LF'd 04152019 OPS 1 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, April 15, 2019 3:30 p.m. Conference Room 1st Floor Present: John Thiel, Julie Ryan, Jim Jones, Nick Exline, Marla Sharp Public: None TOPICS DISCUSSION 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS - None 2. OPERATIONAL ISSUES a) Water System • Safety inspections are being performed on buildings and work environments. • Marty Rahbeck, Staff Engineer, identified a structural issue in the lower shops mezzanine area that needs additional structural support. Additional posts and beam support are being added today. • Additional concerns with seismic construction were identified in the shipping and receiving bay that will need to be addressed in the near future. b) Sewer Collection System • Underground Sewer will be TV’ing the lines at the South Y on Thursday as requested by the PCE responsible parties. • Out to bid on the cast in place pipe repairs for the annual repair contract. 42 repairs have been identified with additional repairs expected. • Elks Club identified a cracked cement pipe with a PVC fractured liner that is delaminating. • Lines need to be TV’d and an exterior inspection performed. c) Wastewater Treatment Plant • None d) Export System/Recycled Water Facilities • Jim Hilton reported that an inspection was performed last week on the C-line outlet at Diamond Valley Ranch. • Pipe around air release valve was severely corroded. • Closed C-line and diverted to the ERB ponds for further inspection of C-line for the air release valves. • Air release valve needs replaced and is scheduled for Wednesday. • No evidence of spills. • TV’d lines and the steel pipe looks to be in good condition. 3. CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS a) Plant Emergency Generator Replacement (Cal Electro Inc.) • Work is resuming this week. • Mobilizing to begin the block structure and will have a special inspector on site on Wednesday. b) Diamond Valley Ranch (DVR) Irrigation/C Hydro (Thomas Haen Co) DVRIIP • Ivo reported at the Engineering meeting that testing on the fresh water system will be performed in early May. • An uncontrolled diversion of water on the West Fork Carson River from a private parcel was discovered and it was overflowing into Snowshoe 2. • It has been inspected with the Water Master. • Correction was made and was discussed with the property owner and the Water Master and the issue is being addressed. c) Water Meters Phase 5A (Vinciguerra) • The pre-construction meeting is not yet scheduled. • Early to mid-May scheduled for mobilizing. Waiting on snow berms to melt before starting with markings. d) Marlette Waterline (Thomas Haen Co) • Thomas Haen plans to mobilize in May to begin work on the private service locations in the neighborhoods, weather permitting. e) 2018 Water and Sewer Systems Improvements (Thomas Haen Co) Hydrants, Force Main By-pass, Pine Valley PRV • Thomas Haen plans to mobilize in May to begin work on the private service relocations in the neighborhoods, weather permitting. • Similar schedule for Pine Valley PRV 2 f) Rocky 2 Waterline Replacement Project • Currently the plan is to rebid the project in June with the intention on getting the utility crossings pot holed this year with the bulk of construction starting next year. • SRF loan requires some type of ground work on the project this year. 4. PLANNING/DESIGN a) Groundwater Management Planning • Have been meeting on a regular basis on South Y Plume. • Groundwater Investigation Report has been received. • Feasibility study is under way. • At least 3-5 alternatives to be studied depending on Plume area monitoring. • Plans have not been approved for Tahoe Keys 1. b) Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Improvements • Meeting with crews this week to discuss work plans for summer. • There is an Item on the Agenda this week for Carollo Engineers for sewer modeling services for this project. c)Collection System Assessment • Sewer spot repair contract is currently out for bid. d) Big 5 Pump Stations • Sewer modeling for this project is included on the Agenda Item for Carollo Engineers . • Sewer Flow Monitoring: Interesting and challenging data collection this winter with communication issues that required dedicated staff to snowshoe in for reads. • Manual snow pack monitoring has been completed. • Will be sharing results with partners in the basis that are interested. • Design package due by end of year. e) Diamond Valley Ranch Improve- ment Projects • Purchasing bid for siphon lining will be put out in the fall. • Final assessment on Diamond Ditch received and alternatives are currently being evaluated. f) Keller-Heavenly Improvements • 90% design is expected by May 1. • Looking at alternatives for the rock stabilization work. • A third party consulting firm has been brought in to review the rock fall design since this is such a large portion of project cost. • Did not receive FEMA grant for rock fall work. g) Heavenly Tank Recoat and Site Improvements • Authorized to go out for bid. • Project as advertised and bid opening will be May 23. h) Luther Pass Tanks, Valving and Fuel Tank Roof • Working on design set for repairs to go to bid by end of year. • Repair work scheduled for 2020. i) Well and Pump Monitoring Program • Ivo has been working on the well and pump monitoring program to develop a Standard Operating Procedure for the Pumps Crew to utilize for monitoring procedures of the wells. j) Upper Montgomery Estates/H Street Zone Improvements • Several years out on 10 year plan • Waiting on El Dorado County funding decision before issuing Request for Proposals for the next fiscal year budget. k) Secondary Clarifiers Rehabilitation Project • Currently scheduled for construction in 2020 through 2022. • Will be developing a Request for Proposals for June advertisement. • Work will be scheduled in phases in order to keep the WWTP running. l) Future Water System Projects • State Revolving Fund loan package being put together with the next three water lines after Rocky 2. • Fourth project is being added for 2020-2023. 3 m. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Improvement Projects Wastewater Treatment Plant Energy Audit • Continuing to collect data on aeration basins and blower systems until September. • The consultant will have three months to assess data and submit report to State Water Resources Control Board by the end of the year. PRV Replacement Projects • Three projects for PRV replacements are being designed. • Funding was successful for Rocky Point and the application for Susquehanna has been submitted to Bureau of Reclamation (BOR). • The consultant is developing a proof of concept for PRV replacements for an above grade PRV station with implementation. Water Station Efficiency Improvements • Second round of site visits completed on District’s six highest energy consuming well sites. • Assessment of additional pressure gauges is needed. • Currently not on 10 year plan. Lynn is applying for grant funds. Field Communications • Radio consultant will be updating Fallen Leaf Lake radios. 5. OTHER a. El Dorado County Water Agency (EDCWA) • Currently waiting on EDCWA’s decision regarding additional approved projects for the fiscal year. b. Sierra Blvd. Project, City of South Lake Tahoe • Julie attended a pre-construction meeting with the City on Friday. • $300,000 - $400,000 work will be done on the District’s system. • Work will not be done all at once, but in three phases starting at the Barbara Street end, middle section and final section at Highway 50. • The City will need the District’s inspection support for the first two weeks in May, mid-June and then again the second week of August. • Existing water mains will remain, but service lines will be relocated from Sierra Blvd. 6. ADJOURNMENT Next Ops Mtg. Next Operations Committee Meeting to be held on Monday, May 13, 2019, 3:30 pm.