LF'd 03182019 OPS 1 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, March 18, 2019 3:30 p.m. Conference Room 1st Floor Present: John Thiel, Shannon Cotulla, Steve Caswell, Jim Jones, Nick Exline, Star Glaze, Marla Sharp Public: None TOPICS DISCUSSION 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS. None. 2. CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Steve Caswell will be running today’s Operations Committee Meeting. a) Plant Emergency Generator Replacement (Cal Electro Inc.) • Cal Electro has not returned to the work site as of yet but they do still show that they will finish the project on time. • Steve has requested an updated on when the contractor will resume work. b) Diamond Valley Ranch (DVR) Irrigation/C Hydro (Thomas Haen Co) DVRIIP • Thomas Haen is still working on punch list items. • The work on the fresh water system will have to wait until we have better weather. c) Water Meters Phase 5A (Vinciguerra) • The Board awarded the project on 3/7 and the contractor plans to mobilize in May. d) Marlette Waterline (Thomas Haen Co) • The Pre Construction Conference for both the Marlette and Ponderosa backyard service line relocations was held on 3/7. • Thomas Haen plans to mobilize in May, weather dependent, and estimates that the work will take approximately 8-12 weeks. e) 2018 Water and Sewer Systems Improvements (Thomas Haen Co) Hydrants, Force Main By-pass, Apache Avenue Sewer • The Pine Valley PRV replacements are still on hold due to the access to the valves and hydrants being limited by the snow. 3. PLANNING / DESIGN a) Rocky Point No. 2 Waterline • The Funding came through so this project will be going back to the Board on Thursday (3/21) for approval to rebid for this construction season in order to secure the current funding rate. b) Groundwater Management Planning • A Technical Advisory Committee Meeting (2/26) and a Public Meeting (3/6) were held regarding the South Y PCE Contamination. Groundwater modeling results were presented at both meetings • We are now waiting for the results from the feasibility modeling studies. c) Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Improvements • We are still working on the in house design of the main pump station conversion and looking at the system wide pump controls. • The project is scheduled to be done this Fall. • We recently received new I&I data regarding how the main station responded during recent storms. The data shows that there is still some work to be done out there. There were flows into the station at a time when there should not have been. d) Collection System Assessment • We are still looking at an RFP for coating services but it may be multi structured to include more than one consultant. e) Big 5 Pump Stations • We are analyzing data from the most recent storms to verify the design requirements. 2 f) Diamond Valley Ranch Improve- ment Projects • The Purchasing Department is working on a Bid for the lining on the inverted syphon. • There has not been any change to the Indian Creek Reservoir Outlet Vault since the last update. g) Keller-Heavenly Improvements • The Waterline work and demo of the tank will be part of Phase 1 to be bid in the Fall of 2019 for Construction year 2020. i) Heavenly Tank – Recoat and Site Improvements • We will be recoating the tank inside and out and doing site improvements including a BMP update and changes to the Heavenly meter that is used for snow making. • This project is an in house design that we plan to bring to the Board during the 2nd meeting in April for approval with construction to be done during the Summer 2019. j) Luther Pass Tanks, Valving and Fuel Tank Roof • We had planned to do the work on the Heavenly and Luther Pass Tanks together but due to more structural damage than was initially thought on the Luther Pass Tanks we are going to have a consultant look at it before we continue with the in house design. k) Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) Energy Audit • The data for the first full month of monitoring has been sent to Carollo for their review. • Data collection will take place for a full year before the report and recommendations are made by the consultant. l) Well and Pump Monitoring Program • The kickoff off meeting with Wood Rodgers was held on 2/27. • District staff has been gathering information and data to present to the consultant. • A site visit of the wells was performed on 3/7. m) Upper Montgomery Estates/H Street Zone Improvements • We are working on the RFP which will hopefully go out in May for the next fiscal year’s budget. n. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Improvement Projects Water Station Efficiency Improvements • A new Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) application for implementation of funding has been submitted to make energy efficient improvements on those wells. • We have updated the cost benefit analysis and worked with Lynn to update the water loss numbers. We will see the results in a couple of months. Field Communications • The Field Communications upgrade, first phase, will include a new tower at the Plant that is taller than what we have. • The tower will be used as a communications hub to access SCADA more accurately than is possible now. The tower will be located behind the Lab building. 4. OTHER El Dorado County Water Agency (EDCWA) • Julie is working on the project list for 2020 that is due by the end of March. The list will be similar to the prior list since a number of our projects from last year were not funded. a. El Dorado County Water Agency • John reported that he met with EDCWA last week and was told that they are very close to determining both the timing and amount of additional funds that will be available to the District. b. Sierra Blvd. Project, City of South Lake Tahoe • The City bid this project without including the District’s bid item descriptions to the contractor. • Once the bid items descriptions were provided to the contractor for pricing the bid amount went above our current budget. • The work on the project will now probably be done on a T&M basis with a District Inspector on the project site full time to make sure that the work is captured correctly. c) Recent Operational Issues • Shannon reported that Staff will be making a presentation to the Board on 3/21 regarding the patch work done in the Tahoe Keys area at Emerald Dr. 3 5. ADJOURNMENT Next Ops Mtg. Next Operations Committee Meeting to be held on Tuesday April 15, 2019, 3:30 pm.