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4th Quarter 2019 STPUD Reclamation Permit Monitoring Report
South Tah oe Public Utility District January 29, 2020 Patty Kouyoumdjian California Regional Water Quality Control Board -Lahontan Region 2501 Lake Tahoe Boulevard South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 RB6 -Lahontan@waterboards.ca.gov 1275 Meadow Crest Drive• South Lake Tahoe• CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-64 74 • Fax 530 541-0614 • www.stpud.us Subject: Reclamation Permit Monitoring Report, 4th Quarter 2019 Ms. Kouyoumdjian, Enclosed is the South Tahoe Public Utility District's 2019 4th quarter self-monitoring report for October through December 2019. The District is reporting as required by the Wastewater Reclamation Permit (Board Order R6T-2004-0010A3, WDID No. 6A095900700). Wastewater Reclamation Permit (Board Order R6T-2004-001 OA 1 ). The effluent met all the requirements set forth in the Board Order for this quarter; there were no violations. Emergency Retent ion Basin (ERB) A total of 7.29 MG was pumped to the ERB between November 18 and November 20, 2019. This was done so that the B-Export Line could be assessed and so that Tank #2 at LPPS could be inspected. The ERB was drained back to O MG starting November 21, 2019 and over the next 12 days. There was no wastewater remaining in the ERB on December 2, 2019. The ERB was inspected on October 29, 2019, on December 3, 2019 and on December 18 2019; the reports are attached. Export Pipeline The District's Final Effluent Export Line was not inspected this quarter. Wastewater Reclamation Permit Compl iance This monitoring program provides for continuous surface water monitoring, except during the months of December, January and February when only SW-01, SW-05, and SW-06 LRWQCB -Page 2 are monitored. Operational Problems or Major Maintenance Activities Modifications and operational problems occurring during this quarter are detailed in the section titled Operational Problems and Major Maintenance Activities in this report. Notes Sampling and analysis problems for offsite sample locations are listed in the Sample Comments section . Certification I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision following a system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my knowledge of the person(s) who manage the system or those directly responsible for data gathering, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at the number provided above. IIYAK\Public\LABID _DRIVE\Lahontan\Reports\2019 4th Quarter Report.doc LRWQCB -Page 3 Enclosures: 1. Monthly Report Summary Operational problems and maintenance activities . Wastewater Treatment plant Permit Compliance Record Emergency Retention Basin (ERB) Inspection report. Export Pipeline Inspection Report: Sample site locations Map of Alpine County sample sites Harvey Place Reservoir recycled water storage Harvey Place Reservoir Trihalomethanes test results Alpine County and Tahoe Basin Surface waters, Groundwaters, and HPR HPR Blue Green Algae results Alpine County and Tahoe Basin groundwater elevations Alpine County soils Sample Comments Tahoe Basin ERB Monitoring Wells Purge Records Alpine County Monitoring Wells Purge Records Photos of Irrigation ditch flows Total pages pdf: Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board LRWQCB Executive Officer -Patty Kouyomdjian LRWQCB Senior Engineer -Robert Tucker Alpine County Board of Supervisors Alpine County Health Department -Dr. Richard Johnson Alpine County Health Department -Dennis Lampson Washoe Tribe Woodfords Community Council Chairman -Jim Irvin Washoe Tribe Environmental Specialist -Coralee Ditman Nevada Division of Environmental Protection -Birgit Widegren Nevada Division of Environmental Protection -Jean Stone STPUD General Manager -John Thiel STPUD Alpine County Operations -Jim Hilton STPUD Manager of Operations -Jeff Lee STPUD Operations Chief Plant Operator-Chris Siano STPUD Hydrogeologist-lvo Bergsohn STPUD Laboratory Director -Dan Arce STPUD Contract Commission -Dr. Richard Harvey \IYAK\Pub lic\l.ABI D_DRIVE\Lahontan\Reports\2019 4th Quarter Report.doc Pages 2 6 1 6 0 2 3 2 0 7 1 1 1 1 6 10 0 49 Operational Problems and Major Maintenance Activities October -December 2019 Wastewater Treatment Facilities • The District continued its $6.4 million dollar construction project at the Waste Water Treatment Plant to replace the plant wide Emergency Generator System and related electrical and mechanical upgrades. Start-up, testing and training is under way and the project is near completion. • As part of the above mentioned project, the District removed the only remaining underground fuel storage tank at the Plant. It was replaced by a new above ground storage tank. • The District continued utilizing control system upgrades at the Luther Pass Pump Station to shift export pumping to off-peak electricity rate periods in order to save energy costs. • A conditions assessment was performed on portions of the B-Export Line and on storage tanks at the Luther Pass Pump Station. This required that Final Effluent be pumped to the ERB. All treated wastewater was soon exported to Harvey Place Reservoir. • Temporary rep,airs were made to some tears in the Emergency Retention Basins. Permanent repairs will be performed when weather allows. Wastewater Conveyance System • Sewer Pump Stations o Pump #2 at Fallen Leaf Sewer Pump Station #7 was replaced. o New Air Release Valves were installed on the force main at Fallen Leaf SeVlier Pump Station. o Pump #2 at Trout Creek Sewer Pump Station had rags pulled and removed from its impeller. o Septic Tanks at Fallen Leaf Sewer Pump Stations were cleaned. o Check Valves at various Sewer Pump Stations were cleaned. o 12" Force Main at Bijou Sewer Pump Station was flushed. o Driveline from Pump#2 at Fallen Leaf Sewer Pump Station #14 was removed and replaced. o Pump #2 at Upper Truckee Sewer Pump Station was removed and replaced. o B-Export Line over Luther Pass was drained and a cam,era was used to inspect the line. o Pump#1 at Tahoe Keys Sewer Pump Station was removed and replaced with a new Vaughan Chopper Pump. o Cutter Bar on Chopper Pump atBijou Sewer Pump Station was adjusted due to high vibration. • Collection System o Sewer mainline repair and paving at Geronimo Court was completed. o A Grounding Rod was cut out of 24" sewer mainline which runs through the airport. After the grounding rod was removed a contractor placed a Cured in Place Ripe patch at that location. Alpine County Disposal Facilities • There wereno modifications or additions to, or any major maintenance or construction.conducted on, or any major problems occurring at the disposal facilities in Alpine County for October -December. Page 1 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1/27/2020 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT MONTHLY REPORT 8:12AM October 2019 <--------------------Flow MG D--------------------> BOD ss 2-Hr Peak Pond Pond Precipitation mg/L mg/L Date Day Inf Inf Eff Return Inf Inch Type Raw Final Raw Final 10/1/2019 Tue 2.74 3.7 2.94 10/2/2019 Wed 2.62 3.4 3.03 256 NV 200 1.4 10/3/2019 Thu 2.67 3.4 2.87 10/4/2019 Fri 2.95 4.1 3.47 10/5/2019 Sat 3.10 4.3 3.17 280 8.0 270 3.1 10/6/2019 Sun 3.08 4.6 2.96 10/7/2019 Mon) 2.97 5.2 3.38 10/8/2019 Tue 2.67 3.6 2.92 10/9/2019 Wed 2.69 3.5 3.31 244 NV 167 1.9 10/10/2019 Thu 2.69 3.4 2.76 10/11/2019 Fri 2.81 3.6 3.38 10/12/2019 Sat 3.06 3.9 3.16 290 6.7 236 2.3 10/13/2019 Sun 3.04 4.4 3.27 10/14/2019 Mon 2.77 3.7 2.86 10/15/2019 Tue 2.68 3.5 3.03 10/16/2019 Wed 2.67 3.3 2.88 266 8.3 186 2.0 10/17/2019 Thu 2.72 3.3 3.10 10/1;8/2019 Fri 2.79 3.6 2.88 10/1:9/2019 Sat 2.95 4.1 3.05 250 6.9 159 1.5 101io12019 Sun 2.88 4.1 2.97 10/21/2019 Mon 2.60 3.4 2.89 10/22/2019 Tue 2.57 3.4 2.88 10/23/2019 Wed 2.61 3.5 3.00 334 10.4 208 1.8 10/24/2019 Thu 2.64 3.3 3.04 10/25/2019 Fri 2.70 3.9 2.97 10/26/2019 Sat 2.87 3.8 3.03 254 10.4 210 2.7 10/27/2019 Sun 2.83 4.0 2.95 10/28/2019 Mon 2.62 3.4 2.74 10/29/2019 Tue 2.61 3.4 2.88 10/30/2019 Wed 2.55 3.5 2.77 258 8.7 205 2.7 10/31/2019 Thu 2.52 3.6 2.65 Permit Max 7.7 45 60 Permit Min Permit Ave 30 30 Total 85.67 115.9 93.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 2432 59.4 1841 19.4 Maximum 3.10 5.2 3.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 334 10.4 270 3.1 Minimum 2.52 3.3 2.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 244 6.7 159 1.4 Average 2.76 3.7 3.01 270 8.5 205 2.2 # Tests 31 31 31 0 0 0 9 7 9 9 Page 2 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1/27/2020 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT MONTHLY REPORT 8:12 AM October 2019 pH Chlorine <Final Total Coliforms> Total Nitrogen TDS Units mg/L MPN/100 ml mg/L mg/L Date Day Raw Final Final Total 7day-Median Raw Final Raw Final 10/1/2019 Tue 7.52 7.91 9.5 < 1 < 1 10/2/2019 Wed 7.41 7.88 7.0 < 1 < 1 39.9 29.1 262 287 10/3/2019 Thu 7.52 7.85 6.5 < 1 < 1 10/4/2019 Fri 7.43 7.83 10.2 < 1 < 1 10/5/2019 Sat 7.48 7.86 8.5 < 1 < 1 10/6/2019 Sun 7.48 7.85 8.3 < 1 < 1 10/7/2019 Mon 7.54 8.01 9.2 < 1 < 1 39.4 31.3 284 296 10/8/2019 Tue 7.45 7.92 8.8 < 1 < 1 262 292 10/9/2019 Wed 7.52 7.93 8.6 2 < 1 10/10/2019 Thu 7.53 7.95 6.9 < 1 < 1 10/11/2019 Fri 7.64 7.97 10.2 < 1 < 1 10/12/2019 Sat 7.56 7.99 8.0 < 1 < 1 10/13/2019 Sun 7.47 7.92 7.7 < 1 < 1 10/14/2019 Mon 7.47 7.92 8.0 < 1 < 1 10/15/2019 Tue 7.47 7.91 8.0 < 1 < 1 10/16/2019 Wed 7.55 7.98 7.3 < 1 < 1 10/17/2019 Thu 7.56 7.95 20.0 < 1 < 1 10/18/2019 Fri 7.56 7.87 6.8 < 1 < 1 10/19/2019 Sat 7.52 7.90 6.8 2 < 1 10/20/2019 Sun 7.43 7.89 9.3 < 1 < 1 10/21/2019 Mon 7.41 7.92 8.7 1 < 1 46.8 35.4 10/22/2019 Tue 7.46 7.97 8.2 1 < 1 10/23/2019 Wed 7.37 7.88 7.3 2 1 10/24/2019 Thu 7.39 7.80 7.8 3.1 1 10/25/2019 Fri 7.48 7.86 7.8 1 1 10/26/2019 Sat 7.45 7.91 7.0 4.1 1 10/27/2019 Sun 7.46 7.94 7.0 2 2 10/28/2019 Mon 7.49 7.89 7.0 3.1 2 44.0 33.9 10/29/2019 Tue 7.51 7.85 6.6 2 2 10/30/2019 Wed 7.47 7.85 6.8 1 2 10/31/2019 Thu 7.50 7.80 7.7 2 Permit Max 9.00 23 Permit Min 6.50 Permit Ave Total 232.10 244.96 257.5 43.3 36 170.1 129.7 808 875 Maximum 7.64 8.01 20.0 4.1 2 46.8 35.4 284 296 Minimum 7.37 7.80 6.5 1 1 39.4 29.1 262 287 Average 7.49 7.90 8.31 1.4 1.2 42.5 32.4 269 292 #Tests 31 31 31 31 31 4 4 3 3 Page 1 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1/28/2020 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT MONTHLY REPORT 8:16 AM November 2019 <--------------------Flow MG D--------------------> BOD ss 2-Hr Peak Pond Pond Precipitation mg/L mg/L Date Da Inf Inf Eff Return Inf Inch Type Raw Final Raw Final 11/1/2019 Fri 2.55 3.3 2.69 11/2/2019 Sat 2.83 3.8 2.76 256 7.9 187 2.2 11/3/2019 Sun 2.74 4.1 2.94 11/4/2019 Mon 2.48 3.3 2.62 11/5/2019 Tue 2.36 3.2 2.60 11/6/2019 Wed 2.44 3.1 2.70 284 7.3 208 2.3 11/7/2019 Thu 2.47 3.1 2.90 11/8/2019 Fri 2.56 3.2 2.81· 11/9/2019 Sat 2.88 3.8 3.05 11/10/2019 Sun 2.93 4.3 3.08 273 9.7 187 1.9 11/11/2019 Mon 2.70 3.8 2.87 11/12/2019 Tue 2.48 3.1 2.66 11/13/2019 Wed 2.44 3.1 2.80 246 7.3 174 1.8 11/14/2019 Thu 2.44 3.1 2.50 11/15/2019 Fri 2.50 3.2 2.84 11/16/2019 Sat 2.75 3.8 2.72 287 9.7 195 3.1 11/17/2019 Sun 2.72 4.0 2.95 11/18/2019 Mon 2.49 3.2 0.07 2.43 11/19/2019 Tue 2.43 3.1 0.00 2.43 260 252 11/20/2019 Wed 2.43 2.9 0.00 2.43 0.01 Snow 11/21/2019 Thu 2.42 3.0 3.41 0.65 266 11.4 196 4.8 11/22/2019 Fri 2.52 3.2 3.82 0.92 11/23/2019 Sat 2.79 3.8 3.53 0.39 312 8.1 234 2.0 11/24/2019 Sun 2.86 4.0 3.84 0.60 11/25/2019 Mon 2.73 3.6 3.72 0.62 11/26/2019 Tue 2.75 3.5 4.65 1.44 0.36 Snow 11/27/2019 Wed 2.82 3.6 4.36 1.10 0.14 Snow 11/28/2019 Thu 3.22 4.6 3.28 0.43 11/29/2019 Fri 3.23 4.5 3.79 0.18 11/30/2019 Sat 3.22 4.6 3.17 0.20 0.11 Snow 354 15.0 202 3.8 Permit Max 7.7 45 60 Permit Min Permit Ave 30 30 Total 80.18 106.9 85.13 6.53 7.29 0.62 2538 76.3 1835 21.8 Maximum 3.23 4.6 4.65 1.44 2.43 0.36 354 15.0 252 4.8 Minimum 2.36 2.9 0.00 0.18 2.43 0.01 246 7.3 174 1.8 Average 2.67 3.6 2.84 0.65 2.43 0.16 282 9.5 204 2.7 # Tests 30 30 30 10 3 4 9 8 9 8 Page 2 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1/28/2020 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT MONTHLY REPORT 8:16AM November 2019 pH Chlorine <Final Total Coliforms> Total Nitrogen TDS Units mg/L MPN/100 ml mg/L mg/L Date Day Raw Final Final Total 7day-Median Raw Final Raw Final 11/1/2019 Fri 7.53 7.82 8.0 1 2 11(2/2019 Sat 7.49 7.86 8.8 1 1 11/3/2019 Sun 7.48 7.89 5.6 1 1 11/4/2019 Mon 7.48 7.94 6.? < 1 1 40.7 30.6 11/5/2019 Tue 7.41 7.83 5.7 2 1 11/6/2019 Wed 7.43 7.92 6.7 < 1 272 269 11/7/2019 Thu 7.47 7.80 7.0 < 1 11/8/2019 Fri 7.46 7.85 6.0 < 1 < 1 11/9/2019 Sat 7.52 7.84 7.9 < 1 < 1 11/10/2019 Sun 7.41 7.78 7.2 < 1 < 1 11/11/2019 Mon 7.46 7.93 7.4 < 1 < 1 11/12/2019 Tue 7.56 7.91 7.5 < 1 < 1 41.9 31.9 11/13/201.9 Wed 7.66 8.04 8.0 < 1 < 1 11/14/2019 Thu 7.57 7.92 6.5 < 1 ' < 1 11/15/2019 Fri 7.46 7.85 6.9 < 1 < 1 11/16/2019 Sat 7.42 7.84 6.5 < 1 < 1 11/17/2019 Sun 7.41 7.82 6.3 < 1 < 1 11/18/2019 Mon 7.62 5.1 < 1 < 1 11,n 912019 Tue 7.45 11/20/2019 Wed 7.45 39.5 11/21/2019 Thu 7.43 7.81 40.3 32.1 280 296 11/22/2019 Fri 7.48 7.88 6.1 < 1 < 1 11/43/2019 Sat 7.45 7.79 7.6 < 1 < 1 11/~4/2019 Sun 7.48 7.91 7.8 < 1 < 1 11/25/2019 Mon 7.59 8.00 5.1 < 1 < 1 11/26/2019 Tue 7.50 7.90 6.6 < 1 < 1 44.8 33.1 11/27/2019 Wed 7.62 8.01 6.9 < 1 < 1 11/28/2019 Thu 7.47 8.02 6.8 < 1 < 1 11/29/2019 Fri 7.61 7.93 6.6 < 1 < 1 11/30/2019 Sat 7.55 7.88 6.7 < 1 < 1 Permit Max 9.00 23 Permit Min 6.50 Permit Ave Total 224.92 212.97 183.5 28 28 207.2 127.7 552 565 Maximum 7.66 8.04 8.8 2 2 44.8 33.1 280 296 Minimum 7.41 7.78 5.1 1 1 39.5 30.6 272 269 Average 7.50 7.89 6.80 1.0 1.0 41.4 31.9 276 283 # Te§ts 30 27 27 27 27 5 4 2 2 Page 1 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1/28/2020 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT MONTHLY REPORT 8:48 AM December 2019 <--------------------Flow MG 0--------------------> BOD ss 2-Hr Peak Pond Pond Precipitation mg/L mg/L Date Day Inf Inf Eff Return Inf Inch Type Raw. Final Raw Final 12/1/2019 Sun 3.60 4.3 4.01 0.01 0.64 Rain 12/2/2019 Mon 3.40 4.7 4.61 0.75 0.60 Rain 12/3/2019 Tue 2.72 3.6 3.15 12/4/2019 Wed 2.68 3.3 2.76 0.09 Rain 12/5/2019 Thu 2.68 3.4 2.99 233 10.6 163 3.8 12/6/2019 Fri 2.73 3.5 3.22 0.01 Rain 12/7/2019 Sat 3.34 4.3 3.47 0.78 Rain 249 8.2 170 3.0 12/8/2019 Sun 3.05 4.2 3.62 0.02 Snow 12/9/2019 Mon 2.78 3.5 2.99 12/10/2019 Tue 2.69 3.3 2.92 12/11/2019 Wed 2.98 3.9 3.20 0.01 Rain 277 6.0 173 2.5 12/12/2019 Thu 2.98 4.0 3.31 0.01 Rain 12/13/2019 Fri 3.36 4.2 4.34 0.20 Rain 12/14/2019 Sat 3.40 4.4 3.19 0.09 Snow 278 7.1 156 1.9 12/15/2019 Sun 3.17 4.3 3.33 0.06 Rain 12/16/2019 Mon 2.94 3.7 3.51 300 7.6 202 3.9 12/17/2019 Tue 2.94 3.9 3.22 12/18/2019 Wed 2.84 3.5 3.27 II 12/19/2019 Thu 2.89 3.7 3.22 12/20/2019 Fri 3.03 3.7 3.11 12/21/2019 Sat 3.42 4.3 3.17 . NV NV 190 2.6 12/22/2019 Sun 3.58 4.8 3.89 0.10 Snow 12/23/2019 Mon 3.60 4.6 3.94 12/24/2019 Tue 3.79 4.9 4.19 286_ 10.7 183 3.5 12/25/2019 Wed 3.68 4.8 4.11 12/26/2019 Thu 3.82 5.0 3.88 12/27/2019 Fri 3.95 5.2 4.28 12/28/2019 Sat 4.09. 5.3 4.37 374 12.2 245 4.5 12/29/2019 Sun 4.12 5.7 4.46 12/30/2019 Mon 4.12 5.7 4.22 12/31/2019 Tue 4.27 5.9 4.88 293 11.4 156 4.9 Permit Max 7.7 45 60 Permit Min Permit Ave 30 30 Total 102.64 133.6 112.83 0.76 0.00 2.61 2290 73.8 1638 30.6 Maximum 4.27 5.9 4.88 0.75 0.00 0.78 374 12.2 245 4.9 Minimum 2.68 3.3 2.76 0.01 0.00 0.01 233 6.0 156 1.9 Average 3.31 4.3 3.64 0.38 0.22 286 9.2 182 3.4 # Tests 31 31 31 2 0 12 8 8 9 9 Page2 'SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1/28/2020 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT MONTHLY REPORT 8:48 AM December 2019 pH Chlorine <Final Total Coliforms> Total Nitrogen TDS Units mg/L MPN/100 ml mg/L mg/L Date Day Raw Final Final Total 7day-Median Raw Final Raw Final 1211/2019 Sun 7.43 7.80 6.6 < 1 < 1 I' 12/2/2019 Mon 7.35 7.76 , 5.7 < 1 < 1 32.5 22.7 12/3/2019 Tue 7.32 7.84 7.6 < 1 < 1 12/4/2019 Wed 7.48 7.75 7.3 < 1 < 1 12/5/2019 Thu 7.46 7.78 7.0 < 1 < 1 280 259 12/6/2019 Fri 7.44 7.79 7.5 < 1 < 1 12/7/2019 Sat 7.42 7.76 6.9 < 1 < 1 12/8/2019 Sun 7.46 7.80 6.9 < 1 < 1 41.3 30.5 12/9/2019 Mon 7.56 7.94 7.0 < 1 < 1 12/10/2019 Tue 7.39 7.80 6.0 < 1 < 1 12/11/2019 Wed 7.47 7.78 7.1 < 1 < 1 12/12/2019 Thu 7.29 7.74 8.8 < 1 < 1 12/13/2019 Fri 7.46 7.80 7.2 < 1 < 1 12/14/2019 Sat 7.49 7.78 7.6 < 1 < 1 12/15/2019 Sun 7.49 7.75 7.0 < 1 < 1 12/16/2019 Mon 7.58 7.91 6.9 < 1 < 1 45.7 31.6 12/17/2019 Tue 7.53 7.80 5.7 < 1 < 1 12/18/2019 Wed 7.51 7.90 6.3 < 1 < 1 12/19/2019 Thu 7.46 7.77 6.0 < 1 < 1 12/20/2019 Fri 7.46 7.83 5.9 < 1 < 1 12/21/2019 Sat 7.41 7.77 7.4 < 1 < 1 12/22/2019 Sun 7.53 7.83 5.9 < 1 < 1 12/23/2019 Mon 7.51 7.82 5.9 < 1 < 1 12/24/2019 Tue 7.47 7.80 5.1 < 1 < 1 306 278 12/25/2019 Wed 7.45 7.83 5.0 < 1 < 1 12/26/2019 Thu 7.50 7.78 4.6 < 1 < 1 12/27/2019 Fri 7.56 7.93 6.7 < 1 < 1 51.1 38.6 12/28/2019 Sat 7.54 7.90 4.8 < 1 < 1 12/29/2019 Sun 7.46 ,7.70 4.7 1 < 1 12/30/2019 Mon 7.49 7.91 5.5 < 1 < 1 54.0 41.3 12/31/2019 Tue 7.50 7.82 5.5 < 1 < 1 Permit Max 9.00 23 Permit Min 6.50 Permit Ave Total 231.47 242.17 198.1 31 31 224.6 164.7 586 537 Maximum 7.58 7.94 8.8 1 1 54.0 41.3 306 278 Minimum 7.29 7.70 4.6 1 1 32.5 22.7 280 259 Average 7.47 7.81 6.39 1.0 1.0 44.9 32.9 293 269 # Tests 31 31 31 31 31 5 5 2 2 Page3 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT NUMBER OF VIOLATIONS 2019 Parameter #Tests Jan Feb Mar Apr Ma~ Jun Jul Au9 See Oct Nov Dec Total Comeliance Total Plant Inflow; 7.7 MGD; Dry Weather 365 0 0 0 "o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.0% 2-Hou.r Peak Inflow; 18.5 MGD 365 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.0% BOD, 30 Day Ave: 30 mg/L 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.0% BOD, Max: 45 mg/L 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 100.0% SS, 30 Day Ave: 30 mg/L 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.0% SS, Max: 60 mg/L 104 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.0% pH, 6.5 to 8.5 361 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.0% Total Coliforms, Max: 240 MPN/100 ml 359 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.0% Total Coliforms, 7-day Median: 23 MPN 361 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.0% Total 2,038 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.0% South Tahoe Public Utility District ERB Inspection Date of Inspection: t'O · Z q · I 7 Performed by: C"Ot1 ,J '---;Jr-:,A//eL Inspection Procedure: Walk the entire crest of the ERB looking for any problems. Pay particular attention to the condition of the liner. Note the location of any needed repairs on the map on the next page. If the basin is empty and free of snow, walk the entire interior tow checking for liner failures. Scan the entire floor for breaches of any kind. Rodent activity: __ G ____ o_D_·n ________ _ Vegetation control: ~~ ...... o.....:&::?m::;:;;;;...· --------- Stairs North: _____ N.._-_A _______________ _ Stairs South: _,Z:J_· FJ ____ · --------- Top Fill Structure South: &con Drain Valve North: ____ 6(1;:;;.....:i;r;:0-2)....:;;;..,..._. --------- Drain Valve South: -Gl~w~O..----------- Perimeter Fence & Gates: __ Gl'. ____ z:x:y..........,...u _____ . ___ _ Valve House: __ (§1._0C!l) _________ _ Comments: Date of Inspection: { r ( -+ + + -+ :-+ :-+ :-+ ~-... ,-... ~-... .J-+ -... ... ~-... + + + + l l ( + + + t Performed by: t' + + + North on d \-loulh P nd ., t ___ r + + '· i ... + '· \ .,.) f + + + + '· Col/,J ,'IJ AN tEL f + + + + + + '· + + + + + + + + I, + + + + + + + + + '· ( + + - + - + ..... + ..... + ~ + '"""" + ~ + - + - + t South Tahoe Public Utility District E RB Ins p ection Da te of Inspectio n : 2 ::1:, · l l Perfor med by : __ CQ'--=-_L_,:.....;;,J:::.__ _______ _ Inspection Procedure : Walk the entire crest of the E RB looking for any problems . Pay particular attention to the condition of the liner. Note the location of any needed rep airs on t h e map on the next page. If the basin is empty an d fr ee of snow, walk the entire interior tow checking for liner failures . Scan the entire fl oor for breach es of an y kind. Rodent activ ity: Co u.J...i) ·", 1 5:£ I=' m ~ i, Vegetation control: 5 ;'-Jo vJ cP ::D,J Overflow Spillway: ____ &_oo_D _________ _ Stairs North : Stairs South: ------------- Top Fill Structure North: ---"5'--,.__,o_v,.)_£_~_.rriJ _______ _ Top Fill Structure South: _~_M_b_vl __ 6_o_.c_~ _______ _ Drain Valve North: __ ~ __ D _________ _ Drain Valve South: __.kt).....___o __ D __________ _ Perimeter Fence & Gates: ~en ------------- Valve House: tlooD ------------- C o m ments : look J.kL 1-) • ,._,~ D N 0 Date of Inspection : J ·2... · ~ · \ ~ r ( ( -+ + + + -+ -+ + ... + .. -+ + + ,-+ + J-• • -. • -.... + + .... -+ + + + l l l t Performed by: r + + + -+ ~ -.,. -- --. NonttPond · + + + South Pond + + J _,...; + + + .... .... f. + + + + + f + + ··+ + + ' ., r + + + + + + + I ., r + + + + + + + + f, r + - + - + - + ...... + ...... + ....,. + - + - ( . /I~ .. '/ South Tahoe Pub l ic Utility D istrict E RB Insp ection Da te of Inspection : \ 2. · \'6 · 1c1 Performed by : _ __.C.....__;_o_tr _-,_r--1 _______ _ Inspection Procedure : W alk the entire crest of the ERB looking for any problems. Pay particular attention to the condition of the liner. Note the location of any needed repairs on the map on the next page. If the basin is emp ty and free of snow, walk the entire interior tow checking for liner failures. Sc an the entire floor for breaches of any kind . Rodent activity: Co...l...FL f.: Vegetation control : _ _.;;;S ____ ,-......._, o_~_C:: __ -=-n __ :ct4...,;:;a..-.:c-.--- Overflow Spillway: __ G-___ -_CX._J\.-_~ ________ _ Stairs North : oD Stairs South: ___ N_Pr ________ _ Top Fill Structure North: S r·40J'-l 8) ::t:t-\ Top Fill Structure South: SN tJ~~D ,~iJ · Drain Valve North: ~ ------------- Drain Valve South: _ __.,,,G-99,...._ __ 0_· _______ _ Perimeter Fence & Gates: Gs<P'D ------------- Valve House: ~----Go91?--__..,;,.-· -------~- Comme nts: ?oH-D \0 Date of Inspection: Performed by: ( ( r r f r r r -+ + + + + + + + + + + - -+ + - -+ + + + + - -... + + ~ + + =+ + + ..... -· Norttt Pond ..:-+ :t. + + "'"-t.. + + + + + + + + + + + + + .· South P~fid + + + + + + + + + -+ + + + + + -+ + + + + + + + - -=-+ t + l + l + l + t. + ~. + ~. + I. + '· + f, + - r. Sample Sites Alpine County Monitoring Wells ACMW-01AW 38.766952 -119.781561 Below Main Dam Monitoring Well ACMW-01BE 38.766333 -119. 785.321 Below Secondary Dam Monitoring Well ·ACMW-02N 38.772392 -119:776819 Access gate Monitoring Well ACMW-02S 38.772341 -119.776816 Access gate Monitoring We.II .ACMW-03W 38.815138 -119.778848 Fredericksburg D @Hwy 88 Monitoring Well ACMW-04W 38.836719 '."119. 779439 Gansberg Ranch Monitoring Well ACMW-06N 38.800522 -119.763225 Celio Ranch, along DV Rd Monitoring Well ACMW-06S 38.800481 -119.763195 Celio Ranch, along DV Rd Monitoring Well ACMW-07S 38.771882 -119.801658 Diamond Valley Ranch Monitoring Well ACMW-07D 38.771882 -119.801658 Diamond Valley Ranch Monitoring Well ACMW-08N 38.773618 -119. 776847 Diamond Valley Ranch Monitoring Well ACMW-08S 38.773618 -119.776847 Diamond Valley Ranch Monitoring Well ACMW-09D 38.780489 -119. 790314 Diamond Valley Ranch Monitoring Well I ACMW-09S 38.780489 -119.790314 Diamond Valley Ranch Monitoring Well ACMW-10 38.773336 -119.794246 Diamond Valley Weather Station Monitoring Well ) Monitoring Well ; ACMW-11 38.775595 -119.788216 Diamond Valley Ranch ACMW-12 38.777644 -119.795388 Diamond Valley Ranch Monitoring Well ACMW-13 38.768977 119.797083 Diamond Valley Ranch Monitoring Well : ACMW-14 38.767441 119.793215 Diamond Valley Ranch Monitoring Well ACMW-15 38.769600 119.784280 DiamondValley Ranch Monitoring Well ACMW-16 38.773829 119.784173 Diamond Valley Ranch Monitoring Well ACMW-17 38.776273 119.790107 Diamond Valley Ranch Monitoring Well ACMW-18 38.779213 119.782997 Diamond Valley Ranch Monitoring Well ACMW-19 38.776249 119.762112 Diamond Valley Ranch Monitoring. Well ACMW-20 38.808781 119.777665 NearSW-05 Monitoring Well : ACMW-21 38.819915 119.777072 Emigrant Trail near Chambers Lane Monitoring Well · ACMW-22 38.829022 119.783738 Fredericksburg Lane near S7 Monitoring Well ACMW-23 38.825384 119.760193 On road to SW-15, upstream ~S) Monitoring Well ACMW-24 38.832193 119.757427 On road, downstream (N) of SW-15 Monitoring Well ACMW-25 38.830470 119.769901 Road between Brooke's & Neddenriep @ Neddenripp's Monitoring Well I ACMW-26 38.840602 119.769677 Road between Brooke's & Neddenriep @ Stateline Monitoring Well Alpine County Domestic Well GW-01 I 38.761146 -119.810926 Cohen House Domestic Well GW-02 38.772195 -119.801259 DV Ranch Domestic well Domestic Well GW-03 38.789132 -119.752446 Springmeyer Ranch house Domestic Well GW-04 38~800343 -119. 762579 Celio Ranch house Domestic Well GW-05 38.830897 -119.773807 Neddenriep Ranch house Domestic Well GW-07 38.838895 -119.794154 Gansberg, Jr, Ranch house Domestic Well GW-08 38.815528 -119.781095 Arant Ranch house Domestic Well GW-11 38.766522 -119.808540 Diamond Valley School Domestic Well GW-14 38.757140 -119.818462 Sierra Pines Store Domestic Well GW-17 DV Ranch Domestic well Domestic Well C:\Users\dan\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Ternporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\BD22CZNG\Lahontan Report -Sample Sites Page 1 of2 Alpine County Surfacewater Sites : SW-01 38.768903 SW-02 38.756651 SW-03 38.773149 i SW-04 38.776730 : SW-05 38.809525 SW-06 38.840850 · SW-07 38.854967 I , SW-08 38.786579 ! SW-09 38.867242 SW-10 38.788719 Alpine County Soils Sites S-2 38.800316 . S-3 38.801156 S-4 38.842761 S-5 38.836900 S-6 38.829075 S-7 38.829190 S-8 38.817425 i Heavenly Valley Creek HVC-1 38.917861 HVC-2 38.920120 HVC-3 38.921373 HVC-4 HVC-5 38.920591 38.921278 Tahoe Basin Monitoring Wells Control 38.9135951 MW01-50 MW01.5 MW02-50 . MW03-50 MW03.5 ! MW04-5o· MW05-50 ; MW06/50 MW07-50 MW08-25 MW11 MW12 ' MW13 , Ditch Sites 00-01 SW-12 SW-13 SW-14 SW-~5 SW-16 Reservoirs HPR 38.9131807 38.9129062 38.9128116 38.9129187 38.9140351 38.9148881 38.9157076 38.9157148 38.9157020 38.9213967 38.9238680 38.9226200 38.9206200 38.765624 38.809127 38.810082 38.866992 38.828440 38.866896 38.764500 Sample Sites -119.838353 Carson River, W Fork, Crystal Springs Rd -119.806706 Indian Creek @ Diversion -119.772618 Indian Creek downstream of 1st bridge -119.760423 Indian Creek upstream of 2nd bridge -119.777030 Carson River, W Fork, Paynesville -~ 19.764100 Carson River, W Fork, Stateline -119.786541 Fredericksburg Ditch -119.799800 Irrigation Ditch along Carson River R6ad . -119.760810 Carson River, W Fork, Dressler Lane -119.750599 Indian Creek @ Springmeyer Ranch -119. 764305 Celio Ranch -119.780333 Bentley Ranch -119. 780047 Gansberg Ranch -119.780200 Gansberg Ranch -119.780010 Neddenriep Ranch -119. 785420 Bruns Ranch -119.757000 On-Farm -119.959632 Heavenly Valley Creek; Downstream of Pioneer -119.969390 Heavenly Valley Creek; 250' upstream of Pond #2 -119.971421 Heavenly Valley Creek; 25' downstream of Meadow Crest Dr -119.969271 Heavenly Valley Creek; Effluent of drain from Lower Shop area -119.971090 Heavenly \{alley Creek; Effluent of drainage pipe along Meadow Crest Dr -119.9623870 North ~,ast of post office @ Black Bart and Pioneer Trail -119.9640739 SE corner of Emergency Retention Basin, At access gate to ERB -119.9642166 SE corner of Emergency Retention Basin, At access gate to ERB -119.9652141 South side of Emergency Retention Basin, on Black Bart Ave -119.9657562 South side of Emergency Retention Basin, on Black Bart Ave -119.9664341 W side of Emergency Retention Basin, off Hank Monk Ave -119.9666463 W side of Emergency Retention Basin, off Hank Monk Ave -119.9663302 NW corner of Emergency Retention Basin, off Hank Monk Ave -119.9648075 North side of Emergency Retention Basin -119.9639551 NE corner of Emergency Retention Basin -119.9709800 SW corner of Pond #1, at south access gate to STPUD -119.9677190 250 ft south east of North Gate (to Al Tahoe Blvd) -119.9683700 11 O ft south of Biosolids Building -119.9692200 125 ft south east of Pond #2 -119.780543 Diamond Ditch@ beginning; HPR effluent -119.777411 Bruns Diversion -119.776900 Fredericksburg Ditch -119.794173 Fredericksburg Ditch -119.756263 Celio Tail water -119.783627 Drain Ditch @ Fairview Ln -119. 780450 Harvey Place Reservoir C:\Users\dan\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\BD22CZNG\Lahontan Report -Sample Sites Surfacewater Surfacewater Surfacewater Surfacewater Surfacewater Surfacewater Surfacewater Surfacewater Surfacewater Surfacewater Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Surfacewater Surfacewater Surfacewater Surfacewater Surfacewater Monitoring Well Monitoring Well Monitoring Well Monitoring Well Monitoring Well Monitoring Well Monitoring Well Monitoring Well Monitoring Well Monitoring Well Monitoring Well Monitoring Well Monitoring Well Monitoring Well Ditch,, Ditch Ditch Ditch Ditch Ditch Reservoir Page 2 of2 1,500 J.000 ll,OOOF1tt SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT RECYCLED WATER MONITORING PROGRAM WELL LOCATIONS CARSON VALLEY GROUNDWATER BASIN (6-6) ALPINE COUNTY, CA "'• 0 . •• ·""' , 1,500 3,000 Canvoo ,.. / .... , / 6 ,000 Feet / / \ ' / / / S W-06SW-08 ~ ~-020-2 e' . ~ SW-07 ~ lt \, t i z "' -$=MW-04W i ' ' . >I· ' • ~MW2<1 " SW-15 ~t . . , \ ', • ; 0 \ -, S W-10 ~ ~ : •\.~SW-04 SW-03 •• ~~·· .,-.¥ ~=-02s • .. :--... EXPLANATION Surface Water Ditch 'd Reservoir -$-MO NITOR WELL -_,.. N /> •' ·' ' . Irrigation -Recyled-23 Water D Irrigation -Blended Recycled Water SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT R ECYCLED WATER PROGRAM MONITORING LOCATIONS ALPINE COUNTY, CA Path X IG ISI IB _Alpine County\Alpine Co Monitonng_ 11 x1 7 _ 15 Aug 20 14.mxd Harvey Place Reservoir Recycled Water Current Storage Not including 200+/. acre-foot dead pool Maximum Storage, Acre-feet: 3,800 Stored Remaining Date Acre-feet Acre-feet 01/01/16 743 3,057 02/01/16 1,185 2,615 03/01/16 1,493 2,307 04/01/16 1,875 1,925 05/01/16 2,104 1,696 06/01/16 2,322 1,478 07/01/16 2,139 1,661 08/01/16 1,304 2,496 09/01/16 595 3,205 10/01/16 72 3,728 11/01/16 243 3,557 12/01 /16 479 3,321 01/01/17 940 2,860 02/01 /17 1,843 1,957 03/01 /17 3,082 718 04/01/17 3,460 340 05/01/17 3,005 795 0$/01/17 2,617 1,183 07/01 /17 2,210 1,590 08/01/17 1,626 2,174 0 09/01/17 878 2,922 10/01/17 114 3,686 11/01/17 220 3,580 12/01/17 544 3,256 01/01/18 878 2,922 02/01/18 1,177 2,623 03/01/18 1,410 2,390 04/01/18 1,938 1,862 05/01/18 2,246 1,554 06/01/18 2,465 1,335 07/01/18 1,927 1,873 08/01/18 1,240 2,560 09/01/18 531 3,269 10/01/18 88 3,712 11/01/18 206 3,594 12/01/18 453 3,347 01/01/19 781 3,019 02/01/19 1,131 2,669 03/01/19 1,714 2,086 04/01 /19 2,210 1,590 05/01/19 2,517 1,283 06/01/19 1,991 1,809 07/01/19 1,326 2,474 08/01/19 693 3,107 09/01/19 185 3,615 10/01/19 72 3,728 11/01/19 217 3,583 12/01/19 472 3,328 E:\HPR\HPR Current Storage-Lahontan_Report (/) 0 ol "' CD 01/16 02/16 03/16 04/16 05/16 06/16 07/16 08/16 09/16 10/16 11/16 12/16 01/17 02/17 03/17 04/17 05/17 06/17 07/17 08/17 09/17 10/17 11/17 12/17 01/18 02/18 03/18 04/18 05/18 06/18 07/18 08/18 09/18 10/18 11/18 12/18 01/19 02/19 03/19 04/19 05/19 06/19 07/19 08/19 09/19 10/19 11/19 0 (J'1 0 0 ....>. 0 0 0 (J'1 0 0 Acre-feet I\.) 0 0 0 I\.) (J'1 0 0 0,) 0 0 0 0,) (J'1 0 0 .j:::,. 0 0 0 12/19.,__�__,;j---�---��...i..�� ..... ��i....�.....1.�------�........1 Alpine County Summary Report Temp pH EC DO Alk TDS ss Turb Chloride Sulfate ACMW-01AW 10/08/2019 Main Dam 13.9 6.19 181 35.4 72 3.74 2.79 ACMW-01BE 10/08/2019 Secondary Dam 9.3 6.29 87.0 40.4 68 1.28 1.46 ACMW-02N 10/08/2019 Access Gate 13.9 6.15 120 55.9 81 2.18 2.96 ACMW-025 10/08/2019 Access Gate 16.7 5.93 124 60.3 84 1.92 2.30 ACMW-04W 10/08/2019 Gansberg 12.8 5.59 190 44.1 122 17.7 13.8 ACMW-065 10/08/2019 Celio 12.4 7.04 621 231 399 58.8 22.6 ACMW-OBN 1 V2V2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 11.5 6.66 172 83.4 117 1.32 1.02 ACMW-09D 1V07/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 12.8 6.29 86.0 33.0 86 1.44 2.90 ACMW-10 1 V07/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 12.6 6.38 187 77.8 136 5.36 5.38 ACMW-11 1 V07/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 12.1 6.00 135 42.8 75 3.28 5.29 ACMW-12 1 V2V2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 10.4 6.49 111 47.7 88 1.62 2.44 ACMW-13 1 V2V2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 11.8 6.07 145 50.8 122 5.86 2.35 ACMW-14 1 V07/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 13.3 5.85 67.4 21.7 69 0.652 1.86 ACMW-15 12119/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 13.6 6.21 64.0 30.0 60 0.818 1.60 ACMW-16 12119/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 12.7 6.27 120 58.8 89 1.32 1.64 ACMW-17 12119/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 10.6 6.30 111 44.5 82 4.80 2.56 ACMW-18 12119/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 13.1 6.61 70.0 31.7 53 1.07 2.23 ACMW-19 12119/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 12.8 6.82 183 94.3 125 2.98 1.36 ACMW-20 1V2V2019 Diamond Valley Rd -13.3 5.43 82.8 32.9 60 2.92 1.77 Paynesville ACMW-21 10/30/2019 River Ranch Rd 10.4 5.98 246 37.4 163 31.0 6.85 ACMW0 22 10/30/2019 Fredericksburg Ln 11.0 6.12 118 37.1 85 2.93 2.58 ACMW-23 10/30/2019 Scott Brooke's Ranch by 14.8 7.23 384 173 265 3.97 21.0 Irrigation Ditch ACMW-24 10/30/2019 Scott Brooke's Ranch by 12.1 6.53 626 181 368 54.9 40.4 Irrigation Ditch ACMW-25 10/30/2019 Access road between 14.6 6.26 173 48.2 125 10.5 6.34 Neddenriep & Brooke ranches ACMW-26 10/30/2019 Access road between 14.0 6.25 221 68.4 142 20.2 6.66 Neddenriep & Brooke ranches CONTROL 10/28/2019 East side near Post Office NV 6.72 170 19.9 ERB 1 V2212019 ERB 10.1 7.53 663 57.3 1 V27/2019 ERB 2.2 7.67 673 58.0 GW-05 1V07/2019 Neddenriep 12.7 6.21 263 60.5 170 25.6 9.29 GW-08 1V07/2019 Arant Ranch house 13.4 5.92 349 49.3 215 42.7 12.2 GW-11 1 V2V2019 Diamond Valley School 12.1 6.66 148 70.4 105 1.15 0.796 GW-17 1 V2V2019 Diamond Valley Ranch House 10.9 6.38 136 66.0 90 1.60 0.588 Well HPR 10/0V2019 Harvey Place Reservoir 12.1 8.86 632 16.20 184 291 23 10 73.4 19.8 1V04/2019 Harvey Place Reservoir 7.2 9.06 597 13.00 166 278 35.9 11.3 64.3 23.4 12103/2019 Harvey Place Reservoir 3.9 8.19 608 7.30 170 267 7.36 5.8 55.3 20.2 HVC-1 10/15/2019 HVC@ Pioneer Trail 5.2 6.75 45.6 0.796 1V13/2019 HVC @ Pioneer Trail 5.7 7.14 46.6 0.787 12117/2019 HVC @ Pioneer Trail 0.20 6.37 57.3 0.873 HVC-2 10/15/2019 HVC 250' Upstream Pond #2 5.7 6.30 46.1 0.869 Results resported as mg/L except EC as uSlcm Turbidity as NTU Colifoms as MPN/100mL Temp as C NC= Not counted Page 1 of 8 HVC-2 1111312019 12/17/2019 HVC-3 10/15/2019 1111312019 12/17/2019 MW01_5 10/28/2019 MW02-50 10/28/2019 MW03-50 10/29/2019 MW04-50 10/29/2019 MW07-50 10/30/2019 MW08-25 10/30/2019 MW11 10/22/2019 MW12 10/22/2019 MW13 10/22/2019 SW-01 10/0312019 11105/2019 12/0312019 SW-02 10/03/2019 11105/2019 SW-03 10/03/2019 11105/2019 SW-04 10/0312019 11105/2019 SW-05 10/0312019 11105/2019 12/0312019 SW-06 10/0312019 11105/2019 12/0312019 SW-08 10/0312019 11105/2019 Results resported as mg/L except EC as uS/cm Turbidity as NTU Colifoms as MPN1'100ml Temp as C NC= Not counted Temp HVC 250' Upstream Pond #2 3.6 HVC 250' Upstream Pond #2 0.30 HVC 25' Downstream of 5.1 Meadow Crest HVC 25' Downstream of 3.1 Meadow Crest HVC 25' Downstream of 0.70 Meadow Crest SW corner of ERB 8.9 South side of ERB Pond 9.3 Southwest corner of ERB Pond 9.5 Hank Monk side of ERB 7.7 North side of ERB Pond 7.2 South of Pond 1 10.5 North ofBiosolids building 8.9 South of Biosolids Building 11.2 South of Pond 2 along HVC 8.6 Carson River Woodfords 5.2 Carson River Woodfords 3.0 Carson River Woodfords 1.5 Indian Creek Upper 6.7 Indian Creek Upper 5.4 Indian Creek Mid 8.5 Indian Creek Mid 4.5 Indian Creek Lower 6.8 Indian Creek Lower 4.6 Carson River Paynesville 6.9 Carson River Paynesville 5:1 Carson River Paynesville 3.4 Carson River Stateline 6.9 Carson River Stateline 4.8 Carson River Stateline 3.5 Irrigation Ditch 10.1 Irrigation Ditch 6.9 Alpine County Summary Report pH EC DO Alk TDS ss Turb Chloride Sulfate 6.49 45.6 0.839 5.76 59.1 1.41 6.49 47.1 0.860 6.75 48.0 0.840 6.03 62.1 1.53 7.06 168 1.72 6.38 287 29.9 6.17 378 66.8 6.21 91.2 6.89 i 6.46 182 11.2 6.64 908 27.4 6.22 241 38.5 6.61 413 19.2 7.00 626 41.2 7.02 67.0 8.45 33.2 51 1.56 1.3 0.820 1.72 7.37 70.1 10.90 36.1 53 0.38 0.68 0.949 1.68 7.73 71.0 11.80 36.1 61 0.46 0.88 1.60 1.61 6.01 95.0 7.67 52.0 77 0.43 2.5 0.689 <0.50 7.72 121 10.40 28.0 69 0.85 3.0 0.719 0.609 7.40 140 7.45 69.0 107 6.19 4.2 3.00 2.06 7.89 74.7 11.00 36.9 60 9.54 5.4 1.00 1.72 7.58 122 7.97 60.7 80 3.46 4.5 2.27 1.91 7.50 81.7 11.20 40.6 66 7.44 4.9 1.11 1.76 8.14 74.0 8.80 38.1 59 1.90 1.6 1.12 2.00 7.89 85.1 11.00 40.4 65 0.73 0.82 1.55 2.31 7.89/ 88.0 11.10 40.0 69 0.89 0.97 2.63 2.51 8.05 77.0 8.92 38.3 31 2.06 1.4 1.22 2.07 7.38 92.2 10.60 43.6 71 0.49 0.67 1.85 2.54 8.16 94.0 11.70 41.8 79 0.50 1.0 3.19 2.98 7.64 131 7.35 64.0 105 14.2 3.2 1.69 4.75 7.38 132 9.78 61.7 100 50.8 20 1.86 6.22 Page 2 of 8 Alpine County Summary Report Total P Total P P04-P NH3-N Total N N02-N N03-N TKN Dissolved ACMW-01AW 10/08/2019 Main Dam 0.025 <0.020 <0.020 0.288 <0.010 0.262 <0.10 ACMW-01BE 10/08/2019 Secondary Dam 0.038 0.036 <0.020 0.197 <0.010 0.139 <0.10 ACMW-02N 10/08/2019 Access Gate 0.021 <0.020 <0.020 0.444 <0.010 0.480 <0.10 ACMW-025 10/08/2019 Access Gate 0.019 0.035 <0.020 0.162 <0.010 0.044 0.118 ACMW-04W 10/08/2019 Gansberg 0.016 <0.020 <0.020 1.34 <0.010 1.45 <0.10 ACMW-065 10/08/2019 Celia 0.073 0.131 <0.020 0.176 <0.010 0.039 0.137 ACMW-08N 1 V2V2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 0.037 0.036 <0.020 0.611 <0.010 0.666 <0.050 ACMW-090 1V07/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 0.065 0.049 <0.020 1.22 <0.020 1.00 0.22 ACMW-10 1V07/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch O.D40 0.035 <0.020 0.682 <0.020 0.743 <0.10 ACMW-11 1 V07/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 0.024 0.019 <0.020 2.74 <0.010 3.00 <0.10 ACMW-12 1 V2V2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 0.035 0.028 <0.020 0.392 <0.010 0.430 <0.050 ACMW-13 1 V2V2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 0.037 0.019 <0.020 2.43 <0.010 2.50 <0.050 ACMW-14 1V07/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 0.028 0.019 <0.020 0.367 <0.010 0.363 <0.10 ACMW-15 12/19/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 0.028 0.024 0.020 0.304 <0.010 0.312 <0.10 ACMW-16 12/19/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 0.049 0.047 <0.020 0.188 <0.010 0.164 <0.10 ACMW-17 12/19/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 0.024 0.028 <0.020 0.798 <0.010 0.830 <0.10 ACMW-18 12/19/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 0.032 0.027 <0.020 0.431 <0.010 0.465 <0.10 ACMW-19 12/19/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 0.097 0.093 0.030 0.147 <0.010 <0.010 0.147 ACMW-20 1V2V2019 Diamond Valley Rd -0.068 0.070 <0.020 0.139 <0.010 0.146 <0.050 Paynesville ACMW-21 10/30/2019 River Ranch Rd 0.059 0.059 <0.020 5.78 <0.010 5.95 <0.10 ACMW-22 10/30/2019 Fredericksburg Ln O.Q18 0.016 <0.020 2.50 <0.010 2.66 <0.10 ACMW-23 10/30/2019 Scott Brooke's Ranch by 0.046 0.035 <0.020 1.04 <0.010 1.08 <0.10 Irrigation Ditch ACMW-24 10/30/2019 Scott Brooke's Ranch by 0.079 0.079 <0.020 1.93 <0.010 1.96 <0.10 Irrigation Ditch ACMW-25 10/30/2019 Access road bet,yeen 0.055 0.052 <0.020 2.62 <0.010 2.77 <0.10 Neddenriep & Brooke ranches ACMW-26 10/30/2019 Access road between 0.121 0.131 <0.020 0.675 0.044 0.473 0.158 Neddenriep & Brooke ranches CONTROL 10/28/2019 East side near Post Office <0.010 4.70 ERB 1 V22/2019 ERB 0.395 0.214 1V27/2019 ERB 0.359 0.211 GW-05 1 V07/2019 Neddenriep 0.042 0.033 <0.020 3.72 <0.010 3.77 <0.10 GW-08 11107/2019 Arant Ranch house 0.057 0.052 <0.020 9.35 <0.010 10.2 <0.10 GW-11 1V2V2019 Diamond Valley School 0.048 0.045 <0.020 0.531 <0.010 0.551 <0.050 GW-17 1V2V2019 Diamond Valley Ranch House <0.010 <0.010 <0.020 0.274 <0.010 0.090 0.184 Well HPR 10/DV2019 Harvey Place Reservoir 3.63 3.58 23.6 27.5 1.40 0.840 25.3 1 V04/2019 Harvey Place Reservoir 3.34 2.80 22.6 28.4 1.15 1.80 25.4 12/03/2019 Harvey Place Reservoir 2.82 2.45 23.0 26.7 I 0.618 0.898 25.2 HVC-1 10/15/2019 HVC@ Pioneer Trail <0.020 <0.10 <0.010 0.016 <0.10 1 V13/2019 HVC@ Pioneer Trail <0.020 0.100 <0.010 0.011 <0.10 12/17/2019 HVC@ Pioneer Trail <0.020 0.105 <0.010 0.042 <0.10 HVC-2 10/15/2019 HVC 250' Upstream Pond #2 <0.020 0.158 <0.010 <0.010 0.158 Results resported as mg/L except EC as uS/cm Turbidity as NTU Colifoms as MPN/100ml Temp as C NC= Not counted Page 3 of 8 HVC-2 11/13/2019 12/17/2019 HVC-3 10/15/2019 11/13/2019 12/17/2019 MW01_5 10/28/2019 MW02-50 10/28/2019 MW03-50 10/29/2019 MW04-50 10/29/2019 MW07-50 10/30/2019 MWOB-25 10/30/2019 MW11 10/22/2019 MW12 10/22/2019 MW13 10/22/2019 SW-01 10/03/2019 11/05/2019 12/03/2019 SW-02 10/03/2019 11/05/2019 SW-03 10/03/2019 11/05/2019 SW-04 10/03/2019 11/05/2019 SW-05 10/03/2019 11/05/2019 12/03/2019 SW-06 10/03/2019 11/05/2019 12/03/2019 SW-08 10/03/2019 11/05/2019 Results resported as mg/L except EC as uS/cm Turbidity as NTU Colifoms as MPN/100ml Temp asC NC ;:; Not counted Total P HVC 250' Upstream Pond #2 HVC 250' Upstream Pond #2 HVC 25' Downstream of Meadow Crest HVC 25' Downstream of Meadow Crest HVC 25' Downstream of Meadow Crest SW corner of ERB South side of ERB Pond Southwest corner of ERB Pond Hank Monk side of ERB North side of ERB Pond South of Pond 1 North of Biosolids building South of Biosolids Building South of Pond 2 along HVC Carson River Woodfords 0.018 Carson River Woodfords 0.013 Carson River Woodfords 0.015 Indian Creek Upper 0.017 Indian Creek Upper 0.024 Indian Creek Mid 0.078 Indian Creek Mid 0.030 Indian Creek Lower 0.099 Indian Creek Lower 0.041 Carson River Paynesville 0.021 Carson River Paynesville 0.013 Carson River Paynesville 0.020 Carson River Stateline 0.017 Carson River Stateline 0.017 Carson River Stateline 0.017 Irrigation Ditch 0.081 Irrigation Ditch 0.140 Alpine County Summary Report Total P P04-P NH3-N Total N N02-N N03-N TKN Dissolved <0.020 0.168 <0.010 <0.010 0.168 <0.020 0.215 <0.010 0.011 0.204 <0.020 0.147 <0.010 <0.010 0.147 <0.020 0.171' <0.010 <0.010 0.171 <0.020 0.176 <0.010 <0.010 0.176 <0.010 0.375 <0.010 2.42 <0.020 0.472 <0.010 0.047 <0.010 0.474 <0.010 0.025 <0.010 0.039 <0.040 1.33 <0.050 3.28 0.010 <0.020 0.117 <0.010 <0.010 0.117 0.012 <0.020 <0.10 <0.010 <0.010 <0.10 <0.010 <0.020 0.070 <0.010 <0.010 0.070 <0.010 <0.020 0.079 <0.010 <0.010 0.079 0.015 <0.020 0.107 <0.010 <0.010 0.107 0.012 <0.020 0.132 <0.010 0.025 0.132 0.011 <0.020 0.106 <0.010 <0.010 0.106 0.024 <0.020 0.351 <0.010 0.052 0.299 0.012 0.023 0.129 <0.010 0.020 0.109 <0.010 <0.020 0.133 <0.010 <0.010 0.133 <0.010 <0.020 0.118 <0.010 0.018 0.100 <0.010 <0.020 0.127 <0.010 0.012 0.115 <0.010 <0.020 0.220 <0.010 0.014 0.206 0.010 <0.020 0.143 <0.010 0.053 <0.10 <0.010 <0.020 0.171 <0.010 0.054 0.117 0.010 <0.020 0.573 <0.010 0.058 0.515 0.012 0.025 1.33 <0.010 0.163 1.17 Page 4 of 8 HPR 10/0V2019 Harvey Place Reservoir 1V04/2019 Harvey Place Reservoir 12/03/2019 Harvey Place Reservoir Results resported as mg/L except EC as uS/cm Turbidity as NTU Colifoms as MPN/100mL Temp asC NC "" Not counted BOD 17!5 20.9 8.92 Alpine County Summary Report Ca 21.5 21.5 21.2 Mg 5.02 4.98 4.97 Na 59.8 56.1 55.5 K 14.3 13.4 13.0 Page 5 of 8 SAR 3.02 2.83 2.82 %Na 58.4 57.2 57.3 Alpine County Summary Report Total E.Coli Coliform Chroma Chroma ACMW-01AW 10/08/2019 Main Dam <1 <1 ACMW-01BE 10/08/2019 Secondary Dam <1 <1 ACMW-02N 10/08/2019 Access Gate <1 <1 ACMW-025 10/08/2019 Access Gate 4.1 <1 ACMW-04W 10/08/2019 Gansberg <1 <1 ACMW-065 10/08/2019 Celia <1 <1 ACMW-OBN 11/21/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch <1 <1 ACMW-09D 11/07/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch <1 <1 ACMW-10 11/07/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch <1 <1 ACMW-11 11/07/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch <1 <1 ACMW-12 11/21/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch <1 <1 ACMW-13 11/21/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch <1 <1 ACMW-14 11/07/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch 42.2 1.0 ACMW-15 12/19/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch <1 <1 ACMW-16 12/19/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch <1 <1 ACMW-17 12/19/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch <1 <1 ACMW-18 12/19/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch <1 <1 ACMW-19 12/19/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch <1 <1 ACMW-20 11/21/2019 Diamond Valley Rd -3.0 <1 Paynesville ACMW-21 10/30/2019 River Ranch Rd 18.5 <1 ACMW-22 10/30/2019 Fredericksburg Ln <1 <1 ACMW-23 10/30/2019 Scott Brooke's Ranch by <1 <1 Irrigation Ditch ACMW-24 10/30/2019 Scott Brooke's Ranch by 46.4 <1 Irrigation Ditch ACMW-25 10/30/2019 Access road between 152 <1 Neddenriep & Brooke ranches ACMW-26 10/30/2019 Access road between 1.0 <1 Neddenriep & Brooke ranches GW-05 11/07/2019 Neddenriep <1 <1 GW-08 11/07/2019 Arant Ranch house <1 <1 GW-11 11/21/2019 Diamond Valley School <1 <1 GW-17 11/21/2019 Diamond Valley Ranch House <1 <1 Well HPR 10/01/2019 Harvey Place Reservoir 3560 27.2 11/04/2019 Harvey Place Reservoir 7270 6.2 12/03/2019 Harvey Place Reservoir 980 2.0 SW-01 10/03/2019 Carson River Woodfords 325 7.4 11/05/2019 Carson River Woodfords 70.6 2.0 12/03/2019 Carson River Woodfords 111 1.0 Results resported as mg/L except EC as uS/cm Turbidity as NTU Col if oms as MPN/100ml Temp as C NC= Not counted Page 6 of 8 SW-02 10/03/2019 11/05/2019 SW-03 10/03/2019 11/05/2019 SW-04 10/03/2019 11/05/2019 SW-05 10/03/2019 11/05/2019 12/03/2019 SW-06 10/03/2019 11/05/2019 12/03/2019 SW-08 10/03/2019 11/05/2019 Results resported as mg/L except EC as uS/cm Turbidity as NTU Colifoms as MPN/100mL Temp as C NC ::; Not counted Indian Creek Upper Indian Creek Upper Indian Creek Mid Indian Creek Mid Indian Creek Lower Indian Creek Lower Carson River Paynesville Carson River Paynesville Carson River Paynesville Carson River Stateline Carson River Stateline Carson River Stateline Irrigation Ditch Irrigation Ditch Alpine County Summary Report Total E.COii Coliform Chromo Chromo 365 38.4 205 13.4 2280 189 613 4.1 1990 194 387 40.8 345 23.3 214 22.8 1050 53.8 816 184 >2420 39.3 1300 53.0 . 3260 6.2 >2420 2.0 Page 7 of 8 HPR 10/0'V2019 1'1104/2019 12/03/2019 Results resported as mg/L except EC as uS/cm Turbidity as NTU Collfoms as MPN/100ml Temp as C NC = Not counted ::olonies Harvey Place Reservoir Harvey Place Reservoir Harvey Place Reservoir Alpine County Summary Report ::olonies Filaments Filaments Filaments Filament Single # #Cells #Multi-# Cells # Single-Length Cells Celled Celled NC NC NC NC NC 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NC NC NC NC NC 30 Page 8 of 8 Page 1 of 1 Monitoring Wells Groundwater Elevation Site Sample Depth Ref GW Location Date Hr ID# toGW MSL MSL ACMW-01AW Main Dam 10/08/2019 11 :18 AG69108 11.05 5493.13 5,482.08 ACMW-01BE · Secondary Dam 10/08/2019 10:55 AG69109 7.50 5503.55 5,496.05 ACMW-02N Access Gate 10/08/2019 11:58 AG69110 7.59 5469.70 5,462.11 ACMW-02S Access Gate 10/08/2019 11 :41 AG69111 8.65 5471.60 5,462.95 ACMW-04W Gansberg 10/08/2019 09:42 AG69112 12.10 4919.89 4,907.79 ACMW-06S Celia 10/08/2019 10:15 AG69113 16.00 5223.50 5,207.50 ACMW-08N Diamond Valley Ranch 11/21/2019 10:26 AG69695 4.39 5464.45 5,460.06 \ ACMW-09D Diamond Valley Ranch 11/07/2019 10:07 AG69505 32.40 5510.56 5,478.16 ACMW-10 Diamond Valley Ranch 11/07/2019 10:35 AG69506 29.46 5534.19 5,504.73 ACMW-11 Diamond Valley Ranch 11/07/2019 11: 10 AG69507 19.66 5503.01 5,483.35 ACMW-12 Diamond Valley Ranch 11/21/2019 11 :01 AG69696 31.91 5525.04 5,493.13 ACMW-13 Diamond Valley Ranch 11/21/2019 11:37 AG69697 11.20 5554.55 5,543.35 ACMW-14 Diamond Valley Ranch 11/07/2019 11 :43 AG69508 17.14 5547.20 5,530.06 ACMW-15 Diamond Valley Ranch 12/19/2019 09:05 AG70064 19.58 5500.60 5,481.02 ACMW-16 Diamond Valley Ranch 12/19/2019 09:26 AG70065 11.91 5484.53 5,472.62 ACMW-17 Diamo.nd Valley Ranch 12/19/2019 10:59 AG70066 15.70 5504.92 5,489.22 ACMW-18 Diamond Valley Ranch 12/19/2019 10:04 AG70067 8.28 5470.56 5,462.28 ACMW-19 Diamond Valley Ranch 12/19/2019 10:35 AG70068 7.22 5417.25 5,410.03 ACMW-20 Diamond Valley Rd -Paynesville 11/21/2019 09:49 AG69698 14.39 5090.30 5,075.91 ACMW-21 River Ranch Rd 10/30/2019 09:43 AG69396 12.54 5011.33 4,998.79 ACMW-22 Fredericksburg Ln 10/30/2019 10:07 AG69397 29.05 5019.28 4,990.23 ACMW-23 Scott Brooke's Ranch by Irrigation 10/30/2019 12:24 Ditch f.G69398 18.72 4978.35 4,959.63 ACMW-24 Scott Brooke's Ranch by Irrigation 10/30/2019 11:54 AG69399 25.78 4953.25 4,927.47 Ditch ACMW-25 Access road between Neddenriep & 10/30/2019 10:31 AG69400 9.21 4942.24 4,933.03 Brooke ranches ACMW-26 Access road between Neddenriep & 10/30/2019 10:57 AG69401 13.11 4895.60 4,882.49 Brooke ranches CONTROL East side near Post Office 10/28/2019 15:28 AG69331 62.45 6345.20 6\282.75 MW01_5 SW corner of ERB 10/28/2019 15:50 AG69332 59.00 6328.00 6,269.00 MW02-50 South side of ERB Pond 10/28/2019 16:14 AG69333 45.95 6314.60 6,268.65 MW03-50 Southwest corner of ERB Pond 10/29/201 ~) 14:44 AG69386 41.36 6310.10 . 6,268.74 MW04-50 Hank Monk side of ERB 10/29/2019 15:02 AG69387 34.00 6304.40 6,270.40 MW07-50 North side of ERB Pond 10/30/2019 16:29 AG69403 22.95 6302.20 6,279.25 MW08-25 South of Pond 1 10/30/2019 15:37 AG69404 12.00 6258.30 6,246.30 MW11 North of Biosol(ds building 10/22/2019 15:40 AG69281 27.32 6296.00 6,268.68 MW12 South of Biosolids Building 10/22/2019 15:15 AG69282 24.23 6288.80 6,264.57 MW13 South of Pond 2 along HVC 10/22/2019 14:28 AG69283 7.28 6263.40 6,256.12 Alpine County Soils pH EC %Sat TKN N03-N Total P Exch P 504 Cl S2A Celia Ranch 10/29/2019 8.10 6.03 64.7 4000 4.68 715 36.6 120 1900 S3A Bently Ranch 10/29/2019 6.42 0.445 32.4 1620 0.570 553 7.15 14 525 S4A Gansberg Ranch 10/29/2019 6.32 0.465 38.2 2050 4.49 655 5.70 2 500 S5A Gansberg Ranch 10/29/2019 6.18 0.193 35.1 1850 3.61 536 5.54 4 450 S6A Neddenriep Ranch 10/29/2019 5.89 0.242 36.0 1850 0.447 1164 9.22 11 700 S7A Bruns Ranch 10/29/2019 5.93 0.110 38.1 2205 1.03 436 6.90 4 675 CEC Cu Mo K Ca Mg Na SAR %Na S2A Celio Ranch 10/29/2019 17.3 19.9 0.04 1510 152 113 511 7.65 8.93 S3A Bently Ranch 10/29/2019 19.9 16.1 0.02 1530 54.7 14.2 42.3 1.32 <1 S4A Gansberg Ranch 10/29/2019 18.8 21.7 0.03 5810 46.9 9.27 39.0 1.36 <1 S5A · Gansberg Ranch 10/29/2019 15.8 21.7 0.03 2340 50.8 7.33 21.3 0.740 <1 S6A ['Jeddenriep Ranch 10/29/2019 13.9 30.7 0.03 4070 54.7 6.36 22.9 0.780 <1 S7A Bruns Ranch 10/29/2019 15.2 31.5 0.02 4020 31.2 7.54 7.74 0.320 <1 j Page 1 of 1 Sample Comments Site Date Time Comments ACMW-19 12/19/2019 10:35 Phosphate and Nitrite-N analyzed past Holding Time. HVC-5 12/01/2019 16:00 No flow. HVC-5 12/02/2019 08:09 No flow. Water pooling. Pictures taken. HVC-5 12/02/20)19 11:35 No flow. Pictures taken. HVC-5 12/07/2019 14:48 No flow. Pictures taken. HVC-5 12/07/2019 17:11 No flow. Pictures taken. HVC-5 12/13/2019 14:58 No flow. Pictures taken. SW-07 10/03/2019 12:09 Dry SW-07 11/05/2019 10:10 Dry. 1 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT EMERGENCY POND MW FIELD MONITORING RECORD ./ 1), 6 7--f~/;; Date: G Samplers:_--"'B"--C_ .. __ Purpose- -. (l -~7 J.. -I ··1 j U · U1 ' , Preservative Std Check Depth to Well Water Cale Actual Well Casing Depth to Column Water to Water .!!! 0 0 Temp EC Bottom Diameter GW Height Purge Purged 0 2 <( CJ) z 0 Site ID# ·c pH µSiem ft inch ft ft Gallons Gallons 0 N DH EC COMMENTS Time 'St CJ) I I > CONTROL 80.90 2 MW1.5 65.80 2 MW02-50 50.90 2 MW03-50 50.80 2 MW04-50 51.00 2 MW07-50 52.60 2 MWOB-25 20.60 2 MW11 /l{r61c~ I ( sc(o s.9 0)2,L J~I 41.0 2 21-32.. J3i{;i 2.33 l/, s MW12 flt 1/(r h1 ( i 2. (5(~( ( (. 7_ G.b J Yt3 31.50 2 ;fJJ }zq (~25' 1 J ( j MW13 !/Ir 6'1 ·z i3 1421 i,b 1,tJD 02b 14.40 2 1;756 "}. I 7-I~ 2 ~I ( ,,.p>f !,L i~fii$Bm lit '{/ c;· . (3'i0 -I i..,..,.! :..r· V Trip Blank I j9. t / L-U ~ Groundwater samples shall be collected only after 2 1 well volumes Gallons to flush= 1 x 7.48 x 3.14 x 0.083 x water column height pH Std Check uses a 7.00 buffer. pH meter must be re- have been flushed and Temperature, pH, and EC measurements Gallons to flush = 0.17 x water column height (ft) standardized if result exceeds 7.00 ± 0.05. EC Std Check have stabilized to approximately ± 5% for each successive Water column height= depth of well -water level uses a 200 µS/cm standard measurement taken in intervals 2 5 minutes. for 50' well whose water level is 35 feet from ground level: Water column height= 50' -35' = 15' File: D:\Lab\Forms\Field Sheets\Field ERB.doc 10/14/2015 Flushing Record I\ "'7 ... } f (..'i I I I .. 1..,. ,-. , 1 : Date: IJ · (Li ( L ,-, '2 ! ·v > ·- i l/ '7,L ' I C, 9 u. I (WL~ ,, Lf ilh 1 I ·i t-f ~ ' /t1 i··J · 1 .-, Jt(~, ~ j__ . ) _;.> ti (· ll /7_. J ··-;;, rJ[} ...-, 2 '::) ?;;, --/l/~'~ Y.ti ;+, /5'01) I 1-I ~ ;; {0, b b1,C: ""'- t:,q ...1...) !,oh 11 2-ltJ ~ 6~,61) ~;-l) 15" U -2-//, f r: ·1 tJ, G ~·15 f ~(z;-.._:, .,r") ( //; '1-[,J;; f 413 L~ nA11v-t/ ·s-3-::-.I . :J ~1 2, V, lj 0' G-iIO J4 I i 5""3 I S1iA v { · Jt;l/0 q 4~5" i.1 6,·z2, J.Lf I Note: Temp, pH, EC must stab1l1ze ± 5 % for successive measurements taken 1n intervals~ 5 minutes. O:\Lab\Forms\Field Sheets\Monitor_Well_Flushing_Recorddoc SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT EMERGENCY POND MW FIELD MONITORING RECORD Date: /02fr \~ Samplers:_µ=L'--___ _ Purpose-J H, ot -1:;1 /wl!f--.. !Site I Preservative Std Check Depth to Well Water Cale Actual Well Casing Depth to Column Water to Water ~ " 0 0 Temp EC Bottom Diameter GW Height Purge Purged 0 Q) I.I) <( ID# 0 z !:2 Time ·c pH µSiem ft inch ft ft Gallons Gallons ... ti, £ I oH EC COMMENTS [ "'? ~J 'l 'Je vvip. /!JV. ~-Gw,.s. . \J ' ~:12 6t4S l C. ~1{",.., ~ i-io \i~r; .~ I CONTROL -,_, ""~ \ )t.f I -f 3. \ )., . {}.b 80.90 2 . - •' " ' --)S'S'J S.9 10£ i 68 staD ,~ Lt 3 MW1.5 65.80 2 .o -· - '71,1 IJ '1_) -; J ll\4 !{Z. Z'fl. U<f5 q, 7~ MW02-50 .,,,,,J-.) '..) ,,. :;v 2 1,.,,, n ~ ) 50.90 \l. ii ·- MW03-50 50.80 2 MW04-50 51.00 2 . ' ·• ' \tl i 1.t £q l, 1 g-7 $JJ 5[/ MW07-50 ;.,) I L~ 1·11) /7c-cc . ',\ 52.60 2 L, L .. L 1. 7 'i ·1 ':) ,": ~ -~· ) )531 \(.) ' (,(,4 103 I') nfi ") 11 j.) ' _'.) -, MWOB-25 j/\1.~ ,q3,.;, J.._. _ _,, 20.60 2 L.v'J MW11 41.0 2 - MW12 31.50 2 MW13 14.40 2 Trip Blank ~· ,., . Galloostoflo,h = 1, 7.48- .. _, Groundwater samples shall be collected only after 2 1 well volumes pH Std Check uses a 7.00 buffer. pH meter must be re- have been flushed and Temperature, pH, and EC measurements Gallons to flush = 0.17 x water column height (ft) standardized if result exceeds 7.00 ± 0.05. EC Std Check have stabilized to approximately± 5% for each successive Water column height= depth of well -water level uses a 200 µSiem standard measurement taken in intervals 2 5 minutes. for 50' well whose water level is 35 feet from ground level: Water column height= 50' -35' = 15' ' File: D:\Lab\Forms\Field Sheets\Field ERB.doc 10/14/2015 Flushing Record --.---. r ·' -. \II/ell __ , __ . ,, - tJv}\J / 0 i- /J:.ir\J /)J,, (l I --· ,c'J. ll ~-1 1) \·Y2/L \<:'.j~1 't' O"' I \.1 ) \ f {t 4; \ h iJ t) 1 / 1 l\ i ol l ( •1 11 kL\ ~ ( ,1 a laL i i /} ''') \. u ' ~ ~ 01 1 u I j ·ZS 1) Tj '1:/) (; .-) C {" ,-i L " l J' J \, .b J i ~ r.~ ) () ~) l· ,..., 'l-~) -2J r:__ . _) u ~:., , . .; c-;, t1 .., . , s. \ 'I~ t l,_ •• -. -;-1 l~.i. J.) f 11- \{\j \. I ·1 {'•' :..)i. ~1 0 '1J. I ·1.0C ( ?(j.,_ ,,,_I; I V . ri q \ \J. \ h e,a .i \ '~ ;;:, I u · J ~ (~ ·1 / -,,o \ -t·. \ \J ·) \ I ·j '1 n"' I .t,. .i../L --; Jil( -i•-i'Jf,t...,,. ·1 .·,_.7 I. )L -, I / LI:; /,1;, V 1.L / 4( "' 'b Note. Temp, pH, EC must stabilize± 5 % for successive measurements taken rn intervals 2. 5 minutes, D:llab\ForrnslF1eld Sheets\Monitor_Well_Flush1ng_Recoro doc l . \ 1C \ I (( \ ti ~J e"-,:J c: !f)J i1~ aor \ u \ c~ ti ' I., ~- ; c1 LI \ v , Cl \bi :-i "1 i ! i \cti1 I ..., l, ' ' ~·i Date:'.:..·-"---'----- <S-!u-1 p,. 1s1.i e' l ' 0 , c· C: y ),Cr --(':, \ )J . I .. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT EMERGENCY POND MW FIELD MONITORING RECORD v h lt/rJJJ l1 Date: lti·n-i'\ Samplers: ·1x:e&,1otid\ Puroose: Preservative Std Check Depth to Well Water Cale Actual Ciel' Well Casing Depth to Column Water to Water Ql 0 6 Temp EC Bottom Diameter GW Height Purge Purged 0 i ~ <( Site ID# Time ·c pH µS/cm ft inch ft ft Gallons Gallons 0 z ~ DH EC COMMENTS -en I I CONTROL 80.90 2 MW1.5 65.80 2 MW02-50 50.90 2 ' .. MW03-50 :/ ,• " ,'.f ~,\1 t\U!n \At '\-~ it\"\'\ ~1-'& 50.80 2 \\t: 1.I.. MW04-50 \TI)'Z. ~r.1 ~.2-1 ct,\ .t 51.00 2 :74.t \1.tO 1.M ~j I.~ MW07-50 52.60 2 tlJl t~:VJ C ~ J1 \) J.~ I ' '-' MWOS-25 20.60 2 \1. \J \ t~ \ ~\; MW11 41.0 2 MW12 31.50 2 MW13 14.40 2 Trip Blank Groundwater samples shall be collected only after .: 1 well volumes Gallons to flush= 1 x 7.48 x 3.14 x 0.083 x water column height pH Std Check uses a 7.00 buffer. pH meter must be re- have been flushed and Temperature, pH, and EC measurements Gallons to flush = 0.17 x water column height (ft) standardized if result exceeds 7.00 ± 0.05. EC Std Check have stabilized lo approximately± 5% for each successive Water column heigh!= depth of well -waler level uses a 200 µSiem standard measurement taken in intervals .: 5 minutes. for 50' well whose water level is 35 feel from ground level: Water column height= 50' -35' = 15' File: P:\LABID_DRIVE\Lab\Forms\Field Sheets\Field ERB.doc 10/14/2015 ·T,:,111\ ()\i t:.c.. r;,a\h\v\s I l f\<•\ V ~~i ,t., ..\-\'\3!J \J \) O:::,\~"-" ' ~\\J\j ! 13 1\ H~ i 1'\ l /Ir I~ \j .b \ ~1' \ 1., <·· . l ~ H·4t ts ! 1 ·' sn A f\ ,.;C,i';\~\Jit \ii.' ·j-.,, J ~ ~\~ -ut ~ tt-v\-lt~L itfl -, ~ &ti q I /,,4-1.0 r. \) 1 ,vl '\' ' ~ l ·c-:1~~ 11 ~ 'L\ quf ts ...,(\\l\'\l'~;t \I t;L ·t l 18 \ Purpose: Depth ID# to GW ft Time ACMW-01AW r , i 1. o5 ACMW-01BE ,t :r:r· '150 ACMW-02N ACMW-02S 8.{3 ACMW-04W 0q1/ -12~10 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ACMW FIELD MONITORING RECORD Depth to Well Water Cale Actual Well Casing Column Water to Water Temp EC Bottom Diameter Height Purge Purged t' oc H µSiem ft inch ft Gallons Gallons ~ \j ,-~.\ tB\ 22.6 2 11.ss to ~. ~ .. " t· 23.8 2 If<> LS 11..ti 34.1 2 165/ ~-~ \!_q. lt '\' 21.9 2 \3JS 2.) /J-~ s.s-1 11/'D 29.0 2 !~,, L (1 c-.,-- J ACMW-06S 'l I I vi I \ t. 00 }1.L( ~/JV &21 29.9 2 \ 1 ~ I/. z. 4 ~ Trip Blank Temperature of Control when samples received at Lab C43o Groundwater samples shall be collected only after.: 1 well volumes have been flushed and Temperature, pH, and EC measurements have stabilized to approximately± 5% for each successive measurement taken in intervals.: 5 minutes. D:\Lab\Forms\Field Sheets\Field ACMW.doc a,q Gallons to flush= 1 x 7.48 x 3.14 x 0.083 x water column height Gallons to flush = 0.17 x water column height (ft) Water column height = depth of well -water level for 50' well whose water level is 35 feet from ground level: Water column height= 50' -35' = 15' Q) ~ .m (/) . (, /~ ( a Date: / u · i:,ltJ~· I Samplers: Be:/ V'~l- Pr ervative Std Check :-J. H2S04 pH= ),lp ) .\p ,. lO 1.lo \ '\JI 0 <( z 0 I H EC COMMENTS '1.3 pH Std Check uses a 7.00 buffer. pH meter must be re- standardized if result exceeds 7.00 ± 0.05. EC Std Check uses a 200 µSiem standard 1/??/?()1fi Flushing Record Date: / O· (/ f! / '} /i ... --,1 ~ S51 --t ':? IL 11 l 11.i G ,q ( ! _.,.-,(. I '(f··-, {\ u,r ,:~ .7tr.J .~; \ ),j) ,iJ J J ' l ~bl IC, I ':;, !r"p, t'JU ., ·f 3 11 ,::, I . .., (,. ~1 L\ ;' 0~ b, /l 1iS" /J-LJ I 1l~H f':11:)l fol' u,(.A,{ 6( luC:n \ .. 5' I, C i )& t£c; t:,.if{J ~ 4r 1-\'L/) /J. f .. ,,., . >J u./ b \~"-;{:i 1 5 1 h ~ct i1 .) . l 1 1 c::} n~ '-'1 D 1 I 5/.LJJ,· I /0:f/ .. i 3 lt3 1,i~ '1:; 5~· ,CJ NrtfO. \ 1/ <, ·1~0 ] LS 1t4 / q, \ i 1·l 5h:,+ I rz/'. .) ':), V tL I 4} g 3 ib1 J,1) ',-• u )l. • A 1W~-C'l1~ \\U t& i )l/-1 c. i)j I \i ll 5'17 1-U: I L[:3 G.07 /Z I \1~ 1-·"' 13, b, 1£' /16 ? Note: Temp, pH. EC must stabilize± 5 % for successive measurements taken in intervals 2: 5 minutes. D:\Lab\Forms\Field Sheets\Monitor_Well_Flushing_Record.doc Group 2 Purpose- I~~ ID# Time ! ACMW-21 ',' u143 -:.r ("; (' -·- () \.,,,1 l l,~'\.,..-· . ' (tJ07 ACMW-22 ; _, .... ~ .-·, ACMW-23 1-.24 LL ACMW-24 ..• i\ (~ \ .. A - ACMW-25 j vg l tC. ·-· [•. '. ~ ' {oS1 ; . ; ACMW-26 --- Trip Blank ' -r": (~.Cl) Temperature of Control og Initial SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ACMW FIELD MONITORING RECORD Depth to Well Water Cale Actual Depth Well Casing Column Water to Water toGW Temp EC Bottom Diameter Height Purge Purged f,) ft oc PH uS/cm ft Inch ft ft Gallons tj- g,(j ts [·2 c,4, 11> ,1 <;ff~ 24h ,-, c:: ,; Zr;c 30.0 2 U,:;, -:~i-' ' ' ~·-u. o l::iu. c; ~)"?_ 13 ,,, ' .tt b,, \2 ttS L~·-; } 59.5 2 ?11·28 . """' 116~12-, \if, f¢ 7,2.3 31?14 c; ,1i L.S 50.0 2 ,_./ n.(" 'It 12, I b/.:;-?, lo2b 12-?.'l-J I IS ho,;,, l , 50.0 2 l ' ' 'f.1-( (4,~ b,'2.b, (T3 30J) 2 IJo 'l'I L •. ·;, s -"1 j? ·.J l ! ( ? l~.2S _,, ,c''} M·. o 22\ I '-'/ 7_0 u 30.0 2 i.-ti j / l I Date: ------ Samplers:_l·~·;_L_-_1_"_., _l_· __ Preservative Std Check "' =c: H,S04 0 <( "' z ~ u5 pH= I pH EC COMMENTS On River Ranch Rd, East side of Hwv 88 ,,-_ __...,., f_i,) -;I ' l i. ' On Fredericksburn Lane, near S7 Uostream of SW-15 Downstream of SW-15 Behind Neddenriep's on Westside Lane; dirt rd between Hwv 88 and Carson River On Westside Lane /iiJ Stateline 1:,1-·<· , ... I~'i?·itWit'"; . . .. ' when samples received '~V-I'-.• .. ·. ;, ..... ·.··· ' ·< >. ; :, : i). q, •. , CJ > ,,. . : ... ·. i,;'. r • !: (::( ' ...... at Lab .. •· .· Gallons to flush = 1 x 7.48 x 3.14 x 0.083' x water column height pH Std Check uses a 7..00 buffer. pH meter must-be re- Groundwater samples shall be collected only after 2 1 well volumes Gallons to flush = 0. 17 x water column height (ft) standardized if result exceeds 7.00 ± 0.05. EC Std Check have been flushed and Temperature, pH, and EC measurements Water column height= depth of well -water level uses a 200 µSiem standard have stabilized to approximately ± 5% for each successive for 50' well whose water level is 35 feet from ground level: measurement taken in intervals 2 5 minutes. Water column height= 50' -35' = 15' U:\Lab\Forrns\Field Sheels\Field ACMW-20_to_26.doc 9/20/20"17 Flushing Record n;;!tx;;:?;(1t: ~.i~~:;. ~~Jif-rt, '"' ·· Iii.it; . ,, .. :> c.Y :1?; I; ·< ·t ;';:,t:g We.W((!F.> ' ,\ :r ... .. •.•. ' ,!-, ' ;,t;n,•rc.:i\ i,.t ){jr,~tJii\~i~~$] {}~.\> ;·····1 ·: •,('[/ !\UV\ Vv -7 ' [;f)".~ ·; rl ~J ,;rrz, •2}.,,c (r~-71 .rt r,:;)""· 'I~,. ... ,..\ '":> \i.,;, v· ,,, ~ "V ; (; .fiZ '{::, I G,1, ·2. .. :~: 'Vt •:l45 .i l I t([i/ ',? l '" '. t""' I:::, ' -I):' il.1,.tr 5//"i l2;{t, ,, ;':::le ,1"<7 i,,J ·,r iz: / ,. / ·1 ... .,3, ,::;··· t l' Lf (.iS {'},:l,·· {}'7 (:;'} ,::,. 1..: • i l-' i t() .<} 8 l ·:z) ii f': ft./ f,., /7 [ I 7{ ,, · r,. 1 '1 hl ' \/\/' vs /c2-'"-·i i ·1 ,g 1 -:~1 , i.;.>,2b ! ·""Ii i t p 1nn.cl, ·V*,..v f (c'J;( "7 l;· i'i' I(;:, (1,tb ,-,,2 I I v AC.Hi vYL~, ftLl:'7 ·;2... 't 11.] Q I ""'1, -, 1 -:!.. rt=i ' ' '1 I b,' t,, ' Ii.,;,~,. [ / t;f7_ =r if 'lfiil l <" "' • .t t:i 21~:t 0 It·,":! ' ~ ' r, L. "7-ll t lcf, D (,./1-'f ~, -, . l .., ·- r, L I' I ';J 1\,t~> 4 'l q l: t7 ,fl ~-·"·'") {f~, cl J-r, ti1 V\) · ;;.1 / is .. l '/7?• I ., \ I i l[<i[ ~ ;o f ~t l I. <'."' 6 tff{ ' l ~ 1,,..,, t t f;;;j ,z. itc;l-f ' L( f s-· t .. ";-f t ,,-. -. ( -,/ l ,·1 J \E1 ~()-' I (. ' \ l. ... j ~ .it ltC..f\\ \\) /'7 -i ' ! ,,, l '\'b • 7 t I ,!f 7f 1-7~ ( L,? i · ... ,:,. i .~ ' (' i .,,/' . ~ .. t 1.,1,a f3 1c; J 7 ,1·1 (',!.µ ·2:,·ts [,22:f { 4 ,..J i~ l 's,J /'4,'b ""1 2-? / I :;> .., ,., ~ ':/t>' > Note. Temp, pH, EC must stab1l1ze ± 5 % for successive measurements taken in intervals 2: 5 minutes. D:\Lab\Forms\Field Sheets\Monitor_Well_Flushing_Record.doc Group 3 Pur ose: Depth toGW Time ft Site ID# ACMW .. Q8N \D,2.io 4J' ACMW-12 \\ t' ACMW-13 \l ~;-1 I\ ·" o . 't-: ACMW-20 l'C ~"\ \.,:.1, 14,'?fl --. [\ f' 6(.l I f.f (g ~l] /! ... if 11-------------41 GW .. 17 -- Trip Blank (\·yr, SOUTH TAHOE''PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ACMW FIELD MONITORING RECORD Depth to Well Water Cale Actual Well Casing Column Waterto Water (1) Temp EC Bottom Diameter Height Purge Purged f? 'c oc H Siem ft Inch ft Gallons Gallons 35 \Le; ~.\:;10 112. 21-I 70.1 2 ~r1, \\.t ,; lb/-\-~,f>1 \ l\ 73.5 l (O J j 2 (t ''6 \c),07 14:S 20.0 2 i.so L <:; ·1 J j !'3,3 Si4::; Tl\ 1,2 n-s J "62.'t> 21.5 2 ,i 12 .l ~.~lu 14~ ,/ 'J V ,j \_q ,J Date: II , 2i · I £,7 Samplers: ~71 .... / i>T ' J \ \ ' "2--'\ . ' q 91,L---' Preservative Std Check H2SO• c5 <( H= z 0 H EC COMMENTS I L 1t, \ I \o \.lo \,\o \.\,:; / ,(,, \ I ~;J --·---··--11--,-r-r--r-f--t--f--t--t--t-+-J-!--t--H-l---l--+-----_JI Temperature of Control when samples received at Lab Groundwater samples shall be collected only after.:: 1 well volumes have been flushed and Temperature, pH, and EC measurements have stabilized to approximately ± 5% for each successive measurement taken in intervals ~ 5 minutes. D:llab\Forms\Field Slleets\Fie\d ACMW-Group_3.doc Minimum gallons to flush = 1 x 7.48 x 3.14 x 0.083 x water column height Gallons to flush= 0.17 x water column height (ft) Water column height= depth of well -water level for 50' well whose water level is 35 feet from ground level: Water column height= 50' -35' = 15' pH Std Check uses a 7.00 buffer. pH meter must be re~ standardized if result exceeds 7.00 ± 0.05. EC Std Check uses a 200 µSiem standard 9/20/2017 Flushing Record ... . · .. ·· .·. ~,i.~~te~I\ Temp ·'3~U~ns 9Q pH. Wen .·.· ... ·•Time • • Flµsh~d · . Flushed :!:Ji% ±5% At\\:\ v1J ';j) cr:137 '-·'; cc·, 34 2 I ,, I 'O fl.7 c;, 1G i1•1 ZJ4 ·7 'I i?' (_, (, ,;,1-:r [:qLf C/ I 'L p,' i; 10 ,1 ·:1; ') C-,f" ,:; j .:;, r:fav\\N ·ot \t \t, \~\~ -~ tfilb(~ l\.\ i 1\2 \j. •' \M.\ \~ \\.1 ~.t\ tr) lo 2-+ 'l ti' I 'II ~-b~ i\C·(VUJ\J . '\'Z /046 i~.n" ~ jp q ,i '1A4 ii O. I l l3 1D lOJ Ii .1-q ft~N\.W \:5 /l '3D !13'2 ·') ,? 11,1 15' .Cl\ <--~ ii 31 ( s ti ;i ii, Ji Note: Temp, pH, EC must stabthz:e ± 5 % for successive measurements taken in intervals?. 5 minutes. l:\Lab\Forms\Field Sheets\Monitor_Well_Flushing_Record.doc EC f).$ ±so/~ CJ , I '"ti. 'is '{2./t \f\ nl\- l'i'L WI l I! 144 lt5 Date: !l. 21 lj . · . • • .. $ampl13r· .. ·. .· •, •.•Comments 1{t I St \.J11.n: ~t; I .\ f \('\ "iifi',,\14C,, ~ti-l,rt Group 4 Purpose: I Site ACMW-09D ACMW-10 ACMW-11 ~CMW-14 GW-05 3W-08 Trip Blank ·emperature of Control rhen samples received t Lab .! ID# / / / Depth toGW Time ft (Cor ~1M /c:;5 12ff ,tb tlf 0 \{lo\n l143 \1.14 i1J1.. 1217 ) roundwater samples shall be collected only after.: 1 well volumes ~ve been flushed and Temperature, pH, and EC measurements ,ve stabilized to approximately ± 5% for each successive ,easurement taken in intervals.: 5 minutes. \Lab\Forms\F1eld Sheets\Field ACMW-Group_ 4.doc SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ACMW FIELD MONITORING RECORD Depth to Well Water Cale Actual Well Casing Column Water to Water Temp EC Bottom Diameter Height Purge Purged oc H Siem ft Inch ft Gallons Gallons 0,2q j!)_.t 'Ll. ,., {; 'b~.o 2 L,/:) 45.1 i2.f,. (,,,;~-§ q,ot / ,S t~:t 38.5 2 1"2. I {, .OD 1~r 33.5 2 \~.i J'L 17;,:~ S"cBS: \i,·vt 30.0 2 /2.% 2. 12, lLt ~'Li t~'Q l~A 5/t2. 344 Minimum gallons to flush= 1 x 7.48 x 3.14 x 0.083 x water column height Gallons to flush = 0.17 x water column height (ft) Water column height= depth of well -water level for 50' well whose water level is 35 feet from ground level: Water column height= 50' -35' = 15' I? '<I' QJ ~ Cf) Date: /!·01·11 Samplers: \Jt( ~- Preservative Std Check H2S04 pH= f;'!,; -~ \,~ Uo L~ I.~ (. 0 <( z 0 H EC COMMENTS :c pH Std Check uses a 7.00 buffer. pH meter must be re- standardized if result exceeds 7.00 ± 0.05. EC Std Check uses a 200 µS/cm standard Flushint Record Date: \\-O·t ·n . .... • . . T~mp . EC. . Mir·~te$. ···.-.••. Gallon~-~Ct .pH \·.· · .. µ$ • .· .. •> '. c~i'iim~nts .. Well Tirne 'Ft~ihed ·----i=llished ±5% +5% ±5o/ii ···. ·Sarnoler ~r 1v\N · ff\ 0 M'JT S\-()cl/t ~r--, \\i~H-2. L\ 1 /l \· /) .. ·1 ~ .\ 'i t1l\ iG(i i l" f';_'T 't'.1 I , ~.U '\4'-\> I' ' . I \~rt \ 1t QC) \L~ ~.lJ i· i\ 6,0 ' ACNlV~-/0 /02-6 STt'1lY1:; (.o ?c 1-i 1'2, b ~·.l(,;, 103 /Gob ~ ' s IP. /2,lc /,;,'ii tt7 ~tMi.JI-H\ \ \\\?i \\~S-1 1 n .. s-1'i5" 1·11· ~\-ul{~ \\ \C -~ , l'1 \ lo .Qt) \J~ A~IY\W. l4 l\1}o smv-r !( '70 t c; 13,f c;,75 &iP. g Hi3 7 (( f1, '? '6.05 (91,1 i Note: Temp, pH, EC must stab1lrze ± 5 % for successive measurements taken 1n intervals 2: 5 minutes. J:\Lab\Forms\Field Sheets\Monitor_Well_Flushing_Record.doc ,roup 5 ! I ) 1ur ose: Depth ;ite toGW Time ft ~CMW-15 mos ·, ·'' ,-(i r·t Jo ~CMW-16 ()1:26 \I ,ct I ~CMW-17 \051 i<:>]0 ~CMW-18 ',.., .. flflf" M1luv )/ loot <j,L, ;:,vu IM I AMUC t'UCLI\J u I ILi I l UI;:) I t(lv I ACMW FIELD MONITORING RECORD Depth to Well Water Cale Actual Well Casing Column Water to Water EC Bottom Diameter Height Purge Purge«:! S;) Temp Inch ft Gallons Gallons ·c H Siem ft .... 11, l:z\ b'-\ 29.5 2 C'1l I. ~ \ '1 • l \? / \7.1 (J .. l iZO 29.0 2 i 7.o•J 2/;i s .; \O.l t·o;o \\ \ j(/1) 1-.4 1 30.0 2 \3.1 CJ1 1D 28.0 2. W7t 3, 4 1 ./ ~G-1f\0 It""!. 1D's'5 rz.i l.tz. \8) i2,78 2,-2.. b ' J/'''H:J" 1.?2, \I h '. l/\ I) 20.0 2 ~CMW-19 rrip Blank ·emperature of Control 1hen samples received t Lab OtW _'Q__ ,roundwater samples shall be collected only after;:: 1 well volumes ave been flushed and Temperature, pH, and EC measurements ave stabilized to approximately± 5% for each successive 1easurement taken in intervals ;:: 5 minutes. Minimum gallons to flush= 1 x 7.48 x 3.14 x 0.083 x water column height Gallons to flush= 0.17 x water column height (ft) Water column height= depth of well -water level for 50' well whose water level is 35 feet from ground level: Water column height= 50' -35' = 15' uate:---1·1µ::Z:...._·_..I _."!_' _._l--1" .. l.-- Samplers :. __ 'W\i_.~·""-+/_c.-""t1-""L-=-- Preservative Std Check 11) ~. H2S04 iii H= j J ./ ,.,:" c5 <l'. z 0 H EC COMMENTS J: pH Std Check uses a 7 .00 buffer. pH meter must be re- standardized if result exceeds 7.00 ± 0.05. EC Std Check uses a 200 µSiem standard Flushing Record -.· ti\Ylt! ~iii!! i-. _,· 1,i;,. ,_.,,__ ;· >i ,,. -· ·-~,iecf• : .. > M ,v1 r~J· \'3 f;f,£..S: "l + \1 (j ""·. \ I''. U t;,L. J ,,. Oq/.it Cj l -0 '1. c) t C '1 "I, V. J ~l ()') • I r-+ 1 ·• { let\ \ 1.f ,'J.~ ACVV\W· ih tC/.2( ,., c'.'.i '2 j:2,7 Id, 27 Cti2-io 6 $" /2\7 l;;-;,27 . (b J C\,1v\\rJ -\ o,s 1, -~ s \Ll b ~y \~ ~ ~ i q 'r1 .\ ~--~1 /(J\f\\J\] . ,1 to3o 2 2,S J1,0 . 0,f64 !CS~ ·1 It, 12,B f;,~2, AUv~~,r\1 \ or;; li 1 ,1 lfl ,\ (l\q J. Iv· '\OJ~ -· GJO 1 ·1 tO t . . -"'--- . ' Note: Temp, pH, EC must stab1l1ze ± 5 % for successrve measurements taken ,n intervals :o: 5 mrnutes. ):\Lab\Forms\Field Sheets\Monitor_Well_Flushing_Record.doc ·1i~~JA ,, / q b_ i 4 b. I! 7 i ·'2,e, ·=t 1,) 10 \ £1.;2, tfB l\ I i I I I<: > -1tr:iA.,,.rr ?:i · -·- I•· \';••,•i'};,?' •~"""=•.o.o _-.,-,; -• ·- .,~ (" t? /~r· V,; J l s~, v-t·@ ciq t 'e', t l > ,:·, ? i:.,f{ e 01.;6 ! Stol. Y-1:::-@ i 025 'Sfc,l iQ.\Q=j~