D1712508_GPR 4_final_02152019_signedGrant Progress Report Feasibility Study of Remedial Alternatives to Mitigate Tetrachloroethylene Contamination GA# D1712508 2 2/14/2019 9/4/2012 Work Item Items for Review # Due Date % Of Work Complete Date Submitted A.3.1 List of Approvals, Entitlements or Permits May 2018 100 5/31/2018 A.4.1 List of TAC Members, with Roles and Responsibilities, and Affiliations Complete 100 1/25/18 A.4.2 Summary of Kickoff Meeting May 2018 100 5/31/2018 A.4.3 Agendas, Meeting Minutes, and Sign-In Sheets Ongoing 75 5/7/2018, 8/15/2018 11/14/2018 2/15/2019 A.5.1 List of SAG Members May 2018 100 5/7/2018, 8/15/2018 A.5.2.1 Meetings Schedule Complete 100 1/24/18, 3/27/18, 4/5/18, 6/5/2018 9/13/2018 A.5.2.2 Meetings Materials, Summary of Feedback and Comments, and Sign-In Sheet(s) Ongoing 75 5/7/2018, 8/15/2018 11/14/2018 2/15/2019 A.6.1 Executed MOU January 31, 2019 90 7/13/2018 B.7.1 Draft Pre-Design Investigation Workplan Complete 100 1/24/18, 3/27/18 B.7.2 Final Pre-Design Investigation Workplan Complete 100 4/7/18 B.8.1.1 Well Completion Report Complete 100 12/3/2018 B.8.1.4 Proposed Changes from Approved Workplan Complete 100 6/8/2018 6/12/2018 7/12/2018 B.8.2 Pre-Design Investigation Report January 2019 90 1/10/2019 B.9.1 Baseline Human Health Risk Assessment Report January 2019 100 11/27/2018 1/2/2019 B.10.1 Feasibility Study Workplan Complete 100 9/13/2018 11/19/2018 12/3/2018 B.11.1 Draft Fate and Transport Modeling Report February 2019 35 B.11.2 Final Fate and Transport Modeling Report March 2019 0 B.12.1 Draft Feasibility Study Report April 2019 0 B.12.2 Final Feasibility Study Report April 2019 0 B.13.3.1 Interim Remedial Action Plan June 2019 0 B.14.1.1 Draft Initial Study Checklist March 2019 0 B.14.1.2 Final Initial Study Checklist April 2019 0 B.15.1 Outreach Materials and Web Links April 2019 70 B.15.2 Workshop Materials, Sign-In Sheets, and Photo Documentation May 2019 60 8/15/2018 11/14/2018 EXHIBIT B G.1 Progress Reports Quarterly 75 6/6/2018, 8/15/2018 11/14/2018 2/15/2019 G.2 Annual Progress Summaries Annually 0 G.3 NRPI Before Final Invoice N/A G.4 Draft Project Report April 30, 2019 0 G.5 Final Project Report May 31, 2019 0 G.6 Final Project Summary Before Final Invoice 0 G.7 Final Project Inspection and Certification Before Final Invoice 0 Grant Progress Report Feasibility Study of Remedial Alternatives to Mitigate Tetrachloroethylene Contamination GA# D1712508 3 2/14/2019 9/4/2012 Progress Report Narrative Introduction During the reporting period (October 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018) project activities focused on: PDI data compilation, reduction and analysis and preparation of the PDI technical report; conduct of the joint Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)/ Stakeholders Advisory Group (SAG) Project Meeting 3 (10/23/2018); definition of remedial alternatives, F&T model scenarios and model evaluation; completion of the final Baseline Human Health Risk Assessment (BHHRA) (1/2/2019); completion of the final Feasibility Study Workplan (11/19/2018); 2018 data refinements to the South Y PCE Model; addressing engineering consultant questions concerning model assumptions and model evaluation results; and public outreach. Summary of Activities for the Reporting Period Activities performed during this reporting period included: on-going project management, completion and submittal of general compliance requirements; preparation and performance of TAC/SAG Meeting 3; completion of remaining PDI field activities; data compilation and completion of the draft technical report; preparation and submittal of the final Baseline Human Health Risk Assessment Report; preparation and submittal of the final Feasibility Study Workplan; remedial scenario definition and Fate and Transport model evaluation; Feasibility Study development of remedial alternatives; and preparation and performance of Public Workshop 3. This project is about 70% complete. Summary of Items for Review List each work item from Exhibit A (Work To Be Performed) in every progress report that are being submitted for review only. Limit narrative descriptions to work performed during the reporting period. Provide, by sub-item number, a brief description of milestones, successes, and problems or issues encountered during the reporting period. The following deliverables were submitted via FAAST for review: A.4.3. Agendas, Meeting Minutes, and Sign-In Sheets –Joint TAC/SAG Meeting 4 (10/23/2018) A.5.2.2 Agendas, Meeting Minutes, and Sign-In Sheets –Joint TAC/SAG Meeting 3 (10/23/2018) A. 8.1.1 Well Completion Reports (12/3/2018) A.15.1 Public Outreach Materials Public Workshop 3 (11/7/2018) B.9.1 Baseline Human Health Risk Assessment Report (1/2/2019) B.10.1 Feasibility Study Workplan (11/19/2018) Item 1 – Project Management (Cumulative 65% complete) This work item is for the administration of the grant and management of the project. Notifications (A.1.2). The Grant Manager was provided email notifications for the following events and activities: PDI Field Work – Aquifer Testing (7/3/2018, 7/5/2018, 7/10/2018, 7/12/2018); South Y Fate & Transport Modeling Analysis/Engineering Evaluation Kick-Off Meeting/Joint TAC/SAG Meeting 2 (6/11/2018); Modeling Analysis/Engineering Evaluation Check-In Call (7/30/2018); Joint TAC/SAG Meeting 3 (10/16/2018); and Public Meetings 2 (7/31/2018) and 3 (10/23/2018). Project Schedule (A.1.3). Schedules for the Feasibility Study (FS) were developed and presented to the Grant Manager on 12/20/2017 (Check-in Call); 1/5/21018 (email from Sachi Itagaki to Tricia Carter); 3/20/2018 (email from I. Bergsohn to T. Carter) The final Detailed Project Schedule (A.1.3) was submitted to the Grant Manager on 3/27/2018 as part of the Final Pre-Design Investigation Workplan (B.7.1). A Detailed Project Schedule (Schedule Update 1) was completed on 6/5/2018 and uploaded to FASST for review as part of Grant Progress Report 1 (6/6/2018). Schedule Update 1 was later updated and submitted (Schedule Update 2_09132018) along with a Time Extension Request to the Grant Manager (9/13/2018). The updated Schedule (Update 2_09132018) was later modified in December 2018 and incorporated into the amended Agreement D1712508-1. Grant Progress Report Feasibility Study of Remedial Alternatives to Mitigate Tetrachloroethylene Contamination GA# D1712508 4 2/14/2019 9/4/2012 Site Visits (A.1.4) Site walks for planning of the Pre-Design Investigation were performed by the District on 10/17/17; 10/23/17; 1/16/2018 (along with KJC staff); 1/31/2018; 2/8/2018 and 3/30/2018. Site visits with the Grant Manager were conducted on June 12th and June 26th, 2018. Photo-Monitoring (A.1.5). Pre-implementation photos of the site areas considered for the Pre-Design Investigation are provided in Appendix A of the Pre-Design Investigation Work Plan (KJI, 3/23/2018). Photo-monitoring during the PDI was performed throughout the reporting period. Post-implementation photo monitoring showing site restoration was completed during November 2018. Pre-, during and post-implementation photos have been compiled and are being arranged for submittal to the Grant Manager.. Item 2 – General Compliance Requirements/Project Effectiveness and Performance (Cumulative 90% complete) This work item includes submittal of Global Positioning System (GPS) and Monitoring Plan and Monitoring and Reporting Plan, preparation of the Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Pre-Design Investigation, and preparation and uploading of all groundwater analytical data collected during the Pre-Design Investigation. GPS Information (A.2.1) Discrepancies between SWRCB-DFA and GeoTracker GPS survey requirements were clarified and confirmed with the Grant Manager (7/20/2018). A survey report, prepared by G. Phillips, PLS 7936 (Lumos and Associates, Inc., 9/7/2018) including global positioning system (GPS) information for wells used during the Feasibility Study was submitted to the Grant Manger on 9/13/2018. Monitoring and Reporting Plan (A.2.2) Drafts of the Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) and Monitoring and Reporting Plan (MRP) were submitted to the Grant Manager and Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) for review and comment on 1/24/2018, as part of the meeting materials for TAC Meeting 1 (1/25/2018). The final deliverable QAPP (A.2.2.2) and MRP (A.2.2.) were provided to the Grant Manager as part of the draft Final Pre-Design Investigation Workplan (B.7.2), which also described the requirements for the GPS (A.2.1) and Monitoring Plan (A.2.2). The final approved documents are included in the South Y Pre-Design Investigation Workplan (Agreement D1712508) Final prepared by KJC, 3/23/2018. Groundwater Analytical Data (A.2.3) A Global Identification Number (GIN) for the project site was received from the Grant Manager (4/12/2018). A Geo Track ESI (Electronic Submittal of Information) will be created to upload analytical data collected during the PDI. Item 3 – Permitting (Cumulative 100% complete) This work item consists of obtaining all public agency approvals, entitlements, or permits required for activities part of the Pre-Design Investigation. Site Access Agreements (A.3.1) for performance of the Pre-Design Investigation were negotiated with Liberty Utilities (Liberty) and the City of South Lake Tahoe (CSLT). The Liberty access agreement was required for mobilization/demobilization of drilling and water treatment equipment across Liberty property (933 Eloise Avenue). The Liberty Agreement was executed on 3/5/2018. CSLT required both an Access Agreement and Hold Harmless Agreement for performance of the Investigation on CSLT property (953 Eloise Avenue). The CSLT Agreements were executed on 4/26/2018. Permits (A.3.1) required for performance of the Pre-Design Investigation included an El Dorado County Well Construction Permit; and a Road Closure/Obstruction in Right of Way Permit from the CSLT. The Well Construction Permit Application was submitted on 4/18/2018 and approved by the County on 4/19/2018. The Road Closure/Obstruction in Right of Way Permit was submitted on 4/17/2018 and approved by CSLT on 4/25/2018 The list of Approvals, Entitlements or Permits for the PDI (A.3.1) was uploaded to FAAST on May 31, 2018. Grant Progress Report Feasibility Study of Remedial Alternatives to Mitigate Tetrachloroethylene Contamination GA# D1712508 5 2/14/2019 9/4/2012 Item 4 – Technical Advisory Committee (Cumulative 75% complete) This work item consists of establishing a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), conducting a kick-off meeting, and holding up to 3 additional TAC conference calls/webcasts. The TAC Kick-Off meeting (TAC Meeting 1) was convened via conference call on 1/25/2018. From this meeting a TAC Roster was established and used to inform the final list of TAC Members (A.4.1). TAC Meeting 2 was convened on June 12, 2018 in the District’s Boardroom, 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA. This was a joint meeting of the TAC /SAG to; discuss the status of the MOU, review project work items; discuss initial findings of the Test Hole Drilling program and consider design alternatives proposed for test well construction; review the Groundwater Fate and Transport Model and consider preliminary definition of remedial scenarios. Agenda, Meeting Minutes and Sign-In Sheet for this meeting have been uploaded to FASST (11/14/2018). TAC Meeting 3 was convened as a Video Conference Call on October 23, 2018. This was a joint meeting of the TAC /SAG to; discuss the status of project work items; remedial action objectives; remedial scenario definition and planned upcoming project activities. Agenda, Meeting Minutes and Sign-In Sheet for this meeting are being uploaded to FASST. TAC Members List (A.4.1) The list was uploaded to FAAST on June 8, 2018. This list was updated to include Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) members, which was provided to the Grant Manager as Handout 1a of the meeting materials package for TAC Meeting 2 (6/12/2018) Kickoff Meeting (4.2) A second Kickoff Meeting (South Y Fate & Transport Modeling Analysis – Engineering Evaluation Kick-Off)) including the TAC and SAG was convened in the District’s Boardroom on 7/18/2018. The Modeling Evaluation/FS Kick-Off was used to discuss the F&T Model and approaches for simulating remedial alternatives that may be further evaluated during the Feasibility Study. Copies of the meeting agenda, sign-in sheets and meeting minutes will be uploaded to FAAST (11/14/2018). The next scheduled joint meeting of the TAG/SAG is scheduled for February 26, 2019 in the Districts Boardroom, South Lake Tahoe, CA Item 5 – Stakeholder Advisory Group (Cumulative 75% complete) This work item consists of establishing a Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) and conducting SAG meetings to inform SAG members of Project activities and solicit feedback and comments. SAG Members List (A.5.1). This list is included on the list of TAC Members on the final TAC Roster (dated 06112018). This list was provided to the Grant Manager as Handout 1a of the meeting materials for TAC Meeting 2 (6/12/2018). SAG Meetings (5.2). The first SAG meeting was held on December 15, 2017 in South Lake Tahoe, CA. The meeting minutes and sign in sheet were uploaded to FAAST on 5/7/2018. A first joint meeting of the TAC and SAG was convened on June 12, 2018 in the District’s Boardroom, 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA (see Item 4 above). Agenda, Meeting Minutes and Sign-In Sheet for this meeting were uploaded to FASST in August 2018. A second joint meeting of the TAC and SAG was convened on July 18, 2018 as part of the South Y F&T Modeling Analysis- Engineering evaluation Kick-Off (see Item 4.2 above). During the reporting period a third joint meeting of the TAC/SAG (TAC Meeting 3) was convened as a Video Conference Call on October 23, 2018 (see Item 4 above). An update of South Y Activities was also provided to the Tahoe Valley South Subbasin (6-5.01) Groundwater Management Plan SAG on 12/21/2018. Item 6 – Memorandum of Understanding (Cumulative 90% complete) This work item consists of developing and executing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the State Board and Regional Board. Grant Progress Report Feasibility Study of Remedial Alternatives to Mitigate Tetrachloroethylene Contamination GA# D1712508 6 2/14/2019 9/4/2012 Review comments on a working draft of the MOU (11/22/2017) were submitted to the Grant Manager on 12/15/2017. An updated draft of the MOU was received from the Grant Manager on 5/23/2018. A redline version of the updated draft was provided to the Grant Manger on 5/24/2018. The comments were accepted by the Grant Manager on 5/29/2018. DFA and LRWQCB comments were incorporated into the updated draft MOU. A final draft was distributed to LRWQCB for review and concurrence (6/20/2018). A copy and original paper copy of the District-signed MOU was submitted to the Grant Manger on 7/13/2018. Further modifications to the MOU are currently being discussed by regional and state board attorneys. No schedule has been provided for revisions. A critical due date of February 1, 2019 has been added as a placeholder for Item 6.1 in the Submittal Schedule (A-6). Item 7 – Pre-Design Investigation Workplan (Cumulative 100% complete) This work item consists of preparation of a Pre-Design Investigation Workplan which includes a description of the objectives, tasks, and deliverables; identification of the project area; a description of the test well location and rational; and investigation activities. The draft Final Workplan (B.7.1) was submitted to the Grant Manager on 3/27/2018. The Grant Manager, on behalf of the Department of Financial Assistance (DFA), accepted the South Y Pre-Design Investigation Workplan on 4/4/2018. The accepted final Work Plan was uploaded to the FAAST System on 4/7/2018 (B.7.2). Item 8 – Pre-Design Investigation and Reporting (Cumulative 90% complete) This work item consists of conducting the Pre-Design Investigation (PDI) in accordance with the Workplan in Item 7 and preparation, submittal, and circulation of a report that summarizes the activities conducted during the Pre-Design Investigation. PDI (8.1). Field work activities for the Pre-Design Investigation (B.8) started on 4/29/2018. Activities completed for the PDI included Baseline Groundwater Sampling (5/2/2018); Test Hole Coring and Sampling (5/4/2018); and Test Well Construction and Development (6/29/2018). Step-Drawdown and Constant Rate aquifer tests were performed and completed during the week of July 8, 2018. All contractor equipment was removed from the site by August 20, 2018. Investigation-derived Waste was removed from the site for disposal to a non-hazardous waste facility in September 2018. PDI Changes (8.1.4) Proposed changes to the workplan involved a change in well design to prevent cross-contamination of water-bearing zones identified in the field and the reduction in duration of the pumping period for the constant test from 72 to 48 hours. Proposed changes in test well design due to subsurface conditions encountered in the field was brought to the attention of the Grant Manager by email (6/8/2018) and considered during TAC Meeting 2 (6/12/2018). Proposed changes in the pumping period for the constant test were brought to the attention of the Grant Manger by email (7/12/2018). PDI Report (8.2). During the reporting period a records search identifying the occurrences of private wells throughout the South Y Area was completed. Groundwater levels were collected from more than twenty (20) wells within and neighboring the South Y Area. These data were compiled, evaluated and incorporated into the draft technical report for the Pre-Design Investigation. The draft report was completed and submitted to the TAC for review on 1/10/2019. Item 9 – Baseline Human Health Risk Assessment (Cumulative 100% complete) This work item consists of preparation and submittal of a Baseline Human Health Risk Assessment (BHHRA) Report that identifies threats to human health as a result of potential exposure to contaminated groundwater in the Project area using existing data and information from the remedial investigation. BHHRA (9.1) Tasks for a screening level risk assessment to satisfy the BHHRA requirement (A-3.9.) were defined and submitted to the Grant Manager for consideration (5/22/2018). The scope of work for the proposed screening level risk assessment was accepted by the DFA on 5/30/2018. A draft of the BHHRA was completed and was Grant Progress Report Feasibility Study of Remedial Alternatives to Mitigate Tetrachloroethylene Contamination GA# D1712508 7 2/14/2019 9/4/2012 submitted to the TAC for review on 11/27/2018. Comments received from the TAC were incorporated into the final BHHRA and submitted to the Grant Manger for approval on 1/2/2019. Item 10 – Feasibility Study Workplan (Cumulative 90% complete) This work item consists of preparation and submittal of a Feasibility Study Workplan. FS Workplan (10.1). Work during this period consisted of developing a draft of the Feasibility Study Workplan. The Workplan includes a description of the objectives and the steps necessary to support the technical and cost analyses of alternatives, and support the selection of a cost-effective alternative that will provide prevention and/or cleanup of groundwater contamination in the Project area; a list of remedial action objectives to be addressed; and an appropriate requirements analysis to ensure the Project is in compliance with regulatory requirements. The draft outline was submitted to the TAC. The draft of the Workplan was submitted to the District for comments on June 28, 2018 and submitted to the TAC on September 18, 2018. Comments received from the TAC were incorporated into a final Feasibility Study Workplan and submitted to the Grant Manager for approval on 11/19/2018. Item 11 - Groundwater Fate and Transport Modeling (Cumulative 70% complete) This work item consists of conducting Groundwater Fate and Transport Modeling for the purpose of evaluating potential implementation projects that will prevent or cleanup groundwater contamination; submittal of a Modeling Report; and addressing comments received on the Modeling Report. F&T Modeling (11.1) Work to add a fate and transport (F&T) model to the District’s existing groundwater model was initiated with the University of Nevada Reno- Desert Research Institute (DRI) on October 20, 2016 (Item B.11). Conference call/project updates on the development of the F&T Model were provided to stakeholders on 12/7/2016 and 4/5/2017. Work to-date includes planning and development of a local 4 layer model using MODFLOW and MT3D covering the estimated plume extent, definition of simulated time periods, model inflows/outflows, recharge, boundary conditions, and hydraulic parameters, An initial matrix of remedial alternatives for modeling analysis was also developed. The model hydraulic conductivity field was updated in accordance with changes to the regional groundwater model. Minor PCE model calibration was completed to reflect updated (2017) PCE concentration data. A draft report describing model development, assumptions and calibration was prepared and submitted to the Project Director for review. A copy of the draft report was provided to the TAC and Grant Manager in preparation for the model analysis/engineering evaluation kickoff meeting in July 2018. DRI used the South Tahoe PCE Model to simulate a variety of management scenarios as defined by the TAC and project engineering team. A Kick-Off Meeting with DRI and engineering design consultant was convened on July 18, 2018 to discuss the F&T Model and approaches for simulating remedial alternatives. Copies of the meeting agenda, sign-in sheets and meeting minutes will be uploaded to FAAST (11/14/2018). In follow-up to this meeting, a presentation was developed outlining the results of the simulations discussed with the TAC during a conference call on August 9, 2018. During the reporting period, DRI answered questions from Kennedy Jenks Consultants concerning model simulation assumptions and results, providing additional model detail and running additional model simulations. Item 12 – Feasibility Study and Reporting (Cumulative 40% complete) This work item consists of evaluating and developing interim remedial alternatives that prevent or cleanup contamination of groundwater that serves or has served as a source of drinking water based on the Pre-Design Investigation Report. Work conducted this period includes further coordination/development of remediation alternatives with DRI modeling and PDI data including calls with DRI on 10/3/18; 10/18/18; 11/6/18 and 12/19/2018. preparation of PCE contours for the purpose of refining and screening alternatives, review of information provided by DRI, and under Grant Progress Report Feasibility Study of Remedial Alternatives to Mitigate Tetrachloroethylene Contamination GA# D1712508 8 2/14/2019 9/4/2012 as-needed services, continued refinement of pumping/remediation scenarios for groundwater modeling evaluation. Item 13 – Interim Remedial Action Plan (Cumulative 0% complete) This work item consists of developing an Interim Remedial Action Plan based on the Feasibility Study that will lead to the implementation of the preferred remedial action alternative and prevent or cleanup contamination of groundwater that serves or has served as a source of drinking water. No work was performed for this Item during this reporting period. Item 14 – Environmental Compliance (Cumulative 20% complete) This work item consists of documentation required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the proposed implementation project, including preparation of a draft initial study checklist, identification of mitigation measures and mitigation costs as required under CEQA for the alternatives evaluated in the Feasibility Study Report. A Notice of Exemption (NOE) for performance of the Pre-Design Investigation was prepared and filed with the County Clerk, County of El Dorado on March 5, 2018. The NOE was posted by the County Clerk from March 6, 2018 through April 9, 2018. No work was performed for this Item during this reporting period. Item 15 – Public Outreach (Cumulative 50% complete) This work item consists of developing outreach materials including flyers, posters, brochures, and advertisements, and updates of the Recipient’s website and associated social media web pages to include Project progress and outcomes and conducting at least one (1) public workshop. During the reporting period the schedule for public workshops to inform the public on the progress of the Feasibility Study was updated and incorporated into Schedule Update 2_09132018. A fourth workshop was added to the schedule. The first public meeting concerning the FS was convened on 2/7/2018 at the CSLT Council Chambers, South Lake Tahoe, CA (B.15). Notification of this meeting was provided to the TAC during TAC Meeting 2 on 6/12/2018. The purpose of this meeting were to inform the public and answer questions about current activities being pursued by the water purveyors in response to this contamination; an update of LRWQCB activities and preliminary findings of the Pre-Design Investigation A Flyer and press releases announcing the meeting were distributed; a Fact Sheet, FAQ and concerning the PCE contaminant problem were developed and posted on the District’s website (http://stpud.us/groundwater). A video recording of the meeting along with a copy of the presentation are also posted on the website. A copy of the sign-in sheet from this meeting is available from the Project Director. The second public meeting concerning the FS was convened on 8/8/2018 at the CSLT Council Chambers, South Lake Tahoe, CA (B.15). Notification of this meeting was provided to the TAC during TAC Meeting 2 on 6/12/2018. The purpose of this meeting were to inform the public and answer questions about the current (2018) extent of the contaminant plume; the approaches being pursued by the water purveyors in response to this contamination; and to present initial (preliminary) findings from the Pre-Design Investigation. A flyer and press release announcing the meeting were distributed; a Fact Sheet, FAQ and concerning the PCE contaminant problem were developed and posted on the District’s website (http://stpud.us/groundwater). A video recording of the meeting along with a copy of the presentation are also posted on the website. A copy of the sign-in sheet from this meeting is available from the Project Director. A third public meeting concerning the FS was convened on 11/7/2018 at the CSLT Council Chambers, South Lake Tahoe, CA (B.15). Notification of this meeting was provided to the TAC during TAC Meeting 3 on 10/23/2018. The purpose of this meeting were to inform the public and answer questions about the current Grant Progress Report Feasibility Study of Remedial Alternatives to Mitigate Tetrachloroethylene Contamination GA# D1712508 9 2/14/2019 9/4/2012 (2018) extent of the contaminant plume; the approaches being pursued by the water purveyors in response to this contamination; and the planned activities for the Feasibility Study. A flyer and press release announcing the meeting were distributed; a Fact Sheet, FAQ and concerning the PCE contaminant problem were developed and posted on the District’s website (http://stpud.us/groundwater). A video recording of the meeting along with a copy of the presentation are also posted on the website. A copy of the sign-in sheet from this meeting is available from the Project Director. Summary of Items in Progress List each work item from Exhibit A (Work To Be Performed) in every progress report that are not completed nor being submitted for review. Narrative descriptions should include work performed during the entire grant up to completion. Provide a brief description of milestones, successes, and problems or issues encountered. Item 1 – Project Management Work to be performed; • Continue to provide technical and administrative services; • Notify the Grant Manager of upcoming events (A.1.2);  Joint TAC/SAG Meeting 5 (7/18/2018); - completed  Public Meeting 3 (11/8/2018); - completed  Joint TAC/SAG Meeting 4, (October 2018) - completed  Public Meeting 3, (October 2018) – completed  Joint TAC/SAG Meeting (12/21/2018 – completed)  Joint TAC/SAG Meeting (2/26/2019 – completed) • Public Meeting 4 (March 2019 – TBD) • Maintain and update the Project Schedule, as needed (A.1.3); • Complete Pre-Design Investigation site photo-monitoring and submit to the Grant Manager (A.1.5); Item 2 – General Compliance Requirements/Project Effectiveness and Performance Work to be performed;  Conduct well survey and submit GPS data for monitoring locations (A.2.1) - completed • Prepare a GeoTrack ESI for upload of analytical data collected during the PDI (Item A.2.3) Item 3 – Permitting Work to be performed:  Submit list of Approvals, Entitlements or Permits to Grant Manager (A.3.1) - completed Item 4 – Technical Advisory Committee Work to be performed:  Submit Summary of Joint TAC/SAG Meeting 2 (6/12/2018) (A.4.2) - completed  Submit Summary of South Y F&T Modeling Analysis – Engineering Evaluation Kick-Off (7/18/2018) (A.4.2); - completed  Develop meeting materials and schedule Joint TAC/SAG Meeting 3 (10/23/2018) (A.4.3) – completed  Submit Summary of Joint TAC/SAG Meeting 3 (10/23/2018) (A.4.2) – completed • Develop agenda and meeting materials for Joint TAC/SAG Meeting 4 (A.4.3) • Alert the Grant Manger of any changes to the Joint TAC/SAG Meeting Schedule (A.4.2) Item 5 – Stakeholder Advisory Group Work to be performed;  Submit Summary of South Y F&T Modeling Analysis – Engineering Evaluation Kick-Off (7/18/2018) (A.4.2); - completed  Submit Summary of Joint TAC/SAG Meeting 3 (10/23/2018) (A.5.2.2) - completed • Develop agenda and meeting materials for Joint TAC/SAG Meeting 4 (A.5.2.1) • Alert the Grant Manger of any changes to the Joint TAC/SAG Meeting Schedule (A.5.2.1) • Grant Progress Report Feasibility Study of Remedial Alternatives to Mitigate Tetrachloroethylene Contamination GA# D1712508 10 2/14/2019 9/4/2012 Item 6 – Memorandum of Understanding Work to be performed; • Waiting-on fully executed MOU from Grant Manger (A.6.1) Item 7 – Pre-Design Investigation Workplan Work to be performed:  Draft Pre-Design Investigation Workplan (B.7.1) – completed 3/27/2018;  Final Pre-Design Investigation Workplan (B.7.2) - completed 4/7/2018. Item 8 – Pre-Design Investigation and Reporting Work to be performed:  Submit proposed changes from approved Workplan to TAC for comment and Grant Manager for approval (B.8.1.4) - completed  Submit a Well Completion Report for the Test Well (B.8.1.1)  Prepare a draft Pre-Design Investigation Report and submit to the TAC and SAG for comment (B.8.2) • Address comments and submit a final Pre-Design Investigation Report to the Grant Manager for approval (B.8.2) Item 9 – Baseline Human Health Risk Assessment Work to be performed:  Prepare a draft Baseline Human Health Risk Assessment (BHHRA) Report (B.9.1)  Submit draft BHRRA Report to TAC for review;  Address comments and submit a final BHHRA Report to the Grant Manager for approval (B.9.1) Item 10 – Feasibility Study Workplan Work to be performed;  Prepare a draft Feasibility Study (FS) Workplan (B.10.1); - completed (6/28/2018)  Submit draft FS Work Plan to TAC for review (B.10.1); - completed (9/18/2018)  Address comments and submit final FS Work Plan to the Grant Manger fort approval (B.10.1) Item 11 - Groundwater Fate and Transport Modeling Work to be performed: • Conduct Fate and Transport Modeling (B.11.1) • The draft Modeling Report (B.11.1) will be completed following completion of the modeling analysis. Item 12 – Feasibility Study and Reporting Work to be performed: • The Feasibility Study (B.12.1) will be started upon approval of the FS Work Plan (B.10.1) • The draft FS Report (B.12.1) will be prepared upon completion of the FS Item 13 – Interim Remedial Action Plan Work to be performed: • The Interim Remedial Action Plan (B.12.3.1) will be started upon completion of the FS (B.12.1) Item 14 – Environmental Compliance Work to be performed: • The draft Initial Study (IS) Checklist (B.14.1.1) will be developed during the FS (B.12.1) Item 15 – Public Outreach Work to be performed:  Develop outreach and workshop materials for Public Meeting 2 (B.15.1); - completed  Submit copies of sign-in sheets, workshop materials and photo documentation for Public Meeting 2 (8/8/2018) to the Grant Manager (B.15.2).-completed  Develop outreach and workshop materials for Public Meeting 3 (11/07/2018) (B.15.1);-completed Grant Progress Report Feasibility Study of Remedial Alternatives to Mitigate Tetrachloroethylene Contamination GA# D1712508 11 2/14/2019 9/4/2012 • Submit copies of sign-in sheets, workshop materials and photo documentation for Public Meeting 3 (11/7/2018) to the Grant Manager (B.15.2) • Develop outreach and workshop materials for Public Meeting 4 (March 2019) Additional Instructions • Clearly label each item for review with work-item number. • If a document is not a grant item for review, do not include under the list of items for review or in the narrative. Label as “Extra Item for Review” and provide one copy. • Number all pages including pictures, laboratory data, diagrams, etc.