05152017 OPS1 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, May 15, 2017 2:30 p.m. Conference Room 1st Floor Present: John Thiel, Shannon Cotulla, Richard Solbrig, Jim Jones, Heidi Baugh Public: None A meeting was held to discuss the following: TOPICS DISCUSSION 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 2. CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS a) LPPS Power and Controls Thomas Haen Co) Continuing work on electrical and controls component of this project. If all goes according to plan the 60-day test will start on Friday. Pump 3 is being rehabbed to the tune of approximately $92,000 worth of work. We expect to receive it back by early July. Financing period for this project ends by the end of August, so we need to have this project completed by then for use of grant funds. Still some demolition and site work left for Thomas Haen Company to complete. Contractor is contending with high groundwater so he may need to hold off for a little bit. We have been waiting to receive a schedule from the contractor for a timeline of this final work. b) DVR Irrigation/ C Hydro ( Thomas Haen Co) Contractor (Thomas Haen Company) is building some of the intertie assembly for the north intertie which is scheduled for the first week in June. Most of the contractor’s crew was at the Tahoe Keys pump station helping with our emergency the last few weeks. June 5 is the week we have scheduled to do the shutdown for the north intertie work. During this shutdown our crews will conduct some maintenance on the C-Line and LPPS piping as well. c) Primary Clarifier 1/Aeration Basin 2 Rehab Project The contractor, Farr Construction/RDC is on site and making good progress. They have completed the sandblasting prep of Aeration Basin 2, and are starting the coating process. d) 2017 Water Meters Installation Project Opened bids last Friday. We received only one bid. We were expecting two since we had received two bid bonds. The bid we received is only 8% over the engineer’s estimate and looks to be a fair bid. We will bring our recommendation to the Board at the June 1st meeting. We plan to start work in mid-June. The State loan contract is actually with our attorneys! There is a new stipulation that entails a 16% match. Lynn is investigating to see what we can use for match. e) 2017 Hydrants and Large Meters • Opened bids Tuesday, May 9. We received two bids, with White Rock Construction being low. They completed the previous hydrants project for us. Staff will be recommending award to White Rock Construction even though the bid came in quite a bit over our engineer’s estimate, largely due to the large meters component. Staff will be doing some in-house value engineering in an effort to reduce the costs of the meters portion of this project. f) Ponderosa Waterline • We had 5 general contractors attend the Pre-Bid Meeting and four registered for the dbe good faith effort process and are eligible to bid. Bids will open May 23rd. Expected mobilization is July 10th. 2 3. PLANNING / DESIGN a) Plant Emergency Generator (2018) HDR HDR is working on the 100% design. We are pursuing private financing for this project due to the SRF delays and unknowns. Paul Hughes estimates we should be able to secure this by the end of the year. Lynn may approach FEMA and apply to have some of these costs covered through them we had to use it so much during the storms). We could possibly receive $200,000- 400,000 toward this work. Our schedule has us advertising for construction this fall. We anticipate having this project in motion by early May 2018. The new generator will be located in front of Operations in the reveg’ed, wooded area. b) Keller-Heavenly Zone Improve- ments Farr West) Farr West is working on completion of the Technical Memorandum, after which they will start on the detailed design utilizing El Dorado County Water Agency funds. We will schedule a tour of these sites for next month’s Operations Committee meeting. c) Groundwater Management Planning South Y Remediation Alternatives – we received about $300,000 in Prop 1 Grant funding for which the match has already been met by the District. RFP should go out in the very near future. Water Board has issued a Cleanup and Abatement Order to the responsible party, Lake Tahoe Laundry Works. d) Flagpole Tank Rehabilitation HDR Rehab design is in progress. We are still waiting on the Final Technical Memorandum from HDR. The rehab coating system will be a mortar repair system with epoxy-based overcoat. Farr Construction California, the contractor doing our PC1/AB2 Rehab project, will likely do this work under a change order. 4. OTHER a) Engineering Staffing Update • Limited Term Jr. Engineer has been hired to replace Brent. Our last intern, Tiffany Racz, was hired for this position. Our new intern will be starting at the end of the month. He is a local who just graduated from UNR. Tim Rieger has given his retirement notice and will be leaving in July. We are advertising for his position. Wanda Stanley has given her retirement notice and will be leaving in August. Garth Butz will be helping with inspections work this summer. b) Tahoe Keys Emergency Sewer Repair District crews installed 18 pieces (80’) of 4.5’ long PVC pipe segments with glue-on fittings. Pipe installation started Wednesday (5/10) and was mostly by end or day Thursday. Crews conducted backfill Friday. Paving, curb and gutter are left to be completed. We are in contact with SNC to complete this work as they are now in town doing similar work for the City. c) Other: Big 5 Pump Stations: RFP for “Big 5 Pump Station Condition Assessment” project is on the street as of today (5/15). This project was accelerated due to recent storm impacts. Lakeside Park: They will be doing rehab work on their tank in next the few weeks. We will open our intertie at Stateline and Cedar and provide all of their water during their shutdown period. We expect to have it open for 4-6 weeks. They want to have their work done by July 4th when they see peak demand. We are also working on a Mutual Aid Agreement with them (similar to what we have with Tahoe Keys and Lukins Bros. Water Company). McDonald’s: – (at the Y) is tearing down their building at the Y and replacing with a 3 completely new structure. Working with them on new fire system and connection issues. Whole Foods: the area between Ski Run and Herbert (where the Knight’s Inn and Mo’s Place are currently). They will be demoing the existing buildings to build a Whole Foods store with a few other standalone buildings. This will entail taking care of some of the issues upstream of that area, which will include the trailer park where we had so much trouble with I&I during the storms this winter. Also, District has a 1” dead-end service line that we need to determine whether to abandon or incorporate into this project. John will discuss this further with Julie. They are hoping to do the demo and install foundation this season (pretty optimistic). Gondola Vista: – is a project that entails developing 11 high-end duplexes (next to van sickle park). District will need to drive through this development to access our Stateline Tanks. Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care: – Working with Jim Ferguson on connections to the water and sewer system. They are installing a new manhole at their sewer connection at the end of Matheson Drive. They will need some pumping on their end to get it there. Fallen Leaf Lake: – The Tahoe Keys work has delayed our work at FLL. Now that the Keys is getting buttoned up, we will turn our focus to FLL. We intend to go in from the main station and install four 2” lines - two to VV4, and the other two will be for future extension to VV3 which is located up by the Fire House. Crews are staging equip and materials now. As soon as the weather breaks they will get started on it. Shannon anticipates we will be receiving calls from “concerned citizens” because of the proximity to the lake. Our main focus is Station 4 - which is right on the Lake - eliminating the vacuum valve and getting that turned into an electrical station. We will get as much done before Memorial Day as we can. Probably at least get the trench work completed. 5. ADJOURNMENT Next Ops Mtg. Next Operations Committee meeting will be held on Monday, June 12, 2017.