Itm 5b_A-6 Submittal Schedule , updated 05172019South Tahoe Public Utility District Agreement No. D1712508 Amendment 1 Page 16 of 33 A-6. Submittal Schedule Failure to provide items by the due dates indicated in the table below may constitute a material violation of this Agreement. However, the dates in the “Estimated Due Date” column of this Schedule may be adjusted as necessary during the Disbursement Period with Grant Manager approval. All work or submittals must be achieved with relevant submittals approved by the Division prior to the Work Completion Date, and the final Disbursement Request submitted, prior to the Final Disbursement Request Date set forth in Exhibit B. As applicable for specific submittals, the Recipient shall plan adequate time to solicit, receive, and address TAC comments prior to submitting the final submittal. ITEM DESCRIPTION OF SUBMITTAL CRITICAL DUE DATE ESTIMATED DUE DATE EXHIBIT A-3 PROJECT-SPECIFIC SCOPE OF WORK 1. Project Management 1.2 Notification of Upcoming Meetings, Workshops, and Trainings 15 Working Days Prior 1.3 Detailed Project Schedule Complete 1.4 Periodic and Final Site Visits As Needed 1.5 Pre-, During, and Post-Implementation Photos Ongoing 2. General Compliance Requirements/Project Effectiveness and Performance 2.1 GPS Information Complete 2.2 Monitoring and reporting Plan (MRP) Complete 2.2.2 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) Complete 3. Permitting 3.1 List of Approvals, Entitlements or Permits Complete 4. Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) 4.1 List of TAC Members, with Roles and Responsibilities, and Affiliations Complete 4.2 Summary of Kickoff Meeting Complete 4.3 Agendas, Meeting Minutes, and Sign-In Sheets Ongoing 5. Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) 5.1 List of SAG Members Complete 5.2.1 Meetings Schedule Complete 5.2.2 Meetings Materials, Summary of Feedback and Comments, and Sign-In Sheet(s) Ongoing 6. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) South Tahoe Public Utility District Agreement No. D1712508 Amendment 1 Page 17 of 33 ITEM DESCRIPTION OF SUBMITTAL CRITICAL DUE DATE ESTIMATED DUE DATE EXHIBIT A-3 PROJECT-SPECIFIC SCOPE OF WORK 6.1 Executed MOU January 31, 2019 7. Pre-Design Investigation Workplan 7.1 Pre-Design Investigation Workplan Complete 8. Pre-Design Investigation and Reporting 8.1.1 Well Completion Report Complete 8.1.4 Proposed Changes from Approved Workplan Complete 8.2 Pre-Design Investigation Report January 2019June 2019 9. Baseline Human Health Risk Assessment 9.1 Baseline Human Health Risk Assessment Report Complete January 2019 10. Feasibility Study Workplan 10.1 Feasibility Study Workplan Complete 11. Groundwater Fate and Transport Modeling 11.2 Draft Fate and Transport Modeling Report February 2019May 2019 11.3 Final Fate and Transport Modeling Report March 2019June 2019 12. Feasibility Study and Report 12.2 Feasibility Study Report April 2019September 2019 13. Interim Remedial Action Plan 13.3.1 Interim Remedial Action Plan June 2019October 2019 14. Environmental Compliance 14.1.1 Draft Initial Study Checklist March 2019June 2019 14.1.2 Final Initial Study Checklist April 2019July 2019 15. Public Outreach 15.1 Outreach Materials and Web Links April 2019October 2019 South Tahoe Public Utility District Agreement No. D1712508 Amendment 1 Page 18 of 33 ITEM DESCRIPTION OF SUBMITTAL CRITICAL DUE DATE ESTIMATED DUE DATE 15.2 Workshop Materials, Sign-In Sheets, and Photo Documentation May 2019 October 2019 EXHIBIT A-5 REPORTING (a) Progress Reports Quarterly (b) As Needed Information or Reports As Needed (c) Final Reports EXHIBIT A-5 REPORTING (c)(1) Draft Final Project Report April 30, 2019November 30,2019 (c)(2) Final Project Report May 30, 2019December 31, 2019 (c)(3) Final Project Summary Before Work Completion Date EXHIBIT B – FUNDING PROVISIONS 4 (b) Final Disbursement Request July 31, 2019February 28, 2020 9 (b)(4) Disbursement Requests Quarterly