Ordinance No. 301 - SupersededORDINANCE NO. 301 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT STREET LIGHTING SERVICE ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE SUPERSEDING ORDINANCES NOS. 114, 275 and 291 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE STREET LIGHTING SERVICE CHARGES, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE BE IT ENACTED, by the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT~ EL DORADO COUNTY, California, as follows~ ARTICLE I. DEFINITIONS Sec. 1.1. Definitions. For the purpose of this ordinance the terms used herein are defined as follows: Sec. 1.2. District is the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California. Sec. 1.3. Board is the Board of Directors of said District. Sec. 1.4. of th~ Board. Sec. 1.5. Sec. 1.6. Sec. 1.7. Clerk is the Clerk and ex-officio Secretary City is the City of South Lake Tahoe. County is the County of E1 Dorado. Engineer is the Engineer appointed by and acting for the Board and shall be a Registered Civil Engineer. Sec. 1.8. District Inspector is the Inspector acting for the Board and may be a Member of the Board, the Manager, the District Engineer or Inspector appointed by the Board. Sec. 1.9. Person is any human being, firm, company, partnership, association, and private, public or municipal corporations, the United States of America, the State of California, districts and all political subdivisions, govern- mental agencies and mandatories thereof. Sec. 1.10. Street Light is an overhead lamp providing illumination to public streets in the District. Ordinance No. 301 Sec.l.ll. Public Streets are state highways, county roads and city streets within the District. Sec.l.12. Serviced Lands are those lands lying within the District and abutting upon a public street upon which street lighting is afforded by the District. ARTICLE II. GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec.2.1. Purpose. This Ordinance is intended to provide a schedule of annual charges for Street lighting services payable in advance supplied by the District and to provide a method for the enforcement thereof. Sec.2.2. Short Title. This Ordinance shall be known as the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT STREET LIGHTING SERVICE ORDINANCE. Sec.2.3. Relief on Application. When any person by reason of special circumstances, is of the opinion that any provision of this Ordinance is unjust or inequitable as applied to his premises, he may make written application to the Board, stating the special circumstances, citing the provision complained of, and requesting suspension or modification of that provision as applied to his premises. If such application be approved, the Board may, by resolution, suspend or modify the provision complained of, as applied to such premises, to be effective as of the date of the application and continuing during the period of the special circumstances. -2- Ordinance No. 301 Sec. 2.4. Relief on Own Motion. The Board may, on its own motion, find that by reason of special circumstances any provision of this regulation and Ordinance should be suspended or modified as applied to a particular premise and may, by resolution, order such suspension or modification of such premises during the period of such special circumstances, or any part thereof. ARTICLE III. ANNUAL CHARGES Sec. 3.1. General Rates - Street Lighting Services. (a) It is hereby determined by the Board that the cost to District to supply street lighting on a public street within the District is Fifty Cents ($0.50) per year per lineal foot of serviced lands abutting upon a public road on lands serviced with street lighting facilities installed prior to July 1, 1966. (b) It is hereby determined by the Board that the cost to the District to supply street lighting on a public street within the District is Eighty Cents ($0.80) per year per lineal foot of serviced lands abutting upon a public road on lands serviced with street lighting facilities installed after July 1, 1966. Sec. 3.2. Monthly Charges. The owners of serviced lands shall be charged monthly with the cost of supplying street lights to their property. Provided, however, that where a serviced land abuts upon two or more public streets serviced by street lights, its owner shall not be charged for the narrowest portion of his property abutting upon a public street serviced by street lights'or one hundred (100) feet~ whichever is lesser. -3- 301 Ordinance No. ARTICLE IV COLLECTION AND ENFORCEMENT Sec~421. Direct Billing - Street Lighting ~ervic~ Charges. The charges herein fixed for street lighting services shall be payable for a period of one (1) year in advance. Statements of charges for street lighting services to be rendered may be mailed at the beginning of the fiscal year (July 1 - June 30), and said charges shall be payable yearly in advance for each said fiscal year. One-year street lighting service charges in advance shall be paid before services are connected, and thereafter, future street light- ing service charges shall be payable in advance on July 1 of each succeeding year. Sec.4.2. Delinquency. Statements which have not been paid before the 5th day of August following the mailing of the statement of charges shall be delinquent. Sec.4.3. Discounts. A discount of one-percent (1%) of the charge shall be subtracted therefrom if the charges are paid in full on or before the date that they become delinquent. Sec.4.4. Action to Collect. An action may be brought by the District against the person or persons who occupied the premises, or against the person to whom the premises are assessed for tax purposes, when the service was rendered for the collection of the amount of delinquent charges and costs of collection, including reasonable attorney's fees, to be fixed by the Court. -4- 301 Ordinance No. Sec.4.5. Nature of Procedure. The procedures provided in this article are not exclusive. Notwithstand- ing any provisions herein, the District may utilize any procedures provided in any law or which are a legal incident to its powers, and any remedy in law or equity to collect the charges and penalties. It is the intention of this Ordinance that there shall be available to the District all procedures and that they shall be diligently exercised. That all charges and penalties thereon or other charges and penalties thereon or other charges incident thereto shall be promptly and effectively collected. ARTICLE V - MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Sec.5.1. Separability. If any section, sub- section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance or the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances. The Board hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance or any section, sub-section, sentence, clause or phrase hereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, sub-sections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared to be unconstitutional. Sec.5.2. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect upon the expiration of thirty (30) days after its passage and shall be posted by the Clerk of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at three (3) public places in said District at least one (1) week before the expiration of said period after its passage and shall further be published in the Tahoe Daily Tribune, a newspaper of general circulation one (1) time only, at least one (1) week before the expiration of said period. -5- Ordinance No. Y01 Sec. 5.3. Supersedes Former Ordinance{. This ordinance amends Ordinances Nos. 114, 275 and 291 in their entirety and supersedes said Ordinances. v or~e L[ kashUba, President SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: Mary D./~brose CLERK ~F BOARD AND EX-OFFICIO SECRETARY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT I hereby certify that the foregoing ORDINANCE was adopted at a meeting of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT held on the 2nd day of AuGust , 1979, by the following vote: AYES: Directors Kashuba, Cocking, Jones, Olson and Fieldcamp NOES: None ABSENT~ None Ky D. Am,b-~os~, Clerk of Boa SOUTH TAH~ PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT -6- AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ORDINANCE NO. 301 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF EL DORADO ) Chester A. Horning , being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That for and on behalf of the Clerk and ex-officio Secretary of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT affiant posted copies of ORDINANCE NO. 301 in form attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof, in three public places in the District, as follows: 1. City of South Lake Tahoe Administration Bldg. South Lake Tahoe, CA 2.Bijou Post office Station South Lake Tahoe, CA 3. Tahoe Valley Post office Station South Lake Tahoe, CA That said posting was completed on the /~/I~ day of_~A~3/~' 1979. Subscribed and swo~n to before me thiS~ day of~~ 1979. / l/~6--in ~nS for_the. ~ra~g-~ State of caliCornla. My commission Expires 11/19/82. MARY DRiNA A'~' :~OS~ ::~ )¢D}b-~,D© CO., CALIFORNIA ~ ~m~s~o. Expires Nov. 19, 1982 PUBLIC UTI LITY rDIS?RI Sewer~,. Street Li Ordinances--' AUGUST 2, 1979 . ORDINANCE NO. 300 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEWER REGULATION ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE SUPERSEDING ORDINANCES NO. 24,35,81,114,130, t38. t84. t95. 252. 256,264. 275,284,285, 286,289, 29t.. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE USE OF PUBLIC AND PRI- VATE SEWERS. THE INSTALLATION OF SEWER LATERALS AND PUBLIC: SEWER MAIN EXTENSIONS, PROVIDING FOR THE EMPLOYMENT OF A SANITARY INSPECTOR, PROVIDING PER- MI"IS AND FIXING FEES FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SANI- fARY SEWER LATERALS AND REGULATING PLUMBING. DRAINAGE AN[} SEWERING IN THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRIC! AND PROVIDING FOR SEWER SERVICE CHARGES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE· BE IT E NACTE D. by the Board el Directors o! the South Tahoe Public LJtmt¥ D~slr~ct. El Dorado County, California. as follows: ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS Sec ! I Definitions. F or the purpose of this ordinance the terms used here~n are defined as follows Sec ! 2 District ~s the South Tahoe Public Ulility District, El t'-)orado CounW, California Sec ! 3 Boar~ ~s the Board of Diregtor~ of said District. Sec 1 4 Clerk ~s the Clerk and ex-officio Secretary of the Board. Sec I 5 Count~ ~s the County el El Dorado. Sec 7 6 EnginNr is the Engineer appoinled by and acting for fha Board and shall be a Registered Civil Engineer. Sec t 7 District InIpector is Ihe Inspector acting for the Board and may be a Member of the Board. the Manager. the District Engineer or Inspector appointed by the Board. Sec I 8 Person is any human being I tm, company, partnership, assooalion, and private, public or municipal corporations, the United Stales ct America. the Slale of Calilornia, districts and all political sub- diws,ons, governmental agencies and mandatories thereof. Sec I 9 Petm/t is any written authorization required pursuant to th,s or any other rule. regulation or ordinance of District for the installation ct any sewage works Sec ~ I 0 Building ~s any structure used lot human habitation or a place el business, recreation or other purpose containing sanitary facili- bas Sec. 1 ~ 1. Applicant is the person making application lot a permit lot a sewer installation and shat! be the owner of record ct premises to be served by lhe sewer for which a permd is requested or his authorized agent, through power of attorney. nersh~p or the type el agent way, easem Sec treating, am Sec buildings a. district or Sec cesses as c Sec induslrial w~ tionally adh' Se(: controlled Sec at the found Sec; plumbing or line. Sec public sheel Sec Districl Sec. disposal not or more hou Sec and dispens duce. Sec. 1 traps, or soil, pipes within Sec. Sec. strength of used for the charges. Sec. 2 lations respa age of build~ hereby adop cording to 11 ,Sec ! 12 Contractor is an individual, lira ~.'~ri)()~,lt~*)f~. ~ersbip or association duly I~censed by th~ Stat~ of C,~l,h~rrua t~) the t~pe of work to be ~one under the permit and $h~ll t)~ ~he, )wrier O~ agent. Sec ~ 13. Str~tisanypubhch,ghway. road sue~t av~;~u~ way, easement or right-of-way. Sec. 7.14. ~ WorkI are all lacilili~s fo~ coll~chon treating, and disposmg of reclaimed waler and sohds Sec. 1.15. ~ewege is a combination ol water-carrmd wastes buildings and industrial establishments connected to sew;~ge w(~rks district or from any private sewer. Sec. 1.16. Industrial Wastes are I~quid wastes from ~nduslr~al cesses as distinct from sewage· Sec ~. 17 ~e~r ~s a pipe or condutl wmch c~rr~s s~w~lgO tnduslri81 wasles Io which slorm, surface and g~ound walo~s ;iro fl~l tlonally admilled Sec ~. ~ 8 Publtc Se~r is a sewer lyln~ wdhm a sbePI and wh~(:h controlled by Or under lhe iurisdIghon ol the D~s~r~cl Sec. I. 1 g Side Se~r is the part ot the horizontal p~pmg at the foundahon wall of any building and lermmahng m the man Sec. 120. Building Se~r ~S any sewor or {ham t)egu~mn9 at plumbing or drainage outlets of any buildm9 and ~unn,n9 h~ Ihe line. Sec. 1.21. La~rai Se~r is lhe potion ol the s,de sewm w,mm a public streel Sec. 122. Outside Se~r is a private sewer ~yond lhe hmli5 ol the District. S~. 123. P~ve~ ~r is one which has an mdepen(ienl sewage dis~sal nol connecteo wilh a pubhc sewer and which accomm~ales or more houses. Sec. 1.24. Oarbege is solid wasle horn lhe preparat~On. Co<)kmg and dispensing of fo~ and from the handhn9, slo~age an~ sale ot duce. Sec. 125. Plumbing Sye~m includes all plumbmg hxlures and traps, or soil, waste, special waste and venl p~s, and alt samtmy sewage pi~s within the prope~y lines ol Ihe premises. Sec. 1.26. Ci~ is the Ci~ of Soulh Lake Tahoe Sec. 1.27. Se~r Unit is an estimat~ measurement ol llow and strength olwastewater discharged to the treatment tacihties A sewe~ unll US~ for the purposes ol determination ol assessment ot sewer serwce charges. ARTICLE GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec. 2. ~. Rules end R~uleUon& The loHowmg rules and ~egu lations res~cting sewer construction and dis~sal of sewage and dram 'age of buildings and connection to the sewer works of said District are hereby adopted and alt work in res~ct thereto shall be pedorm~ ~rding to the Uniform Plumbing C~e or as herein required and not otherwise Sec. 2.2. PucpoN. Th~s Ordinance is intended to provide certain minimum standards, provisions and requirements lor design, methods o! construction and use el materials m sanitary sewage tacilities in side sewers herealter installed, altered or repaired. This Ordinance shall not apply retroactively and. in the event of an alteration or repair hereafter made. it shall apply only to the new materials and methods used thereon. This Ordinance is also ~ntended to provide a schedule of annual charges for sewer serwces payable m advance supplied by the District and to provide a method lot the enforcement thereol. Sec 2.3 Short Title. This ordinance shall be known as the South Tahoe Public Uhhty Distnct Sewer Regulation Ordinance. Sec. 2.4 Violation Unlawful. Following the effective date of this ordinance il shall be unlawful {or any person tO connect to, construct, in- stall or provide, m~',intain and use any other means of sewage disposal from any building ,n said Dislrict except hy connection to a public sewer in the manner as in Ibis ordinance provided. Sec. 2.5 Relief on Application. When any person by reason el special circumstances, is of the opinion Ihat any provision el this ordi- nance ~s unlust or inequitable as applied lo his premises, he may make written application to the Board, stating the special circumstances, citing me provision complained of, and requesting ~uspension or modification that provis~on as applied to his premises· Il such application be approved, the Board may, by resolution, sus- penal or modify the prowsion complained of, as applied to such premises, to be effective as of the date et the application and continuing during the period of the special circumstances. Sec. 2.6. Reltef on Ow~ Motion. The Board may, on its own mo- lion. hnd that by reason of special circumstances any provision latJon and ordinance should be suspended or modified as applied tea particular premise and may, by resolution, order such suspension or modi- hcation of such premises during the period of such special circumstances, or any part Ihereot. Sec 2.7 Plumbing, Inspection, Compensation. The Board o! sa~d Oistrict shall employ the District Engineer or such other person as may . be designated by the Board to perform the duties of inspecting the installa- tion. connection, maintenance and use el all lateral sewers and plumbing, sewerage, sanitary drainage work and lacilitles in connection therewith in said District, to be known as the Inspector. He shall receive as compensa- tion for h~s services for making inspections requi,ed to be made by ti~e ordinances, and orders and regulations from time to time enacted and orr dared by said Board. a sum to be fixed by the Board. USE OF PUBLIC SEWERS REQUIRED Sec. 3. I. Diapo~el of Wastes. It shall be unlawful for any person. to place, deposit, or permit to be deposited in an unsanitary manner upon public or private propedy within the District, or in any area under the juris. diction of said District, any human or animal excrement, garbage, or other 3 obleclion~ dlSc~-ia rL~ Olher poilu in accorda Sec. ':' be unlawful !: POol, seepa i';i;! sewage. Sec or Other Sfru ,.-. compled wil; Sec. 3 Within the which lhere is direcHy W~[h lhis ordinanc( provided Sec. 4. i. able under Pro~ ed to a private .~ lions and ordin~ Sec. 4.2 sewer becomes POsal system, as. lo lhe Public se~ lions of District, .sewage disposal material as deter~ I.AT ' Sec 5. ': Ordinance, no per ii:.'i:.' make a COnnecfior permit from fha Df., required herein. Sec. 5.2. C, Speclion of building the requirements of .Stale.. of California, 8 :. Sec. 5.3.(a) · ling to lhe Fal ;,~': objectionable waste. Sec. 3.2, Treatment of Walt~l Required. it discharge to any stream or watercourse any sewage, mduslnal wastes. other polluted waters, excepl where sudable treatment has been provided in 8ccordance with provisions el this ordinance. Sec. 3.3. Unlawful Disposal. Except as harem provided, d shall be unlawful to construct or maintain any privy, pnvy vault, sepl~c tank, cass- pool, seepage pit or other facility inlended o~ used tot the sewage. Sec. 3.4. Occupancy Prohibited. No buddmg, in(luslrlal lacddy or other structure shall be occupied unlil the Owner el the pram,sas has compled with all rules and regulations el the District Sec 3.5. Sewer Re~uire~. The Owner el any b~jH(.llng sduated within the District requiring sewage disposal and abutlmg on any streel which Ihere is now located or may in the tulu~e be located a puDhc sower · the District. is hereby required at his expense to connect sa,d buddm~.] ' directly with the proper public sewer in accordance with the this ordinance, within ninety (90) days after dale of olhc,a~ notice Io do s~ provided that said public sewer is within three hundrecl (300) leer el the building. ARTICLE IV. PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL · . Sec, 4. 1. Se~r NotAvlilable. Where a public sewer ~s no! ava,I able under provisions et Section 3.5, the bufld;ng sewer shall be connecl- ~...ed tO a private sewage disposal system complying with the rules, regula- tions and ordinances of any or all Governmental Agencies· .<.~. Se~ 4.2. Abandonn~nt of FecititfaI. At such time as a pubhc sewer becomes available to a propedy served by a Drivale sewage dis- :' POsal system, as provided in Section 3.5, a direct connection shall be made ':i~ tO.the public sewer in compliance with the ordinances, rules and regula- tions,Of District, and any septic tanks, cesspoots, and s,mdar pnvate sewage disposal facilities shall be abandoned and fdled with suitable material as determined by the District Inspector. :,:~ .~:. ARTICLE V. ~?.:): . BUILDING 8EWERS, ,. LATERAL SEWEI~'& CONNECTIONS :'"::' Sec. 5.1. Pecmil I~equic~d. In accordance wdh Article X of .0~"dtnance no person sham construct a building sewer, lateral sewer :.:' i~'ake'a connection with any public sewer without first obtainmg a wrilten :; :permit from the District and paying all tees and connection charges as required herein. Sec. 5.2. Construction Requirement~ Construction and ~n- :tion of building sewers and laleral sewers shall be in accordance wdh requirements of the County of El Dorado. City of South Lake Tahoe. · 0.State of California, and the requirements of the District. ";:'~.~ .... Sec. 5.3. (a) Sewer MateHalI-Fallen Leaf Lake. Sewer laterals ~:~jhnectlng to the Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer System shall be four SuDDhe~'I r)y It diameter anti installed wdh a minimum cover ot twelve (12) inches; . wherever possible Latorals located m areas accessible to vehicular.traffic ,,v~th less than 2~/5 teat ol cover and in rock areas where adequate cover is" ,~t available Shall be encased or otherwise protected as approved by Dts,~ · --tr,ct Cabins located at elevations below the road where pumping of sew~ .:..': age is require<] must pump only eltluent from an inspected and approved septic tank through a one and one-hall (1 ~,~) inch diameter plastic (PVC) pipe into the District maintained collection lines leading to the central sap t~c tank. Backflow prevention and protection shall be provided. Plastic Pipe' with a minimum cover ot 2~b feet shall be rubber ring joint type PVC gravity sewer pipe SDR 35 or better. Pipe with less than 21~ feet minimum cOVer shall be schedule 80 PVC solvent weldpipe or approved equal.All plas~ttc pumped lines shall be schedule 80 PVC solvent weld pipe or equal. Where pumped lines cease and become gravity lines they shall . trealed as a conventional sewer system from that point extending.to'the connection to the District maintained collection lines. . Sec. 5.3. Sew'er Metedel& The building sewer shall be soil pipe. ASTM specification (C13-44T) or equal; or other suitable material approved by the Inspector. Joints shall be tight and waterproof. ,3ac 5.4 Minimum Size and Slope. The size and slope of the building sewer shall be subject to the approval of the Inspector, but in event shall the diameter be less than four (4) inches. The slope of such 4- inch p~pe shall be not less than one--foudh (%) inch per foot, ',: ~. Sec. 5,5. BuildingSev~r. Whenever possible the building sewer should be brought tO the building at an elevation below the basement floor. No budding sewer shall be laid parallel to or within three (3) feet of any bear~r~g wall, which might thereby be weakened. The depth shall be sulfF cmnt to afford protection from frost. The building sewer shall be laid at uni- torm grade and in straight alignment insolar as possible, Changes. in dfrection shall be made only with properly curved pipe and fittings, Sec. 5.6. Jointe e~d Connection& All excavations required for ne installation of a building sewer shall be open trench work unless other- '- wise approved by the Inspector. Pipe laying and backfill shall be perform- ed in accordance with ASTM specification (C 12-19) except that no backfill shall be placed until the work has been inspected. ,;.', Sec. 5.7. Connection to Public Sewer, The connection of .the- building sewer into the public sewer shall be made at the lateral or"Y" or?~T" branch, if such lateral or "Y" or "T" branch is available at a suitabte.loca-' lion· Where no properly Iocaled "Y" or "T" branch is available, a neat hole may be cut miD the public sewer to receive the building or lateral sewer with entry in the downstream direction at an angle of about forty-five degrees (4,5"). A wye saddle shall be used for the connection and in no caseshall the.;-! pipe protrude inside the main sewer. The invert of the building c sewer at the point of connection shall be at a higher elevation than the invert of the public sewer. A smooth neat joint shall be made and .the connection made secure and watertight. The connection to the public sewer can be made only by a licensed sewer contractor and shall be made in the presence ol the District Inspector and under his supervision and dj' faction and in accordance with the rules, regulations and Ordinances of · '~tstrict. AnY damage to the P ~appticant to the satistaCtiO~ .~;~',~:$e(~ 5.8. SeParate Se' ' ;Street shall ~ ~rmitted ~.buitding or industrial tw aew~' ~t such public abuts o~ in an ease~ 5,9, Old ~utldin ion with n~ District 1 a~d test~ b~ the Too ..Se~ 5.~0 S too tow to permit gra ~[strtct inspector, ar ct the owner. installation sha~l be a ~ct the public from distur~d in the c~ .lsctOW to ~he O~st[ict ,j~iction thereouer. ~ Sec. 5.12. '~a[nt~ined by the owner 0~nance, no person :~ :.;. s~er without hrst ct sand connection provisions ct th~s S ":aPplY to contractors cc L-' .tracts awarded a~d e~ .. -.. 'Sec 6.2 plan ' ',: .~Otication tot a ~rm~t )mpiete plans, pt by ordinances, rul Istefed Civil Engineer "accurate suweY oi tt · proliles and specific~ :'.;': ,shall approve them a ~: CessaW tot proper .:B~rd at its next re~ satistieO t~t the : .lications are suflici predicated u~n ing bonds as :.~ and conditions as Sec. 6.3, ~ch 4- · ' ~ damage to the public sewer shall be reps-ed al Ihe co.~t nt to Ihe satisfaction of the District Inspector. ~e~rate ,~ew,~'~. No two adjacent lots fronting on the :l~treet shall be permitted to ioin in the use el the same side sewer or industrial facility must be separately connected wdh a it such public sewer exists in the street upon which the ~.iabuts or in an easement which will serve smd property. Old Building ~lwer~ Old building sewers may be used )n with new buildings only when they are Iound, upon examine- by the District Inspector, to meet all requirements el District. :5.10 Sewer Too Low. In all buildings in which any building foe Iow tO permit gravity Ilow to the public sewer, sanitary sewage such building sewer shall be lifted by artificial means, approved District Inspector, and discharged to the public sewer al the ex- the owner. 5.1 I. Protection of Excavation. All excavations for side Ilation shall be adequately guarded with barricades or lights so ~protect the public lrom hazard, Streets, sidewalks, parkways and ' disturbed in the course of the work shaft be restored in a ' to the District and the City, Counly or any other person I~liction thereover. Sec. 5.12. Maintenance of Side Sewer. Side sewers shah De !ntRtned by the owner ol the property served thereby ~. ' ARTICLE VI, '~;?: ':" PUBUC SEWER CONSTRUCTION i) ' Sec 6.1. Permit Required. In accordance wilh Adicle VIII el Ih~s , no person shall construct, extend or connect to any pubhc 'Withoul first obtaining a written permit lrom the District and paying all ~.and connection charges and furnishing bonds as required therein provisions of this Section requiring permits shall not be construed ~?~pply tO contractors constructing sowers and appurtenances under con- .>~itlllC"tS awarded and entered into by the District. 6.2. Plen~, Proflle~ end ~peclflcetton~ Required. The ap- for a permit for public sewer construction shall be accompanied {. by cOmplete plans, profiles and specifications, complying with all apph~ ordinances, rules and regulations of. District. prepared by a Reg- - l~.;terect Civil Engineer showing all deta ils et the proposed work based on a n · accurate survey, of the ground. The application, together with the plans. and specifications shall be examined by the District Engineer who approve them as filed or require them to be modified as he deems ne- .::Cessary foe proper installation. After examination by the Distnct Engineer. ,the application, plans, profiles and specifications shall be submitted to the ::;Board at its next regular meeting lot its consideration. When the Board i.,!satisfied that the proposed work is proper and the plans, profiles and sOec~- msare sufficient and correct, it shall order the issuance of ~i;!' :predicated upon the payment of all connection charges, lees and lurmsh- :;.- lng bonds as required by the District. The permit shall prescribe such terms and conditions as the Board finds necessary in the pubhc interest. Sec. 6.3. Sub~htisions. The requirements of Section 6.1 and 6.2 (:barges ~l~ll d~sp~h shall check ~l(~t~ II anti lh(' Ih~ SldO S~v (lO!d('*' Sr~c. cRrrv ,ti1 t)~ m~asur~m Cl~t]~e suCh ord~n~nc~ slances nsn(;~ irto~p~cl,, lpnc~s ct th,s Ordinance shall be tully complied with belore any ILeal subdivision -',. mar.) shall provide lot the dedication lot public sewer lines are to be con- . structed. It a final subdivision map Gl a tract is recorded and the work ct constructing sewers to serve the tract is not completed within the time limit allowed in the permit, the Board may extend the time limit or may complete the work and take appropriate steps to enlorce the provisions of the bond furmshed by the subdivider. Sec. 64 Eesement~ or Ri~ht~'of-WaY. Intheeventthatanease. ment is required lot the extension Gl the public.Sewer or the making of connections, the applicant shall procure and have accepted by the Board a proper easement or grant Gl right-Gl-way sufficient in law to allow the laY- v..i lng and maintenance ct such ex~ension or connection. Sec 6.5. Persons Authorized to Perform Work,'Only liC°nSed contractors shall be authorized to pedorm the work of public sewer con-..'-'.' struchon within the Dmtricl. All terms and conditions Gl the permit issued by , the Dmtricl to lhe applicant shall be binding on the contractor. The require. i ments o! this Section shall apply to side sewers instailed concurrently with . pubhc sewer construction. . .:-' Sec. 6.6. Grade Stake& Grade and line stakes shall be set by.a .. Registered Civil Engineer prior to the start of work on any pUblic struction The contractor shall be responsible for accurately..translerring grades to grade bars and sewer invert. Se~ 6. 7. Compliance with Local Reguletion~, Any person con- struchng a sewer within a street shall comply with all State, City and County !aws. ordinances, rules and regulations pertaining to lhe cutting of pave. met. opening, barricading, lighting and protecting of trenches, backfilling : and repaying thereof and shall obtain all permits and pay all fees required by the department having iurisdiclion prior to the issuance of a permitDy ~ the District. Sec. 6.8. Protection of £xcav~tiom Theapplicant such barriers, lights and signs as are necessary to give warning t° .the '/ public at all times that a sewer is under construction and of each dange{- GUS condition to be encountered as a result thereof. He shall also likewise protect the public iff the use of the sidewalk agaipst any such condition3s in connection with the COnStruction of the sewer. Streets, sidewalks, I: ways and other property disturbed in thecourse of the work shall be rein- stalled m a manner satisfactory to the District and the County or any person having jurisdiction lhereover Sec. 6.9. Design end Construction Standards. Minimum stan- dards lor the design and construction of sewers within the District shall be · m accordance with the applicable provisions of the ordinances, rules, regulations and with Ihe SPECIFICATIONS FOR SEWER CONSTRUO-.~ TION heretofore or hereafter adopted by the District, copies of which are on' :~' file in the District office. The District, or the District Engineer, may permtt modifications or may require higher standards where unusual conditions:, are encountered. "As-Built" drawings showing the actual location of all mains, struc" '; lures, Y's, Ts, laterals and cleanouts shall be filed'with the District be!ore... final acceptance of the work ;~' Sec 71 .from roofs and n .Sanitary sewer. N 'Seepag®, COolin, be permitted to' - Sec. 72. no person · · Ig describf : (a) Any liq~ -.{: (b) Any wal ,iii!on, by weighL (C) Anygas, . :~-.. liquid. . (Cf) Any gad shredded garbage dispensing of titles w/il be carned ;' Public Sewers. With r %: (e) Any ashe ;:' rags, fealhers, tar, p viscous Substance c~ Other interference wi i~., ,., (O Any waters '~.u or having any · hazard to structures., '. (g) Any wa~ers stance in sufficient q~ ~" ment process, consti! hazard in the receivim 'tx ,. :th) Anywalers of Such charact! ili-'::' required to handle sue :: :':~;:~':' :.'(i) Any noxious ,. :'i:~tiiating a Public nuisa (J) Any septic la .. "' Sec 7.3. In,ere !.::. }-~lors Shall be provided wt ¥ for the proper amounts, or except fha used for resid( caPacih/approved b !;eadlly and easity ac( Sec. Z 4, Meinte sha;I be mai~ enl Operation ~,; ):... ARTICLE VII. USE OF PUBLIC SEWERS Sec. 7. I Drainage Into Sanitary Sewwr~ Prohibited. No leaders roofs and no sudace drains for rain water shall be connecled 1o any ,sewer. No surface or sub-surface drainage, rain waler, storm waler. cooling water or unpolluted industrial process waters Shall · permitted to enter any sanitary sewer by any device or method ~atSoever. ' Sec '7.2. Typel of Welte~ Prohibited. Except as hereinafter pro- 0 person shal; discharge or cause to be discharged any gl the described waters or wastes to any public sewer: (a) Any liquid or vapor having a temperalure higher than 150' (b) Any water or waste which may contain more than 100 parts De, weight, pt fat, oil or grease· ~"'~:'(C) Any gasoline, benzene, napfha, fuel oil or giber flammable liquid, solid or gas. (' :(d) Any garbage that has not been properly shredded Properly shredded garbage shall mean the wastes from lhe preparation, cooking Of food that has been shredded to Such degree that a~l rSWlll be carried freely under the flow conditions normally prevading in ibllb SeWers, with no particle greater lhan one-hall (~,) inch in dimension ~i i(e) Any ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass. (~ags',.feathers, tar, p~astics, wood, paunch manure, or any other solid 'VISCOUS Substance capable of causing obstruction to the flow in sewers or i )Otlier interference with the proper operation of the sewage works · (f) Any waters or wastes having a pH lower than 5.5 or higher lhan or having any other corrosive property capable of causing damage or :'--:haZard to structures, equipment and personnel of the sewage works. (g) Any waters or wastes containing a toxic or poisonous sub- ~tance in sufficient quantity to iniure or interfere with any sewage treat- process, constitute a hazard to human or animals, or create any 'i hJ~zard in the receiving waters of the sewage treatment plant. (h) Anywaters or wastes containing suspended solids or dissolved ;~tter of such character and quantity that unusual attention or expense ,s required to handle SUCh materials at the sewage treatmenl plant '.'r;:~':"(t) Any noxious or malodorous gas or substance capable g a public nuisance. (j) Any septic tank sludge. ?:~?..~ ~$ec~- 7.3. Inter~eptor~ Fleqlill~lJ. Grease, oil and sand intercep- tshall be provided when, in the opinion of the District Inspector. they are 'for the proper handling of liquid wastes containing grease in ex- [FVeamounts, or any flammable wastes, sand and other harmful except that such interceptors shall not be required lot ~Sed for residential purposes: All interceptors shall be gl a type approved by the District Inspector and shall be located as to i'~adtly and easily accessible for cleaning and inspection SEC,. 7.4. Meintenl~® of Inte~A~j~otJ. All grease, oil and sand sha;I be maintained by the owner, at his expense, in contin- efficient opera:ion at all times. Sec ~ 0 ~ Du~ o conn~cll~d 1~ lh~ p~R~,( ' from lh~ ~I~ lh~ t~r~, ty corr~('t the same SPc fO 11 ~bltc Or conl~ntled n~al~n o of lh~s O~ ~nV Othe~ declar~ to he a public ' ~ brought fOr Sec ;0 ~ 2 Dt~o~ the [)rOws~on~ Of O[ SLJ ~fVl~l~ Sec. 7.5. Preliminary Treatment of Westel. The admission into the pubhc sewers ol any waters or wastes having (a) a 5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand greater than 300 mg/1 by weight, or (b) containing more than 350 rog/1 by weight ol suspended solids, or (c) containing any quan- hty ol substance having the characteristics described in Section 7,2, of (d)..' :. hawng an average daily llow greater than two percent o! the average daily ' sewage Ilow of the District, shall be subiect to the review and approval ol the Dmtfict Inspector. Where necessary in the opinion ol the District ':'. Inspector, the owner shall provide, at his expense, such preliminary treatment as may be necessary to (a) reduce the Biochemical Oxygen Demand to 300 rog/1 and the suspended solids to 350 mg/1 bY weight,°r · (b) reduce obiectionable characteristiCS or constituents to Within the maximum limits provided for in Section 7.2, or (c) control the quantities and rates ol discharge of such waters or wastes. Plans, specifications and any other pertinent inlormation relating to proposed preliminary treatment tacilities shall be submitted lor the ap-' proval of the District inspector and of the Water Pollution Control sion of the State ol California and no construction of such lacilitles commenced until said approvals are obtained in writing, " Sec. 7.6. Maintenance ol pretmatment Facilities. Where liminary treatment !acilities are provided lot any waters or wastes, they Shall; be maintained continuously in satisfactory and effective operation by the.. :.. owner at his expense. Sec. 7.7 Control Manholes. When required by the District the owner o! any property served by a side sewer carrying industrial wastes' shall install a suitable control manhole in the side sewer to facilitate observation, sampling and measurement o! wastes. Such manhole, when- required, shall be accessibly and safely located, and shall be constructed m accordance with plans approved by the District Engineer. The manhole~ shall be installed by the owner at his expense, and shall be maintained bY h~m SO as to be safe and accessible at all times.~" Sec. 7.8. Mea~urementa and Te~t~. All measurements, tests ar~(~ analyses ol the characteristics ol waters and wastes to which made in Sections 7.2 and 7.5 shall be determined at the control m; provided for in Section 7.7, or upon suitable samples taken at said control manhole. In the event that no special manhole has been required, the con- trol manhole shall be considered to be the nee.rest down. stream ma.n~hole in the ublic sewer to the point at v.'hich the side sewer ts connector. P Sec 7.9. Special Agreement& No statement contained in this article shall be construed as preventing and special agreement or arrange- ment between the District and any !ndustrial concern whereby an in- dustrial waste of unusual strength or character may be accepted by the District lot treatment, subiect to payment therefor by the industrial concern and subiect to such terms and conditions as might be required by the District. Sec 8.1 ARTICLE VIII. PERMITS AND FEES i:/:,? Pe~wit Required. No unauthorized person shall un- .' i~!i?; 9 · cover, make any connecti public sewer or appur~( drainage system without , Sec. 8.2. APplic permit shall be on the SOUTH TAHOE pUi~ ' Ap~licat[on For TRACT /~ sEWI[ R ·: coNT RC.~/ COver, make any connections wilh or opening Inlo, use, alter or chsturb any 3r or appurtenance or perform any work on any sewe, or System without first obtaining a writlen permi! from lhe dislrlcl be on the following form: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAI~INQ NO, -- ELK. NO. MINIMUM OTHER TOTAL TRACT UN~TS PARCEl_ SERVICE NO* CHA ROE )~., -- FEE SAOOLE CONN. FEE TOTAL CHARGE C()IMME RCIAL 10 and f orly Two hnm~ ()r .ac)l ijr~d~ tr~l~ 5[~RC~ tot ~II Iff Laundr~ (g) ~w,mm~n (hi AUI~ fi) All Ol~f , Sec 9 3 ~jlh Tal~O~ f3U~,hC [Jllll~ J~$b'iCI 11 Sc a parce Attorney. permit. cation e OCC, ,:,:' other ,. and Sl~ written rized tel Se for any to corn[ dinance specific, Correcli~ any, altered the appl !.;-~. permits. (a) (b) Se, fees anc and regL Districl the man~ (a~ ordinan¢ connecl~ number $1,740.0 Trunk S~ (b) of prope paid in a parcel ol said Utih $51 (c) for issuir (d) for issuir Se( (a) engineer Sec. 8.3. Special Power of Attorney. The legal owner ol record al a parcel of real property may give an acknowledged Special Power ol h~;-' Attorney to any person tot the purpose of applying !o the Dislncl lot a sewer permit. Sec. 8.4. Compliance With Permit. Alter approval of the apph- y the issuance of a permit, no changes shall be made m pancy and/or use, location of the sewer, the grade, materials or 'ot'h'er details from those described in the permit or as shown on the plans ifications for which the permit was issued without the expressed ~:swrltten permission from the District, the District Inspector or other aufho. riZed representative, or the liling ol a new application. :~. ' ' Sec. 8.5. Agreement. Theapplicanl's signafureonanapplicahon any permit as set forth in Sec. 8.6 hereof, shall conshtute an agreem(~nt 'tO COmply with all of the provisions, terms and requirements of lhe or- ,:dlnances, rules and regulations of the Distnct, and wilh the plans and ;ificatlons he has filed with his application, il any, togelher with SuCh )ns or modifications as may be made or permitled by lr~e [hslrm. l. Such agreement shall be binding upon the applicanl and may /altered only by the District upon lhe wnlten request lot lhe allerahon horn /. the applicant. . Sec. 8.6. Clesse~ of Permits. There shall be two (2i classes as follows: (a) Side sewer construction permit. (b) Public sewer construction permit. Se~ 8.7. Fee~-Connection Chlrges` All connecllon charges. ::fees and other charges in the District and in areas annexed lherefo, rules and regulations as set forth in the ordinances, rules and regulations ol the ~trict as heretofore or hereafter fixed shall be paid and comphed with the manner provided in said ordinances, rules and regulations· .~. Sec. 8.8. Fe~,s and Bond-Side Sewer Conatruction Permit. (a) A connection charge as fixed by the rules, regulations ancJ ',... ordinances of the District shall be paid to the District by the person desmng connection to the Districl sewer system on the basis of $580 00 hines number of units to be connected to the collection system wdh a m~n~mum ,740.00. Any parcel of property that can and will be served by any U- :%Trunk Sewer Main, will receive credit Ior any U-1 fees a!ready collected (b) Suba4quent Charge: At anytime units are added to any parcel i~i. of property for which the initial connection charge has been prev,ousK. !' Paid in an amount which did not include such units, as a condd~on of such Parcel of property remaining connecled to the samtary sewage system oi : said Utility District there shall be payable a sum compuled as follOwS $,580.00 times the number of units so added. (c) A fee of lwenty-five ($25.00) dollars shall be pa,d to the for issuing a permit to connect and inspect a house sewer. (d) A fee of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars shall be pa~d to the for issuing a permit to install a wye saddle and inspect. Sec. 8.9. Fees end Bond-Public Sewer Construction. (a) A fee is an amount deemed necessary by the Distr,cl Io pay all i.:.!.'engineering, inspection and other costs required to insure comphance 12 i~.r ~,)~' ~,l.~,r All ~ns~cllng the ~nslallahon ol public sewer mains. ,aterats and all appur- tenances t~ereto II the lee hxee Dy t~e O,str4Ct ~5 le55 Ihan lne aclual cosl 1o l~e D~slf~c(. l~e ~rson obtaining lhe [~rm,t S~dll be haole 1~ lhe e~cess cosl to lhe D~str~cl. (b) Prior to the ~ssuance of a ~1 Io~ ~bhC sewe~ COnSlruChOn lhe applicant shall tum,sh Io Jr~ D~SI~LcI a ta,lhlul ~l~mdnce ~nd ~ c~sh in [he ~mounl ol Ihe IOlal esllmal~ c,~sl ol 1he ~o~k. S~d l~nd Io ~ lbo lerms and cond~hons ol iii(' ~[mll and shall gua~anl~e It~ cotrEl~ ~ laully workmanship and the teplacemenl ol del~t~ve ~lerlals lOt a ol one (1) yea~ aller Ihe (.late ol accepla~e ol lhe work [)~si~t(:l shall be dens,led w~t~ t~ ~g~r aulh~ty Wgv~l by the glsir~ct Jo rc, celve such ftjr~ds SeC 8 I I All Work TO ~ IA~. All S~ conslrucI~ wo~ Shall ~ Lnspec[~ by an *ns~l~ aCh~ I~ I~ g~Slf~Cl IO InSUre compliance wllh all r~u~femenls of lhe g~Sl~Cl NO sewe~ shall ~ co~r~ al any ~nl unhl ~1 has b~n ~ns~l~ a~ ~ss~ t~ acceplance. No sewer shall ~ connecl~ IO t~ DiSlr~Cl'i put, lC ~e~ ufffd Ihe cove~ed by lhe ~fmll has ~en comptel~. ~fls~l~ a~ ap~oved by OlSlnCl Ins~lor Il I~ lesl proves ~hstaClO~. lhe lns~lOf shall ~SSue Ce~dlcale of sal~staclo~ complel~n Sec 8 12 N~if/cl~. Ilshall~heOutyoIIhe[~fsondo~nglhe work aulhorlz~ by ~rm~l Io ~h~ 1~ oH~Ce ol l~ D~SlnCl ~n wrlhng lhaJ sa~d work ~S ready for ~ns~hon Such noliJlCallOn shall ~ g~ven not than lwenly-lour (24) hours ~t~e !~ w~k ~ ~ ~ ~ns~l~ II Shall ~ lhe duty of I~ ~fson ~ i~ ~k lo ~k~ Sure I~l Ihe work will sland the lest requ~dd Dy Ihe D~It~l ~O~e g~ Ihe a~ve ~hhcall~. Sec. 8 13 C~m~ W~. W~n any work ~5 ~n InS~cl~ and lhe work Co~emn~ and no c~tJl~ahon ot sabstacio~y complellOn g~ven, a wllllen ~hce Io lhal elJ~l shall ~ g~n ~n~lruchng lhe ~ner the premises, o~ lhe agenl Ot such ~et. ~ f~it j~ s~et ~ olher work auIhoHz~ by the ~rmd ~n acc~e w~th Ihe ordinanceS, rules a~ regulahons Of the g~slflcl Sec 8 14 All C~ ~td ~ ~. All c~Is and ex~nses ~ncidenl Io lhe ~ns~llag~ a~ con~h~ oJ an-y s~er ~ other work which a ~rmll has ~n ~SS~ ~lJ ~ ~q by I~ OWn~ T~ owner shall ~ndemn~ the g~slr~cl Horn any '~ ~ ~e INI may d~rectly ~ndlfeclly ~ occas*on~ by the I0 connecl any lol oJ ~lce; ot ~d ouls~ ~ elc~u~ Jr~ lh~ OISlrlCJ JO ~ny pubhc sewer in Or u~ i~ ]ufl~CJ~ ~ ~ ~Slr~l un~S ~bhon Sec.. 8 16 Permit Optional. The granhng ot such Dermtss~on any evenl shall be oplional wllh ihfi Board. Sec. 8 1Z St~t Excavation PermlL A separale permll musl be s~ured from the Slate. County, City or any other ~rson having jurisdiclion thereof by o~ers or contraclors intending lo excavale in a public slreel tot the pur~se of installing s~ers or making sewer connecl~ons. Sec. 8. 18 Liabiti~. The Dislncl and its oflicers, agenls and em- ploy~s shall nol be answerable lot any hability or ~n~u~ or dealh Io any ~rson or damage lo any pro.dy arising during or growing DUI of ~dormance of any work by any such applicant. The appHcanl shall be answerable ,or, and shall sav~ Ihe Dislricl and its olficers, agenls and ~o~ harmless from any liabilily im~sed by law upon lhe Dish~cl or ~IS ofhcer~, agents or employes, including all costs, expenses, tees and lnl~esl incun~ in defending same or in seeking to enforce this provision, Ap~icanl Shall be solely liable for any delecls in (he pedormance of his ~rk or any failure which ma~ d~elop therein. ~C 8 19. ~me ~mi~ ~ ~rmi~. A ~rmit for constrtJclion ol a s~e or house sewer shall ~ null and void: (a) Il application is not accepled by County or City within seven (7) cale~ar da~ for construcl~ ~rmit for the proposed improvemenl Io be se~ by lhe s~ec or (~ If l~ Coun~ or Clt~ voids or cancels either the application or ~ii for construction of the propos~ improvement Io be se~ed by the S~ 8 20. In--on. The Utility Distncl will make three inspec- lions of the premises, lhe building sewer installalion, rough plumbing and fi~l. (a) T~ Building ~r ins~ction will be for proper malnrial. inslallation and conneclion. (b) The Rough ~umbing ins~ction will verify compliance wllh the application and ~fm~1 ~ssu~ pursuant thereto. There shall ~ no fudher construction until the Dislricl Ins~ctor has accepled/h~s work. (C) The Final ins~clion shall be conducted after the C~ly and/or ~un~ Building ~padment has made their final ins~clion. The O~slricl's fi~l ins~tion will verify thai lhe plumbing fixtures and Iocalion lhereof are as s~ifi~ in the conslruction plans, the applicalion and permil ~SS~ ~rsuanl Iherelo. The ~emises conslrucled on lhe parcel ot real prope~ shall not be occupied until afler mspeclion and approval of compliance has ~en made by the Utility Oislricl. S~. 821. H~rtng Befo~ Boe~ of Di~tor[ In Ihe ~enl of a dRnial of an application for a ~rmil or any ~dion lhereof or revocalion of ~rmil or any ~dion lher~f by the Dislrict staff, the legal owner may ap~al lo the B~rd of Directors of the Dislrict and the Board ol Oireclors shall afford said legal ~f a hearing ~fofe lhe Board ol Oireclors revi~ing t~ District staff delerminalion. Notice of said hearing shall be g~n lo ~id legal o~er u~n his application to the Board of Direclors lh~efor, al ~asl ten (10) da~ ~ior lo said hearing. At said hearing, lhe ~ of Oir~to~ shall consider all evidence presented by or on ~hall ot the aggri~ pady and lhe District staff and make an adludicalo~ 14 ~ldmll/istrLIhv(-! hnal Clec~s~on Ljf~.ti'~hn(j the, a~)~,~l ,r~ ~tl~.)t~ ~, +~ ~SfT O~ denying sa~d ,tp~81 The Boa~d of D~,eCIO~S her~y ma~eS Sech(~n 1094 6. O~hlOln~8 Cffie ol CIvil PJ~Uf~. ~pPhcab~ 10 Jh~ [~me wdhlrl which IudlC~al review musl be soughl el lhe B~O et O~r~lO~S O~s~on ~n denying lhe ap~al. Said hnal dec~sl(m s~li ~ etlKt,ve u[~n wnllen nolHiCahOn m~lle(j Cerllh~ lo Ihe apj~l~nl, a~ sa~d ap~llanl musJ b~lng ~n 8CllOn lOt IUd~C~al review nol lale~ lha~ I~ ~lh da~ Joll~ng the dale on which Sa~cJ nohllCahon w~s ma~l~ (h) hi room. (~) ARTICLE IX ANNUAL CHARGES SeC 9. ! Oenecel RItee-~e~, Se~ce~. There is hereby eslaff hshed an annual so.me charge al a monthly se~e tale of Four Dollars and Fort~Two Cenls ($4.42) ~r und ~r ~nth. w~th a m~mmum se~e charge lot connechon Io the sewers el lh~s OlstnCl of E~ghl Dollars a~ [ ighly-Four Cents ($8.84) pe~ monlh. New conn~lions ~hall ~ bHl~ from the hrsl al Ih(J monlh following lhe monlh ~n which conn~llOn ~Curf~ Sec g. 2 ~c~ule of Un~ The l~l~ng ~s a sch~ule of I~ number el units tO be apph~ Id the s~efal ~ Of con--hens Id the sewer system of lh~S OisIr~CL Iai Home and aparlmenls A minimum el three 13J unds t~ each home or each a~menl plus an additi~al und JOt each ~lh of hatl-~lh tn excess of 1~ balhs, excepl lhal a sl~io a~dmenl sh~ll ~ ~o (~) ~ units. (b) Molels. Each balh. Iund Each k~tchen. 1 und (C) Reslaurant: 1 und ~r restrain. 5 urals tot the first 20 seats, plus 1 additional unil fo~ eve~ 20 seats o~ Iracll~ thief over 20 F~ I~ purpose of Ibis secl~on, where a ~¢ ~S ~t~ in C~n~hon with a reslauranl, bar Slools will ~ counl~ as ~als. S~ck Bars and ~li- catessens wdh no eating or seahng on the p~emi~ shall ~ COunl~ as other commercial ~n su~paragra~ (i). (d) Se~ice Slalions: 5 units. 1 umt ~r RV dump {e) Trailer Parks: 3 unds ~ lrad~ s~ce lhal will accom~ale a trader ~n excess of 22 leel with a s~e~ c~n~l~on promd~: I und ~f trailer space for all other Irailer spac~ w~th a s~ C~n~hon pr~d~ 1 unit per two trailer spaces wilhoul a se~ conne~ provided ~undromals: ~ unds ~r machine Swimming Pools: 2 unds Automobile Se~ice Garage 2 umts ~us I to~ each restr~. Taverns wilhoul t~ tacdW~ 5 units. Plus 1 urlll for each resl- Ail other commercial estabhshmenls ; sewer und I~)er ~ fixture unils as defined in lhe Uniform Plumbing Code Sec. 9 3. SlJ~cJel Cha~e~. Facd;;,es ~r~ comrnerctal and tndus- trial establishments discharging extraordinary amounts of waste into the sewage syslem shall be suhiect !o SuCh charges and to such condlhons as may be set by the Board. ARTICLE X. COLLECTION AND ENFORCEMENT Sec. 10. I Direct Billing-Sewer Se~ice Charges. The charges here~n hxed for sewer services shall be payable tora period el one (1) year in advance. Statements el charges for sewer services to be rendered may be mailed al the beginning of lhe hscal, year (July 1-June 30). and said charges shall be payable yearly in advance on July 1 of each succeeding year. Sec. 10.2. ~elinquency. Statements which have nol been paid before the 5th day of August following the mailing et lhe statement of charges shall be delinquent. Sec. 10.3. Dt~coun~ A discount of $1,00 or one percenl (1%) el the charge, whichever is greater, shall be subtracted therefrom il the charges are paid in full on or before the date that they become delinquent. This provision shall terminate at the end of the 1979-80 fiscal year. Sec. 10.4. Action to Collect. An action may be brought by the District against the person or persons who occupied the premises, or against the person lo whom lhe premises are assessed for tax purposes, when the service was rendered for lhe collection et the amount of delinquenf charges and costs of collection, including reasonable allot- ney's fees, to be fixed by the Court. Sec. 10.5. Filing end Porting. The person or his deputy who bills and collects the charges shall sign a statement el the amount of charges which have been accrued and shall file it with the officer whose duty it is to DOSl the tax roll, and he shall post the amounts thereof m the column of the roll where improvement assessments are posted and opposite the property affected. Sec 10,6. Pi#connection of Service. Premises as to which charges become delinquent may be disconnected. (a) E~tlmte of C(~'te,. The District Inspector shall estimate the Cosl of disconnection and of reconnection. (b) Del:l~it. The amount of lhe estimate shall be deposded with the D~stricl belore the premises will be reconnected. (c) Balance. The amount of the cost of disconnection and recon- nection over the deposit shall constitute a charge and be collected as such. The amount of the deposit not used shall be repaid or applied as a deposit against future charges. (d) Abatement. During the period of nonconnection or discon- nection of sewer services, inhabitation of the premises by human beings shall constitute a nuisance. The Board shall forthwith insti- tute and diligently prosecute to conclusion proceedings for the abatement of such occupancy. In such action a reasonable attor- ney's fee. Io be fixed by the Court. shall become due as a penalty for non-payment. Sec I0. Z Netuce o~ Pcocedure. The procedures provided in this article are not exclusive. Notwithstanding any provis,ons herein, the District may utilize any procedures provided in any law or which are a legal incident to tis powers, and any remedy in law or equity to collect the charge~ and penalties. II is the intention of this Ordinance that there shall Sec 7 5 Pcelimtne~lf tl~e put.)hc sewer~ of any wale~s Oxygen Demand gro,He~ than 30 titan 350 mg/i by we,ght of hty of sut)stanC~ hnwng lh~, hawng an average d;Hly tlow sewage Ilow of tho ~lr~Cl. lhe O~slr~cl Ins~ctof Whe~. n. Inspocloh tho owner ~hall DrO, treatment as may ~ Demand to 300 m~/1 and the (b) reduce Obloctionable max,mum Ii.ils prowded Io~ ,n S~ rates of ~ischar~o of such wRto~ Plans, specihc~hon~ and proposed prehm,nary Irealmenl proval of Ihe D~slncl Ins~clor an sion al lhe State of Cahlom~a a~ commenced unld said appr~ah Sec 7.6 Mele~a~e. hm~naw lrealmenl tacillltes are pr ~ ma~nlain~ Conlinuou~ly ~n owner al his ex~nse Sec. 7 7 Co~f~ owner of any pro~rty sewed shall install a sudable conlr~ , obse~ahon, sampling and m~s required, shall be accessibly ant ~n accordance w~lh plans approv shall be ~nslalled by the owner h~m so as lo be sate and Sec 78 M~aumment analyses of lhe cha~aclerisliCS O' made ~n Seclions 72 and 7 5 sh prowded lot ~n Sechon 7 7.or up manhole In the evenl Ihal no ~ Itel manhole shall be considered Ihe pubhc sewer to the po~nl al Sec 79 S~clel arlicle shall ~ conslru~ as prey menl between the D~sb~Cl and duslrial wasle el unusual District lot treatmenl. SUbleCl lo and SubleCt Io Such terms and Distr~cl. AR PERMI Permit Requt~ b(~ ,~v~lH(tble tO lhe ()~SlriCI ~1f procedg~es and lh~J ih~y shall ~ dttigenlN I)enallies lhereor) or othe~ charg~ lnC~d~nl thin,lo shall J~ J)fompl]y 8nd ~tfecl~vely collecled Sec. 10.8 ~u~ot~t~~M~ II shall ~ duly of eagh person connecl~ lo ~ ~l~c ~r Io r~Jl !o I~ D~slricl InsPeclor all facilities discharging wasle ~nlO ~ ~bhC s~m As to any lac,lilies which a~e nol so re~d~, lh~ s~ll ~ d~ lo have ~n connecled ~o lhe pubhc s~er f~om the ett~tt~ date of lh~s Ordinance Or from lhe dale lhe ~rson first COn~I~ tO the pubhc sewer, whichever dale ~s lhe lale~ Sec 10.9 Ret~c~ ~e~tce C~ej e~ Co~c~o~ Upon d~scovory of un~e~ded connections a~ d~scharges to lhe public s~wer syslem, the g~slr~cl Shah Charge ~eb~chvely se~ce tees on the um reported sewer unHs lot a ~ Ol ~o yea~s (24 monlhsl lrom dale Of d~scovery of lhe additional urals, or Io dale the Cur~enl owne~ acquired the properly, or lo the date the umts were firsl a~ Io the pro.dy, whichever ~s most recent. Connection lees shall ~ charged f~ l~ add~honal urals ~l the ownership ol the prO.fly has nol chang~ s~nce the urals w~e hrsl added lo the property based u~n lhe following sch~ule ' Urals ex~slmg on or ~fo~e July 6, 1973 - no cha~ge Unds added after July6. 1973 bulbefore Jafl~ry 7 ~979-$8000 per sewer unll Urals added after Janua~ 7, 1979 · $580 ~ ~ s~er Sec ~0, 10. W~etion. Any ~rson fou~ tO ~ ~olahng any vision of lh~s or any olher Ordinance. rule ~ f~ula(~ of lhe OiSlnct. excepl Sechon 12 1 hereol. Shah ~ se~ by the D~slr~cl Ins~lor Or other authorized person w~lh w~itten ~l~ce stal~ l~ nalure ol the violation and providing a reasonable brae hmil for l~ sat~slact~ COr- reCtion lhereol. Said lime I~m~t shall nol ~ less than two ~ more lhan seven working days. The offender Shall, within the ~r~ Of hme slal~ in such nolice, ~rmanentty cease all viotahons. All ~sons shah be held slnctly responsible for any and all acts ot agents ~ employes done under lhe provisions of lh~S or any olhe~ ordinance. ~le or regulal~on of the Dmlricl. U~on being nolihed by I~ Districl Ins~ctor of any det~l ansing ~n any sewer or ol any wolalion of the O~dma~e. rules o~ r~ulahons of Dislricl. the person or persons hawng charge ot sa~ wor~ shall ~mmed~al~ ly correcl the same Sec t0 11 ~bllc Nuisance. COnlJn~ habitation of any building or conlinued operation of any induslnal/acll~ ~n ~ation of the pr~sions Of lhiS or any other O~d~nance. rule, ~ regulati~ of the D~slncl ~s hereby declared Io be a PubltC nuisance The ~islricl may cause proc~ngs to ~ brought lot lhe abalemenl of lhe occupancy of l~ ~ng or industrial facility during the ~ri~ of Such violation. Sec, ~0. 12. Pi~o~nection. As an allefnahve melh~ ot enforcing the provisions O! lh~S Or any ot~r Ordinance. rule ~ regulal~on ol lhe Oislrlcl. lhe Dislricl Inspecl~ shall have the ~wm Io d~sconn~l the u~r or Su~ivts~on sewer system from lhe sewer mares ol the D~slr~cl The 17 District shall issue to the owner and/or occupanl a "Nol,ce of Intenl Io l)~s connect" pr,or lo disconnection of the user sewer system from lhe sewer mains el lhe D,StnCt. Sa,d not,ce shall provide lOt one-hundred arid Iwenty (120) days from date el notice for the owner lO correcl Ihe wolal~ons. A copy el lhe "Not,ce el Intent to Dasconnect" shall be sent to Ihe Cily, County and County Health Officer. Upon disconnection, the Dislnct Inspeclor shall estimate the cost el disconnection hem and reconnection lo lhe system. and such user Shall deposil the cosl, as estimated, el d,sconnechon and re- connection belore such user ,s reconnected to the system. The Disl.cl Inspector shall refund any part of the deposit remaining alter payment el all COSTS of disconnection and reconnection. Sec. 10.13. Public Nuisance-Abatement. Dunng the ,er,od el Such disconnection, habitation el such premises by human be,ngs shall COnSlitute a public nuisance, whereupon the Dislricl shall cau~,e pro ceedings to be brought for the abatement for the occupancy el sa~d premises by human beings during the period of such d~sconnechor~ In such event, and as a condition of reconnection, there is to be paid to the Districl a reasonable attorney's fee and cosl of suil arising in said action. Sec. I0. 14. Meens of Enforcement Only. The D~stricl hereby de- clares that the foregoing procedures are established as a means el en- forcement of lhe terms and conditions of its Ordinances. rules and regula- hens. and nol as a penalty. Sec. I 0 rS. Liability for Violations. Any person wolahng any Ct the provis,ons of the Ordinances. rules, or regulalions of the Dislncl shall become liable to the D,stricl for any expense, loss or damage occasioned by the District by reason of such violation. Sec. 10. 16. Furfher Enforcement Means. In the event el a violat,on of any of the representations and agreement-in an application lot or conditions in any permit issued pursuant to Sec. 8.2 herein, Oistricl may secure a court order requiring construction, occupancy and use of the parcel of real property cease until there is compliance with the representa- tions and agreements in said application and any permit issued purs[Jant thereto All attorney fees. court costs, administration and inspeclion charges incurred by the District in connection wilh securing compliance with said representations and agreements in said application and any permit issued pursuant thereto shall be assessed as cha,ges against parcel of real property subject of said application and permil. ARTICLE XI. EMERGENCY REPAIRS OF SIDE SEWERS Sec 11.1. Eme~ency Repeirs by Distrtct. Whenever. in theiudg- merit of the District Inspector. immediate repairs to a s,de sewer are ne- cessary in order to preserve public health or to prevent damage or injury to the public sewer, the District Inspector may, without notice to tl,e property owner, cause such repairs to be made and may contract wilh a privale con- Iractor for the making cf such repairs. Sec. ! 1.2. Retmbumement of Distrlc£ The property owner ser- viced by a side sewer shall reimburse the District lor the costs ct all repairs made or contracted for by the District pursuant Io this Ordinance. Such 18 strt~clod II a hndl CO~51ruChfT~ ~ewofsto tho work and lake appf(~Dn;i lurmshed hy the Sut~w~(Jof Sec 6 4 Ea~emenl monl IS r~kj~red lot th(~ connechons. Iho apphcanl a proper oasemenl O~ granl mg and mamlenance el S~c 6 5 conhacto~s shal~ ~ St~uchOn within the ~%tf lh~ ~(51rtc1 Io the ~pphCanJ menls of Ih~s Sechon shall pubhc sewe~ COnSlflJchon. Sec 6.6. Qrede Registered Qwl Engineer pr sirucl~on Thecontraclor Sh grades lo grade bars and Sec. 6 7. Compiler slruchng a sewer wdh~n laws. ordinances, rules and reel. o~nmg, barncading. and repavmg lheCeol and by the detriment hawng Ihe D~slncl. Sec 68. P~o such bamers, hghlS a~ [)u[)Jlc 8J ~11 hines Ihal a ous condd~on IO be encoun prolecl the pubhc m Ihe use connechon wdh Ihe COnSlr ways and olher pfo~rty d~ stalled m a manner Sahstac person hawng i[jf~sd~Cl~On ' dards for Ihe design and co m accordance wdh Ihe regulations and wilh lbo TION herelolore or herealle hie m Ihe O~slnCI olhce. Th m~lhcahons or may are oncotJ~tof~ lures, Y's. T'~. lalef~l~ and hnfll flcqeplance ol lhe wo charges shall be bdled Io lhe prot~r!y o~ne~ ;~nd sn~i ~ dahnquenl lh~dy {30) days lh~r~aller and ShalJ ~1 ~nle~sl tlom I~ dale gl delinquency al lhe tale el ~ov~n ~ cenl (7%J p~ annum Whenever the OlSlr~cl d~sCOVj~rs or ~s ~hl~ el t SiCLOne Ih~ D~slr~cl shall dlSp~Idh a ma~nlenance cr~w lo I~ I~lm. J~ ma~nlenanc~ crew shaJJ gh~gk the m~i~ h~ adtacen~ lo lh~ s~ s~e~ w~ln lh~ stoppage and d .'ermine d the~e ~s a stooge ~n l~ ~n I,~ Tt~ D~sl~cl shall then check Ihal ~On O{ the s,de sewe~ ~n the tw~W hne and the main hn~) lO dplorrnln~ ~f IhJ~re IS a si~page ,n ~hal [~()n o~ s~de sowe~ Il a stoppage ~s d~scovered ~n Ihe ma~n hne ~n lhe p~Oi~,dy and lhe main line. then lhe gis~ricl will ~ to clea~ lhe slo[~ge II a sloppage ~s not lound ~n the ~n hne bul Is found ~n lh~ port,on Ihe side sewer belween lhe ma~n hne and I~ L~O~dy hne. the Dlslll( clear the stoppage. Il the sloppage ~s delerm,n~ lo L~ caus~ by p~ damage of side sewer lhe Dislrlcl wdl de~ermine lhe cause el damage and COlleCl dan~ag~ cosls Item lhe resjkgns~bie pady It ~ p~ damage is d~scover~ then Jh~ coSl of cl~anu~g Ih(, 5l()[)f~g~ shall t~ lbo res[~ns~bddv el Owner ARTICLE Xli. JI~EL~N EOUS ~OVlSlONS Sec 12 1 P~IKIto~ l~m ~lm~ No unaulho~z~ ~son shall mahc~OUSly, willull? or negl~genlly break, damage, d~slroy, uncover. delace or lam~r with any slruClure. ~p~nce o~ ~u~p~nl which pad of lhe Dlslricl's sewage works. ~ny ~fs~ v~oialing lh~s prov~s~On be subleCl lo lhe ~nallJes peov~d~ by Sec. 12.2. ~ j~ A~~ ~l~~ The ofttce~s. specters and any duly authof~z~ em~o~ ~ I~ ~slr~l shall ~a~ car~ an official badge el oit~ce or olher ~n~ ~sh~ h~S ~s~llon 8s such and upon exhibiting the prOOf Cr~l~ls and ~enlltlcallon Shall be permitted to enter m ~nd u~n 3ny a~ ail ~ngs. t~uslf~al facilities and properties for the purposes of ins~l~, r~ns~ll~. measu[emenl, sampling, leshng or olh~lS~ ~dorm~ng such duheS as may be necessa~ in lhe enlorce~nl et ~e ~ows~ons et the ordinances. rules and regulations el lhe g~sl~cl Sec 12 ~. ~ilt~. It any ~I~. su~s~l~on, senlence. clause or phrase of this ordi~nce ~ ~e I~alm ther~l Io any ~rson or c~roumslance is lot any reason ~ lo ~ u~sl~lul~al or invahd. such decision shall ~I allecl the vahdi~ ~ ~ r~n~ ~d~ons of ordinance or lhe application of such ~s~ ~ o~ ~s or circum- stances. The ~rd hereby ~laf~s l~l ~I ~ have N~s~ lh~S ordi- nance or any section, sub-secl~. ~n~e. clause ~ ~rase beryl ir~espective el the lacl lhal any ~e ~ ~e ~s. su~s~bons, sed - fences, clauses or phrases ~ d~l~r~ to ~ uKonsl~tul~al. Sec. 12.4. E~ ~m~ This Ordinance shall lake efl~l the explralion of lhJdy (301 da~ aHer ~ls passage and shall ~ posl~ by the 19 Clerk el the South Tahoe Public Utilily D~stricl at lhree (3) pubhc places ~n said Distnc! al least one (!) week belore the explrahon of sa~d period aller its passage and Shall further be published m lhe Tahoe Dady Tnbuno, a newspaper o! general circulalion one (1) time only, al leasl ~}ne (11 week before lhe expiration el said period. Sec. 12.5. Supersedes Former Ordinance~. Th~s ordinance amends Ordinances Nos. 24,35, 81,114, 130, 138.184, 195.252. 256. 264. 275, 284, 285, 286, 289 and 291 in their enl~rety and supersedes sa~d Ordinances. ATTEST: /s/Lorrene L. Kashuba PRESIDENT South Tahoe Public Ulilily District M~ry D. Ambrose Clerk and ex-officio Secretary South Tahoe PuDlic Utility District I hereby certify thal lhe foregoing orctinance was adopted at a moel- lng of the Board of Directors of lhe South Tahoe Public Uliht¥ Districl hel(l on lhe 2nd day o! August. 1979, by the following vote: AYES: D~rectors Kashuba, Cocking, Jones, Oison and Fieldcamp NOES: None ABSENT: None /a/Mary D. Ambrose Clerk of Board and Ex-ofhcio Secretary SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 2O diameter and ~rlRlall~¢! wllh wherever [~x)s.~t)l~. Latr, ral,~ nol ~va~lable Shall ~ ~ncn~ Ir~cl Cabins Io~1~ RI age is required musl pt~mp onl sophC tank thrOugh a one anO pl~ Inlo the Olslncl malnla~ne( l~c lank. ~ackflow ptev~r~hon w~lh a mimmum c~er el 2W lee sewer pi~ SDR 35 o~ ~ller. shall be sch~ule 80 ~O lely{ ptJm~d hnes Sh;lll ~ ~ual. Where pump. S hnes Irealed as a COnvenhonal Sew~ COnnOchon tO Ihe ~lsl~lCl malt Sec 5 3 3e~ sod p~pe. ASTM ~c~hcali~n npprovo~ by lhe Ins~ClO~ JO~ Sec 5 4 Minimum ~ budding sewer shall ~ subleC' evenl shall the diameler ~ lei. tach p*pe shall ~ nol less Sec. 5.5 Building should De broughl I0 the bul~lr No budding sewer Shall be la~ bearing wall, which m,ghl Iher~ clenl Io afford proleclion Item h lorm grade and m stra~ghl ah d~rection shall ~ made only Sec 5.6. Joln~ eed the mslallahon Of a t)uddmg ~ w, se approval by lhe ~ ~n accordance wdh AS3M shall De plac~ unhl lhe ~rk Sec 5. Z C~necff~ building sewer ~nlo the public branch, il such lateral or "~ o, lion. Where no pro~rly may be cut ~nlo lhe public enlW in Ihe downslream direcl (45'). A ~e saddle shall ~ pi~ prolrude reside lhe main se~r at the ~ml of c~nech, inve~ of the pubhc sow~. A connection made secure and sewer can be made only by a hc in the presence of Ihe Oislncl h reclion and in accordance )oel"l [)~Ovldod )vtded. ,t shall )he lank.cess- disposal of Jullhal lacddy premises has idlng sflualed ~ubllc sewo; o; .~ pt(DVlSIOnS OI ohc~' lo 0011~..~. el the i ,r~tc!e X of thls ileriJl Sewer or ~tnll'i~ a Written 3n Charges as Cl~3n and ,n- tt La* Tahoe, ~ laterals ~ur (4) inches In ORDINANCE NO. 301 $OLJTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT STREET LIGHTING SERVICE ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE SUPERSEDING ORDINANCES NOS 1~,4 ~'7.c, and 291 C)RDINANCE REGULATING file STREET UGHTING SERVICE CHARGES. PAYABLE ~N ADVANCE [~,[' IT ENACTED by the Board ct O,reclo~s of lr,e SOUTH TAHOE PUBLtC UTILITY [)ISTRICT. ELDORADOCOUNT'Y Ca;,h)rma. asfoltows: ARTICLE I. DEFINITIONS Sec ! ! Definitions. Fo~' the purpose of fh,s ord,nance the terms use(] hereto are dehned as lollows Sec ! 2 District is lhe South Tahoe Pubhc tJhhly D~slrict. El Dorado County. Cahlornm. Sec I 3 B~ ~s Ihe B~d ol D,reclo~ of sa,d Sec ~ 4 C~rk Is the Clerk and ex~fhc~ Sec~eia~ ol lhe Board Soc ~ 5 Ci~ ~s lhe Ci~ of Soulh Lake Tah~ Sec I 6 Coun~ ~s the ~unly of El Do~ado Sec ~ 7 Engln~r ~s I~ Engineer ap~mled by and acting for lhe Board and shall be a Regisle~ Ciwl Eng,nee~ Sec ~ 8 District I~r ~s Ihe Ins~cb~ achn9 for the Board and may be a Mem~r ct lhe Board. lhe Manage~ lhe D~slricl Engineer or Insp¢~clor ap~mled by lhe Board SeC I 9 ~on ~s any human being hrm COmpany. partnership. assoc~ahon and pr~vale, pubhc o~ mumc~pal cor~,ahons lhe United Slales of America. lhe Stale ol Cahlorma. d,slncts and an pOhhCat subdl- vis~ons, governmental zgencies and mandah)nes Sec ~ ~ 0 ~ Light ~ an overhead lamp p~owd~ng dlummation Io public slreels m lhe Sec I I I Public ~t~ a~e slate h~hways. COunty roads and cl~ slreels wilh~n lhe D~slricl Sec ~ 12 ~e~lc~ Le~d~ are lho~e lands lying wdhm the lhe D~slf~cl ARTICLE II. GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec 2 I Purr)Oil. Th,s Ofd,nance ,s ,nlende(l fo I~ov~de a SChedule of annual char~e$ I~ Slr~l I~hh~ s~C~ ~yable ,n advance SuDplI~ by lhe DIslrlcl a~ to F~e a ml~ I~ Jhe entorce~nl Ihereol. Sec. 22 Shorf Title. This Ordinance shall be known as SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT STREET LIGHTING SEt:~VICE ORDINANCE· Sec 2.3. Relief on Applicetion. When any person by reaso,~ special c~rcumstanges. ~s o! the opinion that any provision of lh~s dmance is uniust or inequitable as applied to his premises, he may make written application to the Board. stating the special circumstances, cHing the provision complained of, and requesting suspension or modification ol that provision as applied to his premises. I1 such application be approved, the Board may. by resolution, suspend or moddy the provis,on complained of, as applied to SUCh premises, lo be effective as of the date of the application and conhnuing during the penod ot the special circumstances. Sec. 2.4 Relief on Ow~ Motion. The Board may. on its own motion, find that by reason ot special circumstances any provisIon ot Ibis regulation and Ordinance should be suspended or modd~ed as applied to a particular premise and may, by rosolution, order Such suspension or modification of such premises during the period ol such special c~rcum- stances, or any part thereof. ARTICLE III. ANNUAL CHARGES Sec. 3. I. Oenerll Rete~-Street Lighting Services. (a) It is hereby determined by the Board that the cost to District Io supply street hghting on a public street within the District is Fifty Cents ($0.50) per year per lineal foot of serviced lands abutting upon a public road on lands serviced with street lighting facilities installed prior to July 1, 1966. (b) It is hereby determined by the Board that the cost to the District tO supply street lighting on a public street within the District is Eighty Cents ($0.80) per year per lineal foot of serviced lands abutting upon a public road on lands serviced with street lighting facilities installed after July 1966. Sec. 3.2 Monthly Charge~ The owners ol serviced lands shall be charged monthly with the cost of supplying street lights to their properly I:~ovld~:l, however, that where a serviced land abuts upon lwo or more public streets serviced by street hghts, its owner shall not be cha~ged for the narrowest portion of his property abutting upon a pubhc street serviced by street lights or one hundred (100) feet, whichever is lesser ARTICLE IV. COLLECTION AND ENFORCEMENT Sec- 4.1. Direct Billing-Street Lighting Service Cherge~. The charges herein fixed for street lighting services shall be payable for a period ot one (1) year in advance. Statements of charges tot street lighting services lo be rerx:lered may be mailed at the beginning of the fiscal year (July t-June 30), and said charges shall be payable yeady in advance lot each ~ald fiscal y~ar. One-year slree! lighting service charges in advance Shall be paid before services are connected, and therealter, lulure street conslfudhon and uS~ Of m~l~t~al~ apply relroachvely and. m Ih~ ma~e, it shall apply only Io lbo This Ordmnance ~s al~o ~nlen, Io provide a melh~ Io~ Ihe pnlofcJ SeC 2 ~ S~O~ TJJJt. Th~s Tahoe Pubhc [Jhhly ~slr~cl Sec 24 Vtolefion Unle~ ordinance il shall bo unl~MuI t()r fl S1flll or prow~e, m;iinlflm ~nd u~ ~n any buHding m said Dislrmcl excepl manner as in this ordinance Sec 25 Relief On Appllc sp()ctal orcumslanc~. ~s oJ lh~ o nAnC~ iS unjust o~ tne(iu~J~ble as wrH~en apphCahOn ~o lhe Board. the [)rovlsio~ compla~n~ ol, and that provision as appli~ lO h~S II such apphcahon ~ pend or m~i~ the prows~On comp Io ~ eltechve as ol lbo dele ol ~riod ol the ~Cl81 C~rCum~ta~ Sec. 2.6 RelMfonO~& lion. hnd lhal by reason of s~al c~ lalion and ordinance shou~ ~ parttcular premise and may. ~res( flcation ot such premlsOJ du~ng I~ or any pall Ihereol Sec 2 7 Plumbing, Inlp salts D~sh~cl sh~tl employ lhe be designated by Ihe Board Io lion. COnn~ChOn. ma,nlenance I~ sewerag(L santta~ draln.qe work satd D~str~ct. lo be known as the In hon lot h~S seduces lot making ordinances, and orders and roguh dered by said Board. a sum ~o b~ USE OF PUBUC Sec. 3. 1. DI~el ~ Wa to place, depos~t, or ~rm~l to ~ c public or private p~ope~y w~thin diction ol said D~slr~cl. any huma~ 22 succeeding Sec 4 2 ~l~¢~. Sl~l~nls which h~ nOI ~ p~ charges Shall b~ Sec 4 ] Di~oun~ A~,sc~nl shall ~ sublr~Cl~ lheretr~ ,f lhe c~r~ ~re date that they ~c~e dehnq~l. Sec 4 4 AcJl~ Jo Col~[ An acb~ ~ ~ ~o~hl ~ the D~slr~ct agamsl the ~rson ~ ~S ~ ~Cu~ aga~nsl the person to whom I~ ~em~s are ass~ when the se~ce was re~e~ l~ 1~ colt~JJ~ ~ lhe a~unt ol dehnquenl cha~ges and cosls ol coition. ,nciud~ng ney's teds. lO ~ hx~ by the Co~ Sec 4 5 NI~ ~ P~u~. Th~ W(~LJfes ~ ~n th(S ;rl;cl~ ~re not exclus,ve Notm~slanding an~ provisions h~f~ln. [)ISIrlCJ may ullliZe any Df~ufes ~ow(~ In an~ law Or which ar~ a I~al ~ncidenl lo ils ~we;s. and any rely ~n ~w charges and penalhes Il ~s lhe Jnl~l~n DJ Jh~s Ordinance thai l~f~ Shall exercised That all charges a~ D~IIB I~D lherelo Shall ~ promplly a~ ~l~lw~ ARTICLE V. MI;E~NE~ ~VISIONS Sec 5.1. ~N~. II ~ny ~le~. clause or phrase Ol this Ordinate ~ l~ ~at~ t~ lo any ~son or circumslance Is l~ any rea~n h~ to ~ u~lffulmal ~ t~ahd. such decis;on shall ~! atilt I~ val~d~ ~ I~ r~ ~d~s of Ibis Ordinance or lhe aDDiction of s~h ~ms~ Io olh~f c~rcumstances. The B~rd ~eby ~r~ I~I ;I ~uld hav~ pass~ this Ordinance of any sechon, su~secJ~. S~lence claus~ D DhraS~ h~f~l ~rrespeclive of lhe Jacl lhal an~ On~ ~ ~e S~I~ons Sub-S~liOnS. s(~nlences. Clauses or phrases ~ d~lar~ Io u~onShlubOnat Ihe exp~rahon ol lh~rty (30) da~ all~ ~Is ~SSa~ and shall Clerk ot lhe Soulh Tah~ Publ~ Ul~l~ ~lncl al sa~d D~slr~cl al leasl one ill w~ ~l~e ~ e.~rahon ~lS passage and shall luther ~ ~~ ~n IN Ta~ OaHy Tnbune. a newspaper of general c~rculal~ ~ iii Jl~ ~t~. ~tore the exD~rahon DJ sa~d ~ Sec 5.3 ~u~~ F~ ~ Th,s ordinance amends Ordinanc~ Nos 114. 275 a~ 291 ~ ~,r ~brety a~ su~- sedes sa~d Ordinances /I/~ L PRESIDENT Soulh Tahoe Publ,C UPhIy Dtstricl 23 ATI'EST: /~/Mary D. Ambroae Clerk ~nd Ex-officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District I hereby certify that the foregoing ORDINANCE was adopted al a meeting pi the BOARD OF DIRECTORS ol the SOUTH TAHOE PL;HL. IC UTILITY DISTRICT held on the 2nd day of August. 1979. by the Iolluwmg vote: AYES: Directors Kashuba, Cocking, Jones. Olson and Fieldcamp NOES: None ABSENT: None SOUTH T, SEWE AN ORDINANCE SUPI 138. 184. 195, 252.25, AN ORDINANCE VATE SEWERS. TH PUBLIC SEWER EMPLOYMENT Of MITS AND FIXIN( '[ARY SEWER L! DRAINAGE AN[) UTILITY DISTRIC1 CHARGES PAYAB BE IT ENACTED. Utlhty D~Slucl, El [')ora( /~/Mary O. Ambrose Clerk of Board and Ex-olficio Secretary SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 24 Sec I I Deftr used hereto are dot,ne Sec I 2 Ot~tr Dorado County. Caido~ Sec ! 3 Boer Sec ! 4 Cleft Sec. ! 5 Cou~ Sec 1 6 Engl the Board and shall b~ Sec I 7 Dt~t~ and may be. a Member Inspector appointed b Sec. I 8 Per~ association, and prtv~ Slates pi America. the diws~ons, government; Sec I g Peru th~s Or any OlhOr rule. r, pt any sewage works. Sec ! !0 BulI~ place ot bus,ness, rt~2 bes. Sec. 1.1 I. App, tot a sewer installation sensed by Ihe sewer lot through power pi atlo~