2006 01-17 Fax re UST Agencies MtgPa e 1 From: To: Date: Subject: Lisa Dembach Grey, Brian 1/17/061:28PM Site Update for UST Agencies Mtg on Thursday Brian, I'll be missing the Thursday UST Agencies mtg at STPUD due to a family sick day, but here's an update ofmycases. Swiss Mart: 3rd Quarter monitoring report shows MTBE and VOCs all below drinking water standards.Only diesel above MCL of 100 ppb at a few locations. Ozone spage system still operating. Tahoe Tom's Station: Harold signed a letter on Dec. 29 allowing the pump and treat system to cyclic onandoffthroughoutthewintertotryandreleasehydrocarbonstrappedinthecapillaryfringe. The letteralsoapprovedforORCsockstobeputinsixwells (mostly on site where MTBE exceeds 100 ppb) to treathotspots. Both remedial actions occurred following the fourth quarter 2005 monitoring event in Dec. I PCE at the Y: Lukins Brothers Water Company informed us that PCE was detected for the first time intheir #2 and #5 wells near 12th Street. Up to 1.5 ppb was detected. (Give Ginger the copy of the faxedwaterresults). I passed this info on to management in our office. It..~ r~'C,." "'\'0 c:i) 1.~ ~t'" vo--- h~V. 0.) 1~ b". C. ,,:) y.'c-- Big 0 Tires: Harold still hasn't issued the amended CAO for PCE investigation and cleanup. Don't knowwhen (or if) he will. Lake Tahoe Laundry Works: Completed their fourth site investigation in November. Report is due to ourofficeonFeb. 1. Consultant feels sure that extent of soil contamination is now defined. After we receivethereport, we'II request a CAP to cleanup the site. Meyer Beacon Station: Case closure letter issued on Nov. 18. We've been contacted by a realtor who hasclientswhowanttobuythesitefromSamKang. The State Board has over $1 million dollars in liens onthepropertytobere-couped in future property transactions. Other than that, our office has no involvementinthesiteanymore. Realtor was advised to contact the county to get info about purchasing the site andoperatingabusiness. Please let me know when the date of the next UST agencies meeting is known. Lisa