 0.195 <0.010 <0.010 0.195 0.015 <0.020 0.238 <0.010 <0.010 0.238 0.016 <0.020 0.137 <0.010 0.013 0.124 0.016 <0.020 0.237 <0.010 0.045 0.192 0.019 <0.020 0.269 <0.010 0.031 0.238 0.026 <0.020 0.272 <0.010 0.024 0.248 O.D18 <0.020 0.256 <0.010 0.064 0.192 O.D35 <0.020 0.475 <0.010 0.051 0.424 0.026 <0.020 0.318 <0.010 0.029 0.289 <0.010 <0.020 0.165 <0.010 <0.010 0.165 0.011 <0.020 0.181 <0.010 <0.010 0.181 0.016 <0.020 0.132 <0.010 0.016 0.116 <0.010 <0.020 0.199 <0.010 0.022 0.177 0.011 <0.020 0.190 <0.010 <0.010 0.190 <0.015 <0.020 0.142 <0.010 0.017 0.125 0.066 0.033 0.753 <0.010 0.116 0.637 0.135 0.629 1.50 0.040 0.253 1.21 0.034 <0.020 0.872 <0.010 <0.010 0.872 Page 4 of 8 ACMW-09D 06/06/2019 ACMW-10 06/06/2019 ACMW-11 06/06/2019 ACMW-14 06/06/2019 ACMW-15 06/13/2019 ACMW-16 06/13/2019 ACMW-17 06/13/2019 ACMW-18 06/13/2019 ACMW-19 06/13/2019 GW-05 06/06/2019 GW-08 06/06/2019 HPR 04/01/2019 05/08/2019 05/22/2019 06/03/2019 Results resported as mg/L except EC as uS/cm Turbidity as NTU Colifoms as MPN/100ml Temp as C NC = Not counted BOD Diamond Valley Ranch Diamond Valley Ranch Diamond Valley Ranch Diamond Valley Ranch Diamond Valley Ranch Diamond Valley Ranch Diamond Valley Ranch Diamond Valley Ranch Diamond Valley Ranch Neddenriep Arant Ranch house Harvey Place Reservoir 10.2 Harvey Place Reservoir NV Harvey Place Reservoir 9.62 Harvey Place Reservoir 13.0 Alpine County Summary Report Ca Mg Na K SAR %Na 6.43 1.63 7.35 <1.0 18.9 5.55 7.87 <1.0 7.23 2.01 4.39 <1.0 6.74 2.14 4.41 <1.0 6.88 1.60 3.29 <1.0 11.1 3.05 5.11 3.51 7.63 2.13 4.30 <1.0 9.32 2.43 3.97 <1.0 21.1 6.31 9.91 1.42 18.2 5.64 23.3 3.26 17.2 5.78 39.2 3.88 17.6 4.21 45.4 10.4 2.52 57.0 16.4 3.93 42.6 9.32 2.45 57.3 17.1 4.08 43.8 9.81 2.47 56.9 Page 5 of 8 Alpine County Summary Report Total E.Coli Coliform Chromo Chromo ACMW-01AW 04/11/2019 Main Dam 1.0 <1 ACMW-01BE 04/11/2019 Secondary Dam <1 <1 ACMW-02N 04/11/2019 Access Gate <1 <1 ACMW-025 04/11/2019 Access Gate <1 <1 ACMW-04W 04/11/2019 Gansberg 1.0 <1 ACMW-065 04/11/2019 Celio <1 <1 ACMW-OBN 05/22/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch <1 <1 ACMW-09D 06/06/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch <1 <1 ACMW-10 06/06/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch <1 <1 ACMW-11 06/06/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch <1 <1 ACMW-12 05/22/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch <1 <1 ACMW-13 05/22/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch <1 <1 ACMW-14 06/06/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 27.8 <1 ACMW-15 06/13/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 4.1 <1 ACMW-16 06/13/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 1.0 <1 ACMW-17 06/13/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch <1 <1 ACMW-18 06/13/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 3.0 <1 ACMW-19 06/13/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch <1 <1 ACMW-20 05/22/2019 Diamond Valley Rd -<1 <1 Paynesville ACMW-21 04/25/2019 River Ranch Rd 4.1 <1 ACMW-22 04/25/2019 Fredericksburg Ln <1 <1 ACMW-23 04/25/2019 Scott Brooke's Ranch by <1 <1 Irrigation Ditch ACMW-24 04/25/2019 Scott Brooke's Ranch by <1 <1 Irrigation Ditch ACMW-25 04/25/2019 Access road between <1 <1 Neddenriep & Brooke ranches ACMW-26 04/25/2019 Access road between 66.9 <1 Neddenriep & Brooke ranches GW-05 06/06/2019 Neddenriep <1 <1 GW-08 06/06/2019 Arant Ranch house <1 <1 GW-11 05/22/2019 Diamond Valley School <1 <1 GW-17 05/22/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch House <1 <1 Well HPR 04/01/2019 Harvey Place Reservoir 219 <1 05/08/2019 Harvey Place Reservoir 74.9 <1 06/03/2019 Harvey Place Reservoir 124 <1 SW-01 04/01/2019 Carson River Woodfords 131 <1 05/08/2019 Carson River Woodfords 58.3 <1 06/04/2019 Carson River Woodfords 131 2.0 Results resported as mg/L except EC as uS/cm Turbidity as NTU Colifoms as MPN/100ml Temp as C Page 6 of 8 NC ::; Not counted SW-02 04/01/2019 05/08/2019 06/04/2019 SW-03 04/01/2019 05/08/2019 06/04/2019 SW-04 04/01/2019 05/08/2019 06/04/2019 SW-05 04/01/2019 05/08/2019 06/04/2019 SW-06 04/01/2019 05/08/2019 06/04/2019 SW-07 05/08/2019 06/04/2019 SW-08 04/01/2019 Results resported as mg/L except EC as uS/cm Turbidity as NTU Colifoms as MPN/100mL Temp as C NC = Not counted Indian Creek Upper Indian Creek Upper Indian Creek Upper Indian Creek Mid Indian Creek Mid Indian Creek Mid Indian Creek Lower Indian Creek Lower Indian Creek Lower Carson River Paynesville Carson River Paynesville Carson River Paynesville Carson River Stateline Carson River Stateline Carson River Stateline Fredericksburg Ditch Fred,ericksburg Ditch Irrigation Ditch Alpine County Summary Report Total E.Coli Coliform Chrome Chrome 64.4 2.0 228.2 58.6 816 64.5 52.9 3.1 387 6.3 1990 54.7 135 12.2 >2420 75.4 1730 55.6 517 13.4 113 2.0 308 8.6 281 13.4 116 2.0 727 26.5 >2420 435 8840 1050 517 3.1 Page 7 of 8 HPR 04/01/2019 05/08/2019 05/22/2019 06/03/2019 Results resported as mg/L except EC as uS/cm Turbidity as NTU Colifoms as MPN/100mL Temp asC NC = Not counted Harvey Place Reservoir Harvey Place Reservoir Harvey Place Reservoir Harvey Place Reservoir Alpine County Summary Report Colonies Colonies Filaments Filaments Filaments Filament Single # #Cells #Multi-#Cells # Single-Length Cells Celled Celled 3 NC NC NC NC NC 5860 0 NC NC NC NC NC 0 0 NC NC NC NC NC 0 0 NC NC NC NC NC 0 Page 8 of 8 Page 1 of 1 Monitoring Wells Groundwater Elevation Site Location Sample Hr ID# Depth Ref GW Date to GW MSL MSL ACMW-01AW Main Dam 04/11/2019 11:26 AG65992 6.18 5493.13 5,486.95 ACMW-01BE Secondary Dam 04/11/2019 10:56 AG65993 3.13 5503.55 5,500.42 ACMW-02N Access Gate 04/11/2019 12:06 AG65994 7.41 5469.70 5,462.29 ACMW-02S Access Gate 04/11/2019 11:46 AG65995 6.23 5471.60 5,465.37 ACMW-04W Gansberg 04/11/2019 09:43 AG65996 12.41 4919.89 4,907.48 ACMW-06S Celia 04/11/2019 10:26 AG65997 15.24 5223.50 5,208.26 ACMW-08N Diamond Valley Ranch 05/22/2019 11:33 AG66610 2.50 5464.45 5,461.95 ACMW-09D Diamond Valley Ranch 06/06/2019 12:13 AG66944 24.93 5510.56 5,485.63 ACMW-10 Diamond Valley Ranch 06/06/2019 11:42 AG66945 24.00 5534.19 5,510.19 ACMW-11 Diamond Valley Ranch 06/06/2019 11 :17 AG66946 12.35 5503.01 5,490.66 ACMW-12 Diamond Valley Ranch 05/22/2019 12:05 AG66611 20.80 5525.04 5,504.24 ACMW-13 Diamond Valley Ranch 05/22/2019 12:28 AG66612 8.74 5554.55 5,545.81 ACMW-14 Diamond Valley Ranch 06/06/2019 10:29 AG66947 13.20 5547.20 5,534.00 ACMW-15 Diamond Valley Ranch 06/13/2019 12:00 AG67099 9.05 5500.60 5,491.55 ACMW-16 Diamond Valley Ranch 06/13/2019 11 :24 AG67100 9.20 5484.53 5,475.33 ACMW-17 Diamond Valley Ranch 06/13/2019 10:51 AG67101 4.55 5504.92 5,500.37 ACMW-18 Diamond Valley Ranch 06/13/2019 12:49 AG67102 6.11 5470.56 5,464.45 ACMW-19 Diamond Valley Ranch 06/13/2019 13:27 AG67103 7.44 5417.25 5,409.81 ACMW-20 Diamond Valley Rd -Paynesville 05/22/2019 11 :04 AG66613 4.99 5090.30 5,085.31 ACMW-21 River Ranch Rd 04/25/2019 09:44 AG66168 13.20 5011.33 4,998.13 ACMW-22 Fredericksburg Ln 04/25/2019 10:31 AG66169 25.88 5019.28 4,993.40 ACMW-23 Scott Brooke's Ranch by Irrigation 04/25/2019 12:26 AG66170 18.41 4978.35 4,959.94 Ditch ACMW-24 Scott Brooke's Ranch by Irrigation 04/25/2019 12:59 AG66171 20.12 4953.25 4,933.13 Ditch ACMW-25 Access road between Neddenriep & 04/25/2019 11:03 AG66172 8.30 4942.24 4,933.94 Brooke ranches ACMW-26 Access road between Neddenriep & 04/25/2019 11:30 AG66173 6.22 4895.60 4,889.38 Brooke ranches CONTROL East side near Post Office 04/17/2019 14:11 AG66069 63.02 6345.20 6,282.18 MW01_5 SW corner of ERB 04/17/2019 12:06 AG66070 58.96 6328.00 6,269.04 MW02-50 South side of ERB Pond 04/17/2019 13:39 AG66071 45.72 6314.60 6,268.88 MW03-50 Southwest corner of ERB Pond 04/17/2019 14:41 AG66072 41.11 6310.10 6,268.99 MW04-50 Hank Monk side of ERB 04/17/2019 15:05 AG66073 33.30 6304.40 6,271.10 MW07-50 North side of ERB Pond 04/18/2019 09:53 AG66085 22.18 6302.20 6,280.02 MW08-25 South of Pond 1 04/17/2019 17:12 AG66074 8.83 6258.30 6,249.47 MW11 North of Biosolids building 04/16/2019 16:40 AG66057 27.48 6296.00 6,268.52 MW12 South of Biosolids Building 04/16/2019 16:18 AG66058 5.10 6288.80 6,283.70 MW13 South of Pond 2 along HVC 04/16/2019 15:47 AG66059 3.70 6263.40 6,259.70 Alpine County Soils pH EC %Sat TKN N03-N Total P Exch P S04 Cl S2A Celia Ranch 05/07/2019 8.30 2.93 70.1 3840 6.23 557 4.56 105 1050 S3A Bently Ranch 05/07/2019 5.70 0.377 36.1 1990 1.30 429 10.1 41 175 S4A Gansberg Ranch 05/07/2019 6.72 0.411 40.8 2470 8.68 797 7.53 28 325 S5A Gansberg Ranch 05/07/2019 6.17 0.375 33.3 1640 7.15 367 5.73 31 175 S6A Neddenriep Ranch 05/07/2019 6.07 0.600 44.7 2710 7.07 1175 10.9 35 375 S7A Bruns Ranch 05/07/2019 5.78 0.272 39.3 2230 5.77 489 8.71 29 400 CEC Cu Mo K Ca Mg Na SAR %Na S2A Celia Ranch 05/07/2019 30.3 24.6 0.06 3380 105 71.7 573 10.6 12.3 S3A Bently Ranch 05/07/2019 18.8 22.7 0.07 2340 49.9 7.68 25.9 0.98 <1 S4A Gansberg Ranch 05/07/2019 19.0 19.7 0.07 1540 45.5 5.12 31.7 1.19 <1 SSA Gansberg Ranch 05/07/2019 14.5 21.7 0.05 3260 36.4 4.61 28.9 1.20 <1 S6A Neddenriep Ranch 05/07/2019 18.8 22.7 0.05 4010 36.4 6.15 38.6 1.56 <1 S7A Bruns Ranch 05/07/2019 13.6 21.7 0.050 5420 27.3 4.41 6.88 0.32 <1 Page 1 of 1 Sample Comments Site Date Time Comments HVC-5 04/09/2019 07:48 Following Rain Event HVC-5 05/16/2019 22:19 No Flow. Pies taken. Logged per phone call 05-17-19@ 1125 w/ M. Lieberman HVC-5 05/17/2019 06:59 No evidence of flow. Pies taken. HVC-5 05/19/2019 06:57 No Flow, dry. Pies taken. HVC-5 05/21/2019 10:00 No Flow. Dry HVC-5 05/23/2019 06:37 No Flow. Pies taken. HVC-5 05/26/2019 06:50 Not flowing, discontinuous puddles. Pictures taken HVC-5 05/26/2019 09:11 No above ground flow, disconnected puddles HVC-5 05/26/2019 09:50 No above ground flow, disconnected puddles HVC-5 05/26/2019 11 :00 No above ground flow, disconnected puddles SW-08 05/08/2019 13:20 Dry SW-08 06/04/2019 12:58 Dry SW-15 06/04/2019 11 :06 Dry 1 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT EMERGENCY POND MW FIELD MONITORING RECORD Date: 0~ -· (}-/C( Samplers: A f~./ · {} .,7,, . {~el1 { "1<V1 Purpose: lsite I Preservative Std Check Depth to Well Water Cale Actual Well Casing Depth to Column Water to Water ~ 0 0 Temp EC Bottom Diameter GW Height Purge Purged 0 2 (/) <l'. ID# "C µSiem ft inch ft ft Gallons Gallons 0 N z 0 pH EC COMMENTS Time pH '<I" (/) I I > ·•. ~ 1411 q .er b'f 1:~( b)6'L \;.[ it 5_ol-1 8 j CONTROL ' .i 80.90 2 I MW1.5 , /lOb 0-1 1. Di 151 D. 65.80 2 c8 9l v' , -,; 6 7/j ,/) ' J. I b 1 / (),-·, / f: I t'I[ /Q_?) rss ~e, qs,2 ·-t;L ~j1 ·3 V MW02-50 \ .,,s. l 1 ./ 50.90 2 , IL/~\ \O,L b,2"~ ·3(,( Llf.11 1£1 ' 'S c· C \./ MW03-50 Lb ·,;,' ) ' 50.80 2 ;;_ 9.0 r \ -8'7 2·"' c; I, llW ~ I 10 l,,./ .... •r::,)5 ) MW04-50 !.), 6.S ) ), ;jj ~.a 51.00 2 ' ' MW07-50 52.60 2 1.0 CsL1 /Flt 1,ot I b .. :;, ,y,, I lllZ ?t1 ?~'3 .?ff7 ,• / (.0 MWOS-25 20.60 2 ,i ,M. MW11 41.0 2 MW12 ' 31.50 2 MW13 14.40 2 . '. :·,;' ;._·< ·, ; /Ill ' . .• Trip Blank ,? ·,·.·.·.;··· ' · ....... Groundwater samples shall be collected only after 2: 1 well volumes Gallons to flush -1 x 7.48 x 3.14 x 0.083 2 x water column height pH Std Check uses a 7.00 buffer. pH meter must be re- have been flushed and Temperature, pH, and EC measurements Gallons to flush = O. 17 x water column height (ft) standardized if result exceeds 7.00 ± 0.05. EC Std Check have stabilized to approximately± 5% for each successive Water column height= depth of well -water level uses a 200 µSiem standard measurement taken in intervals 2: 5 minutes. for 50' well whose water level is 35 feet from ground level: Water column height= 50' · 35' = 15' File: D:\Lab\Forms\Field Sheets\Field ERB.doc 10/14/201 ~ l l,h \_C-, WS{, '1 \J\V~ -v '" ?\ r i t.-'J i: ,_.,, 1' i":n~ \ t-·.J i \'"'1 \L t !1 1 qJo· o. I . I --··· ___ .. _______ J~JL __ I-5 l q4 l ISSz 1£01 4 V 1.. rz 4 Q l . l! I , C'f.. Uu j.5 < '"' 1 Li VO 1 9 I 4 '1· l! <.: i·J Flushing Record 1 ·:Z ' .I ~ ., v-f; ?i.t 0. / 1.0 q-; 0,1 q ,t ~-. .) 1 /\ , . ..,\J q . i _ \ ""' '' f1J~ 711, ,·\ 1 i'\'i .v f (' 4 b.L I G L\'2 ,/1., 1114 I c:, q I J' t.' l c:, q I • Cl LI i) ' ·" ,q Lr. ("'. .·'!.., ""11. '1, ">, 1. V V /Ul· {1u Note. Temp, pH, EC must stab1l1ze ± 5 % for successive measurements taken in intervals 2:. 5 minutes. ):\lab\Forms\Field Sheets\Monitor_Well_Flushing_Record.doc Date: g v·-/ 7 .~ n , ~ f ,.:,xc4~-f j( s l( SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT EMERGENCY POND MW FIELD MONITORING RECORD Date: D4 I 6 l ~ Samplers: LOA/ 1\AL / /5 C_ -~ I l/0 '!">..-'.' ~· C: V --1:1 '2..(04 · 0 · \'1 v'\ -"·~, Purpose: Preservative Std Check Depth to Well Water Cale Actual Well Casing Depth to Column Water to Water .!!! 0 c5 Temp EC Bottom Diameter GW Height Purge Purged 0 -~ Cl) <{ Site ID# Time ·c pH µSiem ft inch ft ft Gallons Gallons 0 ii5 £ z 0 pH EC COMMENTS 'St I > CONTROL 80.90 2 MW1.5 65.80 2 MW02-50 50.90 2 MW03-50 50.80 2 .MW04-50 51.00 2 1J~zl)-' ",--,, j .. rec,.., Tlo ·7 '2 MW07-50 t. I -':;:. ,I)) IBO 52.60 2 21,I~ Jo,42, ~ti, ~ _ 1. MWOB-25 20.60 2 MW11 / l£l1D 8,i 6.0 1) 184 t 1.4JJ 13St ,1 ·1c·· ·'{~ / 41.0 2 l, il MW12 )() / !Mo 1.3 G~s q1£ 5./0 tl lt lf.41 gr; / 31.50 2 '. / ; ) l(f4't 5.1 b r-z. 314 3,:/{J 1oa-1J /,iL c;_b J MW13 I , . t,, 14.40 2 . ··· ... ::t:.•·: I' ..· . /?/LS .·· . ··· 1 · . Trip Blank . ,. . .. , .. ··: ... 'c:· .: . Groundwater samples shall be collected only after 2: · 1 well volumes Gallons to flush= 1 x 7.48 x 3.14 x 0.083' x water column height pH Std Check uses a 7.00 buffer. pH meter must be re- have been flushed and Temperature, pH, and EC measurements Gallons to flush = 0.17 x water column height (ft) standardized if result exceeds 7.00 ± 0.05. EC Std Check have stabilized to approximately ± 5% for each successive Water column height= depth of well -water level uses a 200 µSiem standard measurement taken in intervals 2: 5 minutes. for 50' well whose water level is 35 feet from ground level: Water column height= 50' -35' = 15' File: D:\Lab\Forms\Field Sheets\Field ERB.doc 10/14/2015 Flushing Record /,(fl '1.1L .... / Date:'' · --~-- -Ai'!~~-:t·· •.. · ttb{.J\~IW;)1\{,}, • i,;[,:i;•i••C fit11AJ ' l '> 1s3i "') /.,; {;11 , I t: ' ,/ t'' \ _) t'.i ('./ t, 'IJO lJ ':., J / ~· IS lt / :).. . I 1 s.2 ( ,., ~ ./11·1 I qt, 1 t e; .. 4 t, 11-< 1·-I .) i <1-- ~'-r;), i-i t'l 1 I l~ ,, 1~0 0 \C iOJ, {,.4 q S1L! <\::rJ ' /b 1-} ~-,J-l2-u i<~---\. J ...... 1 ' i ,:,)J.; !lr,5 9 LI (\ ~ ~w~. S11 \~\1. l6 , . ·-o fl l.J'"' 411 1:,, \1 ,\) b-, 1 i(f=t 11 ~ r~I ·I t1 G.l-13 41L J'vwJ . ., I\ 1,t<! 3 \. ~Ci l1 s;.~i ll{, G .1 ;l,c-r-1., I t1-.l l l~l\ f; ~, 't i I,~ iC"' ·' ..I I b-U . i tJ? I t1;3. i '") 1' ---~'li,1.. £ r:i3 1 sii4 ,,'J i {! ·-----' .. ' ., ,, ' ----. ·-·., ----' .. ... ·-~ ·-·· -------·-,-.----..... , ..... ·•·"'·-·--~ -·· ""' . ·-·· ---·-······-··-· .. -··· ......... .... _ .. IV\tVJ · 0·1 (}If tlb ~.11:;- oq1+ (?, Z, 9".v i.r3 1111 ' 11/1 ~ H ·'J, ~ 7,fJ (c;, o I l14 I I lo 4.C1 It_, (JV('24 1.1 le mo trc''2l .. _,. ' ·t dvu fJ~ r;eJ . I ,,., v .... H cq·1;t .J <J d ~ \\ Y\ij 1 ( e c l'\£i1 v c:\, · · vtl41 ,;3 lt:>.o '7."1 ~-q<p /€r(; 1iJ-td JV\/\@ 0 ~t>~~ Gli\b·b 45 ,J V 0. 'b 7, t:, ,.oca /efl •,, Note: Temp, pH, EC must stabilize± 5 % for successive measurements taken m intervals~ 5 minutes. J:\Lab\Forms\Field Sheets\Monitor_Well_Flushing_Record.doc p E5\l I i . Sci A(,) amp ers: { , I urpose: ,~i\)f /) ·r.. IQ}) SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT F~LD MONITORING RECORD Date: fOY-((.j -/ 9 . S /\ C(Q , \ ~ -~ Preservative Std Check -JviL,b :f.1/cb 13 (I) :r: Site ID# Temp EC DO Cb ~ ~ H,so. 0 .,: Time oc pH µSiem mglL mglL pH= z 0 pH EC Comments (/) 'SI" :r: > <-Rb .r>r ,,! .. Po0J u I v~.)> ?.?_ 7.b~ zc18 / t'./ \ .· \ 0 ' J f'\ lb , v~ ~ i -- oc ..JniL l61:ft!}1>' i ,,,t••:.c,·c 15},f';' Ill\, ~Iii i2il ,::·:\ !iWtJJ1t~~ l1ii ,¥~~ ff 1t;,, .. , . Temperature of Control when l!~{rf5J;l 1t(1;\ttt~· 11:F . samples received at Lab, °C l:tJ)$iif fo c;; If~ .. ·-I '· i) < ·.·. -·-·· Note: pH Std Check uses a 7.00 buffer. pH meter must be re-standardized 1f result exceeds 7.00 ± 0.05. EC Std Check uses a 200 µSiem standard. D:\Lab\Forms\Field Sheets\Field.doc 04/11/15 Purpose: ACMW-01AW ACMW-01BE ACMW-02N ACMW-025 ACMW-04W ACMW-065 Trip Blank Temperature of Control when samples received at Lab ID# Time 11·i0 IDSb /20b ll'fb 0ll4·, (02b OBro Depth to GW ft 4;,1t:t! '3 \? ' '.) 7.41 ,, r" ' ') \V-\ IS'.'24 Groundwater samples shall be collected only after~ 1 well volumes have been flushed and Temperature, pH, and EC measurements have stabilized to approximately± 5% for each successive measurement taken in intervals.: 5 minutes. D:\Lab\Forms\Field Sheets\Field ACMW.doc SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ACMW FIELD MONITORING RECORD Depth to Well Water Cale Well Casing Column Water to Temp EC, Bottom Diameter Height Purge oc H µSiem ft inch ft Gallons b.1'1 \ \8 /t;.t/-Z q,o 22.6 2 -.(:J;-:?:,' ~.7q S.'f k,.'20 q4,4 23.8 2 Z-0 ,~1 316'\ ll. q 0,'Z6 12-q 34.1 2 2&.to'I 1-,.~ CfiS S"~l7 l27 21.9 2 IS,t:i1 2.t,lr lLS S/l\ \"7k> 29.0 2 12.4 ·, :zr; Sqb 29.9 2 ~ . I , 1P4<7 211~ i.15 Gallons to flush= 1 x 7.48 x 3.14 x 0.083 x water column height Gallons to flush = 0.17 x water column height (ft) Water column height= depth of well -water level for 50' well whose water level is 35 feet from ground level: Water column height= 50' -35' = 15' Actual Water Purged I? Gallons "'" Q) t: ~ Cf) (~ Date: '{)4 -II· VI Samplers: DT / 7~~- Preservative Std Check H2S04 pH= I ,1t; Hi /. lJ /.J, )..Ip /. ~ I-lo 0 < z 0 H EC COMMENTS :c pH Std Check uses a 7 .00 buffer. pH meter must be re- standardized if result exceeds 7.00 ± 0.05. EC Std Check uses a 200 µSiem standard 1/22/2016 Flushing Record IC ti ii ,'' ,t.cn ! ·7 t:' 'I\ ':, t-\i' J\Cl\1\AJ f:i \0-vD §t7W't loo<; s 'b 12,S C\ .41 4~n jO\ C {D V2J:; '£,l?:. c~;i,'c ./ / IC f ~ I i:; 4 12.+ '7/it r;tt·1 i'.'l\\\'V'\'.)12' c\ c\vv QJ4, }~"Jr . ·tW :J Jo'2k'.J 4 12,4 ·-r. zc; ~(.; Li Si'v>iV\ a+1-1<ii1 · ( ec /l~\r1 . i . ACN\\Jv ~ e,st !o41 ~t-V,l tGS:~ 4 ·1, S" Cj . ·n ~', \ j 't4.t I rs_:;: k ! \; '? c.1 1 c' t: -' I Ip .'2G [14,L! AC~'\ W ·O iAvJ \\ \ 4-,; ~[7\;(t ,.!<'.:.) lo .... q " (,, \'! il1 ~ ,L 12... "7 tf ,o Ii .Vl ii 16 • IKIY\ vv -~ ZS . \) H~tv '5ii"vVr- [141 <; 1,.. q A ' t,J c;·c: '2., -· . ! 12·., i/~{, !6 '7 .) q,.~ c;.c,1 12-1 /\CM\V ··DZN ,.,. 'i5 vt C ,4 'i; ·1 '1, ~'. ll 11~ 14 7 Jj ! Cj !v.2B {J?J Nots: Temp, pH. EC must stabilize± 5 % for successive measurements taken in intervals~ 5 rn[nutes. rHI !:!ih\!='nrmc::\l=iAlrl ~hAAtc::\Monitor Well F"l1Le:;.hinn RAcord.ctoc Group 2 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Pur ose: lsite ACMW-21 ACMW-22 ACMW-23 ACMW-24 ACMW-25 ACMW-26 Trip Blank Temperature of Control when samples received at Lab ID# AG651 Time UNY jOtl 121.C 11 ~ / 0 'o ir~O C'f)OO Depth toGW ft 31.t tstb i)o { ~.,,, O• L /...-· lt"%. i."t-- Groundwater samples shall be collected only after 2: 1 well volumes have been flushed and Temperature, pH, and EC measurements have stabilized to approximately± 5% for each successive measurement taken in intervals 2: 5 minutes. D:\Lab\Forms\Field Sheets\Field ACMW-20_to_26.doc ACMW FIELD MONITORING RECORD Depth to Well Water Cale Well Casing Column Water to Temp EC Bottom Diameter Height Purge oc H Siem ft Inch ft ft q,1 ts& ~) 30.0 2 2-.t\' 12.0 bi' 1/0 51/J '-rL. 59.5 2 l ~-} ;u(i %1 50.0 2 ls'.~ b:,;4 lots 21tii ,;:, ;? -i. '(Jy 50.0 2 _, 1oi {lLI zoo 21.10 3.t1 30.0 2 q_c) (. a;L 1s 1) t3.1~ LlJJlj 30.0 2 Gallons to flush= 1 x 7.48 x 3.14 x 0.083 x water column height Gallons to flush = 0.17 x water column height (ft) Water column height= depth of well -water level for 50' well whose water level is 35 feet from ground level: Water column height= 50' -35' = 15' Actual Water Purged Gallons 1).S 14 I I l's 1~ i ~ a, I Date: QL1,rs -. icr Samplers: • I CJ1/Mi j fK I Of·Th·lt'\ Preservative Std Check H,so. H= l.\o i,~ q? L~ \Jb L~ I.~ 0 <( z 0 H EC COMMENTS I On River Ranch Rd, East side of H 88 On Fredericksbur Lane, near S? '} bes\~~ U streamofSW-15 ·i,, Downstream of SW-15 Behind Neddenriep's on Westside Lane: dirt rd between H 88 and Carson River On Westside Lane Stateline pH Std Check uses a 7.00 buffer. pH meter must be re- standardized if result exceeds 7.00 ± 0.05. EC Std Check uses a 200 µSiem standard 9/20/2017 7\ S. I . <: (.\ h'~·I k0_7 \ (7-9 h .,.' I r· 1,l ,,-, V ~· t b -, °' I .., '"1 h'tj hS-Z:.I l!r ) 1,1(/ ) 7 <;_ 'z , (;' f!l/1 h ·s_, l bhZ\ ' 71 v '-I i:h.J'. ",/ I ~~ t,- ' 2 NY'<;O'i fl_n...-" ; H ' \) 1~~ bi 'l. i·~1 171 t ~--J; °J~; ~fl l'~' tnl \ t~~ ~Q'i ('! !' \ "'l\1·\ \7171 ~J\).2\.,~· 1, _..:l .;u '! f.7· ~Y·nv 1-~ S, )> \ t.1:) ~·~ C:ili; l1 4 )7,i< . ,l 5ilt i I J 6 r ! 1/b \ 1.<:i.:~ );b C 7\\ _.1· v• rv-/roV '--; f2 1 \.,' ~i /'i l ii; 001. hT,.,) s ·o\. )o b Jo~ /J7 ,a hi 'LO\ I y·,,.,·/ s 52 bOl ~·Q L t ~U2{ "-" tr1 / Y'f \:·{~C\\ r \/ ? tr N\ 'N(JV ()\\ (l'l \ • if'! q,1,1 \ t Ci\ -8 \ i \l ' ' d)7,Q) ""I' . .s 1 \ CJ n •:ir~ r ~ \' r . ' t- t~:> r ?J:\ y_ V Jc 7"" ;./l.-~ i,..." s SI c; b /) ( 0 7,. I I [ 0 c:! i;.; 7 !.. / ldJ nni; () 0 Q il b V a·-p-q J i-· l t' 1J . !"fr) b'-a.c:i'::;,- ~' rJt:: q r,·ri h h IJ . ;~ ) •),.;I 'l v11 ~:.'\1~.L ·txi'.\-.S' \P,~ \ ' " " \ ...... ,,,;;:: ~ ..... J'P l· ,..., /., r·• _.· L I ( \ ' '' Group 3 Pur ose: Depth to GW Time ft //33 ~: -~\J ACMW-12 J1v5' 2rJSO ACMW-13 ti-ii <i 1(/ Q, I ACMW .. 20 GW .. 11 Trip Blank SOUTH TAHOE'PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ACMW FIELD MONITORING RECORD Depth to Well Water Cale Actual Well Casing Column Water to Water Temp EC Bottom Diameter Height Purge Purged ~ "C H Siem ft Inch ft Gallons Gallons o/-1 / bis " ' i:}f 70.1 2 Cf i-f ~Pe1 / ) OS 73.5 2 ~l ~-0,5J-llfJ 20.0 2 'b ~ ~1-,\ \~ 21.5 2 \'~ \J. bl~ \~ 1~5' ((> lli lib Preservative Q) I H2S04 0 z H= <( 0 Date :_t_' _:, _-_,_:>_,z.._· _· _1 ·~1 _ Sam pie rs : _ _.p"'"··· --'-r-,!/_··_t=--<?-'-(-_ .. __ Std Check H EC COMMENTS ---------11------1----l---1----i---l-----l--+---+---l---+----ll-'-f--+----+-1--li-'-11--+--t----------jl Temperature of Control when samples received at Lab _::g_ /1 i .;.; ,, I Groundwater samples shall be collected only after ;;: 1 well volumes have been flushed and Temperature, pH, and EC measurements have stabilized to approximately± 5% for each successive measurement taken in intervals 2 5 minutes. D·\Lab\Forms\f'ield Sheets\Field ACMW-Group_3.doc Minimum gallons to flush = 1 x 7-48 x 3. 14 x 0.083 x water column height Gallons to flush= 0.17 x water column height (ft) Water column height= depth of well -water level for 50' well whose water level is 35 feet from ground level: Water column height= 50' -35' = 15' pH Std .Check uses a 7.00 buffer. pH meter must be re- standardized if result exceeds 7.00 ± 0.05. EC Std Check uses a 200 µSiem standard 9/201?017 Flushing Record , '.. , , : ,' :;.:: Temp : Minutes .... Gallon$ oc pH Well Time . FJushed ··.· .• Flushed ±5% ±5% A.t!v\\J .. b} t1','ft I V, I \!1,fl 1. 1. :',.1-, Li~ \\~llr "\ \~ tit 6.+\ ~, ~ , G~ j (~\\;· ·~ WU, ii 7.. 9;; ··-. 7 a t' ~,/!{ L _.;:, I• I 11)3 1 ( "L l/J b ,q',(/ ' ") 4111J 1,v -I '} ... I ~ 1 I t, ,,.._ n ,;r; 3 3 9. " ;} )GI ) /-> . ·i· ,/ i 0) 13 q (.: ,:,"' i. J 1.01 {\CM\\)· \J i'l 'l2. ·- IVJ \ I ~t ' ~Cc \j, <) nti ~ t7· () t .'1-~11 Note: Temp, pH, EC must stabilize± 5 % for successive measurements taken in intervals~ 5 minutes. l:\Lab\Forms\Field Sheets\Monitor_Well_Flushing_ Record.doc Date: () )' ']. 2-. / t; E.C ., µS, +5% Sampler Comrrtents 5'rcur* U6 !Yt ~~v4 ,:i ,} / l{l ' "l jJ. I_,,, I ')· 1 ti '( r- IO( 1 O?,;- S\c\vt Hli 14-3 Group 4 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ACMW FIELD MONITORING RECORD Purpose: Site ACMW-09D ACMW-10 ACMW-11 ACMW-14 GW-05 GW-08 Trip Blank Temperature of Control when samples received at Lab ID# Depth to GW Time ft 121-S rq .. I \Y2.. 2.4-D~ ill? lZ.S5 102 (1 l'?;:lD ~ ': r~c'.,t u ~ Groundwater samples shall be collected only after 2: 1 well volumes have been flushed and Temperature, pH, and EC measurements have stabilized to approximately± 5% for each successive measurement taken in intervals 2: 5 minutes. D:\Lab\Forms\Field Sheets\Field ACMW-Group_ 4.doc Depth to Well Water Cale Actual Well Casing Column Water to Water Temp EC Bottom Diameter Height Purge Purged oc H Siem ft Inch ft Gallons Gallons IS. C <JO ·1 0 ,) 45.1 1 2 \2. o 38.5 2 5.2 10.1 33.5 2 2J.J5 ·5.bJ ~ 11,t 5.'i I lZ.4 30.0 2 1tio lJb ci.s 6r: LQ, \ '2 1) \ll.\ S$i '7;;)°1 1,6 Minimum gallons to flush = 1 x 7.48 x 3.14 x 0.083 x water column height Gallons to flush = 0.17 x water column height (ft) Water column height= depth of well -water level for 50' well whose water level is 35 feet from ground level: . Water column height= 50' -35' = 15' i;.l 'St Q) 'i:: 2 (f) Date: U~ · ~\.. · \'1 Sam plers:'l_..;..:ft,=\QJ\ic;;..c_·c_,i\ ___ _ 'G.o.~if=v\ Preservative Std Check H2S04 pH= 0 <t: z 0 I H EC COMMENTS A,( ~'( ~\~ - pH Std Check uses a 7.00 buffer. pH meter must be re- standardized if result exceeds 7.00 ± 0.05. EC Std Check uses a 200 µSiem standard 1/22/2016 Flushint Record ·. ! . .. Temp M. t · •· · ... mueir · G.!!Uons "C· i:il'.l Well j Time f'lushed···. I< FIUshed ±5% ±5% , AC/JW-1 U. i lOlL\ '2, J I \ \. ~ &,Ot \OU\ 1· 9.~) ·1t1 S·-~1 ~(J~ '\'~ -\ \ \\D3 4 l I? ll \-,U .:: Q ~ z;, I \\~~ q I 5 \Q .. i f .Ob 11 \ 1:i l" "1 ~ 10:1 ,J_O (\(ii\~ -\\) \ \~ 1.. n:11 (,lklJ 1 i'3J ~.\~ l\ ~1 iO fl.. n.i ~:1A /\Uv\\N ·· Oto \ln1:i 3 z iU 'j I j; ~1-\) \H1 i 5 ({j t 11 12n 1-::i 1 !~-b '( b, ) . . : Note: Temp, pH, EC must stabrl1ze ± 5 % for success!ve measurements taken in intervals 2 5 minutes. l:\Lab\Forms\Field Sheets\Monitor_ Well_Ftushing_Record.doc EQ 1,1$ ±5% -l2 t, ·U 71L\ 74.0 7q,l\ 1 ' I 'fJ_\ \lQ~-~1 \1( g\,~ ~Ll 'fiG.J · .. : :·· $ampler. c~111rnents . .c.,,l-.s~· ,021 I -! 5:to-il 10'$ 0/ I ~~rt'" ~y~ t"1t{) • r Group 5 :::iur ose: Site A.CMW-15 ACMW-16 ACMW-17 ACMW-18 ACMW-19 Trip Blank Temperature of Control when samples received 3t Lab I/ / 1 / kf,Jt ID# Time f2))0 il24 iti,; \ \14q \s?.J (800 Depth toGW ft Cf.or q ,Q..e 4.f( ~"' l~·~ Groundwater samples shall be collected only after 2: 1 well volumes have been flushed and Temperature, pH, and EC measurements have stabilized to approximately± 5% for each successive measurement taken in intervals <= 5 minutes. SOUTH TAHUt: t-'Ut:SLI(.; U I ILi I Y UI~ I RICI ACMW FIELD MONITORING RECORD Depth to Well Water Cale Actual Well Casing Column Water to Water Temp EC Bottom Diameter Height Purge Purged "C H µSiem ft Inch ft Gallons Gallons \3,o 5"R0 (p(p .o 29.5 2 '2o:s 0,S' 18, tL'o b,\1 lH, 29.0 2 lC{,~ ?/\ I 't [0(3 brl ~~~ ~i. \ 30.0 2 2~.r /i.'~ I (p 11,t} \?.6.C ~-\ 28.0 2 tJ.i1 3.f iq \2,t b. btl ·207 20.0 2 lt 5£ 2. \ l 0\ o.bS Minimum gallons to flush= 1 x7.48 x 3.14 x 0.083 x water column height Gallons to flush = 0.17 x water column height (ft) Water column height = depth of well -water level for 50' well whose water level is 35 feet from ground level: Water column height= 50' -35' = 15' (;) Date: Ob-t:-3 i Cl Samplers: ML/ t;·'!t Preservative Std Check Ql ~. H2SO, ii5 H= 0 <( z 0 H EC COMMENTS J: pH Std Check uses a 7.00 buffer. pH meter must be re- standardized if result exceeds 7.00 ± 0.05. EC Std Check uses a 200 µSiem standard Flushinr! Record Date: . . I r ... ,vt,1-~_,.,-... ~ 1:;K, rs I7 11ft }f <tjtJ// i ; ..... r \/ <> >i: >r Di.2'? , G~11~~i ;,: ;'::j>i ,,· ... 0 c··, }:~§]': IS ; ··.· .... , ;~~:~~i!~> \ , .. ,C .,,. I ·····\ /' ,; ,,, '"'"'· .... · FiUifhecl ; ±5%':I, ,-y,u I ±.5% .. L{ I ·· \· .. ·. AcrA ,/J --\ 1 iuit ~LI 4 \O.(i ~; '\\ 4"('. ,il ,) '.:>f"t\Yi" ~··-, J .!::O~· \nWS 9 I 0 1. ""' ~·~C 1/J l\ ·r ,L,6 l!r1 i 15 It \0/1:i f;;Il ~ . 1 \ vt--· A urYi \fJ . I G I! \ 4 q ,.... Jg,;0 (R.iP l:f1 stci\;Vf' UCO H ~7 \lVt C'{ io 11."L ,;.1\ ILl.1 n11.1 1L\ l ' 14 \I.~ ~-lq i!fJ l\cM v\J · \ ~ ns~ ~ '3 \ ~' \ sqs 1,~. vf, i ~,rt-w H·Sv I.zoo 9J 0 \~ .. a )Cit ,\ Gb,0 k.,,~\ \rJ , 'i 1fb~ l( c:: J \!,,\_Q en b~-8 5-/c . .J 1255 I 7-l\"-\ 9 ·-fl 13.o &~ , ,·1 I 01.~ \1ij'·' tY 11 ~ 1 ll 1 cso tliqJ -I ADIi\/\ v'I/ -\4 r~n Jl14 (... \j_(, {61 2r1h ~v-t@f1~~3 !?JU q lb \ 1. '') c.io L\~ 1;i1 ! l! \ l i It~ ~.,6i 20"'' ' Note: Temp, pH, EC must stabilize± 5 % for successive measurements taken 1n intervals 2:. 5 minutes, J:\Lab\Forms\Field Sheets\Monrtor_Well_Flushing_Record.doc