Agenda_17W006_ TAC Proj Mtng 4_26 Feb 2019AGENDA SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TAC Meeting 4 South YFeasibility Study of Remedial Alternatives(D1712508-1) Tuesday, February 26, 2019 10:00 AM- 1:00 PM Go To Meeting Conference Call Call-In Number: +1 (408) 650-3123; Access Code: 859-831-733 X:\Projects\General\17W006_So Y FS\4.0 TAC\Mtng 4_Feb 2019\Agenda_17W006_ TAC Proj Mtng 4_26 Feb 2019.docx 1) Welcome/Self Introductions 10:00 2) Groundwater Model Scenario Evaluation 10:10 a) Scenario Development (KJC) b) Findings and Results(DRI) c) Discussion (TAC) 3) Feasibility Study 11:10 a) Potential Alternatives (KJC) b) Preliminary Alternatives Screening (KJC) c) FS Report – Outline (KJC) d) Discussion (TAC) 4) PDI Draft Report (DRI) 12:10 a) DFA Comments b) Proposed Changes c) Discussion (TAC) 5) Upcoming Activities 12:40 a) Public Workshop 4 (3/06/2019) 6) Next Steps 12:45 a) TAC Meeting 4 Action Items b) Draft F&T Modeling Report c) Draft Feasibility Study Report 7) Adjourn 13:00